HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-11-08; City Council; 12926; DELETING UNIT K - COMPOSTING FACILITY - FROM ENCINA'S REVISED BASIC AGREEMENT AND THE REVISED ESTABLISHEMENT DOCUMENT-p - i‘ z 2 I- 0 a 6 z 3 0 0 r;“ -, WY OF CARLSBAD - Aw DA BILL <-’:: --_I - - DEI AB ’ - TITLE: DELETING UNIT K (COMPOSTING FACILITY) MTG. .11/08/94- FROM ENCINA’S REVISED BASIC AGREEMENT CIT CIT DEPT. CMWD RECOMMENDED ACTION: AND THE REVISED ESTABLISHMENT DOCUMENT Adopt Resolution No. ?l/-?b 7 deleting Unit K (Composting Facility) from the Revised BS (RBA) and the Revised Establishment Document (RED). These documents are agreemei member agencies of the Encina Wastewater Authority (EWA). ITEM EXPLANATION: In 1983 the Encina Board commissioned the Phase 111 Secondary Facilities Plant Expansion 1 of secondary treatment, tripled the amount of sludge produced at Encina. At the same time regulations clouded the potential for future landfill disposal of sludge. In addition, the Boni closing and the proposed San Marcos trash-to-energy plant complicated issues. In 1984 the North County Sewage Solids Management Study (NCSSMS) was established to str for a regional sludge disposal program. Subsequent to the studies produced through the NCS of potential sites for a sludge composting/disposal, the Encina Board voted to abandon the and proceed with the “Encina Alone” alternative. This action was taken because of siting member agencies dropping out, and the proposed high cost of the regional approach. Encina proceeded to pursue the composting option for sludge disposal as insurance ag; landfills. However, the Encina Board continued to pursue other options which included contra1 firms to continue to haul sludge off-site and disposal through several commercial sluc operations. After additional studies and a preliminary design, the cost estimates for the “Encina Alo composting showed this project to be too costly. Since the existing successful program o and disposal through commercial composting is less costly, the Encina Board terminated project plans in June, 1994. Unit K, which is the Encina Composting project, was incorporated into the RBA and RE institutional aspects (cost allocation, expansion, etc.) of the Encina Composting Facility. At its June 22, 1994, meeting, the EWA Board decided to terminate the composting projec planned. As part of the decision, the Board also recommended to the Joint Advisory Comi be deleted from the RBA and RED. This decision was based on the fact that Unit K makes s to the composting project. It is important to note that any revisions to the RBA and RED must be approved by rr Attached is the draft RBA and RED with the Unit K deletions. All changes can be seen in bc Although the composting project has been terminated, there are certain ongoing revenues need to be accounted for. It was recommended that these issues be managed in the folk SALE OF SITE: The EWA purchased the site from SDG&E for $2 million in November 1992. The s cash and the cost was allocated among the member agencies in accordance witt- IV Solids Ownership Capacity rights. With its decision to terminate the project, the not to sell the site, but instead to pursue lease opportunities. However, should thl in the future, the revenues would be reimbursed to the member agencies per thc Ownership Capacity rights. The breakdown is as follows: 0 0 b * Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 12, 92 & MEMBER AGENCY City of Vista 21.18 City of Carlsbad 24.32 Buena Sanitation District 9.24 Vallecitos Water District 19.84 Leucadia County Water District 20.68 PHASE IV SOLIDS OW Encinitas Sanitary District 4.74 MONIES ON ACCOUNT: The EWA currently maintains approximately $4 million in the Encina Composting P Reserve Fund. Of this amount, $1 15,000 is committed to SDG&E for relocation ( termination of their lease at the site. The $3.9 million remaining, including inte reimbursed to the member agencies at the end of FY 94/95 in accordance with the I Ownership Capacities described above, unless determined otherwise by the EW, important to note that if these monies are used for any purpose other than the coml member agency approval is required. LEASE REVENUES: The EWA currently leases the site for $1,400 per month to SDG&E to conduct their mulc The EWA is also evaluating other lease possibilities at the site. Any lease revenues continue to be collected in the Composting Project’s Capital Reserve Account, and allocated back to member agencies according to the Phase IV Solids Ownership Capal above. WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM: The weed abatement program was established to reduce the potential for fire at t anticipated that this will be an ongoing program. The PI 94/95 Composting Capital E $2,000 for this work. It is our intent to eliminate the Compost Capital Budget in FY 9f is a relatively small amount, we intend to budget the weed abatement program under I) operating budget in the future. FISCAL IMPACT: As mentioned herein, Carlsbad’s share of the $3.9 million including interest will be reimbursc the end of FY 94/95 in accordance with the Phase IV Solids Ownership Capacities, unlr otherwise by the EWA Board. Carlsbad’s share would be approximately $948,500 plus any ir EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution deleting Unit K (Composting Facility) from the Revised Basic Agreemeni Revised Establishment Document (RED). 2. Draft Revised Establishment Document. 3. Draft Revised Basic Agreement for Ownership, Operation and Maintenance of a Joint ! as Amended effective November 18, 1992. I I 1 FINAL I I 1994/1995 FISCAL YEAR 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I BUDGET RECOM M EN DATlOh WASTE WAT E R Encina Wastewater Authority I Carlsbad, California I JUNE 1994 I I I I FINAL I I BUDGET RECOMMENDA TION I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 7994/7995 FISCAL YEAR ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY CAMSBAD, CALIFORNIA JUNE 1994 (6-9-94 Revision) I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS 1994/95 FISCAL YEAR I June 1994 TABLE OF CONTENTS Ref: ............................................................. TITLE PAG ............................................................. -----------__------------------------------------------------ Transmittal Letter .................... OPERATING BUDGET (RecaP) ................. Plant - Unit I ...................... Buena Vista Pump Station ................. Agua Hedionda Pump Station ................ Flow Metering Program Source Control Program e . o q a . (I e . * . o c e o D . e Ocean Outfall - Unit J .................. Shadowridge Facilities ................... .................. CAPITAL BUDGET I Cogeneration Project ................... Compost Project ...................... Other Capital. Projects UnitJ-Outfall a o . . s . e . e . ./ o . * o . e * . Unit I - Capital Acquisitions B o a d a e . ., - . o e Twenty Yeas Capital Improvement Program: e a D s e e R o o ByProjeet s e a o e * o e e o e B o e. o s - e e a By Project and Agency % e e o R s o e D s o m . e D o Building Program .................. I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Continued SUMWRY BY PROGRAM ..................... 69 FINANCIAL PLAN AND REVENUE PROGRAM Description of Cost Allocation ............... 71 Usage and Ownership Charges ................ 73 Member Agency Contributions: City of Vista ..................... 78 City of Carlsbad ................... 80 Buena Sanitation District ............... 82 Vallecitos Water District ............... 84 Leucadia County Water District ............ 86 Enchitas Sanitary District .............. 88 Capital Fund Balances ................... 91 ENClNA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I A Public Agency 6200 Avenida En Carlsbad, CA 92 Telephone (61 9) FAX (619) 438-31 (61 9) 431-72 June 9, 1994 Ref: TO: Councils and Boards of Encina Member Agencies SUBJECT: FY 1994/95 Final Budget Recommendations Attached for your approval are the Encina Wastewater Authc (EWA) operations and capital budgets for FY 1994/95. The i Advisory Committee (JAC) has reviewed the budgets and unanimc recommended approval at its May 25, 1994 meeting. The following is a summary of the proposed final budgets inch changes from the current budget. I FY 94/95 FY 93/94 Recommended Percent Budget Budget Change Operating Budget Plant-Unit I & Dtrs $6,922,925 $6,859,100 -0.9% Buena Vista P.S. 181,950 184,500 1.4% Aqua Hedionda P.S. 125,100 148,900 19.0% Flow Metering 65,700 70,600 7.5% Source Control 268,150 274,400 2.3% Outfall - Unit J 69,900 66,700 -4.6% I Shadowridge Facilities 799,750 830,100 3.8% Total Operating 8 I 433,475 8,434,300 0.0% Phase IV 165,000 0 -100.0% Cogeneration 0 1,100,000 1000.0% Building Improvement 0 100,000 1000 e 0% Capital Budget Compost Project (176,950)* 40,400 122.8% Capital - Unit I 143,100 145,008 1.3% Total Capital Budget 131,150 1,385 I 400 956.38 Total Budgets $8,564,625 $9,8b9,70Q 14 e -78 ----------- ----------- --_I------- -__---_---- 1 * Includes $350,008 of interest income -1- SERVINC THE CtTY OF VISTA, CITY OF CARLSBAD, BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT, VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT. LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT AND ENCINITAS SANITARY DISTRICT Councils and Boards of Encina Member Agencies Subject: 1994/95 Final Budget Recommendations June 1, 1994 Page 2 Ref:8249.2 DISCUSSION ODeratincr Budcret: This budget consists of the various facilities and programs that are operated, maintained, and administered by EWA on behalf of the member agencies. In preparing the Operating Budget an inflation factor of 3% was assumed for those elements where quotes and bids were not available at the time of budget preparation. Service area wastewater flows are assumed to increase 4% to 22 million gallons per day (MGD) from the present 21 MGD. Overall the Operating Budget represents a staffing reduction from 68 to 66 positions. Unit I (Plant) - The treatment plant is the major program in the Operating Budget and it has an overall decrease of $65,300. Several offsetting factors have resulted in a near even budget to last year. Significant decreases in professional services of $220,900 represent a decrease of the AB 2588 Air Toxics Emissions Act. The current FY budget included funding for a Plan and a Health Risk Assessment. Recent legislation reduced the frequency of the required Plan/Inventory/Report sequence from once every two years to once every four years. Therefore, EWA's cycle will resume in the FY 1995/96 out year with the requirement for another Plan. Another reduction is in the area Auditor/Treasurer services where it is proposed that the services provided to EWA by Vista since 1988 be performed with Encina staff at a reduction of $12,000. Another factor leading to an overall reduction to the plant budget is in the area contractual services. Due to the reduction in biosolids water content as a result of operational improvements and the anticipated implementation of a lower cost hauler alternative, a savings of $51,000 is expected in biosolids management. This was partially offset by increases in specialty services for plant electrical systems service/repair and contractual paint and corrosion control. Utilities decreased by $29,100 mostly due to reduced use of electricity. Reduction is due to energy conservation measures including shifting use to off peak hours. This also results in a 50% reduction in demand charges. Salaries and benefits decreased by $39,400 primarily due to the elimination of the Director of Resource Reclamation position. A more accurate budgeting in the areas of special pay and vacancy -2- ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY ,I i\ltRiilY \I It11 >*,I\ @ 6200 Avenlda Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92009-01 71 Telephone (619) 438-3941 Plant Fax (61 9) 438-3861 Administrative Offices Fax (619) 431-7493 Printed on Recycled Paper Tervmg North Tan Dlego Counfy Q Councils and Boards of Encina Member Agencies Subject: 1994/95 Final Budget Recommendations June 1, 1994 Page 3 Ref: 82 factors and an overtime reduction enabled a decrease in budgeted amount. The repair and maintenance accounts increased by $131,400 du projects resulting from the ongoing Rehabilitation and Mainten Master Plan, namely, the replacement of aeration basin diffuse] piping and dissolved air floatation tank hardware, as we1 additional repair of eqyipment in the headworks, power build secondary areas. Other significant increases are in the categories of Chemi I I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 $18,000 and Permits $17,000. Director's fees, conferences and travel increased by $14,000. this year, director's conferences and travel costs have removed from Unit I, and are included with Director's Fees. new fiscal year 94/95 budget includes $12,500 for direci conferences and travel or a $10,500 increase. All : conferences and travel costs are directly charged to mc agencies based upon a board member's attendance and travel. 1993/94 director's conferences and travel were allocated as pa Included in the Unit I plant is a category called offsets. A large reduction in interest income had the effect of incre the net Unit I budget. The decrease was due the overall tight of the budget and a step up in management's budget implement scheduling program. The effect of both is to reduce the balance available to earn interest income. The overall decrease in Unit I budget including director fe 9/lOths of one percent, or $64,000- Other Operating Programs - The other operating programs which comprised 18.7% of the ope1 budget increased by 4.3% or $64,600. Primary increases werc Hedionda Pump Station 19% or $24,000 and Shadowridge Facil 3.8% or $30,000. The Agua Hedionda increases were general I and maintenance and plant rehabilitation offset by a reductj salaries and benefits. Principal increases are for the replac of a sewage pump motor, and the rebuild of a sewage pump and The Shadowridge Facilities' net increase is mainly due tc $80,800 in identified station rehabilitation projects off5 over $40,000 in reduced utilities charges based on an evabuat actual usage requirements. Other programs that had minor increases were Buena Visti tican, Flow Metering and Source Control offset by a decre EN( \, -3- I Unit I ownership. 1 1 grinder. ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY ,\A,,k\,+lf* \i 1 ,Oli \ 6200 Avenida Encinas. Carlsbad, CA 92009-0171 Telephone (619) 438-3941 Plant Fax (619) 438-3861 . Adminlstratlve Offices Fax (619) 431-7493 'a Serving North 1 $an Diego Counly Councils and Boards of Encina Member Agencies Subject: 1994/95 Final Budget Recommendations June 1, 1994 Page 4 Ref:8249.4 Ocean outfall. Buena Vista held relatively constant with the largest increase in utility costs. Flow Metering's increase reflected minor adjustments in staffing and inflationary increases in the ADS service contract. Source Control increased mainly due to changes in salary allocations and adjustments and Ocean Outfall decreased because of reduced electricity costs due to Phase IV flow equalization replacing the need for outfall pump usage. CaDital Budset: The capital budget increased by over one million dollars or 950% from the current year budget. The Cogeneration Project , $1,100,000, represents 90% of the capital budget. It was It identified in the recently completed Cogeneration Study. involves an upgrade and expansion to the existing system that reuses methane gas created at the Encina plant. It will significantly reduce Encina's outside energy purchases by doubling the amount of methane gas used beginning in FY 1995/96. Other capital increased by 71% largely due to the addition of $100,000 for the building program for land appraisal, study and evaluation of alternatives. Phase IV shows a zero budget reflecting its close out. Compost Project actually decreased by $133,000 in expenditure budget and only reflects contingency, land care and surveying costs. Because the offsetting interest income on funds held on account is not shown this year the net budget does show an increase. General Comments The following are the major milestones/accomplishments for FY 1993/94: 1. 7.5 billion gallons of wastewater were treated to full secondary standards. 2. 100% of the biosolids or 21,600 tons were beneficially reused. 3. 1.5 billion gallons of treated wastewater were reused and recycled. An entire program representing 9.5% of the Encina operating budget, the Shadowridge Facilities, was taken over by the Encina staff. It was operated very successfully and within budget e Unit I capital held constant. 4. -4- ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY \\\\<I,\,,* a9 6200 Aventda Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92009-0171 Telephone (619) 438-3941 Plant Fax (619) 438-3867 Admtntstratrve Offices Fax (619) 431-7493 Printed on Recycled Paper (erving North San Diego Counr, Q Councils and Boards of Encina Member Agencies Subject: 1994/95 Final Budget Recommendations June 1, 1994 Page 5 Ref: 82 5. Two additional biosolids management contracts were sec which are projected to provide additional savings as we1 increasing options and an extended horizon of cont coverage. 6. The first year of the Maintenance Master Plan was implemented resulting in several major improvements and established a relatively constant level of budgeted costs for member agency's planning purposes. 7. The Cogeneration Study was completed and implement; (design, permitting) began. Prsj ected ten year sal beginning in Fiscal Year 1995/96 are expected to reac million. Began dialogue with local industry representatives on worl solution to the TDS problem, so Encina effluent ( ultimately be more usable for water reclamation. I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 i 1 1 8. 9. Implemented a fixed assets program. 10. The Source Control Program received an exemplary evaluati( its annual review by the State Water Resources Control Bc Looking ahead to FY 1994/95, the following are some of identified major goals: 1. Treat 8.0 billion gallons of wastewater and dispose/reus byproducts in a safe and cost effective manner consistent our operating permits. 2. Complete implementation of the Cogeneration S Optimization Plan. Facilitate implementation of the Reclamation TDS work gr recommendations. Implement a revised NPDES Monitoring Plan and renew the discharge permit for an additional 5 years. 3. 4. 1 5. Comply with the Shellfish Protection Act of 1993. 6. Implement second year of the Master Plan of Rehabilitatic Major Improvement Projects. 7. Preliminary investigation of potential operational economical benefits of increased chemical treatment. 8, Preliminary investigation of improved dewatering equipn -5 - !Q ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY 6200 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92009-0171 Telephone (619) 438-3949 Plant Fax (619) 438-3861 . Administrative Offices Fax (619) 431-7493 Serving North 1 (an Diego Counfy Subject: 1994/95 Final Budget Recommendations June 1, 1994 Page 6 Ref:8249.6 These and other organizational goals will be included in the FY 1994/95 Workplan scheduled for EWA Board distribution in August 1994. Very truly yours, 2 Richard General Manager W. FMJ: RWG: f z Attachments -6- ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY Q it .IN e T> @ 6200 Avenida Encrnas Carlsbad, CA 92009-01 71 Telephone (619) 438-3941 Plant Fax (619) 438-3861 Administrative Offlces Fax (619) 431-7493 Printed on Feriing horih $an Diego County Recycled Paper I 1 I 1 I I ,mq 2 -z yg m zg+ I 1 uog OI Q) &> 0 mom ’- Za,& 00 1 U \y *am btn I 1 I I 1 1 1 0’ I 1 VI U c3 t (0 0 - m v1 m 4 OI r3 (Y Q, 0- - - 0- w m m 00 a0 b a0 rre, 00 In 00 * IC, - I “oc m u-= t u .- 0 *,o, zz 00 u *s m SaL a0 (Y tn e 8 a0 c> 0 3 F a0 0 40 - v1 * 0 Q 0 0 N 0 * 0 0 CD 0 0 0 m &a 0, - 0- 2 -7 - I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OPERATING BUDGET I 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I 9) M f V hog 3- '.%D 22; I I \gr 8 mew &? '? * 5 ii - 11 w II Lo ll w- It w It # M c V gs I I W a) W C% $E3 8" $22 s? 8 8 II t? 11 * II * I1 m II e- II W *sa ?@s Yi< r b g .E, t; 22 1 vi II m 11 0- tl vr If r= tI 2 ii $2; g z 252 2 $ I-- II e, II ; II 4 II m 11 v1 wz $ ?2 g * I ? 1: 00, I1 w II Lo If V 0 rn e cz .9 3 l-4 0 a "l-4 2 I + w 0 El 3 Pg 0 I I I I I 1 I I 1 I PLANT - UNIT/ I I I I I I I I I BUDGET RECOMMENDA TION 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I PLANT (UNIT I) I Ref: PURPOSE The purpose of this program is to operate and maintain the E Wastewater Treatment Plant. BACKGROUND The Encina plant treats wastewater to a secondary level for it member agencies in North San Diego County. The Phase IV expansion has brought the design capacity up to 3 (liquid) and 38 MGD (solids). The plant also has mechanica electrical cogeneration which is fueled in part by digester Sludge dewatering is accomplished by belt filter pre Extensive odor control features are built into the plant proce The plant is not required nor does it have the capabilil disinfect its entire treated flow. UNIT I BUDGET The Unit I budget for FY 1994/95 reflects operations maintenance costs associated with the commissioning of the Pha expansion project including the aeration odor control slemen Unit I costs are allocated based on fixed ownership charge variable usage charges and collected accordingly from the m agencies. A full description of the allocation and colle methodology is contained in the section entitled "Financial and Revenue Program.Ir -11- Q) M I: u %$ a mow mo= ha a w2?% =;.%!a Q) M *!i s as5 V a Q) a \ Ea gE3 3" Q) SMHWSH S M be Hb-?Sb-?SSSHHS be 999991 d; *00.-rr-a,000P 9 ? - GddGGridddi : m, *PI -\D*mmY)dfrn om0oort CI 0 Iv) 000000000010 0000000000l0 m~~~co'2"~o~o_m-o~"~ 1'5 I I., 4:- 2 MBQMSMW be R BPMHMMW6PWBPM 8 c--mc-o"ocooP q Sic;dv;r-'ddv;od r- OmoOoN 5 0o;dddr: 5 m 8 000000 IO 0 000000 IO 0 \o, u) ac-lr- r- - m QT 10 m 0- l= I P- 4 m-4 I I I 00.--1 emrn 2 9 4 Lo *a- II 000000000010 8 % \o, I I= If: 000000000010 QN,co d ch u) 0 m 0 m I tn u) mc- r- - mci r\.""N'niv;S~; 000000 IO 0 000000 IO 0 m r-- m m 0- 4. 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SPECIALIST 21 .0 OPERATIONS DIVISION -------.-- ---- ---- 1 OPERATIONS SUPERINTENDENT 27.0 66,518 SHIFT SUPERVlSER 22.0 31 4,337 OPERATOR II 18.5 308,849 8 OPERATOR I/TRAINEE 16.5/13 241,871 MA1 NTENANCE DIVISION MA1 NTENANC E SUPERINTENDENT 27.0 66,518 MECHANIC SUPERVISOR 22.0 51,147 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II 18.5 42,286 ELECTRIC/INSTR/POWER SUPERVISOR 24.0 53,789 INSTRUMENTATION TECH 21 .o 45,157 ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN 20.5 37,872 ELECTRICIAN ASST. 18.0 37,710 POWER PRODUCTION OPERATOR 19.5 78,981 2 MA1 NTENANCE SU PERUSOR 22.8 43,186 1 MAINTENANCENEHICLE MECH I 16.5 34,081 MAINTENANCE MECH I 16.5 36,442 d MAINTENANCE II 16.5 67,746 MA1 NTENANCE I/HE%PER %3.0/11 .Q W,1 98 ------ - .-------- -- 1 1 FJ.. 17-May-94. .C:\l 23R3\BUDGET\bDS95FmWK3. D -19- ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY SALARIES & BENEFITS BUDGET 1994/95 1 GROUNDSKEEPER 13.5 25,563 35,E 1 TRUCK DRIVER/MAINT. HELPER 13.0 27,186 37,E 1 MAINTENANCE CLERK 13.0 26,634 38,: TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT ....................... 1 DIR OF TECHNICAL SERVICES 33.0 85,363 110,: SOURCE CONTROL DIVISION ....................... 1 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER 27.0 63,357 86,C 1 SAM PLl NG TECH N IC1 AN 14.0 28,226 38,C 2 SOURCE CONTR INSP-2 (2) 19.0 85,771 I 19,3 LABORATORY DIVISION -----------------_- 27.0 63,357 84,s 1 LABORATORY MANAGER 1 SENIOR CHEMIST 22.0 51,147 68,l 1 ASSOCIATE CHEMIST 19.0 42,162 58,7 2 ASSISTANT/JUNIOR CH EM1 ST (2) 17/15.6 69,604 96,O TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES TEMP EMPLOYEE POOVintern ----_--_-_---_---__ N/A 8,320 8,3 ----- --- -.-- -----. - -- 66 SUBTOTAL SALARIES AND BENEFITS $2,790,853 $3,791,21 -20- FJ.. 1 7-May-94..C:\l 23R3\BUDGET\LDS95FS WK3.. ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY SALARIES & BENEFITS BUDGET I i 1994/95 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - 1 1 OVERTIME/SHIFT DIFFERENTIALJHOLIDAY PAY/STANDBI ESTIMATED MANDATORY INCREASES - WORKERS Cob VACANCY FACTOR -- TOTAL SALARIES AND BENEFITS - - Allocation by Program and Unit ___________--_----_----------------------------- Number Description ----_--._------ - ----I-,-- -- OPERATIONS OTHER PROGRAMS - SHAD0 WRI DG E FACl LIT1 ES 7 13 BVPS 18 AHPS 20 FLOW METERING 40 SOURCE CONTROL 50 OCEAN OUTFALL - TOTAL CAPITAL 88 CAPITAL COMPOST PROJECT - TOTAL OTHER OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL Unit I 01 Usage 1,250,364 I9 Ownership l,947,9oQ --_-I----* TOTAL UNIT I I Tstd Salaries and Benefits -21- FJ..17-May-94..C:\l23R3\BUDGET\LDS95F.VVK3.. I I I I 1 I I I BUDGET RECOMMENDA TIOA 1 BUENA VISTA PUMP STA TI0 I I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 BUENA VISTA PUMP STATION Ref: Purpose The purpose of this facility is to lift sewage by pumping higher elevation, where it can continue flowing by gravity dowr trunkline towards the treatment plant. Backaround The Buena Vista Pump Station is jointly owned by the City of T and the City of Carlsbad. It is located on the south sid Highway 78 near the Jefferson Street exit in the City of Carl: The total flows from Vista, along with flows from Oceanside/Vista flow transfer agreement, and a smaller quai from Carlsbad, comprise the total sewage pumped. The Buena Vista Station is operated twenty-four (24) hours pel three hundred sixty-five (365) days per year. The statio equipped with three (3) 200 horsepower electric powered pumps 1 at 3,900 gallons per minute at 126 feet of head. The station provides all required support systems such as water, compressors, and electrical standby generators. Included in the Revised Basic Agreement are directives that staff operating the Encina sewage treatment plant are to operate and maintain the pump stations. Facility planning and upgrades relating to the station a function of the station owners: Carlsbad and Vista. Station Budcret Annual operation and maintenance budgets are prepared by EWA and submitted in accordance with the Revised Basic Agree Approval of this budget by Vista and Carlsbad is required. Fu of this budget is the responsibility of Vista and Carlslaad. T 1994/95 budget is $184,500. The FY 1994/95 budget includes a major rebuild of the pump sta I I I 1 1 I I 1 -23- 9) M .c 0 b9g Q muw \.a a aE% 2 g; a awb9 M 6+ w M M MaaMaaM 8 ??9?\9?? p. 0022 d ??? 9: 1-1 N4 oooomoo t- 8 8 2 8 moo t- 00- Ill 000 IO 0 0 0 0 0000000 IO 000 IO 0 0 0 9 -- m r? I 0'- 0 g 2 a SI? I- * el e4 Ia 9 m * 2 4 d I I I I MZ 9) M c V a 9) Q mc% ZEf Sm ?22 aas a a 8 a a Maasaaa R "??969? [: z r-om 2 cO99 mooor-00 %go 2 I 8 8 0 2 u) 2 1-1 0 0 0 0000000 IO 000 IO 0 000 10 0 0 0 0, 'f, P- m 3 I ma 0 g 0, 8 %x IN d N !* el - 3 2 3 d I I I I P qz a m E2 * a2- >. + 000 IO 0 0 0 0 0000000 IO 000 IO 0 m 0 0 oomrl 0 10 0, m ,-I I u, t- 9 m mN t- I '? I- 3 I- : 3 cdz* d" p< s $ 38% m f wzlA m 000 IO 0 0 0 0 0000000 IO 000 10 0 0 m- 0, d I g 0 0 0 ?a:: 5 zq 3 * I Ia 9 4 s 44 1- * I I (I: 3w\ mz x zas 3m '" P) <w msc m r- ommomor- IO *or-op' *2 2:; I Id 2 e4 r- umo 13 0 m- tm 0 3 IP) u) 9" 3 r?- el I '0, '$ N 2 d ;- * * (I: o? qss (-7i 2 * wco-omoa3 IO 3 3 t- m*z r- PI* boo Id 0 N 1t-4 0 * r- I"- e e t- 2 p r-- 'r- 9 - I- N "* set 0 IM ca g m 0 va 414 m m m c; 4 c;c;c;c;c;c;c; 9 c! ? xxxxxxx rimic; -4-4-34 4 -4-4.434 . . . . . . . 2 m m -44 M w-3 w .-4 - d x 3 xxx ... Y a .A Ll 0 m CI W II) 3 .r: L4 W ll 3 me da<aA 2 IJ wzmz 51 *pI...z~~ -ww> ZI &*W& 4 g1z 2lp: VI w I 53GhZW w II) h 4; 4 2 II 2: VI LIE zp lkl Gjrp@5Z" z a II rn~ 2 g si3 3 I! < I+ I'Wdcr, P) M E Ea c 0 how b? RMWM bt: M ho 28 g Z?:; 2 ? 0 [: 10 8; N -e 3 414: 2 I r II I I si; 1 d d- N, r-* I t- 4.33 I v; 10 e cn ;m I WZd g TI WXQ ;; $j $8: cn 7 m 0000 IO 00 IO 00 IO 2 10 2 0 t- < +I -w- i vr I1 a3 ;m I I 1 I v) SWL <silx .?z s I 52: ?z: r.'*a z I IO I I I m 0 r- ct m4-m I v) Chmmm fco 10, z v (v N- -- e f OS -z ;% I VI 0: q7G -7 x dzg a, 0 emmm I b7 mmov, I (v 00 IO I m 0- 00, d, I m- 2 I Q m -.. I z PI I I dF-4 :g 62 h *,-I I$ $ m i a %$ !2 g/g $1 OI* 21s 8* $ 214 >;u gll a ;:5 g:s AI6 5 mek 24 @ SI, ocz * rnlX\cr: dl 2 0 _I0 $1 h 5 z! I& 5 VtrA UIW UG 210 x< €-i w p? WIcr: a, M c u wz 'D Q2% ch Em OIOM >.%: EL b?g xr; 4 I I010 I IO I I N- I io f 12 II II a, a SaM cz \Ea SE' I010 I IO i 1- I I I I '"- ; i2 a >. gzz t- $.$G SE *' I010 IOIV, I '"- I m- ;mim f ;z I1 I I !xW* WZd d z sxq ;=. ," m g; 0\ ' Iolm I '? I m- IN13 f ;2 'I II +E2 <nm 232 25; i3m '*a I IN 121% I :: ; f- v) 2 zzg IC c) >=yo, 101w I Ir- I I '"- I ;g I I.+ V 0 CA cx w CA 3 C 0 a .-l Y .d -r: 0 L4 4 n x a, o\ ;;vt MEL 3 cy4 YG a$ <u Ez urn ELW u3 ab4 I I I I 1 1 I I BUDG€T RECOMM'NDA TfON I I I STATION I I 1 1 I I I I A GUA HEDIONDA PUMP I I I I E I E 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 E 1 I AGUA HEDIONDA PUMP STATION Ref: PurDose The purpose of this facility is to lift sewage by pumping it higher elevation, where it can continue flowing by gravity dow trunkline towards the treatment plant. Backaround The Aqua Hedionda Pump Station is jointly owned by the Citic Vista and Carlsbad. The location of this station is on the side of Aqua Hedionda Lagoon near the railroad trestle that bi the lagoon. Flows passing through this station are * discharged from the Buena Vista Pump Station plus sewage coll within the City of Carlsbad upstream of the Agua Hedionda Sta The Agua Hedionda Station is operated twenty-four (24) hour: day, three hundred sixty-five (365) days per year. The stati equipped with four (4) pumps, rated at 8,000 gallons per mi The station was upgraded in 1991to include new standby gener and automated screening devices. Included in the Revised Basic Agreement are directives thai staff operating the Encina sewage treatment plant are to operate and maintain the pump station. Facility planning and upgrades relating to the station z function of the station owners: Carlsbad and Vista. Station Buduet Annual Operation and Maintenance Budgets are prepared by EWA and submitted for approval in accordance with the Revised Agreement. Approval of this budget by Vista and Carlsbi required. Funding of this budget is the responsibility of and Carlsbad, The FY 1994/95 budget is $148,900. I -27- a o\QM u)5% \ .$ a 2 g; 000 to 0 0 0 0 0000000010 000 IO 0 0 0 0 0000000010 0 m-vr-m"vrm~"m ! *- wmnN r m- Pi 1- 1- r-r- N Im 2 9 - 0 9 * I I I I m M c V ws a a In cz ZES 8'9 a2 SHH be w M w h" hOwhOwGeh"DwhO hO 9Y099'199 Y OF? q 8 0d00r-v)00 m ommmme v) 8 8 m 2 mmo m NCIO I II 2.- I I r4 000 10 0 0 0 0 0000000010 000 IO 0 0 0 0 0000000010 m ~~m-m+mco_~m I N- 0- m N I [I 4 3 I- d 2 mu) -e h) 1: 2 ,-i I I I I dW* d- fa24 C 3 3VZ rn 282 2 T 0 0 0 0 00000000 t 0 0000000 IO % r--cih)cOe--m I a" 000 I0 0 0 0 9 4 Wr-o I m, Ln c-4 1a 0 9 e I- * I I m 382 enE ma: 52- ?i? $ u mm-l I Q\ 0 0 r- r-ommc100 I - 10-(1 lo\ 0 m u) vr r-om 10 mmm I m- 100, 12 3 e 4 \o, -- I+ .-.I 0 m 4 * z2 d v; g V w m Kn 0 m 300 ov ULr, Y cq Sa tn m 0 00~N0000 N -Nommd-mKn 0 0 b, r? InmInmmmmvr Z:=8 E: d- z - 4 -33343e44 444 m 0 0 4 GGGGG4Gri r?NNNr?r"Nr? p! 2 3 q"N z2z .r( -\Dm 1- 000 0 2 COozzzzJz . . . . . . . . 4 2 2 ... 4 -l - 3 3,-i-e+3,-43 -.-I3 000 0 0 0 Y w m 3 .- a < 5 2 Q 5 i Q, x lii 5: ZneD-' I: a zzgz a c3&\z"z $2 EIE m Urn 53u*zw zerw wqp $ dj 2l 313 gIm El mi e w" w v1 0 w1> 51 zdlx?,<,a3- ZW'WAL a 3Io z 3 0 oiw nit-. u;m w AIz < L SI$ z;b *'A zzgpwq !x 3 mi-. * * > 2- ac3woz .21 3" I1 z i-.< &rnZZ rn a12 >lW a I; < 11 n I! z 11 E: II n ti a 0\0M a,s$ 'gm %E; 1 000 101 II II II 0 0 I! ! !I 0 c- 0000 IO 0000 IO 00 IO 00 to I I1 Lo lm I I1 2 0- d t e- e m- o* d* I m* r3 4 !- -04 ! u) 0 d 0) M 8% c V ME R RMRR R 8? M MMho w 9 0 999 3 000 I I 22 0, 3 4, 9C"T or-52 2 3 82 g N 22 2 II I 'D e a- cn- 6 ~aJa Ig 0 4 000 10 0 \ d. OONO I N oou30 I \D 00 IO 00 IO m e4- +- N* I *- L", z 0- N I N, I I I N ;N 3cn-; c: cn i I el v1 9w\ <E$ 52: oz 8 ?2 g ovlm cm 3om 103 d 4 m \ I F? o* 0 f 0, I Ic- NN4Co-m I F? 0, z v I I I * \In -Pa- 1- cne4dvl I N 00 IO P I .-I* .-I * 403 E 0 Q ZQ 8'4 1; / 0 SM x oa UL ZO,;? .-Id 222z 0 &Pi APiAG o ci AAci ?CY? 222 ?N r?cv.Yr! 2225 22 crmo N NP4c4 2 0 3 2s 2BBS 2 2 r-r- ... 2 3 4 ,+,-.-I 3 M .... 000 .-I.+-* .. 4- v) 00 0000 6 0 tn 0 Q d cn 1 2!rr:D3 < k $a 1's g; ,gg i z!2 ulm,, -2iw V zl3 I AEZ 8% w+4* r3 414 ;;E frSW PC; 0-2- f? "IZiD: U 2.aG 2 Sfm g 2 5 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 BUDGET RECOMM€NDA TIOA 1 1 1 FLOW METERING PROGRAk I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 FLOW METERING PROGRAM Ref: PURPOSE The purpose of the program is to operate and mainta centralized, basinwide, flow metering system which enables th to monitor, collect, and store each member agency’s flows t Encina plant (unit I) and outfall (unit J). BACKGROUND In order to monitor the flows from each member agency consistent and reliable manner, the EWA installed a centra flow metering system. The system was installed by ADS Ser Inc., which is also the equipment manufacturer. In addition is contracted to provide system maintenance through a comprehe service agreement. The service agreement includes quar confirmations of all but two flow monitors; the remaininc EWA staff are responsible for the collection, evaluation reporting of flow data collected through the ADS system. Tho are transmitted through phonelines, from remote metering locat to a centralized computer located at Encina. EWA staff coord all regular and unscheduled equipment servicing requirements ADS. The specific terms and conditions associated wit1 interfacing with member agency personnel and facilities are de in separate agreements between the member agencies and EWA. Flow data and system performance are reported monthly to E accordance with the Flow Metering Policy. FLOW METERING PROGRAM BUDGET The annual system operating and maintenance budget, which inc the costs associated with contract services, is prepared b staff and submitted accordingly. A separate budget is requirc the flow metering program since proportionate funding is bas the individual metering requirements of each member agency as as the costs associated with meters utilized by all agencies I monitors are confirmed annually. -a 1- P) M) c V MZ a a0M w3z >.Kia aez PI KRM be : 288 12 0, ", m* I \o evrm 1s "m i- 499 moo I 0) M .I= V E5 a a, a QIQM InGG gEs 8a LE75 RRho ho zzz m r ;X2 iz 000 IO 000 IO -w 1- I a -3.0- qs; g .5 s * b zq zg 000 IO 000 IO 2%"- 10, 2sm If2 I %rI?* e- 288 a In 7 EEa 2 2 000 10 ?9", Ir- 2Z" 1% I I m 3w\ 232 m3 $ q7G .€3 GIn fls x coo0 1- om- Id alnN m ??a? f"- :$ I m P) 2 -2 m ?3 g 2g2: I: *,Yo,z I ? 1% -em HC-4 E 0 u 4.7 W OD Eq 8% Er: ug E +-' v) m / c? 7M 0-0 CL4 m m 832 -.-m 04- rid& ??? NNN 000 000 4-4 / rA cr; w m 3 = a .s! < 0 k F4 g U .e G a a3 x $It v4 0 3;; E; ZII' k: b E4;t Gz w nil In2 g 2;; &E c) $!I wclo L4 252 c) 5 Lx w E d I I 1 1 B 1 B 1 BUDGET RECOMMENDA TION) 1 1 SOURC& CONTROL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I i I 1 I I 1 I SOURCE CONTROL PROGRAM Ref: Purpose The purpose of Encina's source control program is to contro discharge of industrial waste and household hazardous waste. control is needed to avoid treatment plant upset or pass thron harmful materials, to maintain high quality effluent and bioso to meet Encina's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination S (NPDES) Permit requirements, and to meet the federal and pretreatment requirements. Backaround For several years, Encina and its member agencies provided s control services in a jointly staffed program. Permittin1 handled by each member agency. Field work was conducted by En Vallecitos Water District, and the County of San (representing the Buena Sanitation District) staff. Encina coordinated the program and were responsible for preparing re required by the Regional Board and EPA. During FY 1990191 the source control program was incremen centralized at Encina. FY 1991/92 was the first fiscal year the program was fully centralized. Full implementation o centralized pretreatment program was accomplished in early 1 Source Control Budqet The source control budget includes industrial pretreatmen household hazardous waste control components. The hous hazardous waste portion is limited to a community educ program, which for the first time is provided for in the E Information Services contract. The remainder of the FY 1s source control budget is for industrial pretreatment and is on Encina staff: 1. Reviewing applications for industrial and commc discharges in each of the member agency service ar Developing permit conditions for specific industriz 2. I commercial dischargers. 1 3, Assisting member agency staff in cosigning wastc discharge permits for existing and new industrfal 1 4. Determining pretreatment permit compliance, 1 I 1 -33- Page Two Ref: 8195.2 Conducting field work (sampling, inspecting, monitoring) and enforcement in every member agency service area. 6. Overseeing and coordinating all aspects of the pretreatment program, including preparing required reports to the EPA and the State, and implementing a data management system. The Source Control Program is currently staffed with two Industrial Waste Control Inspectors (IWCIs) and a Sampling Technician (0.75 time) under supervision by the Environmental Manager. A member agency cost spreadsheet is prepared annually to reflect the latest measured flows and level of source control program effort for each member agency. 5. -34- 0) Do .c V E$ a 1 1 us'; mota ao,z \.%a a M GPMK hoho ho Rho M RR R M x 99 8 00 99 8 000 \D 00 00 IO IO m, m I N, 1N, f 2 '0, 8 888O8818 -1 -r- 103 r- N -;p1 IN 00 2 999 22 ; N I 0 0 00 IO 00 10 N, r-W-4 ao,"", I I 8 I f I gG &% -& $J i2g; O\ 3 a 00 IO m N, I ", 00 10 e* m I N, 0 0'000001'" r- ""\oo*lm~ % -IN 3 I.. P ;m I f I I I I m a, sw\ U8; nz v) 5p qzg a* io 0 '0- 10 om sm mm IO m *- I 00, 0 momoP-*im (0 m c) Ntnl'" r- r- * a, I q 3, u I m, mtm 3 1- cn!m I I I V? 29 $pi B oa m Sa0 & <L d 22 4* 0 000000 ri 4c44644 44 46 ci ?????? ? ? ?????? 2 ?? ?? 00 QO ?? ?? 00 0 000000 BO 2 000000 - -3 Hd 0 * -4-433 / = p v) 1; & w .B Y m "3 0 6a m Ll i o\ !?I w.:: 4 0, Old W > 2;a v 3 w aiz 5 cn ZIS 2 au a E4 !% IZ IVY 2.1 dJ g fl 2% -32 2 i; 2: w *~v1 e* mzgE EOZ E-. si2 + 5 qzm w < Sf2 5 c4 1: si ji: g If SI WIZZ & 5 2: g 2 >,do cr: g E- It !I ml qgs xg 5 2: 9 cr: glha u b 2:: E 8; a! blwd <l-lcla < *l* 0 +isFI w El2 u W I am z II 2: z/zk zga 2 vdj Z: E rnlzrn 8 215 n 2 a 0\0M a3z >.Ern CnEZ I 10 Ivr jg I IC I* a d 0)- $42 2.55 24 1 !$ OZ IO tm I? k$j 1* I %E< > ," 3.8% cn ' IO Iv) I.- 1% at <Eg -73 2 522 qz$ W IP- I"- I2 7n 0) t- r( *Zm ?Jf q lm Iv) 1- I$- 1.- E e & w M a .B 42 *d k 0 VI a B2 1; $ Q a 0 sr: 6 z 0 V w u !x 3 E: d 1 I I I I 1 1 1 BUDGET RECOMMENDA TION 1 1 OCEAN OUTFALL - UNITJ 1 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 I I OUTFALL SYSTEM (UNIT J) I Ref: 1 PURPOSE I The purpose of this unit is to provide safe, efficient dispos treated wastewater (effluent) to the Pacific Ocean. BACKGROUND The Unit J system consists of interim flow equalization facili. a final effluent pumping station, and an ocean outfall. outfall extends 1.5 miles into the ocean offshore from the p effluent is discharged at an average depth of 150 feet throul 800-foot long diffuser. Effluent disinfection is not requir I I I I I I I I I I I I I -39- I UNIT J BUDGET The Unit J budget for FY f993/94 reflects operations maintenance costs associated with the outfall, including the effluent pumping station and the Phase IV interim flow equaliz system. This is the second year that full operating expenses been identified, including salaries as well as enginee utilities, and contingencies. a aoM -2% m Em >.%; 00000 sa52gg izi tnm mC*I I-' "d 1\01 II II It P) M c V hoz a al a 2EZ \Ea gE7 zm M&?&?RM b? 9?96;9 ommulo 2 m-i 00000 101 00000 I01 0, '? ,-I -, 0, I r' I mm r,fN 1%: II II II II "r, P -t a- mu q% u3 * b 2.5: zLo OZ om00 1\01 oeoo le1 '"cm_-o_ I '2 I me t(vI .-( :< ;In! zII II aw* wz+l g % %X-€ 2 2 ov rn 7 SUE m 00000 101 0-0- 0- ma 0- I a- I muroI.%4 I o\ 1 .-.dm pq II 11 ol P) %2 <Qg mzm m7c '- al ez- z W u.-e N+m I-' 1-1 1"\o,oI IN1 0M-I -m tgj It It ;; !x V? g V W v) a 0 0 700 oa e14 &I C9 $0: 10 m 00000 -.-(mod tnmmrr+ ~.-(+OtY <<&pjA ??r??? - ess%,o k C(-d-* z 00000 3 0 rn rz W rn 3 E 0 Q k 0 m .r. 4.8 -3 < F4 cz' E a I x v) cl 4 z < * W 14 Lo m + 3 i2 E =: I) zo*g* 0 rz52qg z rzumw 2 2 It 2wzwo " w w 5; 2 1; I B I I I I 1 I I SHAD0 WRJDGE I I B 1 1 I I I I 1 BUDGET RECOMMENDA T/ONt TREATMENT PLANT I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I SHADOWRIDGE FACILITIES Ref: PURPOSE The purpose of these facilities is to pump and treat to a ter level, wastewater from the Shadowridge area of the Buena Sanit District. BACKGROUND The Shadowridge Facilities were new to Encina for the fiscal 93/94, Encina took over the operation of the facilities fro County of San Diego at the request of the Buena Sanit 1 District. SHADOWRIDGE BUDGET The FY 1994/95 budget is $830,108 and is paid entirely by the Sanitation District. This budget is slightly increased FY1993/94 due to that being the first year Encina operate facilities. It is expected that the budget will stabilize that Encina has become familiar with the facilities. The bud5 broken down into three areas: the Shadowridge Plant, Shadowridge Pump Station, and the Buena Pump Station. Each has a full range of accounts. The plant sits on top of a hi1 the two pump stations are next to each other in a valley aboc mile west of the plant. -41- 8 M c V 82 a a \ 22% fa gfl ga 6\oRRho h" W hoM 6p R6phohO h" W d: 9999 t moo0 y m ? 82 2 2x88 2 N .-( 0 mt- -N 2 I I 0000 IO 0 00 IO 0000 IO 01 0000 10 0 00 IO 0000 IO 01 m- - I e- e- w, 0- m I w, 01 v;'; I 1% - ;+ -m.- w-m,-.m ;'f, \o, m m- IN 1 I I I I d e I I I a d a- qs 2 ;h" .5 ;; * E- 0 %< zg 00 10 0000 IO 01 00 IO 0000 IO 01 0, 0 I m- P*N*cn.- I cn 9; om Id -1 - I- i% 0000 10 moom 10 3 CN-P lp, ,-. I- m I I 9- fm I I I BW-, a -3 % -SS V -';E 525 qse m lm c It- - 1" I %$ IYi Ug g 0 W m m / c, e9 rl aon :e: OW -2k v) m 0 2zzg E: dm ZZZ2 d yrr t- 00 s222 2 \o\o\Dw t- mm 0000 0 00 g.7i C.iC4Pit-i m ? FiPim'Ci N??? er-r-t. r-: r-r- 9 99 9999 0000 0 00 0000 0 5 )E? 3 9999 e-_,-. +& 9 4 MA+,-. k < 0 \ a 0) i n 4 m mx d AV < -l1 of 5;' * WI <w 2 af E Ei Zg 2 3 2: s 2; 0 g II >P4 4 I ma 5; Kigt I LO w It < E-+ w we 2<g f! OII II 5jui;sz p:;i &I 112: Ut< Fl &I c-( w b I! II i/ggmm ;I 3 L& W : <I lx! ;g < ~,azxz gmw-S v 2: a moMJ a, u \Ora, 2%: 0I 2al 00 IO 0 010 0000 IO 010 0 010 0000 IO r-- m I 0, N, u) me r-, I m, rN m 0000000 10 00 0000 10 I m omim I I ;z -0 - z;: 4 m* 0, -, '0, m ** I ", "f - lm ;2 I I Q) a gab0 C% z gs 'Ea 00 IO 0 010 0000 IO m, u) F- N, I v- 3 1; N r-colrn 0000000 to 010 0 Of0 00 0000 10 m* 9 0, 0- u) 0- I ct- tn,;l? u- mim 0000 IO I m !m :z NlN dd NZ - ,-. i- I 1 I dW* 0 BV m UEC, p & $3; 2 z 00 IO 0 010 0000 IO IN, 0- ct m, u), I m, N-4 I d - 0 210 0000 IO ,-.I 0000000 Ir- 00 IO 0- w- m, m, 0, v, 'D, I m tn,r-,; c! I ;* CY x%:? I I I I mmmc)N - p m %> <Q% ma$ 52- mEfc '42 a) Lrl coim 0 IO mim N lm m im Ivi 10 ICY i I I I I I I 0 U 2.7 W OD m I24 ug $2 g u V-i 0 0 8% 0'0 o\ Urk v, zsgg 2% *d 22 -3 ---.-I ric4Fjic;ciCim' C.iA mcr 22$$ v?:rv?r 1: p!? mo dmu)r-ccoo w.s-+ctemo\ zz~~~~~ Pr- mmmm .. r-r- r-r- GGGG 9994 99 444- 99 -4 ooqqqo? -.-I 4-*34-- 00 m oov) 0000000 E 0 U 0 cn E a d 0 w .rl u 3 'd .r: 0 '4 3 i m 3 (13 Q W w CL; w 24 0 45 w @a z 0: QQ. c: m Zl& %n$ z &&a 2 e; d e uI 5em-€30@ &! ZI 5 0 al pi -€w z $1 Y€O G& 4 &I 5: a <I Ei g gi *I ai wQ=l 9 &I iq ,I cn t;?<W zzp %E U z * !x PC w U v) Ell 13 w 2 51 %,cz - 31 waE, =! 0: <; z 4; + ul 5 5 nN0ba+Zj 4-2gzwCL; 5 I Oww<sg uamuou U U 0 [il CL; + n =zu@ O<-< 3 t- (I) M c V =5 P mow 1 1 -2% >.%P me2 wWwM8WWwws w w E?E? d;??9?????03 '9 ? xz N 0 -00000000r- * -s:g 0, s: ? 2 002 210 -Id In 1- II 0 1011 0 Id11 0- I 'D- ll 2 N I 'D II 0000000000l0 I2 2 c; I%# CLZ 0 I I 11 I 0) M c V 8% a B a E% gE7 sa ?as 1 s8sa-?69Wwww8 w a-? ws 9???P;o9???1 p! 2 3: oooo\or-ooot- t- 22 2yzSlt22 I 000000000010 0 loll 0, I N- II 0, b- 0- .r( w- 0 a- ; 0- 00, I N I In I1 N *;z II 0 0 IOII 000 00 0 010 0 r-+N o 0 c, IgII I II I VI P*-- 4: 525 -2 qzG z w I I n* ll '1 N \I Q) 4 la!! ii s wz $ N artc '+ B c! I 0 I1 I II I II I I1 I II I II I II $2 u? 5 U rng # rr) Z? 7M) oa UL sp: 0-0-000-0- 0 -4rJc)r?*maY)a)a NNNNrnN.INNP.IC) 0 4 o(?~ooooooo E: 2 2% rz2rrY2r;? 2 $a c9 * cf.INc;c;cfriririric; ri ? 93 -a zzz",RR",:z d 0 bbd-bbbb-fbd 0 C 0 12 1; m 2l -r( & W v v) OI .r( I4 0 s eh t: a"*w3w:; z-zzzwu E LIE < W wli;.llIz<b,w "ewe IZZZ" z 3 y: p?, I i$ g $:2fiuz 33 4 dg iu 2 I< 5 &wwuzoW** a Si; sig a < m* 0 mIe <z@%ebwp u awi*axcd&& < elm Eou I -- 2 I 334waaOQ 4 gtq , oowu~y3ww k u;s g+v)v)~@-~~ 3 I 1 1 E 1 1 I BUDGET RECOIMIMENDA TION, I 1 1 SHAD0 WRIDGE PUMP STATIC E I 1 1 I 1 I 1 i m M c u g2 1 1 U mow \oJ% >.%a mo,; #MW w hos 88 888 8 010 10 Id IO 103 1 t I I I 1 210 000 000 bc4(u u3 B) M c V ho5 5 P) '0 mi=% ZEs 8a G2 1 M#W w WR 99 mm I-- II ? 222 I- mm (\1 II 010 I* 210 IO IO I I I I 1 I 000 u3 $88 IW U $222 gz %a (61 * Ern 2.5 t; 1 000 IO 010 Z82 lm IW %I% I I I I I I dZj* e- E$:: q &I 28: m s ma m 010 010 *I* I I I I 000 18 V)P)N e3 '1 1- 000 m UZ 0 V; 3 U e4 8p: m c? M 1M 071 (14 18 0 0 m m 0 2:s c4c;c; c; 9 999 \D\Du) 000 v?~ 2 -4 0 dM-4 000 e a 1; / v1 rn p: .s 2 $ 1; i m n w U .H V* z < PI) z II 3 2 1; ze 212 a & a! * t; 5 I1 1-4 2IdW' rn e, ii 2; ZnrA U~E? g I! Q 1: 2 I1 &1"2 Lrl 3w rn n 0 w a 61 2 $ PI) s gz2 el Bi & d c3 5: U 2 i on2 3 64 21 0 i$ 0 s i1 rn 1; e, I1 0 @ 11 3 w, w1 n - e, €-I 5 E ;r 04 3 rn zz d 21 + :: Lrl e Q M c V ws a 0)u WUQ o\oM ..gm %E; w €9 w M 6\” 55 MMs\”M&eM x v, . . 999999 mv, 0000d0 t-- N 9 0 8 9 v, 9 II IO 0 10 0 10 00 000000 10 00 000000 E: 1- I E- z- - 3 W N, N, - IO Iln I ri IN” I -4N ; I j I I I Q M I: 0 8: a @ -0 %@Oil E% ‘Em ZE’ w w 8 M M WM 6eMM86eM 99 99??999 c? 0- oov,v,oo wmv) 2 8 8 El El 2 IQI W 2 4 0, \o zg 888888 - -4 w 0- -- .-( IO 0 IO 0 IO 10 0 IO I- 1 I 0- \o MN 1 22 1 19 % IN I I I * cn-a *PI + zg $45 IO 0 00 000000 IO 0 IO 0 IO g ElE:Elgzs - 9 ‘9 I- E: I: I 4 I I e2 cn uf1m -3% 232 cn,c za ‘42 Q m -4 3 4 ’c) c4 vg 0 cc! 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U gIs a: I$ 5 GE 233 X'S k Q 31,- Gig Q < I w"s ;rnm u I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 BUENA PUMP STATION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Q) M .c V hoz hoeho w who 22 I-f- II I1 y?$ 2 N mn -0 b aJ- m ** 4. qz 2 p7 E;; $4 I em g2 0 IO 0 IO N Icy 000 to 00- IVJ mm- Irn WZA g % gw+ 2g; 2 ; 010 I2 blb I f 000 \Dc?Cv * I" I ul swi .4g ma$ Efp qz$ moa U I P) 0 -02 8 Up Y 1; / CF 7M) S'L om &KL 9 0 m m 0 P) .3 u 22% 2 \D\o\D 000 -3 2 II 444 4 222 2 & ii 9 * 999 M.4.4 m II 'i: I: 000 0 E C u a -3 rn k 0 Q) cc .o, I2 u u3 1; 4 m tl x z +xw 21 r3 2 wI 2.. 2 a XI 6 d f: fl SI% a d WI cc $ v1 q BE u g It I! ?X& g j$p w i:l <E L%I 0 5 & v1 U 3 a1 3 0 w 3w rn If m q It w 8 i\ 5 :I PC- a - II nuz /< IJ c.( cl 3 II <I 2* 5 j "0% L4 a If a, M .c u WS P w22 CnUW >-q aEul WE W &? M ME WW WWW6eW 99 y?ZZ cow N- cu 28 8 9 m 9 88 (0 24: II If 00000 00000 010 0 IO 0 IO0 00 Id 011 I I -. -.-.u)cu_.;t IO 00 2 12 I I Elm G I,- I I 0) W c V ng WM M &? 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"ZSW" 5; m 4w :os; g 2 21 Lt;lj w ww<i * 0 E1 el emu W 4 21 u< m n?: 3d wa t. u wt m iwim 5 cr:l 2 !+!<% mzag < cnl 6% 5: wa u\ I z * Q m0M) u2z \.%a Qg 0 1011 0 Iv1lI 0 ln 0- I m- I1 0 I.,!! m I 2 II I I - It 0000 10 t ln 0) M) wg L: U 'c) Q) a Cz gE3 sm 522 HRRR M M 8R '? 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Completion of the project will allow ful of the biogas produced at the Encina Water Pollution COI Facility, while reducing overall air emissions. The project also improve the overall cogeneration system efficiency and enable Encina to qualify for lower priced natural gas. BACKGROUND During FY 1993194, a Cogeneration Optimization Plan was complc The Plan showed that Encina could significantly reduce oul energy purchases by optimizing its current system. This invc converting the two blower engines and one of the generator en< to lean burn technology and adding various appurtenances controls * COGENERATION CAPITAL BUDGET The cogeneration optimization project is considered capita nature because of its estimated construction cost ($1,100,000 its projected useful life (many years). The FY 1994/95 bud! amount will be collected in uniform quarterly amounts based the weighted average Unit I ownership percentages. The bud! amount includes only the estimated construction contract c( (i.e-, It does not include Encina administration costs.) I 0) M c V HS H 2 2 8 a C’; xE3 ?E2 0 0 0 0, 2 - v1 a3 mz L -? ?2 g 5 ro ci x!; w d V? 0s R OI <L x 4 ’? Eq < 100 gpi u Y vr OI Y 0-0 / 0 2 -4. e4 4 2 9 4 m z 8 w .4 Y 0 UY E d UY 3 a k 0 v1 Q) c) -4 < 5 i m x cd t. V w c, 0 05 a z : U Fi w 1 B 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 COMPOST PROJECT I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 BUDGET RECOMMENDA TION! 1 1 E 1 COMPOST PROJECT Ref: PURPOSE The compost project was originally established to add a long-t reliable, biosolids management alternative which would be under operations/ownership control of the EWA. 1 1 BACKGROUND The land for the project was purchased in FY 1992/93 $2,000,000. Additionally, environmental, preliminary design, s time, travel costs, etc. have been incurred in the amoun $1,567,382 through June 30, 1993. In March 1993, the EWA Board delayed further implementation of composting project due to concerns with cost, in-vessel techno1 the implementation approach, and product marketing. Additi research on in-vessel cornposting was conducted during FY 9315 At the EWA Board Cornposting Workshop on May 13, 1994, the E considered whether the project should be delayed or forn terminated. Based on input at the Workshop, it is anticipated the project will be formally terminated by the EWA Board. B 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I 1 BUDGET The FY 1994/95 Compost Project budget of $40,400 reflec contingency, land care and surveying costs, There i: outstanding obligation in the maximum amount of $115,000 relocation of the San Diego Gas and Electric mulching operatio the site. This is considered an encumbrance of FY 1993/94 fi During FY 1993/94, SDG&E leased the land from Encina for $1,40 month. Interest earned on the funds held on account, and : payments for land rental, offset budget expenses, and there: have and do preclude having to collect any additional funds. net excess of revenues over expenses have been, and will con to be credited to each member agency's account. -57- Q) M c V E2 a o\oM w3z \Q)a q?; SHRHKsXRxssHg 8888888?28888 M X g 13 go; c! z tn 1.. 2:; cv m 2 0 I I 2 22 c) II 0000000000000 IO IO IO qj IO 9 00 0 10 N f as! I P)@f Ed] P) hog c V a e, a mc% gtgs cne,bo 1E.o XHkeSRMSgMRSSg MXS I 2 .+ Yo cn P E: 84 "8888%82?88:; 0 0000000000000 IO 10 0) IO IO 22 "9 0- P fg gP); 9 N tn ;* ZbI 0 * I cv 2 0 E: 2 I 00 00 0 0 N I uB i I a ?@s *2z * t- -?E* m.zz - - 0 0 0 0 0 10 01 0 0 0 Qj 10 01 0 0, " 01 b 0 t'- v) ", gj m, aI 2; z N v) N 5 I$ GrU+ dU 222 q El ss; ma O\ ' a 01 0 0 0 0 0 01 10 m, m 0, 9 r- .d 10, o I m, " v, m 4 N 6: E 21 -; z 2 1: 4 M 14 SI - 332 v) 52- mac *a% ma8 u '42 P) Iv) 100 M Iv) m mv).- 2 m ; g 2 -5 '* 4, ? m 2K "i2 s I: 3 d 45 2 " g ;% jz r- N" v1 N %2 m gz 8 1 \z $ \o ci e 00 & Irn NI .+ Q\ mm -Ioom -? dm 2,o-P- mv) 3 1- cvl '? 00% N v1 !$ QLI ; 41 z v) ;r; SI F %X-? 2 \D IZ ,I b, ri^ - 0 N CI W $ 8 p: Vg m z29 SM) oa 95 s V In Q\ / <r& v1 o\ '0 OE:gg~g2c33~$NO E Zf- 2 02S~Z~Z~.+~~~~ r-NH0!ZZ ddddddddddddd zw v) m x?xggxgggxggg g k zLo* ~?~~~~zc?z~; EO m*mmmwmm*mmmm &I &I / 8 E "0 U :; ELP -r( 8 0 E a k v1 / v) oi w v) 3 .a .r: u CT Q) 4 n Y -3 0 x a :I g625 t- $1 2 i: =;gdq 42 f& 10 :+ wm I? ?$om LlZd 'jl k z mogz 2! 2 22: VW "Ex252 V Z2E <x g: zggg E :i v) n: fzazp 3 Y;3Z0 *' v) 0 z dl 2 A*rU z: 4 o z +I ki : z- +\ z do:& I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 BUDGET RECOMM€NDA TION, I 1 OTHER CAP/TAl PROJECTS 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 'I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM UNIT J - OCEAN OUTFALL BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS AND UNIT I CAPITAL ACQUISITIONS Ref: 34C UNIT J - OUTFALL The Unit J - Outfall Capital budget is for long term projects E as reballasting, extensions, etc. The Unit J - Outfall Capital FY 1994/95 budget is zero. The 1 J - Outfall Facility Plan implementation has been deferred UI 1995-96. BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS The Building Improvements capital program is for long term builc space needs. It considers land and building requirements. February 1993 2020 Facility Plan Update completed in FY 199, addressed long term space needs in fiscal year 93/94 thereafter. Planning, design and construction will be consid, in future years. The FY 1994/95 Building Improvements capital budget is $100, This is intended to cover funding for initial efforts to ob additional land, if determined appropriate by the EWA Board. UNIT I CAPITAL ACQUISITIONS Capital Acquisitions for Unit I are ongoing operations maintenance capital equipment purchases required for the pl They are identified by account in the Unit I budget. Howe since these costs are paid with capital funds under State Federal Revenue Program Guidelines, they are adjusted out of Unit I Budget and relisted as a Capital Budget item under Capital Program. The Unit I Capital Acquisitions budget total is $145,100. 1 -59- 0 M RS c V a mow a$$ >-%? m&a WMMM b? 8888 g 0 0, /g 2 2 0000 0 0 IO m 0 ;: I P) M c V @2 ‘0 a, a zzi ‘Ea WE1 sa MHHM ho 8888 g 0000 10 I I I I a *w- 03 .- qs $ -E;; $. b gE $e 0000 10 0 IO 2;s 21- “ ;2 I Ixwh wzc) g $ 3VZ a 233 $ 2 BW\ m 4v <s 522 z@m L2 g w tv* OIQ mP 00 mlw ”m, m,;cv, -cv $IS I v) m 22 5 ? >s Q mag ON00 Icv 0 10 cv 0‘ p 0) la I ga V w !x 10 m 0 0 $2 3% 0.0 ark g 10 m ocuoz z CI ; 2222 5 000 < “-to* ” ocuorv .... - c) < *4*“ < 9999 3 u 8gg8 I al M .c V WS P OIOM 1 1 Q2!$ mfia 2%; 6eW W MW w 7 9% - 10 Qua 2: 5 2? p II io1 01 0 I1 0 II 101 01 m- II 00 IO 010 Zb u;:; ‘”I “-I “ .1 (1 \D,’\D, la \I I si 5 i: I a It I zI I II I I1 m bo c c u RaJ a 0 a m0w \Em tmc; ZE7 Sa 1 MMWWM 6p M 2 .1 22 4 2 r 2 v) 0,“ m om 0 2l II 0 II 0 I1 00 IO 101 01 00 IO 101 01 00 IO r‘ II I 0, I >I zp ?I GY;tY; 2S;Z \I <I%\ QJI 5;; m, tI I “I! I I dl II I II W *sa qd 1 $4 * b 2.5 t; zg 1 O-Id 01-1 .+I \o II r? II II 0- II uaIU 0IU)I 01 m- ; “, 0- I 0, I 0, I I “I“ v);rn/ 2: ?I1 q2 =;E; NI 7 ii I II II II !xw* wz&l x z 2g; $ $ (P N II u- II *;; ?!”-I 21 “I 01‘11 ;I gII “-2 qq 0,; ‘”, I1 I m a0 B 82 en% mem gp psp 1 d II d I1 0010 0101 WI 010 0101 mi I= II y: ?‘E; 2; -1- ZIGl 81 “ !I C4Jc-d -IN; “1 CQII Q II m m’;;i 2 t ?3 $ 0 emlm *1”1 01 CQ II mol0 NlPcl PI a-I m1-1 % li -.,o,;: ?f”! 2; -11 a:;s “.i$I %j c\[ I \o- II I1 I I 21 &It E $ -v s$ 1; < sf? sbo 8pi OV <L s -3 ex E; e :: m 99 k4 0 !g? 8 5; [II * V I% e .- I-# I! Ez w .4 c, a 0 0) n a m 1; .d: m I rnz m w w2 VJ V z < 13 b d 0 zp4L-2 b ”% 2 045EV a Id* cz. * cz. 4 vis- 4 csa V o<LC u n z, E% i 0: F <I2k e I”?’ w z 5 w z C < a!gv s F-, *E 0 C u nl C I 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 TWENTY-YEAR 1 I I PROGRAM 1 I 1 1 I I 1 BUDGET RECOMMENDA TION: CAPITAL MdPROVEMENT I 1 1 I R I 1 1 I 1 II I 1 1 I I 1 1 BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS TWENTY YEAR I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ref: € PURPOSE The intent in preparing a Twenty Year Capital Improvement Pro5 (CIP) budget is to provide EWA and its member agencies informa needed for short- and long-term capital expense planning. BACKGROUND EWA staff have prepared the twenty year CIP budget for many ye( updating it each year. BUDGET The twenty year CIP budget includes detailed projections for first five years as well as a general projection for the follo fifteen years, out to FY 2013/14. A summary of the entire tw year plan is attached. To further assist the member agenciei their financial planning, projected allocations of the twenty CIP budget by member agency are shown in another schedule. ' second schedule also shows the estimated balance on hand at Jul 1994, which can be used to offset future capital. demands. The individual project budget amounts are based on the Febr 1993 Year 2020 Facility Plan Update, the April 1992 Ocean Out Facility Plan, the August 1993 Cogeneration System Optimiza Plan, and the February 1993 Encina Composting Program prelirni design estimates. These documents combine member agency projections and agency capacity requirements with design/capa and cost data to provide a framework for future expansions other projects. As indicated by footnote, the composting prc is still included pending the May 13, 1994 EWA Board workshoE In general, project schedules also are based on these plal: documents. However, in accordance with direction from the Bu Advisory Committee, the first two years of the twenty year budget have been kept as lean as possible, reflecting CUI economic conditions, In some cases, this has meant defei recommended expenditures. Examples of this include a three- postponement of building program recommendations from the Feb-J 1993 Year 2020 Facility Plan Update and a two-year postponernei flow equalization site acquisition activities recommended ir April 1992 Ocean Outfall Facility Plan, -63- Ref: 8101.2 In postponing these activities, there is a risk that the costs will increase and/or "windows of opportunity" may be lost. To help minimize this risk, the FY 1994/95 CIP budget includes $100,000 funding for initial efforts to obtain additional land (for an administration building, flow equalization, and/or buffer zone, etc.) if determined appropriate by the EWA Board. As planning reports are updated or other information becomes available, the twenty year CIP budget is revised. The CIP may also be modified due to unanticipated wastewater service requirements by one or more agencies, changes in local population growth patterns, changed regulatory requirement's, etc. In addition, Encina's Revised Basic Agreement calls for regular monitoring of the Unit I and Unit J capacity demands. Before the total measured and committed flows reach 75 percent of the Unit I or Unit J capacity, Encina must initiate a program to ensure adequate capacity is available to meet the projected member agency wastewater treatment and disposal needs. The CIP budget will be updated accordingly. Plant rehabilitation refers to ongoing rehabilitation at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (Unit I), as identified in the Encina Plant Rehabilitation Master Plan. Plant rehabilitation projects are typically large in scale (greater than $10,000 in cost), requiring contract labor. Examples in the FY 1994/95 budget include replacement of aeration basin diffuser air piping and replacement of dissolved air flotation thickener hardware. In accordance with state and federal revenue program guidelines, rehabilitation projects may be paid for with capital funds. Therefore, the costs are identified here as a convenience to those member agencies wishing to use capital funds. Estimated facility replacement costs also are listed in the twenty year CIP budget for the convenience of the member agencies. In the years since the inception of the Clean Water Grant Program, the State Water Resources Control Board and the Environmental Protection Agency have varied in their requirements to include capital recovery and replacement costs in local agency sewer service charges. EWA acquired its Phase I11 grant funds at a time when this was not a requirement; however, it is recommended that the member agencies consider accruing these funds as it is a sound fiscal practice. We have estimated the facility's total annual replacement cost using Phase I11 costs (excluding the ocean outfall) and Phase IV costs. Pre-Phase I11 costs have not been included and Phase I11 and IV engineering costs have been offset in recognition of the fact that each annual capital budget includes some facility rehabilitation funds as does each expansion project. One-time costs (plant site work) have also been offset as have expenses for -64- I 1 Ref: 810 The result 1 calculations are as follows: materials projected to have a long life (concrete). Total Phase III/IIIA Costs $56,000,000 Less Engineering Costs (8,000,000) Less Site Work (5 , 000 , 000) SUBTOTAL (in 1981 Dollars, ENRLA = 4200) $33,000,000 Phase III/IIIA Costs Escalated to FY 1994/95 Dollars basec projected December 1994 ENRLA construction cost index: Less Estimated Concrete Costs ~lO,OOO, 000) 1 I ll I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 ENRLA 6670 $33,000,000 X ---------- = $52,400,000 ENRLA 4200 Total Phase IV Costs $47,000,000 Less Engineering Costs (6,300,000 Less Estimated Concrete Costs (9,700.000 SUBTOTAL (in 1991 Dollars, ENRLA = 5995) $31,000,000 Phase IV Costs Escalated to FY 1994/95 Dollars based on projected December 1994 ENRLA construction cost index: ENRLA 6670 $31,000,000 X ---------- = $34,580,000 ENRLA 5995 "Total" Annual Replacement Cost (in FY 1994195 doll assuming 50-year straight line depreciation): $52,400,000 + $34,500.000 = $1,738,000 per year 50 Years Dividing this amount by an agency's percentage ownership of Un would derive the amount any agency should budget for replacem 1 1 -65- ENCINA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (1) May 4, 1994 FY 1994/95 TC 1998-99 1999-14 1991 1995-96 1996- 97 1997-98 PROJECT 1994- 95 Encina WPCF (Unit I) Cogeneration optimization 81,100,000 $1 , Building Improvements - Land, Design & Construct (2) $1 00,000 $10,000 81,240,000 $3,475,000 83,475,000 $8, Phase V - Plan, Design, Construct $11,440,000 $11, Plant Rehabilitation (3) 8510,000 $470,000 8500,000 8500,000 8500,000 87,500,000 $9, Capital Acquisitions (4) $145,000 $96,000 8200,000 3200,000 $200,000 $3,000,000 $3, Additional Disposal Capacity Ocean Outfall/Flow Equalization (Unit J) Facility Plan Implementation (5) $350,000 s. Planning, Design, Construction of Selected Alternative (6) 851,743,000 851,i Solids Management Encina Cornposting Project (7) Administration, Legal, and Misc 87,000 $1,000 $212,000 $185,000 $212,000 8c Open Space Easement Surveying 86,000 Weed Abatement Plan $2,000 $2,000 Public Info, Financial, etc. $17,000 $17,000 817,000 9 Permits and Other Fees $892,000 $€ Contingencies $25,000 $25,000 $17,000 $1 7,000 917,000 $1 Phase 1 Design $1,331,000 81,3 Construction Management 31 1,000 8277,000 $277,000 $5 Office Eng/Startup Services 31 1,000 $222,000 $222,000 84 Construction $6,890,000 $6,890,000 S13,7 ULt imate Desi gn/Construct ion $34,000,000 934,C TOTAL COMPOST PROJECT $40,000 $28,000 $2,491,000 $7,608,000 $7,635,000 834,000,000 $51,1 TOTAL ALL PROJECTS 81,895,000 8944,000 33,201,000 $9,548,000 811,810,000 8111,158,000 S138,5 TOTAL W/WT PLANT REHABILITATION (8) $1,385,000 $474,000 $2,701,000 $9,048,000 $11,310,000 $103,658,000 $128,5 Facility Replacement (9) $1,738,000 $1,738,000 31,738,000 $1,738,000 $1,738,000 $26,070,000 $34,7 Footnotes: 1. Actual costs used when available. Unit I building improvements costs are from the February 1993 Year 2020 Facility P Update, escalated by 3 percent per year over the three-year project postponement. Cornposting project costs are based the February 1993 preliminary design estimate (ENRLA of 6700); the FY 1996-97 through 1998-99 costs have been escalatl 3 percent per year over the three and one-half year pro,ject postponement. Plant rehabilitation, capital acquisitions facility replacement costs are shown at ENRLA of 6670. All other costs are shown at an ENRLA of 6670, multiplied by : percent for each year between FY 1994/95 and when the costs are projected to be incurred. includes both present worth ad projected costs and has limited meaning. 2. Costs to meet projected EUA building needs based on February 1993 Year 2020 Facility Plan Update, escalated by 3 percl per year over the three-year project postponement. FY ‘1994/95 CIP budget includes funding for initial efforts to obti additional land, if determined appropriate by the EWA Board. Overall project costs may be lower than shown if additic land is not needed (i.e., if a setback variance can be obtained from the City of Carlsbad for an Administration Build Assumes Vallecitos Uater District is a member agency. Off-site office lease expires in March 1997. 3. Major capital outlays toward plant rehabilitation, as identified in the Encina Plant Rehabilitation Master Plan. Cos’ are included in Encina’s operating budget. 4. Capital acquisitions (both new and replacement). Costs are not included in Encina’s operating budget. 5. Funding is included per the April 1992 Ocean Outfall Facility Ptan to pursue acquisition of additional land for flow equalization and for additional outfall studies (friction factor testing, ocean dispersion modeling, etc.) needed pric expansion of Unit J capacity. 6. It is anticipated that additional effluent disposal capacity will be needed at some time in the future. A disposal alternative will be selected following completion of necessary studies (e.g., n factor testing, dispersion modeling, t Value included in spreadsheet represents the estimated cost of constructing a new outfall paralleling the existing out Other alternatives include parat leling just the nearshore portion of the existing outfall (less costly), constructing longer outfall (more costly), and flow equalization (retative cost not known at this time). Cost shown based on mid-p of construction occurring in FY 2003/04. 7. Cornposting cost estimates are based on February 1993 Carollo/Burgess and Niple preliminary design figures (ENRLA of 67 (FY 1996-97 through 1998-99 costs have been escalated by 3 percent per year over the three and one-half year project postponement.) 8. In previous years, the 20-year CIP budget also included a row labeled TOTAL WITHOUT PLANT REHABILITATION AND WITHOUT INTEREST OFFSET. Encina member agency financial staffs. Therefore, olTotallo colm These costs are included in the 20-year CIP budget pending the May 13, 1994 coinposting workshop. This row was deleted from the FY 1994/95 20-year CIP budget because it was potentially confusing to 9. These funds are accunulated and held by individual agencies. Includes all facilities through Phase IV. CIP94.W -6 6- I 1 1 I i 1 I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 D 1 I EblClNA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY M YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVMENT PROGRAM BY AGENC 1994-45 to a14 TOt%l without 994-2014 and Percentage Pro'ected (lncludin int) Be , Fund Bal ALLOCATION BASIS Past PHIV Unit I Av 0 0 0 0 231,710 21811 24811 0 272,910 0 aim 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,7@ 2024 %34! 0 0 0 0 222lw 0 0 0 $t't'w Post PHtV Unit I Au 0 21.61! 24m 8169 BUILDING VISTA m4j IMPROVEMENTS CARLSBAD 2% %! 20% 16poD 'la 0 22,062 250,916 703,340 BUENA VALLECITOS 35,ooO 20,240 484! LEUCADIA ENClNlTAS '18 1% 0 5,276 60,016 1&1% 141% "gl Total $lb9,ooO $laO,m 80 $1@,W $1,2@oOO &47W 846000 &Wm post PHIV Unit , A, PLANT VISTA 108,oSO 1,s20,150 2,156,678 21,611 ZMl! 0 110,211 101,567 lW60 ai6 0 126,531 116,@7 124050 %! f24N l@,m &47&@4 2024 0 103,224 95,128 101,203 101,200 101,200 ljl8,,000 2,019@ 2034 184' 0 103,734 95,594 101700 101700 101700 1,%@ 2,029,932 dance PROJECT AGENCY July 1, b4 1994-45 1995-96 1W7 1997-9 lSS-99 1W2414 ! __. ---_I_--- 0 0 0 237,710 0 272,910 0 8,7@ 0 m,w Thl so $l,l~pao OOGENEAATIOM VISTA PROJECT CARLSBAQ BUENA VAL1 EClTOS 00 3: 4M LEUCADIA 0 a740 0 0 @ i! 8 @ ENCl NITAS 0 w40 8 0 267964 750,948 750,943 1$15,024 6$a 0 &ii 303,644 @,14 862,148 &Wrn 0 4@4 101,184 w 3; 1,.$$,958 0 22,171 252,216 X@15 706,815 REHABIL ITATtOH CAR LSBAD VALLECITOS LEUChDlA ENCl NITAS Total PHASE V VISTA EXPANSION CARLSBAQ BUENA VALLECITOS LEUCADIA ENClNlTAS BUENA o 41,616 a,~ 40,m wm 44800 siz,wo atqa 24684 22,748 24ja 24kN 24b 3Qm a@ 3 514m $47o,,wB w,m wm w,m $7WJ,fJJj @Nm PostPHIV Unit I A, Total bo bo 8 bo bo 800 St1rnN $11!44w Pos~ PHIV Unit I A 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,472,184 2,472,1@4 2181 &le 0 0 ow 0 24a1 2024 203 0 0 0 0 tam &% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 &&a 2l&gl 484 0 29493 (018 19,526 4,646 40,690 9,m 40,m 9,M 44680 9,ssD !& I&# 4& 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,315,456 2,315,456 0 0 21.61 2A81 0 31,335 0 35,975 ai! @ 23 %!I % 38 &I6 2024 0 11832 7,834 16,320 16,320 16,320 244800 31W 203 0 29:348 19,430 40@ 40,480 40,480 607,m m418 781,259 CAPITAL VISTA ACQUISITIONS CARLSBAD FOR EXlSTtNG PLA BUEM VALLECITOS LEUCADIA ENClNlTAS Total i s145,oco %m moOO wm, w,m &Woo0 #@4W -67- 1 FJ,.17-May~.C:\t2~U~~~~.~K~.t EICINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY 20 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BY AGENC 1994-95 ta Mi4 Pro'ected Total dance without (Includin int) Be . Fund Bai ALLOCATIOH BASIS pst PHIV Ut I Solids CAALSBAD 951,oOO &a10 &a11 l@qSs 1$56$s32 ap@ol 1234246 2432% BUENA 3%,oOO @ 2,587 230,168 702,979 705,474 3,141,soO 4,74505 924 VALLECITOS 7,936 5555 494,214 1,503,427 1,514,784 745,600 10,277,517 19.84% ENCINITAS 191 OOO 1896 1327 118,073 W619 361,899 1,611,600 2,455,415 474% @dm 82,@hm $71&@1m $hfim @$@,@) 81~&m pst PHlv ut I Solids OUTFALL FACILITY VISTA 0 0 741% 0 0 0 0 74,14130 21.18% PLAH CARLSBAD 0 0 85120 0 0 0 0 85,120 242% 924 19.84% LEUCADIP, 0 0 ENClNlTAS 0 0 16$m 0 0 0 474s Pst PHIV Ut J Dispo PARALLEL VISTA 0 0 0 0 0 0 101459,167 l0$9,167 21sa OUTFALL CARLSBAD 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,!x!4sss l2,!23@ 2432% BUENA 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,781,053 4,781,053 924% VALLECITOS 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,265,811 lO,265,8ll 19&4% LEUCADIA 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,70a,452 10,700,452 2060% 0 0 2,452,618 2,@,6l8 474% @ ba1'7'm '1'7'm tNFORMATIONAL ONL OVERALL PERCENT TOTAL VISTA 940m 409,338 202,373 74419 2,034a 2,519,311 23,@,549 29,516,597 2129% CARLSBAD 992,ooO 469,954 232,354 606,524 2,331@ 2,Ss2,650 27,158,159 33,891.p 2444% BUENA %,O@ 155p61 81,113 296J83 W#3 1,046,154 999E,51! 12,436,314 897% VALLECITOS 781,000 38,388 189,554 657,956 1WN 2,359,804 223155,407 27,648,192 1934% LEUCADIA 916,oOO 385,579 193,295 6363 1:9&4 2,4113 22,901,063 28,555671I 20.59% ElYCINITAS 199,m 91,678 45,312 15t229 454,515 563,H 5,294,304 6,soi';oor 477% PROJECT AGENCY July 1, ik4 1934-35 1945-96 199697 1997-98 193-99 1994-20t4 !M-?84 and Percentage ------- COMPOST PROJECT VISTA a0 8,472 5,930 527,594 1,611,374 1,617,093 7,201@ 1OI971,@4 21,m LEUCADIA ai 8,272 iiT90 515,139 1,573,334 1,578,918 !,031,200 10,712,654 M.& VALLECITOS 0 O& Tobl &Wb wb BUENA 0 0 Z'&J 0 0 0 0 34340 0 0 0 o m,m 0 0 0 0 tg 2o.m boD moo0 Total 8 $0 loco so so $0 roa $0 ENClNlTAS 0 0 0 Total @ $4 so -------- $4)2lOpOo $llass,ooo $¶44$a, &3x)@N gs,54aJm $1i,8tO,oOo $lrl,lqooo $138&rn Wl kt€$ (1) Includes Plant AehabiliWibn of $5lO,ooO -68- FJ.. 1 7+hy-sA.t\12343\BUDGET\2oY R95.W B.2 I 1 1 1 1 1 BUDGET I I RECOMMENDA TIONS I I 1 BY D 1 1 1 I I 1 1 SUMMARY PROGRAM a, M c 0 *2 a Q\OM -3% 1 I \ 3 .a, gg -a 8% 6Q #SSQ 84 sp 8 98 2 $ #W6Q gP 6QEW .-o+ - 999 2 ?-?$ x 2 v! - 000 000 5: gg2 g 2; gl 0 0 01 01 2 8 '0,l y c1TNL 3 9: c! 91 "-I mmm 3 2%- $$ \0; 2) l? 2% I GI I1 moo \o " I 1-4-4 I 0 000 01 01 = "I N m z; Sl lnmo I I I I 9) bo HS & V a a a 1 1 m c% 5* ?E2 g,E7 gs848 S SbPS 8 S 8 s 8?8S w BQ "r?? f 9c4Y 2 z 8 8 438 2 2 4\00 r. 2-c- I 2-0 r- vp m 1 72 0 000 81 01 952 '? o\,?\o- % ?.I 2: 49 0,' si 00 ql $1 tQ1 00 01 000 0 000 0 01 01 000 0 000 0 01 01 82% 5 Z$e $ %I x: -2 - q 2; $2 i $i 4 I I I I 5 323 * \ zg $22 * %* 1 2 % 3 21 3; 920I 3 2: y dm0 3 mu)" "-0 bo, 5%- 3 Inj 3! * 2 2 2; ;;j 2; I GI I I 000 ?Ym, - a% x Q) $82 > OI1 2 1 om 2; 2I I "I I! omm 0 000 0 01 0" In om0 In 01 Pi OmN 5 =g\0 0- 52% 2 %fi T', o?! x; 2% 6' sfl 22 3: 13: 2 %j 2! Y kl 0 \ g 2% sw\ om <% mag 532 qzg eo* N lnI-v-4 e ml =I mB 92t v? p??% 2 y ai 2 2 2 2; "-1 %Z% 2 r;B$ a dl o\ d 4 I r-j -c; I 'B; & >. m ln 0 o\ GI 81 y " ?. mI ?I -4- I 0,: mal 25 g 6 I 0 el r-I m, : 3 y 3; 2-a, 2: g ONC) p?p-Q: v? 2 2 5 %; \0"$ 2 5 0 2 2: I :; ", I "-1 * am* 0 0 c4 < 2% 8 V {z W d Vg s v) o\ 29 :: se: SM UV 4a In Q\ 1 -2 L7.I & 9 c) 02 H U m C / a W m 0 0 B ec .o, 3 ..4 CI m 4: n L4 4 Y I i a C I I- W 0 m 2l E B u 52 El ow g !z 3: 3 z $ c1 t; -ww 2 <ze3 d a 5 z ;&A cl 00, Q f.- g x id &+e E : a 303 z E2& " 3 a 3 (3 u < 2 181 s wgw 0 0 a5,bdov mlaa v =gm 8 z ,J el w ozz d cl rn ec & dE n mu G2 &>. lx4 s or 3 pz&a * +$,*zA< 4 du no m +dm m E ow 3 n 6~: a zw;i 5: 2 * W X 322 I I 1 I 1 3 I 1 I AND I 1 I 1 I I I I I I FINANCIAL PLAN REVENUE PROGRAM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY Encina Financial Plan and Revenue Program FY 1994/95 Ref: * Backcrround The Financial Plan & Revenue Program (FP&RP) was a requiremen1 the Clean Water Grant Program which funded the majority of plant Phase I11 expansion. The FP&RP was produced to provic framework of fair and equitable user charges and for application of those user charges. The entire FP&RP consist seven (7) elements: the Encina program and each of the six member agencies' programs. The initial entire FPfRP was appr by the State as part of the grant (State and Federal) condit for the Encina Unit I Phase 111 expansion and upgrade. Each ag has a responsibilityto maintain its own program in accordance State and Federal guidelines. The following is the annual UF of the Encina Program. Methodolocry The Encina Financial Plan and Revenue Program provides a set me for allocating Encina's Unit I expenses. In order to allow upstream reclamation of wastewater o a system was deviset minimize the financial impact on non-reclaimers. This was dol categorizing an expense as either an Ownership or Usage t Usage costs are then further broken down into Flow, Biochei Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) costs. Each agency pays its full share of ownership costs whether 01 it reclaims wastewater. These percentages are establ. according to predetermined capacity/ownership rights for agency. Therefore, a reclaiming agency does not pay for flow not sending to the plant and a non-reclaiming agency does not the full brunt of maintaining the plant in a ready-to-ser fail-safe mode. Quarterly sampling and monthly flow report used to calculate annual usage totals and Percentages whicl then applied to the budget to determine an agency's usage cos three-year average of these values is used. To illustrate this concept, let us assume an agency reclaims : its flow (pulls out 25%) from Encina. The Agency still pay ownership costs, maintaining its capacity rights. However agency would save 25% of the flow costs under usage, TSS ar treatment costs would also be adjusted accordingly based o strength of the agency's remaining flows. -71- Page Two Ref: 7870.2 Assumr>tions Usage (flow, BOD and total suspended solids) data for each agency is based upon Fiscal years 1990/91, 1991/92, 1992/93 audited actual measurements by the computerized flows meters. Ownership percentages are based upon post Phase IV weighted average liquids and solids ownerships as contained in the Revised Basic Agreement. Tables Table 1 presents the proposed budget broken down by ownership and usage categories. The usage category is then further specified by flow, BOD, and TSS. This breakdown is based on identifying each budget category as an ownership or usage-related expense. Once each type of cost is identified, it is allocated to the member agencies based on each agency's percentage of that cost (ownership, usage--f low, BOD, TSS) . Sludue Gas Credit In order to provide usage credits to upstream water reclaimers, the concept of a sludge gas credit was instituted. The sludge gas is derived from the strength of the wastewater, primarily total suspended solids. The gas is used to operate the Encina engine blowers which provide air to the BOD removal process. The member agencies are credited for the amount each contributes which results in an avoided energy (natural gas) expenditure for Encina. Reclaiming agencies contribute less flow but greater TSS concentrations, resulting in more sludge gas. The budgeted sludge gas value is collected from each agency based on BOD loadings, and credited based on TSS loadings. -72- 8s -3gKi I 8 kKi sa n mo U- z %$ I sgz I q$ q 7 c$ 4 z*m I I -I- !.I. zz V- n t- *.-rDm*-rDm"rDmtN cu 01 Q)N ---- 0 c1 v 0 ? 1z q*m "6 Q, 1 $1 $ 3% GU $1 7 I i i v) maa)U)vO OUIvQFJUl LDeNrOI- NO(Dr(lt --Na)(DN mlnmmom P-morccoln m-*m P- eZ%$i;$s NtP-rnta) Cur-oq-, fq?m,",-.'D, Lx<Tt$y s-,cu,y-,tn, am)ar&q rcr---r-s? q o'm'rc^rc"~-co' dGG-66 crJJ-Jgc.J$& -r--mmm F).-Nr-F) - P, :%?q 2,TiqLgq -Nmm -NrOrC? m t- a. - - g Ed - r >- 0 z W Q U XRM M Ybpw w *sg !? rnma a).-* * am- t YMbp g > XNPbp w m P-ON v) % - 2-f G 322 z T?'? 7 2:: N N?'? 1 f2?2 8 apllc a) W 0 +z- 55;i N-P- m" N - CVNN N -N- a a < Et-s I an u a a X cn >E k& gl0 Io= =st; 4.92 L omm CON0 4azrf & pJ$ ?>?I +-I&> =">"' 2=3_1 xgy 2 n- 5 a<?!? P IC- g $t 2 ir- $ ic 2 5$i' zfn U I- wEf 2 v) aLU2 < "8 0 - CnbN (VN %qG &;;X %$2 zg@ :gs\ 3%: 5%q -m* m 7- - v?: (nON -7 t-U fn a- - z Q- 4 n- a- - - Xi- WE= ugs -1 wgz 0 WE2 aw= 2 OW2 -I alU2 2 OW2 120 *fn2-Io S~J m <=_I >" <=-I J UZ [Ox< '452gg a 303 :gz EZz =oc 42 E n I W =w corn&$ oggua+ uzg<<? O~~~<c" ~mm<~t- t; g;yt-+ IA-It-t- Zd2I-t- ,:!?t-t- ZJJt-t- W r \XYOO p5:pe pd?? N \x,oo 3cc:pZ 3\\I-t- -I 4 3\\I-C- m a oon oon own ov)n oon I- a i~t-tn u-t-m ur-m u-+m ut-m U < 2[OO -1400 -1 tn 0 Jv)O 2fnO v) 0 a W < 2 3 n 4 k - m 0 n 0 v) 2 < w m > J -74- >- 9 J 0 -1 a W 0 =;I aII 4 4> I 1 1 I t V bsi; aw I Z "'3zg I, :ggo,g I 0 $$?% zq nu<<< Y& y.&?<" I I & W,<Z!? 23 s)ip- ul I- -JZLX.l U(n5CC Z=J* m $E$$ I I I "8 0 D I I I I I I a~GJsa +-qy -2% %8~88Og o_@io_k*- - I= U 0 W cncn #8X%IG SO$&$ n a m hl a l-mma SZk k2-b zuguw U $EWE@ 0 W acnIcng (II-JuJa ON+ v!z + E8 s" Z<&U 888 8 *&e* 3 t cn w a 4 X m vcc 7 L3U-P e, znzn-' I-,?? Onmno P n3-J3z >-a 2323= I v) DZgq Z5WZ" ma- n plJ *zz SI-O+E UJJE? +Jay $8 g(z<zQ man 4 \m w%U3, m.='p%gg gg+cn<(na 3$"$ a- I~-I &~cnWv)Ei UUgE 2 Y 5- w =I- J zl- \I-z nzw4Ez% =*bU I= zm f wgz 4 ugz kg' a$$Lua' <Z aowm!+$ 032 "68 303 30I- z- pb*(lz o--In (1lmm44I- cnul-J-lo ~y~~~ cncn-JJ:! -100 umm Izw<wua +-=eJ:eJk- JJJ iz~'-arn~~ '0 m ocnn (44 <ELwga \YYOO 3\\'-b ooo KI~Z Sa omn !-*I- zQw@-<-Z JCnO Lkrn 02nWq mo 50*2g@2 u"u<acIICnw OQO>-<-~ z~LJcn!icnS 0_204>Wi -I"-I$q+$ Ig4zrrwuo r,o4pag: *xn n z E WOfnOcn" -'~mwrnw~ s;fgPgn5Ei pmp=g" II II II LL IL a 6,6,x $;!yEg \hcs -ox-:'oz 4 W '3$$323Z?i WO u) a< a mwt-0) cn f am owm 43=J CiWN Ow= gvz ZD~>O~- 0 ow=) g w m3-J I- z 42 U I (v W -I n ZJ-'I-+ \YYOO 3\\+t- I-++ a JCnO I- LLI-03 --w d - =\\3 u 0 z !I -I UI-~L k U + hhh- - -eJC)d 5 0 I- z V z W - -vu- -75- ENCIM WASTEWATER AUTHORITY BUDGET BY PROGRAM AND BY AGENU FISCAL 1994/95 PERCElTAGE BASK OF ALLOCATION UNIT I 6,@4,aoO <------PER FlKANClAL PUN & REVENUE PROGRAM TABL VISTA 1,618@6 &723% PROPOSED ANNUAL USAGE AND MISERSHIP CARLSBAD l,MO,laS 25207% CHARGES BY AGENCY BUENA 531,657 7.791% YALLECITOS 1,349,174 19.?71% LEUCADIA 1,290,581 18,918 ENClN ITAS 313,623 436% DIRECTORS' FEES, CONFERENCES & TRAVEL 35100 c VISTA (EN 138131% PAYMENT AMOUNT PERCENTAGES CARLSBAD 6,098 17.366% BUENA 5,359 15267% VALLECITOS 5,895 18'194% LEUCADIA ?$I am EKCINITAS 5,493 15,W UNIT J - OUTFALL VISTA CARLSBAD 15,041 22.5 BUEM 4@ 7m VALLECITOS 13,647 20,4609; LEUCADIA 10318 15.470% ENClNlTAS it08 4660% 0 100,m 0 BASED UPOM FY PROJECTED tW94 0 loom 0 66,700 <-------PER 630-93 AUDITED FINANCIAL IKFORA4ATION f9,764 29,63G% UNIT J FLOW, FS PAGE 13, NOTE 4, 0 1m.m 0 UNIT C BUENA VISTA PS 184,500 <--------OWNERSHIP PERCENTAGES SEE 630-93 AUDITED VISTA 155,903 843% FINANCIAL INFORMATKIN: PA@ 3 CARLSBAD 28,591 15.5M)% 0 BU ENA tM1.m VALLECITOS LEUCADIA ENCINITAS UNIT G AGUA HEDIONDR PS VISTA 98p10 65&3% 6-30-93 AUDITED CARLSBAD s0,aSO 34.177% FINANCIAL INFORMATION, PG 13, CAPITAL BUENA 100,cQo% ACQUISITIONS BASED UPON VALLECITOS OWNERSHIP PERCENTAGE, FIN. INFO., PG 3 LEUCADIA ENClN ITAS SHAWY(RI0GE FACILITIES VISTA CARLSBAD VALLECITOS LEUCADIA ENCINITAS 0 148,m <---------O & bt EXPENSES BASED UPON AUDITED FLOWS, 0 0 83,1@ <--------BUENA SAWITATION DISTRICT OWNS FACfLlN BUENA 830,IoD 1w3.m SOURCE CONTROL PROGRAM 274400 <-------BASED UPON $I 1994 95 SOURCE CONTROL BUDG VISTA CARLSMD % 32.201% ALLOCATION BY OBJECT USlB BUENA 21 102 7.890% PROJECTED I# (INDUSTRIAL WASTE) USE AND VALtECl TOS 90i803 33.0% PROJECTED FY 93/94 FLOW PERGENTAGES. LEUCADIA 20466 7&& 15,453% COST BY MMBER A d Hcy YSORKSHEET. ENClHlTAS 11& 4085% -0 1ooLN@ 0 -76- FJ.X18Juni14.,C:\123R3\BUDGEnBILL45B,WK3,.1 ENCIM WASTEWATER AUTHORITY BUDGET BY PWAM AND BY A6ENU FISCAL 1994/95 I I I I I I I I I I 0 1oo.m 1 I I 1 I 1 -77- I FLOW METERING WGRM 70,soO <-------.BASED UPOH 6W AUDITED EXPENDITURE 223% NUMBER AND TYPE OF METFRS VISTA 15,Ib 2139% PERCENTAGES WHICH ARE EASED URN CARLSBAD BUENA VALLECITOS 9,976 14131% LEUCADIA 9,997 t4lfi[)$ 1m I EMClN ITAS I@! 20371% 5? 0 BUILDIHG IMPROVEMENTS laqo00 <-------PER REVISED BASIC AGREMENT POST PHASE IV VISTA 21,610 21.6103 UNIT I OWNERSHIP - WEIGHTED AVERAGE. CARLSBAD 2q810 24815% N 93/94 AUDITED FINANCIAL BUENA 4160 am INFORMATION PAGE 11, NOTE 3 VALLECITOS 20,240 202a LEUCADIA &340 2dm 4m 48100 lMI.WIo% lU!,W PREVIOUSLY COLLECTED I ENClN ITAS CAPITAL ACQUISITIONS PLT 145,Mlo <-------PW REVISE0 BASIC AGREEMENT POST PHASE IV VISTA 3,334 21.EtOX UNIT I OWNERSHIP - WEIGHTED AVERAGE. CARLSMD 35,915 248101L M 93/94 AUDITED FINANCIAL BUENA It U 81soxI tNFOR~ATlON PAGE 11, NOTE 3 VALLECITOS EMCINITAS rs” 20240% LEUCADIA 29:m 2o.m 7,018 4M 0 lam Q CAPITAL - UNIT J OUTFALL VISTA CARLSBAO 0 2420% N 9/94 AUDITED FIQNCIAL INFORMATION, BUENA 0 9.240% PAGE 11 VALLECITOS 0 19m LEUCADIA 0 20,m 0 4.m ENClNlTAS 0 <----PER REVISED MSle AGREEMENT Section 93 0 21,1& WST PHASE IY CONSTRUCTIO# UNIT I SOLIDS 0 CAPITAL - COMPOST PMJEC 40,400 (4ER REVISED BASIC AGREEMENT Section 91 ViSTA 8,557 2t.18of6 POST PHASE IV COHSTRUCTIM UNIT I SOLIDS CARLSBAD 9@5 243% N 93/94 AUDITED FINANCIAL IN~~~TtO~ BUEM 3,733 9.2& PAGE 11 VALLECITOS 8,015 19M LEUCADIA 6355 2o.m EMCINITAS 1,915 4.740% 0 1odiXB 40,U PREVIOUSLY OLLECTED COGENERATION PROJECT 1,100,MX) <-----Pat REVISED BASIC AGREgMENT POST FHA% IV VISTA 237,710 2f.610fb UNIT I OWNERSHIP - WEtGHTED AVERAGE, CARLSBAD 272,910 24.61Ol M 93/94 AUDtTED FINAEIAL BUEM wa aim INFORMATION PAM ti, NOTE 3 VALLECITOS m:siK, 202403 LEUCADIA 223$740 w w O w! 100,m ENC IN1 TAS SUMMARY OPERATING PROGRAMS TOTA 8,434JN 0 ROUNDING CAPlTAL PROGRAMS TOTAL 1,%,# -1404oO COWST & BtDe CIP PREVIOUSLY COLLECTED GRAND TOTAL 9,819,700 -140Q00 COMPOST & BLDG CIP PREVIOUSLY COLLECTED FJ,~un#.,~\l~~~BUOGEnBI L&B.WK3,2 ENClHA WASTMATER AUTHORiTY BUDGET RY PROGRAM AND BY AGENCY FlSCA L 1W95 CITY OF VISTA OPERATING FUND i PROGRAM ' RECOMMENDED BUDGET i RWENDED BUDGi I I I I tw94 I 1994f95 I : 1161W f \ 1 UNIT t PLANT ; ~,@P~ IDIRECTORS~ FEES, CONFERENCES g TRAVEL : 4963 fm I I f wQ1 I I 155,m 1 , ' 19,789 1 sap10 I I I 442% / \ 42,459 1 / FlOW METERING PROGRAM I 16,555 f 15,186 I I ' UNIT J (OCEAN OUTFALL) I I UNIT C (BUENA VISTA PUMP STATION) I I UNIT G (AGUA HEDIONDA PUMP STATION) \ ' SOURCE CONTROL PROGRAM I I I I 19,766 I ' 153,748 I I 1 I I I I TOTAL - OPERATING FUND ; 1,931,538 t r,v CAPITAL FUND ' PROGRAM I RECOMMENDED BUDGET 1 RECOMMENDED BUR; I I 0 I I CAPITAL ACQUISITIONS FOR EXISTIRG PLANT [ 3924 I 0 0 ' UNIT J OUTFALL ' COGENERATION PROJECT ' CWJOST PROJECT - PREVIOUSLY COLLECTED ' (3T14D) I 1- I I I 1994/95 I ' 1943/94 OI I 31,334 k I *I OI I ' SUBTOTAL ; l&W I i %%o44 \ !PHASE IV ! 18,674 I I I I I 1 I I 237,710 I I I- I I 0 I ' BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS - PREVIOUSLY COLLECTED 1 I I I TOTAL - CAPITAL FUND f 12,319 t %,W ; TOTAL - ALL FUNDS i $%a7 t rn4@ I I I I CONTRIBUTION SCHEDULE i IST QUART. i 2ND QUART,; 3RD QUART. i 4TH QUART.; VISTA TOTAL i 1. OPERATIMG FUND I 48,760; 4&47@j 4&l,lsO I am 1 $1,955,@4 I l I 6731 1 fl,Z6t f 671261 / 67,261 1 $zsspsl I l @I 0; TOTAL I 558,021 f 53,021 / 556,021 f 556,019j &224,@ I 2. CAPTIAL I I I 0; I I 4 01 I i I 1-1 t -78- f J,O&lun~.C.,\i~~\BU~ET\BlL~~WK~,l CITY OF VISTA FISCAL YEAR 1994/95 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I BUDGET AND REVENUE RECOMMENDATIONS UNIT I COST TREND COMPARISONS I REPORTED I f COST PER EDU ! EDU’S : June 1980 i 1980/81 : : June 1981 f 1981/82 : I June 1982 I 1982/83 : I I :% i BUDGET : I I : CHANGE I $24.82 i $2.07 i I 34.3% I I : PER YEAR :PER I MO I 1 15,095 : $374,596 I l a I 15,484 I $515,799 f $33.31 t $2.78 : I $36.24 I $3.02 t 8.6% I 15,645 ! $567,013 i I I : June 1983 i 1983/84 ! I I I $52.78 I $4.40 : 45.7% I 65,894 I $838,963 i I I I I I I I- I I I 1- I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I i 1 i I I I June 1984 t 1984/85 i I -0.2% 1 16,210 ! $854,205 I I $52.70 i I $4.39 : ; June 1985 I 1985/86 ! I 0.2% I $52.83 I $4.40 : I I 17,152 : $906,183 I I I i June 1986 : 1986/87 i I $49.27 ! $4.11 i -6.6% I 22,529 i $1,109,955 ! a I f June 1987 : 1983/M : I $51.93 f $4.33 ; 5.4% I June 9988 I 1988/89 ! I $72.68 i $6.00 : 38.6% I 20,044 i $1,443,156 t I -1 3.0% i June 1989 ! 1989/90 ! 1 $62.60 : $5.22 i 23,439 I $1,467,325 ! I I 1 June 1990 : 1990/91 I I $66.54 f $5.55 ! 6.3% I 23,616 t I $1,571,097 : I I a 1 I ; June 1991 : 1991/92 i I 24,231 i $1,716,702 : $70.85 ; $5.90 ! 6.3% ; June 1992 I 1992/93 i I $75.06 i $6.25 f 5.9% I 22,929 i $1,720,975 ! I I I t I I i June 1993 I 1993/94 : I I I 23,266 i $1,609,027 ; $69.16 f $5.76 I -7.8% i June 1994 : 1994/95 ! I 23,603 *f 1,618,826 : $68.59 i $5.72 : -0.7% * Estimate I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 t I I I I I E I I I I I I I 1 I 24g186 i $1,255,935 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t 8 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 k I I I I I I f I I I t I I I I s I I I I I -79- F d . .08- J u n-94. ,C:\l 23R3\B U DG E T\B I L t95B .W K3. I 1 ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY BUDGET BY PROW AND BY AGENCY FISCAL 1994/45 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUND i PROGRAM I RECOMMENDED BUDGET i RECOMMENDED BUDG; I I UNIT I PLANT I I UNIT J (OCEAN OUTFALL) ; %a t I 15,041 ' UKIT C (BUEM VISTA PUMP STATION) I I UNIT G (AGUA HEDIONDA PUMP STATION) I ' SOURCE IX)PTROl PROGRAM I \ \ 1 1994j95 \ I 1wiM I 1,720,139 I \ I 4@6 I \ \ ' DIRECTOR'S FEES 1 4433 I 24597 i f 24@ I ' I 45,311 I so@ I ' 83101z ;w 1 1 f FLOW METERING PROGRAM f 13,m f t&l% I I ' 1,741,256 I I I I \ I I I i TOTAL - OPERATING FUND ; 1,937,610 : 1,924,871 CAPITAL FUND ' PROGRAM ' REWMENDED BUDGET i RECOMMENDED SUE; I I I I I 1994/95 I I 1992l9 OI I I EUILDM IMPROVEMENTS - PREVIOUSLY COLLECTED \ I CAPITAL ACQUISITIONS FOR EXISTING PLANT f 35,503 t 35,975 I \ Dl O\ I SUBTOTAL - #ON PHASE IV ; (7l5313 +@@ I I ! COGENERATION PROJECT f w-52 I 0 I I I I 1 i- f 0 I 0 I UNIT J OUTFALL I CDGF#€RATIOM PROJECT t COMPOST PROJECT - PREVIOUSLY COLLECTED I (4,034) I 1- I I I I I 272,910 , I i TOTAL - CAPITAL FUND f 30,931 1 %a i TOTAL - ALL FUNDS I rI@M I hW56 I I I I CONTRlBUTlON SCHEDULE 1 IST QUART. i 2ND QUART.' 3RD QUART. i 4TH QUART.; CARLSBAD TOTAL i I I -1 1. OPERATING FUND i 481,218 i 481,218 ! 481,218 i 481,211 1 $1,924,871 2. CAPTtA L I nlni i n,zi / n,m! n,z2zI m& I I $01 01 0; TOTAL f wm! W@39! w1 wf 2233,758 I I I I I I I I I Of I i I 01 I---l---i---f----l-------I -80- FJ,.o&Ju~.C:\t23R3\BUDGET\B I LL95B.WK3.2 I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I 23,380 : $1,291,696 I $55.25 : $4.60 t 19.5% I I 1 I 1 1 I CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET AND REVENUE RECOMMENDATIONS FISCAL YEAR 1994/95 UNIT I COST TREND COMPARISONS I 1 : REPORTED i I COST PER EDU I i EDU’S : BUDGET : ;x 8 I i PER YEAR :PER MO I CHANGE 1 12,824 i $247,313 I $19.29 f $1.61 I I 13,620 i $288,110 I $21.15 : $1.76 I 9.3% I 14,200 : $338,322 : $23.83 ! $1.99 : 13.1% I 14,667 f $669,018 : $45.61 : $3.80 I 91 “0% t June 9984 : 1984/85 I t I t 16,205 I $764,364 i $47.17 ; $3.93 f 3.4% I 18,390 : $838,825 f $45.61 : $3.80 I -3.3% I 19,599 i $893,155 f $45.57 ; $3.80 ; 0.0% I 21,723 ; $1,003,320 : $46.19 ! $3.85 I 1.3% ! June 1988 : 1988/89 I I I I I I L I I I I- I I I I I I 1 I : June 1980 : 1980/81 I I June 1981 : 1981/82 I : June 1982 i 1982/83 1 t June 1983 : 1983/84 : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 i I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I i I 1 I 1 I t 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I June 1985 f 1985/86 : : June I986 : 1986/87 I : June 1983 : 1987/88 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I h i I I f t 1 I f I 1 I I I I t I I I I I I I I i June 1989 ! 1989/90 f I I I I I I I I I I k I I I I t i I 26,421 f $1,489,447 t $56.37 I $4.70 : 2.2% t June 1990 I 1990/91 i I I I 25,696 b $1,619,579 1 $63.03 ! $5.25 ; 11.7% i 25,850 i $1,797,827 ; $69.55 ! $5.80 I 10.5% I 25,495 i $1,774,467 I $69.60 i $5.80 I 0.0% I 25,920 : $1,741,256 i $69.38 I $5.60 I -3.4% t 26,345 *: 1,720,139 : $65.29 i $5.44 I -2.9% I I I I I I 1 1 I I I i June 1991 i 1991/92 1 I t I I I dune 19921 i 1992/93 : I June 1993 i 1993/94 I I I i June 1994 : 1994/95 : I I * Estimate I I I I I I I I I I I i I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I I I I I I I I -81- F J..08-Jun-94..C:\I 23R3\B U DGET\B I bL95B.WK3.. 3 EHCINA WASTEWATER AUTtKlftlM BUDGET BY PROGRAM AN5 BY AGEKY FISCAL 1934/95 BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT OPERATING FUN0 i PROGRAM ' RECOMMENDED BUDGET 1 RWMENDED EUOG; I I 531,657 I I I I UHlT I PUMT I ' DIRECTOR'S FEES I I i I UNIT J (OCEAN OUTFALL) 1 ' I UNIT C (BUEM VISTA PUMP STATIOH) ' I NIA 1 #/A \ i I UNIT G [AGUA HEDIONDA PUMP STATION) I NfA ' SHADOWRIDGE TREATMENT AND PUMP FAClLlTlES ! 73,150 I SOURCE CONTROL PROGRAM I I t i 1WS I i 19331% ; 334 f 5J3 I 1 5,m I 4@ I I 545,701 I : Kdb ; I 37,om I 21,102 I i FLOW METERING PROGRAM i 15,192 f I$,%? I I I I I TOTAL - OPERATING FUN i 1,405,976 1 1,407,422 CAPITAL FUND ' PROGRAM I REOIMMENDED BUDGET 1 RECOMMENDED BUN; I I I I I I I I 0 I UNIT J OUTFALL I COGENERATION PROJECT I COMPOST PROJECT - PREVIOUSLY COLLECTED ' (16,350) 1 1- I SUBTOTAL - NOH PHASE IV I 1994/95 I I 1 I 1 \- ' 1993194 OI ' BUILDING IMPROYEMENTS - PREVIOUSLY COLLECTED f I I CAPITAL ACQUISITIONS FOR EXISTING PLANT [ 11,677 1 I ll,@ I OI l 89,760 , OI 1 PHASE IV t aQ48 I 0 I 0 I I I I I I lOt$32 : TOTAL - CAPITAL FUND I 15,375 f 101$!% I ' (4673) I I I I I I { TOTAL - At1 FUNDS ; 1,421'351 I 1,509,014 CONTRlBUTtON SCHEDULE i IST QUART.; 2ND QUART,; 3RD PUART. i4TH QUART.; EUENA TOTAL i I I 1. OPERATIMG FUND 1 351w 1 351,855 I 351,855; 351,857 i $1,407,422 2. CAPITAL I 25,398) w%; 25,398) &3!3?; $10\,592 I , % I 01 0; TOTAL ! 377,253: 3nlz53I 377,2531 377,255 f t,m,ot4 I I I I I I I I I------++--- oi I I i 0; I -82- FJ,,~~-JU~-~~..C:\/~~R~\BUDGET\B~L~~~~.WK~.~ I I I 1 1 I 1 1 I R 1 i I I I I I I 1 BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT BUDGET AND REVENUE RECOMMENDATIONS FISCAL YEAR 1994/95 UNIT I COST TREND COMPARISONS i REPORTED i i COST PER EDU t EDU’S I I i BUDGET f :% I I t I 1 I b I I- t I I I t i PER YEAR :PER MO I CHANGE I 2,883 : $34,685 t $12.03 i $1.00 i ! June 1980 f 1980/8f : I I I I t June 1981 i 1981/82 i I I t I I t I 1 I I I I I D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2,927 i $31,547 ! $10.78 : $0.90 I l -10.0% ! dune 1982 : 1982/83 i I I I 2,992 t $59,138 : $19.77 t $1.65 i 83.3% I 3,015 f $94,443 t $31.32 i $2.61 i 58.2% I 3,089 ; $128,959 : 9A1.75 ; $3.48 ; 33.3% 8 3,449 i $172,106 : $49.90 f $4.16 i 19.5% I 4,238 I $169,603 I $40.02 ; $3.33 ; -28.0% r 4,432 t $192,112 i $43.35 : $3.64 f 8.4% 1 9,036 ; $207,972 I $23.02 i $1.92 f -46.8% ; June 1989 i 1989/90 i I I I 10,289 : $280,983 I $27.31 i $2.28 ; 18.8% i June 1990 t 1990/91 I I 10,629 f $476,440 : $44.82 t $3.74 i 64.0% I June 1991 I 1991/92 : I I I I I 10,791 i $512,530 i $47.50 i $3.96 : 5.9% ! June 1992 f 1992/93 i t I I 8 I 10,947 ; $630,794 I $57.62 i $4.80 : 21 -2% ; June 1993 f 1993/94 i 1 I I I I f1,001 ! $545,701 i $49.60 : $4,13 i -44.0% I 11,055 *I 531,657 i $48.09 i $4.01 1 -2.9% ! dune 1994 i 1994/95 i * Estimate I I I 8 I I I I I I I i dune 1983 i 1983/84 i I I I I : June 1984 ; 1984/85 : I I 1 I : June 1985 t 1985186 I I I I I : June 1986 i 1986/87 I I I I I t dune 1987 i 1987/88 I I I I I 1 June 1988 : 1988189 ! I 1 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I 8 I I 1 P 8 r I I I I a & I I I I I I t I s I I I 1 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I ‘I t I I I t b I i I 1 6 1 I I t I I 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I t i I I I I I I -83- F J..O8-d un-94..C:\123R3\8 U DG ET \B i L L95B. W K3. e 5 ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY BUDGET BY PROGRAM AND BY AGENCY FISCAL 'I$%/% VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT OPMTING FUND I PROGRAM ' REMENDED BUDGET 1 REWENDED BUDGi I 1 t UNtT I PLANT I ' DIRECTOR'S FEES I 1 I ' UNIT J (OCEAN OUTFALL) I ' UHtT C (BUENA VISTA PUMP STATION) 1 N/A ' I N/A [ I I I I UNIT G (AGUA HEDIONDA PUMP STATION) 1 N/A I I N/A \ f I SOURCE CONTRDL PMAM I I I 1 1494/95 I I 1,349,174 \ ; r,w4 I f $254 : 5@5 \ ' 1993/94 I 13,647 I i I4931 I ' I ?I1% I so@6 I i $97,976 t 1 FLOW METERING PROGRAM I hare f { TOTAL - OPERATING FUND I wv@J i 1,489,497 1 I CAPITAL FUND ' PROGRAM ' RECOMMEMDED BUDGET i RECOhWEIYDED BUG; I Pi I t 0 I 1 ' WTAL ACQUISITIONS FOR EXlSTlNG PLANT I 24,W I I I 0 ' UNIT J OUTFALL I COGWERATION PROJECT I I- 1- I I COMPOST PROJECT - PREYIOUSLY COLLECTED I (35,107) ' SUBTOTAL - NON PHASE IV I I I I%/% I I i 29,348 I I 251,988 i t ! PHASE IV I 39,617 I 0 I 1 ' !e%3/94 ' BUtLDIRG tMPROVEMENTS - PREVIOUSLY COLLECTED f 0 I I I I 0 I I r a7 I I I (b144) \ I :TOTAL - CAPITAL FUND I 33473 ; nt,% I I f TOTAL - ALL FUNDS ; 1,4a6,939 I 1,121,485 f I CONTRIBUT1013 SCHEDULE 1 IST QUART. \ 2ND QUART, \ 3RD QUART. 1 4TH QUART. I VALLECITOS TOTAL i I I I I I I I I /------ I.-----! I------- i I -1 1. OPERATING FUND 1 367,374 I 367474 [ 36?,374 i 367,375 [ $1,469,497 I 2. CAPITAL I I 62,997 1 62,997; 62,997 f 62,997; $251,988 I $I I 0; TOTAL I 430,371 ! 430,371 1 430,371 I 430,372 f 1,721,4& I 0; I 0; i I 01 t -84- FJ..O&Ju~.C:\123R3\BUDGET\BI LL95bWK3.,4 I I I I I I I I I I I I 16,000 i $757,851 ! $47.37 ; $3.95 : -3.2% I I I I I I I I VALLEC ITOS WATER D ISTRl CT BUDGET AND REVENUE RECOMMENDATIONS FISCAL YEAR 1994/95 UNIT I COST TREND COMPARlSONS I COST PER EDU I i PER YEAR :PER MO I i REPORTED i I EDU’S I f BUDGET f :x I I I t I I I I I I- I I I I I I I t I I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I f CHANGE : June 1980 ; 1980/81 ! : June 1981 I 1981/82 f i June 1982 i 1982/83 i I I I 11,420 i $254,173 f $22.26 f $1.85 i 8,305 f $166,013 : $19.99 i $6.67 ; I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 11,010 i $144,738 : $13.15 f $1.10 i -34.1 X I 68.2% i June 1983 : 1983/84 f I I I l1,54t i $515,071 I $44.63 : $3.72 f 101.1% : JUW 1984 : 19~~85 : 2 I I I 11,965 : $517,826 t $43.28 I $3.61 I -3.0% f June 1985 i 1985/86 i I I I I $51.80 : $4.32 f 19.7% f June 1986 ! 1986/87 : I ? I I I 14,372 ! $703,338 f $48.94 i $4.08 I -5.6% i June 1989 t 198?/88 t i June 1988 i 1988189 I I I I I : June 1989 f 1989/90 I ; June 1990 i 1990/91 f I I I f I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 12,405 : $642,535 f I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I t I I I I I 16,584 i $865,701 f $52.20 f $4.35 i 10.1% I 17,487 : $984,449 : $56.30 : $4.69 i 7.8% I 18,294 : $1,150,385 f $62.88 i $5.24 I 11 .7% : June 1991 : 1991/92 I t I I 19,297 i $1,380,602 f $71.54 I $5.96 f 13.74 I I I I I b I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I i I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I t I I I I I i June 1992 i 1992/93 f I I 19,800 f $1,475,216 : $74.51 i $6.21 I 4.24 ; June 1993 I 1993/94 I ; June 1994 : 1994195 : I 8 * Estimate I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I 20,430 1 $1,356,224 i $66.38 I $5.53 I -1 1.04 I 21,060 *: 1,349,174 1 $64.06 I $5.34 f -3.4! t -85- F~..~~-JU~-~~..C:\I~~R~\BUDGET\BI LL95B.WK3., 7 CIIbIflA nn\)ltnRlKn fidlHoHllY BUDGET BY PROGRAM AND BY AGENCY FISCAL 1W95 LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT OPERATING FUND ' PROGRAM I RECOMMENDED BUDGET i RECUMENDED 8UDG; t ' 1993/94 I I f 1 NiT I PLANT I I DIRECTOR'S FEES I t I ' UNIT J foCEAN OUTFALL) I I I I UNIT C (BUENh VISTA PUMP STATION) I RIA I NIA i I ' I UNIT G [AGUA HEDIONDA PUMP STATION) 1 N/A [ h'A I I I SOURCE CONTROL PROGRAM I I ! 1Wf3 I t I 1,328s90 ; 1,290,581 f I 4253 1 I 7,368 I I 11,589 I t i f5,M I &M I i FLOW METERING PROGRAM t 4% t 9,997 I I 10,m i TOTAL - OPERATING FUND i 1,367,366 I ~,334730 I I CAPITAL FUND ' PROGRAM I RECOMMENDED BUDGET 1 RECOMMENDED BUDG; I I I I 1 I I I I I I 0 I UNIT J OUTFALL I COGENERATION PROJECT I I- 1- \ I WPOST PROJECT - PREVIOUSLY COLLECTED ' (3,593) I 1993/94 i lW/% ' BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS - PREVIOUSLY COLLECTED i I CAPITAL ACQUISITIONS FOR EXISTING PLANT t 29,107 1 I 29,493 ' I SUBTOTAL - NON PHASE IV ; (7,486) ; 253233 \ 0 1 I 0 OI t I I ; qy f i I 1 PHASE IV f 497 I 0 I i TOTAL - CAPITAL FUND ; 35,101 1w i TOTAL - ALL FUNDS ; 1,402,467 I 1,591,963 I I ! I I ODlJTRtBUTlON SCHEDULE i JST QUART. \ 2ND QUAIIT, i 3AD QUART. \ 4TH QUART. \ LEUCADIA TOTAL 1 1, OPERATING FUND [ 334,663 1 334,683 I WE43 1 334,M i $t,34730 I , 2. CAPITAL I w@( w; w; wq wm I I @i 01 TOTAL : 397Bl f 3?,991: m,m I 391,990; 1,591,963 I I 1 I f 1 I I t I I l-------1 I 0; I 01 I I 0; -86- FJ.,Oe-Ju~.~\12BU~l\Bl LL95B.WK1.5 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I LEU CADI A COUNTY WATER Dl STRICT BUDGET AN0 REVENUE RECOMMENDATIONS FISCAL YEAR 1994/95 UNIT 6 COST TREND COMPARISONS i REPORTED : : COST PER EDU f EDU’S I I I i BUDGET i :% 1 : PER YEAR :PER MO : CHANGE I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I i June 1980 i 1980/81 : t I I 9,011 i $137,739 t $15.29 ! $1.27 i I 9,405 i $166,375 ! $17.69 t $1.47 I 15.7% I 11,475 : $245,147 : $21.36 I $3.78 I 21.1% 8 12,843 t $424,773 I $33.07 I $2.76 i 55.1 % I 13,670 i $463,200 I $33.88 i $2.82 I 2.2% I 14,730 i $588,465 i $39.95 ; $3.33 ; 18.1% I 16,045 t $642,238 f $40.03 : $3.34 ; 0.3% I 17,740 f $652,497 I $36.78 : $3.07 : -8.1% I 18,364 i $770,012 i $41.93 i $3.49 I 13.7% I 19,743 : $942,637 I $47.75 : $3.90 ! 14.0% I 20,133 : $1,352,465 i $57.24 f $4.77 ; 19.8% I 20,267 t $1,312,166 : $64.74 : $5.40 : 13.2% I 20,410 I $1,448,636 I $70.98 : $5.91 I 9.4% : June 1993 I 1993/94 i 1 I I 20,545 t $1,328,198 i $64.65 ! $5.39 : -8.8% I 20,680 *I 1,290,583 : $62.41 i $5.20 i -3.5% I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I June 1981 i 1981/82 I I June 1982 I 1982/83 i ! June 1983 i 1983/84 f i June 1984 I 1984/85 ; t June 1985 I 1985/86 : t June 1986 ! 1986/87 i f June 1987 : 1987/88 : f June 1988 i 1988/89 i t June 1989 f 1989/90 I i June 1990 f 1990/91 ! t June 1991 I 1991/92 I ; June 1992 t 1992/93 : I I I I 1 I I I I .I t I I I 1 I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I b i I I I I I I I t I I I I I L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I t D I f I I I 1 I I I t I ! I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t P I I I f I I I I I 1 I I L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I i I I D I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 f June 1994 : 1994/95 i * Estimate I -87- FJ..O~-JU~-~~..C:\~Z~R~\BU DGET\BI LL95B.WK3.. 9 Duutit I BY PROGRAM AND BY AGEXCY FISCAL 1994/95 ENCINITAS SANITARY DISTRICT OPERATING FUND ' PROGRAM I RECOMMEWDED BUDGET 1 RECOMMENDED BUN; f I I I UNIT ! PLANT I I DIRECTOR'S FEES I I I I UtJlT J (OCEAN OUTFALL) I I I I UNIT C (BUENA VISTA PUMP STATION) I I N/A I i N/A i I I I UNIT G (AGUA HEDIONDA PUMP STATION) I \ N/A I I N/A t I I I \ I I 1994195 I ' 1w94 t 313@ i I 321,401 i 3,108 I I 2,782 I ; 2,989 ; 543 r I t I SOURCE CONTROL PROGRAM ; hi& ' i 11,209 f FLOW METERING PROGRAM t 4,162 f 5,309 I I TOTAL - OPERATING FUND f 337,518 I 334742 I I CAPITAL FUND I mwld ' RECOMklEPlDED BUDGET i RECOklYENDED BUDG i I I I I 0 1 I CAPITAL ACBUlSlTiONS FOR EXISTING PLANT [ 6,926 I I t 0 ' UNIT J OUTFALL ' COGHEMTIOH PROJECT I 1- 1- I I COMPOST PROJECT - PREVIOUSLY COLLECTED I (8,397) I ' SUBTOTAL - NOON PHASE IV I I I 19941% i ' \ 7,018 I 1 wt 1 [ (1,461) 1 fml I ' 19931% 0 I I i I 1 BUiiDiNG iMPmVEMENTS - PiEViOUStY ~LLEG; 0 I I I 0 f PHASE IV I 5,412 I I TOTAL - C!iP\TAL FUND ; 3,951 t @@ f TOTAL - ALL FUNDS t 341,459 I wooo I I I I I CONTRIBUTION SCHEDULE i IST QUART. i 2ND QUART. \ 3RD QUART. i 4TH QUART. \ EElNlTAS TOTAL 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I+ I I 1. OPERATING FUND f 34,648; &686 [ &I,€@ 1 Sq634 f $336,742 2 CAPTlAl I ' 15,m [ i5@5 t 15,m 1 15,m [ $@,E8 I 18, I 01 0; TOTAL I 99,751 i 99,751: 99,751 I 99,747 f m,m I 01 1 i t 0: I -88 - FJ..~Jun-94,.~\1~3\BU~nBitt95B.~~,6 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I ENC IN ITAS SANl TARY DISTRICT BUDGET AND REVENUE RECOMMENDATIONS FISCAL YEAR 1994195 UNIT I COST TREND COMPARISONS I I REPORTED : I COST PER EDW ; EDU’S I June 1980 i 1980/81 t t I I 3,158 I $38,353 I $12.14 i $1.01 : I June 1981 : 1981/82 I I 3,177 i $36,495 I $11.49 I $0.96 : -5.0% f June 1982 i 1982183 I I 3,215 1 $58,360 i $18.15 ; $1.51 ; 57.3% I June 1983 t 1983/84 I t 3,242 I $134,897 i $41.61 i $3-47 i 129.8% I June 1984 I 1984/85 I I 3,966 i $125,787 i $31-72 i $2.64 : -23.9% ; June 1985 : 1985/86 i I 4,200 ! $174,011 ! $41.43 ; $3.45 ; 30.7% : June 1986 i 1986/87 f t 4,450 : $397,935 ; $4.4.48 I $3.71 i 7.5% i June 1987 I 1987/88 a I 4,785 : $230,038 ; $48.07 I $4.01 : 8.1 % i June 4988 I 1988/89 t t 5,208 I $251,089 ! $48.21 i $4.02 I 0.2% I June 1989 I 1989/90 I I 5,148 i $295,737 i $57.45 ; $4.79 ; 1 9.2% : June 1990 : 1990/91 t I 5,257 I $329,834 : $62.74 i $5.23 t 9.2% I June 1991 i 1991/92 i I 5,266 I $356,673 I $67.73 I $5.64 : 7.8% i June 1992 i 1992/93 : I $64.38 I $5.36 : -5.0% 5,283 i $340,417 I : June 1993 : 1993/94 i 1 I I -5.6% : dune 1994 i 1994/95 : 1 I I 5,308 *: 313,623 i $59.08 i $4.92 ; -2.8% I I i BUDGET i :% I : PER YEAR :PER MO i CHANGE L I I i I t- I- I I I f I I I I I I t t I I t 6 I I I i I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I t I I I t 1 I I I I I I I I I f I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I li I I I D I I I I I I 1 I f I I I t 1 I t I I I I I I I 6 L I s I I I I I I I I I I f I I t I I i I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I t I I I I I I s 1 I t t B I I I I I I t I I I I I 5,298 ! $321,401 : $60.66 ! $5.06 : I I I I I I I I I k I I I * Estimate -89- F J..O~-JU~-~~..C:\I~~R~\BU DGET\B I Lt95B.W K3.. 1 1 I I I I I I I I CAPITAL 1 I I 6A LA NCES I I I I I I I I FUND I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY CAPITAL FUND BALANCES I FY 1994/95 Ref: The Capital Fund Balances schedule is a breakdown of Enc capital fund balances by project. The schedule includes esti fund balances for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1994. projections for FY 1994/95 include details on esti deposits/revenues and expenses by project, resulting i estimated FY 1994/95 year-end fund balance. The information included in this schedule differs in one imp0 respect from the capital information shown in the Twenty-Yea schedule. Interest on funds held by Encina for each member a is included as additions (deposits) to individual proj therefore, the ending project balances and total fund ba include interest, This information is intended to provide a picture of Enc current and projected fiscal status regarding capital b financing. Based upon the project balances, the member age may wish to establish an appropriate collection schedule re1 to the appropriated expenditures. m -9 1- c9 5 U .r( .r( c L) C w 4 3 i! 4 m 0 CI .d 0 Q - 4 d > d C 1 Q c9 * 5 em % ga - 02 5 z +VI- * 3vg *sP) &LC & N"S CI $5- .rl (II g -83 yg 5 .5 4 <zg 3 %:a g BfZ a k > UslC - - VY OH oco al ooooooo-ooooooooo f-fl I m 11 bo, I ", I1 I g It "2 ooooooo-ooooooooo I"!; x G I 11 2% Y j - ii P, 1-I1 6 ss rn 4 00 o_ 2 d e e I 11 Od m m m_ d I I 4- II 11 9 t.-7 rn I511 a I.,:: p (Y- t I: $ OOOOOOOrnOOOOOOOOO io;; 5 it':: Q) fgl: a \o I t'- I1 v; 0 bjj g 012. I It 2 0000000~000000000 id;; $. 2 3s M 9 '4 d I%:: 14 i$i g em I crl if -2 I 11 < IOII Q) 2% f f! 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Unit K be deleted from the Revised Basic Aqreement and Revised Establis I I as provided in Exhibit 1 and 2 attached hereto. 19 11 I 20 22 21 23 24 2. The Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized to execute such ame I I Revised Basic Agreement and Revised Establishment Document. 3. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby directed to forwa resolution to the Encina Wastewater Authority upon its adoption. I The amendments to revised Basic Agreement and Revised Established sha adopted until approval has been received by all of the member agencies of the Authoi I 25 I 26 1 Ill I// 27 28 ' It/ i Ill I L . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 XI. I.2 13 e Q PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City C of Carlsbad, Carlsbad, California, on the 8th day of NOVEMBER , 1994, by the followir AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nyga NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: 1 *LHL*dN-J /J I (SEAL) 1 1 16 17 l8 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 i I i I 26 27 28 ~ b e e . EXHIBIT & 0 *D T L L REVISED BASIC AGREEMENlP FOR OPTNERSHIP, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A JOINT SEWAGE SYSTEM A8 AMENDED EFFECTIVE NOOEMBER 18, 1992 THIS AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the Revised Bz Agreement), is made and entered into this 17th day of Deceml 1990, by and among the CITY OF VISTA, a general law city (hereal VISTA), the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a general law city (hereaf: CARLSBAD), the BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT, a County Sanitat District (hereafter BUENA) , the VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT, a Cot Water District (hereafter VALLECITOS) , the LEUCADIA COUNTY WI DISTRICT, a County Water District (hereafter LEUCADIA) , and Encinitas Sanitary District, a Sanitary District (hereal ENCINITAS) . RECITALS WHEREAS, the parties hereto are responsible for provi sewage collection, transmission, treatment and disposal service their respective service areas and are authorized to contract other parties for the provision of such services: and WHEREAS, on July 13, 1961, VISTA and CARLSBAD entered in Basic Agreement pursuant to Chapter 5 of Division 7 of Title the California Government Code to acquire, construct and opera Joint Sewer System; and the Basic Agreement provided that other munic corporations and public districts or agencies may become partic the Basic Agreement, thereby becoming members of the joint pc authority; and WHEREAS, on January 6, 1964, BUENA became a member of joint powers authority and acquired certain interests and cap: rights in the Joint System; and WHEREAS, on March 22, 1965, VALLECITOS (then San Ma: became a member of the joint powers authority and acquired ce: interests and capacity rights in the Joint System; and WHEREAS, on August 17, 1971, LEUCADIA and ENCINITAS bc members of the joint powers authority and acquired ce: interests and capacity rights in the Joint System; and WHEREAS, -1- e 0 * - Section 3 AREA TO BE SERVED BY THE JOINT SYSTEM 3.1 Existins Service Area. The area to be served by 1 Joint System is shown on Exhibit A, which is attached hereto ( made a part of this Revised Basic Agreement by reference. Ari lying outside a member agency’s legal boundary but inside t: member agency‘s Exhibit A service area may be served by the men agency, providing the member agency provides assurance in the f of a legally binding agreement that these discharges will meet applicable rules and regulations. Any wastewater or biosol received from outside a member agency’s legal boundary pursuant such agreement shall be regarded as the wastewater or biosolids the member agency for the purposes of billing, capacity, and sot control. 3.2 Revisions to the Service Area. Areas lying outs the Exhibit A service areas of the member agencies may be sen provided such areas are annexed by a member agency. Notificat of such annexations must be made in writing to the Joint Advis Committee so that Exhibit A can be modified as appropriate. Me] agencies can also request alteration of their Exhibit A ser areas; such modifications must be approved in writing by all me: agencies, as evidenced by receipt of resolutions from the gover bodies of all member agencies. Member agencies whose Exhib service areas are enlarged shall be responsible for provi adequate capacity. 3.3 Prohibition on Discharses from Outside the Exh A Service Area. Each member agency agrees that it will nei permit nor knowingly countenance the use of the Joint Sys directly or indirectly, for the disposal of wastewater v biosolids originating outside of its legal bour except in the above manner, extent and conditions. -3- k 8 e * Section 4 ENLARGEMENT OF TEE JOINT SYSTEM . Any member agency having first obtained the consent carlsbad and Vista, may at its sole cost and expense enlarge portion of Unit I or J of the Joint System in which it is the o\ of capacity rights and any increased capacity in such unit portion resulting from such enlargement shall belong to the me] agency paying the cost and expense thereof. No member agency SI unreasonably withhold consent to such enlargement. Any ! enlargement shall be constructed in accordance with plans specifications approved by Carlsbad and Vista. 8ection 5 PROTECTION OF THE JOINT SYSTEM/SOURCE CONTROL 5.1 Protection of the Joint System. The Joint Sy shall not be used by any member agency for any purpose other the conveyance, treatment, reuse, or disposal of wastewater and by-products. Wastewater shall be construed to mean domestic se and trade wastewaters. Each member agency shall adopt and enf ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations, concerning the and condition of wastewater permitted to be discharged into sewers under its control and shall prohibit the discharge of wastewater which would be detrimental to the Joint System, o the use of by-products generated by the Joint System. ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations shall reflect applicable federal and state statutes and regulations and shal consistent with the Operator/Administrator's industria pretreatment regulations. 5.2 Prohibitions. No member agency shall a excessive infiltration of any surface or storm waters tc discharged directly or indirectly into the Joint System. No me agency shall allow cooling water or other unpolluted indust wastewater to be discharged directly or indirectly into the J System without the consent of all other member agencies. No me agency shall authorize a discharge from any groundwater cle site unless the discharge is authorized in advance by Operator/Administrator. Section 6 CAPACITY AND USE OF CAPACITY ( CAP? INFRINGEMENT ) Each member agency shall own and enjoy a perpetual rigk use its Joint System capacity in the proportions set f immediately below herein. No member agency shall in any way g1 encumber, limit or restrict its interest in any part of the Jc -4- U 0 0 - System for any purpose other than the treatment and disposal reuse of wastewater and the management of wastewater treatrx! by-products, or use the Joint System or any part thereof t greater percentage than its capacity rights, except as set fort1 Section 9 herein, without the prior written consent of the ot member agencies, provided that no such excessive use witf. written consent shall be construed as a waiver of capacity ric by any member agency. Section 7 CAPACITY MONITORING Each member agency shall participate in a joint flow mete] system, operated and administered by the Operator/Administrai and facilitate such measurements of flow into the Joint Systei needed for billing purposes and to verify that each agenci within its capacity rights. This metering system shall maintained according to a separate agreement executed by Operator/Administrator and the member agencies. Section 8 ACQUISITION/SALE OF EXCESS CAPACXTY In the event that any member agency hereafter rep additional capacity in the Joint System and capacity is avail from another member agency, the capacity may be licensed, lease purchased as necessary. Such lease or purchase shall be on t as are hereafter agreed upon by the member agencies involved. the event an inter-agency capacity agreement is adopted, the J Advisory Committee shall be notified in writing. Licensing, 1 or purchase shall be subject to the terms and condit established in Section 9 herein. Section 9 CAPACXTY RIGHTS IN UNITS 9.1 Unit I and Unit J Capacitv. Capacity rights 5 be as follows: Unit I Unit J Liquid Solids Dispos; MGD -- % MGD -- % MGD -- VISTA : 8.05 22.36 8.05 21.18 8.05 CARLSBAD : 9.24 25.67 9.24 24.32 9.24 BUENA : 2.26 6.28 3.51 9.24 3.51 LEUCADIA: 7.11 19.75 7.86 20.68 7.86 ENCINITAS: 1.80 5.00 1.80 4.74 1.80 VALLECITOS: 7.54 20.94 7.54 19.84 7.54 TOTAL 36.0 100.00 38.0 100.00 38.0 1 The total disposal capacity of Unit J shall be 38.0 MGD av daily flow. This capacity rating assumes that the wet we peaking factor on the flows to L'nit J shall continue to be than 2.13, and all the partles hereto agree to make good - 5- 0 0 I efforts to ensure that the wet weather peaking factor on the fl to Unit 5 remains below 2.13. *,it x -1: - -rn r~, ** \ w t.* 4 t LI UL b Wll - kz- - A 9.32 Unit I CaDacitv Infrinuement. The member agenc agree to make available up to 5 percent of their respective sha. of total capacities, as set forth in Section 9.1 -, throi a reserve capacity pool, in accordance with the following terms l conditions: a. Flow Calculation. For the purposes calculating payments due for licensing under this section, fll shall be based on measured (ADS) flows, to the maximum ext feasible. Solids loading flows shall be based on the total f originating within each member agency. Voting rights, as descri in Section 11 shall be in no way affected by temporary use reserve capacity under this section. Total Reserve Capacity is 1 total capacity shown in paragraph (g), below. b. Monitorina of CaDacitv Demand. Each age] shall provide monthly reports to EWA regarding future capac committed, based upon its acceptance of applications for issuance of any building permits, letters of availabili' certificates or other entitlements for use which represent tl sewer capacity is available to the applicant or project, or wh enforceably or practically commit the agency to provide fut' sewer service. Reports shall be submitted in such form as Board of EMA may require. Before the measured and committed flc reach 75% of Encina's total capacity (per Sections 9.1 4 2.; -6- the EWA shall iaate a program to ensur+equate capacity t meet projected needs. c. Excess Use a Trespass. Any use Of capacity i excess of 95% of their respective share of Encina's total capacit (per Sections 9.1 -) plus 50% of the Total Reserve Capacitl or otherwise in violation of this section, shall be considered trespass. At the request of any member agency, EWA shall, and : hereby authorized to specifically enforce the terms of this sectic (Section 9.3) against a member agency or agencies on behalf of t remaining member agencies, including through commencement of proceeding at law or equity. The parties agree that specif enforcement is a proper remedy in that payment of damages is not adequate remedy for the potential losses to any member ager resulting from the loss of capacity. For example, replacement capacity may be impractical and the consequences for the econon development of the members are not readily subject commencement of such action or actions by EWA, and waives any rii it may have to further approval of such actions under the jo powers agreement creating and establishing EWA. injunctive relief, EWA may seek consequential damages on behalf the remaining member agencies. In any such action, the prevail party shall be entitled to attorney's fees and costs. d. Indemnitv and Hold Harmless. In addition payment of the amount specified herein, each agency agrees indemnify, defend and hold harmless the EWA and the other mer agencies for any claim, demand, cost, penalty, fine or dai (including reasonable attorney's fees and costs of investigatic arising out of its violation of this section, whether resul' from the agency's active or passive, negligent or intentional or failure to act to prevent a violation, and notwithstanding active or passive negligence of those member agencies which ar compliance with the provisions of this section. e. License Pavments. When any member ager flows exceed 100% of its capacity allocation for the treatmei solids 5 , and/or treatment and/or dis] of liquids, for any continuous three-month period, such mt agency shall pay for the use of such capacity from the re: capacity pool in accord with the schedule of values, as adj each July 1 (commencing in July 1991) by updating the fac spreadsheet to include any additional and changed capital pr costs, and to reflect the current ENRLA construction cost inde follows: quantification. Each member agency hereby consents to t In addition to (1) Any portion of reserve up to 50% of Total Reserve $ 84,300 per MGD of Unit I liquid capacity per year $133,500 per MGD of Unit I solids capacity per year $ 36,000 per MGD of Unit J capacity per year (2) The use of reserve amounts over 50% of Total R Capacity: Capacity shall be a violation of this section. In addition -7- r EWA or the mew 0 other remedy pro ed herein, or available agencies, an agent 9 shall pay for such use: $140,500 per MGD of Unit I liquid capacity per year $222,500 per MGD of Unit I solids capacity per year $ 60,000 per MGD of Unit J capacity per year Payments to member agencies with unused reserve shall be m annually. Payments from member agencies shall be made quarter11 the EWA and held in a special account. at any time any agency shall have enforceably or practica committed to provide future sewer service which, when added to then existing actual flows, equals 95% of its allocated capac (per Sections 9.1 a&+-&) plus 40% of the Total Reserve Capacj such agency shall: building permits, letters of availability, certificates or 01 entitlements for use which represent that sewer capacity is agency to provide future sewer service. 2. Immediately inform EWA, in writing, that it has rea( this threshold, of the actions it has taken to implement (e) above, and of its intention to present a plan to EWA, withii days, for capacity management to prevent the agency from excee use of 50% of the Total Reserve Capacity. g. Reserve CaDacitv. Reserve capacity shall b f. Restrictions on Use Over 40% of Reserve. 1. Immediately halt the acceptance or issuance of follows: Unit I Unit J Liquid Solids Disposal MGD -- % MGD -- % MGD -- % VISTA: .40 22.36 .40 21.18 .40 21. le CARLSBAD: .46 25.67 -46 24.32 .46 24.32 9.24 BUENA : .11 6.28 . ia 9.24 VALLECITOS: .38 20.94 .38 19.84 .38 19.84 LEUCADIA : .36 19.75 .39 20.68 .39 20.6E 4.71 . ia .09 ENCINITAS: .09 5.00 .09 4.74 TOTAL RESERVE 1.8 100.00 1.9 100.00 1.9 100.0( h. Sole Method of Allocation. No agency provide capacity to any other member agency except pursuant to section without the unanimous consent of the member agen provided that an agency may agree to provide additional capaci a temporary basis to an agency which has used the maximum re capacity authorized by this section if: (1) such arrang provides for payments at rates not less that the maximum re -8- 2) the capaclty duce the Total Reserve anw Ca city available. provided does not - capacity rate per agraph (e) (2) , above; e Section 10 CAPACITY RIGETS FOR RECLAMATION 10.1 Future Reclamation. Any member agency, at its o expense, may, and shall have the right to, reclaim water from a wastewater in the Joint System which emanates within t jurisdiction of the respective member agency. And, subject to t following limitations, each member agency shall have the right install facilities for the reclamation of water from wastewate Any proposed reclamation shall require the approval of all t member agencies in the event that the proposed reclamation facili is designed and/or constructed such that (i) any solids or nc treated effluent from any such facility may be discharged into Ur I of the Joint System and/or (ii) any reclaimed water may discharged into Unit J of the Joint System. Such approval sh, not be withheld unless the use of the proposed reclamation facil would adversely affect one or more of the member agencies and recfaimer cannot reasonably mitigate the adverse impact. Noth in this section shall be construed so as to require approval by member agencies as to the geographic location of a reclamat facility constructed solely within the boundaries of any mem agency. 10.2 Existincr Reclamation. Section 10.1 above perta to all future reclamation facilities. Currently construc facilities may be operated to their capacity without further act by owners. as follows: The current reclamation facilities and capacities RECLAMATION ENTITY FACILITY CAPACITY CARLSBAD Calavera Hills 1.20 MGD LEUCADIA Gaf ner 0.75 MGD VALLECITOS Meadowlark 2.00 MGD BUENA Shadowridge 1.16 MGD Section 1% JOINT ADVISORY COMMITTEE The member agencies have created a Joint Advisory Commi (JAC) to advise the member agencies and the Opera Administrator. JAC shall continue in this advisory role. 11.1 Powers. Recommendations of JAC shall be advi only. The JAC shall have the following responsibilities: 11.1.1 To review the operation and maintenanc the Joint System, including the cost thereof, and make report! recommendations to the governing bodies of the member agencic To review and make recommendations reqa: proposed expansion, enlargements or modifications of the I System to the governing bodies of the member agencies; and 11.1.2 -9- 11@3 To review and make rec endations regardii documents and issues as appropriate to the operator/Administrato' Each report and recommendation of the JAC permitted by this Sectii shall be considered as having been made by all the member agenci when made to the Operator/ Administrator and made in accordan with the voting rights and percentages set forth below in Secti 12.4.4. contracts , budget tters , regulations , polici 8 sf permits and othr 11.2 Remesentation on JAC. JAC shall be constituted two appointed representatives from each member agency, with c alternate for each appointed representative. JAC representatiL may, but need not, be members of the governing bodies of the meml agencies. 11.3 Officers of JAC. JAC shall elect its own Office1 which shall include a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary. ' Chairman and Vice-chairman shall be JAC representatives and Secretary may, but need not, be a JAC representative. 11.4 Meetinss of the JAC. 11.4.1 Regular Meetings. The JAC shall provide its regular meetings; provided, however, it shall hold at least regular meeting per month. The dates, hour, and place of regular meetings shall be established by JAC. 11.4.2 Ralph M. Brown Act. All meetings of JAC, including, without limitations, regular, adjourned regul and special meetings, shall be called, noticed, held, and conduc in accordance with the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown (commencing with Section 54950 of the California Government Coc 11.4.3 Minutes. The JAC Secretary shall caus be kept minutes of all meetings of the JAC, and shall cause a of the minutes to be forwarded to each JAC representative. 11.4.4 Vote. The total vote of all members of JAC shall equal 100%. When voting on a matter involving Treatment Plant (Unit I) or Unit J, Lb ac each representative' s percentage vote shall equal one-half of percentage of that unit's capacity owned by the representatj agency. If only one of an agency's representatives is pre: this representative's percentage vote shall equal the t percentage of that unit' s capacity owned by the representat: agency. If both representatives are absent, each alternate : have a percentage vote equal to one-half of the percentage cap; of the alternate's member agency; provided, however, at an) meeting where any member agency is represented by only alternate, the alternate shall have a percentage of vote equ the total percentage of the capacity of the agency h represents. for the place, time and conduct of JAC meetings. 11.5 Rules. JAC shall adopt rules and regulations - 10 - The qrator/ 11.6 t for Attendance. Administrator ( requested by the appoi ing member agency, that member agency as to its representatives) shall pay eacf: representative (or alternate who attends a meeting by reason of thc absence of a representative) an attendance fee of twenty-fivc ($25.00) for each JAC meeting, provided that such payment does not exceed fifty dollars ($50) per calendar month. Attendance fee: shall be paid monthly. 11.7 Assistance from the ODerator/Administrator. Th Operator/ Administrator shall provide supplies and clerical an secretarial help for JAC. The cost of such supplies and assistanc shall be considered part of the expense of operating ar maintaining the Joint System. section 12 OPERATORJADMINISTROR The Joint System shall be maintained and operated by any 0’ of the parties hereto, or by another Public Agency, which party other-public agency shall be known as the Operator/ Administrato 12.1 General Duties. 12.1.1 Joint System. The Operator/ Administrat shall maintain and operate the Joint System, and shall preserve in good repair and working order, all in accordance with recogniz sound engineering and accounting practices and local, state, 2 federal laws and regulations. Administrator also shall operate and maintain, at the expense the Cities of Vista and Carlsbad, the Aqua Hedionda and Buena Vi Pump Stations (formerly Units B and C of the Joint System) wit an annual budget prepared by the OperatorlAdministrator approved by Vista and Carlsbad. Administrator shall have the authority to operate and maint other facilities outside the Joint System as recommer unanimously by JAC and in accordance with Operator/ Administri executed operation agreements, which may include budge1 responsibilities. 12.2 Desianation and SDecific Powers. Effective Au 1, 1988, the member agencies created a public agency known as Encina Wastewater Authority (EWA) to serve Operator/Administrator of the Encina Joint System. The EWA s continue to serve as the Operator/Administrator until such tir EWA is terminated by written consent of a majority of the mc agencies, evidenced by certified copies of resolutions by t governing bodies. The organization, administration, rules, specific powers of the EWA shall be as set forth in the ReT Establishment Document establishing the EWA. Upon terminatic the EWA and replacement with another Operator/Administr employees of the EWA shall become the employees of the Operator/Administrator subject to existing employment contr 12.1.2 Pump Stations. The Operator/ 12.1.3 Other Facilities. The Operator/ as - 11 - I seniority, retire@ rights and any other ployee benefits e rights now enjoyecr y those employees. Section 13 BUDGETING AND ACCOUNTING 13.1 Annual Budaets. Annually, the Operator/ Administray shall prepare an operation, maintenance, and administration budc (hereafter referred to as the 0 & M buaget) and a capi. improvement program budget (hereafter ref erred to as the capi. budget.) The budgets shall be prepared in accordance w generally accepted accounting principles. 13.1.1 Preparation of Estimated 0 & M Budget. later than May 1 of each year, the Operator/Administrator sh prepare an estimated budget of the (a) amount of money required operate, maintain and administer the Joint System during ensuing fiscal year, and (b) the proportionate amount to be pail each member agency. Such estimate shall be based on the tc operation, maintenance, and administration costs during the curx fiscal year as such costs are set forth in the current apprc budget for the Joint System. 13.1.2 Approval of Estimated 0 & M Budget. E estimated 0 & M budget adopted by the Operator/Administrator sh be forwarded to the JAC for consideration ana for submission to member agencies for approval. The Operator/ Administratc estimated 0 & M budget shall be deemed effective upon unanin approval by the member agencies and upon the receipt by Operator/Administrator of certified copies of approving resolutj or minute orders from the governing bodies of each of the mex agencies, Until such time as formal approval has been rece: from each member agency, the estimated 0 t M budget SI constitute merely a proposed budget, subject to consideratior revisions. The 0 & M budget shall be considered separately : the capital budget and may be approved independently. In the e' a proposed budget is not approved, the Operator/Administrator s. continue to operate using the 0 & M budget figures from previous fiscal year. 13.1.3 Prepaid 0 & M Contributions. Each me agency shall prepay its estimated portion of the budg operation, maintenance, and administration costs and shall pay actual portion of the costs as determined pursuant to Section I this Revised Basic Agreement. Quarterly on July 1, Octobei January 1, and April 1, the Operator/Administrator shall bill member agencies and the member agencies shall deposit with Operator/Administrator one fourth of the annual cost of operat maintenance, and administration for the following quartei described herein. Provided, however, the last invoice for fiscal year may be increased or decreased to adjust the estim amount payable based upon the estimated totzl expenses for the year and the estimated total amount and strength of wasteb received from each member agency, 2rtel t'-- ve&wne s: h=iesf p In the event that at thc of any fiscal year the amount paid by a mezber agency exceed: amount that should have been charged, the excess shall be crec *- - -4- 4- - Ub b u ***b .. - 12 - to the member agey the following fiscal er. In case of underpayment, the member agency shall De billed by Operator/Administrator and shall pay for the deficiency within days. Each member agency shall make quarterly contribution payments the Operator/Administrator promptly at the time they become du 13.1.4 Actual 0 & M Contributions. The men agencies agree to contribute from their treasuries the act annual costs of the Joint System as divided among the men agencies pursuant to Section 17 of this Revised Basic Agreemc Such costs shall include the actual costs of (1) all materials supplies used or purchased for the operation, maintenance, administration of the Joint System, (2) all contracts let by Operator/Administrator for the performance of budgeted 0 & M wc and (3) the salaries and wages of all Operator/ Administr; employees providing such services, including vacations and E leave benefits, workers' compensation, social security retirement payments, and health insurance. Such costs shall paid out of the funds deposited with the Operator/Administrato' the member agencies; provided however, the failure of any me1 agency to pay the Operator/ Administrator shall not relieve other member agencies of their obligation to pay t proportionate shares of operation, maintenance, and administra of the Joint System. Preparation of Estimated Capital Budget later than May 1 of each year, the Operator/Administrator s prepare an estimated budget of the amount of money required capital improvement projects during each of the next five fi years and over the next twenty years. The estimated capital bu shall show the estimated amount to be paid by each member age Such estimate shall be based on existing and/or projected owner as appropriate. estimated capital budget adopted by the Operator/ Administr shall be forwarded to the JAC for consideration and for submj to the member agencies for approval. The Operator/ Administrat estimated capital budget shall be deemed effective upon unan: approval by the member agencies and upon the receipt by Operator/Administrator of certified copies of approving resolul or minute orders from the governing bodies of each of the mt agencies. Until such time as formal approval has been recc from each member agency, the estimated capital budget constitute merely a proposed budget, subject to consideratic revisions. The capital budget shall be considered separately the 0 & M budget and may be approved independently. 13.1.7 Prepaid Capital Contributions. member agency shall prepay its actual portion of the capital except as noted in Section 18 of this Revised Basic Agree Quarterly on July 1, October 1, January 1, and April 1, Operator/Administrator shall bill the member agencies anc member agencies shall deposit with the Operator/Administrato 13.1.5 13.1.6 Approval of Estimated Capital Budget. - 13 - fourth of the ace1 estimated capital cost()sxcept as otherwi specified in Section 18. the fiscal year shall be retained and credited toward the memk agencies for the following fiscal year. Each member agency shall make quarterly contribution payments the Operator/Administrator promptly at the time they become duc 13.1.8 Actual Capital Contributions. The meml agencies agree to contribute their actual capital costs pursuant Section 18 of this Revised Basic Agreement. Such costs sh' include the actual costs of (1) all materials and supplies used purchased for capital improvement of the Joint System and (2) contracts let by the Operator/Administrator for the performance capital improvement projects. Provided however, the failure of member agency to pay the Operator/ Administrator shall not reli the other member agencies of their obligation to pay th proportionate shares of the capital expenses of the Joint Syst 13.1.9 Audit. Annually the Operator/ Administra shall cause the preparation of an independent accountant audit the financial statements. Any capital funds remaining at the end Section 14 ASSISTANCE TO OPERATOR/ADMINISTRATOP When requested by the Operator/Administrator, the EWA SI provide assistance, and make recommendations to : Operator/Administrator relative to all services and duties it i perform under the terms of this Revised Basic Agreement. Section 15 RIGHTS OF WAY AND LAND ACQUISITIONB The Operator/Administrator and/or any of the member agen may, as agreed upon in writing by all the member agencies, ac behalf of the member agencies in acquiring lands and rights of necessary for the operation, maintenance, ownership, and use ol Joint System. Section 16 PAYMENT OF OPERATION kND MAINTENANCE EXPE 16.1 Allocation of Emenses. All operation, mainter and administration expenses for Units IT and Je of the C System, hereafter referred to as O&M expenses, shall be paj each member agency based on each member agency's percentac ownership and usage in these units. For the purpose of section, the following definitions shall apply: 81usage88 shall the costs for power, chemicals, maintenance, and other SI treatment, solids handling, and disposal processes which r from wastewater entering Unit I or Unit JV ; "owner shall mean the costs for insurance, administration expe laboratory expenses, plant operations, services and mainten and other wastewater collection and treatment, solids handlin effluent disposal costs which are incurred irrespective 0: amount of wastewater which enters Unit I-;- or Unit JW - 14 - nt Schedule. Each membe gency shall pay i proportionate administration expenses in accordance with Section 13.1 of ti 16.3 Revenue from By-Products. Any revenue received fi the sale of eempee-x-h-e~ by-products arising out of 4 operation of the Joint System shall be apportioned to each meml agency in the same proportion as their share of the 0 ti M expeni for the Joint System in the year in which the revenue is receiv - the operation, e maintenance 16.2 C .r Revised Basic Agreement. Section 17 PAYMENT OF CAPITAL EXPENSES 17.1 Allocation of Emenses. Unless otherw specified herein, capital expenses shall be allocated based existing or projected Unit IT or Unit J-it :: ownership appropriate. Exceptions are as follows: costs are allocated according to the methodology shown in Exhi B, attached hereto and made part of this Revised Basic Agreement by reference. 17.1.2 Joint Flow Metering System. Each mer agency is responsible for the capital expenses of meters monitors serving its respective service area. Capital expenses the monitors serving the entire Exhibit A service area shal: paid on the basis of Unit J flow. 17.1.3 Additional Land/Right of Way Acquisit All expenses shall be allocated in accordance with the terms separate agreement to be adopted unanimously by the me agencies. 17.2 Pavment Schedule. Unless otherwise speci herein, capital expenses shall be prepaid on a quarterly ba Exceptions are as follows: 17.2.1 Phase IV Expansion, Phase IV cont expenses approved by the Operator/Administrator shall be paid a month based on invoices from the contractor, the dc engineer, and the construction manager. The payments will over the duration of the job. The Operator/Administrator : notify the member agency financial representatives of the am( needed following receipt of each month's invoices. In addil upon the completion and acceptance by the Operator/Administrat each of: (a) the Western Summit/TIC construction contract pro and (b) the Phase IV odor control and associated facilities (c) again, upon completion and acceptance of the Avenida En street widening project by the city of Carlsbad per its con with EWA, adjustments shall be calculated and paid in the m set forth in Exhibit B, considering all Phase IV Expansion completed to date or invoiced to the member agencies. completion and acceptance of all work authorized by Operator/Administrator as part of the Phase IV Expansion, a 17.1.1 Phase IV Expansion. Phase IV capacity - 15 - adjustment shall aalculated and paid in ac e dance with Exhib. Additional Land/Right of Way Acquisitio All expenses shall be paid in accordance with the terms of separate agreement to be adopted unanimously by the memb agencies. 17.2.3 Other Capital Expenses. On occasia capital expenses may occur earlier in the fiscal year than wou allow for regular quarterly billing. If regular quarterly billir do not provide needed capital early enough during the fiscal ye2 supplemental capital billings shall be sent to the member agencie In such cases, the Operator/Administrator will notify the me& agency financial representatives as far in advance as possible. - B. 17.2.2 section 18 SETTL- OF DIBPUTE OR CONTROVERSY 18.1 RIaht to Arbitration. Should any dispute controversy arise in connection with the books, records or accoui of any member agency or in connection with the acquisitic construction, maintenance, operation repair, reconstruction enlargement of the Joint System or in connection with any of affairs or operation thereof, or the execution of this agreeme the governing bodies of member agencies that are affected by s dispute may elect to arbitrate the dispute or controversy accordance with this section. . governing body of each member agency affected shall appoint S designate one disinterested person as an arbitrator. arbitrators so chosen, if an even number, shall designate additional disinterested person to make an odd number arbitrators. Said arbitrators so chosen shall act as a Board Arbitrators in connection with any such dispute or controversy. findings of fact approved by a vote of the majority of the me& of the Board of Arbitrators shall be binding upon the affec member agencies. arbitration proceedings held under the provisions of this agreen: shall notify every other member agency not a party thereto of s arbitration proceedings and any other member agency shall have right to be represented at such proceedings by a member agc designated observer. 18.3 Ricrht to Expert Arbitration. Any controversy wf can be determined by an engineer's or other expert's findings which under this section could be submitted to arbitration may the parties thereto agree in writing to do so, be submitted 4 named engineer or expert who shall be the sole arbitrator. such engineer shall be a Registered Engineer in the Stat€ California. Any such engineer or expert shall be disintereste required of arbitrators on an arbitration board. He shall proc in the same manner provided herein for an arbitration board. In the event of such election, 18.2 Ricrht of Observation. The parties to - 16 - .. Section 19 @~~~P~RTXONMENT OF LIABIL~ Any liability incurred by the member agencies, which liabilj arises out of or in connection with the operation and, maintenance of the Joint System, except for costs of improvemer to such facilities and operating and maintenance costs, shall discharged by payment by each member hereof in proportion to tht respective ownership in the facilities at the time of the incidc which results in the liability. section 20 NOTICES Notices required or permitted under this Revised Ba Agreement shall be sufficiently given if in writing and if eit served personally or mailed by certified mail to the men agencies. section 21 SEVERABILITY If any one or more of the terms, provisions, promis covenants or conditions of this agreement shall by any extent adjudged invalid, unenforceable, void or voidable for any re? whatsoever by a court of competent jurisdiction, each and a13 the remainingterms, provisions, promises, covenants and condit: of this agreement shall not be affected thereby and shall be v2 and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. section 22 MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENI! This agreement shall contain all the terms and conditions I between the parties hereto and shall not be amended except b] agreement in writing signed by all the member agencies. Section 23 SUCCESSION The provisions of this agreement shall be binding upon shall inure to the benefit of the successors of the parties her Section 24 APPROVAL This agreement snall be approved as of the date that a1 the member agencies have approved this agreement and the Re\ Establishment Document. - 17 - e e IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party hereto has pursuant to resoluti duly passed and adopted bythelr respective governing bodies caus this Revised Basic Agreement to be executed the day and year fir above written. CITY OF VISTA, BY Mayor Attest: City Clerk CIT~~C~~G, I ,,y BY g&fL ,~ (/&&4/ Y I/ Mayor AttsSt: W7%6 @y rk Aika?z&&W LEUCADIA COUNTY WATW DISTRICT BY President VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT BY Presrdent Resolution and Signature Sheets a! are on file with Encina Wastewl Alltho1 BUEHA SANITATION DISTRICT BY Chairperson ENCIHITAS SANXTARY DISTRICT Approved as to form: BY BY President JAC Counsel - 18 - 0 EXHIBIT B PHASE IV COST ALLOCATION 0 1. Phase IV cost shall be allocated as follows: a. All costs shall be allocated by unit process and am( flow, BOD, and suspended solids in the manner recommenr for revenue programs by the State Water Resources Cont Board. The replacement value of the existing Unit I and Uni facilities at the mid-point of construction (projec ENRLA of 6465) shall be determined. In determin replacement value, grant funding shall be included exc for the grant funding used to pay for the "oversiz portion of "oversizedvv items (i.e. , items sized undertaken for the ultimate site capacity, such as s grading and paving, piping, etc.). c. Dollar ownership of the existing facilities shall determined by multiplying existing ownership percent; times the replacement values determined in step b. b. d. The cost of the proposed Phase IV facilities at midpoint of construction (projected ENRLA of 6465) SI be estimated by the design engineer. e. The total value of the EWPCF following constructio; Phase IV shall be estimated by adding the replace value of the existing facilities (determined in ste to the estimated cost of the Phase IV project (determ in step d). f. Needed dollar ownership of the EWPCF follo construction of Phase IV shall be determined multiplying the revised Unit I liquid and solids and J ownerships (determined in Exhibit A of the Thirty-N Supplement) by the total value of the EWPCF follc construction of Phase IV (determined in step e). g. Phase IV cost allocations shall be calculate( subtracting existing dollar ownerships (determine step c) from needed dollar ownerships follc construction of Phase IV (determined in step f) . Cri and buyings for existing facilities are automati, included in this calculation and need not be calcu separately; however, the dollar values of each included below for background. - 19 - Estimated Phase I ost allocations in dolla end percent of to. are as follows: * Effect 1 vc Projected Ounership Estimated Ex i sting Onersh i p , Credi t/E Following Ph8se IV Phase IV Cast k7-y s- Construction. 5 s x s ViSt8 22,739,000 28,938,000 6,199,000 11.44 (5,455 Cerlsbad 20,sa5,000 33,216,000 12,631,000 23.31 ( 745 LeuCsdiS 13,314,000 27,297,000 13,983,000 25.81 2,91C San Mercos 14, ow, 000 27,105,000 13,006,000 24.01 2,091 Bums 6,436,000 11,020,500 6,58&,500 12.15 2,022 Encini tas 6 ,694. 000 6.470.500 1 .n6.500 3.28 ( 830 Total 79,867,000 lU,O47,000 54,180,000 100.00 Final Phase IV cost allocations will be determined following compl of Phase IV construction and will use the actual project costs s according to the final engineer's estimate instead of the CI' engineer's estimate in steps d through g above. Actual EN? mid-point of construction will be substituted for the projected in step b. - 20 - a 0 EXHIBIT3 e e REVISED EBTABLISHMENT FOR THE DOCUMENT DRAFT ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY A8 AKEWDED EFFECTIVE AUGUST 9, 1994 Ref: 8 THIS AGREEMENT (hereinafter the Revised Establishment Document, %EDt1) is made and entered into this 17th day of December, 1990, by and among the CITY OF VISTA, (hereafter VISTA), the CITY OF CARLSBAD, (hereafter CARLSBAD) , the BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT, (hereafter BUENA), the VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT, a County Water District (hereafter VALLECITOS), the LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, a County Water District (hereafter LEUCADIA), and the ENCINITAS SANITARY DISTRICT (hereafter ENCINITAS) , herein called the "member agencies" , fc the operation, maintenance, and administration of their joint: owned sewerage system. RECITALS WHEREAS, each of the member agencies is a public agency authorized and empowered to contract for the joint exercise o powers under the Government Code of the State of California; WHEREAS, each of the member agencies has the authority a power to collect, transmit, treat and dispose or reuse wastew and wastewater treatment byproducts, and to construct and ope facilities for such purposes; and WHEREAS, the member agencies recognize the need to operz maintain and administer the Encina Joint System on a cooperat basis for the collection, transmission, treatment, and dispo: of wastewater, and the management of wastewater treatment byproducts; and WHEREAS, on August 1, 1988, the member agencies entered a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement, which this RED is to replace, pursuant to the provisions of Article 1, Chapter 5, division 7, Title 1 of the California Government Code, creat public agency then known as the Encina Administrative Agency the Encina Wastewater Authority, ttEWA1t) to serve as the Operator/Administrator of the Encina Joint System; and WHEREAS, the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement establ: the EWA was adopted as a supplement to the ttBasic Agreement' establishing the Encina Joint Powers; and WHEREAS, the member agencies desire to revise and condc the Basic Agreement and have drafted legal documents known collectively as the Revised Basic Agreement that are to be considered concurrently with this Agreement; and -1- I e 0 Ref: 895 WHEREAS, the member agencies desire to (a) retain the EWI the Operator/Administrator of the Encina Joint Powers and (b) reestablish the organization, administration, rules, and spec. powers of the EWA by entering into a revised agreement, to be known as the llRevised Establishment Document" ( ltRED*') , separa. from the Revised Basic Agreement ( 1W3At*) , pursuant to Article Chapter 5, Division 7, Title 1 of the California Government C relating to the joint exercise of powers. NOW THEREFORE, THE PARTIES HERETO COVENANT WITH EACH OTH AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this RED and the RBA, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated below: 1.1 Basic Aareement. That agreement by and among Vista Carlsbad, Buena, Vallecitos, Leucadia, and Encinitas includir all supplements and amendments thereto entered into beginninc July 13, 1961. 1.2 Joint Advisorv Committee, The Joint Advisory Comm: 1.3 Joint Svstem. The Encina Joint System as defined (JAC) as defined in the Revised Basic Agreement. the Revised Basic Agreement. Vista, Carlsbad, Buena, Vallecitos, Leucadia, and Encinitas including all amendments thereto entered into beginning December 17, 1990 and superseding the Basic Agreement. 1.4 Revised Basic Aareement. That agreement by and ami Section 2. TERMS 2.1 Establishment of Aqencv. There is hereby establis public agency known as the Encina Wastewater Authority, here called EWA (formerly known as the Encina Administrative Agen For the purposes of this agreement, EWA is a public agency separate from the parties hereto, but it is the intent of th parties that EWA be subordinate to and dependent upon the me agencies in all matters. 2.2 General Duties of the EWA. The EWA shall operate, maintain, and administer the Encina Joint System utilizing 1 contributed by the member agencies and grants received from Federal and State governments. -2- I e 0 .. Ref: 895 2.3 Powers. The EWA shall have the following powers as needed to fulfill its duties: 2.3.1 To operate, maintain, administer and manaq the Joint System, including any buildings, works or improvemer comprising part of the Joint System and located either inside outside the boundaries of the member agencies, in accordance k sound engineering and accounting practices with local, state z federal laws and regulations; 2.3.2 To make and enter contracts in connection with the administration, management, maintenance and operatior the Joint System; 2.3.3 To employ agents and employees to operate maintain, administer and manage the Joint System; 2.3.4 To incur debts, liabilities or obligation: connection with the operation, maintenance, administration anc management of the Joint System; 2.3.5 To sue and be sued in its own name, provi that the EWA shall not commence or intervene in any lawsuit without the approval of all of its member agencies, except pursuant to paragraph 2.3.10 hereof; 2.3.6 To acquire, hold, and dispose of such equipment as may be reasonably necessary to the property operation, maintenance, administration and management of wastewater treatment and disposal facilities; 2.3.7 To file reports associated with the operation, maintenance, administration and management of the Joint System; 2.3.8 In an emergency, to reconstruct or cause be reconstructed such portions of the Joint system when reconstruction is immediately required to pernit the Joint SI to continue to function; 2.3.9 To maintain at all times with a responsil insurer or insurers sufficient insurance against loss or dam; to the Joint System or portion thereof, workers' compensatioi insurance, and insurance against public liability and proper1 damage ; 2.3.10 To adopt industrial pretreatment regulat that comply with federal and state pretreatment regulations. regulations shall include technically based local limits, sh be followed by each member agency, shall apply to industrial -3- e e 1 Ref: 895t connections and groundwater cleanup sites that discharqe or ha1 the potential to discharge into the Joint System,, and shall al. EWA to take enforcement action against discharge.rs that violati the regulation; pretreatment regulations from time to time as the need arises; pretreatment regulations and all aspects of the Encina servicc area pretreatment program, including permitting, inspection, monitoring, reporting, and enforcement activities, except that industrial pretreatment permits shall be jointly issued by thc member agency in whose jurisdiction the discharlge is located I EWA ; 2.3.13 To charge and bill the industrial dischar for their respective share of the EWA's cost to implement the pretreatment regulations, including application review, permi issuance, sampling, monitoring, inspection and enforcement co 2.3.14 To purchase, lease or condemn real proper upon such terms and conditions as approved unanimously by thc member agencies; 2.3.15 To operate and maintain other facilities outside the Joint System as recommended by JAC and in accord; with EWA executed operation agreements, or as authorized in d Revised Basic Agreement, which may include budgeting responsibilities. exercised subject to the restrictions upon the manner of exercising the powers of the Leucadia County Water District pursuant to the County Water District Law (Wat.er Code S30OOC seq. ) . 2.4 Board of Directors. The EWA shall he administerec the governing body of the EWA which shall be ). ,nom as the Bc of Directors of the FWA, herein called the Board. Members ( JAC shall serve as the Board. 2.3.11 To review and amend the industrial 2.3.12 To implement all requirements of the 2.3.16 The powers enumerated herein shall be 2.5 officers of the Board. The Board s,hall elect its officers, which shall include a Chairman, Vice-chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Auditor. The Chairman and Vice- Chairman shall be members of the Board and the Secretary ma need not, be a member of the Board. -4- 0 a I Ref: 8956 2.5.1 Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be appoint€ by the Board of Directors to serve at the Board's pleasure. TY Treasurer shall be the depository and have custody of all monel of the EWA from whatever source. The Board shall appoint the Treasurer from among the officers and employees of the Authorit The Board may appoint one or more persons to act as assistants the Treasurer from among the officers and employees of the Authority. Upon appointment, an assistant shall. be considered "other officer8@ of the EWA under Section 2.5.3 of this RED. T person appointed as Treasurer may simultaneously hold the offi of Auditor. 2.5.2 Auditor. The Auditor shall be appointed f: the Board of Directors to serve at the Board's pleasure. Auditor shall draw all warrants to pay demands against the EWZ approved by the Board of Directors, The Board shall appoint t Auditor from among the officers and employees of the Authorit] The Board may appoint one or more persons to act as assistant: the Auditor from among the officers and employees of the Authority. Upon appointment, an assistant shall be considere "other officer" of the EWA under Section 2.5.3 of the RED. T person appointed as Auditor may simultaneously hold the offic Treasurer. Attorney for the EWA shall be appointed by the board, Subjec the limits of the EWA's approved budget, the Board shall alsc have the power to appoint and employ such other officers, consultants, advisors, and independent contractors as it may necessary or convenient for the business of the EWA, who sha' serve at the pleasure of the Board. officers, or persons who have charge of, handle, or have acc to any substantial property of the ENA shall file an officia bond in an amount to be fixed by the Board. The General Man shall have the power to appoint, promote, demote and remove employees of the EWA subject to the provisions; of the persop policy of the EWA and the EWA's approved budget. The 2.5.3 Other Officers. The General Manager and The public officer, 2.6 Meetinas of the Board. 2.6.1 Regular Meetings. The Board shall prov: for its regular meetings; provided, however, it shall hold - least one regular meeting per month. The dates, hour, and of the regular meetings shall be fixed by resolution, and a of such resolution shall be furnished to each member agency 2.6.2 Ralph M. Brown Act. All meetings of th Board, including, without limitations, regular, adjourned regular, and special meetings, shall be called, noticed, he and conducted in accordance with the provisions of the RalE -5- e e e I Ref: 89 Brown Act (commencing with Section 54950 of the California Government Code). 2.6.3 Minutes. The Secretary of the EWA shall cause to be kept minutes of all meetings of the Board, and sh cause a copy of the minutes to be forwarded to each member of Board and to each of the parties hereto. 2.6.4 Quorum and Vote. A majority of the Board their alternates shall constitute a quorum for the transactio business; except that less than a quorum may adjourn from tim time. The affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum shall b required for the approval of any action. However, when votin a matter involving the treatment plant (Unit I) or the ocean outfall (Unit J), p 5x>LFI- {lr% K> , any me of the Board may call for a weighted vote. In such case, the affirmative vote of members representing a majority of the capacity of the Unit involved shall be required for the appro of any action, to be calculated as follows: .. The total vote of all members of the Board shall be 100 percent. Each regularly appointed member shall have a percen of vote equal to one-half of the percentage of capacity of th member agency he represents in the Unit involved. Where only member is present, said member shall have a percentage of vot equal to the total percentage of capacity of the agency he represents. At any meeting where no regularly appointed me& is represented, each alternative of such regularly appointed member shall have a percentage of vote equal to one-half of t percentage of capacity of the agency he represents. Providec however, at any meeting where any agency is represented by or one alternate, said alternate shall have a percentage of vote equal to the total percentage of the capacity of the agency k represents. 2.7 Rules. The Board shall adopt rules and regulation5 including a conflict of interest code and a purchasing procec The Board may, from time to time, review and revise these ru: and regulations as needed. 2.8 Budaetinq. Annually, the EWA shall prepare an operation, maintenance, and administration buc!get (hereafter referred to as the 0 C M budget) and a capital- improvement program budget (hereafter ref erred to as the capital budget) The budgets shall be prepared in accordance with the RBA and generally accepted accounting principles. -6- 7 ? e e Ref: 895t 2.9 Accountincr and Audits. 2.9.1 Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the EWA shall be from July 1 to June 30. 2.9.2 Accounting Procedures and Audit. Full boo and accounts shall be maintained for the EWA in accordance wit practices established by or consistent with those utilized by Controller of the State of California for like ]public agencies The Auditor of the EWA shall either make or contract with a certified public accountant to make an annual audit of the accounts and records of the EWA. audit shall be those prescribed by the State Controller for special districts under Section 26909 of the California Government Code and the audit shall conform to generally accer accounting principles. A report of the audit shall be filed ; public record with each of the member agencies and with the S; Diego County Auditor within 30 days of its completion. report shall be filed within 12 months of the end of the fisc; year under examination. The minimum requirements of Such 2.10 Liabilities. Except as provided hereinabove, the debts, liabilities and obligations of the EWA shall be the del liabilities and obligations of the EWA alone, and not the mem agencies. member from the EWA or upon dissolution of the EWA, there sha be a partial or complete distribution of assets and discharge liabilities as follows. The distribution of assets may be ma in kind or assets may be sold and the proceeds thereof distributed to a member agency at the time of withdrawal or t the member agencies at the time of dissolution; provided that all property and rights in property assigned or transferred k any member agency to the EWA shall be reconveyed to said me& agency free and clear of all encumbrances and liens of any kj 2.11.1 Withdrawal. Upon withdrawal of any membc agency from the EWA, the withdrawing member shall receive it: proportionate or otherwise defined share of any assets of the and shall contribute its proportionate or otherwise defined : toward discharge of any enforceable liability incurred by thc EWA . 2.11.2 Dissolution. Upon dissolution of the EW, each member agency shall receive its proportionate or otherw defined share toward discharges of any enforceable liabiliti incurred by the EWA. 2.11 Withdrawal or Dissolution. Upon withdrawal of a -7- w Y 1) Ref: 8956, b - 2.12 Rescission or Termination. The EWA shall continue a: Operator/Administrator until such time as EWA is terminated by written consent of a majority of the member agenc:ies, evidenced by certified copies of resolutions by their governing bodies. Upon termination of the EWA and replacement with another Operator/Administrator, employees of the EWA shall become the employees of the new Operator/Administrator subject to existing employment contracts, seniority, retirement rights and any othe employee benefits or rights now enjoyed by those employees. 2.13 Notices. All notices, statements, demands, request$ consents, approvals, authorizations, agreements, appointments ( designations hereunder shall be given in writing and addressed the principal office of the EWA. 2.14 Severability. If any one or more of the terms, provisions, promises, covenants or conditions of this agreemen shall by any extent be adjudged invalid, unenforceable, void o voidable for any reason whatsoever by a court of competent jurisdiction, each and all of the remaining terns, provisions, promises, covenants and conditions of this agrement shall not affected thereby and shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 2.15 Modification of Aareement. This agreement shall contain all of the terms and conditions made between the part: hereto and shall not be amended except by an agreement in wrii signed by all the member agencies. 2.16 Succession. The provisions of this agreement shal binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the successors the parties thereto. 2.17 Armroval. This agreement shall be approved as of date that all of the member agencies have approved this agree and the Revised Basic Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party hereto has pursuant to resolution duly passed and adopted by their respective goverI bodies caused this Revised Establishment Document to be exec1 effective as of the day and year first above written. -8- .I t- Revised Establish Q ent Document 0 I As Amended Effective August 9, 1994 b Page Nine - Signature Page CITY OF VISTA BY Attest: City Clerk & &,w LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT BY President VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT BY President BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT BY President ENCINITAS SANITARY DISTRICT BY President Approved as to Form: BY EWA Counsel -9-