HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-10-11; City Council; 12902; SCHEDULE OF PARKING PENALTIES FOR PARKING VIOLATIONSQ 9 0 K < B x E a d 0 z 3 8 WY WF GARLSBAD - AGWDA BILL w/ AB # ig, yoz TITLE: DEPT. I MTG, wip4 SCHEDULE OF PARNNG PENALTIES GlTY A' DEPT. FIN FOR PARKING VIOLATIONS CITY MI RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Resolution No. 94-3( establishing the schedule of parking penalties fo parking violations. ITEM EXPLANATION: Effective July 1, 1993, the State decriminalized parking violations and gave cities the power to establish parking penalties and the duty to conduct hearings foi parking violations. This bill was adopted in order to provide relief to the overcrowded County Court system. Parking penalties were previously set by the court in the San Diego County bai schedule. The law now states that "the schedule of parking penalties for parkinc violations, late payment penalties, administrative fees, and other related charge: for parking violations shall be established by the governing body of the jurisdictior where the notice of violation is issued. To the extent possible, issuing agencie: within the same county shall standardize parking penalties." In order to comply with the law regarding standardizing the penalties, a county wide Ad Hoc committee was formed in 1993 to review the penalties currently being assessed and to recommend a standard San Diego County schedule of civil parking penalties. The committee consisted of representatives from each local municipality as well as the County of San Diego. The results of the committees' work is a recommended Civil parking penalty schedule for all local jurisdictions (Exhibit 2). Staff recommends that Council adopt the committees' suggestions as the City of Carlsbad's schedule of parking penalties. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact to the City from the change in the parking penalties is difficuli to determine as it depends on the number and type of parking citations paid during the year. The City receives approximately $55,000 annually in parkinc penalties. Any increase due to the penalty changes is expected to be minimal. The recommended penalties range from $25 for minor infractions to $330 for parking in a designated disabled person space. This is a increase from the previous penalty schedule which ranged from $1 6 for minor infractions to $275 for parking in a disabled persons space. The $55 increase in the penalty for parking in a disabled persons space was required by Assembly Bill No. 764 which dictates that for every $10 of penalty assessment an additional $2 must be paid to the County. These monies are used to support the Linkages program, a program which assists frail adults to remain safely in their homes. m m PAGE TWO OF AGENDA BILL NO. Id, 902 In addition to the $55 mentioned above, $3 of every penalty collected goes to the Criminal Justice Facility Construction and County Courthouse Construction funds and $2 goes to the State’s general fund. EXHl BITS: 1. Resolution No. qY-J?f approving the City of Carlsbad’s civil parking penalty schedule. 2. San Diego County Parking Penalty Committee Recommendations, dated May 17, 1994. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I.5 3.6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w m RESOLUTION NO. 94-291 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SETt NG CIVIL PENALTIES FOR PARKING VIOIATIONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 10.42.010 (b) OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, The City of Carlsbad enforces parking violations through the authority of the California Vehicle Code and the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, effective July 1, 1003, the Vehicle Code Section 40203.5(a) was amended such that the governing body of the jurisdiction where the notice of violation is issued shall establish penalties, fees and other charges for parking violations; and WHEREAS, the City Council has previously adopted Section 10.42.010(b) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code which provides for the establishment of civil penalties for parking violations by resolution of the City Council; and WHEREAS, to the extent possible, the City Council will establish penalties in an amount that will standardize parking penalties with other agencies in San Diego County as required by Section 40203.5 of the California Vehicle Code; and WHEREAS, the civil penalties as set forth in Exhibit A were established by the San Diego County Parking Penalty Committee to be recommended as the County standard. Ill Ill /I c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 '9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 rn m NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, that the civil penalties for parking violations committed in the City of Carlsbad are as set forth in Exhibit A. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of OCTOBER , 1994, by the following the City Council on the 11th day Of vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, KuIchin, Nygaard, I NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (SEAL) (g&&.s A ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk\ W m , EXHIBIT A CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKING VIOLATIONS CVC SECTIONS DESCRIPTIONS PENALTY Regisuation/wrong vehicle 100 44.62 @) 5201 Positioning of plates 25 5204 (a) Tabs 25 9400 Commercial vehiclehveight fees due 75 21113 (a) Vehicle or animal on public grounds 25 21211 Bike lane 35 22500 (a) Intersection 25 Crosswalk 25 Red curb 25 25 Fire station driveway Driveway 25 Sidewalk 25 Obstructing traffic 25 25 Double parking Bus zone 250 Bridge 25 275 Blocking disabled zonehurb cut Fire lane 35 22502 18" from curb/wrong way parking 25 22514 Fire hydrant 25 225 16 Locked vehicle/passenger inside 35 225 17 Open/close doors m traffk 35 22520 .5 Vending from freeway 35 22521 Less than 7.5 ft. from R.R. tracks 25 22523 Abandoned vehicle 100 23226 Store open container/passenger comp. 35 23333 Stop/park in vehicle crossing 25 24003 Vehicle with unlawful lighting device 25 24401 Dimmed fighe on parked vehicles 30 24604 Lamp or flag on projections 25 24607 Reflectors on rear 25 24608 Reflectors on front and sides 25 25250 unlawful flashing lights 30 25251 Flashing lights required 30 25300 Warning device/disabled, parked vehicle , 30 26451 Set parking brake 25 27155 Fuel tank caps 25 Plates (frontback required) 25 5200 (b) (c) (4 (e) (f) (g) (h) ; Tube or tunnel 25 (k) (1) 22500.1 22507 .8 Disabled person spaceblocking access/on lines 330 225 15 Unattended vehicle 25 22520 Stopping on freeway 25 22522 3 ft. from handicap ramp 275 22526 Blocking intersection 50 W m EXHIBIT A Page two CMC SECTIONS DESCRIFVI'IONS PENALTY 8.28.040 Parking on private propertyho permission 50 10.40.015 (a) Unloadingfloading in unauthorized zone 35 Displaying vehicle for sale 35 Repairing vehicle in street 35 10.40.025 Angle parking infringing on markings 35 10.40.030 Adjacent to schools 25 ' 10.40.055 Posted no parking 35 10.40.065 Emergency only . 35 10.40.080 Angle parking 35 10.40.090 Curb markingslsafety zone 35 10.40.1 15 No parking m alley 35 10.40.125 Time limits in business district 25 17.04.020 Fire Lane 35 10.40.145 Not parked within marked spaces 25 10.40.151 Unattached trailers or semi-trailers 35 Municipal codes not listed 35 10.40.010 Parked m excess of 72 hours 50 (b) (c) Parallel with curb 25 10.40.020 10.40.035 Narrow streets 25 10.40.075 Commercial vehicles m residential 35 PENALTY INCREASE Double after 30 days except penalties of $250 or more which are + $10 after DW hold is placed. 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