HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-09-20; City Council; 12874; APPROVING THE MODIFICATIONS TO LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT 91-024 !2z 9$0 z 0 5 6 8 a z 3 4, / , WY OF CARLSBAD - AGWDA BILL =' 1' AB# /<E TITLE: DEP MTG. 9/20/94 APPROVING THE MODIFICATIONS TO CIP CIT' DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM APENDI4ENT CA 91-02 CPA 01-5 MP 175 If Council concurs, adopt Resolution No. yd-zd? appro1 modifications to Local Coastal Program Amendment 91-02. ITEM EXPLANATION At its meeting of September 13, 1994, the City Council ac and approved the proposed changes set forth by letter frc Coastal Commission dated June 8, 1994. That document is attached. EXHIBIT Resolution No. q#--?4!9 I 4k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 0.n 13 &z& aoX 14 ow2 dUCJ $055 uk5= >LZ aooQ 15 2;ss zwm" gZ$6 16 Esi 17 i3 18 I9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 SW? m> <OJ FZ2j e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 94-269 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY MODIFICATIONS TO LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM - OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE AMENDMENT 91-02. WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticec meeting on September 13, 1994 in order to consider the s modifications to local coastal program amendment 91-02; a WHEREAS, the proposed amendments are set fort1 attachment to the Coastal Commission's letter of June attached as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the City Council is agreeable to acceF proposed modifications in order to formally complete certification process; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counc City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and COI 2. That the proposed changes set forth by let the Coastal Commission dated June 8, 1994 are acce] approved. 3. That the Planning Director is authorized tc a copy of this resolution indicating the formal acceptanc City Council of the City of Carlsbad to the Californii Commission. /// /// /// /// /// JI .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0.23 a08 Ow8 $95 &E& 13 s:>$ Uhg 0, OolL ‘4- *>ma zwmg ““%a 004 !s $5 00 dU, 14 15 oZ-’- 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meetir City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 20th 1994, by the following vote, to wit: day of - AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaarc NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST : ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clekk (SEAL) 0 a EXHl 0- STATE OF CALImNIA-THE RESOURQS AGENCY pm WIL June 8, 1994 CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SAN DlHjo COAST ARU 31 11 CAMlNO ML RK) NORTH, SUmm SAN DIE-, CA 921-1725 - (619') 521-8036 - Ci ty of Carl sbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 Re: City of Carlsbad Local Coastal Program Amendment 1-94 West Batiqui tos Lagoon/Sammi s Properties Segment Dear Mr. Munoz, On May 12, 1994, the California Coastal Commission approved the above-described amendment request. #1-94 (Density bonuses and Aviara Phase 111) were continued and not acted upon. Lagoon/Samis Properties amendment request with suggested modifications i ncl udi ng ones whi ch requi red submittal of a trai 1 construction plan , prohibited gating of certain planning areas, and provided for the eventual implementation and provision of the public trail system. The adopted suggested modifications are attached for your information. Before the amendment request can become effectively certified, the Executiv Director must determine that implementation of the approved amendment will consistent with the Commission's certification order. This is necessary because the amendment request was certified with suggested mod1ficatians. In order for the Executive Director to make this determination, the local government must formally acknowledge receipt of the Commission's resolution certification, including any terms or suggested modifications; accept and agree to those terms and modifications; and take any formal action which is required to satisfy them, such as rezoning or other ordinance revisions. the City chooses to accept the Commission's action, this acknowledgement mi occur within six months. As soon as the necessary documentation is received in this office, and accepted, the Executive Director wi 11 report his/her determination to the Commission at its next regularly scheduled public hearing. If you have an questions about the Commission's action or this final certification proced please contact our office. Thank you and the other staff members who work on this planning effort. We remain available to assist you and your staff any way possible to contlnue the successful implementation of the local coastal program, Eric Munoz @e - The other two elements of the City's LC1 In its action, the Comission approved the West Batiquitos a># &- Sincerely, Deborah N. Lee Assistant District Director 9482A e 0 .* I*. - SUGG ESl'ED mDIFICA TIONS FOR CITY OF CARLSBAD LCPA #1-94 (WEST BATIoUIToS LAGOON/SAMMIS PROPERTIES SEGME NT) The fol lowing are the suggested revisions for this amendment request. Language to be added is underlined; language to be deleted is crossed out. West Batiaui tos Laaaon/Sami s ProDerti es La nd Use P1 an fol 1 ows : 1. On page 1 within the introduction, the language shall be revised as The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan proposes to eliminate the university and research and development uses on the east side of t AT & SF railroad right-of-way and develop this area with a varlet] residential products in a gated community, gxceDt that Plannina AI A-3. A-4 and J shall remain oDen and unaaw . Land uses west of t rai 1 road right-of-way wi 11 remain substantially as previously approved. 2. On page 1 under "Land Uses", the language shall be revised as follows: The following are the proposed land use "Planning Areas", each providing a brief description. directly with the planning areas approved with the Poinsettia Sho Master Plan. All development in these planning areas are subject the provisions of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan as adopted by Carlsbad City Council md certified bv the California Coastal- Nlo development inconsistent with the Master Plan sha be permitted. The Planning Areas identified below will replace t former plannirig areas established by the BLEP Master Plan. 3. On page 4 under "Planning Area E", the language shall be revised to re t.. .I Plannirrg Area E has a gross area of 0.9 acres and a net developable area of 0.5 acres; it has a land use desiqmtion of f The "Planning Areas" correspond ission. 4. On page 4 under "P'lannlng Area PI, the language shall be revised as follows: Planning Area F carries a Non-Residential (NRR) General Plan designation. uses will be determined at a later date when more specific plann is carried out for areas west of the railroad right-of-way. A f Major Master Plan Amendment will be required prior to further development approvals for Planning Area F, and dd# sm include LCP amendment with associated environmental review, if determine necessary. Planning Area F is an "unplanned" area, for which 0 0 .- Carl sbad LCPA 1-5 Adopted Suggested Modifications/Hest Batiqui tos/Samis Properties Segmg Page 2 -- - 5. On page 4 under "Planning Area Fll, the fallowing language shall be added - As part of any future planning effort, the City and Developer must consider and document the need for the provision of lower cost visitor accommodations or recreational facilities (ie. public park) on the west side of the railroad. 6. On page 5 under "Planning Area G", the language shall be revised as follows: Plannina Area G has a land use des ianation of TWC. All developmer in Planning Area G shall conform to the standards of the C-T zone c the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 21.29. 7. On page 7 under "Planning Area MI', the language shall be revised as fol 1 ows : P1 ann ina Area M has a land use desianation of OS . This area shall developed as a private Community Recreation Center and will be located adjacent to Avenida Encinas between Planning Areas A-1 and On page 10 under "Environmental ly Sensitive Habitats", the language sha be revised as follows: 6-1. 8. Recordation of several open space easements has occurred with the existing development along the bluff top on the area identified as Planning Area J. Recordation of addi tional open space easements along the bluff md rai 1 road riaht -- of wa y shall occur upon recordation of the final maps for Planning Areas A-3 and A-4, Gnr !L Furthermore, development on the bluff tops shall maintain setbacks as identified in the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan from 1 bluff edges to prevent possible impacts on adjacent environmental1 sensitive habl tats. No aradina or wfactured slqpes associated with the adjacent Brivate residential develomts rhall Occur W 11 bllc open space and setbu arm 9. On Page 10 under IiPublic Access", the language shall be revised as fol Lagoon accessways, bluff top accessways or equivalent overlook areas,and a bike path/pedestrian walkway, shall be provided if agricultural land on the north shore of Batlquitos Lagoon is developed. Each planning area containing a segment of the trail shall be conditioned to require construction and maintenance of t portion of the trail within the planning area, unless otherwise specified in the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan. EUC area contalnina a seament of the trail shall be conditioned t~ construct its trail sea nt mor to fsuru of buildina De] forsuch accessways shall beyeserved for public use by requiring irrevocable offers of dedication of thosc areas as a condition of development md. arior to the i~ssuance 0' buildha Bermits far those alannha areas- the trail dedlcatlons 0 0 %. Carlsbad LGPA \- Adopted Suggested Modifications/West Batiquitos/Sammis Properties Segm Page 3 -.-- shall be acceDted bv t he Citv o f Carl s bad if the Citv au Tees a nd it Dts a C rovisions for f any itvwide Trails Prouram that includes D mal ntenance a nd liabilitv. Ot herwise. D rior to the issuance o bui ldina permits. the ob 1 i aation for acceDta nce. co nstruction, maintenance. a nd liabilitv s hall be t he resDonsibilitv o f anot her suencv des ianated bv t he Citv o r the resDonsi bi 1 i tv o f the Homeowne Association. UDO n acceDta nce of the ded i cation. incl udinq maintenance and 1 i abi 1 i tv resDgnsi bi 1 i ti es. & comDl etion of the trai 1 imDrovements. t he trail shall be open for Dub lic use, The accessways shall not adversely impact environmentally sensitive habitats. A Trail Const ruction P lan shall be D rovi ded for all olannina a reat ronta inina pub llc trails. The Dub lic trails alianme nt shall be as hed exhibit. The Dlan shall indicate that all will be atoo o f the laaoon or rai 1 road sloDes and shown on the attac trai 1 a1 i unments Shall be constructed 1 n the least environmental 1- v damagina mganer. 11 T i from the toD 0 f the bluff edae o r rai 1 road embwment. imDtovements shal 1 include a m inimum 5 foot wide imoroved accesswa fenc ina. trash receDtac1 es and interpretive sianaae. the e xi stina trail head at Windrose C ircle. two add i tional t rai 1 hea shall be D rovided: one at the southwest corner of Plannina Area A cent to the of Plannina Area A - 3. adlacent to A venida Fncinas. These tra i 1 hei railroad riaht-of-wav and one at the northwest coy shall include ~RQ rowlate directional s iaIlilQe and identification. The Dla n shall also include const ruction sbec ifications. ma i ntena standards. and sDec ifv what oartv(1es) shall assume maintenance a 1 i ab1 1 i tv reswns i bl 1 1 ti est 10. On page 11 under "Master Plan Approval", the language shall be revised The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan as adopted by the Carlsbad City Council Ordinance No. NS-266 and sertified bv the California bas Q@ssio~ is approved as the Implementing Ordinance for this Loc Coastal Land Use Plan. Upon final certification by the Wdb2ll)d 0ifCL2bf Qlifornia Coastal Comi ss ion, this portion of the Carl sbad Local Coastal Program shall be deemed certi fi ed. The trail In add i tion I follows: Hest BatiqCLi tos LaggonlSWis Prope-rties Imblementation Plan (Polnset' Shores Master Plan) 11. On page 1 under "Purposei1, the language shall be revised as follows: Adopt4on of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan by the Catlsbad cf Counci 1 * pursuant to Chapter 21.38 of the Carlsbad Municipal Cod ppDroved bv the California Coastal Ca~lss~oq, will establish th zoning and development standards applicable to the project as a with consideration to individual planning areas, defining the permi ssi bl e type and intensity of development. e 0 Carl sbad LCPA 1-9 Adopted Suggested Modifi cations/West Batiqui tos/Sammis Properties Segme Page 4 -. 12. On page 9 under "Circulation and Roadway Alignment", the language shall b As shown on Exhibit 3, page 12, Avenida Encinas and Windrose Circle will be public streets. All other streets within the master plan boundary will be private and gated with the e xceDti on of internal streets assoc i ated with Planni na Areas A-3. A -4 and J. revi sed-as fol lows: 13. On pages 14, 18 and 105, references to Planning Area F regarding a futur Major Master Plan Amendment shall be revised to read that further development approvals for Planning Area F shall include a LCP amendment. 14. On page 23, Exhibit 10, the Open Space Plan shall be revised to illustra that the setbacks and open space shown on Planning Areas G and H shall b i denti f i ed as "Pub1 i c Open Space". Pedestrian Trail, the following language shall be added: 15. On page 25, under "Open Space and Resource Preservation--"Perimeter A Tra il Const ruct i on Plan s hall be nrov ided for all Dlann ina ares lic trails. The Dub llc trails a lianment sha 11 be as contai ni ng Dub Shown on t he attached e xhibit. trail aliqgmgts will be atoD of the laaoon or railroad slopes and The 0 . ublic tra 11 shall be a m i nimum w idth o f ten feet measured in11 from the toD of the bluff edae or railroad embankment. The trail immovements sha 11 include a m inimum 5 foot wide imDroved accesswb fencina. trash receptacles and inter~retive sianaae. In add1 tion e ex istina tra ilhead at Windrose Circle. two additional tra i 1 he& shall be Drovlded: one at the south west co rner of P lannina A rea 4 cent to the rail road r iaht-of-wav and one at the northwest cor ~f PlanmAreaent - to Avenida Fncinas. These trailhea shal I include bDDrQDr late d i recti onal si unaae and i denti f i cation. The Dlan shal 1 also i ncl ude cons truc ti o n sDec i fi cations. maintenan standards. and snecifiv what wrshalle maintenance a 3 16. On page 41 under "Affordable Housingas, the language shall be revised as In conjunction with the Density Bonus, additional incentives are I Polnsettia Shores Master Plan, one addl tlonal lncentlve will be design modifications within any of the Planning Areas to the Plan Development Ordinance standards and/or other C1 ty pol i ci es. The modifications shall be either as set forth in this Master Plan or approved subsequently by the P1 ann1 ng Dl rectoraddl Ci ty Engi neer, and aOproved bv tb California Co- 11 indicate that all The Dlan sha 55w na manner I fol 1 ows : required to be granted to the denstty bonus appllcant. For the 0 -. Carlsbad LCPA 1- Adopted Suggested Modi fi cations/West Batiqui tos/Sammi s Properti es Segm Page 5 -I - - 17. On page-54, under "Master Plan Theme Elements", the language shall be revised as follows: The entries into Planning Areas A-1, A-2, A4IllU4, 6-1, 6-2, and C will be manned or electronically guarded gates. This Is intendec to limit the access into the private portions of the Master Plan development area. 18. On page 82, under "Planning Area A-3"--Bther Special Conditions, the mi tr it Prior to the qtl~fi~qldfldttd~l~tf issuance o f buildina Der for any home ld~ltC~flfdll~jl~d~li~/dtl~ti~~fClft~il yi thin th plannina area, construction of that portion of the public trail wh is within this Planning Area shall be completed. 19. On page 84, under "Planning Area A-4"--Design Criteria, the language st In order to address potential visual impacts to the lagoon, spec11 archi tectural standards or designs must be proposed concurrent wil the review of a planned development permit/or tentative map for tl planning area. These development standards shall address reductic of potential visual impacts through methods which may include but not limited to: percentage of single-story or single-story elements adjacent to t lagoon or bluff-top setback area, height Iimi tations adjacent to lagoon or bluff-top setback area, Cttf and des ian considerations such as a rchi tectu ral offsets a nd var fed roof pitches. Bul '1 dl nq coloration will be subord inate to the ament laaoon hills ide an gnv f ronmen t . language shall be revised as follows: be revised as follows: use of single-story elements in architecture, materials will be c-tible with the ad.lac;ent lagum 20. On page 85, under 'IP1 anni ng Area A-4It--Other Speci a1 Condi ti ons , the language shall be revised as follows: Prior to the issuance of bulld!ng permits for any home iddidlifll dtt$/#WId/&+J@tf ddf L/f tiif yl thl n thl s Dl ann! na area, construction of that portion of the public trail which is within Planning Area shall be completed. 21. On page 11 1, under "P1 anning Area GI8--Other Speci a1 Condi tions, the language shall be revised as follows: The development of this planning area shall include a public acc trail tjttdd which will be designed to link with the Master Plan trail system. Jrail imorovements must be installed orfor to the issumce of any bulldina Dermits for this olwnina area. a a Carl sbad LCPA 1 -' Page 6 AdoDted Suggested ModiffcationslWest Batiqui tos/Samnis Properties Segm -- - 22. On pag6-115, under "Planning Area HI'--Other Special Conditions, the language shall be revised as follows: The development of this planning area shall include a public access trail #$#fd& which will be designed to link with the Master Plan's trail system. Trail imwovements must be installed a nd ded i cation 11 be acceoted bv t he Cltv o f Carlsbad if the C ity 3 arees and it adoDtS a Citvwide Tral 1r s P oaram that includes the tra il sha Qrov i sions for maintenance and liab wi . D ior to t he issuance o f anv buildina Dermits. t Gi 2i i a%: fi'P a-ta nce L nd liability sha 11 be t he resDonsi bi 11 i Of another aaencv designated bv the City or the ~~SDO~S ibilitv of i gonstruction. maintenance. a i ncl ud maintenance and 1 ion of the meowners Assoc iation. UD-acceDtance of the dedication* i ab3 1 i tv resDonsi bi 1 i ti es. and c-1 et trai 1 imDrovements. t he trail shall be oben for Dub lic use. 23. On page 122, under "Planning Area L"--Design Crfteria, the language sha be revised as follows: Design Cri teria: Pdl61 it Iidf dtdlf iddlif fdt f dtCil tUl1 I lddf ICIt CCdlllHCi4Hf /df l 12lf CCf Wd/@ltKid4/ ifill1 lIbCldI1 dutCdl i d I f U i i l AtCll All development in this Area shall be consistent with the Batiquil Lagoon Enhancement P1 an. TUC/@dti&CfCt/#CdCif fildlf tdill djtfCdIiUl1 I ll6CItddif tdtfCdlillf Uii AtCll 9482A *. 'c)