HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-09-27; City Council; 12882; ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FROM CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS1 FROM CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS Adopt Resolution No. accepting a “Yes to Art” grant in the amount of $1 5,000 from t California Arts Council. ITEM EXPLANATION ”Yes to Art” provides eight months of arts programming for Carlsbad youth in partnership with the Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club. The program will offer literary, visual and perform arts components. The Arts Office will hire a part-time coordinator for the program. After th initial program ends, it is anticipated that the Boys and Girls Club will continue the progran by hiring the Coordinator. The grant provides funding to pay for teaching artists to offer theater, visual arts, dance and/or video instruction, depending on demand. This program addresses issues in the community indicated in the Carlsbad Cultural Plan which include: Increase programming for young people, especially in arts education; Offer programming to the Barrio Carlsbad community; Continue to develop local partnerships using the arts to address social issues; Increase family-oriented participatory arts programming. Carlsbad YES (Youth Enrichment Services) has also identified specific community needs among Latino youth at risk: 1) help family relations, 2) help with school work, and 3) pro‘ a safe place to gather for recreation. FISCAL IMPACT The Carlsbad Arts Office was the only city in California to receive full funding from the California Arts Council (CAC). The $15,000 will be matched by $22,500 from the Carlsb Boys and Girls Club. Should the match not be obtained, the City may, 1) ask for an extension of time or 2) return the unused portion. 1. Resolution No. 49 -a75 2. California Arts Council grant application. D 3. Letter from the Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club. w s & & 5 4 .. z 0 - 5 a s z 3 0 0 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1’1 18 I’ 2o 21 22 z3 24 25 26 27 20 0 e RESOLUTlON NO. 94-275 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A “YES TO ART” GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS. WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Arts Office was awarded a $15,000 grant from ti Arts Council; and WHEREAS, Carlsbad’s Cultural Plan calls for, 1) increased programminl eople, especially in arts education; 2) outreach to Barrio Carlsbad who repre3 Carlsbad’s population; 3) continued development of local partnerships using the art social issues, and; 4) increased family-oriented participatory arts programming; and WHEREAS, Carlsbad YES (Youth Enrichment Services) has identifi community needs among Latino youth at risk: 1) help family relations, 2) help with and 3) provide a safe place to gather for recreation; and; 8p WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club is collaborating with the At? has agreed to raise the required matching funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of ( follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council accepts the “Yes to Art” grant from the CaliforniE Council for $15,000 to provide arts Programming in partnership with the Carlsbad B Girls Club. 3. That $15,000 is hereby appropriated into account no.l8O-840-8143-: Gses described herein. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City Cou City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 27th day of ~?TEMBE~, 1994, by the follo to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis NOES: None ABSENT: None &W!i A ALETHA L. RAUTE \.. 4 . - - \ e i'mncr \are ~LSBAD ------ ARTS OFFICE -0 not mule State-County-City Applicants: Level Three (City Arts Agencies Only) In thc sPacc below and on one additional pase, answer the following questions (~1~0 complc.te ~~~~~l T~~~/T,~~~ budSct 1 2. 3 Summarm request in two lines. Dcscnbc the cultural planning process or othcr data on whlch the proposal IS bastd Dcscnbc the request as It rekites to thc Cntcna for funding and programmatic acccssibilitv, Including vour ascncz' s t etfcct*ve ~m~ms~nd -xes, commitment to mlturaIdiversity, managenal/flxal compctcncc and the quailtv ot th{ necd for the Prolect, thc pmpd impact and the ability to complctc thc project) Dcscnbe the County Partner collaboration. 4 Summary: The Arts Office, working in partnership with Garlsbad Boys 6, Girls Club, will pr~ Carlsbad youth at risk for gang involvement with an &month arts program, "YES TO ART" le( mentor artists. Planning Process: The Arts Office planning process is ongoing. The recommendations o 1990 Cultural Plan conducted by The Wolf Organization have been reviewed by Task Forc Programming, Facilities, Art in Public Places and Arts Education. Input is also obtained fron Arts Round Tables (a group of artists and arts organizations), panel reviews and pr evaluations, public testimony before the Arts Commission and continuous outreach, collabor and consuttation with community agencies, service organizations and busine: Recommendations include: *Increase programming for young people, especially in arts education (#1 priority ii Cultural Plan public survey); *Outreach to the Barrio Carlsbad community, who represent 15% of the population express a sense of isolation; *Continue to develop local partnerships using the arts to address social issues; *Increase family-oriented participatory arts programming. The Arts Office has partnered with social service organizations in the past. In 1993 tht office funded, sponsored, assisted and documented three programs: the bilingual circus and performance project with the Carlsbad Boys 8 Girls Club; Festejando with Cornu Carlsbad Para Las Artes and Carlsbad Arts Associates; and the gang intervention Conference and Mural Project with Barrio Me at the Boys & Girls Club. The Boys & Girls will provide matching funds of new, private money through corporatefioundation sponso Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services (YES) is a new consortium developed to work on prevention. YES surveys have identified specific community needs among Latino youth: (1 i with family relations; (2) Help with school work; (3) Provide a safe place to gathc recreation. *Carlsbad's major gang activity is centered among Latino youth members of I Carlsbad Locos (VCL), currently in its third generation; *Gang remitment and gang conflict from neighboring communities like Oceanside increasing risks to Carlsbad youth; *More than 60% of Carlsbad's Latino youth fail to complete high school; *The poliw department projects more than 100 potential participants in the arts-r gang-prevention project for junior high school ages, (I 2-1 5) the targeted age graup. Proposed Project: YES TO ART provides eight months of arts programming for Carlsbad in partnership with the Boys & Girls Club. The program will offer literary, visual and perfc arts components. An administrator sensitive to multjculturd issues will be sought for tt month part-time Program Coordinator position (including start-up and evaluation periods) 18 I 0 0 CARLSBAD ARTS OFFICE LEVEL THREE APPLICANTS: PAGE 2 Coordinator will receive arts management training in the Arts Office. After the initial Prof ends, the Boys & Girls Club will continue the program with the Coordinator, thus providinl arts-trained coordinator working permanently in the community. The program's success depends in great part upon careful selection of participating artists. teaching artists, seeking Latino representation. Organizations such as Centro Cultural c Raza, San Diego Institute for Arts Education, Teatro Mascera Magica and CSU-San Marcor individual artists of color are local available resources. Participating artists will receive SF training in gang intervention skills. Carlsbad organizations, including Performing Arts Theatre for the Handicapped (PI Starmakers Theatre for the Developmentally Disabled, Carlsbad Children's Theatre, Carl Children's Museum, Carlsbad Dance Centre, Daniels Cablevision, Barrio Arte, Pacific C Concert Band and Patrons of the Arts community theatre, may provide cooperative or contr: services for specifically identified projects. The Arts office's existing Visiting Artists program be used for workshops and performances in support of the program. used in arts production and presentation, and creative solutions to conflicts. Participant develop original works on topics of their choice. Programs may include: 1. Creative Writina and Script DeveloDment led by artists from the San Diego Playwrights PI and assisted by the Carlsbad Library's Centro de Informacion, located in the Barrio. (Cor for setvices, 1-2 months) 2. Movement classes incorporating folklorico, stage fight choreography, African, South Amt and jazz dance. (Resldent teaching artist, 6 mos, 1-2 guest artists) 3. Music choral music, percussion and other musical forms as the interests and abilities I participants indicate. (teaching artist 8 ma, 2-3 guest artlsts) 4. Theatre Skillsflleatre Games (teachlng artist 8 mos, 1-2 guest artists) 5. Visual Arts and Graphic Oesian in cooperation with (1 or more): Barrio Me, a intervention visual arts organization, the Carlsbad Children's Museum and the Barrio Mu! (teaching artist 8 mas, contracted servlces w/local orgs) Video documentation covering the project will be conducted by Daniels Cablevision cable a production unit through a Community Cable Foundation grant. Sites for the ongoing ev and weekend adMties fndude Hading Community Center (city-owned) and the storefront Museum. The Boys & Girls Club has a dance studio, arts studio, gym, pool and recreation available for evening activities. All three facilities are located in Barrio Carlsbad. Progran take place during evening hours Monday through Saturday and during the days on Saturdi times when at-dsk youth have the largest span of unoccupied time. Friday and Sa evenings are particularly targeted as requiring mentored activity. Past successful collaborations between the Arts Office and the Boys & Girls Club an community members include Visiting Artists, Artists in Residence and Community Cultural i projects. As a municipal agency, the Arts office operates on a tero-based annual budg reports quarterly to City Council on stated Goals and Objectives achieved. Project Coordinator, in consultation with the Arts Office staff and YES representatives, will ide Teaching artists will emphasize positive aspects of cultural identity, the collaborative pros - ,..,,JI 1 J s e e January 20, 1994 4s BOYS & GIR California Arts Council S ta te-Local-Partners hip Program 24 11 Alhambra Boulevard Sacramento, California 95817 OF CARL! Administrative 0 Post Office Box 9 Carlsbad, CA 920 (61 9) 729-0207 La Costa Branct Dear ladies and gentlemen: FAX 729-2279 Please be advised that the Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad has agreed to work in partnership with the Carlsbad Arts Office to provide Carlsbad "at riskq youth with an eight month arts program. The program, "Yes to Art," will act as a critical gang prevention tool for our community, so we are anxious to implement the plan. In conjunction with the partnership, the Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad will arrange for $22,500 in private or public funding. That funding will "match" $15,000 which would be available through the California Arts Council specifically for "Yes to Art." Should you have any questions about the Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad in general, or our current art and gang prevention programs specifically, please don't hesitate to contact me directly at the Capital Bank of Carlsbad at (619) 434-0198. Also, feel free to call Carman Cedola, the Executive Director, for more information. ~~~~~~~\~~ (619) 944-9211 Vi,lageBranch 31 15 Roosevelt I (61 9) 7296956 Carlsbad, CA 92C Board of Directc ~~~~;atteson President Vice-President VicePresiden t JoeVlg,l Will Howard Phil Urbina Vice-President Chief Financial MannyValdez Bruce Bandemei Secretary Members Joe Angel Doug Avis Bruce Bandeme Susan Beckman Thank you for your consideration. Sin rely, Mark Caruana Ofelia Escobedc Joe Gallagher Matthew Gladsti Will Howard Bruce Jordan, D Luke Matteson Barb1 Nelson Greg Nelson* David Oas A Sandy Parsor Phil Urbina* Manny Valdez* Joe Vigil, M.D. Amy Ward Hope Wrisley * Past Presidei Executive Dire Carman Cedola Luke Mattes resident Don Hoyt Board of Directors 1 @ AUnite(