HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-09-20; City Council; 12865; RE-ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE JEFFERSON STREET BIKE LANES PROJECT NO. 3156w" CA;"? ii Am&+ q&&a - A<qq)- r" " b# s /x RE-ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR r. 912;;; CONSTRUCTION OF THE CITY AT DEIPT. JEFFERSON STREET BIKE LANES PROJECT NO. 3156 CITY MC RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 5'4d4.2, approving revised plans and specifications, rejectin bids previously received and authorizing the City Clerk to re-advertise for bids for construction of the Jefferson Street Bike Lanes, Project No. 3156. ITEM EXPLANATION: The project creates two four-foot wide bicycle lanes along a section of Jefferson 8 between Interstate 5 and Marron Road in the City of Carlsbad. To accommodate the eight-foot width of the bike lane, portions of Jefferson Street will be widened where existing road shoulder is not wide enough. A minimum amount of fill will be placed tc north side of Jefferson Street. A crib wall will be placed along a 250-foot stretch of the lane where there is a near vertical drop to the lagoon. Bids were opened for the Jefferson Street Bike Lane Project on July 28, 1994. following bids were received: Cribwall Corp., d. b. a., Retaining Walls Co. $266,222.50 Wakeham-Baker, Inc. $31 7,317.00 Lasater Construction Co. $354,758.47 The engineer's estimate was $185,000, A review of the bids indicated that, (a) there was low interest in bidding the job, ar job costs have increased suddenly since the preparation of the engineer's estimate .",3 1,- ,2,: "... h The engineer and the landscape architects have revised their respective cost estin Modifications to the plans and specifications have been made to reduce costs by incl an alternative material for the crib wall which is less costly than the originally spe material. Comparing the revised engineer's and landscape architect's estimate to the bids, thc are still considered high, Staff expects better bids the second time around and, the1 recommends that all bids be rejected and the project be re-advertised as soon as PO. I -. . L4 L... t-, ilri ~.X Transportation, the State's concurrence is required prior to either award or rejection ;,;' Agreement for Federal Aid Projects from the State of California Departmc _"X As a requirement of Program Supplemelnt No. 17 to the Local Agency-State I 1: ._ contract. By letter of August 25, 1994, the City Engineer has requested that Ci concur with the rejection of bids. Exhibit 2 is CALTRANS' concurrence with rejection low bid. z 01 - - I- o a $ z 3 0 o ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Planning Director has reviewed this project and has issued a mitigated NE Declaration and a finding of General Plan Consistency has been made by the PI; Commission. 1 I 1 0 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. /< b%r The proposed project will impact 0.1 0 acres of wetland habitat. The California Cc Fish and Game require mitigation of the disturbed area at a ratio of 4:l. The pt provides 0.4 acres of revegetation by the elimination of exotic plants nearby and mitig plantings of native wetlands species. Permits were required and have been received by the above mentioned agencies. extension of time for the permits will be processed upon letter request to the is: agency. The California Coastal Commission and the State Department of Fish and C will provide a one-year extension, and the Army Corps of Engineers will provide UF three-year extension. The California Coastal Commission is not precluding work durin rainy season, thereby allowing the work to proceed in a timely manner. Commission, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and the California Departmf FISCAL IMPACT: Currently, the City has State Grant funds on deposit in Account No. 380-820-81 05-31 the amount of $64,000. Federal funding from the lntermodal Surface Transporl Efficiency Act (ISTEA) will provide $1 62,717 and be deposited in Account 392-820-821 1-31 56. The project estimate has been revised upward from $185,000 to $234,000. The in- however, to the overall budget is greater since additional monies are require construction contingencies, inspection, testing, and administration. The overall bl need is increased from $244,900 to $306,000. Since available funds are $226,71 difference of $80,000 represents the additional funds required. Said additional func recommended to be transferred from the General Fund Reserve to Account No. 30C 1840-31 56. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map (Exhibit 1). 2. CALTRANS’ September 2, 1994 letter providing concurrence with rejecti Sow bid. 3. Resolution No. 94tkdLapproving plans and specifications, rejecting al previously received and authorizing the City Clerk to re-advertise for bids fc construction of the Jefferson Street Bike Lanes, Project No. 3156. c .I -- LOCATION MAY -@P- I NOT TO SCALE ‘S 1 IJEFFERSON(iTREET BICYCLE LANES 3156 . PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER e 0 ' STATE OF CALIFORNIA - BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSOP DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (619) 688-6424 TDD Number DISTRICT 11, P.O. BOX 85406, SAN DIEGO 92186-5406 (61 9) 688-6778 September 2, 1994 RECE D Lloyd Hubbs, P.E. City Engineer City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 SEP 0 6 1994 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Attention: A1 Virgilio Dear Mr. Hubbs: Subject: Jefferson Street Bike Lanes City of Carlsbad Project No. 3156 Federal Aid Project No. STPLE 5308(002) We have reviewed. the bid materials and documentation you submitted for thle above referenced project. We have det.ermined that Cribwall Corp., dba., Retaining Walls Co. did not attain the project DB goal of 16% nor did they make a good faith effort to do so, In view of the above, we do not concur in the award of the contract to Cribwall Corp. If you have any questions, please call Christine Carrington at (619) 688-6775. Sincerely, fi4?$& JERRY W. LOVE District Local Streets and Roads Engineer cc: CLau File EXHIBIT 2 1 ,' il 0 e EXHIBIT 3 1 RESOLUTION NO. 94-262 2 3 4 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, REJECTING ALL BIDS PREVIOUSLY ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE JEFFERSON STREET BIKE LANES, PROJECT NO. 3156 RECEIVED AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO RE- 6 Il WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbac 711 determined it necessary, desirable, and in the public intere * 9 construct the Jefferson Street Bike Lanes: and WHEREAS, plans, specifications, and contract documents fc lo furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, equir transportation, and other expenses necessary or incidental fo: project have been prepared and are on file in the Engin( Department of the City of Carlsbad; and 11 12 13 14 15 l6 of $64,000 for said project; and 17 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsba previously appropriated State Grant funds with a remaining WHEREAS, the City has made application for Federal Inte 18 I! I! Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) funding t l9 I/ Caltrans in the amount of $162,717. 2o j/ WHEREAS, State Grant and Federal ISTEA funds are an 2111 available in Project Account No. 380-820-8105-3156 ($64,oc 22/1 392-820-8211-3156 ($162,717) , respectively, for a tot 2311 $226,717: and 24 I WHEREAS, additional funds in the amount of $80,0 25 I necessary and are available from the General Fund reserve: 261/ // 27// // 28 1 II 0 e II 1 I! HEREAS, the City Council authorizes a transfer of $8 2 I1 from the General Fund Reserve to Project Account No. 300-820- 3 3156; and 4 WHEREAS, as a condition of the Supplemental Agreement N 5 I/ to the Local Agency-State Master Agreement for Federal 6 Transportation is required to either reject or award a contl 7 Projects, that the concurrence from the California Departme 8 public necessity and safety. 9 WHEREAS, construction of said improvements is a matt 10 Ii NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT REGOLVED by the City Council of th 11 12 of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 13 presented are hereby approved. 14 2. That the plans, specifications, and contract docume 15 Street Bike Lanes, City Project No. 3156 be rejected a] 16 3. That all bids received on July 28, 1994 for the Jef 17 project re-advertised as soon as possible. 11 18 I/ 4. That as a condition of Supplemental Agreement No. 19 11 the Local Agency-State Master Agreement for Federal Aid prc 20 (( Caltrans' concurrence for rejection or award of a contr 21 I1 acknowledged. 22 II I 5. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is 23 law, Notice to Contractors inviting bids for the construcl 24 authorized and directed to proceed to publish, in accordanc 2511 the Jefferson Street Bike Lanes, Project NO. 3156, in accl 26 I1 with the plans, specifications, and contract documents here 27 11 referred 28 I! 11 2 ./ 1 2 3 4 5 0 e PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of Carlsbad City Council held on the 20th day of SEPTEMBER 1994 by the 'following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, ~i~~il~ 6 7 NOES: None ABSENT : None a 9 10 11 12 13 CLAUDE &&&L A. LEWIS, Mayor 14 I 15 16 17 I ATTEST: l8 I.g I I' Am% kT&.SPrk 20 1 (SEAL) 21 I 22 23 24 25 I 26 I 27 /I 28 3