HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-09-13; City Council; 12861; Out-of-State travel requestCATV OF CARLSBAD - AGWDA BILL tp a% / " r AB # NATOA ANNUAL CONFERENCE DEPT. CSD RENO, NEVADA TO ATEND THE 1994 MTG. ??:/& TITLE: OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL TO DEPT. HD CITY MGR RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. authorizing the Administrative Services / Projects Manager to attend the 1994 Annual NATOA Conference in Reno, Nevada, September 17-22,1994 and appropriating funds. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council is being asked to approve out-of-state travel for the Administrative Services / Projects Manager to attend the 1994 Annual NATOA Conference. The telecommunications field is rapidly expanding with numerous technologies, including video dialtone, wireless personal communication and other services. There is a need for the City of Carlsbad to keep up with the new developments in telecommunications in order to provide the proper insight into both regulated and non-regulated services, to provide dependable, high quality service at a minimal cost. New ordinances are currently being reviewed by City staff which may provide some of these protections. This conference provides educational sessions on telecommunications, as well as the opportunity to network with others in the field. FISCAL IMPACT: Lodging, meals and airfare will cost an estimated $910.00. Funds are available in the Community Services Department's administration budget. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 94-2- 2. NATOA Conference Schedule. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 1c 11 12 12 14 15 16 17 le 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 94-259 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESIPROJECTS MANAGER To TRAVEL TO RENO, NEVADA TO ATEND THE 1994 ANNUAL NATOA CONFERENCE WHEREAS, The National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA) is holding its 1994 Annual Conference in Reno, Nevada, September 17-22, 1994; and WHEREAS, there are educational sessionson telecommunications, and speakers focusing on new technologies in telecommunications; and WHEREAS, there is a need for Carlsbad to be cognizant of the current trends in telecommunications; and WHEREAS, the need exists to provide proper insight into both regulated and non-regulated services to assure the highest quality and most economical service to our citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. I .I T .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2. That permission is granted to the Administrative Services / Projects Manager to travel to Reno, Nevada to attend the '1994 Annual NATOA Conference. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, at its regular meeting held on the 13th day of SEPT. , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTE (SEAL) . 1' , SUNDAY 724 a m. 1:Wp.m I:W pm. 600 p.m. 1:W p.m. - 4:Wp.m. 1:Wp.m. - 4:W p.m. 900 p.m. 700 p.m. - 730 p.m. MONDAY, 800 a.m. 83Oa.m. 8:30a.m. - 500 p.m. 630 a.m. ~ 900 a.m. 9:Wr.m. - 1000 a.m. 1015 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. 1200 om.. . 1:15 p.m. 1:15 p.m. - ZOO p.m. 200 p.m. - 315p.m. "i 330 p.m. - 515 p.m. 600 p.m.- 900 p.m. B) The Many Fa- and Challenges 01 RENO-SPARKS, NEVADA Government Programming Q lntroductlon to Cable/ ~e~emmmunicatioN/M~t~edb Technology EARLY REGISTRATION Lwl Hoat Information Booth STATE CHAPTER PRESIDENTS DINNER MElinNG (InvltrUon only) SEPTEMBER 19 REGISTRATION EXHIBITHALLOPENS EXHIBIT HALL CONTINENTALBWm- Exhlblt Hall OPENING GENERALSESSION "retemmrnuntu~oM Bonanza Explorlng the Horirons" GENERAL SESSION "k!eCOmmUnlcatiON Bonanza: Leglslatlveand LgalSignposts" NATOA WELCOME LUNCH Pmldent'a Award lor Chapter Excellence NATOA Ovatlon Awatda EXCLUSIVB EXHIBITTIME SEPTEMBER 18-22, 1994 1:15 p.m. - CONCURRENT EDUCATIONAL 230p.m. SESSIONS A) Regulallon - Renewab and ltarufm -Incentives and Dblncentlvu ln a Rcregulsted World Malnterunn llp to K Facility Runnlng Smoox;Ywr 0 lkchnology - What's theltalllc Going to Lmk Wke on the Inlo Superhighway? 8) Programing - Preventive 245 p.m. - CONCURRENT EDUCATIONAL 4:W p.m. SESSIONS A) Rcgulatlon - Deflnlng the Local Role Cable N OverTcchnologlesCompetlng Wlth 8) Pmgrammlng - Avoldlng Ihe Detoun, Curve, and RoPdblaka Aiong the Super Hlghway 0 Bchnology-Consumer Electronics, GbleTXandTheFCC-Compallbk Never or Forrval 4:Wa.m - RFCFPTtnN 8:OJa.m. 830 a.m. 8:oO a.m. - 8:W a.m. - 600 p.m. 630 a.m. - 1000 a.m. 11:45a.m. 1015a.m.- 12:W p.m.. 1LWp.m. ' .. EXHIBIT 2 CHEDULE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 t 6ma.m. REGISTRATION 330 p.m. 000a.m.. EXHIBIT IIALLOI'EN 830 a.m.. CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST - 9ma.m. Exhlblt Hall 900a.m.. CONCURRENTEDUCATIONAL I030a.m. SESSIONS A) Rcgulatlon "Cuntomrr Scrvlcc Sblldards - hl Empowerment and Consumer Protection Student Drlver AppUcations Your Uty Can hwn to Enrth: Rlccommunlatlau UseToday 8) Pmyammlng - Roadmap lor the Q Technology - Out of the Blue & 1045a.m. - CLOSING GENERALSESSION 1Z.W p.m. "ldlccommunlcaHoru B~MN.: A Pot el Gold at the End d the Rainbowl" 1215 p.m. ~ NATOA VOTING MEMBERS ONLY 1:15p.m. LUNCH (DiscussIan of Strateglc Plan) Open Lunch lor Non-memben and Non-voting Memben 4LW p.m. 1:30 p.m. ~ ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING 1:Xlp.m.- VIDEO SHOWCASWIDEO 4:Wp.m. PROGRAMMERS ROUNDTABLI! 330 p.m. @XHIBIT HALLCLOSES 6LW p.m. NO HOSTKASH BAR RECEPTION 9LW p.m. AWARDS BANQUET Announrrmcnt of NATOA Member of the Year 645 p.m. - ANNUAL PROGRAMMING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 900a.m. - OLD & NEW NATOA BOARD 1Oa.m. MEMBERSBREAKFAST 2m p.m. MEETING 10.iXJa.m. - NATOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS' CONCURRENTEDUCATIONAL 6:% p.m. Hated by Exhlblton SESSIONS A) Rate Regulallon - The Dasle; Forms; EXCLUSIVE EXHIBITHOURS 8) Pmgraunlng - Elfdve lane ChandnRontheSupnHIRhway . .. . . . - "- - . - . . *Note Program ochedule ls prellmlnsry and subject IO change. EXHIDIT IIALL Theory; Pmrrss I Wadngton, DC 20041 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 I Phone (703) 318-0700 REGISTRATION I CONnNENTAL BREAKFAST - I Exhibit Hall EXHIBIT HALL Exduslve Exhiblt Hours 4W p.m.. 600 p.m. GENERALSESSION I l'elemmmunkatio~ Bonanza: The Natlonal Information Idrulructurr . , . I What Lane for Lwl Governments???" CONCURRENTEDUCATIONAL SESSIONS A) Regulation- Mnln Unlveml ServlceonUuNatbnlfnfumtbn I lnhwmmm 8) Pm ramming-Fhndng YourSuper I Hlgfway Faclllty 0 ~hnology-Cablc~k-TheNext I Ceneratlon KEYNOTE LUNCHEON I 1 I I I I Ptolv prinl or Iypc UK srptrafc firm fir each pnon. Name nth Address state ZIP Phone Fax 'If reglsterlng as a NAmA Agen Member, please name votlng delegate for Annual Buslnou Meerng: OCheck here If thls Is your flrst NATOA annual conference. OCheck here If you plan to play In the Joe Lap Open. OCheck here If your rpouse/mmpanlon wlll be altendlng, please soda1 and meal functlon tlckeb for thls person): name them below (NOTE If you wlsh, you may purchase extra " . . ..