HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-02-07; City Council; 13011; Evans PointFINAL MAP CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 91-03 DEPT. EVANS POINT Fhll RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. Q 5 - 29 approving an agreement with George Wimpey, Inc to guarantee financial participation in the funding of Cannon Road West and approving a final map for Carlsbad Tract No. 91-03, Evans Point. ITEM EXPLANATION: Engineering staff has completed checking the final map of Cansbad Tract 91-03, also known as Evans Point. This subdivision is located in Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) Zone 24, southwesterly of El Camino Real between the future extension of Cannon Road and existing Camino Hills Drive. It is comprised of 200 lots with uses as follows: 194 single family residential units and 6 open space lots. The final map conforms substantially with the Tentative Map, as approved by City Council on April 14, 1992 per Resolution No. 92-109. The final map also conforms to the General Plan and all the applicable requirements of the Municipal Code and City Standards. This map has been found to be consistent with the Growth Management Ordinance. The project density is 2.9 dwelling units per acre which is below the growth control point of 3.2 dwelling units per acre. The findings required to approve the project were made as part of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3352 adopted on February 19, 1992 and accepted by City Council on April 14, 1992. This map has also been found to comply with the requirements of the LFMP for Zone 24. Currently, all facilities within or impacted by Zone 24 meet the adopted performance standards for growth management. The LFMP for Zone 24 does, however, require a comprehensive financing program guaranteeing construction of Cannon Road west of El Camino Real. Staff has been working with the Zone 24 property owners as well as the property owners in Zones 8 and 13 to establish a facility impact fee which would guarantee financing for the Cannon Road West improvements. Staff intends to bring the proposed fee program up for City Council approval sometime in the next two to three months. The developer is anxious to move forward with the recordation of the Evans Point final map and is therefore requesting Council approval of a prepayment agreement in satisfaction of their LFMP obligation. Under the terms of the proposed agreement, the developer would post a cash deposit with the City in the amount of $97,000 to guarantee their fair share payment towards the construction of Cannon Road West. The amount of the proposed deposit is consistent with the estimated facility fee attributable to the Evans Point development as determined by the preliminary engineering report for the proposed Cannon Road West fee program. Under the terms of the proposed prepayment agreement, the developer would waive any right to oppose establishment of the facility fee program and would further agree to pay any incremental cost in fees should the established fee obligation exceed the $97,000 deposit. . Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 13. Q I I I FISCAL IMPACT: This project will generate the following fees at building permit issuance: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Traffic Impact Fees (194 units @ $540/unit Inside CFD) Sewer Connection Fees (194 units @ $l,806/unit) Water Service Connection (194 units Q $2,40O/unit) One-Time Special Development Tax for CFD No. 1 (194 units @ $4,666.1352/unit) Sewer Benefit Area Fee (194 units 0 $803/unit) Cannon Road West Facility Impact Fee ($500/unit) $104,760 $350,364 $465,600 $905,230 $155,782 $97,000 The exact amount of public facility fees are unknown until the applicant submits an application for Building Permits. Drainage fees totalling $113,533.00 have been paid and facilities required by the Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan will be constructed as part of this project. Public improvements for this project include full street improvements, drainage system, potable water system, reclaimed water system and sewer system all to City Standards and applicable water and sewer district standards. No detailed economic impact analysis of this development has been conducted. While increased operating expense related to this project are expected to be offset from the increased tax or fee revenue, no exact percentage of offset can be predicted. This project is located within Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 1. Upon recordation of the final map, the CFD assessment will be apportioned to all lots within the subdivision. Because this is a residential subdivision, the owner will be required to pay the one-time special development tax upon issuance of each building permit within the project. PUBLIC FACILITY ADEQUACY STATUS Facility Zone 24 Local Facilities Management Plan Complete Growth Control Point 3.2 DU/AC Net Density 2.10 DU/AC Special Facilities Fees CFD No. 1 With Council approval of the interim agreement guaranteeing developer participation in the Cannon Road West financing program, the map compiles with all public facility standards of the Growth Management Plan. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Location Map. Site Exhibit. Local Facilities Impact Assessment form. Resolution No. 015 -$! 9 approving an agreement with George Wimpey, Inc. to guarantee financial participation in the funding of Cannon Road West and approving a final map for Carlsbad Tract No. 91-03, Evans Point. Copy of pre-payment agreement entitled “Petition, Waiver and Consent to Creation of a Facility Impact Fee Program and Agreement to Pay Fair Share Cost of Cannon Road West” (original on file with City Clerk.) I .,. LOCATION MAP ---w-d-_ ------ \ PROJECT NAME PROJECT EXHlBll EVANS POINT NUMBER CT91-03 1 SITE PLAN NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NAME EVANS POINT I I ;\;Jkfd EXHIBIT CT93-01 2 --4 1 EXHIBIT 3 . CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM - LOCAL FACIUTIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM . .,. .,. FACILITY UNITS OF DEMAND IMPACT COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARD A City Administrative Facilities: Square Footage 674.5 YES B ,Libraty: Square Footage 359.7 YES C Wastewater Treatment Capacity: Gallons per Day 42,680 YES D Park: Acreage 1.34696 YES E Drainage: Adequacy of Existing ADEQUATE YES Facilities F Circulation: Average Daily Trips 1,940 YES (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) G Fire: Served by Fire Station No. 5 YES H Open Space: Acres 1.349 YES I Schools: Carlsbad Unified School CAPACITY YES (Demands determined by school district) District AVAIlABLE J Sewer: Equivalent Dwelling Units 194 YES Sub Basin 24A, 248, (Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan) 24C K Water: Gallons per Day 42,680 YES L Project is 0.3 units below the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 95-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH GEORGE WIMPEY INC. TO GUARANTEE FINANCIAL PARTICIPATION IN THE FUNDING OF CANNON ROAD WEST AND, APPROVING A FINAL MAP FOR CARLSBAD TRACT-CT 91-03. EVANS POINT WHEREAS, George Wimpey, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, hereinafter referred to as “developer, has submitted a final map known as Carlsbad Tract No. 91-03 to the City of Carlsbad for approval; and WHEREAS, the Tentative Map of Carlsbad Tract No. 91-03 with conditions, was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission on February 19,1992 pursuant to Resolution Number 3352; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved Planning Commission Resolution No. 3352 at its meeting of April 14, 1992 pursuant to Resolution No. 92-109; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has determined that said map substantially conforms to said conditionally approved tentative map; and WHEREAS, all conditions of approval for said final map have been completed or secured with the exception of Council approval of a financing program guaranteeing the construction of Cannon Road West; and WHEREAS, the developer is requesting Council approval of an interim agreement entitled “Petition, Waiver and Consent to Creation of a Facility Impact Fee Program and Agreement to Pay Fair Share Cost of Cannon Road West” whereby developer agrees to pay the City $97,000 towards their fair share cost of the financing of Cannon Road West and to waive their right to protest the establishment of a facility impact fee for the construction of Cannon Road West; and . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, the developer has offered public streets and public easements for dedication to the City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, the final map conforms to the City of Carlsbad General Plan and all requirements of City Codes and Standards; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad determined it to be in the public interest to approve said Final Map; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct, 2. That the Mayor is directed to sign the agreement entitled “Petition, Waiver and Consent to Creation of a Facility Impact Fee Program and Agreement to Pay Fair Share Cost of Cannon Road West.’ 3. That said Final Map known as Carlsbad Tract 91-03 from George Wimpey, Inc. which is on file with the City Engineer and is incorporated herein by reference, is accepted. 4. That the City accepts dedications shown on the Final Map. 5. That the City Clerk is authorized to sign the Certificate of Acceptance on the Final Map. 6. That the City Clerk is authorited to cause the original Final Map to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State of California. Ill /I/ Ill /I/ /II . P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 7. That the City Clerk is authorized to release the map to First American Title Insurance Company for recording in the office of the County Recorder. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the FEBRUARY , 1995 by the following vote, to wit: 7th day of AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None Al-TEST: ALETHA L RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk ww - . RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER’S USE Parcel Nos. 212-050-22, 29, 30 & 34 PETITION, WAIVER, AND CONSENT TO CREATlON OF A FACILITY IMPACT FEE PROGRAM AND AGREEMENT TO PAY FAIR SHARE COST OF CANNON ROAD WEST (“AGREEMENT”) A. WHEREAS, the undersigned Property Owner is processing for development within the City of Carlsbad ( “City”) a development project known and identified as Carlsbad Tract 91-03 (“Project”); and B. WHEREAS, City has determined Project to be located within the boundaries of a proposed benefit area for a Facility Impact Fee Program known as Cannon Road West Facility Fee Program (“Fee Program”); and C. WHEREAS, Fee Program is intended to be formed to finance those improvements generally described in Paragraph 1 below; and D. WHEREAS, Fee Program may take the form of a bridge and thoroughfare area of benefit fee (pursuant to Government Code Section 66484 and Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Section 20.08.140), amendment to the Traffic Impact Fee (CMC Chapter 18.42) a new Development Impact Fee enacted pursuant to Government Code Section 66000 et seq, any combination thereof, or otherwise; and 1 E. WHEREAS, Property Owner desires to proceed with processing of the Project prior to City determination of the form or establishment of Fee Program; and F. WHEREAS, the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 24 requires a guarantee for the construction of the segment of Cannon Road, described in Paragraph 1 below, prior to the recordation of any final maps or the issuance of building permits within the zone; and G. WHEREAS, condition number 10 of the Tentative Tract Map approved for Carlsbad Tract 91-03 requires Property Owner to provide for the construction of certain public improvements including a section of Cannon Road; and H. WHEREAS, compliance with the applicable Local Facilities Management Plans for Zone 24 and tentative map conditions is a condition of approval for the final map for the Project; and I. WHEREAS, City and Property Owner desire to agree to a guarantee which insures the project’s fairshare of the financing for the improvements described in Paragraph 1 herein that will allow Property Owner to proceed with the processing of a final map and development of the Project in advance of the formation of a Fee Program for the construction of Cannon Road West; and J. WHEREAS, City Council agrees that Property Owner, upon entering into this Agreement and upon payment of the fair share described herein, has met the requirement set forth in the Local Facilities Management Plan for Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 24 and related tentative map condition number 10 for Carlsbad Tract Map CT 91-03, to provide a financial guarantee for the construction of those improvements described in Paragraph 1 below; and K. WHEREAS, Property Owner voluntarily enters into this Agreement; and L WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that due to the size of the Project, there will be no major impact on the circulation system at the present time if development of the 2 Project is allowed to proceed with SuffiCient financial guarantees for actual construction to meet Property Owner’s fair share of the circulation improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of proceeding with the processing of Project, the undersigned Property Owner hereby agrees and certifies to the following: 1. Property Owner hereby petitions the City for the initiation of proceedings of a Fee Program which will cause the construction and installation and/or financing of the following improvements which are more specifically described as follows: 0 Cannon Road to Major arterial road standards from Paseo Del Norte to El Camino Real (Cannon Road West.) The improvements proposed for inclusion include all curbs, gutters, sidewalk, base and pavement, median landscaping and irrigation, median hardscape, streetlights, street monumentation, grading and excavation, storm drainage facilities, guardrails, two 465 foot multispan bridges and one 156 foot single span bridge together with any incidentals necessary to complete a four lane major arterial roadway. Attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated herein is the “Engineering Report for Proposed Cannon Road West Facility Fee” (“Report”). Report formed the basis for the determination of the amount of Property Owner’s deposit. 2. The costs of construction, engineering, legal and other incidental expenses will be funded by the Fee Program, as more particularly described in Report. 3. Property Owner acknowledges its right to notice of and participation in all phases of the establishment of Fee Program and expressly waives any right to protest or oppose the imposition of formation or Fee Program. Property Owner’s waiver of its right to protest establishment or formation of the Fee Program shall not prevent Property Owner from protesting the amount of the fee or extent of the improvements for Cannon Road West. 4. a) Property Owner agrees to pay to City its fair share for the improvements described in paragraph one (1) above, currently estimated to be $500.00 per dwelling unit or $97,000.00 for Project as determined by Report. 3 b) Property Owner has posted a cash deposit with City in the amount of $97,000.00 (“Deposit”) to guarantee payment of Property Owner’s fair share of said Fee Program. Deposit is made in fulfillment of Condition No. 10 of the tentative map to allow City to consider approval of the final map for Project in advance of the establishment of the Fee Program. Cl The actual amount of Property Owners fair share payment under the Fee Program shall be conclusively determined by City Council at the time the Fee Program is established. d) Deposit by Property Owner of its fair share of improvement costs as determined herein and the contractual covenant created by this Agreement satisfies Property Owner’s obligations for the construction of the improvements described in paragraph one (1) above, as required by the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 24 and Tentative Subdivision Map CT 91-03 condition number 10 as these conditions apply to CT 91-03. 5. Property Owner acknowledges that this Agreement to pay its fair share and participate in the financing of improvements is voluntary and that without this Agreement Property Owner would be precluded from obtaining final map approvals or building and other development permits under the provisions of the General Plan, Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, applicable zone plan, financing plans and related documents until a satisfactory financing program had been developed to fund the construction of the improvements described in Paragraph 1 above. 6. Property Owner hereby waives his right to challenge the establishment or imposition of Fee Program. 7. This Agreement does not affect, in any way whatsoever, the obligation of Property Owner to pay any other fees or assessments associated with Property Owners development, nor does this Agreement relieve Property Owner from providing other public facilities required under conditions of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 24 or placed upon tentative map CT 91-03 by the City. 4 8. a) If prior to January 1, 1999, the Fee Program for Cannon Road West is established, subsequent to Deposit by Property Owner pursuant to this Agreement, Property Owner’s financial obligation shall be recalculated at that time, using the fee formula established under the approved Fee Program. If the Fee Program obligation is different from Deposit, plus accrued interest,’ amount previously paid by Property Owner to City pursuant to Paragraph 4 hereof, City shall refund any excess, or Property Owner will pay to City any additional amount due (Shortfall). b) Any refund shall be made from funds available through the collection of fees and shall not be an obligation of City’s General Fund or other revenue sources. c) In the event that insufficient funds are available from the fee revenues, Property Owner shall be reimbursed in the order in which funds were deposited with City as soon as sufficient funds become available, as determined by the City Council. d) No reimbursement is required until the City Council determines that sufficient funds are available. e) If a Shortfall exists, Property Owner shall be notified of the amount of such Shortfall by the Finance Director via certified mail. The amount of said Shortfall shall be due and payable to City 30 days after the mailing of such notice. f) The computation of the amount of any Shortfall shall not include interest charges. g) If payment in full of the Shortfall is not made by Property Owner within ninety (90) days of notice of said Shortfall by the Finance Director, the amount due shall constitute a lien on any portion of the property within the Project for which a building permit has not been issued by the City. City may deny the issuance of building permits and/or take any other action allowed by law to deny further development of Project property subject to this Agreement, and to collect such Shortfall including, but not limited to, enforcement of the lien on the property. City’s recordation of a lien shall not affect its ability to recover the Shortfall by other legal means 5 concurrently, but no double recovery will be allowed. The cost of such collection shall be an obligation of Property Owner and shall be added to the amount of the Shortfall payment due City. h) Any payment received by the City under this Agreement shall be deposited in a special fund and may only be used to fund the construction of the facilities described herein. Upon the establishment of a Fee Program to fund these same facilities, any amount remaining in the special fund may be transferred to the Facility Fee Fund, at the discretion of the Finance Director. 9. If the Fee Program has not been established for any reason by January 1, 1999, the amount paid by Property Owner underthis Agreement shall be deemed to represent Property Owner’s fair share cost for provision of those facilities described in paragraph one (1) above and no further payment will be due from or reimbursement due to Property Owner. 10. Compliance with this Agreement will be accepted by Cii as an alternate to the method described in the current Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 24 for financing the improvements described in paragraph one (1) above. This Agreement does not require City to issue building permits or other development permits or grant approvals or relieve Property Owner of the obligation to comply with all applicable provisions of law, including but not limited to, Carlsbad Municipal Code Tiiles 18, 19, 20 and 21. 11. Compliance with the provisions of this Agreement is a condition of all future discretionary approvals for the Project. If Property Owner does not comply with the provisions of this Agreement, approval of the Project will not be consistent with the General Plan, the Growth Management Program, the Local Facilities Management Plan, or the applicable financing plan for Zone 24 and all subsequent discretionary approvals and permits for the Project shall be withheld by City. 12. The City may, at its discretion, elect to pursue any remedy, legal or equitable against Property Owner or Property Owner’s successors, heirs, assigns, and transferees, with the 6 exception of owners of individual lots for which building permits have been issued, to secure compliance with this Agreement. 13. City shall not, nor shall any officer or employee of City, be liable or responsible for any loss or damage incurred by Property Owner or any successor or assign of Property Owner, or by any occupant in Project, as a result of the exercise of any remedies provided to City in this Agreement. Property Owner agrees to indemnify City for any liabilities incurred by City as a result of City’s exercise of these remedies. 14. This Agreement and the covenants contained herein shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors, heirs, assigns, and transferees of Property Owner and City, and run with the real property and create an equitable servitude upon the real property. 15. All notices provided for under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered in person or served by certified mail postage prepaid. Delivery of notice to Property Owner shall be presumed to have been made on the date of mailing regardless, of receipt by Property Owner. Notices required to be given to Property Owner shall be addressed as follows: Robert W. Laing, Vice President George Wimpey, Inc. 9171 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 355 San Diego, CA 92122 Notices to the City shall be delivered to the Finance Director, City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carfsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, 92008. Each party shall notify the other immediately of any changes of address that would require any notice delivered hereunder to be directed to another address. 16. The obligation and benefits of this Agreement shall be transferred upon sale of the Project. As used in this Agreement, ‘Property Owner” shall be the owner of the real property which comprises the Project, except as to any real property for which residential permits have been issued. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, upon written 7 -. notice to the City pursuant to Paragraph 15 above, all obligations, benefits and responsibilities of this agreement shall move to the new owner of the real property which comprises the Project. 17. The undersigned entity further states, under penalty of perjury, that it is the owner of the property described herein, or an authorized agent of the owner, and has the authority to sign this document including the creation of the covenants herein. Executed this - 30 day of l%r7,Jsr)/ , 19%: PROPERTY OWNER: George Wimpey, Inc., a Delaware Corporatio By: 4iL! ‘au-J * (sign here) J R. It/. f!A/x#4 * CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal (print name here) y/t6 /-mIPEA, 7 (titp a$ organization of signatory) ‘- ‘*~)! .J- i&,,,d- c (print name here) /T!i.c /",.i~4L ,sL- (title and organization of signatory) (Notarial acknowledgment d execution by PROPEfTlY OWNER must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secretary or s+sistant secretary must sign for corporedion. If only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resdution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporsde seal empowering that officer to bind the coiporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL City Attorney . - CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT YO 53c7 . State of personally appeared I NAMEIS) OF SIGNER(S) personally known to me - OR - 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WEESS my w and official seal. * \ , L SIGNATURE OF NOTARY OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT 0. INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE OFFICER . I TITLE(S) 7 ‘rfyr-en TITLE OR TYPE OF DdCUMENT 0 PARTNER(S) q LIMITED [7 GENERAL [7 ATTORNEY-IN-FACT NUMBER OF PAGES 0 TRUSTEE(S) 0 GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR 0 OTHER: - cir)vqr Y M, I??$ 6ATE OF D&UMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: ~\ *, 1) / SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE 01993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION l 8236 Remmet Ave., P.O. Box 7184 l Canoga Park, CA 91309-7184 APPENDIX A . PURPOSE ENGINEERING REPORT FOR PROPOSED CANNON ROAD WEST FACILITY FEE The purpose of this report is to define the project, estimate the cost of improvement, determine a reasonable area of benefit, and establish a fair method of allocating cost for the construction of Cannon Road from Paseo del Norte to El Camino Real (referred to as Cannon Road West). The report identifies the properties which have a responsibility as well as a general benefit from the construction of Cannon Road West and spreads the cost to improve this section of roadway to undeveloped properties within an established benefit area based upon average daily traffic projections. The report includes a project description, cost estimation for Cannon Road West, an identification of existing funding sources, a description of the area of benefit, an estimate of traffic to be generated from future developments within the benefit area, a description of the fee calculation methodology and a recommended fee structure. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of the completion of Cannon Road to major arterial standards from Paseo del Norte to El Camino Real, also known as Cannon Road West. The improvements proposed for inclusion in the fee program include all curbs, gutters, sidewalk, base and pavement, median landscaping and irrigation, median hardscape, streetlights, street monumentation, grading and excavation, storm drainage facilities, guardrails and other incidentals necessary to complete a four-lane major arterial roadway. The project also includes two (2) 485foot multi-span bridge structures across the saltwater wetlands at the north end of Macario Canyon and a 156-foot single-span bridge across the Agua Hedionda Creek at El Camino Real. In addition, the project includes the cost for full mitigation of the environmental impacts of the construction of the improvements noted above. The project does not include any utility, water, or sewer improvement costs. These costs are included within other fee programs or are assumed to be the responsibility of adjacent developing projects which require the need for the facility. COST ESTlMATlOfl Cost estimates were prepared for the project improvements using the latest plan revisions for Cannon Road West. The cost estimates prepared by Crosby, Mead, Benton and Associates as included within the Cannon Road Assessment District 1 11/4/94 Engineer’s Report prepared by NBS/Lowry in November of 1989, were used as a source for the bridge construction cost estimation. The items evaluated in the cost estimate were limited to the surface improvements which included grading, pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalk, median curbs, median landscaping, storm drains, street lights and erosion control. In order to evaluate the difference between shared center lane costs and those frontage improvements which would normally be required of the adjacent development projects, the cost estimates were further divided relative to inside and outside lane requirements. The “shared inside lanes” also called the “common improvements” consist of full road bed grading, ’ two (2) 18-foot paved sections divided by a raised unimproved median. Only the drainage improvements necessary to serve the center lanes and to protect the roadway grading were included in the “common improvement” cost estimate lie. drainage improvements serving the frontage go with the frontage improvements). For the purpose of project funding, the cost of the frontage improvements along properties which have a general plan designation of Open Space and which are environmentally constrained are included in the shared project costs and not listed as frontage obfigation to the adjoining property owner. The cost estimate was divided into seven (7) segments or reaches for the purpose of allocating improvement costs. Table A summarizes the engineer’s estimates for the “common”, frontage and tota! combined improvement costs for the seven segments. Detailed cost estimates are included as Appendix A of this report. (Note: segments 1A thru 1F coorespond to the former Reach 1 of Cannon Road) The total estimated cost for Cannon Road West is $11,778,819. TABLE A Saament Road Segment Description 1A Psseo Del Norm to Car Country Dn’va Station 7 + 38 to 18 +77.95 18 1c 10 Cdsbd Ranch Boundary to Macario Bridga Station SO+00 to 84+50 1E Mm8lio Bridga Station 64+50 to 69+35 1F Macwlo Bridge to Kdly Ranch Boundnry Station 69 + 35 to 72 + 61.30 2 Car Country Dr to Armada Dr Station 18 + 77.95 to 37 + 70 Armada Dr to Cart&d Ranch Boundary Station 37 + 70 to 50 + 00 $4.602.200 ~4,602,200 $0 $384,688 $384,888 SO Kelly Ranch Boundary to El Camino Red $3,246,806 $2.030.311 $1,216,495 Total cost S65.2SO t 1,526.721 a477,397 cost Allocation Common Frontage SO S65.2So $1,060,312 $466,409 1249,567 $227,830 $1,475,758 t 1,475,758 30 TOtdS 311,778,819 ¶9,802,834 ) 1,975.984 2 11 I4194 i! /< ii ii I i ; c FUNDING SOURCES There are presently two (2) funding sources identified in the City’s Capital Improvement Program for the construction of Cannon Road West. The two sources are identified as follows: m TransNet Highway Funds- Cannon Road West is designated on the Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) as a regional facility and was allocated $3,450,000 in Transnet funds. The Transnet funds are limited to funding one-half of the construction costs of a basic four lane facility excluding outside curb and gutter, sidewalks, streetlights, median landscape and median hardscape improvements. The detailed cost estimates presented in Appendix A include a column entitled “SANDAG Allowable” which summarizes the facility costs eligible for Transnet funding. n Community Facilities District (CFD) #l Funds- The list of improvements to be funded by CFD #l includes provision for $3,95O,OOO to be applied towards the construction of Cannon Road West. The following table shows how the costs for Cannon Road West are allocated among the various funding sources: Fundina Sourcg cost SANDAG Estimate Transnet CFD Xl Frontage Obligations Fee Program $11,778,819 $3,450,000 93,950,ooo S1,975,984 $2,402,835 4 11 I4194 AREA OF BENEFIT The area of benefit for the proposed Cannon Road West Facility Fee is shown on Figure 2 bordered by a heavy solid line. The area includes portions of Local Facility Management Zones 5, 8, 13 and 24. With one exception, each of the properties within the proposed benefit area is obligated by virtue of a condition of development approval or Local Facility Management Plan (LFMP) requirement to finance all or some portion of Cannon Road between Paseo Del Norte and El Camino Real. The relationship between developing properties within the area of benefit and the need to construct Cannon Road is discussed in more detail on a zone by zone basis in the following paragraphs. LFMP Zone 5 There are twenty parcels under two separate ownerships in LFMP Zone 5 that are included within the proposed area of benefit. The 18 parcels under the ownership of Upland Industries are fully developed parcels created with Phase V of the Carlsbad Research Center (CRC). These 18 parcels are subject to a tentative map condition of approval which requires construction of a secondary access prior to issuance of building permits on any of the parcels. Secondary access would occur with the extension of Faraday Avenue to Cannon Road and Cannon Road east to El Camino Real or west to the existing terminus of Cannon Road. Interim secondary access may be allowed by the City from Halley Way to Camino Hills Drive; however, City approval of the interim secondary access is conditioned upon the owner’s participation in the financing of Cannon Road. The remaining two parcels under the ownership of the lvar Company are undeveloped and do not have any development approvals pending or otherwise. However, access to the lvar property must occur through Phase V of CRC and therefore, any development of the property would be subject to the same requirement for secondary access as was applied to the CRC properties. For this reason, the two lvar propenies are included within the proposed area of benefit for the Cannon Road West Facility Fee. LFMP Zone 8 There are two parcels under two separate ownerships in LFMP Zone 8 that are included within the proposed area of benefit. All properties within LFMP Zone 8 are subject to a LFMP requirement to guarantee funding of Cannon Road from El Camino Real to Car Country Drive prior to development of the property. LFMP Zone 8 properties which have been excluded from the area of benefit include City owned property in Macario Canyon and privately owned property located along the north shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The property within Zone 8 located on the north shore of the Lagoon will access the freeway and other regional routes by way of Park Drive and Tamarack Avenue and thus were not included in the proposed facility fee program. LFMP Zone 13 There are twelve parcels under four separate ownerships in LFMP Zone 13 that are included in the proposed area of benefit. Each of these parcels is subject to a LFMP requirement to financially participate in the funding of all or some portion of Cannon Road West. Three parcels in LFMP Zone 13 located along Paseo Del Norte are not within the area of benefit and would not be subject to the Cannon Road West Facility Fee. The three excluded parcels are considered to have responsibility for Palomar Airport Road and are included in the existing Assessment District (AD) No. 86-l for the construction of Palomar Airport Road from Paseo Del Norte to Palomar Oaks Way. Three other parcels within LFMP Zone 13, identified as parcels 31, 32 and 34 on the Area of Benefit Map, are also included within the boundaries of AD No. 86-1 and thus, subject to the assessment for the construction of Palomar Airport Road. Recent mapping efforts revised and extended the boundary line of the original parcels to include property that was formerly north of the original assessment district boundary. It is proposed that an area equal to the original amount of area included within AD No. 86-l be excluded from the proposed Cannon Road West Facility Fee program. This area of exclusion is identified by hatch marks on the Area of Benefit Map on Figure 2. The value of the current PAR assessment for the excluded areas when compared on an ADT basis is approximately $lOO/ADT or twice what is proposed for the Cannon Road Facility Fee. The remainder of parcels 31, 32 and 34 lying nonh of the excluded area are included with the area of benefit and their potential traffic impact has been incorporated within ‘-the fee calculation for the Cannon Road West Facility Fee. It is anticipated that minor adjustment to the exclusion boundary will be necessary in the future to make the area of benefit coincide with future parcel boundaries. LFMP Zone 24 There are fourteen parcels under seven separate ownerships in LFMP Zone 24 that are included in the proposed area of benefit. The existing mobile home park within Zone 24 is not included within the area of benefit. The approved Zone 24 LFMP requires that a financing plan guaranteeing the construction of Cannon Road from El Camino Real to Car Country Drive be approved by the City prior to any development occurring within the zone. This requirement was placed on development within Zone 24 because the traffic on Cannon Road West generated by the development of Zone 24 is projected to exceed the Growth Management threshold requiring implementation of a financing plan requiring construction of the facility. 6 1 l/4/94 ! ! I3 I j .‘i - ADT The approved LFMP Zone plans, proposed and approved tentative maps and recorded final maps, were utilized to determine the projected land uses and development potential of each parcel included within the area of benefit. Projected Average Daily Traffic (ADT) totals were then estimated using traffic generation rates obtained from the October 1993 edition of the SANDAG Trip Generation Table (included in Appendix B). The ADT projections for each parcel are listed within Table B of this report. The traffic projections listed on Table B are for future development only and do not include ADT figures for existing residences located on propem within the proposed area of benefit. Existing residences are exempt from the proposed fee program; however, any additional development in excess of the existing units on such a property is subject to the Facility Fee. There are presently three existing units within the proposed area of benefit, two in LFMP Zone 24 and one in LFMP Zone 8. FEE CALCULATION The Cannon Road West Facility Fee is calculated by dividing the total unfunded costs for Cannon Road West by the total number of average daily trips anticipated to be generated by the undeveloped property within the established area of benefit. The unfunded costs were determined by totaling the Cannon Road West costs and subtracting out the SANDAG Transnet contribution, the Community Facilities District No. 1 contribution and the future frontage obligations of the adjoining property owners. As shown below, the total unfunded cost of Cannon Road West which is to be generated through the collection of benefit area fees is $2,402,835. Total Facility Cost $11,778,819 Less SANDAG Transnet Funds 3,450,ooo Less CFD #l Funds 3,950,ooo Less Frontage Obligations 1.975984 Total Unfunded Cost $2,402,835 The total number ‘of Average Daily Trips (ADT’s) expected to be generated by the undeveloped property within the benefit area subtotaled by Local Facility Management (LFMP) zone is 48,842 trips. LFMP Zone ADT : 4,718 7,788 13 33,05 1 24 3,oQB Total 48,565 8 11/4/94 The Benefit Area Fee calculated by dividing the unfunded costs by the total ADT is s 5O/ADT. Benefit Area Fee $2.402.835 = $ SO/ADT 48,565 ADT The actual fee for a developing property within the Benefit Area is calculated by multiplying the benefit area fee of $5O/ADT by the total ADT generated by the proposed development. Table B shows the development potential, general plan land use, estimated ADT, proposed benefit area fee; and frontage obligations for each of the parcels included within the established area of benefit. It should be noted that the fees listed in Table A are estimates based upon existing proposed land uses and growth management projections. The actual fee will be determined at time of development based upon the approved land use and the trip generation rates projected at the time building permits are issued. It is proposed that the fee charged per ADT will be adjusted annually based upon the incremental increase in the Engineering News Record, Los Angeles Construction Cost Index. 9 11/4/94 TABLE B Fee Spud fso cnmmAod/Ru FcdADT .%iscrPcr’a GKU Net General Plan Proposed FfOLMag TO& Parcel Na Acrer Acru LandUse ADT OWOCK FCC obljgvioa obsguim -----------_---------a-- __________________ -~~--~~~--~-----_----~~~~----------- zone 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1s 16 17 18 19 20 212- Do- 17 2J3 Ll PI 220 212-GO-18 192 13 PI 157 21t-lx-19 130 12 PI 12S 212- uo-20 1.79 13 PI IS7 212-GO-21 2.93 21 PI 220 212-l30-22 2.22 ia PI 188 212-IN-23 2.08 1.4 PI 146 212-l30-24 2.44 1.7 PI 178 212-m-25 6.19 27 Pt 282 212-GO-26 2.96 oa PI 84 212-DO-27 8.16 3.3 PI 345 212-130-28 2.69 1.1 PI 11s 212-l30-29 239 1.1 PI 11s 212-WI-30 224 1.1 PI 11s 212-DO-31 7.24 3.4 PI 3ss 212-130-32 8.00 4.1 PI 429 212-W-33 629 45 PI 470 212-uo-34 4.10 33 PI 345 212-050-41 1.83 0.7 PI 76 212-050-43 14.28 s.7 PI 5% upland ludwlriu s109n so f109TI s7a-41 so 57.841 SC273 so 5633 $7,841 so 37841 $10,977 so s 10.977 $9.409 so $9.409 37318 so 57318 8886 %I %a86 $14,113 so $14,113 S4.182 so 54.182 s172.50 so s17250 55.750 so lS.750 ss.750 so ss.750 SS.750 so S5.750 s17.772 so 517,772 521.432 so f21.432 S23522 so S23J22 s17aO so $17250 U&16 so 33816 529,795 so f29J9S Subtotal 83.78 4715 zooe 8 21 22 208-m-28 333.93 146.0 RMAR 7678 KeUy 212-010-03 21.90 11.0 RL 110 KirgiI Subtotal 35S.83 n88. zme 13 23 24 2s 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 212-olo- 14 S650 0.0 211-010-19 3.00 0.0 211-010-23 147.04 0.0 211-010-0s 1.40 0.0 211-010-24 49.9s 0.0 211-a23-01 47.18 10.9 211-a23-03 10.06 10.1 211-a23-CM 7.70 7.7 211-022-06 27.95 73 211~u22-OS 149.14 4s.4 211-023-0s 12.00 120 211 -a23-06 71.96 66.7 Subroul 583.88 Zone 24 3s 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4s 46 47 48 212~0-D s.00 4.9 212-w-38 129 1.1 212-050-39 1.12 13 212~am-36 120 12 212-m-37 139 1.4 212-m-33 952 9.4 212-m-32 OM a7 212-aw-40 14.42 13.7 212-050-29 56.28 194.0 212-050-30 22.06 0.0 212-O-34 4837 O-0 212~(150-22 1.34 0.0 212-(150-3s 1.09 0.8 m-a20-17 242 24 Subtotal 16634 TOtd 118983 OS OS OS OS lR UA O/PI O/PI O/PI.. 0/N** O/PI WA RIAA RIM RLm Ru!A RIA RUM RLM RLM RLM RJA RLM RLhf RIM RM \ U&d lodwuiu upiaod Indlnlriu Upland Iaduaviu upland Indluvicr Upland Indtutriu upland IDdutttiu Upiand Ioduariu UphId Indlutrier upland haduacriu upland k&mica UplMd hadualriu up&Ml Iadrvlriu upiaad Iadu#uiu Uplad Ioduwiu upland Indurlriu up&lad lodusviu upland Indwlriu Iw IW 0 SDG&E 0 SDG6tE 0 SDGdtE 0 WmlC.r 18S44 SDG&E loo0 culw 2ooo GlA 1303 GIA 7& cultsa 4746 cultu 125s cullan 3420 cultaa 33osl IS7 3s 42 38 4s 301 10 290 1940 . . . 20 130 WF- shodott sleiodoft stchddt steio&& TJtMU Hkb thDiOOGfOUp w*f=Y WW=Y wb=Y wiper sippcl sippcl 3cm8 4856s f235904 u839ao ssm S389.4P so so so so 39272oD SSOBOO Sloo#aI %S.lSO s39204 f2373l5 %2;226 s171poD SlbS2m n78$0 51.760 s2mo t1920 SW0 SlSDUl ssoo s14500 SWBW so so Slii sasoo s1503aO ff42a299 so f23S904 $1216,495 SlJm.4l5 so us00 $1316.495 f1.6059lJ so so S412370 so IO s233Jns so ii so so Sll39U s7s9.489 so $0 so so so so so so so so so $0 so 50 so Sl97SW so so S4lVXl so ssQ7zm 5283.205 SlalJm 16s.150 $39204 f2373L5 %LtL6 f284,9l5 S2.412.CW $7.840 f1.760 SLOsO st920 SW0 s15iMO ssw s14m s97m so so so SW00 s6500 51500380 54.404283 l ADT~arcuxnbimdiatooaevduewithiaitcm43abow l * Rnel~uduocber~rrtcckrr~butucouuidcLbefeeuu APPENDIX A 1 l/4/94 Cannon Road - PMCO DcI NO~IC lo Or Country Drive station 7+38.07 t0 ta+77.95 (Re~cb 1~) -- - Buk Cxnmoa ImprowmnU Froaugc Impruwmcnu --------e-e---- _----- -------- --_-- ------------ Q&d &qq)*G Itim Qultity unit Urlil cur Amouat @anticy Wait Unit Cut -1 Amount Albwabk ----------------------- ______ - ---- --------- -________________ -------_ -----------_-_- Mobiliutioa 0 Is 0 so 0 Is 3500 so so 50 Clearing and Grubbing OAcnx 1500.m so 0.62 Acru 15m.m S9M $930 so Redwood Header Remonl 0 I3 030 so 1140 ‘LF 050 s-570 s570 so cafch B&l RemovPl 0 EA sm.m so 2 u sm.m Slm Slam so UncLrrikd Ezuntioa 0 cy 2-50 so 510 CY 250 s1275 $1275 so &phd1 coclcrue Pwing 0 Toll 28.00 so 320 Toa 28.00 SW60 sass so :ChI11AgJpgueEhIC 0 Tim 930 so 35o Toa 950 s33u s3325 so -QpcGCubaadGuttcr 0 LF 9.00 so 1140 u: 9.00 SlOJ60 510160 so PCC !sdewdk 0 SF 2m so 5700 SP 2.m Slum SllAm so Subgnk Prepruioa 0 SP 0.12 so 137m SF 0.12 11644 flb44 so Handimp Ramp 0 l3 250.00 so 1 w 250.00 S250 sue so T&k Signr 0 EA: 180.00 so 5 Iu no.00 f900 WOO so Swiping 0 LF 0.1s so 124s ff 0.1s $187 5187 50 slrectighl 0 Et4 2700.00 so 2 I% 2700.00 fwm u,w so streetlight caaduit 0 II 12-m so 140 LF 12.m Slbso Slb80 so TLpc’B’ClUbIdCl 0 iu Moo.00 so I EA 3mo.m s3mo sm so ModifyTypcT1ak1 0 EA 800.00 so 1 ia sm.00 s800 %m so _--- -----------_--_----- ----- -------------------------- ----------------- -_____ Submat ssljsl SslJBl so C43atingencka (15%) ii $7.737 nm so -I------------------------m-- ---me Subtotal so $59318 S59318 so Iasp & CUISL s&king (10%) so US32 s.7932 so v------------- -----w--------- TOtAl so %5as saw0 50 Cannoo Road - Car Country Dr lo Armada Dr su~lon 18+77.9S to 37+70 (Reach 1B) &ic Commoo ImprowncnU ---------------_---me----- Item Quntily Unil urldcat Amounl ------------------------- _____________ -----mm MobiIW Ckaring and Grubbing UnciaGficdExuwioa Erocioo Control Asphalt coocrae Paving ClasIIAggregawBuc Subgrade Prepuaioo TLpc G Curb and Gurter PCC Siiwak Type ‘B- 1’ Median curb Textured Cotmete Paving MedianLbrI Street Sumy Monuwnt Han&i Ramp Trafk Sigua striping SUCdighl Sueedght Caaduit IS’ RCP 24' RCP 3rRcP 42’ RCP Typc'A-4'aanOUl mTIakt TLpe’8-1*Cllrb1nkt Wing -I’@ Headwall Rip Rap l/4 Too Type D-75 Brow Diuh 71012 0 0 3604 0 0 3 0 3 250 0 0 0 360 a 1023 u 1 0 3 34 Is Acre4 CK Acnx Toll TOO SF Is SF Is SF SF EA EA u LF EA LF II LF LF Ix &i M EA u CY LF i5m.m 250 750 28.00 9nI 0.12 9.00 2.00 6.00 280 230 350.00 250.00 180.00 0.15 2700.00 12.00 U 48 50 a0 2700 2500 3ooo.m 2500 6s 10 WODOO f21Rm s59also slo>m 564.428 223.750 Sk521 so so S21624 so so SlW so s540 s38 so so so 517280 sum %a0 so s2Jm so s7m f2210 s10.400 Froougc Improvemenu ------ __________ --------- Quantity Unit Unit Cat Amount --s-b-- --_____- ---------- 1 (s 18ooo siaw 0 Acru i5m.m so 0 cx 250 so 0 Afru 750 so 1533 Too 2s.m $42924 1664 Ton 9s SlS&oa 47300 SF 0.12 fS676 3684I3 9.00 533.1S6 l&l20 SF 2.00 SM.840 0 LF 6.00 50 20992 SF 2.80 ssa.778 5320 SF 250 s133m 0 I3 3so.m so 1 EA 250.00 s250 5u 180.00 f900 7163 I3 0.15 Ku75 6U 2700.00 516100 2moLF lzm f24POO a8 LF U $3872 443 Ls 48 521364 576 Lp 50 s2um 197 Is a0 flS.760 3u 2700 s8.100 0 EA 2soo so a EA 3om.m s24m 0 EA 2soo u) 0 cx 65 so 0 LE 10 so Combined S.-WDAG Amount Allowabk ------------_-_ s5a.m3 fSB.CGO f21,Kn s21m s59a25o SS98uO SlOJOO sioJm SK37352 $107352 s3935a 539358 $14.197 $14,197 333.156 f33.156 SMMO lo f21624 $21.624 fsa.778 so s13m so s1.050 s1.050 S2SO so s1.440 51.440 f1.113 51,113 $16300 so sum so sun us72 fu15U Klaju s29100 s292al w960 fUsa s8.100 skim 32300 sum s24m $24,000 s7m 37500 s2210 52210 f10.4m 310.4m _____________- -------- _______________- ----- -_______- -------------------------------- Subtotal $838,191 sx8,7a3 S120689J fLo575a6 Gmingcnciu(15~) f125.729 su305 Sl8W34 $158,629 ____________- ----------------------w-we-- -___e Subtotal f%3$al s‘mm $1387929 f1316,13S hp. & CoasL Staking (10%) $96392 542.401 5138.793 $121,616 _______________ --------------------- -____- Total 51060312 MWJP S1326.721 f1337.m -. - Cannon Road - Armada Dr to Grllbad Ranch Boundary Ststioa 37+70 to so+00 (Reach IC) . -. . ~~CoauwnImprcncmcntl -------e-w--- __________ -- Item Quantity unit Unit coat AJnolmt ---------------------------- ____ ____ Mobilizatioa 1 I3 7560 37-w ‘Ckaring and Grubbing SAcru 1saml S7~00 Uwhssifxd Eiuvplioa 39m cy 230 S98,lSO boaion Caatrd s Acre4 7u) S3.7m Asphalt CQacrctc Paving lJl7 Toa 28.m 542.476 aauIIAggregatcBuc 1647 Toa 930 SlSM7 Subgrade Repuha 44280 SF 0.12 Ss314 l)-pc G Curb and Gutter 0 u: 9.00 so PCC sidewalk 0 SF 2.00 so rLpe ‘8- 1’ Medii curb 2460 LF 6.00 $14,760 Textured Concrete Paving 0 SF 2.80 so MCdhL&I 0 SF 230 so strcer suney Monument 1 EA 3so.00 s3so Traflk Signs 1 EA 180.00 $180 striping 0 I3 0.15 so slnelligtlt 0 EA 2700.00 so streetlight cudlit 0 LF 12.00 so lope D-7S Broo, Ditch lal u? 10 SlDoo --------------------------------------------- Subtotal 3197286 cwtingcnciu (lS%) S29.593 Froalnge ImproKmcnU --m-m-- _________ ------me- Quantity Unit Unit Cut Amount ---e-s---- _____ --------me 1 Is 6920 S6920 0 Acrea uo0.m so 0 -cY 230 so 0 Acre4 750 so 997 Toa 28.00 $27916 loB2 Toa 950 s10.279 30750 SF 0.12 53690 moLE 9.00 s22.140 12300 SF 200 324&M 0 LF 6.00 so 14KXI SF 2.8.0 $39200 3640 SF 2Jo s9.100 0 I34 3so.al so 4 I34 180.00 $720 4920 LF 0.1s $738 4 Iu 2700.00 s10800 2oaJu: 12.00 S24P00 0 LE 10 so e____--------------------- Slso,1(11 S27PlS Combined WDAG Amount Allcnvabk -----------____ s14.48Q s14.480 s7m S7J00 $98,750 s98.750 S3.7so S3,750 570592 570392 S2S.926 525.5% s9P01 s9Do4 $22.140 $22.140 524.600 so 514.760 214.760 539,200 so s9.100 $0 SUO S350 S900 S9CiJ $738 5738 SlOsoo so S24,UlO so SlPoo SIP@3 ----e-----_-e unJ@ s269689 ss6m S40.4s3 SUbtOUl Inap. & chalt slaking (10%) TaJ. S2268’R s207.1 l8 S4339QI 3310.142 s22m $20.712 S43.400 alp14 ____________ --------------------------- -_-- s249J67 $227830 unw s341.u7 - CaanoQ Road - Carlrbad Ranch Eounduy to Mamario Bridge Sralioa 50+00 to 64+JO (Reich 1D) Buk Common Imprcmmenu -_----s----------B-- ______ Item Quantity unit unit cut Amouat Mobilization Clearirq and Grubbing UncLuiGed Excavataa Ercnion Coatrd Ls S28JCXl SlO?am S3U@J SX3300 s12mo so s1m s12,ml CY sGcum so 54u)Pm WSOacr, Acru s6mo so %Doo sum Asphalt Chcrur Paving TUI 547376 $32900 S&O276 580376 ClAUIIAgglegUElW Toll S17.4S2 s12J13 529564 $29564 Subgrade Preparatioa SF St5264 u3u) SlOdl4 SlObl4 TLpe G Curb and Gutter LF so s26.100 S26.100 s26.100 PCC Sidewalk SF so S29,fDl S29DOO so T&c ‘B- 1’ Median Curb ff s17.4ao so s17.400 $17,400 Textured Concrete Paving SF so S53.340 ss3340 so MCdiiLbrI SF so s14Jm s14alo so Guard Rail w so S37soo 537500 so Street Surwy Monument IL4 s3so so s3so s3so Tr&ic Signa FA s360 S9ClO 51260 51260 SUipillg LF so 5870 S870 S870 slrcetlight EA so $13500 $13300 so strec1ligllt conduit Ls so S24JXIO sum so 18’ RCP LF s10.164 so s14164 s 10.164 24' RCP IF 578.816 so $78816 578816 -'A-4'Cka.nout EA s13Joo so Sl3JoO $13300 TypcTInkt w ssPaJ so Sk$Z sslm Typc’8-1’Curblakt w S18LKn so S18BOO Wig Type H&aI.l EA #rn so s7Joo Rip R~Q l/4 Tocr CY sxuo so u2sQ Gzi l)pc D-75 Brw Ditch LF SZsMO so S28POfJ S28DlO ------------------_------------------------------------------------------ Subtotal S74993.2 ES833 SlLO3Jo1 S837.164 coa1ingcnciu (15%) s11trw S38.786 SlSl2rn Sl2sJ7s -------------------------------------------- Subtotal S862.421 $297358 s1,159,780 $962,739 hp. & Ccat staking (10%) S86242 $29.736 SllS.978 $96274 Habitat Mitigatioa flOODDO SZOWXJ S2OWCQ w-m-- I_______- -------------------a-w-- _____- Total $1.148663 S327D94 s1.47s.7sE s1.259Jx2 1 8 1aoom a' 1692 1837 s22m 0 0 2900 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 231 1642 S 2 6 3 so 28sal 1s00.00 250 75Q 28m 950 0.12 9.00 200 6.00 280 2x4 2s.00 350.00 NOM) 0.1s 2700.00 12.00 U 48 2700 2sal 3xo.a) 2m 6s 10 Frm.qc Improvemenu -----------m-m-_- ________ Quantity unit unit cut Amount ------------------------- 1 Is 0 Acre4 0 CY 0 Acru 117s Toa 127s Too 362s SF 29aJ LF 14sal SF 0 u: 19050 SF sm SF 1m LE 0 w s EA s84n Is s lu mu: 0 LF 0 LF 0 w 0 I3 0 I% 0 EA 0 CK 0 If looa 1sam 230 750 28.00 950 0.12 9.00 200 6.00 2ao m 2s.00 3mxJ 180.00 0.1s 2700.00 lu30 U 48 2700 Dal xm.00 25m 6J 10 Combined SANDAG Amount .+UJowbk -m--------e--__ -_ CA~OOII Rord - Marurio Bridge Station 64+JO to 69+3S (Resh IE) &ic Chnmor~ ImprowxnenU Froaqtc ImprowmenU --- ___________________ ---- ---- --_-___-------------- Combined SANDAG Itim Quntity Unit Unit Cut Amount Quantity Unit Unit Gst Amount Amount Allowable --------------------____________________---- ------_------------------ ----__ - ________ Mobili?atioa 1 Is 32OOUl s32o.oa3 1 Is 0 so 5320.x0 s32o.csx Bridge cWrtructioo (41u’) 1 Is 3160000 53.160m 1 Is 0 so s3.16000D s3.16o.axl --__---- ---- ------m-e- -_____________ --_----------__-___---------------------- _______ Sub- s3.48om so s3.48oM1D s3.48oPal cootingcncicl(lJ%) S5W so SJ22Pa ss22.ax -------------_--------- -m--s ---m------m -_______ Subtotd u- so ~~ UMnMn hp. & chat. S&king (10%) wwm so s4ouaJ 54002al Habitat Mitigatioa SU)OPUl so s2alDal s2lxxxrl ---------__--__---------v-m --------------_--___- Total 54bozm so 545022m s-wmm Cannon Road - Marcario Bridge 10 Kelly Ranch Boundary Station 69+3S 10 7.‘,+61.30 (Reach IF) Ekkc Common Improvcmenu Fronw improvemenu -----_-se-------- -_____ --- -------------m------m---- Comb&d WAG Item chultily unit unit c4xt Amount Qunalrty unit unit cat Amount Amount Ahwabk ---------------------- ----- ----------___--- --------------__-___----- __--- --------_- MObilkltiill 1 Clearing and Grubbing 3 Unciacsitied Ercontioa 65600 Erosion Coatrd 3 Asp&It Concrete Paving 380 Chs 11 Aggregate Base 413 :Subgnh Prepvatioa 11736 Type G Curb md Gutter 0 PCC Sidewalk 0 TLpe ‘B- 1’ Median Curb 652 Textured Coacrcte Paving 0 Guard RaiI 0 Street Survey Monumcot 1 TraEk Sigtu 2 slripittg 0 Slfeetligbt 0 Streetlight Coaduit 0 18’ RCP 0 Type ‘B-2’Curb inlet 0 Ls CY Acre4 TOO TW SF LF SF LF SF LF EA EA Is EA LF II IL4 7soo 57x0 lSoo.al s&m 250 s164,oaI 750 $2350 28.00 s10640 950 $3324 0.12 $1,408 9.00 so 2.00 so 6.00 $3.912 2.80 so 2s.00 so 350.00 s3so 180.00 5360 0.1s so 2700.00 so 1200 so 44.00 so 2700.00 so 1 I3 Lml 0 Acru 1XN.00 0 CY 230 0 Acru 750 264 Tott 28.00 286 Toa 930 also SF 0.12 652 LF 9.00 3260 SF 200 0 LF 6.00 2680 SF 2.80 SOS LF 2s.al 0 EA 3so.00 1 u 180.00 1304 LF 0.1s 2 I3 2700.00 400 LE 1200 83 LF UP0 2 IL4 2700.00 s2Luxl SlOD@l so sag so s164.00D so 52150 57392 $18.032 $2.717 %,641 $978 $2386 ssaa ssa68 %J20 %Ju) so $3.912 SlJo4 SlJo4 S126U S12bU so s3so s18o SS4Q $196 Sl% u.400 s5.400 UBOO s4aaJ U&S2 us2 3s.400 ss,4aJ flO.CKM suoo S164.W $230 318.032 56.641 52386 55868 50 53.912 $7504 $12,625 $350 $540 $196 so so S36S2 SS.400 Subtotal Cootingettciu (lS%) Subtotal Irup. & Coast. staking (10%) Habilot Mitigation S198.84 56S.732 s2643n s247as5 $29.827 $9860 S39&36 S37.178 -----------------------e--------e----- -____ S2286Xl S75J91 so4262 s28sp34 $22867 S7JS9 so.426 SZ%J03 sSOPm so SS0m S501x10 foul SMlJ?l 583.150 f384m $363537 - Cannon Road - Kelly Ranch Bounday to El Camino RCAI Station 72+61.3 to 124+JO (Reach 2) Baric Common Improvemenu ---- -_____ ---------m-w--- Item chuntity unit Unit co4t AmoUnt -m--m-_-------- ------ ______ --------------- Mobilizaioa Surcharge Red Apta Colrrctc Paving cku II Agg~egue Babe Subgndc Prepariuho rLpe G Curb and Gutter PCC Sidewalk Type ‘8- 1’ hkdii curb Tenured Cocwele Paving MCdiiLBI Streel Surwy Moaumcal Guard Rail Handicap Ramp TrafGc Signa striping sucdight suedight coaduil P.CC Apprcmch !%b Reinforced Concrete Bridge 18’ RCP f4’ RCP 36’ RCP 42’ RCP ?Lpe’A-c a-out Type ‘J’ Inkc Type ‘B-1’ Curb Inkt ‘U’ Type Hesdu/all Rip Rap l/4 Toa 1 Is 61310 CY 6Mo Toa 6833 Toa 186800 SF 0 II 0 SF 9978 LF 0 SF 0 SF 9 I3 0 ZE 0 EA 8 U 4ooLF 0 EA 0 II 79osF 960 SF 268LF 333 LE 313 LF ; LF 2 w 2 Is J w 2 w 2ocY 250 28.00 930 0.12 9.00 2.00 6.00 2.80 230 3SO.Do u.al UO.00 180.00 0.1s 2700.00 1200 23s 7s.00 U 48 65 80 2700 2sal 3@30.00 2soo 6s s-wm SlS3275 S176.400 SW914 $22.416 so so ss9868 so so S3,lsO so so s1.440 $60 so so S18S7 wxm $11.792 SlJ984 S2034S so SS,400 ss.ooo SWYX ss.ooo s1300 Frooagc ImprowmenU ------ __________ ---e----e Quantity Unit Unit Chl Amount ------ __________ ---s--v-- 1 Is s8alo SS8poO 0 m 230 so IS33 Toa 2a.00 Ms24 1664 Too 950 SlS&oa 1MoaD SF 0.12 SlSbm 10178 LF 9.00 s91.6u2 so890 SF 2.00 s101.7ao 0 Is 6.00 so 60725sF 2.80 $170030 19320 SF 250 548300 0 EA 3so.m so 4913 II 25.00 f12282s 4 EA 2so.00 swm 21 u 180.00 S3,780 2imoLp 0.1s wm 21 EA 2700.00 S56.700 8oalLF 1200 swlw 1130 Is S2JsM 7800 I3 7G s%!&m 110 LF U u840 0 LF 48 so 77s II 6J s5037s 110 LF 80 SW30 4 EA 2700 S10800 0 EA no0 so 4 I3 3ow.w 512AlOO 4 Ix no0 NO&al 4ocr 6s s2mJ Combined Amounl ----e--e S%.OUl s lS327s $219324 s80.722 S38.016 f9lku2 s101.7ia $59368 s170030 w3$00 S3,lSO SlUS25 Sl+an s%22o up60 S%,7ca S%SM x512 S994XJl $16632 31984 s70*72n s8soo $16200 ssm f27DIO fl5DlO s3900 ------------------------a-em--e----e-- --___- ---w----e-- ------------ SUhOUI f1012700 SlJl4.4P t2327,lP Coa~ingcncka (lS%) SlSlSQT s227.163 smm Subtotal s1.164bQ5 Sl.74ls2 S22906.187 Incp & coast SIaking (10%) Sl16.461 s174,lxI $290619 Habitat Mitigation uom so S5ODX Toul s1331956 s191s,741 s3246806 APPENDIX B (NOT 10) - BRIEF GUIDE OF VEHlCu .a TRAFFIC GENERATION RATES FOR THE SAN DIEGO REGION San Meg0 SSOCL\TION ()F GO~~ER\XESTS %YTlFZ -u f-&3 SmD~ c-92101 (619150553W Fu,SI9,53frs~r OcTOatR 1 sa3 . NOTE. Th liatmg mh r-- l M d merage. 01 wwmacw~. tdfic wnamon %rwnm~ rams ma somm rr* gwmd ctw oau lw IW VY* hnwhaw on .e.ag. and bulld(dmg *I”.<. boat an ma San OI~JO rmwort. Ruu - WV auqaa to cn.ng. ,I turur. docum.ntmmn acorn.. .v.,,.u.. 01 .I UC., Y~UIC.. .r. ucxt.~ti. For mm. soecrhc mbmutmm r-ng ~~.mc au .M tr,~ 1.1.. OM.” rd., 10 tn. s4n ougo Tmnk aNw*ton m.nw,. * UN0 usa TIycAnaoams 1ryIpI-AKs.mw unMAnn wccKDA*rmNcu MlQnlKT CUK WOUK 8 ,Ch. IY:OUl rmN.1 TKIC uNon nut oc*a~~now Il*n toanm*n mauan74LY sww.0” 44 l .Y 1-r 2/m- 101 115 AaaclnnmJ loom7 So.c,l .._________..~__.-_-.___( [SO:1621 178.2021 c- mnwrnl Arumn - A- Car W48h Autorruoc %rCm elh I6 4) ia IO 41 7% IS.51 16% II.61 lZ/acm lW/(Lioh~ 70/1OOo1q.h" Wuro. 3 llq~~t 7/baud wcrdt' *- loo/acN" 900/M. aowrn" loo/rruI NY" 16O/Hheci.Iwawwua" 156/vohed~hdwqwc#~ 750/alaIrn 130/v4hl&l~~" 60/1ooosq.h.. 3Oo/4cr9.3O/nmc4 slur" 20/1000~.R,4OO/4a*.20/-~ Ildl' oftwo YI. n. 317f~n** fw~ t4t44 lor su.-l44v. OT 4wl ol l 4mwvl 4% IS61 4. ISEI 8% c%w IIS lS?JI Ga- . . ..-........_....-.-........~..---...--............ 12 1.5 I :261 Wlrn/FocdMut 26 8% lS.Si 6% lb II 7n (6 61 5s I7 31 88 (6.8) WI w:w 11% (6:W 8s l4:6) 11s (4:61 W~th/Faad MM b Car Wmah ol4 seraca sutwll OwgIl S~4wNh~wbIl~oarl Auto Raow c*nw 8% I7 31 CNUNCtl (or Smlqogu) -..--...._--....-_.-.......[84:25.1 11 4% 16-21 n ml 1.1 C-U’ suow nwK+w snamlrn Cencr 2% l7:Jl n (I:61 IMOW clmn 60 .A,. -nw. than mo.ooc na. n.. w/“wdlv 3* 6.2 36 R~DNI E.hoaww CUII.I . . . ..~..--.....-...._.......I64 36:l I I 60,1wo aa h.6 600,aue' 2% (7.3) 7011ooOaq.h. 7Oo/un'" .-- 120,1000~.lL 1200/au4'" 3% (6:41 10% 16:Sl Cmnmututv Shmomg CmU ._..._..._..._-__._._...... [47~31:221 llu3o.cr.s. loo.oOs3oo.wO~.lL w/u.ud* 1 mns.l11ol. ml4 - WUUtMll N.lmbomod slumurn callar 48 (6:4) 11% (6:s) ii~rn4n I0 ~84~1~8 tw 1oO.OoOra.h.w/uwNtvaocrr .tw. b drug nom) GxnmDrcl4l shorn . ..-....-.---...-.--....---..--....-.146.~ 161 sprruv Rnwl/spP commror S-n c-MM1 Ilbl8hounl . . I24 hounl Dtuounlcklb . SION FumwraSIm Lumber Smn H*~n/PMl Slrn lhra Nur~ LOUCAllON "nnnury (4 ,-am, ._._,,._____.....___.....-.....--..-.-... 161 :#*I ,unrw VAug. I2 ~.I,).-......._..--.......... [61:7:11 nogn schoa _......_.___.._..-~-------..---- [76zl6~61 MdI.,Jun~"tlq‘.--.--- ---[63~s:l21 Elommulv ._-.--- [67:26:101 oar car4 - [2t~l4I cDuww'- -e.[36:42:231 64nklW4lkal otdvl worn DnurTtvuujt -TkrouQlw SamgabM OnnThrmoh olh nosRTAL (7lall =LW-O lfldu4truu- Puml-~-I7tl*~l IndumulCwkl~o Imum84l PIMC I- MI [62zS:31 M-*umbk :my -i3eaewnb- 40/1000w.h.4oO/un' 160,1OoO~.h..2OoO,m'" SOO/lOoOsq..n~' 7o0,lOoOaa.h" 6O,loOO~.k.6OO/wn" 70/1000aq.h.000/un" 6/1oOO4lY.n..loo/4cm~~ 30,lOOa Dan.. 15O/acf~" OO/lOOO~.hv SOO/un" 4O/lOOO9q.h 60/4cm- 3% ta:41 :: (73) IS:0 9% IS.61 1% IS:21 2% II:41 48 I731 7% I641 2% 16:)) 3% I&4) OI WI) 10% l6:SI 8% 16~6) 7% ISa) 9% (6.61 10% (6:s) 9% (I:61 9% (6:s) 9% (6:SI 10% ts.11 43 19 2.S/#Iuwnt looau4~ loll o:l) 9% (1:7) 12% ta.11 8% (1:7) 2m (I:21 14% 13:7) r4'L (73) 7% I371 26% (0:4) 6% (37) 19% IS:61 16s (6.6) 1 .uladm aa/u¶m* 1.4,sturlmll. 11,1ow~lL50/wn'" l.O/raram 40/m- 14,nudm. 14/1ooOm.h6o/a" 9.0 46 50 3.4 3.7 3.4 16O/lwQaq.l~ 1ooO/ur4'" 2OO/lOCGsq.h. l6001u~' 2601126 -l/luu' 60/10004q.h600,a" lOOl6Ouwvmv)/Iam- 4% (731 6% 14:s) I% l&4) 10% 16~61 3% (6~6) 13% 16~6) 2% 9% 4% 16% a.3 n I79 10s n:n 7% l6:4) 7% 14~4 12% I&2) 12s r2:n 11% re:1, 12% II:61 14% It21 16% 13~7) 20% Is:0 20% 1261 16% 173) 16'1, (4~6) 6% P3:6l 9% lI:S) 10% Is:11 14% cl:91 so 11.7 16/lOOO~h2OO/a' a/loo0 aqq. IL. w/4ow 1011cooIq.lL 120/a' 4,1ooO4a.n. w/mcJm- K,lmo Iq. IL w/uJ-4" 2/1000a.h0.2/vun30/un' YEw3ER AnENtxS Wd -.cnlavm comr*r cn uw El cum P-. Errnab. -w uyu.LIIlrnol-ma mwoh - - . . 1 LAND “9, -CA f-:Dnnr ZnYT I.4.M -... . . -. .-.............. 1.4 44 121 Looalma . .._..___.__ ._ .._ 158 39 41 “01.4 ,r,mrrmDPl,----’ MOW Rmon no,., MIUYMY .- _ . _....__.... [82.1s 21 OFPUS SlmaUd Commuc4d otha - ..__._._.. [77. 19.41 II*11 Ih.” 100 ooo ,q n , Lug* Wogn-hul Commwcul Offer .._ __._. . . . ..[82. 15.31 Irnol8 mm lW.ooo tg Il. 6+ 110,1.,, CorPowa onwx ,unou !M.“t, conmm~nt ICWC Cmtr) . . [6034 IS] Post ofk* Collur/wuk4n one# Canmunlq ,nm rr*ap-*00ur, . ,r,mu boo um, Mall Droe La”. an,* Owxnm*nt 01 Motor v*rcus Mueel ..^... ..- ._ . . . . [60 30-101 l MKS . _...__....._....._. .._._.. .._...,.. .._._..,.,,,__,,,,_,.. [L)&2Bd, Cltv Iombowdl b9lond wewmowal NllgMomood/nRa- lu-1 *mu-m IRum*) San Dug0 zoa su world (IuMAnoN notch. Oc*m or 0av .,...,... .._ (5.2 399, naun. Lat. (tram U.!“, Bowlmg Cmtu :x M- RWWIMU/HUM Cl”D Twww coum Swm Faolnta outaan stadum Indoor A,.“, RecarYt Thwtm Imult~ll .._ ..-................... (e.6 17. 171 ncsmmlnu ..r._........._..___.___._..... 186 ,,:,I Smqla Famth Datacnui 1.v.rag. 4 OU/er.l C-M IOT .r* mullrrlmlly IW mm 20 Du/au*~ IOC .nv m”atc.m~~ ““ill Inor. m.n 20 DU/uml Moml4ualm F-ll AdUII8 onq Rwmant Cmmumq Aural Elm19 Congregm Car. Fwlev nLIIAUnANl- _._. _ 161:37.121 awrw SlWom. lugn 1wn0Y” Faa Fmd bv/-mrougn) O*lutalun ,7~frdml~ TRANSPOUlAllON Bur D*wl Truck Trmmi WNYDOR Trwlnt suuotl Inull Parr 6 Rod. LOU LmlwAno w9ENOAV WH,C” nut acramnou MTI IOIIVPLIAW 5011000 .q h 4W/.cr.” 1 O/room. 3W/ura S/room. 2W/acra’ 9/mom. lOO/rcr.* 2 5 mm.w b c1w1a.n cmrmnn.,' 20/1000 mq. h.O JW/ur~’ 17/ 1000 sq. h ? .3Wf ura’ 1011000~ h.. 160/ur~’ 3O/low sq. R” 9O/lWOaq h” 2W/ 1000 aq. h.. 1 SW/rra’ 30011000 LO h.. 2OWlwra 1500 I790 -nMrl# 19011000 sq. h. 9W/ura” 5O/lOW aq. It.. SW/w* 50/E& 20/Dc7# 5/Kn’ I)o/acr*. 13O/KI* Iaumma *)” 1 ll/wn’ ~0011000 h. shomba. 6OIwC 50/1000 h shor.tt~. 5/ura’ 3011ulb. JooIaar” I/OmDYw-- e/UN. 4omo*. mo/couru- 4/balln. 20/wrr* -* 4O/lOaO eq. It.. 3w/ufe. 4O/COurt’ 19lxm 3O/courl” SO/mcr*. O.l/ruC’ 30/~*.o.i/~~ 4O/wm. 0.8 UIl. 90/1000 lg. ft.. 19/lu1* 1 o/dunnng wliK* I/m UNr S/owlling umr 5/*lhn9 win 40/u*- 3/dvmnmn9 untl, 20/m*’ 4/dwdlmq UN,- 12/dwllm9 UmY 2/fhwum9 umr* 10011ooo w. a.. 3/swl. 5w/ecr# *. 250/1000 ra. h. 7/ua 12W/wn’ .* 7W/looO 9.i. h.. 22/n4~ 3OWlurC .- 1501 loo0 sq. It.. 11/**4r 2S/lmO m. k.” 1 o/1000 #. I(.. 7/bw. 9O/aar” 1 IO/bum 12/9.x9” JW/au” 400/w* 14OO/mvwl evd wonl97 PlAa HoiJa . Ip4w IY:ouT r.dr, ,rrrrr. I.4 A.Y -UCY. 10% II5) 98 104) 98 1041 7% I4El 10% (2.91 13% (2.9) 14’1, (2.91 16% I191 12% 13.71 :: (6:6I lo* (S-51 12% (6.5) 11s (46) 1m 13 71 8% 6% lO.4l 118 (491 11% (491 0% 90 13.71 7% [a:41 9% la:*) 11% 16:5) 8% (7:3) 101 v.31 10% (731 9% (7:3) 12% (9:4) loll I9:4) 8% Is:61 am (7:J) 0% (0:4) 8% ml 0.4n 8% (6:s) 168 0:7) 15% l1:7) a.3 91 7) 4.7 ‘ Fln.d cym -tol wn - 0 76a WI * 8 as e F,“.d cur.. .qu.- L-0, - 0 759 L-W l 196 T-lOUlulDL.-1.aoo~.n. ’ s.dggm.ll PASS-W ,- OI -~1mlpronuouklavr~~- mlvhaqru PummdlbyIar -olbaudamur-~Rk-~ -*L ys”0Dplg-Y ZOI -- * z brvk amm/S~ - r-l 101 401 co-- em -t wsa-8 los Flw*LuL 1 A,“,, 15. ha sum 5ca RLST4UMNT - 101 t-hgnt- F”, ‘EC4 22 February 15, 1995 Gregory J. Smith San Diego County Recorder Post Office Box 1750 San Diego, CA 92101-2422 Enclosed for recordation is the following described document: Petition, Waiver, and Consent to Creation of a Facility Impact Fee Program and Agreement,to Pay Fair Share Cost of Cannon Road West Also enclosed are instructions on how the City is to be billed for the recordation fees incurred. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. &@ CMC Assistant C' 6lerk KRK:ijp Enclosures 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-I 989 l (619) 434-2808