HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-10-18; City Council; 12909; Aviara Planning Area 26 Southr‘TY OF CARLSBAD - AGF”YDA BILL AB# @,404 TITLE: DEPT. HD. &# MTG. l”/18/94 DEPT. ,/AVlARA PLANNING AREA 26 SOUTH - CT 90-36(A) PLN 4, RECOMMENDED ACTION: Both the Planning Commission and staff are recommending that the City Council ADOPT City Council Resolution No. 01 q- a% APPROVING an amendment to Planning Commission Resolution No. 3305 allowing three foot retaining walls within the sideyard setbacks of tract CT 90-36. ITEM EXPLANATION The Planning Commission at its September 7, 1994 public hearing recommended approval 6-O to amend its Resolution No. 3305 to allow three foot retaining walls within the sideyard setbacks of tract CT 90-36. The original tract approval restricts retaining walls to 2 feet within the sideyard setback. However, since CT 90-36 was approved, other tracts within the Aviara Master Plan have been approved with successful designs using a three foot retaining wall height. Allowing an additional one foot of retaining wall within the sideyard will not adversely affect the integrity of the Aviara Master Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Assessment of the action indicates that there will not be any adverse impacts associated with the proposed amendment. Therefore, the Planning Director has determined that a previously issued Negative Declaration is applicable and the action is in PRIOR COMPLIANCE with that Negative Declaration. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with the action. GROWTH MANAGEMENT STATUS The action will have no effect on Growth Management. EXHIBITS 1, City Council Resolution No. 94-296 2. Locat ion Map 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3705 4. Planning Commission Staff Report, dated September 7, 1994 5. Excerpts of Planning Commission Minutes, dated September 7, 1994. I h \ c 1 2 3 4 5 - RESOLUTION NO. 94-296 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO .PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3305 TO ALLOW RETAINING WALLS WITH A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF THREE FEET WITHIN THE SIDEYARDS OF CARLSBAD TRACT CT 90-36. CASE NAME: AVIARA PLANNING AREA 26 SOUTH CASE NO: CT 90-36(A) 6 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal 7 Code, the City Council did, on October 18 * 1994, hold a duly 8 noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said 9 request; and 10 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and 11 considering all testimony and arguments, analyzing the 12 information submitted by staff, and considering any written 13 comments received, the City Council considered all factors 14 relating to the tract map amendment; and 15 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City 16 Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 17 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 18 2. That the findings and conditions of Planning 19 Commission Resolution No. 3705, on file with the City Clerk and 20 incorporated herein by reference constitute the findings of the 21 City Council in this matter and that the amendment to Planning 22 Commission Resolution No. 3305 is hereby approved. 23 . . . . 24 l *** 25 l **- 26 l **- 27 . . . . 28 . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 18th day of OCTOBER , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis,, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnila NOES: None 5 ABSENT: None 6 7 8 9 /I ATTEST: 11-hats- Id- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clebk 12 II (SEAL) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -2- ;WNWW: : . . : : . . : : : (I s : 2-89 *A”‘: I,,,,,,,, I”“i AVIARA PLANNING -AREA 26(S) - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .lO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 - -- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3705 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3305 TO ALLOW RETAINING WALLS WITH A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF THREE FEET WITHIN THE SIDEYARDS OF CT 90-36 ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED EAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF KESTREL DRIVE AND BATIQUITOS DRIVE. CASE NAME: AVIARA PLANNING AREA 26 SOUTH CASE NO: CT 90-36(A) WHEREAS, a verified application for certain property to wit: A portion of lot 5 of the City of Carl&ad Tract No. 89-37 Aviara Phase II, in the City of Carl&ad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof No. 12697, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, September 16, 1992 EXMBIT 3 has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for approval of a revised Tentative Subdivision Map (previously approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. 3305) as provided by Section 20.12.120 of the Carl&ad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 7th day of September, 1994, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the Revised Tentative Tract Map Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. I / 1 B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission recommends / APPROVAL of revised Tentative Tract Map (CT 90-36(A)), based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: - ..- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Findims: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The project is consistent with the City’s General Plan and MP-177 since the proposed density of 2.10 dus/acre is within the density range of O-4 dus/acre specified for the site as indicated on the Land Use Element of the General Plan, and is at or below the growth control point of 3.2. The site is physically suitable for the type and density of the development permitted through Master Plan 177. The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of an appropriate condition to this project, ensured that the final map will not be approved unless the City Council finds that sewer service is available to serve the project. In addition, the Planning Commission has added a condition that a note shall be placed on the fmal map that building permits may not be issued for the project unless the City Engineer determines that sewer service is available, and building cannot occur within the project unless sewer service remains available, and the Planning Commission is satisfied that the requirements of the Public Facilities Element of the General Plan have been met insofar as they apply to sewer service for this project. School fees will be paid to ensure the availability of school facilities in the Carl&ad School District. Park-in-lieu fees are required as a condition of approval. All necessary public improvements have been provided or will be required as conditions of approval. The applicant has agreed and is required by the inclusion of an appropriate condition to pay a public facilities fee. Performance of that contract and payment of the fee will enable this body to find that public facilities will be available concurrent with need as required by the General Plan. Tbe proposed project is compatible with the surrounding future land uses since surrounding properties are designated for single family residential development or open space on the General Plan. The Planning Director has determined that the project is in prior compliance with EIR 83- 02(A) and the Mitigated Negative Declaration for CT 89-37 and the Negative Declaration for CT 90-36, on file in the Planning Department, and there are no additional significant adverse environmental impacts associated with this project, therefore no further environmental review of this project is required. The applicant is by condition, required to pay any increase in public facility fee, or new construction tax, or development fees., and has agreed to abide by any additional requirements established by a Local Facilities Management Plan prepared pursuant to Chapter 2 1.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. This will ensure continued availability of public facilities and will mitigate any cumulative impacts created by the project. PC RESO NO. 3705 -2- lo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 f S 1C 11 12 12 14 1t 1E 17 1e 1s 2c 21 2i 2: 24 2E 26 27 22 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. This project is consistent with the City’s Growth Management Ordinance as it has been conditioned to comply with any requirement approved as part of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 19. As discussed in the staff report, the grading for CT 90-36 substantially complies with the mass grading approved on the Aviara Phase II Master Tentative Map (CT 89-37). The Tentative Tract Map, CT 90-36, satisfies all requirements of Title 21, the Subdivision Ordinance and the State Map Act. As discussed in the staff report, the design of CT 90-36 is consistent with the intent of Master Plan 177. The project CT 90-36, is in compliance with the underlying Mello I and East Batiquitos Lagoon Local Coastal Programs. Three foot sideyard retaining walls will not adversely affect the street scene. Three foot sideyard retaining walls are consistent with staff policy regarding such sideyard walls. The use of three foot sideyard retaining walls in conjunction with floor plan designs which include sideyard patios may provide for additional usable outdoor space within the sideyard. Allowing three foot sideyard and two foot frontyard retaining walls at the discretion of the Planning Commission is consistent with other subdivisions within Aviara Master Plan Phase II. Conditions: 1. Condition No. 32 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3305 shall be amended to read: “Retaining walls within the sideyard setbacks shall not exceed three (3) feet in height, retaining walls within the frontyard setback shall not exceed two (2) feet in height and the location of all retaining walls shall be specifically approved by the Planning Commission during subsequent plan review”. 2. All other conditions of Tentative Subdivision Map CT 90-36 recommended by the Planning Commission to be approved by their Resolution No. 3305 and approved by the City Council remain in full force and effect. . . . . PC RESO NO. 3705 -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carl&ad, California, held on the 7th day of September, 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Savary; Commissioners Welshons; Erwin, Compaq Monroy and Nielsen. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Noble. ABSTAIN: None. CARLSBAD PLANNINd COMMkSION ATI’EST: I MICHAEL JxOLZk#ILLER PLANNING DIRECTOR PC RESO NO. 3705 -4- - APPLICATlclN COMPLETE DATE: EXI-WBIT 4 JULY 26, 1994 STAFF PLANNER - CHRISTER STAFF REPORT 0 2 DATE: SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: CT 90-36(A)/SDP 94-07 - AVTARA PLANNING AREA 26 SOUTH Request for an amendment to Planning Commission Resolution No. 3305, Condition No. 32, to allow sideyard retaining walls up to three feet in height and for approval of a Site Development Plan to construct 99 single family homes on subdivided lots within Planning Area 26 South in Phase II of the Aviara Master Plan. Planning Area 26 South is generally located east of the Batiquitos Drive and Kestrel Drive intersection, in Local Facilities Management Zone 19. I. RECOh’lMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution to No. 3705 and 3711, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL Of CT 90-36(A), and APPROVING SDP 94-07 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECI. DESCRIPTION & BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting approval of a Site Development Plan to allow the construction of 99 single-family homes in Aviara Planning Area 26 South, within Phase II of the master plan. A Site Development Plan is required according to Section 111(B)(2) of the Aviara Master Plan (MP 177(J)), which states that no building permit may be issued within any planning area without the prior approval. of a Site Development Plan, and condition number 25 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3305 approving CT 90-36, which reiterates the Master Plan requirement. The intent of the Site Development Plan is to ensure that all applicable development standards and design criteria of the master plan are incorporated into any proposed construction. The CT amendment is to allow three (3) foot high retaining walls within the sideyard setback. Aviara Planning Area 26 South is located within Phase II of the master plan, east of the Batiquitos Drive and Kestrel Drive intersection and takes all access off of Kestrel Drive. The planning area has been partially graded as part of an approved grading permit and has been subdivided into 99 single-family lots and 4 open space lots. CT 90-36(A)/SDP 94-07AVIARA PA 26 SOUTH SEPTEMBER 7,1994 PAGE2 The proposed single-family homes will range in size from 2,740 to 3,545 square feet and will include both one and two-story homes. As illustrated on Exhibits “Q” - “II”, dated September 7, 1994, the proposed architecture has elements of the classic Mediterranean style with tile roofs, wrought iron window grates and balustrades, barrel shaped entries with heavy wooden doors, exposed rafter tails, shutters and stucco exteriors. The units are arranged with varied front and side yard setbacks and building orientations which creates a more interesting street scene. All units have three car garages with a majority of those garages oriented towards the side. Two elevations are proposed with each floor-plan. Street trees and slope landscaping will be installed by the developer. III. A. B. C. D. ANALYSIS Is the proposal consistent with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan? Is the proposal consistent with the applicable sections of the Aviara Master Plan (MP 177(J)) and the Carlsbad Municipal Code? Are the Site Development Plan and CT Amendments consistent with the approved subdivision map (CT 90-36) for Planning Area 26 South? Will the proposal be properly related to the site, surroundings and environmental settings, not detrimental to existing or future uses, and not an adverse impact to the site, surroundings, or traffic circulation? DISCUSSION General Plan Consistency The proposed development is consistent with the various goals and objectives of the General Plan. The Land Use Element designates the property for residential land use at a low-medium density (RLM). The project’s density of 2.11 dwelling units per acre falls within the low-medium density range of 0.0 to 3.2 dwelling units per acre. Two objectives of the Circulation Element require adequate sidewalks and traffic safety measures for residential development. The proposed project will meet these objectives by including sidewalks on both sides of the street, the local streets are designed to meet all City Standards, and the proposed fencing would not interfere with intersection sight distance requirements. All public facilities would be in place prior to or concurrent with development, in conformance with the objective of the Public Facilities Element. By adding housing stock to the City’s housing inventory, the proposed single-family development is consistent with one of the goals of the Housing Element, which calls for the development of sufficient new housing to meet the City’s share of the total regional housing need. There is also an affordable housing agreement for the Aviara Master Plan - CT 90-36(A)/SDP 94-07 AVIARA PA 26 SOUTH SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 PAGE 3 which ensures the provision of affordable housing for the master plan. The master plan developer is participating in the provision of affordable housing units as part of the Villas Affordable Housing Project located on the west side of El Camino Real in Local Facilities Management Zone 21. As part of the approved subdivision (CT 90-36), open space lots have been established that protect coastal sage scrub and chaparral habitat on the intervening hillsides throughout the project site, therefore, the development is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Local Coastal Program and the Open Space and Conservation Element. Aviara Master Plan and Municipal Code Consistency The Aviara Master Plan contains most of the development standards and design criteria that guide development within Planning Area 26 South. In addition to the master plan criteria, the single family neighborhood is subject to the provisions of the R-l Single Family Residential Zone. The project’s street scene has been enhanced by turning most garages to the side and away from the street, and by enhancing the landscaping and facade along the building elevation facing the street. The project also conforms to the required development standards as follows: (1) (2) (4) (5) (6) (7) The rear yard setbacks conform to the 20 percent of the lot width standard; At a minimum, 24 of the homes have 24 foot front yard setbacks and the remaining homes will have, at a minimum, 20 foot front yard setbacks; Each lot will have adequate space for recreational open space; Two-story homes within the planning area are limited to the maximum height of 30 feet, and one-story homes to 22 feet in height; The architectural style is in keeping with the master plan design criteria, which requires rectangular building forms, varied massing, and stucco exteriors with clay tile roofs. The architectural elevations have also been approved by the Aviara Master Association Architectural Review Committee; All homes have garage space for three cars. The space is provided in either a double plus single configuration or a triple garage. There is minimal grading proposed along the perimeter and the planning area interior slopes will be planted with permanent landscaping approved by the subdivision map (CT 90-36). The project’s landscaping conforms to the provisions of the master plan and the City’s Landscape Manual by providing street trees and slope planting. Landscaping will be installed by the homeowners on the balance of the lots. The perimeter planting contains CT 90-36(A)/SDP 94-07 AVIAR4PA26 SOUTH SEPTEMBER7,1994 PAGE4 trees and shrubs that will accomplish screening, and fire suppression zones were established through the approved subdivision map. By incorporating these various aspects into the project, the Site Development Plan proposal has demonstrated consistency with the provisions of the Aviara Master Plan and the R-l Single Family Residential Zone. Consistencv with The Approved Subdivision Map The proposed construction of the 99 single family dwellings does not include any changes to the approved lot lines or infrastructural improvements required with this approved tentative map. To the greatest degree the proposal is in conformance with the approved tract map. However, the applicant has requested support for an amendment to one of the tract map conditions of approval. CT 90-36 Amendment (Al Condition number 32 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3305 for Tract 90-36 states that the maximum height of sideyard retaining walls may not exceed two feet. Staff is, however, recommending approval of the requested amendment to allow retaining walls up to 3 feet. Staff supports the use of the proposed retaining walls up to a maximum height of 36 inches because: they will not be visible from the street and will therefore not affect the street scene; staff policy is to allow up to a maximum of three foot retaining walls at interior locations; the additional foot of retaining will create more useful sideyards particularly for models one and four which have direct access to the sideyard; and restriction to two foot retaining walls is an inconsistency with the remaining planning areas in Aviara Phase II which are allowed the flexibility of exceeding two feet through the discretion of the Planning Commission. Proper Relation to Site and Surroundin= Aviara Planning Area 26 South is in the process of being graded and improved per the approved subdivision map (CT 90-36) and grading permit. The open space boundaries have already been established and all access points and internal circulation patterns have been set. The proposed construction of the homes on pregraded lots does not include any substantial changes to the existing grading plan, open space system, or circulation patterns. The single-family residential homes comply with adopted development standards. In addition, the homes would consist of a mix of one and two-stories and would incorporate a variety of setbacks, building elevations, materials, and roof lines. Since no substantial changes to the approved grading and circulation plans are proposed, and the buildings would vary in size, shape, and position on the lot, the proposed development in Planning Area 26 South is properly related to the site, surroundings, and environmental setting. The proposed single-family residential development will not be detrimental to existing land uses or to the land uses specifically permitted in the area in which the proposed project is - CT 90-36(A)/SDP 94-07 AVIARA PA 26 SOUTH SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 PAGE 5 to be located. The surrounding land uses are the same as the proposed land use (RLM and Open Space) and are consistent vvith the Aviara Master Plan and the General Plan Land Use Element. The proposed single-family development will not adversely impact the site, surroundings, or traffic circulation since Aviara Planning Area 26 South has been specifically designed for single-family development at a scale appropriate for minimum 7,500 square foot single-family lots. Iv. ENVIRONMENTALREVIEW In review of the proposed project the Planning Department has taken into consideration the Environmental Impact Report (EIR 83-02(A)) for the Aviara Master Plan and the Mitigated Negative Declaration that was completed in March 1991 for all of Aviara Phase II. The CT.amendment and the proposed Site Development Plan is consistent with the mitigation requirements of these adopted environmental documents and the appropriate mitigation measures have been incorporated into Planning Commission Resolution No. 3711. The site planning and construction of the 99 individual homes on already subdivided and rough graded lots and the allowance of three (3) foot sideyard retaining walls will not create additional significant impacts beyond what was already discussed and evaluated in the two existing environmental documents. The Planning Director has determined that the project is in prior compliance with EIR 83- 02(A) and the Mitigated Negative Declaration for Aviara Phase II on file in the Planning Department, and there are no additional significant adverse environmental impacts associated with the project, therefore, no further environmental review of this project is required. The Planning Director will send a Notice of Determination to the County Clerk upon approval of the project by the Planning Commission. V. SUMMARY The proposal meets all applicable development standards, and will not have any significant adverse environmental impacts, staff is recommending approval of SDP 94-07. A-ITACHMENTS 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3705 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3711 3. Location Map 4. Background Data Sheet ii: Disclosure Statement Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form 7. Exhibits “A” - “II”, dated September 7, 1994. qlm.JsT 8, 1994 CW:lh -_ BACKGROUND DATA SHEF CASE NO: CT 90-36(AYSDP 94-07 CASE NAME: Aviara Planninn Area 26 South APPLICANT: Tavlor Woodrow REQUEST AND LOCATION: &nroval of building elevations and buildinn siting for 99 single family homes. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A nortion of Lot 5 of the Citv of Carlsbad tract No. 89-37 Aviara Phase II. in the Citv of Carlsbad. Countv of San Dieno. State of California. according D to ma thereof No. 12 697. filed in the office of the Countv Recorder of San Dieno Countv, Sentember 16. 1992. APN: Acres 47 Proposed No. of Units 99 (Assessoh Parcel Number) GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation RLM Density Allowed 2.35 Density Proposed 2.11 Existing Zone PC Proposed Zone PC Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: (See attached for information on Carlsbad’s Zoning Requirements) zoninq Land Use Site PC Vacant North PC ‘SFR under construction south PC Vacant East PC Golf Course West PC Vacant PUBLIC FACILITIES School District Carlsbad Water District Carlsbad Sewer District Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity) 99 Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated June 27. 1994 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT - Negative Declaration, issued - Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated Other, Prior Comnliance C3V:lh of Carkbad D[SCLCSLRE ST.4TEMENT m--.- -.-. ,----.- --- - -- - ---- ;r+ii2 r’i ,<:I ” . -. na !e;iG.tdrm ey ;rdrma:ion ml;st be disclosed: Amiicant List :ne narn~s and acdresses of all perso;ls havir;g a iinancial kItWeSt in the appiicatim. -1 nr J&mskQwtlnmes.. -._-.- -- “- -- ---- 24461 Ridge Route Drive -- Suite 100 -- Laguna Hills, CA 92653 .--. -- z. Owner --..--... Lisr :ht f:a",~S 317d it;drfSS03 Cf ?!I pWjC?3 ha*4kg a:?y ownershiD intwest in ths ;rcpeq ir:t;:!*.*.:< .---- -_-_ w---.-e --- .- -. --- --- --. -^- -.-- .v-- --A- --- ? i ,f any pe:scir identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a cornoration or partnership, Zst icg !?x?z; z:: sZ3resses of al! individuals cwning more than 10% of the shares in ihe :oqoraUon or owmn~ zr+ ZFL~TT~Y 2 lrterest in ;he ?aftnersnlp. Richard Pope JeffreGoster - Adrian Foley -.-.-..---- -- -"- ---- -- - mm_-. SnmeB- -.- ---_I- 4 f .my perrcn ~dsn%~ pursuant’to (1) or (2) above is a rick-profit organitz:.ion if a trust. list the f,a.T’dz 2:: , aclresses cf any iierson serving 25 cK.:a: ar directa; ctf !ha non-prcfi: CfgaIXaLiOn ~i as trusts-s cr be:?e?~~:z~. cl ifb trus1. --w-e-...“--“- *.- - i”-l-.“--- .--.- ---c- ---- -- -- -.-, ,, -__- .---P-P- ---. ---- 2375 Las F.3lnras Dr;ve l Car!sDad. CdlltCrnla 92QGf-43fS - (619) GrjR-1 : r: 1 Disclcsure Statement Page 2 5. Have )ICU had acre than $250 woflh of business VansacTed with any member cf City stat! ___, -i 2”-J.-” Commissions; Ccmmftees and Council wlthm the past twelve months? Yes - No -x, If yes. ptease indicare person(s) m 18 ddifWd 44: ‘Any 1nd1vdu4l. tirn. COpaMWSnlD. ~01ntVant’Jra. UaOCtaUOn. SOCd Club. fratWfml Oq&mtat~On. cotpOrS~,On. SSiSl, :,.-St, m*w*f. syna1c410, thm ma any oIn4r :ouny. c4q an4 couny. cy munmp4r*. amma of 0th~ pomca IU~WI~IO~. or my 01h*f pc-0 -;c :omcm4uon acting 4a l unn .(NOT& Attach additional pages as necessary.) Signature of Owner/dare Pm of ryp6 name of cwner Signature of applicarn/dare -wti f%q- -- Pm or rypa name of appkant l GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM IDCAL. FACXLITES MPACXS ASSESSMENT FORM (To be Submitted with Development Application) B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: CT90-36cAVSDP 94-07AWWAPLANNlNGAREA26 SOUTH LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: 19 GENERAL PLAN: RLM ZONING: Planned Communitv DEVELOPER’S NAME: Tavlor Woodrow ADDRESS: 24461 Ridge Route Drive - Larmna Hills CA 92653 PHONE NO: (714) 581-2626 ASSESSOEZ'SPARCELNO: QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): 47 AC/99 DU ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage = Library: Demand in Square Footage = Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) Park: Demand in Acreage = Drainage: Demand in CFS = Identify Drainage Basin = (Identify master plan facilities on site plan) Circulation: Demand in ADTs = (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = Open Space: Acreage Provided - Schools: (Demands to be determined by staff) Sewer: Demand in EDUs - Identify Sub Basin - (Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan) Water: Demand in GPD - 195.82 .733 N/A N/A 990 2&4 N/A N/A 99 N/A 2178 The project is 11 units below the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance. \1 -!XAFT EXHIBIT 5 PLANNING COMMISSION September 7,1994 PAGE 5 Commissioner Compas agrees with Commissioner Erwin. Mr. Grim read aloud the wording of a new condition for restoration of the site, as follows: Upon termination of the use, the site shall be restored to a condition acceptable to the property owner and the Planning Director. Commissioner Monroy is concerned about the wording of the new condition. He would like to know who has the final say, the property owner or the.Planning Director. Mr. Grim stated that the condition could be reworded, as follows: Upon termination of the use, the site shall be restored to its preexisting condition, to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. Commissioner Monroy feels that the property owner should be the one ruling, rather than the Planning Director. Chairman Savary requested a legal ruling. Rich Rudolf, Assistant City Attorney, stated that he would suggest the condition match the requirement in the lease. He suggested the following wording: Upon expiration or earlier termination of this extension of the CUP, the property will be returned to its prior state, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the lease. Commissioner Monroy can accept that wording. Commissioner Erwin requested that the applicant indicate if he agrees or disagrees with the new condition. Dr. Moser and Kathleen Wellman both indicated their agreement by a nod of the head. ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner Welshons, and duly seconded, to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 3704 approving CUP 91-l 0x1, based on the finding and subject to the conditions contained therein, including the following revisions: (1) change Condition #l of Resolution 3704 to read “homeless males” instead of “migrant workers”; (2) add a new condition requiring restoration of the site as stated by the Assistant City Attorney; and (3) change Condition #4, line 5, to state that the permit may be extended for a reasonable period of time not to exceed one (1) year. VOTE: 6-O AYES: Chairman Savary, Commissioners Compas, Erwin, Monroy, Nielsen, and Welshons NOES: None ABSTAIN: None 2. CT 90-36(A)/SDP 94-07 - AVIARA PLANNING AREA 26 SOUTH - Request for an amendment to Planning Commission Resolution No. 3305, Condition No. 32, to allow sideyard retraining walls up to three feet in height and for approval of a Site Development Plan to construct 99 single family homes on subdivided lots within Planning Area 26 South in Phase II of the Aviara Master Plan. Planning Area 26 South is generally located east of the Batiquitos Lagoon and Kestral Drive intersection, in Local Facilities Management Zone 19. Christer Westman, Associate Planner, reviewed the background of the request and stated that Planning Area 26 South was first described in the Aviara Master Plan and then it was subdivided under CT 90-36. A condition of both the master plan and the map required that specific architecture return to the Planning Commission and be subsequently reviewed and approved under a Site Development Plan (SDP). The builder, Taylor Woodrow, has proposed four different floor plans, three of which are 2-story. Each plan has a three car garage, most of which are side-loaded. The architectural style is consistent with the Aviara Master Plan with many enriching details. He directed the Commission’s attention to exhibits posted on the sideboard. There are two different elevations for each floor plan. Associated with the SDP, the applicant has requested that the Commission approve an amendment to the original CT 90-36 allowing 3 ft. retaining walls within the side yard setbacks. Several findings have been included in Resolution No. 3705 to support the requested amendment. He directed attention to staff memo dated September 7,1994 which MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION September 7,1994 PAGE 6 adds a new condition to Resolution No. 3711 approving SDP 94-07, and a correction to Finding #9 of Resolution No. 3705. Staff recommends approval. Commissioner-Erwin inquired how many single story homes would be in the project. Mr. Westman replied that there was a minimum requirement which the applicant has complied with. Commissioner Erwin inquired if his calculations are correct that there will be a total of 26 of the 99 lots with a sideyard retaining wall higher than 2 ft. and 16 of those with a 3 ft. wall. Mr. Westman replied that this is correct. Chairman Savary invited the applicant to speak. Adrian Foley, Taylor Woodrow Homes, 24461 Ridge Route Drive, Laguna. Hills, California, addressed the Commission and stated that he agrees with the staff report and can accept the conditions as presented. He would be happy to answer questions. Commissioner Erwin inquired how many single story homes would be in the project. Mr. Foley replied that there will be 22 single story homes. Commissioner Compas inquired what other work Mr. Foley’s company has done in North County. Mr. Foley replied that this will be their first project in North County. They have many projects in other areas of southern California, including Temecula which is in Riverside County. Chairman Savary opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. There being no other persons desiring to address the Commission on this topic, Chairman Savary declared the public testimony closed and opened the item for discussion among the Commission members. ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner Compas, and duly seconded, to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 3705 and 3711, recommending approval of CT 90-36(A), and approving SDP 97-07, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein, with the inclusion of the staff memo dated September 7, 1994 containing a new condition to Resolution No. 3711 and errata to Resolution No. 3705. VOTE: 6-O AYES: Chairman Savary, Commissioners Compas, Erwin, Monroy, Nielsen, and Welshons NOES: None ABSTAIN: None 3. PCD 94-02 - DAVIS RESIDENCE RELOCATION - Request for the relocation of a 1,600 s.f. single story house onto a vacant lot located near the terminus of James Drive, north of Basswood Avenue in Local Facilities Management Zone 1. Michael Grim, Assistant Planner, reviewed the background of the request and stated that the applicant is requesting approval of the relocation of a 1,600 s.f. single-story home to a vacant lot located near the terminus of James Drive, just north of Basswood. The Building Ordinance of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requires that any request to move a structure must be approved by the Planning Commission prior to the relocation. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure compatibility of the structure within the new neighborhood and to confirm that it conforms to all of the zoning requirements. As discussed in the staff report, staff feels that the home will blend nicely in the new neighborhood. Garages are required for all new single family homes in Carlsbad and the applicant will be building a 2-tar garage with a workroom attached. The garage will be accessed directly off James Drive, which may necessitate a new curb cut. The project meets all zoning requirements regarding setbacks, building coverage and separation, building height, and roof pitch. Staff therefore recommends approval. Chairman Savary invited the applicant to speak. MINUTES . PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Oiego I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of Blade-Citizen ihe City of Oceanside and the North County J;dil district with substantial circulation in Bonsall, Fall Leucadia, Encinitas, Cardiff, Vista and Carisbad, of San Diego, and which newspaper has been ac a newspaper of general circulation by the Superil Court of the County of San Diego, State of Califo under the date of June 30, 1989, case number 1’ that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has beer published in each regular and entire issue of saic newspaper and not in any supplement thereof or following dates, to-wit: Oct. 7, 1994 1 certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Oceanside,Cali!omia. this -day 7 of Oct. 1994 This space is for the County Clerk’s Filing Stamp Proof of Publication of Public Hearing a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published daily in the Citv of Oceanside and aual NOTICE IS HEREBY 4IVEN’that the Ctty Council of the City of W&d will hokl’i p&f& Mar& rt the City Coundl Chsmbsrs, 1269 Carlsbxl4lllags @s, Carlsbad, @l@hmla; at 6:66 p.m., en T&asfJ&,Octbir l&1994, toconskkra requestfor appiwalda dsad’TfAatiw~vlsion Map,to altbWthm-foot retai~~~swwdnthe~~sttttMdcsofplannl~krea26,~ulfi,Inphase~~of~Aviara~ Plan, on property 9eneraUy loaeted~east qf th Bat@&8 DriMand Kestrel Drive ii@wxtort, In Local Facilltlss Management Zone 19, and mew particul4~ *rIbW as BLADE-CITIZEN Legal Advertising -. 1722 South Hill Street P.O. 80x 90 Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 433-7333 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CT 90-36(A) - AVIARA PLANNING AREA 26 80UTH NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 p.m., on Tuesday, October 18, 1994, to consider a request for approval of a revised Tentative Subdivision Map, to allow three-foot retaining walls within the sideyard setbacks of Planning Area 26 South, in Phase II of the Aviara Master Plan, on property generally located east of the Batiguitos Drive and Kestrel Drive intersection, in Local Facilities Management Zone 19, and more particularly described as: A portion of Lot 5 of City of Carlsbad Tract No. 89-37, Aviara Phase II, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 12697, filed in the Office of the San Diego County Recorder, on September 16, 1992. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Christer Westman, in the Planning Department, at (619) 438-1161, extension 4448. If you challenge the revised Tentative Subdivision Map in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues raised by you or someone else at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office at, or prior to, the public hearing. APPLICANT: Taylor Woodrow Homes, Ltd PUBLISH: October 7, 1994 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL - ROBERT A 6 DEBORAH BASS ROBERT C & LINDA ALLEN 1021 IRIS CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 DAVID W & VERLEE FREEZE 1023 IRIS CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 ’ 1019 IRIS CT - CARLSBAD CA 92009 MARIO 8 MOLLY DRENTEA 1025 IRIS CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 DAVID A 8 KERRI YOUNGDALE 1027 IRIS CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 MICHAEL P & JULIE LUKE 1029 IRIS CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 LENARD S & DEBORA ELIAS 7209 DAFFODIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 EDWIN A DUSEL 7211 DAFFODIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 CHRISTOPHER J & BARBARA ROSS 7215 DAFFODIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 DON BROWN 7219 DAFFODIL PL CARLSBADCA 92009 GERALD C & ADELHEID WILLIAMS 7217 DAFFODIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 LARRY E BRUNNER 7221 DAFFODIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 ALLAN J & BARBARA LAHMANN 7218 DAFFODIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 JEFFREY R & SUSAN WENZEL 7222 DAFFODIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 JOHN C SULTON 7220 DAFFODIL PL CARLSBAD CA Q2009 ANTHONY D 8 KATHY ROSS 7216 DAFFODIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 FRANK8 HERMINE CARRILLO 7214 DAFFODIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 LARRY W 8, MARTA JONES 7212 DAFFODIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 STEVEN T 8 TRACI LIBBY 7210 DAFFODIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 HARRY F & DORIS LAVAY PO BOX 428 RAMONA CA 92065 WITT W & ROSEMARY ROWLETT 7206 DAFFODIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 LEROY PATTERSON 1015 IRIS CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 TAYLOR R 8 VIRGINIA CLAWSON 1013 IRIS CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 JOHN R & CHRISTINA FAIRES 1017 IRIS CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 JIM T LONG DALLAS S & KATHLEEN SMITH AVIARA LAND ASSOCIATES LIMITED 450 NEWPORT CENTER DR 304 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 1011 IRIS CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 13560 NOGALES DR DEL MAR CA 92014 AVIARA LAND ASS dD AVIARA MASTER ASSOCIATION 2251 SAN DIEGO AVE A250 SAN DIEGO CA 92110 --. AVIARA LAND ASSOCIATES LIMITED 2011 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 208 CARLSBAD CA 92009 AVIARA MASTER ASSN 2011 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 206 CARLSBAD CA 92009 Adrian Foley Taylor Woodrow Homes, Ltd. 24461 RidgeRoute Dr., St.100 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Jack Hill Hunsaker & Assoc. 10179 Huennekens St. San Diego, CA 92121 AVIARA LAND ASSOCIAT LIMITED ii+? / FACILITIES FOR CITY CLERK CITY OF ENCINITAS 505 S VULCAN AVE ENCINITAS CA 92024 LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DIST 1960 LA COSTA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92009 CALIF DEPT OF FISH & GAME 330 GOLDENSHORE #50 LONG BEACH CA 90802 SAN DIEGO COUN7Y PLANNING 5201 RUFFIN RD STE “B” SAN DIEGO CA 92123 _----.- ._.. ------ 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-l 989 Dr. George W. Mannon, Superintend&t of Schools Carlsbad Unified School Dist. 801 Pine Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 . - T . ,J, , . ,, ‘.- ~ ’ 4.: _.. > .‘; . . . . 1 : .: *‘, ._ , 2 ,‘I i i : ‘1 1 .i 4 i 1 I 1 I I / :,, . I.‘,’ ‘, .; t ! ,,’ ..’ I, .o .I , . . -.: : i’ . ; >. I ,. ; ; .“, j ” i:, (, ,... i ,. ., ,‘. ‘. ;’ : ‘I. 2 !. I I. i ‘. .. t , ” ,’ % ‘. , i I f c 7-i a k -y f-~ei12/94 Page No. T I 1 b( + &: 58: 5.2 * -_ “FATCO” Farm Data iisfing c c:ourt;esy QC Fir-, . f A--3Fican Title Inscrrance Company - - ~.. ..^- _--em .--.------- --.- ” ---- ---- _ .-- -____ “““._ w-.-w _ _-- ---e---w ---..--- ------a-- ._- ._ ; ‘.. p’: 214-4&&05 OWNER GOBERT A ?J. DEhc%H BASS PTAl_ :.r::R. 1019 IRIS CT CARLS3AD CA 92CGY SIT: :il:fi. ;Lo1,9 IRIS CT ZARLS3AD CA 92GG9-GGCO ‘,‘--It’JE: 613,.‘y31-Ql 12 ZONING: CAR1 POOL: GAR : ,‘P, 1 .‘[ y’. _ _ i 79 St3 FT: 3205 LT SZ 13oc3 WNLTS: 1 DEB,, BATH: 413. i> i.1.. .- / rYrt.-:r Dy TEANS .&MT% 0 ASSD VALB 25.4, 891 IMP: 79:: I i . re,2 0 LENDER: :-CAN TYPE: “,. . . c -. ‘2%. CJ i;!SE ::ODE: 51.~ 412 Residence 7RAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: - . ” . _.” -e-w--.- ---.--- -._--- _. .- --.- --- “” ---- __-.- ---w-.--o ----- - --“- -_.- _-_----w-e .-.- -._- ;, 1: ’ , * 2’1 dj.-q(J~~.-(~& i%.‘E!ER RO3ERT !: 4: L I r.!1;r; ALLEN ;.:A f _. :. y)-#: IQZ!i IRIS CT CARLS3AD C4 92GG9 3 1 j-- ,.. 3; 1021 1 R I S C T CARLSBAD CA 92009-C0Z~=! ..‘,_ ,r;E. /,J ZONING: CAR1 POOL: GAP : 2 ‘. . : i-r 79 :3:2 FT: 1,585 LT sz. 11896 WNI TY: 1 BE.C (’ BATH: 3 /2, ii: J-.)24.., ;I ST’, 11 i..3r-,,‘78 TRAtJ.5 %riT$ 0 ASSD !‘kLB i 14,962 IMP : 7G5: 1 : :- T L?$. 0 ,_-F:rsjDER : LOAN TYPE: 2! :. J-iJ$, 0 - \-? s f _ :;OC!E: S:.-gle Resrdence IRAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: -- ” . . . _-_--- .-- -._-- --__-_ -.. ” ..- .” .._--- ...” _----__-_.---- I ” _--m----WV-.. -.-.--.------“_.--.-- _; +A& .,;. rz 1 ‘J- ;r .- *; DR .L -,~fiJE. y; ‘: ,:;r * ‘- r’R(q?“S z:T 1 t- ._ 73% ;r-,:.., y-c,9 -. 2 14-&IJ-t27 QWNER SAVXD I,+! ?,, VERLEt FREEZE 102J IRIS CT CARLSBAD Cc: 92009 1023 IRIS CT CARLSDAD Ck 92Uc)9-GGC~O 6 19 / 438-946 4 Lc?NING: C&R1 POOL : GAP. : 79 Sii FT: 1975 LT 2: 11796 UNITS: 1 BED,: BATH: 4/2. (3 02:’ :, 7 :.89 TRAP!S WIT% 255, :X0 ASSD VPL$ 255, GC)!:! IMP: 52::; 155, 000 !-EfJBER: HO??E FED 3Afi&4. LOAN TYPE : 0 {j s i>; ::ODE: Sj -;le Residence ‘IRAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: L’AR -..-.-- - .I -.- - ." ._--.--__ __-- . _.."--_--- _."." "_ --___a...._--em - _--.- -----."--------__-.--_- . :.-',! @ 214-4r?l2-Cc3 l%NER ‘?AR IO &. MOLLY DRENTEA MI”, ?,L:R, 102.y IRIS (2.j” CARLSBAD CA 92GG9 TIT-:: ‘DR: 10” c-8 IRIS CT CARLSBAD CA 920Q9-GQQG ,-- - :jy:dE: &19.:‘43i-o1J71 ZOWNG: CARi POOL: GAP: ‘k,‘f? . T.’ ‘LT. _ 79 S(3 FT: 1485 LT SZ. 10698 WNIT3: 1 BED/BATH: 312. 0 f )z( (q :. .;. DT. 1 2 ,rc 1 1 :j' 7 8 TRAPJC! ?MT% 0 ASSD $‘&L$ 11~5, 2-52 IMP: 7G% 1 .y - T-00. 0 ‘LENDER : LOAN TYPE: 2.‘. 72% 0 IaGE-: i: ODE : Sirrgle Residence 1RAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: -- ” ..--.- _-e---w_ --I ---- - ^.._ - _--_ ------ .“-A---,------, “---- ----_--_“.------------.v- -’ . :.,- ; a, 214-4Q2-09 OWNER DAVID 4 %. KERR I YOUNCDALE Hr.. -.g&. 1027 IRIS CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 .;I r.:; Gzp. 1027 IRIS CT CARLSBAD CA 92009-GGOG :. .“):;p;E ” - ‘,,‘f? 1:: 4 7 . .- 79 ;O FT: 1766 ZONING: CAR1 POOL,: GAR : LT SZ. 12096 UNI’IS: 1 BfD,:‘BATH: 3/2. :3 7 I 9 j.. *, ..* ! n ,‘1 . . . 3 ” 06/G5/92 TRANS .4MTB 235, :ZGG ASSD VAL$ 239, 702 IMP: 42:‘; 1 :- “’ 72% 177,250 LENDER : COUNTRYLJ I DE FUND LOAN TYPE: 2:. :‘ iC;$ 0 .USE CODE: S~-?sle Residence IRAN TYPE: RkTE TYPE: FIX - ” ._ . ..-.““_ ----.- -----e-w-- ” -- . . ..----- “.“-----w--w---- _ _- --- ----.- - _.--------s----v _ :a.,! #: 214-4&+lc) d-h:: i&DR: 1029 IRIS CT OWNER: MICHAEL P % JkLIE LUKE CARLSBAD CA 92QQ9 SiTg- &DR: i(J29 IRIS CT CARLSBAD CC; 92009-GQGU C +,zNE: i - ZONING: CAR1 POOL: Y GAR: YR E!.-:Iil-: 79 SQ FT: l&B5 LT SZ: 14596 UNITY: 1 BED/BATH: 312. 3 :‘iiR”~5 ET, 08/U9/93 TRANS AMT$ 26c, CGG ASSD VALB 163, 920 IMP : &&?: 131‘ TO8 234, 000 LENDER : MiSSION HILLS MG LOAN TYPE: 3,; T'D!& # USE CUDE: Single Residence ‘IRAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: FIX -- ” - ._.___._-- -....---e----w- -.--.--.---------------------- . . _----_ ----.------------ _I...” - Oata herein believe.1 to be .s,zcurate but no uarranties are implied. 23471 :>.a/ i 2/94 Page No. 2 i la3 !:f?: 58: 5.3 “FATCO” Farm Data Listing !Zourte-,q 04 First A,r.gr ican Title Inscrranre Ccmp.anq -- -. - ---e----w- --.- ----_-.-- ---e-e-.--- -_-._ - __________- -- ._ --. - ---__ _ __._.______________ 1 -- :.. # -1 214-402-28 OWNER -ENARD S 2: DEBi:f?A ELIAS -TAf.+ ADi?: ?2(:+ DAFFODIL l=i.. CARLSBAD CA 92009 3 I l-t- -‘iDR.: 72!::4 DAFFOD IL FL CARLSBAD Ck 92GG9-OGGG ‘.-:::fQE: 61~:‘438-5cJ31 ZONING: CAR1 POOL : GAP. : 7% :--:ir- 79 SCJ FT: 2177 LT SZ 8097 UNITS: 1 BEDI’BATH: 3/2. G :Ef+--+ GT. o.g,Qq:‘79 fR,ANS riilT$ 0 ASSD ‘*:C;te 214, 629 IMP: 56% i 1. -- J-0$ () .-&DER: LC)AN TYPE: 2.. - _ TD$ 0 : ‘“F ._(’ -!- ,ZODE: S:rgle Residence IRAN TYPE: PATE TYPE: -- . . -. .- - -we.---.- ..-m-w-----.- ._ _.-- -.-. --.- ..-. --- -__ -- _-e- - .- - -- -___.___ -_----___-_ _- . . -*: *; 2 14 -&(32.->Q &I OWNER. EDWIN A DUSEL ‘55 I -2R. 7211 DAFFJDIL ?‘- CARLS3AD CA 92009 ‘3 1 T’ :c .I fi .q: 7211 DAFFOD I L F ._ CARLSDAD CA 92GG9-GGi:G :. . -NE ,j ZONING: CAR1 POOL: Y GAR : ‘, p ‘I - ; y . .- . . - 78 L; (3 FT. 240% LT SZ 6298 UNI! s: 1 BED’BATH: 4/2. \I ‘!‘R A.?.. (: CL?- : TRANS &M-l-$ G ASSD t,‘AL$ 263,614 IMP : 63% 1 : I- TD$ 0 I..ENDER: LOAN TYPE: 2’. I rc!+. fJ USE ::!JDE: Sl -gIe Residence IRAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: - -. _ --.- ---‘- ..-. .--- - --__- -- ._ -.-- ._-_ -. ._ --- - -_.____---.-_ _-_----- --..__... ----- w___ --_- :. I.’ rl 1: &+:I,. L.D& SIT_ TTDp. .q -,.-yp!E .J s -’ I I . . -J r: .- - - - .; %Af.;, Dr: i ;I :’ TQQ --I- -’ rDc& c -.. 214-4G2-:3;2 OWNER :HRESTOPHER J L BARBARA ROSS 7214 DAFFODIL CL CARLSBAD CA 92009 721 T DAFFUD It P’.. CARLSSAD CA 92GG9-OGGG ./’ ZONING: CAR1 POOL: Y GAR: 79 ;(3 FJ-: : 7b& iT Sz- 8398 UNITS: 1 BED./BATH: 3/2.0 a&/ zti/‘g-= Ti;lAf<: &MT$ 2,5,i:., ::ctJtJ ASSD VAL$ 292, 79E IMP: 57x Z(-‘J~, i>(Jcc :.F’qDER : VALLEY FED S;$:L LOAN TYPE: 0 idi +I, ,I :ZjJDE: Si?+Ie Residence ?RAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: FIX -. _ _ .- _.___, - __._ . . ..____-__ -__ . . ---.--- _.- -----_..-------- - ..---- ---- --bo1---1-- ----.- - . :- 7 ” # 21 .$-;.P,2-;3i UWNER !;ERALD C 5 ADk L:-tE i D WELL I Ati. fAr __ :,r&, 721 :I r;,ii,FF~Jfi f i km CARiSBAD CA 92#09 ; IT!.. - ;r’,s 7217 D~+FI=~JDIL pi.. CARLSBAD CA 92GG9-GGG{’ .- - .-, .: pJE bl.$,‘-q:~i+:~45f ZONING: CAR1 PCIOL: GAR : “83 . . 8. : . :-I- 79 si’i FT: 2472 I-T SZ 8799 UNffS: 1 BEDi:BATH: 412. iJ I’R$T’,, : D T TEAt4.S AMTB 0 ASSD bAL$ 319,261 1 .-: ‘b T 0 3. 0 LENDER : iOANIrgPE~3% 2’:; Tz$, 0’ v.si: CODE: Single Residence 1RAN TYPE: RATE TYPE; - _ - . _ _ --_---- _ -- .---_--- .- v-e --,- ------------------ _ ..---- ----- - - -_mw---------- -- :. :r.; &, *r . :: EG. -3 1: TC -. 754 2 ( _. . “,::qE Y’!? : _ : i r F,?‘,.{ c:?T 1 1 -. TQ$ 2.’ - _ TBB 214-4@-32 OWNER: DON 3ROCzN 721’9 DAFFODIL -L 7219 DAFFODEL ;‘L CARLSBAD CA 92009 \ CARLSBAD CA 92GG9-GGC6 6 15’ II’ 4.38-83&G ZONING: CAR1 POOL: GAR: 79 33 FT: 1 ljB5 LT SZ 9997 UNT.TS: 1 BED/BATH: 312. G 03,~‘27/87 TRANS AMTB 219s GO0 ASSD V4LB 245,624 IMP : 471: 197, !GG LENDER : Hs3t’E SAV AMER ICA LflAN TYPE : G USE CODE: Single Residence TRAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: FIX - -.. . ._ .-__ ----- .__-----__--- - _----_-._ -.-- ----- -.---- --- _----- -.---------.----s-w----- - , - . “ri +j: 214.-i&0,3-33 C)WNER: LARRY E BRUNNER ur;?I:_ +DR: 7221 DAFFODIL FL CARLSBAD C& 92GG9 .s I‘1 + qDR: 7221 DAFFODIL FL CARLSBAD CA 92GG9-GGGG :: WIJNE : r’R :>:.‘:t.j-: 79 &Q FT: ZONING: CAP1 POOL: Y GAR: 2108 LT SZ: 17998 UNITY: 1 BED/BATH: 4/3. -2 Tii&i.< DJ-: TRANS AMT$ 0 ASSD V.Li,L$ 238, 6krl IMP : 52% 12,: TD$ 0 LENDER : LOAN TYPE : ;??.‘;. TD$ () USE CODE: Single Residence 1RAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: -- _..... _-------.---------------- ---------m-w - . --- --e-e. ---- -------.-------------- Data herein believed to be accurate but no warranties .are implied. .’ - i?a*r G8/12/94 Page No. 3 ?-11s ? 09: 58: 53 *. “FATCO” Farm Data Listing - Courtesy ot? First Aze~icav Title In>urance Compsny -- -. .------._---l.--__----- . .._-- ----. - _- _________ m-m. -- - ---- -- - _-------__-- -- L-P; # 21 +&-Q-34 OWNER: :JEFFREY R S: SU’;:‘;N WENZEL WA?I.~ LiEff: 7222 DAFFODIL FL CARLSBAD CA 92009 SIT?. L.DR. 72’22 DAFFODIL Pt CARLSBAD CA 92009~OOC+ :: ._ :;NE: ,$1.~;‘438-53G4 ZONING: CAR1 POOL: Y GAR: ‘r’R Z _ :LT, 79 533 FT: 1766 LT SZ 11293 UNI‘;S: 1 BEDi’BATH: 3/a. 0 J‘R4”,($ ET, T-RANS AMTB 0 ASSD VkLB 183, 129 IMP: 57X 1 ;: -. TDB 0 :.ENDER : LOAN TYPE: 2’ -. - . . TS::B 0 USE: ::ODE: S~~.gle Residence ‘\:IAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: _ - _ _ ._- _-----. e--m- --__ --- . . --.--- -.__ ._---__ -- ._.--- - .-.-.--m---w-- .- _----.------- e---a ,. .2 1; # Z14-4!32-:35 OWNER _:OHrJ C SULTON #j&I __ ..c:g. 722!:: D&=‘FOD f L ;)*- CkRiS3AD CA 920/39 i;iJ”) r;pq. 72X DAFFOD IL c: L. CARLSBAD Cs; 92%)09-00GG s”.-,:$=: &1$,?~:38-483.3 ZONING: CARi POOL: GAR : ‘yfi - _ :LT’ 79 $33 FT: 2404 ‘L-l- s; 1 c1297 UN1-b: 1 BE!J a;‘BATH: 4 /2. q i i74y:+, ET : TPANS &MT’% 0 ASSD i?kLB 18.3, 447 IMP: 42x 1:‘. TDB 0 I.E:jDER : LOAN TYPE: 2”. :. TES 0 USE t:ODE: S>ri?j le Residence 7RAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: _- -. . . -.__._---..-_ -_--- -__-. --..- _.-__---- _.. -- WI--.._-._--- - _--- -----.--.---.----------- . * 1’1 #. .214-4CQ-3#5 UWNER: ALL4!,’ J %. 3ARb;??A LAHMANN ?tAf .- .‘.QR: 7218 DAFFODIL p’- CARLSBAD GA 92009 s I ‘J-” . &ES: 7218 DAFFODIL r”k CARLSBAD CA 92009-OOQC .: .#:yE : ,,” ZONING: CAti1 POOL : GAR : ‘r’jq 12.” ILT: 79 .SG FT: 1 ?a&, LT SZ 9596 UNIT3: 1 BED:,‘ BATH: 3/2. G .; Ri+n:,.) ET 07 ,“Q9,‘64 T’RANP 4MTS 0 ASSD ‘,‘AL$ 152, 41 G IMP: 9GX i ;z. - T D e 0 i-Er:DER : LOAN TYPE: ,- 2”. ., TCl$ 0 :iSE CODE: S::?sle Residence l%AN TYPE: RATE TYPE: - - ..- _-- _._---r.--.---------, -..------- .--.- - -e-w ..----- - _-_ _- .---- _._- ------v-w.--- -- :* I. . . .f # 2 14-q2-37 11WNER : :+NTHONY D ?.: KC:? HY ROSS ti$+l.... :.g+?’ 72 I t DAFFOD 1 i -‘t CARLSDAD Ck 92G’s9 31-f-;{ :-DR: 72La OAFFIJDIL Pi- CARLSBAD CA 920i)9-0000 -- --:.iyg;. &19,.‘4:38-185:~ zmmw CARi POOL : GAR :;‘t? 2 .., : i j- : 79 :si3 FJ-: 1685 i-J- sz 4999 WNITcj: 1 BED/BATH: 3/z. G ; ti;i;z-..;.: i-Jy-’ 1 g,;‘z9/.92 TRkr& 4MTB 257< 333 A.SSD i’AL$ 257, 500 IMP: S&X i$:! TDn- 193: 125 iENDER: [JS BANCORP MTG LOAN TYPE: 2‘. : . TC\B 29< ?cjCl i.jSE CODE : Sir:<le Residence !YAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: FIX - - . ..” ._----_ ..- -.-___-_ - ..-_- -_--_- ._.- - “_ - ____ --me. ---me -- ---_ --w---e-- --.-- -- ‘.’ , I. : #’ 214--4(-J2-38 OWNER. FRANK & HERMIt+ CARRILLO d-AI._ J?DR: 7214 DAFFODIL FL CARLSBAD CA 92009 ,517-: ,-LDR- 7214 DAFFODII FL CARLSBAD CA 92G09-DOOf:! ,. ..,,ZyE: -.. ,<” ZONING: CAR1 POOL: Y GAR: ‘.<‘H 1. ,. :‘ L y 79 33 FT: 2404 CT SZ. 8498 WNITS: 1 BEDiBATH: 412. G 1 )q 4! > :.: &CT. (J3,,‘30,,‘79 TRANS AMT$ 0 ASSD t!.;kLB 174, 193 IMP: 62X 1 :.‘I TES 0 LENDER : LOAN TYPE: ;2’.. :: 7-0s 0 USE CODE: SiFgIe Residence :zAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: -- -. .- __--_ _-----_-----__-_--_-.._---_- -.-_- - _-. ------_----. _---- ------.---------.------ ‘.:-‘..J #: 21.!$--4fJ2-3$ OWNER: LARRY W & MARlk JONES 1474 I :._ -%ER, 7212 DAFFODIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 SIT5 -‘+DR: 7212 DAFFODIL FL CARLSBAD CA 92009~DOGO SH;-?NE: ’ - ZONING: CAP1 POOL: GAP. : YR EG:LT: 79 ki FT: 1685 LT SZ: 7797 UNITY: 1 BED/BATH: 3/2. :3 -WA?--. ET: G3,‘30/83 TRANS AMT$ 143. !:GG ASSD i:AL$ 173,280 IMP: 55% 1.::: T1)$ 0 LENDER : LOAN TYPE: ~VJC TD$ 19, 910 USE CODE: Single Residence 12AN TYPE: RATE TYPE: FIX -- - .-_.--------_-----------.- - ..-------e---m -- w---w ..---- --------------------- Data herein believed to be .s,:c:urate but no warranties are implied. 7 i!afs 08/12/$4 Page No. 4 1‘1,ly’ 09: 58: 53 “FATCO” Farm Data Listing w Courtesy of First American Title Snsvrance Company - - .. .------------------.-.-.---------- --. -____ -w-e - me-- --_--_ -- --_--___.__.._ - ‘--2 #: 214-402-40 OWNER: STEVEN T 31! TRACT 1IBB) ?lAIi- .‘+DR: 7210 DAFFODIL PC- CARLSBAD CA 92009 YITC GDR: 7210 DAFFODIL PC CARLSBAD CA 92009-0000 6 “jj*fpjE : ,/ ZONING: CAR1 Pr30L: GAR : :,‘&’ ::.,;LT. 79 SG FT: 17&&l LT SZ 8298 UNI \S: 1 BED/BATH: 312.0 : HA:,-.? ET: 02i’lS/94 TRANS AMTB 249.c :OO ASSD ‘.‘4L5 143,962 IMP: 5Si’; 1 .r- \- ri3!& 199, 100 rE?:DER: PRGGENTIAL REAL Lr3AN TYPE: 2 c. : _. TD$. 0 USE i: )IljE : Single Residence IRAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: FIX - - . -w---e--.- --w-w-----. --. - _------. - --_. -- _ _-M-w I I--_ - --.__ -.-- _-_-__._.__._- ::‘-i #: 214-402-41 OWNER +ARRY F h DORIS LAVAY YAi.. r.rif?: PO BOX 4’28 RAMONA CA 72Oh-5 < 7: _’ r;cc)q : 720d DAFFS)D IL F’-. CARLSBAD CA 92009-OOC,::: .z. <Cf#jE, !’ ZONING: CAR1 PmlL: GAR : ,,” p . .L . . ‘-‘I r, 79 SQ FT: lS?S . . ..L. ‘LT S7 L 7997 UNITY: 1 BEDfBATH: 4,‘s. !J [ +?,!+-ii+, BT : TRANS AMT5 0 ASSD VAL5 159, 370 IMP: 5% 1.3” Toe 0 iENCER : LOAN TYPE : 2’.:1 TD* 0 tJC,E ZODE : S : :; 3 Ie Residence ‘IRAN TYPE: FATE TYPE: - _ ..- .--0 ---a---. -------.- I.._ _ _-- _-_ -.___- _--_-._. -._--. --.- “._. -- ----___._ -- ._---______I_- 2 “4 * ._ flAl-. ..5 DR : SIT:: 4&J?: 214-4’32-42 L7WNER. dITT- LI! 5: RUSE;“rr:<Y RUWLETT 7206 DAFFQD IL Pi- CARLSBAD CA 92009 7204 DAFFODIL pi CARLSBAD CA 92009-QOCi? 619/431-1804 ZOf\lING: CARi Pox: GAR : 79 93 Ff. 1635 LT S: 7797 UNIlS: 1 BED/BATH: 312. 0 06/‘30/88 TRANS 4MT$ 2 12 i QOO ASSD i:kL5 237,373 IMP: h,o:t; 193; 5ca LENDER: CONiOR FINANC I AL LOAN TYPE: 0 (J s ;--7 CODE: Sl?GIe Residence !RAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: ‘JAR -- - . . . ..-.. ---------_---.---_--- .-. .- -_._ -----._ ---_ _____ ---_ _-___ --_-.__ -- _________I.-- .-. :: -s”% #: 214-402-45 OWNER. LEROY PATTERS04 4.4 I -. :im?. 101’; IRIS CT CARLSBAD CA 92!009 s;ITE: .kD!G: 1015 ipI5 *CT CARLSSAD CA 92OG9-00~~~~~ _- <!:;f.& 6 14 ,/.433-2:3q 1 ZONING: CA POOL: CAR : :..R :-., li_T’ (-J s(Tj F’T: (2 LT SZ. 0 UNITS: 0 BED/BATH: O/i>, 0 ;KJ?,‘.:< Dr: TRANS ANT5 0 ASSD ‘c’AL5 0 IMP: O’/; I:-’ TDe 0 LENDER : LOAN TYPE: 2’. ;‘ TI3B 0 USE ::ODE : : RAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: -- -. __ .--.--w--w- _--_- ---- -- -._ - .-----.- ._ -- - -_-.__- --- . v--w- ------- -----a------ -- . . L - : j #: 214-4tJ~&4& UWNER “AYLCIR R :!+. VIRGINIA CLAWSrlN IAl... :;a?. 1013 IRIS CT CARLSBAD Ck 920.39 5fT:. .-bDR. 101’3 IRIS CT CARLSBAD CA 92W9-OO~SG . “- --::?qE. / ZWING: (-A a PcmL : GAR : >q 1 :{ l-. . -il. 0 &G FT: 0 LT SZ. 0 UNIi’3: 0 BfD,‘BATH: o/o. 0 : c;$q., 7 ST: 08,~i06/‘84 TRANS AMT$ 0 ASSD VAL5 0 I MP : 0% I.:.;‘:‘ J-p$ 0 LENDER : iClAN TYPE: 2!‘,.I. TBB 0 USE CODE: ! 2AN TYPE: RATE TYPE: - - ._. . ..-.- -m-w-.-_ _.._ ---m----m- .-._ -----e -..-. e-b - _ w-e_--- _ I--.._- v-e- ---------------- .- ‘J:.‘4 #: %AI,. &DR: 51 j-i .&DR: -=‘f;:zNE: ‘Y’F, :: t..’ f L r : THb,y<g CtJ-‘: 1 ,’ .s’ TD5 2’$~:, TD$ .- -._. -._--._w 214-402-49 OWNER. JOHN R 5: CHRISliNA FAIRES 1017 IRIS CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 1017 IRIS CT CARLSBAD Ck 92009-OOGG f - 0 *&3 FT: 0 ZONING’: CA PUSL: GAR : LT SZ: 0 UNI:S: 0 BED/BATH: o/o. 0 TRANS AMTB 0 ASSD i”PL$ 0 IMP: 0;; 0 LENDER : L.OAN TYPE: 0 USE CC)DE: 1 RAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: .----.-_------ - - - .- -.----- -v-m --w-s---.------- - ..-VW- ----... -. .---m---------v- Data hefein be!iQk,:t:j to be .a,:curate blJt no uaFranties .a~-8 implied -_ 33c m/12/94 Page No. 5 i-lne 09: 58: 53 *- “FATCO” Farm Data Listing . Cour tesq Q? first Anew ican Title Insvrance Company - -. . -.-.-----w--_- ---_ ---------------.- --- - -- -v-e - -a ----.-------------s-e- r::-“,i #: 214-402-50 OWNER M&f:- ZiDR: 1011 IRIS CT SIT:- 3DR: 1011 IRIS CT i:i-‘=f\ic-: ’ - y’++ 1; .- 1 j- ‘: 0 ;I3 FT: 0 LT SZ .i(q&.+ ,, ;; fJ<T : TRANS PMT$ 0 i :: TD,e 0 LE%DER : 2!d:, l-D% 0 if!ZE ;;0DE: ZALLGS S 3 KAT: I: EEN SMITH CARLS3AD CA 92003 CARLSBAD CA 92009-001X ZCNING: CA PQOL: GAR . 0 WN173: 0 BEDi’BATH: o/o, 0 ASSD ?‘CL$ 0 . IMP: OX iOAN TYPE: 1aAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: -- - - .___^ _-e - -. - .-- ---- .- - -- .--. - - .- ----- - -w-w - -w--w. ---- -----------w--e-- .t. r ‘-‘: #: 213-&.11-17 OWNER *JIM T LrllNG %I. r:?-JG: 135hi-j NaGALES TF) DEL MAR CA 92014 .z:I J-:-: o-;fif, A’JIARA DR CARLSBAD Cc*, -GO00 ,lmecm;f.JE :’ - ZONING: CAR 1 POOL: GAR : ‘Y’P. :I ;, : L f 0 i.13 F-j- (2 !,T s’z 22&S 1 UNI%i: Cc BED/BATH: o/o. 13 i’+$A”.,.‘~ DT’ 01 ,?‘31 ,‘92 TF AN5 A:MT$ 327‘; 500 ASSD i’ALB 3341 OX IMP: ox 1 .I:’ Y -J- D$. 0 LENDER: iClAN TYPE: 2’.:’ roe 0 usf CODE: Vs::r.;nt Land-res iYAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: - -...- . .------ --- ----- ---.. -- . -..-.-I..._--- -- _---__- _-_-em ..---- --- ----- -_-------__-- ‘;‘“J &. 21.5-&l I-18 !++I ‘-’ sGR : 45Q NEWPiJRT CjWNER AV I AR A LAbJD ASESC I AT&S L I t? I TED ;; [ T !.- CEp;TER DR ‘3,: ;i NE!J?‘ORT BL=hCH CA 92k.i: ,:; 5g : AV I APA DR CARCSBAD CA -0Oc3i) .- _ ..:;$r, 0 kf2 FT, ii ZONING. CAR1 PQOL: CAR : ‘y’f? 1:. . .’ f- T LT SZ. 0 UNIs3: 0 BED: BATH: o/o. 0 i-[i&i-: ET T?kfd=, 4MT$ 0 ASSD VC,L$ 81, 814 LI-.” TD$ 0 LENDER : 2:. 1’ ?D% 0 USE iODE: Vs:snt Land-res IRAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: - - .* - _e__. -- - -. --.-- -- -____. -. _ _. * .- ._-__ _ __ ._ - _-__ _- _ _--_ - _.---- e-e- ---v---v------ --- : , - -v: #z. 213-611-19 OWNER AVIARA LAND ASSOCIATES LIferTED <;&‘7EfJ DR 3.::<. NEWPORT EEACH CA 92660 -:1-j-.:.. 3.23, CARLS3AD CA -0003 ZCKIING: CAR1 POUL: GA!? : LT SZ. 0 UNI? S: 0 BEDfBATH: o/o. 0 TRANS AMT$ 0 ASSD t::kLB 81,814 IMP: 0 7; LENDER : LOAN TYPE: 2’-: ?-P.3 0 i!!SE ::ODE: V?+:rnt Land-res 1 HAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: -- . . -___---.--.-...----_---._. ._ _-._--- --- __._-_.-I_______ --- - _-_ - --WV --__ --.-----v---m--- :* li t(: 21%rjll-20 CIWNER. AVIARA LAND ASSQCIATES LIMITED CEN’-ER DR 3!?4 NEWPORT BE&CH CA 926&Z CARLS3AD Ck -0COO ZCINING: CAFl POUL: GAR : LT SZ. 0 UNITS: 0 BED/BATH: o/g. 0 TRANS AMT$ 0 ASSD VAL9 81,814 IMP: .dr. ;-, a, i ILENDER : LOAN TYPE: LSE CODE : ‘Jd.:ant Land-res 7 ?AN TYPE: RATE TYPE: - _ .- _.-- __---- -. __-- --__--m_ -.- ._-.--- -- -w-w- -....- ---a- .--.- --mm- -- --- .-------- - .-- ,::-‘-, *. 215tj12-32 CIWNER- AVIARA MASTER kSS0CIATION 531. h5k : 225 1 SAN D I EG13 FIVE A250 SAN DIEGO CA 92110 SITE &DR: BLACKRAIL CT CARLSSAD CA -0000 ‘e-::If$: - 0 & FT: 0 ZONING: CAP1 POQL : GAR : ‘r‘R 2 ‘-; i L J- : LT SZ. 1219244 UNI?S: 0 BED/‘BATH: 0 / 0, 0 J’PA”.f D?-: TRANS AMTB 0 ASSD (‘ALB 0 IMP: J’.. {” v 1.5-i rc(e 0 LENDER : LOAN TYPE: 25.::;. y-58 0 USE CCI5E: Open Space Esmnt 79AN TYPE: RATE TYPE: - - . ..- ..-- a---.---------- .-._ ---4--.-----e--- ---_-- ---. _- - ------w-----------w-- D.ata herein believad to be .accurate but no urranties aTe implied. ?a?+ 08;’ 12/?4 Page No. 7. is:! < 09: 58: 53 “FATCU” Farm Data Lisfi*lg * Courtcsq of Fir-, t Am+yican Title InGu?ance Company -- -. - - - --- - -- -L_-------- - -- - --_____ __ __ ___ -___ -s-e ----- ----...- --e-----w--_-- -, .‘.’ ‘.i # 2 15-6 1’2-23 OWNER. lVIARA LAND ASSX IATkS LIMITED 6.v. ‘:Di?. 2011 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD .2.‘.36 CARLSBAD Ci’; 92003 31: fI{ L+DR, BLACKRAIL CT CARLSBAD CA -0000 . . . c .-:-:‘NE: r. - ZONING: CAS POc)L : GAR : ‘f.2 1: /_. I i y- 0 &Q FT: 0 LT SZ 1816887 UN I 1 3 : u i3EDc’BATt-t. tj / i-j. ?> 1 P;L”.;.; DJ-, TRANS 4MT9 0 ASSD i?AL$ 4, 675, 388 IMP: 5851 12:‘“’ TD$ (3 i.EpJDER : LoAN TYPE : 2 ‘.: : TGI 0 tJSE CtJDE: GC lf Course i >AN TYPE: RATE TYPE: -- -..-- -.-_ w-e--- - -“----_-- ._. - .-- _-__ .- ._ _---_ ---- _--_- --- - _- -. _--_--v-e._- - .-- 2 ‘I-; #‘ 215-64:3-01 OWNER. .r?V IARA lAP!D ASSX IATES L It1 i TED !:EN!‘CR DR .3:1;F NEWPORT 3XACH CA 426ri3 3 1 T-_ rs&q CARLSBAD C.); -0000 ZCJNING: CAR1 POQL : GAR cl- sz 2Ll34 UNITS: 0 BEG.:‘BATH: o/c. i> TRktJS &MT% 0 ASSD VAL% 20,400 I MP : ,-s* G *:. LENDER : LoAN TYPE: USE CODE: Mi.3;: Residential 7RAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: - - . I .-.-- _---.-es--v-M_----. _ -.--- -_.____ _ ___- ---....._-a--- - _---.- .--_- -- .-_-_---____ -_- .-* ,I “. $$ : 215-&43-(37 OWNER. AVIARA LAND ASXXIATES LI”iITED (-Et4 :‘ER DR 3.1-r: NEWPORT BtkCH CA 92&h:: =, 1 -J--I{ &c,R CARL3 BAD CA -0OOc) ZONING: CA POr3L : GAR : LT .S: 1178233 UN1 TY: U BE’C,j3ATH. O/!>. !I TRAtiS AM-l-$ 0 ASSD t’ALB 0 IMP: 0 ;; LENDER : iClAN TYPE: .--a-. TDB 0 !:SE: c *.. CODE: i!?AN TYPE: RATE TYPE: - - - -- ---._ w--m--.._----- -._-.-- - -. -- _--- _ .._-_-.-- --_ .-m-e ---- - w-e- __- ._----------- - -- .iq’, ft. 2i5-6+3-tjy OWNER 4V I ARA MASTER r;SSN *“iA 1 I, rj g 2{jii PAi-JMAE AlZ+tJRi RD .z,,zd& CARLSBAD CA 92003 -3 IT.!{ ;..i,i KESTREL DR CARLSBAD CA -0000 ;.I -f;r;E ZONING: CA PUQL : GAE : f.H :: ‘-1 : I- -I- : 0 & FT: 0 t.T SZ 361983 UN1 r.3: 0 BED/‘BATH: 0 /(=I :: : @A ;-+ cc:. TRANS AMT$ 0 ASSD VALB 0 IMP: 07; I .:; -. TD$ 0 LENDER: LOAN TYPE: %‘,> ( TDS 0 USE :: ODE : 1 HAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: - -.. .- - ___._w-- . . -....._--.__me-w-.. . -_--r_--- _-._- -----. --mm * m---w - --- .-.--e--w------ --- I. _’ “J * 21 S-&43-0$ OWNER’ AVIARA LAND ASS!XIATES LIMITED CEpi TER DR 3C.G NEk’PCfRT BE&.CH CA 92&i:=! CARLSBAD CA -0033 zomw CA PcmL: GAR: LT SZ 242629 UNITS: 0 BED,‘BATH: o/o. i> TRANS AMT$ 0 ASSD VALB 0 IMP : !z:a; LENDER : LOAN TYPE: 2’;:;. -r’ct$ 0 LSE CODE: 1 RAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: -- -. . . . . _- _--.-.-- --w---w--- _ -------- _-.- --m--m --a- - ---- -----me -.--------------- . . _- - .“f,; #. 21.5-&,44-03 OWNER: AVIARA LAND ASSOCIATES LIt-?ITED CENTER DR 3CjcF NEWPORT BEACH CA ?26&C+ SIT:< /:\DR: CARLSBAD CA -0000 ZONING: CAR1 POOL : GAR LT SZ: 675180 UNITY: 0 BEDc’BATH: o/u. 0 TRANS AMT$ 0 ASSD L’ALB 1, 468, 800 IMP: 07; LENDER : LUAN TYPE: U.SE CODE: Vacant Land-Tes 7 RAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: -- - -. ..-.- _---.---_----v-N- -.._._ --------__ _--- -w-v -w-w -- ---------- ------- ---.- --- Data herein beiieve,f to be accurate but no warranties .%r’e implied. * .-- 3af-t 08,“12/94 Page No. r I IIF? 09: 58: 53 ‘a “FATCQ” Farm Data Lisfing . Courtesy ot’ First American Title Insurance Comg.any -- -. . ----m--v-_-- ---__ --- .--.--a--- - -._- - -------- - ----------_---------l___l__ ,L,C-‘“j #; 2.~!+&44-04 OWNER. ltVIARA LAND ASSCKIATES LIMITED +$I.- .&DR: 450 NEWPORT CEPdl’ER DR 3!:Cr NENPQRT BE&.CH CA 92660 -3ITE qDR: CARLSBAD C?, -0OOi) ZONING: CAR1 POOL: GAR : tT SZ- 1920996 WITS: 0 BEOiBATH: o/o. 0 TRAN5 kMT% 0 ASSD f”AL$ 3, 083, ‘323 IMP: !j :G; iBENDER : LOAN TYPE: !:ODE: V;c.ant Land-res 7liAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: - -...a _- .e.- --1.-v --e-----e-_ - ..--.- - N._. _-__-__... --w-w. ---em- --- - ..-- ---_-ma------m-w $:‘T,j * : 2 15-.&44-06 OWNER ,qVIARA LAND AS5XIATES LEt’!:TED CE”; I-.CR DR 3;; 4 NEWPORT btC;CH CA 926&Z CARLSBAD GA -60.X ZCINING: CAP1 PlllOL : WE : LT SZ 2391879 UNITS: 0 BED,:: BATH: O/!j !j TRANS AMTB 0 ASSD VALB 5, 589, ki!JG IMP: {j 7; L ENDEE : LOAN TYPE: p.2. TEl$ 0 LSE-‘ CODE: Vacant Lsnd-res I RAN TYPE: RATE TYPE: - _ - . -.._ ._--- --.--_----__-___ ,_ -_-_._- --.. ._ _- --. - .--- .a-- - ----- ----. --------------.-- ;$?yj q$: 215644~(28 OWNER. AVIARA LAND ASSXIATES LIMITED :: ER I)R 3::. :! NEtiP~3RT B&&CH CA 9261j? CARLSBAD CA -OOO(> ZONING: CA PSOL : GAP. : r’R 7,. fLT: LT SZ. 719611 UNI\S: 0 BED! BATH: o/o. 0 TRAN.5 AM-f% 0 ASSD i”L\L$ Q IMP: c)X LENDER : LOAN TYPE: z-d:. Trj$ 0 USE Cr3DE: i 5AN TYPE: RATE TYPE: - - _ .-_._ _--a--_ _-__-__ --w.. . .-- --.- --- ._I._ --- w--e--- - ,.-es- ---- .--.- ---av--v---..-- Data he!rein b~+lii*~e.? ta be .a,:cu~ate but ncr uarFanties .rlre implied NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 7, 1994, to consider a recommendation of approval for an amendment to Planning Commission Resolution No. 3305, Condition No. 32, to allow sideyard retaining walls up to three feet in height S . . -within Planning Area 26 South in Phase II of the Aviara Master Plan on property generally located at east of the Batiquitos Drive and Kestrel Drive intersection, in Local Facilities Management Zone 19 and more particularly described as: A portion of lot 5 of the City of Carlsbad Tract No. 89-37 Aviara Phase II, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof No. 12697, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, September 16, 1992. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the staff report will be available on and after September 1, 1994. If you have any questions, please call Christer Westman in the Planning Department at (619) 438-1161, ext. 4448. . If you challenge the Tentative Tract Map Amendmene in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence deIivert!d to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: CT 90-36(A)- CASE NAME: AVIARA PLANNING AREA 26 SOUTH PUBLISH: AUGUST 26, 1994 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION cw:vd . (Form A) TO: 'CITY CLERK’S OFFICE FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notide CT 90-36(A) - AVIARA PLANNING AREA 26 SOUTH for a public hearing before the City Council. Please notice the item for the council meeting of ” if ,!:s~i~ . . Thank you. September 15, 1994 Date