HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-01-10; City Council; 12973; AGREEMENT WITH BSI CONSULTANTS, INC., FOR ENGINEERING PLANCHECKING SERVICES# Y OF CARLSBAD - A .r BSI CONSULTANTS, INC., FOR Adopt Resolution No. G 5 - 3 Inc., for engineering planchecking services. approving a consultant agreement with BSI Cor ITEM WP LAN AT1 0 N : Engineering planchecking volumes in Carlsbad traditionally vary greatly with tin- high peaks during times of prosperity and rapid development and lows during re( Engineering planchecking hit a peak in 1989-90 with a total of 12.5 individual planc 7 of which were consultants. Just two and one-half years ago, we still plancheckers, 3 of which were consultants. Currently, we have 3.5 plancheck which are consultants; however, the two consultants are currently working a tot than 40 hours per week. The current workload is probably the bottom of a low I there are signs that the plancheck submittals are increasing. Over the last several years, permanent staff have left and the vacancies have filled. Current permanent staff is not adequate to handle any significant inc planchecking submittals. Consultants provide a very flexible way to handle pe2 The City currently has agreements with two consulting engineering firms which cai engineering plancheck services on an as-needed basis. Both firms are small in ! workload currently being handled by the firms is small because, 1) dev( applications are down, and 2) the Engineering Department is trying to maximizc of in-house staff. The City Engineer, looking to the future possibility of a development application decided to send out Request for Proposals to consulting engineering firms. The was two-fold: First to possibly get a larger firm that could handle a large increas immediately and, second, to try using afixed-fee for each plancheck rather than tt a w Proposals were sent to five qualified consulting engineering firms who spe planchecking. An engineering committee evaluated the proposals and then ini all five firms. Those firms were: 5 fE 2 w Helming Engineering I Ellorin Consulting Engineers Willdan Associates w BSI Consultants, Inc. z 0 John Powell and Associates F 0 < Helming Engineering and Ellorin Consulting Engineers currently have agreement 6 z 3 0 0 0 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. jg! 973 After evaluating the proposals and the interviews, the firms of Ellorin Consulting E and BSI Consultants, Inc., were selected. Ellorin is small, very flexible and close-by (one mile). BSI is large and can add staff as required on short not Helming Engineering contract for planchecking services will not be renewed. The "fixed" or "piece-rate" fee was compared with estimates of costs on an hourly I negotiated to be similar for an average plancheck. The benefits of a fixed fee are I billing and accounting and elimination of potential overcharging. The trade-off is s less flexibility, especially in the scope of work. The fees are listed in Exhibit consultant agreement. A portion of the total plancheck fee will be paid upon the completion of each sta plancheck as follows: First plancheck 35% of fee Second plancheck 25% of fee Third plancheck 25% of fee Plan or map approval 15% of fee The Plancheck Section has implemented a quality control program to keep the n planchecks to three or less. This program has worked well over the last two yc FISCAL IMPACT: The consultant agreement provides for a maximum expenditure of $1 00,000 per 1 contract may be extended for three additional years. Funds are currently availa Engineering Department Operating Budget. Although the funds to pay for planchecking services come from the Gene developers pay planchecking fees which cover all costs and are deposited to thc Fund. In the event that there is a large increase in the volume of planchec additional appropriation will be required which will be covered by additional planc paid by developers. EXH I BITS: 1. Resolution No. 01 s - 3 approving a consultant agreement Consultants, Inc., for engineering planchecking services (agreement attach 4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 'a 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 9 5 - 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH BSI CONSULTANTS, INC., FOR ENGINEERING PIANCHECKING SERVICES WHEREAS, the Clty Council of the City of Carlsbad has reviewed the need fc plancheck services on an as-needed basis in order to maintain sewice levels; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that BSI Consuttants, Inc., has th qualifications; and WHEREAS, sufficient funds are available in the Engineering Department bul NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Crty Council of the City ( California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That an agreement between the C'Q of Carlsbad and BSI Consulta engineering planchecking services, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit 1 and r hereof, is hereby approved. 3. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad 1 held on the 10th day of Januarv , 1995 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None 0 0 .- AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING PLANCHECKING SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the 11 th day of JANUARY by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referre "City", and BSI CONSULTANTS, INC., hereinafter referred to as "Cansukant'. RECITALS City requires the services of an engineering Consultant to provide the necessary s for plancheck of improvement plans, grading and erosion control plans, final maps, parce and other services that may be required; and Consultant possesses the necessary sk qualifications to provide the services required by the City; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants COI herein, City and Consultant agree as follows: 1. CONSULTANT'S 0 BLlG ATlO N S The consultant shall provide qualified professional engineering plancheck servic all facilities, equipment, and standard engineering reference materials necessary to perf required herein. A. CHECKING IMPROVEMENT PLANS: Consultant shall perform the following work for each project: 1. Examine plans, tour the site in the field, and become familiar with 4 concepts as proposed by the project applicant for access, drainage and water facilities to the site. Determine if the plans are in conformance with applicable condit approval and the approved tentative map. Check hydrology and hydraulic calculations, and the design of the drain system. Determine any diversions, concentrations or increases in drainag and any potential for damage to off-site property resulting fron drainage. 2. 3. 4. Rev. t 0 e 1- 5. Determine requirements for off-site easements and whether they haw obtained. Determine any encroachments on adjacent property. Check adequacy and availability of sewer and water service an respective pipe sizing, Check stopping sight distance, horizontal radius, and vertical CUN streets. Determine that the plans, as submitted, are in conformance wit Carlsbad Municipal Code, the City of Carlsbad Standards, and applicable standards used by the City. Determine that the striping, signing, traffic signals, and all other control equipment are shown on the plan in conformance wit Carlsbad Municipal Code, City of Carlsbad Standards, and applicable codes and standards used by the City. Determine that traffic control, detour, phasing, and all other seqi plans are shown on the plan in conformance with the Carlsbad Mun Code, City of Carlsbad Standards, and other applicable codes standards used by the City. Determine that the improvement plans are in conformance wit} approved grading plan and final map, if applicable to the project. A of the grading plan and final map will be furnished with the improve plans. The City may elect to check the grading plan and final mi include these planchecks within the Consultant's responsibilities. Determine the accuracy of the quantity calculations, the list of quai and the engineer's cost estimate. Provide the City with a completed checklist and written certification tht plans are complete and accurate, and are in conformance with applic City Codes, Standards, discretionary approvals and wriien policies they are consistent with any grading plans, final map and any 1 adjacent improvement documents filed at the City. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Submit technical information for letters, agreements, securities, ease documents and agenda bills with appropriate transmittal informt Submit all plancheck related documents to the City for the project fi B. CHECKING GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS: Consultant shall perform the following: 1. Examine plans, tour the site in the field, become familiar with the ge concept as proposed by the project applicant. 2 Rev. ai: e e 2. Determine if the plans are in conformance with applicable conditic approval and the approved tentative map, .- 3. Determine if the general format for the plan is in conformance with ( Carlsbad requirements. Compare the grading plan with the recommendations in the soils provided and check that the specifications and details in the soils are included in the plans. Make recommendation on necess additional soils review and review any such additional soils reports tt submitted. Compare the grading plan with the grading shown on any ai discretionary approvals and the conditions thereto applied b appropriate City body. Compare the grading plan with the improvement plans for the projt Compare the grading plan with the approved environmental inform Check for the following technical items: a. b. c. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Set back from property line; Identification of property and easement lines; Amounts noted for excavation, fill, and import or export yards); Cut slope and fill slope ratios; d. e. Existing contours; f. g. Final grades shown by contours or spot elevations; Location of cut and placement or fill (daylight and limit lines s on the plan); h. Typical lot drainage; i. i. Typical brow ditch; k. Terrace drains; 1. Typical berm or swale at the top of the fill; Percent of grade of streets and driveway, length of vertical CI and 3 Rev. 01 e a .- m. Horizontal and vertical site distance; cross check this improvement plans. Such other items that are contained in City Ordinances, Stand policies and resolutions that apply. n. 0. Good engineering practice. Check hydrology and hydraulic calculations, and the design o drainage system. Determine any diversion, concentrations or increases in drainage flon any potential for damage to off-site property resutting from such draii Check for adequate capacity of brow ditches and down drains. Check for non-erosive velocities at point of discharge or adequate ei dissipation. 9. 10. I I. 12. Review erosion control measures and check for conformance applicable codes and the City’s Model Erosion Control Ordinance atta to the Carlsbad Master Drainage Study. Check landscape plans for conformance to the grading plans an conformance with intersection sight corridors and corner cut-offs. Provide the City with a completed checklist and a written certificatioi the plans are complete and technically correct, and are in conform with applicable City Codes, Standards, and written policies, that the consistent with any improvement plans, final map, and other adj, improvement documents furnished by the City. Submit technical information for letters, agreements, securities, ease documents and agenda bill with appropriate transmittal informr Submit all plancheck related documents to the City for the project f , 13. 14. 15. C. CHECKING FINAL MAPS AND PARCEL MAPS Consultant shall perform the following: 1. Determine that the map is in conformance with applicable conditio approval and the approved tentative map. Check that the format is in compliance with the City of Car requirements. Check Title Report and Subdivision Guarantee, and verify that tl easements are noted on the map, the legal description conforms wii 2. 3. map, and all parties required to sign the map have done so, 4 Rev. SI 0 1) 4. Check traverse closure for lots, blocks, boundaries and easemer acceptable closure. Check all easements to which the lots are subject, including USI reference if already of record. Check legal descriptions and plats for any off-site easements; ownership against title reports, and prepare deed in conformance wii format. Determine that the title sheet and/or Procedure of Survey sheet in( basis of bearings, number of lots, acreage of the subdivision, soils note, and monumentation notes. Determine that the following certificates and acknowledgements appc the title sheet: a. 5. 6. 7. 8. Owner’s Certificate signed and acknowledged by all parties t record title interests, including dedications and offe dedications; b. Engineer’s or Surveyor’s Statement; c. d. City Engineer’s Statement of Approval; City Clerk’s Certificate of Approval by City Council and AcceF of Offer of Dedication; and e. Such other affidavits, certificates, acknowledgen endorsements, and notarial seals as required. 9. Determine that map is in conformance with provisions of Land Survi Act, the Subdivision Map Act and any and all discretionary approval the conditions thereto applied by the appropriate City body. Provide the City with a completed checklist and a written certificatio the map is complete and technically correct and is in conformanci applicable City Codes, Standards, and written policies; that it is cons with any improvement plans, grading plans, and any other ad, improvement documents furnished by the City. Submit technical information for letters, agreements, securities, easc documents, and agenda bills with appropriate transmittal inform Submit all plancheck related documents to the City for the project 1 10. 11. 5 Rev. 8, 0 0 D. OTHER PLANCHECKING SERVICES Consultant may occasionally be requested to perform planchecking sen projects other than improvements or grading plans or final maps. The work may plancheck of Adjustment Plats, Certificates of Compliance, Reversion to Acreage, or other projects. E. OTHER SERVICES Consultant may occasionally be requested to perform other engineering : including studies, reports, cost estimates, etc. A specific scope of work will be prepared for such work which will be done by Consuttant for an agreed upon not-to-exceed le6 otherwise agreed to in writing. 2. CITY OBLlGATlONS A. Upon initial receipt of a request for plancheck, the City shall perform a pre review of the plans to ensure that complete plan packages per the applicable City SI checklist are submitted before forwarding them to the Consultant. B. Prior to or concurrent with forwarding of the plans to the Consultant, City st route to each affected department or agency, a complete set of plans and include the fc as a minimum: copy of conforming tentative map or other discretionary approval, copit applicable resolutions showing the conditions of approval, cost estimate, associated : corrected plans and previous checkprints (during resubmittal). Upon receipt of commer affected departments or agency, City staff shall transmit the comments to the Consutta C. City shall provide the Consultant with the following documents: 1, A copy of ‘Title 20: Subdivisions’ and ‘Title 1 1.06: Excavation and G of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, and all revisions as they are ado A copy of the latest edition of “Standards for Design and Construc Public Works Improvements in the City of Carlsbad’. A copy of any other written policies, standards, or criteria adopted ( by City. 2. 3. 6 Rev. 1 a 0 D. In addition to prints of the plans to be checked, the City will furnish Consultant the following: 1. A print of the grading plan, improvement plan, and proposed final the project, if applicable. A print of any adjacent improvement plans. A copy of the conforming tentative map and tentative map con and/or any other discretionary approval applicable. 2. 3. E. Collect the necessary fees, securities and deposits required for the projel the applicant. F. Provide Consultant with access, use of City project files, computer systc conference rooms as appropriate. G. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to obligate City to provide an to the Consultant. City reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to assign plans for checl Consultant, to perform planchecks with its own forces, or to assign plans for checking to a consulting firm. 3. PROGRESS AND COMPLETION consultant shall complete planchecks according to the following schedule; A. Normal planchecks: 1. First plancheck: complete and return to City within thirty (30) CE days of receipt. Second and third planchecks: complete and return to City within fo (14) calendar days of receipt. Mylar: complete and return to City within fourteen (14) calendar d receipt. 2. 3. 6. Economic development* planchecks: 1. First plancheck: complete and return to City within twenty-on calendar days of receipt. Rev. E 7 e 0 - 2. Second and third planchecks: complete and return to City within te calendar days of receipt. Mylar: complete and return to City within ten (1 0) calendar days of r( Consultant is expected to generally complete planchecking within three (3) planc plus mylar submittal or less. *City will tell consuttant when a plancheck is to be considei 3. "economic development" (priority) plancheck. The City Engineer will give allowance for documented and substantiated unforesf and unavoidable delays not caused by a lack of foresight on the part of the Consultant, or ( caused by City inaction or other agencies' lack of timely action. 4. FEES TO BE PAID TO CONSULTANT The total amount of the fee for planchecking services for each set of plans shall shown in Exhibit 'A", Schedule of Fees, dated November 29, 1994. Fee shall become payable according to the following schedule: First plancheck completed 35% of tc Third plancheck completed 25% of tc Plan or map approval and submittal of written certification of plancheck 15%* oft *Actual amount may be adjusted so that 100% of total fee based on approved quz or cost estimates is paid. Changes in the fee schedule may be submitted by the Consuttant to the City En at the time of contract extension as provided in Section 5., DURATION OF CONTRACT. TI Engineer shall review the proposed rates and make a recommendation to the City Manage City Manager may grant an increase in the fees, not-to-exceed 5%, by amending the con1 the time of extension. The total to be paid to Consultant under this contract shall not f $100,000 per year unless this contract is amended. Second plancheck completed 25% of tc No other compensation for services will be allowed except those items covei supplemental agreements per Paragraph 8, 'Changes in Work.' 8 Rev. E e e 5. DURATION OF CONTRACT This agreement shall extend for a period of one (1) year from date thereof. The co may be extended by the City Manager for three (3) additional one (1) year periods or thereof, based upon a review of satisfactory performance and the City’s needs. The parties prepare extensions in writing indicating effective date and length of the extended contrac 6. PAYMENT OF FEES On the 5th working day of each month, Consultant shall submit his/her invoice for performed during the prior month. Payment of approved items on the invoice shall be mai the Consultant within thirty (30) days after receipt of invoice if received by the above datc 7. FINAL SUBMISSIONS Within seven (7) days of completion and approval of the final plancheck, the Cons shall deliver to the City the following items: A. B. Completed checklists for City file. Any City files or documents which belong in City files for said plancheck consultant may possess. a. CHANGES IN WORK If, in the course of the contract, changes seem merited by the Consultant or the Cit! informal consultations with the other party indicate that a change in the conditions of the co is warranted, the Consultant or the City may request a change in contract. Such change: be processed by the City in the following manner: A letter outlining the required change5 be forwarded to the City by Consultant to inform them of the proposed changes along Y statement of estimated changes in charges or time schedule. A supplemental agreemeni be prepared by the City and approved by the City according to the procedures descrit Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.172. Such supplemental agreement shall not r ineffective or invalidate unaffected portions of the agreement. 9 Rev. €31 0 0 c 9. COVENANTS AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The Consultant warrants that their firm has not employed or retained any comF person, other than a bona fide employee working for the Consultant, to solicit or sea agreement, and that Consultant has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or an’ consideration contingent upon, or resulting from, the award or making of this agreemer breach or violation of this warranty, the City shall have the right to annul this agreement \ liability, or, in its discretion, to deduct from the agreement price or consideration, or ott recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fees, gift, or con fee. 10. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Consultant shall comply with the state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimi 11. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT In the event of the Consultant’s failure to prosecute, deliver, or perform the \n provided for in this contract, the City may terminate this contract for nonperformance by ni the Consultant by certified mail of the termination of the Consultant. The Consultant, ther has five (5) working days to deliver said documents owned by the City and all work in pr to the City Engineer. The City Engineer shall make a determination of fact based UF documents delivered to City of the percentage of work which the Consultant has per which is usable and of worth to the City in having the contract completed. Based up finding as reported to the Ctty Manager, the Manager shall determine the final paymen contract. 10 Rev. l 0 0 - 12. DISPUTES If a dispute should arise regarding the performance of work under this agreemet following procedure shall be used to resolve any question of fact or interpretation not othc settled by agreement between parties. Such questions, if they become identified as a I a dispute among persons operating under the provisions of this contract, shall be reduc writing by the principal of the Consultant or the City Engineer. A copy of such docurr dispute shall be forwarded to both parties involved along with recommended methc resolution which would be of benefit to both parties. The City Engineer or principal receivi letter shall reply to the letter along with a recommended method of resolution within te days. If the resolution thus obtained is unsatisfactory to the aggrieved party, a letter outlinii dispute shall be forwarded to the City Council for their resolution through the Office of th Manager. The City Council may then opt to consider the directed solution to the proble such cases, the action of the City Council shall be binding upon the parties involved, attt nothing in this procedure shall prohibit the parties seeking remedies available to them a1 13. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF SERVICES This agreement may be terminated by either party upon tendering thirty (30) days \ notice to the other party. In the event of such suspension or termination, upon request City, the Consultant shall assemble the work product and put same in order for proper filir closing and deliver said product to City. In the event of termination, the Consuttant shall b for work performed to the termination date; however, the total shall not exceed the lump su payable under paragraph 4. The City shall make the final determination as to the portic tasks completed and the compensation to be made. 14. STATUS OF THE CONSULTANT The Consultant shall perform the services provided for herein in Consultant’s own v an independent contractor and in pursuit of Consultant’s independent calling, and not 11 Rev. 8, 0 0 - employee of the City. Consultant shall be under control of the City only as to the resul accomplished, but shall consult with the City as provided for in the request for propos persons used by the Consultant to provide services under this agreement shall not be con{ employees of the City for any purposes whatsoever. The Consultant is an independent contractor of the City. The payment made Consultant pursuant to the contract shall be the full and complete compensation to wh Consultant is entitled. The City shall not make any federal or state tax withholdings on bc the Consultant or his/her employees or subcontractors. The City shall not be required to F workers’ compensation insurance or unemployment contributions on behalf of the Consu his/her employees or subcontractors. The Consultant agrees to indemnify the City for a retirement contribution, social securiiy, overtime payment, unemployment payment or w compensation payment which the City may be required to make on behalf of the Consu any employee or subcontractor of the Consultant for work done under this agreement. The Consultant shall be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Reform and ( Act of 1986 and shall comply with those requirements, including, but not limited to, verify eligibility for employment of all agents, employees, subcontractors and consultants tl included in this agreement. 15. CONFORMITYTO LEGAL REQUIREMENTS The Consultant shall cause all drawings and specifications to conform to all apy requirements of law: federal, state and local. Consultant shall provide all necessary sup documents, to be filed with any agencies whose approval is necessary. The City will provide copies of the approved plans to any other agencies. 12 Rev. I 0 0 16. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All plans, studies, sketches, drawings, reports, and specifications as herein requir the property of the City, whether the work for which they are made be executed or not. event this contract is terminated, all documents, plans, specifications, drawings, report: studies shall be delivered forthwith to the City. Consultant shall have the right to make o copy of the plans for his/her records. 17, REPRODUCTION RIGHTS The Consultant agrees that all copyrights which arise from creation of the work pu to this contract shall be vested in City and hereby agrees to relinquish all claims tc copyrights in favor of City. 18. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, per fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatever, nor for pe injuries or death caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, err omissions of Consultant or Consultant's agents, employees, or representatives. Con agrees to defend, indemn'Q, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and emp against any of the foregoing claims, liabilities, penalties or fines, including liabilities or cla reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications, and any cost, expense or attc fees which are incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing. 19. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT The Consultant shall not assign this contract or any part thereof or any monit thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 13 Rev. I 1- a 0 20. SUBCONTRACTING If the Consultant shall subcontract any of the work to be performed under this cc by the Consultant, Consultant shall be fully responsible to the City for the acts and omiss Consultant's subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed subcontractor, as Consultant is for the acts and omissions of persons directly emplo! Consuftant, Nothing contained in this contract shall Greate any contractual relationship bc any subcontractor of Consultant and the City. The Consultant shall bind every subcontracl every subcontractor of a subcontractor by the terms of this contract applicable to Consi work unless specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract in question approved in by the City. 21. PROHIBITED INTEREST No official of the City who is authorized in such capacity on behalf of the City to nec make, accept, or approve, or take part in negotiating, making, accepting, or approving agreement, shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or in a thereof. No officer or employee af the City who is authorized in such capacity and an be the City to exercise any execive, supervisory, or similar functions in connection wi performance of this contract shall become directly or indirectly interested personally contract or any part thereof. 22. VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATlON No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of th either before, during or after the execution of this contract, shall affect or modify any of the or obligations herein contained nor entitle the Consultant to any additional payment what: under the terms of this contract. Rev. 8 14 .- 0 0 ? 23. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 18, 'Hold Harmless Agreement,' all conditions, and provisions hereof shall inure to and shall bind each of the parties heret each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 24. EFFECTIVE DATE This agreement shall be effective on and from the day and year first written abov 25. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The Consultant shall file a conflict of interest statement with the City Clerk in accoi with the requirements of the City's conflict of interest code. The disclosure category s categories 1, 3 and 4. 26. INSURANCE The Consultant shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance, auto liability insurance, and a combined policy of worker's compensation and employers insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Californit meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 91 -403 in an insurable amount of r than one million dollars ($1,000,000) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the C Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the life of this agrt and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City sent by c mail. .... .... .... .... .... .... 15 Rev. 0 e +. The City shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. The Consulta furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. Executed by Consultant this 7 fl\ day of 0 e c P~I er ,193. CONSULTANT: BSI CONSULTANTS, INC. (name of Consultant) CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal By: &;#/ .I &A ('sign here) L/ z+-. &.# e* f= -7?f L e5 ATTEST: (print name here) r - / -3j,-, V&@L=-\ 44 e, (title and organization of signatory) By: ,,L KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City C1 n;~ cUqau/Ctr4tS, r,qc &THA LAwt EN@NZ City Clerk (yibfiere) I n,. ,~ i?]'Cj, ) ' -4,: < y)'^' - \ 4 *- C> A A ~"LEL rik /r c ?' fl&? { I I ,,,C< , &crc cr, c/ lbiI. ( >\LL,l\L,,,lL 1 I\(- (print name here) ( (title and organization of signatory) 'sa L' p. - if% ISSI Co,lI*IL-tJ,IYc. e I (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by CONSULTANT must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporatic only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secre assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporatior APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL City Attorney kl /&4 y KARENJ, HIwA Deputy City Attorney 16 Rev. 8 0 0 . CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) idare subscnbel instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they execute his/her/their authorized capacitY(ies), and that by hisher/the on the instrument the perSon(s), Or the entity upon behalf person(s) acted, executed the instrument e e .I- q EXH I B IT "A" SCHEDULE OF FEES BSI CONSULTANTS, INC. November 29, 1994 For Plancheck of: IMPROVEMENT PLANS Estimated Cost of Improvements up to $20,000 3.5% $400 minimum $20,000 to $50,000 3.0% $700 minimum $50,000 to $1 00,000 2.5% $1,500 minimum $1 00,000 to $250,000 2.0% $2,500 minimum $250,000 to $500,000 1.5% $5,000 minimum $500,000 to $1,000,000 1 .O% $7,500 minimum $1,000,000 and above GRADING PLANS Total Number of Cubic Yards Consultant Fee .75% $1 0,000 minimum Consultant Fee 101 to 500 $700 501 to 1,000 $800 1,001 to 5,000 $1,000 5,001 to 1 0,000 $1,500 10,001 to 50,000 $2,000 50,001 to 1 00,000 $2,500 100,001 to 200,000 $3,000 200,001 to 400,000 $4,000 400,001 to 1,000,000 $4,000 plus $50 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction yards or fraction over 400,000. 10,000 cubic yards or fraction over 1,000,000. 1,000,001 and above $7,000 plus $25 for each additional Consultant Fee Final Map $1,800 plus $2O/lot Parcel Map $1,500 plus $20/Iot Adjustment Plat $400 Certificate of Correction $400 Dedication of Easement $450 Street Vacation (Summary) $600 Street Vacation $900 Quitclaim of Easement $450