HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-10-18; City Council; 12911; APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH PORT OF LOS ANGELES AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE WEST CARLSBAD BOULEVARD BRIDGEY OF CARLSBAD - A ? THE REPLACEMENT OF THE WEST CARLSBAD Angeles, approving a consultant agreement with Centennial Engineering, incorr appropriating interim project funding, and awarding a contract for the replacemen West Carlsbad Boulevard bridge over Batiquitos Lagoon, Project No. 3349. ITEM EXPLANATION On August 9, 1994, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 94-228 approving th specifications, and contract documents and authorized the advertisement of construct for the replacement of the West Carlsbad Boulevard bridge over Batiquitos Lagoon, No. 3349. On September 19, 1994, four (4) sealed bids were received and op Carlsbad as follows: Roy E. Ladd, Incorporated $ 1,122,971 .OO R.E. Hazard Contracting Company $ 1,384,104.00 Stimpel-Wiebel haus Associates $ 1,399,849.00 Associated industries, incorporated $ 1,835,247.00 The design engineer’s estimate for the construction of the project is $ 1,455,900. Thi is a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Highway Bridge Repair and Rep1 (HBRR) funded project administered by the local State of California Depart Transportation (CALTRANS) District office. in a letter dated September 29, 1994, CP has reviewed the bid materials submitted by all prospective bidders and has autho City of Carlsbad to award the construction contract to the lowest responsive, re! bidder Roy E. Ladd, Incorporated. Staff has verified the contractor’s bonds, licenses, and insurance and checked referen recommends award of the contract to the low bidder, Roy E. Ladd, Incorporated. Board of Harbor Commissioners, regarding reimbursement of all project costs fron of Los Angeles to the City of Carlsbad for this phase of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enh Project. The agreement identifies a total estimated project cost of $1,534,0( components of the West Carlsbad Boulevard bridge replacement project. This provisions for all monthly construction progress payments to be made directly by t Los Angeles to the project contractor, construction contingencies, reimbursement tr for all consulting construction management and inspection costs, and reimbur Carlsbad for all City expenses incurred during the administration of the bridge re, project. The Port of Los Angeles, Board of Harbor Commissioners formally app agreement at their meeting of October 12, 1994. Staff recommends approval oft Los Angeles - City of Carlsbad reimbursement agreement. 0 0 Page Two of Agenda Bill No. /2; ?/I Also included is a consultant agreement with Centennial Engineering, Incorporated to I on-site inspection and construction management services for this bridge replacement I Because the bridge replacement is a FHWA funded, CALTRANS administered prc certified, experienced resident bridge inspector is required. The enclosed cor agreement with Centennial Engineering, Incorporated provides the required certified inspection and office support services. Both CALTRANS and the Port of Los Angel approved this agreement. Centennial Engineering is the City's construction man? consultant for the Batiquitos project; their role will be expanded to include inspectio West Carlsbad Boulevard bridge. Staff recommends approval of the attached co agreement. Construction is scheduled to begin in November and require approximately 10 m complete. This schedule for the replacement of the West Carlsbad Boulevard bri component of the overall schedule of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project. As stated in several previous agenda bills, project status reports, project newsletl quarterly quadrant meetings, replacement of the West Carlsbad Boulevard bridge req temporary closure of southbound Carlsbad Boulevard at Poinsettia Lane, diverting sou traffic to 1-5, and returning southbound coastal highway traffic at La Costa Northbound traffic lanes, including bicycle and pedestrian lanes, will remain open at during construction. Continuous access to the State Parks campground off Poinsettia the State's day use beach parking facilities south of the West Carlsbad Boulevard br also be available at all times. FISCAL IMPACT The total estimated project cost is $1,534,000 which is to be funded based following apportionment of costs: 80% of eligible costs: 20% of eligible costs: FHWA HBRR program funding Local matching funds (Port of Los Angeles) In general, all pre-approved design, construction, inspection, materials tes administrative project costs are considered to be "eligible" project costs under tl HBRR program. In a project of this size and nature, there are very few "non-elig therefore, non-reimbursable costs. Nevertheless, the attached agreement betwee of Carlsbad and the Port of Los Angeles provides for the 20% local matching "eligible" costs and 100% of all "non-eligible" costs, if any, to be paid by the F Angeles. All City of Carlsbad costs will be reimbursed by the Port of Los Angeles. be no net project costs to the City of Carlsbad. Administration of the project by Carlsbad will require a short term appropriation for cash flow purposes. It is requested the City Council appropriate $250,00( General Capital Construction Fund, Unappropriated Reserve, to the project acco following City of Carlsbad costs which will be fully reimbursed by the Port of L under the terms of the attached reimbursement agreement: 0 0 Page Three of Agenda Bill No. 'a; q// Construction management and inspection consu king services: $ 167,000 Soils and materials testing: 25,000 CALTRANS structural and commercial products inspection: 25,000 City staff time: 10,000 Contingency (1 0% of above): Total City costs subject to fu I I reimbursement: 23,000 $ 250,000 EXHIBITS 1. 2. 3. Resolution No. 9 'i 39 6 Reimbursement agreement with the Port of Los Angeles. Consu I tant agreement with Cen ten n ial Engineering, Incorporated. regarding Project No. 3349. 1 ? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 94-298 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSt CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE POR LOS ANGELES AND AWARDING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR REPLACEMENT OF THE WEST CARLSBAD BOULEVARD BRIDGE, PROJECT 3349. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has previously er into an agreement with the Port of Los Angeles, Board of Harbor Commissioners, reg; the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project; and WHEREAS, an element of said project includes the replacement of the West Cz Boulevard bridge over Batiquitos Lagoon; and WHEREAS, said project has received the approval of the Federal Hi Administration and CALTRANS as eligible for Federal participatory funding; and WHEREAS, said agencies have approved the aforementioned bids received 1 project and have authorized Carlsbad to award said project; and WHEREAS, an agreement has been prepared regarding the reimbursemen Carlsbad project costs by the Port of Los Angeles and said Board has approt reimbursement agreement; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds it necessary, desirable, and in th interest to approve said reimbursement agreement, related agreements, appropriatc project funding, and award the construction contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of 1 California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That a reimbursement agreement with the Port of Los Angeles approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute said agreement. Following th signature of said agreement, the City Clerk is authorized to forward five copi agreement to the Port of Los Angeles, Attention Mr. Bruce Seaton, Director of Cc Management, 425 South Palos Verdes Street, P. 0. Box 151, San Pedro, Califorr 0151 and one copy to the Community Development Department. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. That an agreement with Centennial Engineering, Incorporated is approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute said agreement. Following the signature of said agreement, the City Clerk is authorized to forward one signed copy the Port of Los Angeles at the above listed address, Centennial Engineering, lncor Attention Nick Gennaro, 7720-B El Camino Real, Box 21 6, Carlsbad, California, 92C the Community Development Department. 4. That the City Council hereby approves an appropriation of $250,000 General Capital Construction Fund, Unappropriated Reserve, to the project account a project funding subject to full and complete reimbursement from the Port of Los under the terms of the aforementioned agreement. 5. That the City Council does hereby award a construction contract for Pr< 3349 to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder Roy E. Ladd, Incorporated in thc of $1,122,971.00. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Caris Council held on the 18th day of OCTOBER , 1994, by the follow to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnila NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (SEAL) 2. e 0 OCT 86 '94 09:18RM CONST MGMT P. 2/5 - . A- REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CITY Of LOS ANGELES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE WEST CARLSBAD BOULEVARD BRIDGE _-______---------_--_____^______1__11___--------------------------------------------------- THIS AGREEMENT is made this day of , 1994, between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as CITY, and the City of Los Angeles acting by and through the Board of Harbor Commissioners hereinafter referred to as BOARD, RECITALS WHEREAS, BOARD and CITY inrend to pursue a project identified as the enhancement of Batiquitos Lagoon as mitigation for Los Angeles Harbor fills; and WHEREAS, BOARD and CITY are parties to an Agreement ("MOA") with various federal and state agencies which established procedures and responsibilities for design, construction and maintenance of the Batiquitos Lagoon; and WHEREAS, the replacement of the West Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge (Project) is within the scope of work required to enhance the Batiquitos Lagoon. WHEREAS, CITY has received bids and is now proposing to award a contract 10 the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder for the construction of the Project; and WHEREAS, BOARD is responsible to fund a portion of the amount necessary to construct the West Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge and to assist City with administration of the construction of the Project. Now, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and conditions, it is agreed as follows; 1. BOARD agrees to provide funding for the project on behalf of CITY for an estimated, not to exceed amount of $1,534,000.00. Project costs include construction costs, administrative costs and costs associated with testing and construction inspection services. Board shall establish and maintain a construction fund to fund all authorized Project costs. Upon receipt of monthly pay estimates, reviewed and approved by the Construction Manager jointly authorized by the Project Directors, payment will be made directly by the City of Los Angeles to the contractor who has been-awarded a contract by CITY to construct the 1 0 0 OCT 06 '94 09:llRM CONST MGMT P .3/5 t I- Project, This Project has been approved by the Federal Highway Administration for partial funding (BRLN No. 5308-007). No later than fifteen (1 5) calendar days after receipt of federal assistance payments, CITY agrees to reimburse BOARD for all such reimbursement received. It is understood by parties that federal reimbursement amount will be 80 percent of eligible design construction, administrative, testing and inspection costs and approved change orders. BOARD shall be responsible for remaining 20% of eligible costs plus all other costs not funded by the Federal Highway Administration. Board shall assist City with construction management services for the Project as set forth in Agreement No. 141 9-5 between CITY and BOARD. CITY and BOARD shall designate Centennial Engineering, Inc., as the Construction Manager for this project. Both BOARD and CITY shall appoint one (1) Project Director each to represent BOARD and CITY to administer the project in the following way: (a) The Project Directors shall have joint authority to authorize and execute construction change orders increasing or decreasing the contract amount in excess of $50,000.00 per change order. The Project Directors shall have joint authority to approve increases and decreases to the contract time. Construction Manager shall have authority to approve change orders UP to, but nor exceeding $50,000.00 each with a cumulative limit of 10 percent of the original contract amount. (b) Construction change orders that exceed a cumulative total of fifteen percent (1 5%) of the original construction contract amount shall be approved in advance by CITY and BOARD. (c) For the purposes of this Paragraph 3 and other paragraphs of this agreement, the "joint authority" of the parties shall be defined as the mutual obligation to meet and confer in good faith with joint authorization occurring if the parties are in agreement. In the event that, after meeting and conferring in good faith, the parties are unable to agree, a meeting of the City Manager and the BOARD'S Executive Director shall be held to resolve the item in dispute. (d) In the event the parties are unable to agree and the disagreement involves the refusal of the BOARD to approve a payment to the contractor, the BOARD agrees it will defend all litigation brought by the contractor against the CITY or BOARD and pay any and all sums which may be awarded in favor of the contractor or negotiated in settlement of the litigation. (e) 2. 3. CITY and BOARD recognize that during the construction period, 2 L 0 e P. 4/5 OCT 06 ‘94 09:11F\M CONST MGMT u. the contractor could request additional monies due to an unforeseen difficulty in completing the specified work or for requested extra work. CITY and BOARD agree that if a change order is jointly authorized as described above, City may require the contractor to proceed with work without negotiating a change order price (assuming contractor and both project directors have been unable to agree on price) and BOARD will defend all litigation brought by the contractor against CITY or BOARD and pay any and all sums which may be awarded in favor of the contractor or paid in settlement of the litigation. CITY agrees that it has reviewed Contract No. 3349 and agrees That it will not award extra work beyond the scope of work described in Contract No. 3349 unless the Project Directors have approved such work as set forth above. It is understood by the parties to this agreement CITY shall have sole authority to direct the activities related to environmental monitoring and public relations, including retained consultants, for Project. It is further understood by the parties to this agreement that BOARD and CITY shall have joint authority to direct the activities related to construction management, including retained consultants, for the Project. In the event the Contractor elects to use an escrow agreement for security deposits in lieu of retention, CITY shall execute such agreement and provide BOARD with an executed copy of the escrow agreement immediately after execution of the agreement. CITY shall advise BOARD of the payment arrangements for escrow deposits that are necessary in order to comply with the escrow agreement. 4. 5. 3 b e e P .5/5 OCT 06 '94 09:lZRfl CONST MGMT T IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day and year first above written. CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal Corporation of the State of California BY CLAUDE A- LEWIS, Mayor Attest ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk CITY OF LOS ANGELES, by and through its Board of Harbor commissioners By EZUNIAL BURTS, Executive Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: BY , 1994 RONALD R. BALL City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM: BY , 1994 RAYMOND P. BENDER Assistant City Attorney JCW:3985wp 4