HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-03-21; City Council; 13061; SETTLEMENT OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAIM OF JILL PRICHARD* s rL .. z 0 6 5 a z 3 0 0 ClYOF CARLSBAD - AGEN-BILL '/ 7 AB# 13,016 I DEPT DEPT. RM CITY TITLE: SETTLEMENT OF WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIM OF JILL PRICHARD CITY MTG. 3/21/95 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of Resolution No. 9 5-6' approving the Stipulations with Request for Award which authorizes the payment of $5,075, at the rate of $140 per week, to Jill Prichard as settlement of her workers compensation claim. ITEM EXPLANATION This matter arose on March 23, 1993 when the claimant, a recreation specialist, suffered a work related injury when she was moving office furniture and strained her wrist. The claimant's condition has stabilized and she is now permanent and stationary. She is continuing to work in her usual and customary occupation as a recreation specialist. However, she has a permanent disability which precludes very heavy upper extremity activi Her medical reports were submitted to the State Division of Workers Compensation, Offic of Benefit Determination, for evaluation. The permanent disability rating which they provided, as well as the need for possible futur medical treatment, have been incorporated into the settlement agreement which has been submitted for consideration. The claimant and HCM Claim Management Corp., the City's Third Party Administrator, have agreed on the terms and conditions contained in that agreement. It is Staffs recommendation that the Stipulations with Request for Award be approved. FISCAL IMPACT The cost of the settlement is $5,075, excluding possible future medical treatment. If such treatment is required, the City will be obligated to pay those expenses. There is no methc for predicting what those costs may be. There are sufficient funds available in the Worke Compensation Self-Insurance Fund to cover the cost of this settlement. EXHIBITS 1. 2. Resolution No. 9 5- cb 1 Stipulations with Request for Award , L ^r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 a RESOLUTION NO. 9 5 - 6 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR SETTLEMENT OF THE WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIM OF JILL PRICHARD WHEREAS, HCM Claim Management Corp., the Third Party Administrator for the City of Carlsbad, has recommended a settlement in the Workers Compensation case Jill Prichard; and WHEREAS, there are sufficient funds available in the Workers Compensation St Insurance Fund to pay the settlement, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the expenditure of $5,075 from the Workers Compensation Self- Insurance Fund is authorized for the settlement of said case. That the Council accepts the Stipulations with Request for Award, attacl hereto as Exhibit 2. 3. I b. 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 . 26 27 28 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the C Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 21st vote, to wit: day of M.ARCH 1995, by the following AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, I NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: I Am9dU I tKHll5l ? WORK a! S’ COMPENSATION AP EALS BOARD STATE OF CALIFORNIA Jill Prichard Case No. Unassigned Stipdat ions with Request vs. for Award Hertz Claim Management, City of Carlsbad Defendants / The parties hereto stipulate to the issuance of an Award and/or Order, based upon the followir waive the requirements of Labor Code Sedan 5313: Jill Prichard ,bm 11-13-62 1. ( Empb) 3-2-93 (Date of lniui employed within &e State of Cdifornia a~ Recreation Specialiskn by City of Carlsbad whose compensation insuranc riqht (P.rtrd (~p.~) (-Pbucr) Hertz Claim Manaqemnt sustained injq arising out of and in the course of employment 2 The injury caused temporary disability for the period 12-18-94 through 1-8-95 for which indemnity is pahable at $3 week, less credit for such payments previously made. 3. The injury caused permanent disability of a%, for which indemnity is payable at $- , less CI per week beginning payments previously made. An informal rating has f Orthwi th , in the sum of $ 5 I 0 75 a 00 R FCFi WF GB Of kWW8 been previously issued. ( Sekd OIK ) 4. There is slppaxmbe need for medical treatment to cure or relleve from the effects o (Scled one) Except in the case of an emergency, you must contact your or insurance carrier prior to receiving medical treatment authorization. ~ARTYLNT OI IHOU OlVISIO~ Ot rwou ... .. VI\I\L.I\V bV,.,, b, .-. .. . -. . a STATE OF CALIFORNIA 0 5. Medical-legal expenses are payable by defendant as follows: None 8. .\pplicant's attorney request a fee of $ None 7. Liens against compensation are payable as f01Iou.s: None 8. Other stipulations: None 3-9-4< DatY! Applicant Ji 11 Pr ichard 1200 Carlsbad Village 558-47- 341'3 Carlsbad, CA 92008 3936 Jefferson Street P.O. Box 710400 Carlsbad, CA 92008 San Diego, CA 92171 Social Security Number of Applicant .4ddress of Emplo) er Address of Applicant Address of Insurance Company N/A Attorney for Applicant - SZiStt%F or Authorized Representative N/A P.O. Box 710400, San Die Address of m or Authorized Rep Barbara Stokes Address of .4ttorney for Applicant DLPARTYKXT OF IN OIL WCAB FORW 3 REV 5 -5 { Pace 9 1 DIVISION Or IN '& ,. . .'i+:-; :~,k,tf,+,i;; :j1; ifi,,j!-t.~+,i. i,;,: !?pl;jcjtjn<i .3 , $+ ;'E !.+- ?a - pi c, .[ F:' !;I F: pd 2 ;'i , t 2 :. , 1. ,:: 'i {i F! : , .I.L. . , cli W<!F??.E.i?E;' td?+r I-ki,)k t ILJF! i: ,- !. -. .~ li,c -. ... !J): +y.;j~~:-j j Ti~TE-F\':l'r!if~.rIj~:fi : 8 2. :) i-* 1.t .L i. J. i i i !V ti t C! A 'r I 3 N UFI x T i .,; yj ;;$ i: ti i;] ;,j i '2 j tt: E E .f ',?if; T{ - '7 - E$- *,>, ;* ! f id *. A .:! , & '.? & I .', . 1 - -: ,i?s3G L ; -1 ;.*z 'ti.? -+;T,,' ;...-. . .. ..I {*.L,i,e i.! i i :,OR, Go:.+-- * el' Fi CS'i' -- r , '.> ; ,$.:x -- .. .-7 AI . .- .. .. .,. , , - T .- . ,? Q $ I ,. :, 4-k. 1 .. $.'! 3bli., *l.<V&?' , k. i [z<A.r:itdii ~iE.rEr;,.NIN1;5T:[O:.! ^. -.. -- - - -. -. -- -. -- - - I -_ - - -- - - - _- - I- - -" - - .. . 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