HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-02-14; City Council; 13028; Planning commission subcommittee authorizationc * El .d 0 u V (d rl -rl V 0 2 u * 0 cH a g m z 0 F 0 -I 0 z 3 0 0 m w 5 G aJ 8 a - CIBOF CARLSBAD - AGEW BILL ’- L AB # /3,09--8 TITLE: DEPT. MTG. a-tq -Ci 5 AUTHORIZATION FOR PLANNING COMMISSION CITY A CITY M DEPT. @ RECOMMENDED ACTION: PLN SUBCOMMITTEE If the City Council concurs, authorize a Planning Commission subcommittee to work Development Ordinance driveway standards. Planning Department staff to review residential setbacks, floor area ratios and Plar ITEM EXPLANATION On September 29, 1994, a Planning Commission/Staff Workshop was held. A sumn of the workshop is contained in the attached memo to the City Manager di November 15, 1994. During the technical discussions held at the workshop, Planning Commission expressed interest in reviewing items in the zoning ordins relating to residential setbacks, floor area ratios and specific areas of the Plar Development (PD) Ordinance regarding driveways. They requested authorization 1 the City Council to establish a Planning Commission subcommittee (Erwin, Welsh1 and Nielson) to work with staff in reviewing these items. Specifically, the Planning Commission subcommittee would work with staff in revie\ the following items: 1. Minimum standards for required setbacks in the residential zone, particularly the minimum separation between buildings; 2. Further explore and evaluate the use of maximum floor area ratios (FARs) for residential structures; and 3. Review the sections of the Planned Development (PD) Ordinance relating to driveways and prepare a definition of what constitutes a driveway vs. a street. Since any changes to existing standards as a result of the subcommittee work may I a substantial impact on residential development projects, the City Council may wa consider expanding the subcommittee to include representatives from the developr community or to require the subcommittee to actively solicit input from the developr community. FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact would be limited to the staff time involved in working with subcommittee. EXHIBITS 1. Memo to City Manager, dated November 15, 1994. I 1 0 -0 EXHlBl NOVEMBER 16,1994 TO: CINMANAGER COMMUNIN DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: Planning Directoi PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP The Planning Commission/staff workshop Was held on September 29th. A copy of the agenda is attached. The morning session was primarily technical in nature. One of the items presented by staff was a comprehensive, step-by-step description of the process, and the amount of staff review that a project goes through before it ever gets to the Planning Commission. This presentation was especially helpful for the new members of the Commission. Based upon the technical information presented in the morning, the Planning Commission requested authorization to have a Commission subcommittee work with staff to: (1) Review residential setbacks and floor area ratios (FARs) in general; and Review driveway standards in the Planned Oevelopment (PO) Ordinance. (2) An agenda bill has been prepared requesting this authorization from the City Council. The afternoon session dealt with roles and relationships. A valuable roundtable discussion was held identifying strengths and weaknesses regarding conduct at public meetings, relationships between staff and the Commissioners, relationships between Commissioners, etc. The afternoon session concluded with a presentation from the Assistant City Attorney regarding legal requirements for Planning Commission contact with applicants and interested parties outside the confines of the public hearing process. If you have any follow-up questions, please feel free to contact me. MICHAEL J. HOIZMILLER Attachments: 1. Workshop Agenda 2. Letter from Chair Savary to Planning Director 0 0 PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP SEPTEMBER 29, 1994 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 5950 EL CAMlNO REAL, CARLSBAD, CA 8 A.M. TO 3 P.M. AGENDA 1. CONTINENTAL BREAWAST 8 TO 8:30 A.M. 2. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS 8:30 TO 8:45 A.M. 3. TECHNICAL DISCUSSIONS 8:45 TO 1130 A.M. Growth Management Financing & PC’s Role in the process The Development Review Process Fees, How they are established PUD’S Driveway Policy & General Setback Discussion Lego Update 4. LUNCH 11:30 A.M. TO 12:15 P.M. 5. ROLES AND REIATIONSHIPS 12:15 P.M. TO 3 P.M. Introductory Comments PC Mission and Role Commissioner Conduct and Ex Parte Communications 0 0 October 1, 1994 Mr. MIcMael hem Planning Director City of Carlsbad Dear Michael, On behalf of the Planning Commission, I thank you for the Planning Commission Workshop given on September 29, 1994. The presentations were very well done and the material was informative and useful to us. Don Rideout, Jeff Gibson, Mike efforts . You and Gary conducted the Workshop and answered the questions in an honest and professional way. And, once again, Bobbie Hoder made it all run smoothly by providing the tools and the fuel (food and drinks). Again, we thank you. Sincerely, Grim, Don Neu and Rich Rudolf are to be commended for their Peggy Savary pw& 0 0 -I BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY bC7 6336 Greenwich Orive, Suite A San Diego, CA92122-5994 (61 9) 450- 1 22 1 FAX NO. (619) 552-1445 February 14, 1995 PRESlDENT Mayor Claude "Bud" Lewis City of Carlsbad Company 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis, Thank you for the opportunity to address the Carlsbad City Council on an issue of concern to our industry. It has come to our attention that the Carlsbad Planning Commission has requested the formation of a subcommittee to review residential setbacks, floor area ratios, and the Planning Development Ordinance as it relates to driveways. These items came from a staff workshop held with the Planning Commission on September 29, 1994. Since we were not aware of the workshop at that of lot size in city development projects. According to the Manager's Report, one option for subcommittee appointments would be the inclusion of representatives of the development community. Although uncertain of the concerns regarding setbacks, the Building Industry Association wholeheartedly concurs with the recommendation to include our industry and stands prepared to participate in this role. As always, the BIA welcomes the opportunity to respond and participate in discussions of policy issues related to building development. If you have any questions or require fbrther information, please call me at 450-1221. Sincerely, Daren A. Groth The PacificHeritage VICE PRESIDENT Ian M. Gill Highland Partnership, Inc. TREASURER Chris J. Chambers Continental H~~~~ SECRETARY Mark D. McMillin McMillin Communities EXECrnlVE 'ICE PRES1DENT Paul A. Tryon time, we did not have a chance to respond to questions regarding utilization Construction Industry Federation California Building Industry Association National Association of Home Builders %SO G& Crai . enedetto Legislative Advocate cc: Councilmembers Finnila, Hall, Kulchin, Nygaard City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk a CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL February 13,1995 I200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Authorization for Planning Commission Subcommittee; Agenda Item AB#13,016 Dear Friends; The Chamber City Issues Committee supports the authorization of a Planning Commission subcommittee to work with city staff to review residential setbacks, floor area ratios, and planned development ordinance driveway standards. We further recommend that you add private-sector planners and developers to this subcommittee. We have taken this opportunity to list Chamber members as a resource for you: Paul Gaff, Alliance Land, 43 1-9896 Jack Kubota, Barrett Consulting Group, 729-1 194 Kellence Burn-Lucht, Camp Dresser & McKee, 438-7755 George Benton, Crosby Mead Benton and Associates, 438-121 0 Doug Helming, Helming Engineering, 43 1-5999 Bob Leger, Rick Engineering, 291-0707 Dexter Wilson, Wilson Engineering, 43 8-4422 Bill Hofinan, Hofman Planning, 43 8-1 465 Bob Ladwig, Ladwig Design Group, 438-3 182 Tony Lawson, ADL Planning Associates, Inc., 93 1-8637 If you need further information, please call. Lee Bohlmann, CCE EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT 5411 Avenida Encinas, Suite 100 P.O. Box 1605 Carlsbad, California 92008 (619) 931-8400 Fax (619) 931-9153 P:@, @k e AVHRA 4% February 10, 1995 Honorable Bud Lewis Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Carbbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: February 14, 1995 City Council Agenda Item Sub-Committee to Study Planning Issues Dear Mayor Lewis: It has recently come to my attention that the City Council wiU be considering on their February 14 agenda, the appointment of a sub-committee to study Planned Developme: (PD) ordinances; regulations; policies; and other requirements. As I understand the origin of the request for study, it apparently came as a result of Planning Commission discussion on the need to increase set-back requirements, street widths, diminish floor area ratio, and generally, to add more restrictions to the provision of housing in Carlsbad. As you know, Carlsbad already has a very restrictive approach to housing and has, ovei the years, "layered" numerous regulations that make it extremely difficult to finance anc ultimately sell to the consumer in the competitive San Diego marketplace. I am very concerned that if the Council chooses to embark on such a study, the impact on Carlsbad builders will be felt immediately. At a time when the building industry is just beginning to emerge from a very difficult several years, to set in motion the prospe of increased regulation, will move through the banking cornunity like a rifle shot. Lenders have historically been reluctant to provide construction loans in Carlsbad because of the difficult entitlement process and numerous regulations/requirements. "If it's not broken, don't fix it." Carlsbad rules are restrictive. But they are a known commodity that builders and lenders can rely on. They are rules that we have already studied and agreed to. Many years of examination and application have shown that Carlsbad's housing and land use regulations have produced well planned and aesthetically pleasing products. And importantly, Carlsbad builders have been able to hold their own in the marketplace. Although I am not in favor of forming a sub-committee to review the current restrictive, I am in favor of studying the regulations to eliminate overlap, ambiguity, over-restriction, and excessive cost implications.' development rules for housing if the prospect exists that the rules may become more 7011 I'UO\IAR /\ii<iu<r Rou) \uiii '06 C\i~i~i~,w C.\iii ~i:hi\ ~~009 (619)931-1190 I \Y (6['1)')3l-x5U 0 * c Mayor Bud Lewis February 10, 1995 Page Two Your consideration is requested in not appointing a sub-committee to study the Planning Development rules and regulations, but rather to instruct staff to review the existing regulations and to "clean house" by recommending to the Council areas that can be improved through the elimination of redundancy and excessive restrictiveness. Please include this letter as a part of the City Council record on this matter. Thank you. Sincere1 , * D. Vice Larry President/General lemens Manager DLC:kaf cc: Mayor Pro Tern Julie Nygaard Councilmember Ann Kulchin Councilmember Matt Hall Councilmember Ramona Finnila Raymond Patchett Marty Orenyak Michael Holnniller City Clerk data\coravr\subcomm.alk IolYrcu~~oL T.UL IU e -tB-13-lYY3 1.L. 13 rKUI'I Lu I I nuc ucL'tLUYl'ItN I 0 I '1 L. Q,-s P. 4L-d Cottage w 4 * 3% rX~l~PUF\7 r\-\!P\\> February 14,1995 City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad. California 92008 Re: Dear Council Member: I am writing this letter after being informed by Mr. Larry Clernens, Vice President of Hiilman Properties. of the proposed formation of a new subcommittee to review set-backs and side yards, etc. Obviously. it comes as a great disappoinmenr that more layers of approval may be necessary in the near future for merchant builders like ourselves. I would like to ask that the City Council deny the resolution for a new subcommittee to review set-backs, since the City of Carlsbad currently has some ofthe most strhgent ordinances facing builders in all of southern California. In closing. 1 urge you not to make it more difficult for builders, but rather enact ordinances that nake it less difficuit to build in your city and more affordable for future home buyers. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, or comments. Sincereiy, COTTAGE DEVELOPMENT COWANY New Subcommittee for Review of Set-Backs, Etc, David G. Gutierrez President DGG:mkw a 7- ----, 8s -a * .. h -., t*> ,’.=. ; L 0 a L Hofman Planning Ci-S, e: VL? ~ssociates 0 0 0 - v& .- -_ February 13, 1995 Honorable .Mayor Lewis and City Councilmembers City of Carlsbad 1200 Carisbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Honorable Mayor Lewis: On Tuesday evening, February 14, 1995, you will be considering the establishment of a Planning Commission subcommittee to review residential setbacks and certain standards contained within the PIanned Development Ordinance. As part of its recommendation to establish this committee, staff suggests that the City Council may want to consider expanding the committee to include representatives from the development community. If the City Council decides to form this committee, I respectfidly request that the committee include representatives from the development community and that I be appointed as one of those recommendations of this committee, have some representation on it. I would bring considerable planning knowledge to the committee and the ability to fairly represent the developers perspective. Also, if appointed to this committee, I would not represent any individual developer or company and would not take any direct or indirect compensation from the development community Mv work would be strictly voluntary and I would strive to represent both the best interests of the development industry and the City of Carlsbad. Thank you for your consideration and I will be available at the City Councii hearing to answer any questions you may have. Sincerely, Planning Commission Subcommittee to Review the Planned Development Ordinance. representatives I believe it is critical that developers, who will be most impacred by the &-A+ Bill Hofman