HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-03-21; City Council; 13068; CONSENT TO PARTICIPATE IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGIONAL 800 MHZ COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM5 a d p 3 0 0 L On June 21, 1994, the Board of Supervisors approved the financing pla the Regional Communications System subject to the formation of the Additionally, the Board directed the Chief Administrative Officer to negc Agreements with participating agencies and return for find approval. e 0 9 ' 71 i Page2ofAB# 13! 06q A Local Area Formation Commission (LAFCO) hearing was held on Octo 1994, to judge whether the Regional Communications System request f formation of a CSA was appropriate. After hearing comments, the L board passed the request unanimously and forwarded a recommendat the Board of Supervisors for a public hearing. The 30 day LAFCO s period ended on November 3, 1994, with no appeals having been filed. On December 6, 1994, the Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution tc CSA No.135, which includes all the territory in the County of San 1 excepting the following cities: Chula Vista, Coronado, El Cajon, Escondic Mesa, National City, Oceanside, San Diego, and Santee. The Board also formed 12 zones including the nine cities and thrt districts which had adopted resolutions of consent. The Board deleted !! which encompassed the unincorporated areas of San Diego County and to fund their portion through Teter Fund Reserves. The Zones are as fol CSA Zone A, City of Carlsbad. CSA Zone B, City of Del Mar. CSA Zone C, City of Encinitas. CSA Zone D, City of Imperial Beach. CSA Zone E, City of Lemon Grove. CSA Zone F, City of Poway. CSA Zone G, City of San Marcos. CSA Zone H, City of Solana Beach. CSA Zone I, City of Vista. CSA Zone K, Borrego Springs Fire Protection District. CSA Zone L, East County Fire Protection District. CSA Zone M, Lakeside Fire Protection District. All future annexations of territory to the above cities will automatica included in the zane of the respective city and. if applicable, detached the unincorporated zone. In addition, all future annexations of territory above fire protection districts will also be automatically included in the of the respective fire protection district. FISCAL IIVLPACT: The estimated one-time costs of implementing the proposed regiona! MHz trunked radio system backbone is approximately $28 million, I does not include the cost of individual city equipment. As proposed, tht of the trunked radio backbone, data backbone, and microwave system 7 be financed through the CSA. This approach was selected because it will minimize the fiscal impact ( procurement on the participating agencies and distribute costs to areas will benefit from the system implementation. In addition, the cost of ai user equipment can be included in the CSA that will allow agencies limited access to funds to purchase equipment. 2 L e 0 -I< 71 z Page3ofAB# /3,n(04 This proposal requires the City Council to Adopt Resolution No. approving a budget for CSA No. 135 and requesting the levy of benefit cl for CSA No. 135 for the inclusion of the City of Carlsbad in the regional 1 safety 800 MHz radio communication system. This assessment, when analyzed over the entire city, produces an esti single-family parcel assessment of $22.89 per year. This parcel asses: will be dependent on the rate of interest acquired at the time of issuance and would be levied with the 1995-96 tax bill, All costs are dis] with the assumption of amortized money at 7 percent. Carlsbad’s share of the initial costs to fund the system is $5,22! amortized over 15 years = $9,991,975. In addition, an annual bac maintenance fee of $99,000 is needed X 15 years = $1,485,000 approximate total cost for the system over 15 years is $1 1,476,975. Thc annual cost is $666,131 per year over the 15 year term. The following is a breakdown of the three main areas to be financed: 1. Radio Backbone and Microwave The estimated share to Carlsbad for the system backbone (mounta sites and microwave links to dispatch centers) is $1,590,132. Thj be paid up front from city sources, or as recommended throug establishment of a CSA parcel based fee. The attached schedule I the cost to all parcels, with the estimated cost per year for a family residence being $5.89 for backbone expenses. Data Backbone/AVL and User Equipment The estimated cost for the data backbone, Automatic Vehicle LC (AVL), dispatch center upgrades and Carlsbad s ecific equipment existing city sources, this cost can be borne by the local Carlsbad, 2 of CSA No, 135. The cost for this portion per single-family reside] estimated to be $13.59. 3. Backbone Maintenance 2. as vehicle and hand-held radios is $3,635,478. I P not paid directly The estimated cost for annual maintenance which includes ri backbone system and an appropriate reserve fund for ernergenc $25 per radio, per month. For Carlsbad this totals $99,000 annuallj maintenance cost per single-family residence added to the Carl Zone A of CSA No. 135, is estimated at $3.40. The total estimated cost of all three expense areas per single-family resi would be $22.89 paid annually on the tax roll to CSA No. 135 (See Exhj p. 12). 3 L e 0 -’ t fr .. Page 4 of AB # 13; 069 If Carlsbad decides to use the local Zone A, of CSA No. 135 to finance it: adopt a different parcel cost allocation formula for local Zone A costs, ( the countywide backbone formula. Carlsbad could also choose to not ut countywide backbone formula at all and adopt a formula of its own to both costs. If this occurs, the debt for backbone expenses wou considered a lump sum payment made by the local Zone of CSA No. 13: Carlsbad City Council will control the rate structure and budget for tht zone, and the Board of Supervisors will set the backbone CSA rates sub1 to them by the Regional Communications Board. There are other financing options for this proposal other thai recommended use of a CSA parcel based assessment. Carlsbad coul some, or all, of its regional 800 Mhz costs from local sources such as re or local debt financing. However, staff believes the Regional Communic. Board will get excellent bond rates if it finances the whole system incl the Sheriffs equipment along with backbone system expenses. If city re: are used to fund our costs, the result is reduced flexibility for other ( Carlsbad needs that do not have the option of funding through a CSA. Staff recommends the use of the countywide CSA rate structure for backbone and local zone costs. The table in Exhibit A to Exhibit 1, p. E illustrates the annual per parcel assessment for each type of property us assumes the CSA picks up the entire cost. ORDINANCES AND BENEFIT CHARGES Government Code Section 25210.77(a) provides authority for the Bo: Supervisors to fix and collect charges on the tax roll for miscellai extended services and im lementation requires an Ordinance. An a: also required. The procedures occur annually at the end of July c beginning of August. Ordinances for the CSA and Zones for the nine cities and the unincorpc CSA and ten Zones have the formula as listed in Exhibit A, to Exhibit 1, i 9. The formula for mobile homes assures that they will not be double charg not charging mobile homes renting space in a mobile home park. The ( of the park would be charged according to the number of spaces. The foi also provides that agricultural land would only be charged for dwelling 1 There is no other charge for agricultural land. Since the size of parcels vary so greatly for the minin and recreational equipment, it has options on how to set up the local Zone budget, The ci report listing the charges P or each parcel and public hearing by the Boai area are part of the Board action, Ordinances presented for adoption fc the formula proposes an acreage charge rather than a ii at parcel charge. 4 L 0 0 -' . 71 * Page5ofAB# 13, 069 GOVERNANCE The Board of Directors, San Diego County staff, Imperial County CALTRANS, and agencies with San Diego County have collaborated for than a year and a half to for e a Regional Communications System Agre As required by California law, the Board of Supervisors has the ultimatc and fiscal res onsibility for the CSA budget. Subject to such ultimate cc operational administration of the Regional Communications System (R( the Regional Communications System Board of Directors by a signed Re, Communications System Agreement, (Exhibit 4, p. 14). The Executive Board of the RCS consists of 15 members representin protection and law enforcement agencies in San Diego and Imperial Coi and would include CALTRANS and two delegates at large from ublic s agencies (see list of participating agencies, Exhibit 4, p. 20 & 21 P The development of the Agreement, detailing the cooperative manr which the RCS will be governed, marks a pivotal milestone in the mc reaching regionalization endeavor in San Diego County history. Therefore, staff recommends the City Council adopt the attached Reso approving a budget for CSA No. 135 and requesting the levy of benefit c€ for CSA No. 135 and Zone A. for the inclusion of the City of Carlsbad i regional public safety 800 MHz radio communication system: Approvc authorize the Mayor to execute the Regional Communications SJ Agreement on behalf of the City Council. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1. that is in the best interests o f all the participating parties. the Board o P Supervisors on March 7, 1995, delegated the fiscal Resolution approving a budget for the CSA, &SO LuTin N% Exhibit A to Resolution Benefit Unit Breakdown/Backbone Cost Per Parcel or Dwelling Unit. Exhibit B CSA - Zone A Carlsbad proposed 1995-96 Budget Exhibit 2. Exhibit 3. Exhibit 4. Exhibit 5. Resolution No. 94-59 CSA Cost Breakdown Per Single Family Resident Zone 'A Equipment List and Component Costs Per Departn Regional Communications System Agreement 5 -I 4 TI \ - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 19 ,I EXH I B I T e 0 95-69 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLS CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A BUDGET FOR COUNTY SERVICE AFU AND REQUESTING THE LEVY OF BENEFIT CHARGES FOR COUNTY SERVICE AREA No. 135 WHEREAS, the Council recognizes the importance of regional communications to mutual aid assistance and coordination in the ev disaster: and WHEREAS, the Council adopted a resolution on February 15, requesting inclusion of Carlsbad in a county service area to be form provide regional public safety and public service communications; i WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors has formed Coun Service Area No. 135 for the purpose of funding the Regional Communications System: and WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors has established 2 County Service Area No. 135 coterminous with the city boundaries specific requirements: and WHEREAS, the Council has reviewed the proposed budget foi 1995-96 fiscal year; and 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, the expenditures appear to be necessary for the . 1 operation of the Regional Communications System. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Cil Carlsbad, that the City of Carlsbad: 1. procedure for fmng and collecting charges on the’ tax roll for miscellaneous extended services provided by County Service Area Regional Communications System at a rate not to exceed $1 per UI per single family dwelling): and Requests the Board of Supervisors to adopt an ordinance pro ', 1, I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 281 0 e 2. procedure for fudng and collecting charges on the tax roll for miscellaneous extended services provided by County Service Area Nc Zone A. City of Carlsbad: and 3. Determines that units shall be assigned to each parcel in pro1 to the estimated benefit received by that parcel, that parcels not be from the service shall not be assigned units of benefits, and that the estimated benefit received shall be calculated at the rate shown in E A, attached: and 4. Approve the proposed budget as submitted and direct it to be forwarded to the County of San Diego for implementation, Exhibit B< Requests the Board of Supervisors to adopt an ordinance provj 5, Fund the budget for County Service Area No, 135 - Zone A wit benefit charges not to exceed $2.43 per unit. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOFED by the City Council of the Carlsbad, California, this 21st day of MARCH 91 the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall ATTEST: (SEAL) iI rn @P -' * r~ BENE UNIT BREAKDOWN/BACKBONE CO ER PARCEL - a @I? -' q fl BENE UNIT BREAKDOWN/BACKBONE CO ER PARCEL @ 9 fl -' 1 CSA 135 - 20 'A' CARLSBAD PROPOSED 19 -96 BUDGET - EXHIB L 0 0 ', 71 COUNTY El COUNTY AI COUNTY ROAD C TRANSIT S DIRECTOR COUNTY SI amdg af Bart @e$a TOM GARIBAY (61 9) 694-2212 * DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FLOOD C( FAX (61 9) 268-0461 LOCATION CODE S50 WASTEWATER h SOLID 'VI 5555 OVERLAND AVE, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123-7295 January 17, 1995 Dear Zone Representatives: COUNTY SERVICE AREA (CSA) 135 - REGIONAL 800 MHz RADIO SYSTEM Since this is the first time a budget will be prepared for th Regional 800 MHz Radio System and participating zones, we wanted t tell you about how the proposed budget was determined. We als wanted to let you know about the processing of subsequent yea budgets. Administration These are the costs incurred in administering the CSA and you zone. Administrative tasks may include: (1) preparing the budget (2) reviewing accounting documents, (3) attending meetings, (4 answering telephone inquiries, (5) preparing correspondence, an (6) preparing benefit charges for the tax bill. Administrativ tasks performed by the Department of Information Services will b included in the CSA 135 800 MHz Backbone budget. Please be awar that we only charge administrative expenses when they have bee incurred. Any amount not spent remains with your zone. Data Processinq These are the costs incurred in processing benefit charges. Thc amount budgeted was based on like-sized Independent Districts Data processing tasks may include: (1) generating early compute: runs to help the CSA and zones identify trailer parks, (2 processing changes, and (3) generating the final tape to submittc the Auditor for inclusion of benefit charges on the tax bill, Audit A yearly audit of the prior year is done by the County's Audito: and Controller Office and is mandated by State of Californi, Government Code Section 26909. This law states that audits must bc completed and financial statements be filed with the Statc Controller's Office annually. Therefore, if you have a budget this year, there will be an audit fee included on next year's budget. The amount budgeted will be provided by the Auditor's Office basec on number of hours required for the audit. Those CSAs with loans and or fixed assets should expect to pay a higher audit fee. Audit fees for 1995-96 ranged between $220-$350. c 0 bntedonrwpaper W W I -2- January 17, 1995 Number sf Benefit Units The number of benefit units was based on the formula that your governing bodies are being asked to approve. Cost Der Benefit Unit The estimated cast per benefit unit was based an the amount requested by each zone and the additional charges referred to above. The budget was prepared using benefit charges as the only means of financing. If city contributions (to the zone only) were available, the amount to be raised by benefit charges would decrease thereby causing the amount per benefit unit to decrease. In future years fund balance may be available because any funds not . used to finance the current year budget will be carried over to help finance the following fiscal year's budget. If you have any questions, please call Dawn Knaggs of the Special Districts Section at (619) 694-2198. Very truly yours, p"= "-e 2 F&-rg fl . A. HOL%PES, Deputy Director, Acting epartment sf Public Works DAH: Dm:& _- 8 0 ', I1 -2- January 17, 199 Number of Benefit Units The number of benefit units was based on the formula that you governing bodies are being asked to approve. Cost Der Benefit Unit The estimated cost per benefit unit was based on the amoun requested by each zone and the additional charges referred t above. The budget was prepared using benefit charges as the on1 means of financing. If city contributions (to the zone only) wer available, the amount to be raised by benefit charges woul decrease thereby causing the amount per benefit unit to decrease In future years fund balance may be available because any funds no . used to finance the current year budget will be carried over t help finance the following fiscal year's budget. If you have any questions, please call Dawn Knaggs of the Specia Districts Section at (619) 694-2198. Very truly yours, mcHwr *'. .& A? cpsacwl =? awa- --re* &!U / 3 3 D. A. HOLMES, Deputy Director, Acting DAH : DMK: dmk ' Pfiepartment of Public Works .( +b 0 0 EXHIBIT 2 e4 h 3 X x w & z W w Fr: I E! m s E 4 F4 c3 VJ H 3 E E E n 2 g c 0 w E4 F9 b u 4 m a EXHIBIT 3 14 -1 n I fa I! k 8 8 A Pi w I 8 1 i 11 -1 EXHIBIT 4 Sari Diego County - Imperial County Reg io na I Corn rn u n i ca t io r~ 5 System Agreem en f Between the County of San Diego and Participating Citie and Jurisdictions Regarding the impiementation, Governance, Metbod of Funding and Costs of a Region; Radio System Providing Communication Services to Public Safety and Public Service Agencies Operating in San Diego County and Imperial County March 7, 1995 Mr. Dennis J. Van Der Maaten, Fire Chief City of Carlsbad Table of Contents SECTION SUMMARY PAC 1. Purpose and Intent of Agreement I 2. Regional Communications System (RCS) Overview I 3. Agreement Contingencies 2 4. RCS P arficipants 2 5, Additional Participants 2 6. Performance Requirements 3 7. RCS Access Priorities 3 8. RCS Governance 3 9. Roles and Responsibilities 4 IO. RCS Member Board 4 11. RCS Board of Directors 5 12. Representation on the RCS Board of Direcfors 7 14. Attendance and Participation by the Public 9 15. RCS Voting Requirements 9 116. beparfment of Information Services Support Staff Role 9 I 7. Agency Cosfs and CSA Benefit Charges 70 18. Point of Demarcation - Responsibility of Equipment 73 ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 13. RCS Board of Directors Terms and Qualifications 8 ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 19. Purchase of RCS Compatible Equipment 13 20. Term of Agreement; Entire Agreement 13 21. Agreement Modification 13 22. Termination of Agreement 14 23. Bin ding Arbitration 14 ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. Signatures Authorizing Signatures of Governing Parties 15 - 18 ............................................................................................................. ~~ Parties to the Agreement ........................................................................................................... Exhibit 8’ Estimated Agency One-Time Costs (voice and Data) Exhibit C Example of fisfimated Post Agreement Start-up Costs Exhibit ‘D RCS Governance Structure Flow Chart ................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................. I I‘ - San Diego County- imperial County REGIONAL COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Participating Agency Agreement I. Purpose and Intent of Agreement 1.1. This Memorandum of Agreement dated as of March 7, 1995, between the parties named in Exhibit “A” and the County of San Diego, a political subdivision of the State of California, provides for the development and operation of a Regional Communications System (RCS) benefiting the radio communication needs of public safety and public service agencies operating in the counties of San Diego and Imperial. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to lessen participating member jurisdictions’ authority over and responsibility for events occurring within their jurisdiction. In order to provide an alternate source of funding for agencies participating in the RCS, the County of San Diego has formed County Service Area (CSA) 135 pursuant to Government Code (GC) Section 2521 0.1 et. seq. For participating agencies deciding to use CSA 135 to fund their system costs, the County intends to levy parcel charges according to benefit per s25210.77a GC. NOW THEREFORE, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 2. Regional Communications System (RCS) Overview 2.1. The RCS will replace the participating public service and public safety agencies’ existing radio communication systems throughout San Diego and Imperial counties with a modern, trunked radio system. The RCS will include a separate Mobile Data System (MDS) that will be used to transmit data for regional public safety and public service users over 800 MHz radio frequencies dedicated to that purpose. Participation in the MDS is not mandatory, and the MDS coverage area will be subject to agency participation. The RCS shall provide effective and reliable radio communications for routine intra-agency operations as well as inter-agency communications throughout the region during mutual aid and disaster operations. Public safety and public service agencies throughout the counties of San Diego and Imperial will have the opportunity to join the RCS. For the purposes of this Agreement, Public Safefy and Public Service agencies are defined to include: 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. - I 5an Diego Gaunt? W 0 I@ Participating Agency Agreement Regional Commur 2.4.1. Public Safefy includes all law enforcement, fire service, EMS and disaster preparedness agencies in San Diego County and imperial County. Pubk Service includes the State of California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) District 1 1 and other participating agencies in the counties of San Diego and Imperial whose primary responsibility is providing citizens with services other than law enforcement, fire service and disaster preparedness. 2.4.2. 2.5. All law enforcement, fire service, disaster preparedness and participating public service agencies in San Diego County and Imperial County shall have access to mutual aid communications capabilities. Communications with agencies that have installed their own 800 MHz radio systems shall be facilitated via interfaces to the RCS. 2.6. 3. Agreement Contingencies This agreement is void unless financing for the radio system infrastructure is approved by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors and the necessary financing closes. As to the County of Imperial, this Agreement shall terminate if a CSA or other funding mechanism for communications purposes is not established within two years of the date of this Agreement. 4. RCS Participants 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. The RCS shall be designed to support the requirements of San Diego and Imperial county public safety and designated public service participants. CALTRANS radio requirements shall be supported throughout District 11, which includes the counties of San Diego and Imperial in their entirety. All participants shall receive equitable representation on the Regional Communications System Member Board (RCS Member Board) as set forth in this Agreement. As part of implementing this agreement, participating agencies shall co- license or transfer their currently allocated 800 MHz frequencies to the No actions by the RCS Board of Directors, by the County of San Diego or by the County of Imperial may be so broad in nature that they negatively affect or impact the operational or legal integrity of its individual member agencies. 4.4. County of San Diego for use in the RCS. 4.5. 5. Additional Participants 5.1. As system capacity permits, the RCS Board of Directors may approve other agencies joining the RCS on a case-by-case basis after the date of this Agreement. Priority consideration shall be given to agencies with licensed, public safety/public service 800 MHz frequencies that can be co-licensed or trans- 5.2. March 7, 1995 Page 2 - San Diego Count> 0 ‘I $1 Participating Agency Agreement Re&;onal Cwnmun ferred to the RCS, if such action can result in enhanced radio communications capabilities for all participants. 6. Performance Requirements 6.1. The RCS shall be designed to provide a high level of service and responsiveness, with region-wide coverage and capacity for all planned users throughout the term of this Agreement. The RCS design objectives for the performance of portable and mobile voice and data radio equipment, and the quality of coverage provided shall be determined by the RCS Board of Directors and appropriate County of San Diego staff. The RCS shall be designed to meet the loading requirements of the anticipated busiest hour for all planned users over the life of the system. The actual RCS coverage plan shall be determined by the RCS Board of Directors. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 7. RCS Access Priorities 7.1. In the event that all radio channels in the RCS are busy, users wanting to speak shall be prioritized as follows, regardless of how long they have been waiting. 7. I. 1. Priority One - Emergency ldenfificafion. An Emergency Identification is defined as the message received when a public safety member calls for immediate assistance by activating an emergency button or switch on the user radio equipment. Priority Two - Public Safety Public Safety includes the normal daily radio transmissions of law enforcement, fire service, paramedic providers and disaster preparedness personnel using the RCS. Public Safety also includes RCS users whose normal lower priorities have been temporarily changed to resolve an unusual occurrence or large scale disaster. 7.1.2. 7.1.3. Priority Three - Non-Public Safefy, Special Evenf. Non-Public Safety, Special Event includes planned events involving public service agency participants that are beyond the scope of their normal daily operations. Priority Four - Non-Public Safety, Regular. Non-Public Safety, Regular includes the normal daily radio transmissions of public service agencies using the system. 7.1.4. a. RCS Governance March 7, 1995 Page 3 5an Diego Count3 e ‘/ I’ Participating Agency Agreement Regiml Commun 8.1. The overall goal in governing the RCS shall be to establish an operational and management structure that will provide authority to participants during the RCS’s development and in the subsequent ongoing administration and management throughout the term of this agreement. Exhibit “D depicts an RCS governance flowchart. The RCS Member Board and the RCS Board of Directors are established by this Agreement, the duties and responsibilities of which are set forth in §IO and gll. 8.2. 8.3. The governance objectives include: 8.3.1. Provide a structure which retains administration and fiscal responsibility of the system in the control of the participating agencies. Allow the use of a CSA funding mechanism. Establish an organization which facilitates decision making. 8.3.2. 8.3.3. 8.3.4. Leverage resources where appropriate. 8.3.5. Develop an organization which will remain flexible and meet the needs of the participants over the term of the agreement. 9. Roles and Responsibilities As required by the California CSA law, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors shall have ultimate legal and fiscal control over the RCS. Subject to such ultimate control, the Board of Supervisors shall delegate the fiscal control and operational administration of the RCS to the RCS Board of Directors. IO. RCS Member Board 10.1. Each of the parties to this Agreement desires to participate in the governance of the RCS as a member of the Regional Communications System Member Board to be formed under the provisions of this Agreement. 10.2. The Regional Communications System Member Board shall have re- sponsibility for, and shall provide administration of components of the RCS that are common to all participating agencies. 10.3. Each participating agency shall appoint one representative to serve on the RCS Member Board. Representatives to the RCS Member Board shall serve at the pleasure of their respective appointing authority. 10.4. A participating jurisdiction with multiple agencies whose public safety and service radio communication needs are being met by the RCS shall be entitled to one representative on the RCS Member Board for each type of agency. (I. E., a participating city whose police and fire departments use the RCS shall have a RCS Member Board representative from each department.) March 7, 1995 Page 4 5an Diego Counts 0 e -r I ,a Participating Agency Agreement Regional Commun 10.5. The RCS Member Board shall be responsible for recommending operational changes and for participating in other committees, or in other ways deemed appropriate by the RCS Board of Directors. 10.6. The RCS Member Board shall be responsible for approving the annual budget. 11. RCS Board of Directors 1 1 .I. The RCS Board of Directors shall be composed of RCS representatives of each type of participating public safetylpublic service agency. 11 2. Members of the RCS Board of Directors shall be determined in the following manner, according to the type of agency. 11 2.1. San Diego County: 1 1.2. I .I. The delegate from the San Diego Sheriffs Department shall be the Sheriff or the Sheriffs designate. The representative for the County of San Diego shall be the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) or the CAO’s designate, preferably from the Office of Disaster Preparedness. 11 21.3. The municipal police representative shall be a police chief or designate from RCS member agencies who shall be selected by the San Diego County Police Chiefs and Sheriffs Association. The municipal fire representative shall be a fire chief or designate from RCS member agencies who shall be selected by the San Diego County Fire Chiefs Association. 1 The fire district representative shall be a fire chief or designate from RCS member agencies who shall be selected by the San Diego County Chapter, Fire Districts Association of California. (JPA) representative shall be a fire chief or designate the North County Dispatch JPA governing body. 1 The Heartland Communications Facility JPA (HCFA) representatives shall be designates from RCS member agencies who shall be selected by the HCFA governing body. 11.2.2. Imperial County: 1 The delegate from the Imperial County Sheriffs Office shall be the Sheriff or a designate. The North County Dispatch Joint Powers Authority from RCS member agencies who shall be selected by March 7,1995 Page 5 5an Diego County W 0 -’ I I* Participating Agency Agreement Regional Commun The representative for the County of Imperial shall be the CAO or a designate. The municipal police representative shall be a police chief or designate from RCS member agencies who shall be selected by the Imperial County Police Chiefs Association. The municipal fire representative shall be a fire chief or designate from RCS member agencies who shall be selected by the Imperial County Fire Chiefs Association. 1 The fire district representative shall be a fire chief or designate from RCS member agencies who shall be selected by the Imperial County Chapter, Fire Districts Association of California. 11 2.3. The representative for CALTRANS shall be a designate selected by appropriate state authority. 1 1.2.4. This Agreement provides for the addition of two public service members of the RCS Board of Directors, to be added when public service agencies join the RCS. 11.3. The RCS Board of Directors shall be responsible for the overall administration and direction of the RCS through interaction with the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, the assigned San Diego County staff and the RCS Member Board. Specific responsibilities of the RCS Board of Directors shall include: 11.4.1. 1 1.4.2. 11.4.3. 11.4. Formulating the annual budget and submitting it to the RCS Member Board for approval. Identifying participating agency needs and requirements. Establishing subcommittees as necessary to ensure the interests and concerns of each user agency are represented and to ensure technical issues are thoroughly researched. 1 The RCS Board of Directors shall establish a committee of MDS user agencies to administer the MDS and to make appropriate recommendations. administration of the MDS shall revert to the RCS Board of Directors. If all RCS user agencies are MDS participants, 11.4.4. 1 1.4.5. 11.4.6. Monitoring the implementation of the RCS. Reviewing and adopting recommendations regarding the establishment of system priorities and talk groups. Developing and approving RCS operating policies and proce- dures. March 7, 1995 Page 6 5an Diego Count3 0 0 -1, I ‘I Participating Agency Agreement Keglonal Cmmun 11.4.7. Overseeing the establishment of long range plans. 11.4.8. Overseeing scheduled system reviews at intervals determined by the RCS Board of Directors, but not to exceed three years. 11.4.9. Budgeting and approving the disbursement of money from all CSA 135 funds. 11.4.10. Making recommendations to the San Diego County Board of Directors regarding the inclusion of additional RCS participants. 1 1.4.1 1. Addressing concerns of participating agencies. 1 1.4.12. Adopting appropriate actions to adjust RCS policies or procedures. 1 1.4.13. Adopting by-laws to govern the RCS Board of Director’s internal operations. 1 1.4.14. Meeting quarterly or more frequently, if necessary. 1 1.4.1 5. Appointing a new Chairperson annually. 1 1.4.16. Conducting an annual fiscal audit. 11.4.17. Conducting periodic RCS audits. I 1.4.1 8. Discharging other duties as required by statute. 12. Representation on the RCS Board of Directors 12.1. As of the date of this Agreement, the following types of agencies shall be 12.1.1. San Diego County: represented by appointment to the RCS Board of Directors: 12.1 .I. 1. Sheriffs Department 12.1 .I .2. County Representative (Ofice of Disaster Preparedness) 12.1 .I .3. Municipal Police 12. I .I .4. Municipal Fire 12.1 .I .5. Fire Districts 12.1 .I .6. North County Dispatch Joint Powers Authority 12.1 .I .7. Heartland Communications Facility Joint Powers Authority 12.1.2. Imperial County: SheriWs Department County Representative Municipal Police Municipal Fire March 7, 1995 Page 7 5an Diego Count: 0 -4 I I) Participating Agency Agreement Regional Commui Fire Districts 12.1.3. CALTRANS 12.1.4. Public Service agencies shall select two delegates at large. 13. RCS Board of Directors Terms and Qualifications 13.1. Terms for members of the RCS Board of Directors shall be determined by their appointing authority. All members of the Board of Directors serve at the pleasure of their respective appointing authority. 13.2. The appointing authority shall also select an alternate to the RCS Board of Directors. Alternate members are encouraged to attend regular Board of Directors meetings, but shall vote only in the absence of the regular mem ber. 13.3. Only representatives of agencies participating in the RCS may be selected to the RCS Board of Directors. 13.4. The Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson of the RCS Board of Directors shall be biannually elected by a majority vote of the Directors. During their term, the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall serve at the discretion of a majority of the Directors. 13.5. Attendance at Board of Directors meetings: 13.5.1. Members of the Board of Directors are expected to attend all possible meetings to represent their group interests and to help conduct RCS business. Arrangements should be made for the alternate to attend in the absence of the primary representative. To remain on the Board of Directors, a director may not exceed more than three absences from regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings during a County of San Diego fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). If a director exceeds more than the allowable three absences in a fiscal year, the Board of Directors shall request a replacement from the appointing authority ilnless, because of extraordinary circumstances, the Board of Zjirectors votes to allow one additional absence. Alternate directors shall be subject to the same requirements for An absence by both the primary director and the alternate director representing the same appointing authority shall be counted against both parties. By vote of the Board of Directors, a leave of absence may be granted to a primary or alternate director for no more than 180 days. Only one leave of absence may be granted in any twelve month period. 13.5.2. 13.5.3. 13.5.4. all meetings they are required to attend. 13.5.5. 13.5.6. March 7,1995 Page 8 5an Diego County 0 0 -’, I ‘I Participating Agency Agreement Regmlat cmnmun 13.5.7. Resignation from the Board of Directors shall be submitted in writing to the chairperson and to the appointing authority. 14. Attendance and Participation by the Public 14.1. Ralph M. Brown Act. All meetings of the RCS Board of Directors and RCS Member Board shall be noticed and conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (GC $54950 et. seq.). Local, state and federal representatives of public safety or service agencies who are not parties to this Agreement may participate in RCS Board of Directors, Member Board or committee meetings as members of the public, but shall not have voting rights. Representatives from non-participating agencies may not serve in any official capacity in respect to RCS administration, management or operation. 15. RCS Voting Requirements 14.2. 14.3. 15.1. Members of the RCS Member Board, Board of Directors and Committees shall vote on all items on the basis of one vote per member. 15.2. A quorum for the conduct of business exists when a majority of the members are present at Board of Directors, Member Board and other committee meetings. 15.3. Actions on all boards and committees shall be determined by a majority vote of members present at a meeting when a quorum exists. 15.4. An agency may not designate another agency to be its proxy. 15.5. In the case of RCS Board of Directors actions, the alternate delegate shall only have a voting right in the absence of the regular delegate. County of San Diego, Department of Information Services (DE) Support Staff Role 16.1. DIS staff shall serve as an advisory and staff function to the RCS Member 16.2. DIS staff shall manage the day-to-day operation of the RCS subject to direction from and review by the RCS Board of Directors . 16.3. DIS staff shall provide support as necessary, but shall not have a voting right on any business before the RCS Member Board, the RCS Board of Directors, or any committees. DIS staff shall perform the functions necessary to ensure that specific system performance guarantees are maintained throughout the term of the agreement. 16.5. As the manager and operator of the RCS, the Department of Information Services shall have the responsibility to: 16. Board and RCS Board of Directors, 16.4. March 7,1995 Page 9 San Diego County 0 e -'I 1 I' Participating Agency Agreement Q~QRalQK~Ul 16.5.1. 16.5.2. 16.5.3. 16.5.4. 16.5.5. Retain employees and agents. Provide appropriate staff support to the RCS Board of Directors as requested, within budgetary restraints. Seek RCS Board of Directors approval of major policy decisions related to the RCS. Develop contracts with vendors and submit to RCS Board of Directors for approval. Implement the regional 800 MHz public safety voice and data radio systems. 163.6, Acquire, hold or dispose of property necessary to operate the RCS. 16.5.7. 16.5.8. Implement policy. 16.5.9. Monitor and maintain RCS performance. 16.5.10. In conjunction with the RCS Board of Directors, develop and recommend the annual RCS budget. 16.5.1 1. Reassign RCS priorities in extraordinary circumstances and make emergency repairs as required. 16.5.12. Provide information and support as necessary to the RCS Board of Directors. 16.5.1 3. Provide operating reports and technical information as necessary to assist the RCS Board of Directors. 16.5.1 4. Establish and maintain accounts and records, including personnel, property, financial, programmatic and other records deemed necessary by the RCS Board of Directors to ensure proper accounting for all ongoing operations and maintenance costs. 16.5.1 5. Use the records to justify any adjustment to agency benefit charges. 16.6. The Director of DIS shall provide the RCS Board of Directors timely advance notice of impending personnel changes affecting any management staff assigned RCS responsibilities. Charge participating agencies for expenses incurred in ongoing maintenance and operation of the RCS. 17. Agency Costs and CSA Benefit Charges 17.1. The Department of Information Services shall implement, manage and operate the 800 MHz trunked radio backbone and microwave systems. 17.1 .I. Costs for agencies participating at the time the RCS is implemented are reflected in Exhibit "B. MDS participation costs are separate from voice radio system costs. March 7, 1995 Page 10 5an Diego County 0 0 .-< Ir I I ’ Participating Agency Agreement Rqional Commun 17.1.2. Costs for agencies joining subsequent to the implementation of The County of San Diego shall assume the costs of the RCS: implementing the voice and data radio backbone systems in areas where agencies have not committed to RCS participation. RCS coverage in those areas shall meet the requirements of the County of San Diego. 17.1 21.2. Costs to enhance coverage to satisfy the needs of an agency joining the RCS subsequent to the original implementation shall be the joining agency’s responsibility. An agency joining the RCS shall be responsible for paying their original one-time costs as represented in Exhibit “B”, plus financing costs that have incurred since the date of this Agreement. The RCS Board of Directors shall reimburse appropriate financing expenses to the County of San Diego in relation to s17.1.2.3. (EXAMPLE: If Santee decides to join the RCS after five years of the 15 year agreement have passed, their costs will include: (I) their estimated onetime costs as shown in Exhibit ‘B” and, (2) associated financing costs for the fitst five years, as shown in Exhibit “C”. The RCS Board of Directors shall then reimburse the County of San Diego for principal and financing expenses that resulted because of Santee’s absence during the initial five years.) An agency or jurisdiction th It wants to join the RCS must pay a proportional cost of the overall voice radio backbone and microwave development investment. If the agency or jurisdiction dkcides to use CSA 135 for funding, it must file an application with the San Diego County Local Area Formation Commission (LAFCO) to join CSA 135. Each agency is responsible for its own costs associated with the LAFCO process. All funds received from agencies joining the RCS shall be deposited in the CSA 135 account for appropriate distribution by the RCS Board of Directors. 17.2. The agency may use a funding method other than CSA 135 to pay for its RCS origination and operating expenses. March 7, 1995 Page 11 0 0 San Diego County ,I I # 4 -I Participating Agency Agreement Regional Communi 17.3. Ongoing operations and maintenance costs shall be shared equally by the participating agencies and shall be based on the established formula. (See Exhi bit “8”) 17.4. Monthly Operating Fees 17.4.1. The costs of ongoing operations and maintenance of the trunked voice radio system, mobile data radio system and microwave system shall be allocated to the participating agencies on a per radio basis. 17.4. I. 1. The cost per radio shall be limited to those radios used on the RCS during normal operations. Radios temporarily added by an agency to handle a disaster or emergency shall not be a part of determining the agency’s ongoing RCS costs unless the radios are retained for normal operations following resolution of the disaster or emergency. The costs of ongoing operations and maintenance on the voice system and the mobile data system shall be determined separately, since not all agencies will decide to use both systems. Therefore, the monthly operating fees for radios on each system may be different. 17.4.2. After resolving which agencies are participating and determining the actual number of radios to be included in each system (voice and data), the cost per agency shall be finalized. 17.4.3. The final cost shall be in effect for a period of one year and shall be adjusted annually to reflect actual costs. Reserve Funds in CSA 135 Account 17.5.1. One of the responsibiliies of the RCS Board of Directors is to budget the disbursemelit of money from the CSA 135 account. 17.5.2. All funds received by the County of San Diego from all RCS be deposited into the CSA 135 account. Reserve funds, including interest, shall be maintained in the CSA 135 account for the purposes of contingencies and for RCS upgrades and enhancements. CSA 135 reserve funds can only be used for Regional Communications System purposes and on approval of the RCS Board of Directors by majority vote. 17.5.5. The RCS Board of Directors shall review CSA 135 fund levels annually and take appropriate action. 17.6. CSA 135 Zone Option and Costs 17.5. participating agencies, for the purpose of funding the RCS shall 17.5.3. 17.5.4. March 7, 1995 Page 12 San Diego Count> e 0 ,r t 4 4 -r Participating Agency Agreement Regional Cbmmun 17.6.1. Each participating agency shall have the ability to customize their own CSA 135 requirements for other RCS components, including user equipment, communications center equipment and operating costs, by developing a CSA zone. 17.6.2. Each agency establishing a zone shall have the responsibility to develop an annual zone budget and zone benefit fee schedule. 17.6.3. The CSA funds generated within the zone may only be utilized to meet the requirements of that zone. 17.7. Unless otherwise agreed, maintenance of agency owned RCS equipment shall be provided by Department of Information Services staff assigned to the RCS All associated maintenance costs shall be included as a part of the agency monthly operating fees. 17.8. Maintenance and other costs associated with the provision of primary commercial and back up 1 101240 volt A. C. e ectrical power shall be the responsibility of the agency. 17.9. Unless otherwise determined by separate agreement, each participating agency shall be responsible for the costs associated with connecting to the RCS backbone from the point of demarcation to the agency radio system equipment. 18. Point of Demarcation for Responsibility of Equipment 18.1. Unless otherwise determined by separate agreement, the demarcation point between RCS responsibility and agency responsibility is the microwave radio channel bank equipment termination blocks that are used to interconnect the agency radio consoles and other electronic devices used for voice and data communications to the channel banks. 18.2. Each participating agency shall be responsible for all costs associated with their mobile data system application development, user equipment and integration frqm the point of demarcation. 119. Purchase of RCS Compatible Equipment 19.1. Each partic’pating agency agrees to meet County of San Diego specificatior s, including brands and models when appropriate, for associated equipment used to interconnect to the RCS. Participating agencies agree to submit specifications of radio system related equipment orders to County RCS staff to ensure compatibility before purchase. 19.3. Associated equipment may be purchased through the County of San Diego to insure compatibility and favored pricing, 19.2. 20. Term of Agreement 21, Agreement Modification; Entire Agreement The term of agreement is for fifteen years from the date of this Agreement. March 7, 1995 Page 13 5an Oiqo Count1 e 0 d ,I 1 I1 I Participating Agency Agreement Regional Commur 21.1. This Agreement may only be amended in writing with the approval of the governing bodies of all parties to this Agreement. Prior to processing an amendment, a recommendation shall be requested from the RCS Board of Directors. 21.2. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties and any previous oral or written agreements are superseded by this Agreement. Subsequent agreements may be entered into with CALTRANS and the County of Imperial concerning RCS matters. 22. Termination of Agreement 22.1, In order to terminate participation prior to the end of the fifteen year term, the withdrawing agency must provide no less than a one year written notice of intent to terminate participation. 22.2. Termination shall be granted provided that the withdrawing party: 22.2.1. Returns to the RCS all equipment for value that the RCS Board of Directors determines is required to maintain the RCS for all remaining users; and, 22.2.2. If the termination compromises the legality of the CSA benefit charges in the jurisdiction of the withdrawing agency, such agency shall be responsible for the remaining debt payments which would have aggregated from the CSA. If an agency that brought frequencies to the RCS opts to terminate, the RCS Board of Directors shall negotiate a settlement that either returns the same or equivalent operable frequencies, or provides equitable compensation if frequencies are left with the RCS. 22.2.3. 23. Arbitration 23.1. If settlement on an issue cannot be reached between the grieving or terminating agency and the RCS Board of Directrrs, binding arbitration shall be employed to reach a settlement. 23.2. The arbitrator shall be selected by mutual agreement of the RCS Board of Directors and the terminating agency. 23.3. It shall be the duty of the arbitrator to hear and consider evidence submitted by the parties and to thereafter make written findings of fact and a disposition of the settlement which shall be binding in nature, except as to issues of law. 23.4. Each party to a hearing before an arbitrator shall bear his own expenses in connection therewith. 23.5. All fees and expenses of the arbitrator shall be borne one-half by remaining members of the RCS and one-half by the grieving or withdrawing agency. March 7, 1995 Page 14 e 0 San Diego 6ur * 41 I14 a 4 Regtonal Comm Participating Agency Agreement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do affix their signatures. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Board of Supervisors Approval CITYOF CARLSBAD Council Approval Date: CITY OF DEL MAR Council Approval Date: CITY OF ENCINITAS 1 Date: h!As 7 “qq BY Mayor Council Approval BY Mayor Date: CITY OF IMPERIAL BEACH Council Approval Date: CITY OF LEMON GROVE Council Approval Date: CITY OF POWAY Council Approval BY Mayor BY Mayor BY Mayor Date: CITY OF SAN MARCOS Council Approval Date: CITY OF SOLANA BEACH Council Approval Date: BY Mayor BY Mayor March 5an Ihtyo Count 0 0 - ,I , -4 1 Regional Gmmui Participating Agency Agreement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do affix their signatures. COUNN OF SAN DIEGO Board of Supervisors Approval Chairwoman Dianne Jacob Date; BY CITY OF CARLSBAD Council Approval Mayor Date: BY CITY OF DEL MAR Council Approval Date: BY CITY Of ENCiNITAS Council Approval Mayor Mayor Date: BY CITY OF IMPERIAL BEACH Council Approval Mayor Date: BY CITY Of LEMON GROVE Council Approval Mayor Date: BY CITY Of POWAY Council Approval Mayor Date: BY CITY OF SAN MARCOS Council Approval Mayor Date: BY CITY OF SOLANA BEACH Council Approval Mayor Date: BY March 7 P; 5an Diego Couni 0 0 ,I L I” ’ Reglonal Commr Participating Agency Agreement CITY OF VISTA Council Approval Date: BY NORTH COUNTY DISPATCH JPA Board of Directors Approval Date: BY Mayor HEARTLAND COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY JPA Board of Directors Approval Date: BY COUNTY OF IMPERIAL Board of Supervisors Approval Date: BY STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION State of California Approval Date: BY ALPINE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Governing Authority Approval Date: BY BONITA-SUNNYSIDE FIRE PROTECTION DlSTRlCT Governing Authority Approval Date: BY March 7, Pac San Diego Count 0 0 7 ,* , I. 1 - Regional Commu Participating Agency Agreement BORREGO SPRINGS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Governing Authority Approval Date: BY DEER SPRINGS FIRE PROT€CTION DISTRICT Governing Authority Approval Date: BY EAST COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Governing Authority Approval Date: BY JULIAN-CU YAMA CA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Governing Authority Approval Date: BY LAKESIDE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Governing Authority Approval Date: BY LOWER SWEETWATER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Governing Authority Approval Date: BY FIR€ PROTECTION DIS TRlCT Governing Authority Approval Date: BY PINE VALLEY RANCHO SANTA FE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Governing Authority Approval Date: BY March 7 P2 San Diego Count 0 0 7 ,I *I@* Rsgional Commu Participating Agency Agreement RURAL FIRE PRO TECTlON DISTRICT Governing Authority Approval Date: BY SAN MIGUEL CONSOLIDATED FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Governing Authority Approval Date: BY VALLEY CENTER FIRE PROTECTlON DlSTRlCT Governing Authority Approval Date: BY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY COUNTY COUNSEL BY Deputy Counsel March 7 Pi - -=- - - Kegional Commui 0 e 7 11 1 #ah Exhibit “A” Participating Agency Agreement PARTIES TO THE MARCH 7,1995 AGREEMENT 1. Alpine Fire Protection District 2. Bonita-Sunnyside Fire Protection District 3. 4. City of Carlsbad 5. City of Del Mar 6. City of Encinitas 7. City of Imperial Beach 8. City of Lemon Grove 9. City of Poway Borrego Springs Fire Protection District IO. City of San Marcos 11. City of Solana Beach 12. City of Vista 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Lakeside Fire Protection District 21. 22. North County Dispatch JPA 23. 24. 25. Rural Fire Protection District 26. 27. California Department of Transportation, District 11 County of Imperial (all county and city public safety agencies, all territories) County of San Diego (county public safety and service agencies) Deer Springs Fire Protection District East County Fire Protection District Heartland Communications Dispatch Facility JPA Julian - Cuyamaca Fire Protection District Lower Sweetwater Fire Protection District Pine Valley Fire Protection District Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District San Miguel Consolidated Fire Protection District Valley Center Fire Protection District March 7, I San Diego Count: 0 0 7 ,# 1 SI > Exhibit “B” Parficipa ting Agency Agreement ESTIMATED AGENCY ONE-TIME COSTS Combined Voice and Data Backbone Oat, Yoke Number Number of Per Cent Onelime S One - Tlme S Esilmated humaied Data* Yoke - of Eenem of rota( Bared on Basedon Amual Cost lmrusl cost Benefft Unt% Jurlsdicrlon Parcels* Unk’ Benem Unk Benefit unn % * Unincorporated 178,479 1,124,170 31.28% $2,498,528 $8,755,256 $300,874 $1,054,312 Carlsbad 34,851 203,725 5.67% 452,790 1,586,650 54,525 191,065 Del Mar 4,880 19,533 0.54% 43,413 152,127 5,228 18,319 Encinitas 19,785 158,735 4.42% 352,797 1,236,259 42,484 148,871 Imperial Beach 4,998 63,198 1.76% 140,461 492,198 16,914 59,271 Lemon Grove 6,940 65,225 1.81% 144,966 507,985 17,457 61,172 Poway 14,445 11 1,924 3.11% 248,757 871,686 29,955 104,969 San Marcos 12,876 118,743 3.30% 263,913 924,794 31,780 111,364 Solana Beach 12,900 47,666 1.33% 105,939 371,228 12,757 44,703 Vista 19,630 203,328 5.66% 451,907 1,583,558 54,419 190,693 3130,726 10.04% 801,733 2,809,405 96,545 33431 0 Chula Vista 35,652 Coronado 10,456 62,383 1.74% 138,661 485,890 16,698 58,511 El Cajon 17,918 240,260 6.68% 533,991 i ,871,192 64303 225,330 La Mesa 16,051 168,620 4.69% 374,767 1,313,246 45.130 158,142 National City 8,823 113,982 3.17% 253,331 887,714 30,506 106,899 Oceanside 48,610 406,690 11.32?’0 903,889 3,167,377 108,847 381,417 Santee 14,596 125,247 3.48% 278,368 975,448 33,521 117,464 TOTAL 461,890 3,594,159 100% $7,988,212 $27,992,013 $961.944 $3,370,811 ., *** Based on 1994 counts. Does not include Benefit Unitsfor trailer parks in the cities. The approach still needs to be refined with the individual cities. Data One-time cost is for backbone only. It does not include agency integration costs. Based on 8.5% annual percentage rate. March 7, 5an Diego Counl 0 0 t .s 1 la* Exhibit “C” Participating Agency Agreement ESTIMATED COSTS OF AGENCY ENTERING SYSTEM AFTER MARCH 7,1995 City of Santee Number of Benefit Units 125,247 Percent of Total Benefit 3.48% Financing Costs of One Time Cost for 15 Years at 8.5% APR Principal Financing Total Annual Payment $975,448 $786,510 $1,761,958 $117,464 Annual Payment if Join in Year Year Annual Payment $1 17,464 1 $125,854 2 $135,535 3 4 $146,830 $160,178 5 $1 76,196 6 $195,773 7 $220,245 8 9 $251,708 10 $293,660 $352,392 11 $440,490 12 $587,319 13 $880,979 14 15 $1,761,958 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111 March 7, t RCS Board of Directors 4 - A 7 7 RCS RCS Committees Member Board 4 ’r 4 L A Member Agency 7 v - I1 -a 4 * t3 I 41, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 /I - om uo8 Ow% LLU 14 04s >JZ OOLL 15 >m< ‘u- $2: 16 092 Lorn 17 00 cy: - 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 &lJz &E& (I)> 13 ‘‘8 wm <OJ 27 28 ”@ e 00 EXHIBIT 5 RESOLUTION NO. 94-59 A RESOLUTION OF CONSENT TO THE INCLUSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IN THE PROPOSED COUNTY SERVICE AREA FORMED TO PROVIDE AN 800 MHz RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City Council of City of Carlsbad to ensure citizen access to emergency services support; and WHEREAS, it is recognized that the effective provisioi both public safety and public service agency support is depenc upon effective communications systems; and WHEREAS, the Council recognizes the importance regional communications capabilities and mutual aid assistance coordination in the event of a disaster; and WHEREAS, it is agreed that participation in the San D. County Regional 800 MHz Radio Communications System Project essential to ensure adequate service; and WHEREAS, it is the County’s intention to form a Coi Service Area for the purposes of funding the implementation of regional communications system; and WHEREAS, in addition, the Council requests that County Board of Supervisors establish a zone of the County Ser Area coterminous with the City boundaries for City spec requirements, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the City of Carlsbad consents, pursuan. Government Code section 25210.10a, to the inclusion of all territory in the radio communications system County Service P -*4 ! H4 - P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 12 SUJZ +E 13 Yr 5q 14 iL, owal SO45 15 9.9" 5sw aaad 16 092 LOO 17 gv GO 18 19 20 21 . 22 23 24 JZ <>ma U0-l 25 26 27 28 0 Q' PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 1994, by the following vote, to wit: 15th day of Ff AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, FI NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETH~??RAUTENKRANZ, 4 L?- City dnerk (SEAL)