HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-10-18; City Council; 12908; Mobilehome rent control Ord defense donation+v UTY OF CARLSBAD - AWDA BILL 66 AB # 12 9 og TITLE: CITY MTG. 10 ’j g-9 y MOBILE HOME RENT CONTROL ORDINANCE DEPl r- DONATION TO DEFEND CARLSBAD IDEPT. CM I I CITY I I I ~~~~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept donation of three checks totaling $13,500 from Lanikai Lane and Rancho Carlsb; home parks and the Golden State Mobile Home Owners League for the purpose of defe City of Carlsbad Mobile Home Rent Control Ordinance. ITEM EXPLANATION. Ms. Leslie Tanner, President of the Lanikai Lane Homeowners Association, has request( opportunity to present the City Council with checks totaling $13,500 for the purpose of d the City’s Mobile Home Rent Control Ordinance. The checks represent donations in thc amounts: Golden State Mobile Home Owners League $5,000 Lanikai Lane Homeowners Association $3,500 Rancho Carlsbad Homeowners Association $5,000 FISCAL IMPACT: These donations will assist the City in defending a legal challenge to its Mobile Home Re Ordinance. EXHIBIT: 1, Letter from Ms. Leslie Tanner, President of Lanikai Lane Homeowners Association. sa, z 0 F 0 Q; d 0 z 0 3 0 r” rm 0 0 LANIKAI LANE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 6550-30 PQNTQ DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 October 11, 1994 Ray Patchett City Manager 1200 Cxlsbad Village Drive Carkbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Patchett, At the October 18 council meetrng the Residents of Lanikai Lane and Rancho Carlsbad mobilehome parks and the G.S.M.O.L., would like to present the City of control ordinance for mobilehome parks. Carlsbad legal fund with the sum of $13,500.00. Thk contribution is to defend the rent We will have three separate checks in the following amounts: G.S.M.0.L $ 5,000.00 RANCHO CARLSBAD $5,000.00 LANKAI LANE $3,500.00 Please call me at (619) 438-8906 if you have any questions concerning this request. &- Leslie Tanner President. LT/mp L - ‘mii!!!@ ~obi/eboMe Ownem A//iame QP Cadsbad I From: The collective homeowners from Carlsbad’s mobilehome parks To: The City Council of Carlsbad Re: Legal defense of Carlsbad’s rent stabilization measure “‘2 ~:.&. ,,?,/ y Because of this city council’s recognition of a problem, and their courageous act of voting to E measure to pass that has the potential to “level the playing” between the land owners and homeowners in mobilehome parks, all taxpayers have been threatened with legal challenges. We recognize the mobilehome owners responsibility not to be a burden on the taxpayers of C: To relieve the general taxpayers of Carlsbad from the total cost of the defense of rent stabiliza once it is approved by the electorate, the homeowner investors in Carlsbad’s mobilehome par embarked upon a plan to support and contribute to any legal costs that may occur. Carlsbad’s mobilehome owners have been successful in recruiting the Golden State Mobilehor Owners League, the largest California based consumer oriented organization, to lend it’s finar support as well as the legal advice from it’s Mobilehome Owner‘s Legal Strike Force. This stri force, with over 100 court victories, is made up of the most successful lawyers in the entire st, mobilehome law. We so stipulate that these monetary contributions, or any portion of these contributions, will n co-mingled or used in any way except on the legal defense of Carlsbad’s Rent Stabilization ord and that all, or any portion not used, will be returned to the contributors. The Golden State Mobilehome Owners League presents this check for $5,000 to the mobilehor owners of Carlsbad and stipulates that it shall be presented to the city of Carlsbad to assist in c legal defense of it’s rent stabilization ordinance. The Mobilehome Owners Alliance of Carisbad presents: GSMOL check for $5,000 Laniki Mobilehome Park homeowner’s check for $3,500 Rancho Carlsbad Mobilehome Park homeowner’s check for $5,000 p-J4#&4u” .I 2 .A/[ *-<-4 !/ L; / ;/= 7- q : 51- +- __ l~c;dz,&;?;. ",..&, [) . 22 )'? (F 46'. ,& i Ir' 4" d. .&- &/' &A, . 7 ? </. ;y' i / ,i "".. - ,,'? / i.' /:L, ,/; n' Pr' ' 7. /y,x27&,<c.L -. ,/&- /~flL-c;"+A z~4'77;-.y ""_. "". ;f i" .& L.' L , ..2 LC? 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Carlsbad Mayor and Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Having written to you previously with our views on Mobilet park rent control, we now wish to commend you for taking the nc action in passing the measure. You took the side of the great majority in this issue and surely deserve proper accolades. Unfortunately, we have not had the opportunity to read the details of your rent control, but it certainly must be better t our current situation whereby rising rents have driven many of us into a terrible dilemma: to sell homes at a great loss or tc move them elsewhere at great expense. Please note that a modest decrease in rents will not solvc the above problem for many people. If that is the case in your plan, we wonder if this can be modified before enactment. Again, we thank you for your consideration of our needs; trust that your diligence will persist in this ongoing concern of all of us. Sincerely, Mr/Mrs. Qh&7-7&" Win Kelles 5192 Don Rodolfo Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 C: City Manager Ray Patchett City Clerk Lee Rautenkranz RCMOA Board of Directors "