HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-09-27; City Council; 12877; ACCEPTANCE OF A FIFTH YEAR PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY?* I-- zr 2, .E T~ 3 "3 &dJ z 9 5 a 8 z 3 8 WY Ut GARLSBAD - AGWDA BILL 'i./ s AB # Igb 977 TITLE: ACCEPTANCE OF A FIFTH YEAR DEPT. MTG. 9/27/94 PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE GRANT CITY A CITY M DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: LIB FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY Adopt Resolution No. W-231 accepting a fifth year Partnerships for Change grant f the California State Library. ITEM EXPLANATION: On May 17, 1994, the City Council approved the library's application for a fifth year 95) Partnerships for Change grant in the amount of $40,000. This will be the final y federal funding for this program, which has been administered by the California Sta Library. The library has used this grant to establish an information outreach prograi Hispanic families in Carlsbad's downtown neighborhood. This program, the Centro lnformacion, opened in November 1991 in a rented facility. Now located in a classrl at Pine School, the Centro, with its four part-time bilingual staff, provides services 22 hours per week. Services include programs for both adults and children; a variety c bilingual print and non-print resources; information and referral; a bi-monthly newsle and close contact with community groups and neighborhood residents. There have been increasing efforts to assist new Hispanic residents as they adapt to life in a dif culture and become familiar with the range of services and resources offered at the library. During the most recent quarter of activity, over 4,900 people visited the Centro; ovei adults and children attended informational and educational programs; 79 new librar cards were issued (over 1,400 issued since the program began); 532 information ar referral questions were handled; and 3,079 items were checked out. In the coming the Centro plans to continue serving the informational and educational needs of Spi speaking residents of the downtown area. Exhibit 2 summarizes the Centro's plann services and budget for the coming year. FISCAL IMPACT: This grant operates on the federal fiscal cycle from October 1 through September 3( each year. The $40,000 federal grant, plus in-kind contributions of $16,050 will fully support program operations through September 30, 1995. In-kind contributions incl $6,700 for support and administration provided by library staff; $1,850 for supplies; i $7,500 for Spanish-language materials included in the library's CLSA state grant, wh does not involve general fund. Accumulated interest of approximately $1,000 will be to purchase additional books. In addition, the Centro supervisor's position has beel approved in the 1994-95 budget for conversion to 3/4-time general fund status, a to1 $27,369 in salary and benefits as shown in the budget summary in Exhibit 2. The lil has reallocated funds within its budget to accommodate this shift. 0 e PAGE2OFAB# 12:b77 EXHl BITS: 1. Resolution No. ?%A?/ accepting a fifth year Partnerships for Change grant i the California State Library. Action Plan and Budget Summary for 1993-94. Letter dated August 19, 1994 from California State Librarian, awarding the gr( 2. 3. 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 EXHIBIT 1 RESOLUTION NO, 9 4 - ’2 7 1 1) RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A FIFTH YEAR PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY. WHEREAS, the library’s submittal of an application for a Partnerships for Change grant was approved on May 17, 1994; and WHEREAS, the library’s proposed plan of service is in keeping with Cour guidelines; and WHEREAS, the California State Library has awarded the Carlsbad City Library a grant in the amount of $40,000 for the fifth year of the grant program; and WHEREAS, the City has earned interest from fourth year grant funds; NOW, THEREFORE’ BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the California State Library Partnerships for Change grant in * amount of $40,000 is hereby accepted. 2. 190-840-821 6. 3. That the grant of $40,000 is hereby appropriated to Account No. That the earned interest from fourth year grant funds is hereby appropriated to Account No. 880-51 9-9223-0000. I/ // // I/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 l5 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 4. That the Financial Management Director of the City of Carlsbad is authorized and directed to sign a statement certifying the City of Carlsbad’s eligibility for the grant funds. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held the mday of SEPTEMBER, 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis , Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard , Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: None &f& C UDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: AL%AUTENKRANZ, x!k City Clerk (SEAL) /I // I/ I/ I/ I/ ~~~~~~~~ ~ applicant Jurisdiction carlsbd)Ci ty Library Centro de Informacidn Title 11. Summarize your Action Plan for 1994/95. Provide a narrative statement of what you plan to accomplish in 1994/95 to complete revision of your revised Service Program Design. Include a description of the involvement of your Coalition in decisions and activities documented in this application. Complete Summary in the space provided. - In 1994-1995, the Carlsbad City Library will continue to operate the Ct de Informacidn in Carlsbad's downtown neighborhood. continue to be staffed by bilingual/bicultural library technicians dur: variety of day and evening hours, on a schedule determined in conjunct: with neighborhood residents. Frequent informational programs for Span: speaking adults will be presented by community and governmental agencic Staff will continue to provide in-depth information and referral servic to aid Spanish-speaking residents to interact with agencies and adapt 1 life in this country. Programming for preschool and school-age childrc will continue to emphasize development of reading skills, celebration ( Hispanic culture, participation in U.S. culture, and homework assistanc The Centro staff will continue to spend several hours a week in outreac activities in the community, and the Centro will continue to serve as E meeting site for neighborhood groups. The Main Library's staff will a1 be involved in the community and participate in regular staff exchange: with the Centro staff. Both the Main Library and the Centro will contj to expand their adult and children's Spanish print and audio-visual collections, as well as materials for learning English. An emphasis or converting all library information into bilingual format will be contir Frequent tours of the Main Library and Centro wilQ be conducted for Spanish-speaking adults and children. Special bilingual children's programs will be conducted by Main Library and Centro staff jointly. Library staff will continue to seek the ideas and feedback of cornunit] coalition members, both formally and informally, in building the Spanis language collections and planning services. The Centro'ls newsletter wj continue to inform neighborhood families, city and agency staffs, and coalition members of the Centro's services. work with the city's Human Resources Department in developing city staf skills to serve an increasingly diverse city population. 12. Budget Summary The Centro will The library will continue (For 1994/95 fundincj only, summarizing Detailed Program Budget from section 17): Other LSCA Contrib. In-Kind Total (1) (2) (3) (4 1 a. Salaries/Benefits 23,900 27,369 6,700 57,969 b. Library Materials 2,637 7,500 10,137 1,850 12,350 -- c. Operating Expense 10,500 -- d. Equipment -- -- -- -- e. Indirect Costs 2,963 -- -- 2,963 f. Total 40,000 27,369 16,050 83,419 (Max: 10% of direct) EXHIBIT 0 IA STATE LIBRARY TELEPHONE: (916) 4 LIBRARY-COURTS BUILDING P.O. BOX 942837 SACRAMENTO, CA 94237-0001 August 19, 1994 Clifford Lange, Director Carlsbad City Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: LSCA I - 3.P25, FY 1994/95, WP 93, Grant Award #40-2826 Title: Centro de Informacion Dear Mr. Lange: I am pleased to approve your grant application for the above named Partnerships for Change prog for a total of $40,000 in federal Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) funds, effec immediately for the period ending September 30, 1995. The State Library primary consultant assig to this program will be Bessie Condos Tichauer, telephone (916) 653-8293. Please work with consultant in implementing your grant. My staff is ready to assist you in making your progra success. You have outlined a series of activities for your final transition year that will continue to pro services for the Hispanic families in your community. You have assembled an excellent PFC t that continues to build strong community support. Don’t hesitate to call on us if we can be of fur assistance during this concluding year. Funds allowed are as follows: 1994/95 LSCA Categories Approved budget Salaries & benefits $23,900 Library materials 2,637 Operating expenses 10,500 Program award 37,037 2.963 Total $40,000 Equipment (items over $5,000) 0 Indirect cost (up to 10%) 0 0 Clifford Lange -2- August 19, On September 30, 1995 this grant program will be officially closed and no new expenditures m; generated nor funded program activities occur. All unexpended and unencumbered funds mu returned by November 13, 1995. This program is allowed 60 days to liquidate encumbrances u were incurred prior to September 30. After the 60 day period, all encumbered funds which hav been liquidated must be returned to the State Library. Reporting on financial and program activities is required quarterly, on the forms enclosed, withi days of each quarter. A final narrative report is required and is due within 30 days after the clo: this grant period, by October 30, 1995. The final liquidation report, if required, is due and mu! submitted by December 15. Thus, all reporting regarding this grant award must have been rece at the State Library by December 15, 1995. Please note this change in procedure for Fiscal Year 1993/94 regarding grant payments. Ten pel (10%) of the total grant award or the indirect cost, whichever is higher, is withheld until the er the grant year. It is payable only if the grant recipient fulfills all reporting requirements and ret all unspent grant funds by the time specified in this grant award. Failure to provide timely re] is a serious breach of a grant recipient’s administrative duty under the grant program, which result in federal audit exceptions against the state and the loss of LSCA funds. The State Libr; may extend the final deadline for good cause. Requests for extension beyond the final deadline be received in writing at least 30 days prior to the deadline at the State Librarian’s office. All required reporting materials are attached to this letter. This letter and the enclosed list of E procedural requirements amend the Consolidated Application/Grant Award Certification documeni must remain a part of all your existing copies. Best wishes for a successful program year. Sincerely, bf% cG Gary E. Strong California State Librarian Enclosures cc: Barbara Will Colette Moody Bessie Condos Tichauer Geoffrey Armour Lynda Jones GES:BW:svg C LSCAPFC .LTR .I 0 e CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY L Library Services and Construction Act SECTION I11 FINANCIAL CLAIM TITLE: I FY: 94/95 WP:93 VENDOR CODE:M616 9/27/94 SCHEDULE NO: Date: Claim of:Carlsbad City Library Address : For:Carlsbad City Library Project Tit1e:Centro de Inforrnacion Amount Claimed:$18,000 Grant Award I.D. Number: 40-2826 For Period From: upon execution to September 30, 1995 Type of Payment: PROGRESS FINAL IN FULL 1250 Carlsbad Village Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92008 (Name of System or Agency) Payable Upon Execution of Agreement 08/19/94 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify under penalty of perjury: that I am the d of the claimant herein; that this claim is in all respects accordance with law and the terms of the contract; and that paym previously been received for the amount claimed herein. (Title) State of California State Library Budget Office by date MAIL ONE ORIGINAL SIGNATURE TO: California State Library Budget Office - LSCA P.O. Box 942837 Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 (Dates due are listed in grant award packet)