HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-02-07; City Council; 13012; AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE PALOMAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FOR PARAMEDIC TRAINING- &.---- CAW WF CARLSBAD - Atitw BILL DEPl AB ' '3 ''& MTG. 2/7/95 AND THE PALOMAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE CITY CITY DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: TITLE: AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CI;Y OF CARLSBAD FIR DISTRICT FOR PARAMEDIC TRAINING Council adopt Resolution No. 75 - 36 and the Palomar Community College District to provide for paramedic training. ITEM DESCRIPTION: The City of Carlsbad and the Palomar Community College District have an existing agree1 paramedic training. Under the terms of this agreement the City allows the College t paramedic interns on fire department paramedic units for the duration of their two mol internship. The intern is under the supervision and direction of a Carlsbad paramedic qualified to perform as a preceptor. The paramedic training program must include a field internship segment. There are c three programs within San Diego County, all of which rely on fire departments or paramedic providers to fulfill the field internship requirement. The existence of these PI provides agencies such as Carlsbad a broader field of candidates from which to choose whi vacant paramedic positions. Approval of this item will simply extend and update the current agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: No cost to the city. EXHl BITS: 1. Resolution No. (? ' - 30 approving an agreement between the City of C approving agreement with the Palomar Community District 2. Palomar Community College District Resolution approving agreement with City of Carli 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ' 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 9 5 - 3 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORF APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARSBAD AND THE PALOMAR COMMUNITY CONGE DISTRICT The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That certain agreement between the City of Carisbad and the Palomar Communi! District for paramedic training, attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to exec agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the Carlsbad, California, held on the 7th day of FEBRUARY , the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall Noes: None Absent: None ATEST: * I I 20 21 1 li 22 23 24 25 26 27 I i ALETHA L. RAUTEN (SEAL) I 11 1 I I I 0 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 7th day February, 1995 by and between the Governing Board of Palc Community College, hereinafter called the COLLEGE, and City Carlsbad Fire Department, hereinafter called the EMT-P SERT PROVIDER, do hereby agree as follows: BASIS AND PURPOSE OF THE AGREEMENT WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the COLLEGE is hereby authorized to enter into t agreement as permitted by California Education Code Section 78; WHEREAS, the COLLEGE and EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER acknowledc public obligation to contribute to the education of paramedics the benefit of the students and for community needs, WHEREAS, the COLLEGE has established a program for trail paramedics that requires the educational facilities of the EI SERVICE PROVIDER in field practice, WHEREAS, the EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER has field facilii suitable for the educational needs of the COLLEGE paramc program, WHEREAS, it is to the mutual benefit of both the COLLEGE EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER that students have opportunities for f service education as students and future practitioners. NOW, THEREFORE, the COLLEGE and the EMT-P SERVICE PROV mutually agree as follows: I. RESPONSIBILITIES AND PRIVILEGES OF THE COLLEGE A. For the Prosram in General 1. The COLLEGE assumes full responsibility offering an educational program eligible accreditation by the State Department of Educa and the San Diego County Division of Emerg Medical Services. 2. The COLLEGE will provide the same quality education in the paramedic program as it doe all other curriculum offerings at the COLLEGE. 3. The word Ilfaculty'l as used herein means the COL faculty engaged in teaching in the COL Paramedic Program. The words llstudent" ttstudentsll as used herein means students of COLLEGE who are enrolled in the COLLEGE Paran Program. 1 0 e 4. The COLLEGE dl1 select and train preceptors cooperation with the field service providers. B. Clinical Instructions 1. The COLLEGE will provide the necessary facult; plan and coordinate the field experience paramedic students. Said faculty will as: responsibility for monitoring EMT-P students wl assigned to the EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER. The COLLEGE will develop a plan for using the El SERVICE PROVIDER'S facilities to meet educational goals of the curriculum. This 1 and shall be made available to the EMT-P SER' PROVIDER at a mutually agreed upon time prioi the beginning of the school term and subject revision by the EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER in instal where conflicts with the EMT-P SERVICE PROV seem to exist. 2. will include a list of the number of hours invo 3. The COLLEGE will assume responsibility determining the final grade evaluation relativl the students performance after consultation 1 students file preceptor. 4. The faculty will be responsible for learning observing the policies and regulations of COLLEGE and EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER as they appl the circumstances of the field teaching. 5. The COLLEGE is responsible to assure the stud assigned to the EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER for f internship meet both COLLEGE and EMT-P SER PROVIDER standards of health and have the acad ability to profit from the experience. 6. The COLLEGE will require that all instructors students during assignment to the EMT-P SER' PROVIDER comply with the same administra policies as the employees in matters relatin! the welfare of the patient. C. COLLEGE Privileqes 1. The COLLEGE has the privilege of regul scheduled meetings with the EMT-P SERVICE PROV staff and administrative level representatives evaluating this educational program for trai paramedics. the purpose of interpreting, discussing, 2 0 0 1' 11. RESPONSIBILITIES AND PRIVILEGES OF THE EMT-P SERVICE PROVII A. General Responsibilities 1. The EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER will maintain 1 standards which made it eligible for approval a; field area for instruction in an accredi paramedic program provided, however, the EM' SERVICE PROVIDER shall not be obligated services that the EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER, in sole discretion, does not wish to establi maintain or continue. establish, maintain or continue any facilities 2. The EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER will permit the facu and students of the COLLEGE to use its patient c and patient service facilities for field educat in accordance with policies, procedures protocols of the San Diego County Division Emergency Medical Services. 3. The EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER will accept for fi internship emt-p students in a number mutua agreed upon by the COLLEGE and EMT-P SERV PROVIDER. B. Facilities and Sumlies - 1. The EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER will permit educational use of such supplies and equipment are commonly available for patient care. 2. The EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER will provide access sources of information for educational purpos subject to the EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER'S right protect the privacy of the patient: a. Procedures guides, policy manuals b. Standard field references such as medi dictionary, diagnostic texts, pharmacol references and standard references suitable the field area and care program. Examples : C. Staff Participation in Education 1. The EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER will recommend staff function as preceptors for paramedic stude during the field internship. The ratio preceptors to students shall not exceed one to c 2. Preceptors will attend a training session for purpose of orienting them to the educatic program and evaluation procedures. 3 0 a 3. Preceptors will assist with the education ( evaluation of paramedic studenta during the fit internship. 4. Preceptors will remain employees of the EM SERVICE PROVIDER and will not be conside employees of the COLLEGE. D. EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER Privileqes 1. The EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER may refuse educatio access to its field areas or records to any COLL faculty or students who do not meet the EM SERVICE PROVIDER'S standards. 2. The EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER may resolve any prob situation in favor of the patient's welfare and restrict the student involved. E. Status of Students 1. Students will have the status of learners and w not replace EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER staff, nor g service to patients apart from its educatio value. 2. Students are subject to the authority, policies regulations of the COLLEGE. They are also subje during field assignment and while with the EM SERVICE PROVIDER, to the authority, policies regulations of the EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER. 3. Students will wear the designated uniform in fi areas. F. Liability Status of Contractins Aqencies 1. The COLLEGE shall carry professional liabil insurance (malpractice) covering students of 1 COLLEGE during assignment with EMT-P SERV PROVIDER. 2. The COLLEGE shall carry public liability insura covering faculty members of the COLLEGE dur assignment .with the EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER. 3. The COLLEGE shall carry workers' compensat insurance covering its faculty and students wh with the EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER (pursuant to La Code Section 3368). 4. COLLEGE shall indemnify and hold harmless EM SERVICE PROVIDER from and against any and liability arising from any negligent act, of 4 0 0 COLLEGE’S students or instructors during the fi internship. 5. EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER shall indemnify and h harmless COLLEGE from and against any and liability arising from any negligent act of EM SERVICE PROVIDER, its officers, agents employees. G. Duration of the Contract 1. This agreement shall be effective on January 1995 and shall terminate June 30, 1998, unl terminated earlier for cause by either party u thirty days prior written notice of the intent tcl da so. Ufider no circiimstailces sild1 t contract exceed three Program Years. 2, If problems arise during the tenure of t agreement, the respective parties shall by mut consent, review the content and if necessE revise the contract as deemed appropriate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties have hereunto set their hz on the date first above written. PALOMAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1140 West Mission Road San Marcos, CA 92069 Contracts & SDecial Projects Manaqer Title a? /4 9s- -- Mavor Title February 8, 1995 Date Approved by the Governing Board: December 13, 1994 5