HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-12-20; City Council; 12969; APPROVAL OF THE ARTS OFFICE GRANT APPLICATION TO THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTSWY OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL A! L ~~#12,q(P_C1 TITLE: APPROVAL OF THE ARTS OFFICE DEP CITY MTG. 12/20/94 DEPT. ARTS CWl RECOMMENDED ACTION: GRANT APPLICATION TO THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS .33" Adopt Resolution No.Sq approving the Arts Office grant application to the National Endowment for the Arts. ITEM EXPLANATION The Carlsbad Arts Office is requesting approval of its grant application to the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) for funds to support the newly adopted Arts Education Program in the Carlsbad Public Schools. The grant requests funds to further develop the partnership between the schools, artists the community and the Carlsbad Arts Office. It will provide increased teacher training in tt arts, more trained professional artists in the classroom, parental involvement and overall coordination of resources. The program will result in a systematic process of incorporatins artists and arts experiences into the curriculum which can be used as a model for other scl districts. The resources will be readily available and shared with the other school district: where Carlsbad students are attending. The Arts Office and the Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) have a long-establishec history of partnership in arts education. The Arts Education Advisory Committee has bee existence for over seven years with representatives from the community, artists, teacher; princi ais, arts organizations, Arts Office and School District staff. A new Mission Staternc arts education newsletter THE ARTS BRAG is produced by the Arts Office. The 1990 survey conducted in conjunction with the development of the Cultural Plan found that ove 90% of Carlsbad adults felt that arts education was important. The CUSD 1993 survey indicated that arts education was the number one area in the curriculum that needed improving. The Arts Office will participate by coordinating the community artists resources. This includes identifying local talent and training artists to be able to work in the schools integra their artform to the curriculum. CUSD will also participate in the coordinating effort, will provide the matching funds to pay the artists and community resources and to evaluate tf program. FISCAL IMPACT and B oak and Objectives were approved in 1993 by the Arts Commission. A bi-month Q a, 2 a 0 5 g Z 3 0 0 The maximum amount awarded is $1 50,000 to be paid over a three year period. It must bc matched with $150,000. The School District will provide the matching funds. The Arts Off will also contribute to the match with staff time and with funding of existing arts education required. EX H I B ITS : programming such as Visiting Artists and Artists in Residence programs. No new money ii 1. Resolution No. 94033y . 2. National Endowment for the Arts Grant Information. 3. Letter from Carlsbad Unified School District Superintendent. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a e EXHIBIT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 94-334 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ARTS OFFICE GRANT APPLICATION TO THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS WHEREAS, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) provides funds for s and WHEREAS, both the Arts Office 1990 survey and the Carlsbad Unified I 1993 survey indicate the interest and need for a stronger, systematic arts education schools; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Arts Office and the Carlsbad Unified School established a working partnership in arts education and wish to build on the str existing programs; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Unified School District has agreed to provide t matching funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the grant application to the National Endowment for the Arts is ap PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City Coui City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 20th day of to wit: DECEMB ER , 1994, by the fol AYES: Council Members Lewis, N NOES: None ABSENT: None &&k+ ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk -. . . . . - - OMB. No. 3135-01 12 Expires 7R Preapp e FY 1995 Arts in Education Program * Arts Plus SU This summaryiintent to apply must be postmarked no later than December 9,1994. The Arts Endowment will not XCep application materials (including this "Preapplication Summary") by electronic submission (e.g., FAX). Mail two copies 01 pleted; typewritten Preapplication Summary to: Arts in Education Program, Room 602 National Endowrne.nt for the Arts Nancy Hanks Center 11 00 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20506-0001 , i SECTION I. PROPOSAL INFORMATION Applicant name: CARLSBAD ARTS OFFICE Address: 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 Project Director, name and title (this must be the person most familiar with the proposal): Phone number for Project Director: Education DirectoriCoordinator, name, title, and phone number (if different from the Project Director): CONSTANCE BEADSLEY ARTS OFFICE MANAGER 6 19 /434-2920 CARLSBAD ARTS OFFICE: CONSTANCE BEARDSLEY ~r~~~~r~ue~~~~~~DArt~~~~~~e~t~TRICT: RICHARD KEELEY , ARTS PROGRAMS COORDINATOR $150,000. 619/594-5490 SECTION 11. PARTNERS List each partner organization (other than the applicant) by name: Schooiis) Arts 0 raanizationlsVArts DisciolinelArtists (if known) Other Oraani: CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL Patrons of the ArtslCarlsbad Youth C'bad Ec Elementary Schools K-6: Carlsbad Strings Education Assn. Chamber Aviara Oaks Pacific Coast Concert Band Educ: Buena Vista Carlsbad Arts Associates Carlsbac Hope Visiting Artists in the Community Arts EdL Kelly (Arts Office 3-5 day residency program) visoi Ma gno 1 i a Individual Artists: Carlsbac K-3 : Betzi Roe - Dance on Cz Jefferson Windy Bravo - Visual Arts 4-6 : Pine Gunnar Biggs - Music Valley Junior High School Mickie Siefert - Video La Palma Continuation School Nannette Shaklo - Painting Carlsbad Hi 11 School Claudia Leonesio-Mons - Theatre DISTRICT Theatre Founc Mary Lou Valencia - Visual Arts SECTION 111. ELIGIBI?ITY REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLICANTS Your organization MUST meet ALL of the following requirements: (Please check all items that apply) 1. Tax-exempt, nonprofit status. l 3. Have school(s) sharing in the match. I 2. Have a paid. professional education director/coordinator who works at least 50% of a full time position on education activities. [ 4. 5. Have at least three years of partnership history with public schools in the pre-K through 12th grade range. Have audited financial statements for the most recently completed fiscal year. t [ e 0 ARTS EDUCATION TASK KC€ JANUARY 1993 CARLSBAD ARTS OFFlCE -1 Y MISSION STATEMENT The City of Carlsbad is committed to arts education that enables each individ to appreciate, understand, create and respond to the arts. GOALS I. To develop appreciation, participation and community advocacy in a brc spectrum of the arts. 1. Assess community and school events with identified targeted e\ for arts inclusion. a Connect visiting artists to other community opportunities b. Identify groups to be targeted with promotion or program1 c. Develop a yearly activity calendar. information. 2. Educate and develop the media as resourceful partners in the identify the methods to communicate, 3. Provide adequate preparation for events, to develop greater aud appreciation. 4. Develop the funding base. II. To develop a structure for incorporating the arts into schoo community programs. 1. Communicate the available resources to schools and othe needed. Generate support for programs through the Parents, Superintc Advisory Council (PSAC). a Ask for every school to identify a cultural chairperson. b. Develop on-going communication with the Superinter C. Establish a school/community liaison cornmitt6 2. Office and the Arts Office. coordinate and communicate. a (I) '. i Ads Education Task FoK8 Mission St at e m e n t/ G o a I s Page 2 Ill. 1. '~-, To provide area artists with an important link to the arts-in-educati program, schools and community service groups. 1. Identify the resources and opportunities for artists. 2. Conduct a showcase for schools, PTA's and directors of serv programs 0 a CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT E J Carisbad, California UAL ANI) PERFORMING ARTS[ PRIBRJTIES FQR 199+95 =+ Implement and evaluate a restructured instrumental music program for students in grades 5-6. Provide funding for musical instruments to reinstitute an elementary program and bring the high school program to a basic level. professional development and technical support program for K-8 classroom teachers in the arts. Reinstitute drama and dance/PE at the middle school. Implement and evaluate an integrated arts program for grades 5-6 (including art, music, dance and drama) at at least one site. Provide real-life opportunities for K-8 students to become acquainted with multicultural artists and world art forms. Develop benchmark achievement standards for visual art, music, * * Continue and expand the San Diego Institute for Arts Education * * =+ * dance and drama: Grade K-4, grades 5-8, grades 9-1 2. * Coordinate efforts and resources throughout the district and community to provide for a high quality, developmental and connected K-I2 arts program for all students. Celebrate student performance and self-expression in all art forms t h ro ug hou t the district and co mm unity. integrate the visual and performing arts as a core academic program into each site’s strategic plan. Complete a five-year K-12 districtkommunity arts plan, aligned with .4 * * the district’s strategic plan. * Actively solicit outside funding for the districtlcommunity arts program. '6 a a Arts in Education Program, continued At the state and local levels, a number of efforts are underway to red is essential learning for the next century. Many of these efforts inch as challenging subject matter and as an integral part of integrated ap to learning. These developments at the national, state, and local lev1 opportunities to increase and improve arts education for all children i adults. Background The Arts Endowment's commitment to arts education began with the establishment of the Artists-in-Schools Program in 1969. This evolvc Artists in Education Program in 1980, with major funding still devotec support of artist residencies in schools. In 1986, the program evolve focusing on goals which help make the arts basic to education. The named Arts in Education Program began to support long-term, state! programming and planning efforts to that end. Since that time the PI been directed toward increasing students' awareness, knowledge, ar acceptance of.the arts; enhancing the skills and supporting the collat artists, teachers, and administrators involved in arts education; and E cooperation among arts and education organizations and agencies. Mission-The mission of the Arts in Education Program is to ensure and young adults understand the arts and the roles and value of the lives and society through educational opportunities and experiences. Goals-Three goals guide the Arts in Education Program in achievin! To make the arts basic to the education of children and young adu pre-K through 12. To increase public awareness about the value of arts education for and young adults. To enable individuals and organizations, particularly artists and art: organizations, to increase arts education opportunities and/or imprc quality of arts education. N,& h, Mission and Goals B 3 national level. In pursuing its mission and goals, the Arts in Education Program is a e 4 catalyst, providing grant support, technical assistance, and leadershi] Funding Categories and The Arts Endowment funds a broad scope of arts education activitie: education for children and youth. The focus of the Arts in Education pre-kindergarten through 12th grade - school-age children and youtt people responsible for their education. Funding categories include: Arts Education Partnership Grants-The Arts Education Partnersh category supports state arts agencies (SAAs) as the Arts Endowmen partners in a wide variety of arts education activities. Grants to SAA: competitively awarded to enable them to implement arts education pi tailored to the individual needs of their states. This implementation i: departments of education, schools, Alliances for Arts Education, and partners. Guidelines for Arts Education Partnership Grants are available separ the Arts in Education (AIE) Program. 3 Leadership Initiatives professional development of artists to lifelong arts learning for adults 4 1 4 ~.. 1 4 8 1 $ q $ 4 T-4 4 through the SAAs' collaborative activities with artists, arts organizatio (Continued on next page) m e Funding Categories and Leadership Initiatives, Special Project Initiatives-As part of its leadership role in arts edu Arts in Education Program is involved in projects of national significa continued impact through the following: Leadership Initiatives: Leadership initiatives give the Arts Endo! wider venue to discuss critical ideas, address national issues, and national policy in arts education. Examples have included support development of national standards and assessments in the arts, a the Arts Fellowship Program, and a national arts education resear( developed with the U.S. Department of Education and the field. National Impact Project Grants: The Arts in Education Prograr available a very limited number of grants to organizations for uniqi education projects of national impact that are not eligible for suppo Arts Endowment categories. Interested organizations must contac Education Program (202/682-5426) before submitting an applicatic Arts Plus--This funding category supports projects which bring togel talents and resources of the artistic and educational communities in 1 increase both their commitments to arts education. This booklet con guidelines for Arts Plus. Details follow this section. In addition to a description of the Arts Plus category, these guideline' information on policies, procedures, and Federal requirements with H applicants should become familiar. Included are topics such as appli review; access for individuals with disabilities; project amendment re1 reports; and Federal requirements with which all grantees must coml to read "Important Information for All Applicants" starting on pq "Legal Requirements" on page 20, and "Assurance of Cornpliar starting on page 33. 4 4 1 ‘8 m e In 1991, the Arts in Education Program piloted a program called the A Education Collaboration Initiative that supported multi-year partnershil involving over 100 arts organizations or artists, education organizatior others, were funded during 1991, 1992, and 1994. The Collaboration Initiative, which was renamed Arts Plus, was evalui 1993. The results of the evaluation determined that this program sho continue beyond a pilot phase and become a grants category in 1995 Arts Plus has these dual goals: To support constructive, educational change so that the arts are cer Arts Plus between arts organizations and schools. Twenty-one partnership pro lives of students. To support artistic exploration and growth by arts professionals in tt with schools. Relationships among professional artists, teachers, students, and othl targeted to making the arts a basic part of education for students and a more basic part of the work of arts organizations are critical to proje supported through this category. __ ____ -- --- . _I-_ I -__ a 0 EXHIBIT 3 arlsbad Unified School Distr 891 Pine AVCUUC. Catlbbud. Galifornin W"?R.3059 (SlQ) S30 0391 PAX* (013) 723-8134 Y . . kY71cre iill Sludmls Lec December 14, 1994 Arts P7us Review Pdriel Arts ln Education Program, Room 602 National EndowrrrsnL for the Arts Washington, DC: 20506-0oOl Dear Panel Members: The Carlsbad Unified School District is leased to support the Carlsbad AI Carlsbad schools. The proposed project advances a process which began with r District curririritment ta trainjng teachers to use the arts as teaching tools Sn t core curriculum and to partner with professional artists in the classroom. 1 process was furlhered last year with the development of the District Strate$ Plan involving community representatives and parents as well as educatm Subsequetrlly a flve-year Arts Ylan was developed and apphved by the Schc Board. This year we have ddded staff, hired artists to present sequent.; residencies in a model program and committed funds to reinvigorating the mus pmgram at the elementary school level. The Carlsbad Unified School District further commits to provide the matrhi funds for. tlir Arls Plus grant. !he partnership with the Carlsbad Arts Office h benefi ttsd Our schools tremendously, creating an active Arts Education Adv;sn bard of par-mts, classroom teachers, principals and District administrators a providing arts services from grants to technical assistance to 1 ive prenmtatioi which would otherwfse lie beyond District ability lo provide for our student: This partnership, strengthened by Endowment funding, can now move into the mo: iInpurldriL areas of arts education: students' direct exposure to profession; artists and the arts process through residencies and cunriciilum developmei incorporating the arts into the core curriculum. We look forward to the opportunities our students will experience with an Art Plus grant. The Carlsbad Unified School District will extend a71 nececc;ir resources to the 9 B Nancy Hanks Center 1100 PenilSy'l Vdll i d Avenue, ffW OTfice's application for a grant for fun a s to increase the arts curriculum - sful achievement of the project goals. Superin tendent GWM: ed