HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-03-07; City Council; 13051; 1994-95 CCVB 1st quarter report,”> CITeOF CARLSBAD - AGENm BILL /$ vt r I AB # 13!0 s / TITLE: MTG. 3-7-75 1- CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR’S BUREAU JDEP’ CITY I DEPT. FIN I FIRST QUARTER REPORT FOR 1994-95 I ClTV I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file report. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau (CCVB) has submitted their first quarte report for the fiscal year that runs from October 1, 1994, through September 30, 191 This report covers the first period, from October 1, through December 31, 1994. Total income during the first quarter totaled $60,000 of which $51,000, or 85% w received as payments from the City. The second largest source of income to the CC’ came from the County of San Diego at $4,800, or 8%. Income from the co-op progK with hotels came in third at $3,000, or 5% of the total. First quarter expenses totaled $60,000 of which $40,000, or 67% were for administratic The remaining $20,000 in expenses were for programs, of which advertising is the largc single outlay in this category totaling $9,000, or 15%. The second largest expense IA for promoting special events at $6,000, which include advertising for the Christrr festivities, San Diego Marathon and Carlsbad 5000. Included in the attached exhibit is a Visitor Information Summary for the first quarter program 1994-95, as well as one for the previous program year. These indicate that 1 number of visitors to Carlsbad’s Visitor’s Information Bureau offices during the first quat increased by 2,017 from the previous year. FISCAL IMPACT: P w 8 fs a LI, The City’s agreement with the Chamber of Commerce established $205,000 as the tc costs, and $87,000 designated for programs. Of the program funding, $25,000 requi matching contributions from other sources. These amounts were appropriated within. 1994-95 General Fund budget. To date, the CCVB is operating within the allowed buds amount of funding for program year 1994-95, with $1 18,000 designated for administrat EXHIBITS: 1. First quarter report from the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau for fiscal y 1994-95, dated January 30, 1995. I I I z 0 F 0 a d s z 0 0 0 ,/ yy--:3 J?, . - i;- ,: && ,. ,I F&B 19% ; ’ ~~~~~~~~- /’ ’. - . , ”,\ i,- ..,‘ i. .\, 1, _.’ CALIFORNIA I ij I’ , I’ j :, ,, ’, . .. , [T~~,~~~~E ~~$&$‘j$~j3lj~B ’:. \ - y1- .&Iu T 0’ ; 7 6;$@gJ;3 \ \. . , ~, .\< ‘\,. .- . January 30, 1995 Debbie Neville Senior Management Analyst Finance Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Dear Debbie: Attached is a synopsis of the major activities of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bure from October 1 - December 31, 1994. If you need additional information, please let me know. Sincerely , \ Manager Encls. Carlsbad Convention h Visitors Bureau P.O. Box 1246 Carlsbad, CA 92018-1246 * (619) 434-6093 Division of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce 0 0 October 1 - December 31, 1994 INCOME City of Carlsbad County of San Diego City of Oceanside City of Encinitas Co-op program with hotels Sales of items in depot Special program Interest on bank account Total Income EXPENSES Administration Programs Advertising Travel Shows Video Hosting Farn Trips Brochures Promoting Special Events Total Expenses $51,171.33 4,790.80 101.53 72.58 3,131.13 270.80 19.00 26.48 $59,583.65 $40,412.52 9,026.71 4,265.45 -0- 296.94 -0- 6.491.12 $60,492.74 October November November Nov/Dec December Oct/Dec OctlDec 0 0 ACTIVITIES An article about the Coastal Commuter was published in the Copley newspapers by a writer who visited Carlsbad in September. The California Division of Tourism’s quarterly story idea bulletin sent to media throughout the U.S. recommends stories on the Coastal Commuter and the open cockpit biplane rides offered at Palomar Airport. The medie relations director of the Division of Tourism visited Carlsbad in Septembe Developed a display for Los Angeles International Airport featuring the flower fields and information about LEGO. A news release about the Christmas festivities in the Village was publishec in RV Journal, Competitor Magazine and the Orange County Register. Worked to enlist volunteers for the event. Worked with the In Motion organization to update the souvenir book for 1 San Diego Marathon and helped them enlist volunteers. Worked with other communities in North County to update and reprint thc North County Facilities Guide. Assisted 16 groups seeking locations for meetings. Provided material and photos to several writers who are preparing articles about Carlsbad and updated sections about Carlsbad in the San Diegan an the AAA Travel Guide. 0 0 'VISITOR. INFORMATION SL"Y OCTOBER 1, 199.4 - DECEMBER 31, 1994 C-9. resident Out of CA 'Foreig Total fc visitors visitors visitors month 0 c t ob'er 84 3 11 53 348 2344 November 638 1054 130 1822 December 4 50 720 116 1286 3 month totals 1P31 2927 594 54 52 ~ ~~ Above figures represent one member of family wd/or group Oct. Nov. Dec. TOTALS r Phone inquiries 184 5 1608 1321 4774 Mail outs 984 991 581 2556 Travel agent mail outs 135 129 14 8 n 412 : -/ 0 e ,I b VISITOR INFOWITION SUtQlARY October 1, 1993 - December 31, 1993 CA. resident Out of CA Foreian Total fC visitors ' visitors visitors month (C) October 6 51 525 105 1281 November 54 1 4 04 71 1016 I December 395 616 127 1138 3 month totals 1587 54 5 303 3435 aove figures represent one member of family and/or group Oct. Nov. Dec. TOTALS . Phone inquiries 1385 1495 1332 4212 Mail outs 464 1504 1895 3863 Travel agent 320 130 125 57 5 mail outs i . . -. --- "" ... . . .. .. .'. 'Carlsbad ho@iMity industry &ong leade: .. The county-wide figures are in and Carlsbad placed third in the collection oi Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT) collected from visitors 1 to San Diego County in the fiscal year that ended on June 30. Carlsbad reported TOT revenues of$3,185,223, just behind the $3,797,418 collected by the city of Coronado. While Carlsbad's $3.2 million is dwarfed by the $46,126,084 collected by the city of San Diego, Carlsbad's revenues totaied hundreds of thousands of dollars more than that collected in all other North County cities combined. TOT is the tax charged to hotel rooms throughout the county. In Fiscal Year 1994, hotels in San Diego County paid $59.9 million in TOT to the city in which they me located or the county if located in an unincorporated area. TOT is just one measure of the "_ .-. .. - ",_. . significance of tourism in a community's economy. Other measures include number of restaurants, number of hotel rooms, people employed in the hospitality industry and other tax revenues. The San Diego Convention. and Visitors Bureau estimates that upwards of $120 milIion is also collected in sales and property taxes annually from the visitor industry. While Carlsbad receives just a portion of sales tax revenues and other taxes collected by the county and state, all of the $3.2 milli,on TOT revenues goes to the city. "The city has a vested interest in the viability of the hospitality industry," said Hope Wrisley, chairperson of the ConVis Advisory Board. "The city is like a partner with its hospitality industry to work at making revenues from tourism grow." L TOT REVENUES San Diego Counfy $46.1 million - San Diego $3.8 million - Coronado $3.2 million - CARLSBAL $ 1.7 million - Unincorp. arc $ 1 .O million - Chuia Vista $689,020 - Del Mar $587,468 - National City $561,187 - Oceanside $480,284 - El Cajon $369,276 - La Mesa $354,173 - Encinitas $198,085 - Soiana Beach $1 60,790 - Vista $49,647 - Santee $46,509 - Imperial Beach $42,715 - Lemon Grove $41,015 - San Marcos $39,581 - Poway $480,032 - Escondido Who are they and where do they come fromi We see them in our restaurants Those who stayed in hotels In 7993 there were 17.2 about $2.2 billion during thc Those visiting in private hc spnt $1 billion in restaural more than one day. The visitors and attractions. spent a whopping $3.2 billion, spent a whopping $3.2 This study reinforces othc making tourism the county's third billion, making tourism able data. largest industry. the county's third largest Perusing the guest regis& documents of the local hott come from? The question needs to example, shows at least ha1 be answered more than to satisfy ". .- . visitors staying here reside our curiosity. The information is 13 17 percent came to attend a .. few hundred miles of Carl: important when the hotels and convention or for business reasons. " One document that can b ConVis develop their marketing . * 75 percent of all overnight , leading is the visitor guest programs. visitors amved by car. Another 9 the ConVis offices in the 0 Take Monday, Oct. 10 for e esting, was the reaction to data 1 somewhere in Southem California, . . ~~~rists who signed fie bc compiled recently by CIC Research i amved in a rental car. ' from the Netherlands, Gen Inc., in a study commissioned by the 13 24 percent were from Southem Australia, Canada, Alaska, San Diego Convention and Visitors California. sota, Connecticut, Washin4 Bureau. They conducted 3,276 face- * 19 percent were from Northern . Michigan, West Virginia, 'I -- to-face interviews with visitors to California. Nevada, Arizona and Colc the area. While they concentratd-on.. * 10 percent were from Arizona. a single person signed the the city of Sari Diego, much of their . 13 47 percent were from every- book from California. findings are relevant to Carlsbad as where else in the world. , You can be sure that mot well. About 6.7 million of the 11.2 staying in CarIsbad on Ucl Some interesting statistics about million overnight visitors stayed in from California. So why dl our visitors: hotels. The remainder stayed with guest bok reflet this? Pr( a 40 percent came for a leisure friends or relatives. because the Californians i~ visit as well as to visit friends or "I-e mjorib' of the money spent have been here previously relatives who reside here. by visitors was for dining and need to ask where to shop a 43 percent came for a leisure lodging, followed by shopping, visit and have no friends or relatives entertainment and transportation in the area. and stores every day - tourists. In 1993 there were 11.2 million visitors million visitors to San Diego Counfy. They to Sari Diego County who stayed Who are they and where do they industry. .... .. No surprises, but still very inter- percent, who flew into an airport 0 Q) .r 1 .$. 6 I ,4 ,x. $2. P .. f b y: 3. -5 !. ': 7 9' 4 ' .rl .. io - m '8 .c, .o :o U 0 4 -4 PC & G 2 -0 ,h*-L a@@ m rrla c 4 PC SU VI4 E urn lcn '6 w J) d .a -8 d b4 5 0 0 c, .u 'v b 6 Q) &I c . 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SF 0' " . " . ....... "" " ....... " ".""..".. . __"" ~"_~~. . . _____. Christmas in Carlsbad . -~ ". " . . . . ~.~ dows, the sunset over the ocean and Need a break from shopping the Grand Finale, Carlsbad's holiday malls and holiday parties? Escape to tree lighting in the center of town. the seaside village of Carlsbad for The future home of Legoland, the Christmas in Carlsbad Carlsbad Village is noted for its Stride (December 4) a made-for- i warm atmosphere, abundant antique the-holiday-season event that gives taurants. In keeping with the holiday you the choice of a three-mile and Stores, gift shops and fabulous res- Carlsbad have decorated the Villagei bring canned or packaged foods for spirit, each walker is requested to five-mile stride. The merchants Of three-mile and five-mile tours start leged families. All registered walkers decorations to welcome you. Both\ which feeds over 500 underprivi- with lights and delightful window; the Carlsbad Christmas Bureau, Twin Inns, at 8 p.m. The walks begin with candy, as well as lots of compli- ping Center, home of the historic shirt and a Christmas stocking filled and finish at the Village Faire Shop- will receive a holiday season red t- walker can enjoy the downtown win- chance to receive one of 10 Pinery with staggered starts, so each mentary refreshments. You'll have a i ., Christmas Trees in a random dr. mg. . Bring .your family and friends there are discounts for kids unde and seniors 60 and over. Pla~ spend the day or the weekend re ing 'in this pretty little town, SO c to the attractions of San Diego. entry forms- and hotel reservai from the Convention and Visitor: i reau, 1-800-CARLSBAD Or I Kinane Events, 61 9/434-770f ! more information. ? .. .. . .' .. .. . .. . . . . . , . ". ..: .._... . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. - The Orange Cou Register, Nov. 13,1994 . ". -. - . " " ." 8al.fai:gp y @/p- ' FirT$g An Advertising Hdidz Feature f= Carlsbad: .will roll out red car1 for. walkers taking scenic stric Need a break from the hustle and bustle of shopping malls and holi- days parties? Escape to the. Seaside Village of Carlsbad for a made-for- the-holiday-season three-mile and five-mile stride on Dec. 4. The merchants of Carlsbad have decorated the village with lights and window decorations to welcome visi- tors' arrival. The three-mile and five- mile tours will start and finish at the Village Faire Shopping Center, home of the historic. Twin Inns at 3 p.m. The walks will begin with stag- gered starts so that each walker can sunset over the Pacific and the Grand 'Finale - Carlsbad's holiday tree-lighting in the center of town. enjoy the windows of downtown, a The future home of the Leg0 Fam- ily Park, Carslbad Village is noted for its warm atmosphere, abundant an- tique stores, gift shops and restau- rants. In keeping with the holiday spirit, each walker 'is requested to bring canned or pack?ge foods for the Carlsbad Christmas Bureau which T he merchants of Carlsbad have decorated the village wi,th lights and window decorations to welcome visitors' arrival. The three- mile and five-mile tours will start and finish at the 'Village Faire. Shopping Center, home of the historic Twin Inns at 3 p.m. feeds more than 500 underprivileged families in Carlsbad. All registered walkers will receive a holiday season red ?-shirt and a Christmas stocking filled candies and lots of co refreshments. All registered .walkers opportunity to receive or ery Christmas Trees w distributed to participan dom drawing. Participants are urgec family and friends to stride which offers di youth (under 12 years) (60-years-plus) and t Carlsbad Boys and Girl Event entry forms'anc vations can be made calling (800) CARLSB (619) 434-7706 for more Convention and Visitor: -. - HOLIDAY STRIDE G ,TREE LIGHTING CEREMO ' @, sunday, December 4th village Faire Shopping Center 300 Carlsbad Village Drive 3 & 5 Mile Strides 3:O PM - 1 Village Tree Lighting Ceremony .e 5r00 Pn I 3 & 5 Mile Scenic Strides Red Holiday T-shirt * Hot Cider & Live Caroling ' Christmas Stockings a Free Cookie Decorating ' Photo with Santa an * Pet Costume Contest Llama Reindeer Call 'Carlsbad Convention 8z Visitors Bureau: 800-2 (Take 1-5 South to Carlsbad Village Dr. Exit and go west 6 0 0 *Ge6ratiry If you’ve ever watched one of Southern California’s they are. Be sure to take in at least one of this year’s best. fabulous Christmas boat parades, you know what grand specta By Bob Carter ... .. I hear the sounds of carols, smell pine-scented trees, sense excitement in the air, and I feel like a child again. Communities throughout Southern California are busily designing floats, testing outdoor lights, rehearsing holiday pageants and dusting the Santa Claus outfits in anticipation of the upcoming 1994 holiday season. ’ ’ The holidays in the Southland are like nowhere else on earth. In less than a day, we can bask on the warm, sunny sand along coastal waters, only to build a snowman or cross-country ski at mile-high elevations. Most of all, the holidays pro- vide a kaleidoscope of traditional and nontraditional festivals, events and celebrations to enjoy. Many of us who live the recreational vehicle It’s that time of year. .--____ lifestyle rate this time of year a for the entire family to shar perfect “10.” enjoy together. The Christr Whether you’re on your own, Stride benefits the local Bo visiting with family and friends, or Girls Club and the Carlsbac just hanging out and relaxing, here Holiday Bureau. The Bure: are a few of my favorite towns plies food and gifts to undr where you can stop for a while and leged families during the h enjoy a bit of hometown holiday season. Call 619-434-1601 CARISBAD-The streets of area are;j Casitas Poquitos Carlsbad will overflow on Sunday, Oceanside; San Elijo State December 4, when more than 2,000 Cardiff By The Sea and SC people gather to celebrate the sea- Carlsbad State Beach, Car: son during the annual “Carlsbad information and reservati0 Holiday Stride.” listings in the RV Cmpgrc cheer. Some of the RV parks Resort Guide. Whether you’re a spectator, or - ””“ decide to participate, the excitement grows as striders anive at the finish line on the comer of Grand and State Streets. There the party fea- tures carolers, hot wassail, Christmas cookies and a reindeer petting zoo. This is a truly fun event ” . RV Journal 0 0 .. .... ..... .. ... ........ -. . : I .. 1 '1 <. . I. ![ > ! .. . . .*C ..xp"'T"-. - -,... =_.,.. ."... - ' $1 *z:.: T*urn(?&m* J~&j&gpl.n(T4-; &$~g,IjJy~@,? - ""1; Ed %fforoa oz.: .?>f I$!, ." i i ... a. r , 9 ,. ..j&3,-.,- - 7 c ~. .&, ". .- - I "-- - ........... ......2t;.c..!.... -9 +. . "*" - -... ...... z .. \. .e.' - .- .."Hi- , " x -,* ! - "- ..- " . . ,. ." --.- . -_ -b. . i' . .$:., . : .. 1 .,'- d' .<,; ..... > 03-! !-.. . j. . ~ a;a ,**.,*, '. .,, .( .I Lx..=:!.?.3: 1 ('.. ,kys'E F ' ': I .. :I ...... .. ;.. _., .: . . -. . -. . .~ E', 4 - .::. , ,, .. $' 7; 't.. ... ... . *_ . I . ._1 _- . -I .. - .. .. . . ,. ~ .,- . % *i._ i . L. . ,. ., A '. .'; :, , . ' Carlsbad's ebunisd industry is &riving if you look& $h&,$a%t, i ..,<?+.... '.?; ;-I-. ,.::.uAL,y 3 'r 30 that the hotel room e brOugl$ i?: aeweItbqyg {O~~~h&&y; ' 'I . s '- ' Carlsbad miide $3.2i:miiil1ion 1~ revenue ,from th<Tpi';mi&inj$ .-. -; it the third highest .~ovt, Gong ci&s.in tdh cOunt&T;,'r,:.:~ ; i. . I. x~~-~.-~);. - *.J . I . > ~~.:~it~l4:.@on.~enticaio .., c f" .aid iV&iG$ ~&e&'.~as ", *y- a-.h+q+x%ij I.,- i acheving that s&c&.~, .;: t. : !- .;.ZL \ , .. ;;;: 1 . . -- . ; Its effod eo ~mg>le~e~~~innd+at<~e ,~=~gra;l;s'~~~~~~~~~~-,, 1 i ism -is key to having a thivirig towism industry. : ., ' ....... ii. . '. ?) l . . Attracting aisitov to Carisbad is good for the city's' e&opyi;! 1 I We belieee the city's leadership has helped in achie&g'$&'Sje,;\ tourist dollars: . ... . . - .,, . .... -. ... ,C"& . p '.:, ; ... ., ,yz. ,A< - , . . 8. , -.. Jr -t.';..:~~,.:;.:,: I. ........ ., ~ ;:s ., . i,-l'4+ . I - .. ... ! . .I ., ., -- . b, (. __cD """ ." - . ci@-.~.rak@s in T@V&mlU&$ ffinmB hotel! tax : - ~._ ..,- .- -. . . .- By SP@pR@n McDonald was second with $3.8 million. Chula Staff Writer Vista was the only other city to collect Carlsbad may not be as well known at least $1 million in TOT revenues as the southern'beaches of France or with $1.1 million. the Ciribbean, but the city's tourist . Link has a variety of PWPmS he industry is alive and thriving. uses to actively promote tourism in In the past fiscal year, Carlsbad C=lsbad. "we SVmOr a lot of little raked in $3.2 million in revenues from events, like the Carlsbad 'kiathlon or the Transient Occupancy Tax, the the Toshiba Tennis Classic," Link. third-highest amount among cities in said. 'We get very good coverage." Sari Diego County. The TOT is a Link said things like the PBS ' .. ... ..... .:.. ........ spcial hotel tax charged On the rental profile on the city's flower fields and ._ .-- - .. ---.-----+ of moms for less than 30 days. advertising in Los Angeles Magazine eff&g, Li&kid he has h-mai1i.le.w 8 . .". .y? -,;~ ' : r "That's quite high for. a city our helps attract visitors. average of. 1,000 b~ochurgs aboub. size," said Steve Link, head of the "It's a very easy City to market," he Carlsbad every month'td people .who7 ' city's Convention and Visitors Center. said. "We talk about the small-town call. the Yiiiipq* C,e;entip p-&$irtgig,. San Diego led the county with $46.1 -Charm, sidewalk cafes, antique stores r information. . ' .... ..I million in TOT taxes, while Comnado and giR shops." ... .. .. ,- .!'There's: .. ~oi,of.p&plle 'ht.ied, . _.. ; Link aid his "biggestsuccessshry" uncomfoP$able.. in big cities;".a'nd '' is the city's travel writer program, there'e a small-tow'h.deme>t, of:' .: which invites national columnists and friend@?& in ~t@b&,'' &ink &dl ; : magazine writers to stay in Carlsbad Despite his, effoies,. &if& doesq't; and provides them with free mom and take credit forthi hi& ~kvenues,t~ ._ . board. 'We have over two dozen per "It's a 'mmbinatioe of things,? heA . year. We seek them out by name, and said. '"@e leademhipofthis city tqk (:- it's fea11y been terrific," Link'said. - sbrrie-Very-~'~-~~-~~~~~O~- .... ." , ... I.. * AS a result of his promotional years,? .___ .--...-. .- . ". . .. .. .. . _. ' .:. I .. 'Plans for new 0 Seapointe Resort unveiled The Hotel/Motel Committee, at its September meeting, were briefed on the new Seapointe Resort to be constructed on Carisbad Boulevard and Ponto Road. The 78 units, all timeshare, will be divided into 47 onebedroom, 19 two'-bedroom, and 12 studio units, all with an ocean view. The four- - building resort will cover P4 acres. The remaining eight acres of the parcel will be devoted to landscap ing or open space. Parking will be in an underground garage. Construction is scheduled to begin in April and will take one year to Tim Stripe shows a rendering of the planned Seapointe Resort - complete. He unveiled renderings of the approve the project. A zone I Continenta1 commercial Corpora- project and answered questions tion, builder of the resort, was for the parcel was approved represented by Tim Stripe at the from committee members. months ago. The ConVis hac The City Council, at its Oct. 11 meeting. endorsed the zone change in meeting, voted unanimously to to this city. .~. . -. ~. . - "" " .~ . .. "~"~ - ~- ~~ ." . .. ... .. . .. .. . 4 e High visibility for Carlsbad at t rade show ConVis staff and volunteers from the Hotel/Motel Committee will ConVis trade shows and sales missions, 1995 man the Carlsbad booth at several 4 trade shows next year. Other shows Feb. 4 & 5 and sales blitzes to personally Orange County Register's Travel Show, Costa Mes March (TBA) American Airlines Vacation Supermarket, Fort Worth ners in selected cities are also being March 18 Sacramento Bee Travel Show, Sacramento planned. March 3 & 4 American Society of Travel Agents, Tucson, AZ March 11 & 12 Los Angeles Times Travel Show contact travel agents or tour plan- The travel trade shows are at- April 7 & 8 Phoenix World Travel Show, Phoenix tended by travel agents and most are open to the general public as well. Jostling for their attention are 300 to 400 brightly decorated booths representing everything from cruise ships to exotic destinations through- out the world. The shows usually last two or three days, and anywhere from 10,000-15,000 people visit each show seeking information to help with their vacation plans. c April 12 National Travel Exchange Trade Show, Silicon Val11 Aug. 7 & 8 Frontier Travel & Tours Group Leader Travel Fairs, Sept. (TBA) Canada Sales Mission (California Division of Touri: ConcordlSacramento The volunteers manning the provide the perfect opportuni Carlsbad booth stand for 8-10 hours ConVis to market Carlsbad nc each day exuberantly touting to the general public, but also Carlsbad's charms and distributing interested travel agents, tour brochures to the crowds of people operators and meeting plannc strolling the aisles. explained Cleta Wright, Con\ "The travel shows generally director of public relations. 1" ... Carlsbad touted I-" at LOA. Airport i A large photo of the flower fields 1 was a focal point of Carlsbad's portion of a display erected last month at Los Angeles International I I The display showed scenes of each j community served by American 1 Eagle Airlines. "Next to the photo of the flower -; fields we placed some toys made of ! LEGO blocks and a sign that Park would be built near Carlsbad's . . famous flower fields," said Steve .......... ... ... ... ..... Link, ConVis manager. "Thousands of people walking through the terminal couldn't help but notice the vibrant photo of the flower fields," Link continued. "The display reinforced in people's minds the association between the flower ..... fields, LEGO and the community of Carlsbad. It was a wonderful opportunity to showcase our community at no cost to us." Airport. I ... .. ........ ' ..- explained that theLEGOFamily : _. . .. .. .............. ..................... .. ...... ................................... ....... ... ... .. ....... : : I:. .. .. - .. .. ,.. .............................. ... ...... ............. .......... ...... .... .... ........... ......... .. .. ... .. .. , , .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. 1 ....... .. .. ...... ........ .. .... ... .... .. .. * I' .. .. ... .... 0 a Mercedes Championships kick Media progr, off the New Year at La Costa continue to Once again, the PGA Touis brightest stars will be arriving in Carlsbad for the 1995 Mercedes Championships. The acclaimed golf tournament will take place at La Costa Resort and Spa Jan. 5-8. The champions-only tournament features winners of the 1994 PGA Tour and Senior PGA Tour events. The tournament will be preceded by a Pro-Am tournament on Jan. 4. The tournament brings ~ti0~1 coverage on ESPN and ABC-TV. A small army of journalists will be on hand to report on the tournament. Last year, the weather cooperated and a record crowd of 118,000 people jostled one another along the course to watch their favorite golfer. attention to Carlsbad via live ..~.~ "_. . . - "-~ . As in prior years, Chamber members will receive significant discounts on ticket purchases. A growing number of local businesses use the tournament as an opportunity to entertain clients or reward employees with a variety of ticket packages. Program advertis- ing and hospitality suites are other ways a company can capitalize on one of Southern California's most sigxuficant sporting events. like Fred Couples, Greg Norman and Ben Crenshaw when the tournament kicks off next month. Brochures on ticket packages are available at the Chamber and in the Visitors Center at the Old Depot. For information, call 1-800-918-4653. So plan on joining golfing legends ~ .~ .. ... ...... .... .... .... ... .. .. ~ ... ....... .... . _. .... ... show results A score of publications tc Carlsbad recently due to C efforts. The September issl Meetings California and We; Association News contain fc about the San Diego area i Carlsbad. The Westem Ass1 News article includes a coll of Carlsbad's flower fields A travel column that wa: lished in all of the Copley Coastal Commuter betwet side and San Diego. The H been on the travel writer f ization trip hosted by the ' September. The winter media alert t quarterly to all media in C ~- by the California Office of recommends stories on th Commuter and the open ( biplane rides offered at Pz Airport. The media relatic director of the Office of Tc participated in the ConVi! writer trip. The holiday festivities ir Village have received goo cations. Stories about the event 1 published in the Orange C Register, Competitor Map RV Journal. j "Don't think of our trav - i program as a tour of loca! 1 tions and a wave good-bJ Steve Link, ConVis I" maintain contact with the and regularly update the] information about activit Carlsbad. The article in k 1 CaZifornia was written by i who visited us more thar : ago. She has already writ articles about Carlsbad ir about San Diego." pers in late October talks i locally as well as in regiol 1 to mentioning us in this f .. .. .... ......... .. .. .. .. , * :';. Long distance runners set sights on Carlsba ... a