HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-02-07; City Council; 13018; UNDERGROUND UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT- CIThOF CARLSBAD IAB# /?,orb ITITLE: - 8 MTG.2-7-95 DEPT. cLK ~ UNDERGROUND UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT GlTY AT CITY MG I I I n W El w ZH 9 m m \ +N rl $2 p?; ;g 54 PI zz 2k -rl u* Ud 0 G$ $z I4 g 3' a, 3 sw .IE Jz z mal \ \ h aw z 0 c\l i= 0 a d z 3 0 0 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. q5 -3 Y , appointing one member to Underground Utility Advisory Committee of the City of Carlsbad. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Underground Utility Advisory Committee is composed of following nine members, as provided for by the City of Carlsbad pol on undergrounding of utilities: City Engineer Planning Director Redevelopment Director Utilities and Maintenance Director Pacific Telephone Representative SDG&E Representative Planning Commission Chairman Cable Television Representative Member-at-Large (4-year term) (appointed by May Mr. Gordon Baker was serving as the Member-at-Large, and his tl expired on December 31, 1994. Appointed members serve four-yi terms, and Mr. Baker has served two full terms. EXHIBITS : 1. Resolution No. 94- 34 , appointing one member to the City ' Carlsbad Underground Utility Advisory Committee. 2. Copies of applications received in calendar year 1994. rL 0 1 I1 RESOLUTION NO. 95-34 2 3 4 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CmSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD- UNDERGROUND UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE WHEREAS, the term of Gordon Baker expired on December 1994. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the of Carlsbad, California, as follows: . 1. That the above recitations are true and correct, 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to sert a member of the Underground Utility Advisory Committee, for a to expire December 31, 1998: 13 14 15 16 17 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of Carlsbad City Council held on the day of 1995, by the following vote, to wit: 18 19 20 21 AYES : NOES : ABSENT: 22 ll 23 24 ATTEST: CLAUDE A, LEWIS, Mayor . 25 26 27 (SEAL) 28 ALETHA L, RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk I EDUCATION [q\ G H YcL? I mmd ~70 1 ~ 2q cs cif./ Colfsg EXPERIENCE /ouf 5 elf cbc A- , , 6LO A5 -t- fmw"t &LC\ C'P, < Crn+FAdT FGMr\ena Gn &r"J &\;+Ls v r (Jon uc3,'on c,wdk+r COMMUNIN ACTIVITIES yvav" xv\* (\++kr\P'\ C!ATerWU 05 b\&, &\&AS &% d QGA sype+=r LicJft VASY hlhk 0-b % *hfW~"f4 /ks5oc. 05 &chL4 h~+ZL.LCX @9&7&* B375K ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR * COMMENTS c <"E fwk?s ak6@ \kc ob ?u? c077 m&n \ vas b,cA 4eY Cl-C,'dC&d* ,-t?ayr?-Aeh &. Uih Rdk H\+% - \ #PPLICATION FOR APPOINTMEN &f=k#(kS 33- BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) I (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMM@SION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: . 1 h&Ad \I% /f+ ACItA564 *. &w,# 1 42 NAME: T-? p\ &fi ShCl(7 C-, ADDRESS: \7 1 Secou ;e $AN CITY:~~\5hi ZIP CODE: a boq HOME PHONE: 43 Y0 a3q PRESENT OCCUPATION: 5 \=e+\ L'++ f G3 fi?mc+d- BUSINESSNAME: 3% yTrw&- .-cAPr9c . BUSINESS ADDRESS: 603 p + s 3- -?@Yr Os ' pQ ' WORK PHONE: 967 m U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) )(Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) /-yes - No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) pes No ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board@) or Commission(s) on which l wish to serve; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the Cify Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Conflict of lnterest codes; DATE: 3hq99. il or deliver the appkatwn lo the fohwing address: City Clerk3 Off- - City Hall CwLsbad, CA 92008 ' (Please see reverse side) ' .1200 Carkbad ?Wage Drive APPLIUTION FOR APPOINTMENT - D>: &"LC 9 om(s) AND/OR co"Issm. ,.@ i e i-6- (Please print 01 type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: PERSONNEL ROARD : &ANNIN6 cor-?&rssiod 7 KN DER@OkuD aT(LLT)' AbUi-QY CihfT7Z. h'B&Si& akl 0 M &S/ NAME: OHKI LC>€ R OFFA" ADDRESS: L? 5 3 C-HES(k?&T A vE /d~E . #= % CITY: Cfi RLsgh b ,ZIP CODE: 9 2008 HOME PHONE: (x LS\ 4-39" 4-07? - 1 PRESENT OCCUPATION:&XI RFO - U. f C Rw ic?o h t.1 ISS 10 bEP?kl-&% TS"0 t- I NrtvY- BUSINESSNAME: ESlT MARY - /'THE 0- AF A!MRlES"- BUSINESS ADDRESS: p v 0 e 80 x 9s 61, 36 M D i wi CA - 92GY-o' WORK PHONE: < 6 L?) 4-34-i w 39 - U.S. Citizenship (required for all ap ointments) , - /Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) - -Aes No BORN', coc~ ,CIIUWRJh *;w, 3 ??€B.W 4 RY 19e3 0 Registered voter in Carlsbad required for all appointments) - As No I, R€WBL\Ch - I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) or which I wish to servo; I am willing to 6a intwvlowed regarding my qualiflcatlons for appointment by i committee Wnated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Counci Member. I am willing to file financial dlsclosure statements as required by the State's or City' Conflict of Interest codes; : 4- TANAAAY .-CY?' appkatwn to the fobwing add=: .. / ciiy C"I ori C@ Hall- 1200 Carisbad Vi&@ Drive Carkbad,C3 92008 (Please see reverse sidc - 1 C6eeRfiL euG(bJEE%( d Gy EDUCATION M.5.Nf3U4AL AC&EWY, ANMftR3US. VD, (19Md& Y1LVtUOUA UNN I. c f%?-f97$J, 1 $G.Abb/N. AND K~G, ; / 6 f.3 (U t 0 F CoLa R A w (f?80'-&3@A\, r ~~~~~~6 y p J NO I A &a ,~b'($ (.f%4-L'i'ld ,GRAD, Psych'. ,AffW 0:s. 'pc""., 6,#1 pfdd; SCcio~€&)'."t-c~~n~~ec ,nCsncEL # 1 R 0 al)uc+" P5YCH .WArn*)o(. , I U II COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES QAR\SH 10 MER AT ATRICK'S rcSlcRc1$- . M c&)rHoua (N CfiaBfib ? \(OwEEk, BYaaRw'' @=uc. psyct\\ W(7-H 7-Ht i7"7=TlflR'/ ?mER OF pj)a e IT'ES ''Y I ~ClI9L "ycH0~6(C~~ E-KH'fQ SPEc\AC\-tlKG f IJ n3REIVSK SOClAC PSycHoWa AOOITIONAL IEJFORMAllON OR F ,v 1) APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT &'d-d&&mx , 3 -. BOARLI(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) qc7Q.Uw%U3- (please print or type] NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMM@SION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: e i118""4"u"4 (# i/r, Acpvis(yy \ - 1 CrnM,# \ e? NAME: y? %\ (k.0 "R30 c. ADDRESS: 111 ~~~~v if+ &f? CITY:(Wb&\ ZIP CODE: Q2 bb9 BUSIN'ESSNAME: 3 G m TW G ac+C- HOME PHONE: 93 V6 %y- PRESENT OCCUPATION: & \scb\ L'e 1 cK3 n*rtk'h3< BUSINESS ADDRESS: 603 \%+- 5-t- &&y- ohm 3 WORK PHONE: 967 S~O U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) )(Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) /-Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) /yes No ~ ~~ I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on kVhk9? ! %?!ish to SBPP' "P I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a commiffee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Conflict of Interest codes; . SIGNATU DATE: iy5y19y Upon compktwn of your applicatwn, il or deliver the application to the following address: Cify Clerk's OffKe Ciry HaU 1200 Carlsbad viuage Drive Carkbad, CA 92008 . (Please see reverse side) 1) EDUCATION i-\ \'G G-\ Tc LOO / GmJ 1970 2q c5 c;+V bIk.i/4 EXPERIENCE /ouf \ e(PcJs\ci" * 6C\o A> * \i? "&& + &24c\:&lJ CU~t-~fiI 1 ~PS EKwnena rr 3vk~~agm ! &\;+& ~d vc>,'on pQcrA\k+r I/ COMMUNIW ACTIVITIES vv\QNn& "wd\a"\+:Qr\.p-z (yJnTev.mca *j y&y @Fci;_lPk /4% QGCft-\ zfi-3" I - icTd 56357 fi(&h SF -tk -'rKhW&W'..fl\ Ass;oc e OK- & I E?AOL4 %A~p!2LAWCL 4**&p" @13'15yT 4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS (J+ \* qm-2 "w &43-36& nmK d!OM csnMp3;- py bbl4 43 G%J d(-dbd* -WAe/L ci$ *Uk k!#@& p;\ - c32 I \ey\ - h APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT DL&&: w BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSI d3 A v (S) AoA~A /- 6 - " ~ (Please print or fype) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: PERSONNEL BOARD: hLANNING cor-;?mSSiOtd: KNDER-KND aT(LL'T)' Ab\;iSOQY Cr,&bhr-rTi4ES hhtSi& COHE.lMrSS( NAME: OHE3 FLD€jZ 0FFA-f ADDRESS: L3s 3 C,HES(T\3&T b vg Nd.F , *-?G. GIN: CfiRLSSAD ZIP CODE: 9 2008 HOME PHONE: cg LS\ 4-39" +-CY?? * ) PRESENT OCCUPATION: =( RFb - K ,s, c\\I \I = R\ icE CO kl kl 6s 10 BUSINESSNAME: J ESWT Xf?T(bjRY ~EP~~RTWGNT OF IHF NEtV'A - - /f THE OADerC! AF rtlAt(Rit€St/- BUSINESS ADDRESS: y# 0- Bo )c 97 6L 1 SA hl D i EGOi C& . ?%?-o' WORK PHONE: C 6 L?) +3+- 4-0 37. U.S. Citizenship (required for all ap ointments) . - /Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) - ;/Ges No BoRhl', COLa \CWMR63:4 .jolt, 3 F€B.RkhRY L94-3, Registered voter in Carlsbad required for all appointments) - 4es No L REW%L\c& - I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board@) or Commission(s) on which I wish to senre; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee ddgnated by the Cftv Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Conflict of Interest codes; E: 4- TiNthAA\Z' .LYv applicatwn to the fobwing address: City Ckrk's Offm Ciry Hall 1200 Carkbad Kh@ Drive Carkbad, G4 92008 ' ' (Please see reverse side c 0 C6EhlERAL eNG(b\)EEAt k.'G) EDUCATION U.~.NI~V~L /?C&EhY. &Wft@i(S. VD, (i%k& ; \ILV)~\~~UA MNi\( 1. rf%?-L97AJ, 1 BkS.ADr-I/N4 AND fiCmG1 T 1 LWN I ai= C~L~RA~ [f?8o'-L5E?A\. I V5ya4dLoGy9 2 No * A&= ,(ANNc (.f%?4-f%o?) ,GRAB, Ps'y'ch'c ,AWm 0:5, y+.> €3864 pfd# Sccio&):Ot-Ce]n1NAL mLST(CE - Hd A. *%- P5YcFt.Qd-APFL.Cjg I b! EXPERlENCE EL&.T/?Ic& ENCdNcER-EPT. OF T? ftRMY 4 pEcNc3;l\1"iChi p~~cdz/E&R ANO su ERqWRY- E& DEpT. of= JHif &lfiy;j: M50 "G3 h5 cuewcAL hSW Lit95@Ali flit5 &IxrnEb WEfiWh\S SOEClrc (?hlD PREpmEb RESEAKh' AND mE1DPblrnT 6Emm. AM^ WUAL r~~LLI~wcz~~i~f~t.l~~(~~~~~t~~ EUb\&EeR By TE 'Lk15, ci\l iL SRvicE ah61/ss F)&-~EB pe/\/(CAL' AUb HAl\IW,ING EqUIPMGNT K'fib /~~~~~~~ SLCPWRT L~~s7t~ Y7AfilGm5Pm+ COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES &Wst-1\0 h)€k AT PATRKR 5 rH.iiQ ) Ct CROh&! c&jr/y(&) /N ' CARISBAb 9 \OW13=EA psy(ILlQ~~~ .@=bik!, psycf-\\ W("t T;i-c€ TW 7-ER"ifiW IJm3 OF p~a e /TES "y I SociAL ~~YCMUG(C~C E* WE 5PEci~L\a& I N &OREiUSK SOClAC PSYCHO& ha ,+ ''LIFEMEME& I( m=- THE c3RDfR aF DE~C T~E SOCME77 FOk 7tiE fiYCkJ6&G(CdL 57U.bY OF ADDITIONAL 1NFORMATlON OR soc(pL -z=u= COMMENTS ri/o/uo R sec/dY4 (\3R&P,r 4 o€N e' 0 OATH OR AFFIRMATION OF ALLEGIANCE FOR - CIVIL DEFENSE WORKERS AND PUBLIC EMPLOYEES .. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) 1 ss 1, - GORDON BAKER , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the,Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California agains.t all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California; that I take this oblig tion freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. Underground Utility Adxisory Cnmmitt Title/Department Men Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of - June Y 1991 - CITY CLERK. 1 (SEAL) e a 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 City Council Office ditg of UCarIs’bab TELE (619) 4 May 29, 1991 Gordon Baker 2035 Char1 een Circle Carl sbad, CA 92009 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of April 16, 1991 appointed you as a member of the City of Carlsbad Underground Utility Advisory Committee for a term expiring in December, 1994. This appointment commences immediately; therefore, please make arrangements to take the Oath of Office before the City Clerk at City Hall at your earliest convenience. May I extend my best wishes for an interesting and productive term of office. Mayor CAL: 1 c