HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-09-20; City Council; 12870; AMENDMENTS TO CLASSIFICATIONS AND COMPENSATION IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS* * z 0 6 a -I 23 z 3 8 /”/.! CI~~))OF CARLSBAD - AGE^^ BILL 9 - AB# /<d?70 TITLE: Di MTG. 9-20-94 AMENDMENTS TO CLASSIFICATIONS AND COMPENSATION CIT CIT DEPT. HR RECOMMENDED ACTION: IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS Adopt Resolution No. q!&$ establishing the new classifications of Network Specialist I and Network Specialist 11; deleting the classification of Microcomputer Specialist; revising thc job descriptions and reallocating salaries of the Programmer/Analyst, Systems Analyst and D: Processing Manager; reclassifying the Microcomputer Specialist to Network Specialist II and the Programmer/Analyst to Systems Analyst; and amending the General Employees’ and Management Salary Schedules. lTEM EXPI ANATION; Since November 1989, when classifications in the Information Systems Department were last reviewed, the City has continued to expand its reliance and utilization of computer systems. As the technology has developed, the number of computers and users throughout the City has triplc and the types of systems and equipment has dramatically increased the scope and complexity of data processing functions. As a result, the responsibilities and skills of the positions that support these systems have also evolved. Consequently, classifications utilized by Information Systems need to be revised to more accurately describe and differentiate the levels of skill and responsibility required for each cfassification. Human Resources recommends the following changes to the classification and salary plan. Network Spec ialist Se ries; Currently, the City supports over 250 microcomputers that have been linked together in a communications network system. This technology has allowed departments from all across the City to be linked into one system, thereby enabling staff to communicate and share documents from desktop computers. As this system evolved, the position of Microcomputer Specialist has gradually changed from providing individual user support to coordinating the activities of all users within the network system. This coordination requires a specialized technical knowledge of network integration to maintain and troubleshoot problems and ensure the viability of the system. As a result, a new classification series has been developed to replace the Microcomputer Specialist. This new series describes the higher level responsibilities and technical skills required of these positions. The Network Specialist I and II job descriptions are enclosed as Attachment A. Staff recommends that the salary for the Network Specialist I be established at range 55, and that the salary for the Network Specialist II be established at range 70 between the current Programmer/Operator and Programmer/Analyst salary levels. Based on the establishment of this new classification series, staff recommends that the current Microcomputer Specialist be reclassified to the new Network Specialist II classification to recognize the gradual accretion of these higher level duties. Svstems Analvst: As the City has moved to computerized database systems, there has been an increased demand to develop new system applications in order to manage and integrate the tremendous amount of data. c e w AB # /</7’4 , p. 2 The development of the Geographic Information System (GIS) is an example of the creation of a new system which integrates geographic mapping data, planning, engineering and building information. The current Programmer/Analyst’s primary responsibility has changed from modifying existing systems to development of customized system applications for access to information. Staff recommends the reclassification of the current Programmer/Analyst to Systems Analyst, thereby recognizing the shift in the primary responsibilities of this position. Staff also recommends that the salary differential between the Programmer/Analyst and Systems Analyst be adjusted to reflect a more equitable difference between these levels. It is recommended that the Systems Analyst salary range move from range 84 to range 85; and the Programmer/Analyst salary range move from range 78 to range 75 creating a 10% differentk between levels. more accurate description of responsibilities and delineation between these two levels. (Attachment B) Data Processina Manaaer: As data processing functions evolved to include network communications and information technology, the title of Data Processing Manager has become outdated. Staff recommends an update of this job description (Attachment C) and revision of the classification title to Information Systems Manager to reflect the broader scope of the Information Systems Department functions. Staff is also recommending a reallocation of the salary range of this position in order to establish a level of compensation which is commensurate with other managers within the current management classification and salary plan performing a comparable level of responsibilities. The Information Systems Manager salary range is recommended to move to $1,977-$2,523 biweekly. Recommendations: The following table summarizes staffs recommendations for the amendments to the General Employees’ and Management classification and salary plans and for reclassification of positions. Current Proposed Current Salary Proposed Salary Classification Class if icat io n Range Range Microcomputer Specialist delete R55 NEW Network Specialist I R55 NEW Network Specialist II R70 Programmer/Analyst same R78 R75 Systems Analyst same R84 R85 Data Processing Mgr Information Systems Mgr $1,797-2,293 $1,977-2,523 Reclassification Recommendations: Microcomputer Specialist to Network Specialist II Prog ramme r/Analyst to Systems Analyst Additionally, both classification descriptions have been revised to provide a I e e , AB # /<. 870 , p. 3 FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated annual cost of the two reclassifications and reallocation of the salary range for th Information Systems Manager is $12,500. The actual cost for FY 1994-95 will be approximately $9,300. Funds for this increase can be accomplished by transferring $9,300 from the data processing fund balance into the Information Systems department budget. In future years, the effect will be an increase in user charges to the general fund. EXHIBITS; Resolution No. 93%%6 ? 4 L > 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 l5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 0 0 REsaumo"o. 94-266 A RESOLUTION OF THE CTly COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING NEWAND REVISED CLASSIFICATIONS; DELETMG THE MICROCOMPUTER SPECIALIST CLASSIFICATION, ESTABLISHING AND REALLOCATING SALARY RANGES; RECLASSIFYING lW0 POSITIONS: AND AMENDING THE GENERAL EMPLOYEES ANDMANAG EMENrsAIARyLx: HEDLJJXS. WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs. that the classillcations of Network Specialist I and Network Specialist I1 be adopted and included in the City's ClasWIcation and salary Plan; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs. that the revised job descriptions and salary reallocations of ProgrammerjAnalySt, System Analyst and Information Systems Manager be adopted and, WHEREAS. the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs, that the classification of Microcomputer Specialist be deleted and, WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs, that the incumbent Microcomputer Specialist be reclassifled to Network Spedallst I1 and the incumbent Programmer/Analyst be reclassified to Systems Analyst; and, WHEFEAS. the City and CCEX have met and conferred on the impact of these recommendations on represented employees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carl& California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to adop the job cladcations and descriptions of the Network Specialist I and Network Specialist 11 as described in Attachment A. FVogrammer/AnalySt and Systems Anal as described in Attachment B, and Information Systems Manager as descrlbed in Attachment C. attached hereto and made a part thereof. 3. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to dele the Microcomputer Specialist cladcation from the Civs Classification Plan an Salary Schedule. L 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 4. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to amer the General Employees’ Salaxy Schedule to place the Network Specialist I on Range 5 $1.208.91 - $1,469.44 biwee- place the Network Specialist II on Range 70, $1.403.5 $1,705.98 biweekly: place the Programmer/Analyst on Range 75. $1,475.12 - $1,793.C biweekly: place the Systems Analyst on Range 85, $1,629.45 - $1,980.60. as described Attachment D. attached hereto and made a part thereof. 5. That the City Council authorlzes and directs the City Manager to amef the Management Salary Schedule to include the Infomation Systems Manager at $1,977 - $2,523 biweekly. as described in Attachment E, attached hereto and made a part thereof. 6. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to reclassify the Microcomputer Specialist to Network Specialist 11 and the Programmer/Analyst to Systems Analyst. 7: That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to tran $9,300 from the data processing fund balance into the Information Systems Department operating budget for FY 1994-1995. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad C Council held on the 20th day of SEPTEMBER, 1994, by the following vote, to w AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finni NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) 0 0 8 4/1/94 Attachment A Resolution No. 94-266 CITYOFCARISBAI) JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TTTLE. NETWORE SPECIALIST I DEPARTMENT: Information Systems BASIC FUNCTIO N Under general supervision, to support and provide technical assistance to microcomputer users: to assist in troubleshooting systems problems; to consult with department representatives to determine hardware/software requirements and develop specifications; and to perform other related wo as assigned. DISTINGUIS HING C€XAWlCTERISTIC& Network Specialist I is the entry level class of this series. Positions at this level are experienced in providing technical assistance to the microcomputer users and troubleshooting both hardware and software problems while learning the integration of the networking systems. Specialist I's will supplement their technical knowledge by on-the-job training experience working with and under the supervision of the Specialist 11. KEY RESPO NSIBILITIES: Provides technical assistance in both hardware and software applications, including training, evaluating and recommending equipment and applications, responding to inquiries regarding program use; and connectivity to other peripheral equipment. Participates in identiwg micro/mainframe communication requirement and in the development of any related programs. Installs or coordinates installation of new and additional equipment and software on both a system-level and stand-alone level. Designs, develops and modifies programs for microcomputer applicationa Maintains liaison communications with vendors, repair technicians, othe data processing staff related to maintenance and repair of hardware and software needs. i e 0 .- . Network Specialist I, p. 2 Assists in directing activities of the microcomputer user group: prepares newsletter: and coordinates communications regarding microcomputer systems, programs, and applications. Documents procedures, prepares reports and maintains records of equipment and software as necessary. Maintains a library of microcomputer resource materials. Performs other related duties as assigned. QUALIFICA~ONS: Knowledge o f: m-inciples and techniques of microcomputer systems, programming, and network communications. Procedures for data processing documentation. Use, capability, characteristics and limitations of microcomputers an related equipment. Commercially packaged software applications for various microcomputer platforms. Computer logic and mathematics. AbilitY to: Install microcomputer equipment and software. Identify and troubleshoot problems related to microcomputer systei and network communications. Work independently to analyze problems and implement solutions. Communicate effectively, orally and in writing. Understand and follow oral and written instructions. Establish and maintain effective working relationships. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION: & 0 0 .- Network Specialist I, p. 3 Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities is quaMying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Equivalent to an Associate degree from an accredited college or university with major coursework in data processing with emphasis 01 microcomputer systems and programming; and One year professional microcomputer experience and programming experience with systems similar to those used at the City of Carlsbad. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: - Possession of a valid California Class C Driver’s License in order to drive to City facilities utilizing microcomputer systems. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS/ WORKING CONDITIONS: Ability to lift and move microcomputers and related equipment to install ar maintain as necessary. Occasionally would have to assist in the delivery of equipment and configuration checks. a 0 .- 4/1/94 CITYOFCXUSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE NETWORK SPECIALIST 11 DEPARTMENT: Information Systems BASIC FUNCTION: Under general supervision, to coordinate and to support integration of the microcomputer local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN) systems for the City: to troubleshoot systems problems: to provide technica assistance to users: and to perform other related work as assigned. DISTINGUIS HING CHARACTERISTICS: Network Specialist I1 is the journey level position capable of handling the diverse integration of microcomputers, peripherals and network applications. Positions assigned to this class are expected to possess the complete knowledge, skills and experience to perform complex and specialized work in the design, installation and maintenance of networkin] systems. Under supervision of the Information Systems Manager, specialis at this level work independently exercising judgment and initiative. Incumbents are expected to assist in training, monitoring, and supervisinj less experienced personnel. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Coordinates, monitors and controls the LAN and WAN networking system: for the City. Identifies and resolves network systems problems related to the integrati of the networks and access to the users. Provides technical assistance in both hardware and software applications, including training, evaluating and recommending equipment and applications, responding to inquiries regarding program use: and connectivity to other peripheral equipment. Participates in identifying micro/mainframe communication requiremen and in the development of any related programs. Installs or coordinates installation of new and additional equipment and software on both a system-level and stand-alone level. Monitors, tests, backs-up and restores network data and systems. c 0 0 Network Specialist 11, p. 2 Designs, develops and modifies programs for microcomputer applications. Maintains liaison communications with vendors, repair technicians, other data processing staff related to maintenance and repair of hardware and software needs. Directs activities of the microcomputer user group: edits newsletter: and coordinates communications regarding microcomputer systems, programs, and applications. Documents procedures, prepares reports and maintains records of equipment and software as necessary. Maintains a library of microcomputer resource materials. May act as lead worker in project teams or in training others as assigned. Performs other related duties as assigned. ,QUALIFICATI[ONf$ Knowledse o f: Principles and techniques of microcomputer systems, programming, network communications and operating systems. Requirements and procedures for determLning configuration of microcomputer equipment. Integration of local area network and wide area network systems in a multi-vendor environment. Procedures for data processing documentation. Use, capability, characteristics and limitations of microcomputers a related equipment. Commercially packaged software applications for various microcomputer platforms. Computer logic and mathematics. 0 e Network Specialist 11, p. 3 AbmbrtQ: Resolve any problems related to the local and wide area network integration and user to data. Install microcomputer equipment and software. Identify and troubleshoot problems related to microcomputer system: and network communications. Work independently to analyze problems and implement solutions. Communicate effectively, orally and in writing. Understand and follow oral and written instructions. Establish and maintain effective working relationships. Assist in the training and supervision of less experienced personnel. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION: Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with major coursework in computer science or related fie and, Two years of progressively responsible professional experience with data communication hardware and software, including design, installation and maintenance of local area networks. SPECIAL REQ UIREMENTS: Possession of a valid California Class C Driver’s License in order to drive tc City facilities utilizing microcomputer systems. PHYSICAL REQUIRE MENTS/ WORKING CO NDITIONS; Ability to lift and move microcomputers and related equipment to install i maintain as necessary. Occasionally would have to assist in the delivery of equipment and configuration checks. * L e 0 a130194 Attachment B Resolution No. 94-266 CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE: PROGRAMMER/ANALYST DEPARTMENT; Information Systems BASIC FUNC TION; Under direction, to perform technical and specialized work in analysis, development, programming, modification and maintenance of computer programs and systems; to provide technical assistance to users; and to dl related work as assigned. D I ST1 NG U ISH ING CHARACTERISTICS: The Programmer/Analyst is the journey-level class responsible for the analysis, programming and modification of existing systems on a variet) of computer applications. solving overall systems problems, but may receive general direction or assistance from the supervisor or Systems Analyst. Systems Analyst is considered the advanced level focusing on the analysis, design and development of new systems and customized applications. KEY RESPONSlBlLl TIES; Analyze and define the objectives and specifications for programs and systems based on user needs and requirements. Modify and enhances existing systems and programs. Troubleshoot software, hardware and network problems as it relates to the project assigned. Assist user departments in determining methods of information gather storage, and distribution. Incumbents utilize independent judgment in The next higher lev 1 e e Programmer/Analyst, page 2 Assist in the analysis, design and development of new systems and ap p I ica tio ns . Prepare and maintain documentation of programs, including complete instructions for information processing operations and general instructions for users. Respond to inquiries and provide technical assistance regarding computer systems and programs; coordinate systems activities with users to resolve program and system problems. Maintain cu rrency in computer hardware, software, and tech niques. Design and perform maintenance procedures, processes and functions related to the assigned systems. Perform other related duties as assigned. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS; Knowledae of; Principles of computer systems, procedures, analysis and design. Principles and techniques of programming, documentation and troubleshooting. Computer logic and mathematics. Use, capability, characteristics and limitations of computers and related equipment. Networking and data communication systems. Computer applications utilized in governmental organizations. Various file structures and access techniques. 0 0 ~ Programmer/Analyst, page 3 Abilitv to; Analyze and define problems and develop logical solutions. Develop and revise computer programs. Design and prepare comprehensive reports, flow charts, diagrams, and instructions. Communicate effectively, orally and in writing. Work effectively and cooperatively with computer system users anc department staff. Read, interpret and apply complex technical publications, manuals, and other documents in performance of assigned tasks. 1 Any combination of experience and education that would likely provide tt- required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain tl knowledge and abilities would be: Equivalent to a bachelors degree from an accredited college or university with major coursework in information systems or a closely related field, B n d , Three years of professional information systems and programming experience, including responsibility for the design and developmen of computer systems and procedures. SPECIAL REQUIWENT; Possession of a valid California drivers’ license and a satisfactory drivi record . 0 0 . Programmer/Analyst, page 4 PHYSICAL REQUIREM ENTS AN D WOR KING CO N D ITION S : Ability to lift and move microcomputer and related equipment occassionally to install, troubleshoot or perform minor maintainenance a necessary. computers are located. Incumbents must drive to various City locations where , e 0 . t a130194 CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE; SYSTEMS ANALYST DEPARTMENT; Information Systems BASIC FUNCTION; Under general direction, to perform system integration and complex analysis of systems; to design and develop database systems for centralized use and access; to coordinate major information systems projects; and to do related work as assigned. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTER ISTICS; The Systems Analyst is the advanced level class responsible for the mol complex systems analysis and consulting activities. The primary focus in the development and design of new systems applications or customizc design applications for multi-task and multi-system information access The Systems Analyst may provide technical guidance and support to sta related to projects assigned. KEY R ESPONSI BlLlTl ES; Analyze, design and develop integrated, complex, centralized and distributed databases accessible across multiple computer platforms. Conduct feasibility studies, analysis and system design reviews and assist in preparing system proposals and specification documents. Coordinate major information systems projects and system integration act i vi t i 8s. Work with all departments and users to identify, define, and analyze dai requirements, problems and specific project requests. .. 0 0 . Systems Analyst, page 2 Assist in the development and modifications of information processing standards and procedures; and develops systems documentation. Coordinate and carry out testing and implementation of systems and programs. Design and recommend computer input and output formats. Provide training and technical assistance to personnel as necessary. Investigate new technologies, evaluate and recommend new software, hardware, technology products and services. Solve and adapt problems presented so that they may fit within the operating limitations of the equipment. Performs other related duties as assigned. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS; KnoMae of; Principals, practices, methods and techniques of complex compute systems analysis and design. Principles and techniques of programming, documentation and troubleshooting. Design, development and implementation of applications used for municipal governments, especially in database management. Networking and data communication systems. Use, capability, characteristics and limitations of computers and related equipment. Various file structures and access techniques. e a r *. Systems Analyst, page 3 .. to; Analyze and develop logical solutions to systems problems. Conduct feasibility studies, identify information processing needs and recommend cost effective computer systems solutions. Develop functional and technical requirements and specifications. Plan and organize project tasks and activities, including estimating manpower, costs and schedules. Analyze systems and procedural problems for long or short range information needs. Provide technical training and guidance to technical staff and users Develop total systems for computerization including written desigr with flow charts, system programming, system debugging, system manuals, user manuals, and training of staff. Implement computer systems, including local and wide area networks and data communications. Communicate clearly and concisely, orally and in writing. Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of work. EXPERlENCEUCATiONE Any combination of experience and education that would likely provide tl required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain 1 knowledge and abilities would be: Equivalent to a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with major coursework in information systems or a related field, and, 0 0 <* Systems Analyst, page 4 Four years of progressively responsible experience researching, analyzing and developing solutions, and designing data processing related systems and procedures. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT; Possession of a valid California drivers’ license and a satisfactory drivin record. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS AND WORKING CO N D IT1 ON S : Ability to lift and move microcomputer and related equipment occassionally to install, troubleshoot or perform minor maintainenance i necessary. computers are located. Incumbents must drive to various City locations where a 0 .- .+ Attachment C 08/29/94 Resolution No. 94-266 CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE; INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER DEPARTME NT; Information Systems BASIC FUNC TION; Under general direction, to perform highly responsible administrative an technical work in the development and operation of municipal informatic systems; to supervise the work of professional and technical staff involved in a variety of information system technology activity; and to c related work as assigned. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES; Recommend and implement policies, procedures, and standards relating information system and technology activities. Supervise the development, design and maintenance of software systen to meet the needs of user departments; determine information requirements and further define the nature of projects. Assign work to subordinate personnel, providing instructions and answering questions; coordinate the scheduling and completion of work determining operational priorities and resolving work load problems; inspect work for accuracy and completeness; evaluate work techniques and methods for conformance to established standards. Provide technical guidance and assistance to subordinates, to departm( users and to consultants in the development and implementation of information systems and programs. 0 a P 4 Information Systems Manager, page 2 Advise, and otherwise provide assistance to the Director and other City personnel regarding information systems related issues, applications, services or equipment; supervise and participate in the training of City personnel in the uses and capacities of information systems and technician equipment. Assist in the administration of the City’s telecommunication network. Conduct research and perform analysis; prepare and present reports regarding project feasibility, equipment utilization, project developmeni and the cost of applications. Participate in the development and administration of the department budget; prepare budget projections. Attend conferences, meetings or other functions as the department representative; may provide information or participate in discussions regarding information systems activities. Participate in the selection of subordinates; plan and implement employ( training; evaluate employee performance; initiate disciplinary action. Maintain professional currency in information systems technologies. Perform other related duties as assigned. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS; Knowledge of I Systems and programming, including knowledge of data base systems and languages compatible with the City’s computer systems. Operation and applications of information processing equipment, methods, principles, and practices as related to municipal operations and management information systems. 0 a i . Information Systems Manager, page 3 Information Systems management and general administration practices and techniques. Methods and techniques of supervision. Supervise others involved in related activity. Make judgmental decisions concerning equipment needs, scope of assignments, and allocation of computer time. Prepare and present reports. Communicate effectively, orally and in writing. Work effectively and cooperatively with information systems use and department staff. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION; Any combination of experience and education that would likely provide 1 required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain knowledge and abilities would be: Equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with major coursework in information systems or a closely related field, and, Five years of progressively responsible experience in computer systems operation, programming, and systems analysis, including supplemented by some supervisory experience. SPFCIAL RFQUIWENTS; Possession of a valid California driver’s license, and a satisfactory driving record. b 0 0 d .' a * Information Systems Manager, page 4 PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS AND WOR KING CO NDITIONS; Ability to lift and move microcomputer and related equipment occassionally to install, troubleshoot or perform minor maintainenance a necessary. computers are located. Incumbents must drive to various City locations where 4 * 0 # .+ - Attachment D Resolution No. 94-266 SALARY SCHEDULE - GENERAL EMPLOYEES CLASSIPICATIOI RBNGE - EAN ACCOUNT CLERK I I MESSENGER ACCOUNT CLERK I1 15 METER SERVICES WORKER I ACCOUNTANT 58 METER SERVICES WORKER I1 ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR 44 METER SERVICES WORKER 111 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 30 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 35 NETWORK SPECIALIST I AQUATICS SPECIALIST 30 NETWORK SPECIALIST I1 ASSISTANT ENGINEER 74 OFFICE SPECIALIST I ASSISTANT PLANNER 64 OFFICE SPECIALIST I1 ASSOCIATE ENGINEER 91 PARK MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST ASSOCIATE PLANNER 18 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 BUILDING INSPECTOR I 55 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I11 BUILDING INSPECTOR I1 70 PARK DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER I 21 PLANNING TECHNICIAN I BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 39 PLANNING TECHNICIAN I1 BUILDING TECHNICIAN I1 50 POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST I BUYER 42 POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST I1 CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR 35 PROGRAMMER/ANALYST MINUTES CLERK CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I 43 PROGRAMMER/OPERATOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I1 55 RECREATION ASSISTANT COMPENSATION TECHNICIAN 53 RECREATION SPECIALIST CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR I 5s RECREATION SUPERVISOR I CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR I1 IO RECREATION SUPERVISOR I1 CRIME PREVENTION TECHNICIAN 31 SECRETARY CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL TECHNICIAN 38 SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR CUSTODIAN 1 SENIOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER CUSTODIAN I1 12 SENIOR CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR 30 SENIOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR ELECTRIC IAN ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I 35 SENIOR ELECTRICIAN ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I1 50 SENIOR LIBRARIAN EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I 34 SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I1 40 SENIOR PLANNER EQUIPMENT MECHANIC LEADWORKER 52 SITE MANAGER EVIDENCE AND PROPERTY TECHNICIAN 11 STOREKEEPER GRAPHIC ARTIST 24 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 GRAPHICS TECHNICIAN 24 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I11 HOUSING SPECIALIST I 46 SYSTEMS ANALYST HOUSING SPECIALIST I1 61 TECHNICIAN I LIBRARIAN I 38 TREE TRIMMER I LIBRARIAN I1 53 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 24 TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER LIBRARY ASSISTANT I1 LIBRARY CLERK I LIBRARY CLERK I1 LIBRARY SERVICES SUPERVISOR TREE TRIMMER I1 35 UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 1 UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER I11 4 UTILITY SYSTEMS OPERATOR I1 68 UTILITY SYSTEMS OPERATOR I11 MAINTENANCE WORKER I 12 9-20-94 0 0 ATTACHMENT D - Effective September 20,1994 r - a THE CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL EMPLOYEE SALARY SCHEDULE v BIWEEKLY SALARIES RANGE STEPA STEP B STEP C STEP D STEPE RANGE 1 $706.38 $741.70 $778.79 $81 7.73 $858.62 1 2 $71 3.44 $749.1 1 $786.57 $825.90 $867.20 2 3 $720.57 $756.60 $794.43 $834.1 5 $875.86 3 4 $727.78 $764.1 7 $802.38 $842.50 $884.63 4 5 $735.06 $771 -81 $81 0.40 $850.92 $893.47 5 6 $742.41 $779.53 $81 8.51 $859.44 $902.41 6 7 $749.83 $787.32 $826.69 $868.02 $91 1.42 7 8 $757.33 $795.20 $834.96 $876.71 $920.55 8 9 $764.90 $803.1 5 $843.3 1 $885.48 $929.75 9 10 $772.55 $81 1.1 8 $851.74 $894.33 $939.05 10 11 $780.28 $81 9.29 $860.25 $903.26 $948.42 11 12 $788.08 $827.48 $868.85 $91 2.29 $957.90 12 13 $795.96 $835.76 $877.55 $921.43 $967.50 13 14 $803.92 $844.1 2 $886.33 $930.65 $977.1 8 14 15 $81 1.96 $852.56 $895.1 9 $939.95 $986.95 15 16 $820.08 $861.08 $904.1 3 $949.34 $996.81 16 17 $828.28 $869.69 $913.1 7 $958.83 $1,006.77 17 18 $836.56 $878.39 $922.31 $968.43 $1,016.85 18 19 $844.93 $887.1 8 $931.54 $978.1 2 $1,027.03 19 20 $853.38 $896.05 $940.85 $987.89 $1,037.28 20 21 $861.91 $905.01 $950.26 $997.77 $1,047.66 21 22 $870.53 $914.06 $959.76 $1,007.75 $1,058.14 22 23 $879.24 $923.20 $969.36 $1,017.83 $1,068.72 23 24 $888.03 $932.43 $979.05 $1,028.00 $1,079.40 24 25 $896.91 $941.76 $988.85 $1,038.29 $1,090.20 25 26 $905.88 $951 .17 $998.73 $1,048.67 $1,101.1 0 26 27 $914.94 $960.69 $1,008.72 $1,059.1 6 $1,112.1 2 27 28 $924.09 $970.29 $1,018.80 $1,069.74 $1,123.23 28 29 $933.33 $980.00 $1,029.00 $1,080.45 $1,134.47 29 30 $942.66 $989.79 $1,039.28 $1,091.24 $1,145.80 30 31 $952.09 $999.69 $1,049.67 $1 ,1 02.1 5 $1,157.26 31 32 $961.61 $1,009.69 $1,060.17 $1,113.18 $1,168.84 32 33 $971.23 $1,019.79 $1,070.78 $1,124.32 $1,180.54 33 34 $980.94 $1,029.99 $1,081.49 $1,135.56 $1,192.34 34 35 $990.75 $1,040.29 $1,092.30 $1,146.92 $1,20427 35 36 $1,000.66 $1,050.69 $1,103.22 $1,158.38 $1,216.30 36 37 $1,010.67 $1,061.20 $1,114.26 $1,169.97 $1,228.47 37 38 $1,020.78 $1,071.82 $1,125.41 $1,181.68 $1,240.76 38 39 $1,030.99 $1,082.54 $1,136.67 $1,19330 $1,253.18 39 40 $1,041.30 $1,093.37 $1,148.04 $1,20544 $1,265.71 40 41 $1,051.71 $1,104.30 $1,159.52 $1,217.50 $1,278.38 41 42 $1,062.23 $1,115.34 $1,171.11 $1,229.67 $1,291.15 42 43 $1,072.85 $1,126.49 $1,182.81 $1,241.95 $1,304.05 43 44 $1,083.58 $1,137.76 $1,194.65 $1,254.38 $1,317.10 44 45 $1,094.42 $1,149.14 $1,206.60 $1,266.93 $1,330.28 45 * 0 a ATTACHMENT D - Effective September 20,1994 Y # THE CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL EMPLOYEE SALARY SCHEDULE V BIWEEKLY SALARIES RANGE STEPA STEP B STEP C STEP D STEPE RANGE 46 $1,10536 $1,160.63 $1,218.66 $1,279.59 $1,343.57 46 47 $1,116.41 $1,172.23 $1,230.84 $1,292.38 $1,357.00 47 48 $1,127.57 $1,183.95 $1,243.15 $1,30531 $1,37058 48 49 $1,138.85 $1,195.79 $1,255.58 $1,318.36 $1,384.28 49 50 $1,150.24 $1,207.75 $1,268.14 $1,331 -55 $1,398.13 50 51 $1,161.74 $1,219.83 $1,280.82 $1,344.86 $1,412.10 51 52 $1,173.36 $1,232.03 $1,293.63 $1,358.31 $1,426.23 52 53 $1,18509 $1,244.34 $1,306.56 $1,371.89 $1,440.48 53 54 $1,196.94 $1,256.79 $1,319.63 $1,385.61 $1,454.89 54 55 $1,208.91 $1,269.36 $1,332.83 $1,399.47 $1,469.44 55 56 $1,221.00 $1,282.05 $1,346.15 $1,413.46 $1,484.13 56 57 $1,233.21 $1,294.87 $1,359.61 $1,427.59 $1,498.97 57 58 $1,245.54 $1,307.82 $1,373.21 $1,441.87 $1,513.96 58 59 $1,258.00 $1,320.90 $1,386.95 $1,456.30 $1,529.12 59 60 $1,270.58 $1,334.1 1 $1,400.82 $1,470.86 $1,544.40 60 61 $1,283.29 $1,347.45 $1,414.82 $1,485.56 $1,559.84 61 62 $1,296.12 $1,360.93 $1,428.98 $1,500.43 $1,575.45 62 63 $1,309.08 $1,374.53 $1,443.26 $1,515.42 $1,591.19 63 64 $1,322.1 7 $1,388.28 $1,457.69 $1,530.57 $1,607.1 0 64 65 $1,335.39 $1,402.16 $1,472.27 $1,545.88 $1,623.17 65 66 $1,348.74 $1,416.18 $1,486.99 $1,561.34 $1,639.41 66 67 $1,362.23 $1,430.34 $1,501.86 $1,576.95 $1,655.80 67 68 $1,375.85 $1,444.64 $1,516.87 $1,592.71 $1,672.35 68 69 $1,389.61 $1,459.09 $1,532.04 $1,608.64 $1,689.07 69 70 $1,403.51 $1,473.69 $1,547.37 $1,624.74 $1,705.98 70 71 $1,417.55 $1,488.43 $1,562.85 $1,640.99 $1,723.04 71 72 $1,431.73 $1,503.32 $1,578.49 $1,657.41 $1,740.28 72 73 $1,446.05 $1,518.35 $1,594.27 $1,673.98 $1,757.68 73 74 $1,460.51 $1,533.54 $1,610.22 $1,690.73 $1,775.27 74 75 $1,475.12 $1,548.88 $1,626.32 $1,707.64 $1,793.02 75 76 $1,489.87 $1,564.36 $1,642.58 $1,724.71 $1,810.95 76 77 $1,504.77 $1,580.01 $1,659.01 $1,741.96 $1,829.06 77 78 $1,519.82 $1,595.81 $1,675.60 $1,759.38 $1,847.35 78 79 $1,535.02 $1,611.77 $1,692.36 $1,776.98 $1,865.83 79 80 $1,550.37 $1,627.89 $1,709.28 $1,794.74 $1,884.48 80 81 $1,565.87 $1,644.16 $1,726.37 $1,812.69 $1,903.32 81 82 $1,581.53 $1,660.61 $1,743.64 $1,830.82 $1,922.36 82 83 $1,597.35 $1,677.22 $1,761.08 $1,849.13 $1,941.59 83 84 $1,613.32 $1,693.99 $1,778.69 $1,867.62 $1,961 .OO 84 85 $1,629.45 $1,710.92 $1,796.47 $1,886.29 $1,980.60 85 86 $1,645.74 $1,728.03 $1,814.43 $1,905.1 5 $2,000-41 86 87 $1,662.20 $1,745.31 $1,832.58 $1,924.21 $2,020.42 87 88 $1,678.82 $1,762.76 $1,850.90 $1,943.45 $2,040.62 88 89 $1,695.61 $1,780.39 $1,869.41 $1,962.88 $2,061.02 89 90 $1,712.57 $1,798.20 , $ 1,888.1 1 $1,982.52 $2,081.65 90 91 $1,729.70 $1,816.1 9 $1,907.00 $2,002.35 $2,102.47 91 * 0 e + CWOFCARLSBAD I BIWEEKLY PAY Resolution No. 94-266 ' 09120194 hlLANAGEMENTsALARY SCHEDULE ATTACHMENT E STEP STEP EmT STEP STEP mmm 1 2 3 4 5 ADMIN. COORDINATORSPECIAL DISTRICTS $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 9 ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 3 ADMINISTRATIVE SVCWROJECTS MGR. $2,416 $2,536 $2,663 $2,796 $2,936 t AQUATIC SUPERvlsoR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 ! ARTS MANAGER $1,996 $2,096 $2,201 $2,311 $2,427 ! ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY $3,055 $3,208 $3,368 $3,537 $3,713 ! ASSISTANT CITY CLERK $1,761 $1,849 $1,941 $2,038 $2,140 ! ASSISTANT ClTY ENGINEER $2,379 $2,498 $2,623 $2,754 $2,891 ! ASSISTANTCITYMANAGER $3,055 $3,208 $3,368 $3,537 $3,713 ! ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR $2,007 $2,108 $2,213 $2,324 $2,440 ! ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR $2,008 $2,109 $2,214 $2,325 $2,441 4 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR $2,542 $2,669 $2,802 $2,942 $3,090 4 ASSISTANT TO CrrY MANAGER $2,444 $2,566 $2,694 $2,829 $2,970 9 BUILDING MAIM SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 4 BUILDING MAINT SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 9 CITYATTORNEY $3,148 $3,306 $3,471 $3,644 $3,827 9 CITY ENGINEER $2,589 $2,718 $2,854 $2,997 $3,147 9 CITY MANAGER $3,314 $3,479 $3,653 $3,836 $4,028 9 COMMUNITYARTS COORDINATOR $1,554 $1,631 $1,713 $1,799 $1,889 : COMMUNlTY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR $3,055 $3,208 $3,368 $3,537 $3,713 $ COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR $2,589 $2,718 $2,854 $2,997 $3,147 t CONSTWMAINT. SUPERVISOR $1,439 $1,511 $1,587 $1,666 $1,750 : coNsIR~suPERvlsoR $1,662 $1,745 $1,832 $1,924 $2,020 : DEPUTY CITY AllORNEY $2,072 $2,176 $2,285 $2,399 $2,519 $ DISTRICT ENGINEER $2,181 $2,290 $2,404 $2,524 $2,650 ! EQUIPMENT MINT SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 ! EQUIPMENT MAlNT SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 ! EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT $1,761 $1,849 $1,941 $2,038 $2,140 ! FINANCE DIRECTOR $2,575 $2,703 $2,839 $2,980 $3,130 5 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR $3,055 $3,208 $3,368 $3,537 $3,713 1 FIRE BAllAUON CHIEF $2,049 $2,151 $2,259 $2,372 $2,490 4 FIRE CHIEF $2,847 $2,989 $3,138 $3,295 $3,460 9 FIRE DIVISION CHIEF $2,248 $2,360 $2,478 $2,602 $2,732 4 GENERALMANAGER $2,747 $2,884 $3,029 $3,180 $3,339 4 GEOGRAPHIC INFO. COORDlNATOR $1,800 $1,890 $1,984 $2,083 $2,188 9 HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR $2,467 $2,591 $2,720 $2,856 $2,999 i HOUSINGPROGRAMMANAGEI? $1,761 $1,849 $1,941 $2,038 $2,140 3 HUMAN RESOURCEASSISTANT $1,376 $1,445 $1,517 $1,593 $1,672 t HUMANRESOURCESDlRECTOR $2,575 $2,703 $2,839 $2,980 $3,130 : CITYOFCAREBAD e AlTACHMENT E 0 9 M&GEMENTsAlARY SCHEDULE - BIWEEKLY PAY Resolution No. 94-266 c 09120194 v STEP SIEP STEP STEP sn3 mmm 1 2 3 4 5 HUMANRESOURCESMER $1,841 $1,933 $2,029 $2,131 $2,237 4 INFORMATION SYSTEM DIRECTOR $2,575 $2,703 $2,839 $2,980 $3,130 9 INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER $1,977 $2,076 $2,179 $2,288 $2,403 4 LIBRARY DIRECTOR $2,575 $2,703 $2,839 $2,980 $3,130 9 LIBRARY SERVICES SPECIALIST $1,376 $1,445 $1,517 $1,593 $1,672 f MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 : MANAGEMENT ANALYST $1,525 $1,601 $1,681 $1,765 $1,853 ! MANAGEMENTASSSTPM $1,376 $1,445 $1,517 $1,593 $1,672 ! MEDIA PROGRAMMING SPECIALIST $1,376 $1,445 $1,517 $1,593 $1,672 ! METER SHOP SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 ! MUNICIPAL PROJECTS MANAGER $2,379 $2,498 $2,623 $2,754 $2,891 ! opmnoNs SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 ! PARKS SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 ! PARKS SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 ! PLANNING DIRECTOF? $2,834 $2,976 $3,125 $3,281 $3,445 ! POLICE CAPTAIN $2,581 $2,710 $2,845 $2,988 $3,137 ! POUCE CHIEF $3,055 $3,208 $3,368 $3,537 $3,713 ! POLICE LIEUTENANT $2,239 $2,350 $2,468 $2,591 $2,721 ! PRINCIPAL BUILDING INSPECTOR $2,152 $2,260 $2,373 $2,492 $2,616 I PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER $2,181 $2,290 $2,404 $2,524 $2,650 ' PRINCIPAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR $1,977 $2,076 $2,179 $2,288 $2,403 PRINCIPAL LIBRARIAN $1,525 $1,601 $1,681 $1,765 $1,853 PRINCIPAL PLANNER $2,145 $2,252 $2,364 $2,483 $2,607 PRINCIPAL RECREATION SUPERVISOR $1,824 $1,915 $2,011 $2,112 $2,217 PURCHASING OFFlCER $2,007 $2,108 $2,213 $2,324 $2,440 RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 RISK MANAGER $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 SANITATION WM SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 SECRETARY TO CITY MGRICJTYArrY $1,166 $1,224 $1,285 $1,350 $1,417 SENIOR CmzENs COORDINATOR $1,824 $1,915 $2,011 $2,112 $2,21 7 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST $1,761 $1,849 $1,941 $2,038 $2,140 STREET MINT SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 STREET MAlNT SUPERVlSOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 s~oPERATK>NsslJpERvlsoR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061 mmc ENGINEER $2,283 $2,397 $2,517 $2,643 $2,775 UTI LITIES MAlNT SUPERINTENDENT $1,895 $1,990 $2,090 $2,194 $2,304 WATER WNT SUPERVISOR $1,696 $1,780 $1,869 $1,963 $2,061