HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-11-15; City Council; 12929; AMENDMENT NO. 1 FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING SERVICESAMENDMENT NO. 1 FOR ENVIRONMENTAL Adopt Resolution No. Ciq-38 approving Amendment No. 1 to an existing agreemi Tetra Tech, Incorporated for additional environmental monitoring services requirec Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project. ITEM EXPLANATION On March 15, 1994, the Carlsbad City Council approved a consulting agreement w Tech, Incorporated to provide environmental monitoring services for the Batiquitos Enhancement Project. A supplement to the approved scope of work is require At the request of the Port of Los Angeles and the Federal and State Resource i involved with the project, the environmental monitoring team has been asked to additional environmental, permitting, and community relations services not specifi original scope of services. This work includes: 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. Additional quarterly bird surveys. 6. 7. Supplemental onsite investigation of cultural resources. Pre-construction baseline environmental data collection. Additional least tern and snowy plover foraging surveys. Post initial construction in-lagoon fish surveys. Expanded project ground breaking ceremonies and activities. Resource agency permitting for replacement of the East Carlsbad E bridge and Carlsbad Boulevard protective revetment. A supplemental scope of services and fee schedule have been prepared and arc as Amendment No. I to the existing consulting agreement. In a letter dated C 1994, the Port of Los Angeles has authorized both the supplemental scope of its funding as a component of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project. Staff recommends approval of the attached Amendment No. I. FISCAL IMPACT The total cost of Amendment No. 1 is $159,750. Under the terms of th reimbursement agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Port of Los A 8 5 E 2 Z P I- u a 4 b 1. Resolution No. 9y-3*'? approving Amendment No. 1 to the existing 1 z 3 Incorporated agreement for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Projec Letter dated October 7, 1994 from the Port of Los Angeles. 0 0 Amendment No. 1 to consultant agreement. 2. 3, I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 94-309 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AN EXISTIN AGREEMENTFOR ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING SERVICE FOR THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has p approved an agreement with Tetra Tech, Incorporated for environmental monitorins required for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to expand the scope of services to include i consulting services; and WHEREAS, the Port of Los Angeles has authorized Carlsbad to apl supplemental services; and WHEREAS, a scope of work and fee schedule have been prepared in tk Amendment No. 1 to said agreement; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby finds it I desirable, and in the public interest to approve this Amendment No. 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That Amendment No. 1 to said agreement is hereby approved anc is authorized to execute said amendment. Following the Mayor’s signatL amendment, the City Clerk is directed to forward signed copies of the amendm Tech, Incorporated, attention Betty Dehoney, 6405 Mira Mesa Blvd., Suite 100, California, 92121; Port of Los Angeles, attention Dr. Ralph Appy, 425 South Pi Street, P. 0. Box 151, San Pedro, California, 90733, and the Community D Department. .... .... .... a e '> PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carls EMBER , 1994, by the following vote, AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard rn a 0 WORLDPORT Richard J Riordan, Mayor, City of 1 Board of Harbor Commissioners Frank M Sanchez, Ph D , Presiden Lee M Anderson, Vice President Carol L Rowen Jonathan Y Thomas Leland Wong Peter Mandia, Secretary Ezunial Eurts E xecutive Director October 7,1994 Mr. John Cahill Municipal Projects Manager City of Carlsbad Project Director 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 SUBJECT: BATIQUITOS PROJECT - AMENDMENT NO. 1 FOR ENVIRONMENT& Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project MONITORING AGREEMENT WITH TETRA TECH Dear John: We have reviewed Amendment No. 1 to the City of Carlsbad Agreement with Tetra Tech t perform additional work at Batiquitos and your October 7, 1994 response to our questions on tk scope of work. We concur the work to be performed under this amendment and totalir $159,750 is warranted The necessary contingency funds are available in our Reimbursemei Agreement 1419-4 to cover this activity. Please provide us with an executedcopy of the propose amendment and proceed with this work at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions please contact me at (310) 732-3497. Sincerely, nmental Management inator, 2020 Program RGA ADP870324-034 a: Mr. Bruce Seaton (Port - Construction Management) Ms. Lisa Sales (Port - Engineering) Mr. Nick Gennaro (Centennial) Port of Los Angeles 425 So Palos Verdes Street P 0 Box 151 San Pedro, CA 90733-0757 370/SEA-PORT FAX 330/831-04. An Affirmative Achon/Equal Opportunity Employer November 18, 1994 Attention: Dr. Ralph Appy Port of Los Angeles 425 South Palos Verdes Street P. 0. Box 151 San Pedro, CA 90733 RE: Amendment No. 1 for Environmental Monitoring Services Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project The Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of November 15, 1994 adopted Resolution No. 94-309 approving Amendment No. 1 to E existing agreement with Tetra Tech, Incorporated, for addition2 environmental monitoring services required for the Batiquitc Lagoon Enhancement Project. Enclosed please find a fully executed copy of Resolution No. 94-3( and an original amendment for your files. &&, Assis ant y Clerk CMC KRK: ijp Enclosures 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, Californla 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2€ 0 0 AMENDMENT NO.l TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN TETRA TECH, INCORPORATED AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, California, hereinafter referred to as 'City" ar Tetra Tech, Incorporated , hereinafter referred to as "Consultant" have previously enter6 into an agreement on March 15, 1994 for Consultant to provide City with environmeni consulting services required for City's Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Projel hereinafter referred to as the "Project"; and, WHEREAS, City requires additional environmental consulting services Consultant not included in Consultant's original scope of work within the aforementioni agreement approved by the Carlsbad City Council on March 15, 1994; and, WHEREAS, a scope of work, schedule, and fee proposal have been prepared a proposed Amendment No. 1 to this agreement; and, approved this proposed Amendment No. 1 to the aforementioned agreement; and, WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Council hereby finds it necessary, desirable, anc the public interest to approve this Amendment No. 1 for additional environmer consulting services required of the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THESE RECITALS, the par Consultant shall provide to City the following additional environmer consulting services required by City in its administration of the Project which described in attached Exhibit 1, incorporated by reference and made a part hereof, WHEREAS, the Port of Los Angeles in a letter dated October 7, 1994 hE hereto agree as follows: 1. A. Task 1.8: Cultural Resources 6. Task 1.9: Environmental Data Collection C. Task 1.10: Foraging Surveys D. Task 1.1 1: Post Pumping Fish Surveys E. Task 1.12: Quarterly Bird Surveys F. Task 2.3: Public Participation G. Task 3.1: East Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge and Revetment 2. Consultant's services under this Amendment No. 1 shall be provided w the period of time established for the schedule of tasks set forth in the aforementic March 15, 1994 consulting agreement between the parties hereto. City shall pay Consultant for the additional environmental consL services for Amendment No. 1 as a part of the regular monthly invoices submitte 3. e 0 Consultant to City under the terms, conditions, and schedule established by the aforementioned March 15, 1994 agreement. The fees to be paid by City to Consultant for this Amendment No. 1 shal 4. be as described in attached Exhibit 1 and are summarized as follows: A. Task 1.8: $ 18,020 B. Task 1.9: 55,000 C. Task 1-10: 2,580 D. Task 1.11: 2,870 E. Task 1.12: 32,160 F. Task 2.3: 23,300 G. Task 3.1: 25,820 Total Not to Exceed: 5. $1 59,750 The terms and conditions of the aforementioned March 15, 1994 agreemei between the parties hereto shall remain in full force and effect. 6. This Amendment No. 1 shall become effective upon the date of executio of this document by the parties hereto. CONSULTANT: 2-7 P X@b,& -& Gordon P. Treweek, Vice Preside TETRA TECH, INCORPORATED November 2, 1994 L q /9F4 DATE DATE ATTEST: ~LETHAU~~J TEWANZ, City Clerk KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk AP D AS TO FORM: ] RONALD BALL, City Attorne //e, 8.94 1 e e Exhibii Page 1 ol Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Scope of Work Amendment 1 Task 1.8: Cultural Resources: Unexpected archaeological resources were identified during : preparation for the staging area. The services included field evaluation, trench profiles, pk documentation and excavation of one 1/2 by 1 meter unit, column samples, coordination with Army Corps and additional meetings with the Construction Manager. It is recommended that material be processed and an evaluation report completed. Processing includes water screen sorting of cultural material, data analysis, radiocarbon dating, and report preparation. From data analysis, it may be possible to complete the determination of site eligibility to the Natic Register using the existing information. Task 1.9: Environmental Data Collection: A preconstruction monitoring program wil conducted encompassing preconstruction water quality and biological surveys. WRA and N will be responsible for these surveys, data analysis and report preparation. Specific componenl the surveys include the following: *Vegetation surveys along permanent transects at five locations within Batiqui tos Lagoon. *Demersal and pelagic fish sampling using a beach trawl at four stations and using a beam trab three locations within the Lagoon. If water levels are lower than anticipated, fewer samples ca sampled with the trawl. *Benthos samples at four stations within the Lagoon will be collected, with the samples presei and archived. *Overall bird survey over a two-day period. *Water quality measurements at stations occupied during the fish and benthos sampling to inc water temperature, salinity, turbidity and dissolved oxygen (at surface, mid-depth, and at bo for depths greater than one meter and at the top and bottom for shallower depths). Task 1.10: Forapinr! Survevs: It was requested that WRA conduct foraging studies pri initiating dredging. Prior to construction of the dredge launch ramp, additional surveys conducted to determine the presence/ absence of least terns and Belding’s savannah sparrow. Task 1.11: Post PumDing Fish SurveyS: To document the types of fish and conditions of tht bcing transported by the intake pump, one time fish surveys in the West Basin will be conduct Task 1.12: Ouarterlv Bird Survevs: Saturation bird surveys will be conducted quarterly bet December 1994 and August 1995. Saturation sampling protocol requires that three ornitholc sample the lagoon over a three day period. Each day requires sampling in the morninl afternoon. Field time over the four sampling periods results in 36 field days. These data w consistent with the long-term sampling program. A quarterly report will be prepared docume the findings. Task 2.3: Public ParticiDatlon; The scope of work originally anticipated for the Groundbre e 0 Exhibit ‘ Page 2 of : Event did not include other direct costs such as postage, invitations, souvenir pins, speaker gifts catering, equipment rental, parking staff, and portable toilet rental. Invitation design review/approval, printing, addressing, RSVP list, etc. were not included in the original scope o services. Speaker’s gift (least tern mounted) and pins were selected as souvenirs. Graphic desigr coordination, and shipping costs are included in this amendment. The equipment rental include tent, tables, ground covering, dishes,etc. required for the groundbreaking activities. Addition; staff will need to be on site for site preparation, security of site during set up and associated ever activities. Task 3.1: East Carlsbad Bridge and Revetment; The removal and replacement of East Carlsba Bridge will rcquirc various environmental review and permit amendments. The revetment which proposed has not been included in some of the permits. Tetra Tech will prepare projel descriptions, complete the application forms, word process, graphics applications and coordina with the resource agencies to complete the permit application process. A summary of eac cnvironmental issue, permit and recommended approach are presented below: CEQA- The replacement of an existing structure (East Carlsbad Bridge) that is not historical i have significant impacts is generally exempt from CEQA. It is anticipated that the City of Carlsb Planning Department would exempt this project from additional environmental review. T revetment can probably be handled as a minor addendum to the file documenting that no additior impacts will occur. NEPA- Similar to CEQA, it is anticipated that the project will not require additional environmen review. The revetment can probably be handled as a minor addendum to the file documenting t no additional impacts will occur. US Army Corps Of Engineers- It is anticipated that an amendment to the existing permit will necessary for the Bridge. It is not anticipated that the revment poses any permit issue. California Department of Fish and Game- It is anticipated that an amendment to the existing pen will be necessary for the Bridge, It is not anticipated that the revetment poses any permit issue. California Coastal Commission- It is anticipated that the Bridge and Revetment will require pe1 amendments; however, due to timing and other issues it is recommended that the amendment! processed separately. California Parks and Recreation- It is anticipated that only the revetment will require a per amendment. It is our understanding that the bridge is not located on Parks and Recrea property. Because the revetment will permanently “take” property, it is anticipated that an appri will be necessary. Any appraisal or associated legal issues are not included in this scope. Caltrans- It is our understanding that the Bridge nor revetment are in Caltrans property; there no pcrmits will be necessary. Regional Water Quality Control Board- Unless the bridge or revetment require dewatering at and beyond that already associated with the existing project, no permits or amendments an tic i pa ted US Coast Guard- It is our understanding that the Bridge nor revetment are in Coast G jurisdiction; therefore no permits will be necessary. .% rc, PC oi oi oi oi o; o; oi oi Oj 0; 01 0; ,. :e: io: jc(:'Ai :mip: i : : : j io; j j js; ;z;g; i j j I j jm: jm; :m:o\j : .,.. ... 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