HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-11-15; City Council; 12934; SUPPORT STATE AND FEDERAL FUNDING ASSISTANCE FOR A SAN DIEGO REGIONWIDE BEACH REPLENISHMENT INITIATIVEr* 2 0 4 5 5 8 2 3 @ ‘d WY OF CARLSBAD - AGWDA BILL AB#&& TITLE: SUPPORT STATE AND DEPT. MTG. 1 1 /15/94 FEDERAL FUNDING ASSISTANCE FOR A CITY 1 DEPT. ENG RECOMMENDED ACTION: CIN n SAN DIEGO REGIONWIDE BEACH REPLENISHMENT INITIATIVE Adopt Resolution No. 94 -3/& supporting State and Federal funding assistancc San Diego Regionwide Beach Replenishment Initiative. ITEM EXPLANATION: On September 23, 1994, the SANDAG Board of Directors approved a resolution sup! an initiative to restore the San Diego Region’s shoreline and critically eroded be( SANDAG is requesting support from each coastal city in order to pursue State and F funds to assist in future beach replenishment projects. The main focus of the beach replenishment initiative is to ensure funds to capitaliz once-in-a-generation opportunity as a result of the U.S. Navy’s planned Aircraft Homeporting Project. This project is projecting to dredge approximately 12 millioi yards of beach-quality sand from San Diego Harbor and place that material on Sar County’s sand depleted beaches. The purpose of the State and Federal funds wi assist in offsetting the costs of transporting the sand to eroded beach in all of the r( coastal cities. The average transporting cost is estimated to be about $1 per cubi an unprecedented low unit cost for beach replenishment. The future proposed disposal sites have been reviewed and approved by the SI Shoreline Erosion Committee. In addition, the Carlsbad Beach Erosion Committ considered this issue and, by appropriate action, unanimously supports this issi further recommends that the City Council also support this important initiative. FISCAL IMPACT: The approval of State and Federal funds will either eliminate or reduce the nt potential future allocations of City revenues for beach replenishment activities. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 9LI -3/$ supporting State and Federal funding assistanc San Diego Regionwide Beach Replenishment Initiative. 2. Letter from the Beach Erosion Committee. 3. September 23, 1994 staff report to SANDAG Board of Directors. I“ 1 2 3 4 5 f3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 9 4 - 3 12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING STATE AND FEDERAL FUNDING ASSISTANCE FOR A SAN DIEGO REGIONWIDE BEACH REPCENI SHMENT I NIT1 ATlVE WHEREAS, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Coast of California Study, has the majority of the San Diego Region’s beaches as having eroded significantly in 15 years; and WHEREAS, currently narrow beaches will continue to erode in the future due to I on natural sand sources due to development of the region’s coastal plains and footh WHEREAS, the San Diego Region’s beaches are a priceless resource of : National significance which provide important environmental, recreational and econom to the region, the State and the Nation; and WHEREAS, the San Diego Regional Shoreline Preservation Strategy, adopted b! in 1993, calls for a cooperative regionwide beach replenishment program to pre enhance the region’s beaches; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Navy’s Aircraft Homeporting Project is expected to dre range of 12 million cubic yards of uncontaminated beach quality sand from San Die providing a once-in-a-generation opportunity to substantially replenish the regior beaches; and I WHEREAS, potential beach replenishment sites have been identified that w( the public beaches of the region’s eight coastal cities, as well as beaches cor managed by the State Department of Parks and Recreation, the U.S. Navy, and the Unified Port District; and WHEREAS, additional funds will be needed to transport the sand to beach ret sites. The average additional cost is estimated to be about $1 per cubic yard; an unl low unit cost for beach replenishment; and e I WHEREAS, SANDAG and its Shoreline Erosion Committee have supported 4 on’s critically eroded beaches, including seei and from the Navy’s Carrier Homeporting Pr NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the C‘ity of C 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad supports obtaining State anc funds to assist in a San Diego Regionwide beach replenishment initiative based on trar sand from the U.S. Navy Carrier Homeporting Project to the region’s critically eroded I PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad C$ held on the 15th day of NOVEMBER , 1994 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnil; NOES: None ABSENT: None (SEAL) lerk tnniciii L November 1, 1994 Mrs. Ann Kulchin - Chair San Diego Association of Governments Shoreline Erosion Committee Suite 800 First Interstate Plaza 401 B Street SanDiego CA 92101 REGIONWIDE BEACH REPLENISHMENT INITIATIVE At the October 11, 1994 Carkbad Beach Erosion Committee meeting, the Committee had the opportunity to discuss the recent SANDAG Board decision to pursue state and federal funding in an effort to restore the San Diego region’s critically eroded shoreline . The Beac Erosion Committee, by unanimous vote, supports SANDAG’s decision to pursue state and federal funds to assist in future beach replenishment efforts and further recommended that th Carlsbad City Council also provide its support of this initiative. The intent of the beach replenishment initiative is to take advantage of a once-in-a-generatio] opportunity to replenish the region’s critically eroded shorelines with beach quality material dredged from the San Diego Harbor as a result of the U.S. Navy’s proposed Aircraft Carrie Homeporting Project. This project is proposing to dredge approximately 12 million cubic yards of uncontaminated beach quality sand. The main purpose of the initiative is to providc a funding source to pay the transporting costs of that material to needed beach sites in all of the region’s coastal cities. The Beach Replenishment Initiative will fund the incremental cost of transporting the dredge material from the limits of the Aircraft Carrier Homeporting Project to identified beach replenishment sites within the region. The average incremental cost is estimated to be aboui $1 per cubic yard; an unprecedented low unit cost for beach replenishment. It is for this economic reason that the Beach Erosion Committee supports the Beach Replenishment Initiative in order to take advantage of this unique opportunity. 2075 Las Palmas Dr. - Carlsbad, CA 92009-1 576 - (61 9) 438-11 61 - FAX (61 9) 438-08 0 0 The Beach Erosion Committee thanks you for the opportunity to comment on this importan1 issue and the Committee will continue to remain active in the pursuit of viable beach replenishment activities along the coastlines of San Diego County. If you or the Shoreline Erosion Committee have any questions, please contact the Committee's staff representative, Mr. Steven Jantz, at 438-1161 extension 4354. R=PeCtfully 9 .?55/- &/ & LUA" HALL - CHAIR Carlsbad Beach Erosion Committee C: Carlsbad City Council Beach Erosion Committee City Manager City Engineer Associate Engineer Jantz tXtl1blt e StAUDiegOASSOMb . 'on of Governments 0 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 4' - I September 23, 1994 AGENDA REPORT No.: g4-O9- Action Requested: APPROVl SHORELINE EROSION COMMITTEE: REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK FED- AND STATE FUNDS FOR BEACH REPLENISHMENT Jntroduction The Committtx is requesting SANDAG authorization and support to seek federal and state fun( for replenishing the region's critically eroding beaches. Beach replenishment is the prima shoreline management tactic recommended in the Shorelhe Preservation Strategy adopted SANDAG in July of 1993. The Committee is making this request in order to take advantage of a unique opportun presented by the Navy's Aircraft Carrier Homeporting project in San Diego Harbor. The proji will dredge over 10 million cubic yards of beach quality sand; the bulk of the dredging Q begin in mid-1996. In discussions at the Committee, the Navy has agreed to barge the mate] to beach replenishment sites throughout the region and deposit it on eroded beaches. The sa from this project will be available at an unprecedented cost because the Navy will be coven all costs as part of the project budget, except the incremental barging costs in excess of miles. Additional funds will be needed to cover these costs. It is my RECOMMENDATION that SANDAG support the cooperative, regionwide beach replenishment initiative descri above, amend the legislative program to give priority to developing a source of finds at federal and state levels to support the initiative, and authorize the Shoreline Erosion Commi to work on seeking the needed funds. scussion The region's coastal jurisdictions and the Navy have identified eight beach replenishment I that would benefit eroding beaches in all of the region's coastal jurisdictions. Several mil dollars in incremental barging costs (in excess of 30 miles) will be needed to ensure that the I W W is placed in the agreed upon locations to provide maximum benefit to the region's beaches. 'I Navy is evaluating the incremental barging costs as part of its project planning and will prov a specific cost estimate later this fall. It is anticipated that the costs of this sand will be one4 or less of the $5/cubic yard beach replenishment costs estimated in the Shoreline Preservat! Strategy. The 10 million plus cubic yards of beach quality sand expected to be provided through Navy's her homeporting project is about one-third of the maximum total beach replenish needs for the region estimated in the Shoreline Strategy. This low cost beach replenish1 opportunity has the potential to make a major contribution to the restoration of the redo beaches and the environmental and economic values they provide. Executive Direct Key Staff Contact: Steve Sachs, 595-5346 Funds are Budgeted in Overall Work Program #105.07 2 e-? ! UaHediondaLagOon Figure 1 POTENTIAL BEACH REPLENISHMENT SITES FOR NAVY CARRIER HOMEPORTING DREDGING PROJECT c+- to be Evaluated Replenishment Sites MILES Tijmna Estuary .,Q ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS