HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-11-15; City Council; 12930; CCVB 1993-94 4th quarter reporta 2i a% IB &$ 4 s F 0 a -l G z 3 0 0 \ ili. Y Ut LAMLSUAU - Ah UA BILL ’ AB # lA,q 3 0 TITLE: DEP’ MTG. DEPT. CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: 11/15/94 CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR’S BUREAU CITY FIN FOURTH QUARTER REPORT FOR 1993-94 Accept and file report. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Carlsbad Convention and Visitor‘s Bureau (CCVB) has submitted their fourth qui report for the period from July 1, through September 30, 1994. This agenda bill address both the fourth quarter results as well as summarize the activities for the fi year, which ended September 30, 1994. Throughout the year the City has paid $205,000 to the CCVB which is the total am( of funds budgeted by the Council. Administrative disbursements totaled $1 18,000 were made in monthly payments to the CCVB. Program funds were disbursed througl the year from one of two groups; 1) matching funds, requested and received tot $25,000 and, 2) non-restricted program funds totaled $62,000. All City funds were s as required under the contract. The CCVB also receives revenue from other sour which totals $36,000 for 1993-94 fiscal year. During the fourth quarter, approximately 52% or $33,000 of the expenses incurred bl CCVB were for programs. Advertising accounted for 55%, or $18,000, of the proc expenses. Another 36%, or $12,000 of the funds went toward advertising, while remaining 7% went toward brochures, video and hosting fam trips. Included in the attached exhibit is a Visitor Information Summary for the fourth quarter of 1993-94, as well as summaries indicate that the number of visitors to Carlsbad’s Visitor’s Informa- tion Bureau Offices from July through chart compares visitor data on an annual basis and shows that the 10 number of visitors to the Bureau off ices increased by 1,967 in 1 993-94. Phone inquiries were also up by 4,288 and general mail outs were up by 6,529. Mail outs to travel agencies were down by 130, The table on the following page indicates that for the entire year 50% of the expendit were for administration. Among the total program expenses, advertising accounts fo largest share of the total at 30%, followed by brochures at 9%. CCVB ACTIVITY COMPARISON 1992-93 TO 1993-94 one for the previous year period. The Thousands 25 20 ______..._. September increased by 486. The bar 15 _._._._.___ 5 o YltROn Phonhqulrir (WIUalOM TmmlAgntW I 0 e PAGE TWO OF AGENDA BILL NO. /A, 9 3 0 Hosting Fam Trips FISCAL IMPACT: The City’s agreement with the Chamber of Commerce established $205,000 as the to1 amount of funding for program year 1993-94, with $1 18,000 designated for administrati’ costs, and $87,000 designated for programs. Of the program funding, $25,000 Wi matched with contributions from other sources. These amounts were appropriated witt- the 1993-94 General Fund budget, and at the close of the fourth quarter, have all bec expended. EXHl BITS: 1. Fourth quarter report from the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau for fisc year 1993-94, dated October 19, 1994. EXHIBIT e 0 \I i a CALEF3RNLA October 19, 1994 - Debbie Neville Senior Management Analyst Finance Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Dear Debbie: Attached is a synopsis of the major activities of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bur( from July 1 - September 30, 1994. If you need additional information, please let me know. Sincerely, rc STEVE LINK Manager Encls. L es'c:os: & yisjtors Saaeen xo, 3QX L24E 0 z2:;s.j2Lp SA1 gl2Ola-1246 0 (619] .!pJP.-GQgg Dit sion of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce 0 0 ,I July 1 - September 30, 1994 INCOME City of Carlsbad $3 9 , 4 15%. 50 Co-op program with hotels 8 , 637.96 Sales of items in depot 498.15 Special promotions 37.00 Interest on bank account 62.55 Total Income $48,651.16 County of San Diego -0- EXPENSES Administration $30,935.00 Programs Advertising 1 1,885.64 Video 211.86 Travel Shows 2,750.00 18,136.50 Brochures Hosting Fam Trips 350.02 Promoting Special Events -0- Total Expenses $64 , 269.02 0 e ACTIVITIES July A nationwide contest was conducted by American Eagle to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the airline. Twenty-four travel agents who bookc the most American Eagle flights in a set time period were each awarded i the vacation packages. Everything was donated. ConVis staff assisted in the promotion of the Toshiba Tennis Classic at L Costa Resort. ConVis participated in two travel shows (Concord and Sacramento). Both shows were aimed at people who organize group tours. Six Carlsbad hot1 plus Hadley's provided the ConVis with literature specifically designed fc these shows. Cleta Wright, ConVis director of public relations, participated in the stat€ sponsored Sales Mission to Canada. She and representatives of 35 other California destinations hosted receptionshrade shows for travel agents, to1 operators and the news media in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. The ConVis hosted five travel writers for five nights. The focus of their visit was the Coaster commuter rail. But during their stay they experienc Carlsbad's charm in a variety of ways. Joining the group was the media relations director for the California Division of Tourism. He came to observe how the ConVis conducts its acclaimed travel writer program. Three other travel writers visited Carlsbad during this period. One was o assignment for a publisher of a book to be entitled "On The Road." The others represented National Geographic Traveler and the Las Vegas Sun. Carlsbad was included in feature articles about Southern California that w published in the September issues of "Western Association News" magazi and "Meetings California. " vacation. Carlsbad vacations were two of the 24. The ConVis assemble( August September July-Sep September 0 0 VISITOR INFONATION SUMfY JULY 1994 - SEPTEMBER 1994 CA. resident Out of CA Foreiqn Total vis i co rs visitors visitors mont JULY 930 1264 282 247t AUGUST 913 1273 2 56 244; SEPTEMBER 811 13 54 289 2451 3 month totals 2654 3891 827 737; Above figures represent one member of family and/or group ,JULY AUGUST SEPT. TOTAL Phone inquiries 1718 2142 2043 5903 Mail outs 1049 14 50 1106 3605 mail outs 125 130 135 390 Travel agent a ,... 'VISITOR INFORMATION shy JULY 1993' - SEPTEMBER 1993 CA. resident . Out of CA Foreiqn Tota vis i to rs visitors visitors mon 34 5 2,( 979 1,509 410 2,1 4 57 733 196 1,: JULY 964 . 1,293 AUGUST SEPTEMBER Above figures represent one member of family and/or group rq JULY AUGUST SEPT, TOTA * 1,959 1,572 5,: 795 393 2,: Phone inquiries 1,828 Mail outs 1,106 Travei agent 4 mail outs 140 130 ,, 215 3 -h magazine. They think this may be a record for an ad published in their magazine,” said Steve Link, ConVis manager. Because of the advertising cam- paign, the ConVis responds to more than 1,OOO inquiries a month from people interested in vacationing here. Each inquiry is logged in the computer and twice monthly the list is published and provided to the local hotels that participate in ConVis marketing programs. “By perusing these lists we can learn some things about the people who would like to vacation here,” said Steve Link, ConVis manager. ‘‘The list of inquiries received between June 15 and July 15, for example, contains 1,181 names from 48 of the 50 states and 11 foreign countries. tion are asked if they obtained our phone number from an advertise- ment. Many who write us mention “Those that phone us for informa- We’re the prize in national conte Carlsbad is one of 24 prime vacation destinations throughout the and Caribbean that will be awarded as prizes in the American Eagl Airlines 10th Anniversary contest. “Actually, Carlsbad will host two winners and their families,” sa Cleta Wright, ConVis director of public relations. “One winner wil receive four nights at Tamarack Beach Resort and another wiil rece four nights at Carlsbad Inn.” Each will also receive a packet of certificates for free dinners at L Costa Resort and Spa, Olympic Resort, Pea Soup Andersen’s, plus Park. The winners will also be treated to a deep sea fishing trip cot of Helgren’s Sport Fishing and wine and a tour of Orfila Vineyard: Colorful posters, brochures and collateral materials were sent by American Eagle Airlines to 1,100 travel agencies throughout the UI States. The travel agent who books the most American Eagle passe during the time period of the contest will have first choice of the PI The travel agent with the second highest bookings will have =con choice, and so on until all the prizes are awarded, “Carlsbad is gaining more awareness with thousands of travel at because of this contest,” said Wright. “And we thank those busine! that contributed to the prize packages. The community benefits frc their generosity.” admission passes to Sea World, San Diego Zoo and the Wild Anim Two more travel writers visit Carlsbad Calsbad's charm and heritage continue to attract travel writers. Two visited Carlsbad 1 in August. Christopher Baker came to gather information for a bok to be published by Prentice-Hall, entitled "On "he Road:' He pIans to feature conynunities that would appeal to families and seniors. r Cleh Wright, ConVis director of public relations, escorted him on a tour of the Village. Pelican Cove Inn hosted him for his stay. Baker also writes for a number of publications including the Los Angela Times, ChicUgo La Costa Resort and Spt earns distinctive award: The Pinnacle Award has been earned by La Co Resort and Spa. Bestowed by the readers of SuccessfUI Meetings magazine, the honor recoez La Costa as one of the top 125 meeting hotels in t world. In addition, GOLFWEEK has chokn La Costa Resort and Spa as one of California's top 50 cour according to its readers. La Costa was recogniZec offering golf courses enjoyed by all levels of expertise. US with fliers specifically designed for these shows." "Group tour leaders package tours and sell them to senior citizens groups, civic organizationsi forei@ groups and others," said Link. '"ky are looking for appealing attractions as well as hotels and restaurants that suit their needs." The sponsor of the shows was . Toshiba Tennis Classic draws record crowds The Toshiba Tennis Classic at La Costa Resort and Spa in August wa the most successful classic yet. The Resort estimated that 54,ooO pplt came through the gates during the seven-day event. NBC televised the action on Saturday and Sunday, when viewers say Steffi Graf defeat Arantxa Sanches Vicario 6-2, 6-1 and claim the $80,00 purse. The Resort and the weather looked spectacular to the millions o television viewers. Hopefully they are packing for a vacation here. e 0 CONVIS I. Hstel/Motel CO As Andersen’s Inn learned last year and more recently the Village merchants, when streets are tom up, customers avoid the area, even if access is possible. Bulldozers are on the scene at the Poinsettia overpass, poised to begin a 14-month widening project similar to the PaaIomar overpass project that Recognizing the concern of the management of the four hotels near the Poixettia overpass, ConVis invited Lloyd Hubbs, City engineer, to attend the monthly Hotel/Motel Committee meeting in August. At the meeting, Hubbs briefed the two dozen members present, describing each stage of the project and how it could affect traffic flow. He pointed out that as an alternate route, Avenida Encinas will won be open between Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia. He assured the group that the city is attuned to the concerns of the businesses in that area and encour- aged those affected to contact his di~nrpted traffic in 1992-93. Lloyd Hubbs, city engineer, briefs committee on Poinsettia overpass. department with questions. John Jakobsen, LEGO PrQject Manager, also spoke at the meeting, explaining how the family park is progressing through the review process. hotels be encouraged to visit the LEGO Information Center so tl can better answer questions frc tourists. The Hotel/Motel Committee composed of representatives o Carlsbad‘s hotels. At their meei they share information and coo nate marketing programs. He asked that staff personnel of all Carlsbad rolls out welcome mat for Canadian! ‘- included. Canadians from thos cities usually vacation in the sc eastem United States. With CUI low airfares, there is an opport to entice them to visit us, ‘mis was a smart move to in the eastern Canadian cities on I sales mission,” said Wright. “T travel agents I talked to said th. clients had,seen everything on I East Coast and were eager for information on California. The] were also concerned about rep of crime in Florida. I assured th their clients would feel safe anc comfortable in the quaint comr ties of North County,” said Wr Wright distributed 10 cases 01 brochures on her five-day, foul Carbbad Businus Journal October, 19 “Theif c&mts bad sen everything on the Easa“ Coast arid were eagef ior’ barforma?km on C&bihMi?. ’” Hundreds of Canadians vacation in Carlsbad each winter, some staying a month or longer. Six Carlsbad hotels offer a 20 percent discount to Canadians to entice them to pick Carlsbad for their winter vacation. The challenge is how to inform the Canadians of everything that Carlsbad has to offer. This is done through advertising and participating in state-sponsored marketing programs. One program is the annual Sales Mission to Canada sponsored by the California Office of Tourism. Cleta Wright, ConVis director of public relations, traveled to Canada, Sept. 11-16, with 35 other people repre - CLZTA Vb$&r’Gi’i-lY’ attractions. Wright participated in mini-trade shows in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. At thew shows, she was able to talk with travel agents, tour operators, travel planners and journalists, promoting Carlsbad and North San Diego County as a great place to spend the winter. While this is the fifth year Wright has partiapated in the sales mission, it is the fitst time the eastern cities of uI_L _u__ senting California communities and Montreal and Toronto have been trip. Five travel writers representing such publications as the Copley Press newspapers, the in-flight magazine for Alaska Air Lines, and Laguna Life Magarine visited Carlsbad Sept. 18-23 to gather information for a variety of stories. Additionally, staying for just a portion of the trip was Hewell Howser, who was interested in program, "California Gold," and a writer for Sunsef Magazine who was interested in coastal rail. of Tourism was a guest of the ConVis during this time. He came to observe how the ConVis conducts its ac- claimed travel writer program. The highlight of their five-day stay in Carlsbad was an opportunity to ride the Coaster commuter train between Oceanside and %n Diego and back. Other highlights included open cockpit biplane rides along the coast and riding jet skis in Snug Harbor. They toured At Karlsbad, the Village, Ecke Poinsettia Ranch, Mission San Luis Rey and San Diego's Old Town. &me men rode ~~aue runners at S'WHarbor, lpJ doing a segment on At Karlsbad for his PBS television The media relations director of the California Division listening tu Kay Christiansen. "The writers really enjoyed unique residents such as Kay Christiansen and Leroy Grannis, who at 76 is the elder statesman of Carlsbads surfers," said Steve Link, ConVis manager. attractions provided everything at no cost to the writers or ConVis' 'we are rea11y pleased with the number of businesses in Carlsbad that have stepped forward to invest money and time in this program," said Link. 'That is one reason we have come to the attention of the California Division of Tourism." "The articles written by the writers would cost many thousands of dollars if the space * had to be purchased as advertis- ing," Link added. interviewing some of our Thanks for suppc We are pleased to ackn edge the following comF for their support of this I gram Barnstorming Adventu The hotels, restaurants and LTD Beach Terrace IM Caldo Pomodoro Carlsbad Inn Beach Re: Coyote Bar & Grill Di Maria's Fidel's Norte Harbor Fish South Hennessey's Neimans Restaurant North County Transit 1 Palomar Runway Cafe Pelican Cove Bed & Bn Snug Harbor Tamarack Beach Resor Tip Top Meats cockpit biplane, above, and breakfast at Pezican Cove, bezow. 12 October, 1W Carlsbad Business Journal Manager Tom Wilson, and the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce. The journalists were kept busy from early morning to late in the the San Diego Con-Vis hosted lunch in Old Town. The writers rode the commuter train back to Carlsbad in the after-