HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-03-21; City Council; 13069; BUENA VISTA LAGOON STRATEGIC PLANC 0 0 s cdM r6 k E4 wu ocd 0 -d 10 UP ad -a ma, -d ? mm d c) :F *A O:: a .rl GX cda, -m rd- ;g *rl td 3u a6 -a a aa dm ms u .A u idh Eo w 0 $2 a, WE +I@ urd cdk ffla ~n a, k ow as 3 au ha rda u 4cd *; 3 C so uu a, ua 9 bn0 -d 00 Gu (II 9bn r: ’0 *d . QJGS 0 ad ?I=@ b4P.i aa au mud .d aJ 4 ME -4 aJ aJ uuw ccdcd 0ua 3kC 0 (IIz .. - 5 I- o Q: 4 z 0 3 o G MTG. 3/21 /95 BUENA VISTA LAGOON STRATEGIC PLAN 1 I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize the increase of staff support to the Buena Vista Lagoon Joint Powers Comr enhancement of the Buena Vista Lagoon. by 160 staff hours to wht in the development of a Strategic Plan for the maintenance I ITEM EXPLANATION: I The Buena Vista LaQoOn Joint Powers Committee (JPC) is an established organi2 comprised of Council representatives from the cities of Vista, Oceanside, and Car together with the participation of the California Department of Fish and Game and VE environmental groups. The primary focus of the JPC had, for many years, centered c following issues which affected the entire Buena Vista Lagoon watershed: t Increased stormwater flows and influx of sedimentation t Increased density of tules t Water qluality t Construction of a boardwalk along Carlsbad Boulevard/Hill Street t Flooding of Carlsbad Boulevard during intense storm events With the list of needs for enhancing the lagoon and the financial considerations of t needs, it became clear that a strategic plan must be developed with the support of the and under direction of the Department of Fish and Game that identifies the needs c lagoon in order to begin to more formally set priorities and pursue appropriate fun sources. At the November 1994 JPC meeting, the Committee considered the objective of develo such a strategic plan to maintaidenhance the Buena Vista Lagoon. At the direction o JPC, staff was asked to present three alternative methods for the development strategic plan for the lagoon before their respective Council’s for consideration direction. The following summarizes the options discussed by the JPC: I Alternative 1 - Maintain Status Quo Alternative 1 is to continue the current staff !juppOrt to the Committee and our respec representative members. Currently, support to the JPC is provided by an Assoc Planner and Associate Engineer personnel with a combined estimate of 10 hours meeting of staff support. Alternative 2 - Increase Staff Support to Develop Strateaic Plan Alternative 2 consists of using technical support staff from the three cities to for Strategic Planning Group to update the Department of Fish and Game’s existing BL Vista Lagoon Management Plan. This team would develop operationaI/improver programs identlfying and prioriizing prograrns which would provide enhancement ot lagoon system. Certain programs would include such projects as determining the ex of the tule influence, evaluating the quantities of needed dredging of the lagoon’s eas basin and possible sediment reduction programs in the Buena Vista Creek watershed, other focused objectives and research efforts as directed by Department of Fish Game. e 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. / 3; 06 9 Alternative 3 - Contract for Strategic Framewe The JPC received a proposal from Mr. Linclell Marsh of the firm of Siemon, Larser Marsh. Mr. Marsh proposes to develop a Strategic Framework for the Buena Vista La that would focus on the issues being considered by the JPC. Mr. Marsh submif proposal of $15,000 to prepare the framework plan. Strateaic Planninq Group Recommendation, Staff has evaluated the three alternative approaches to a Buena Vista Lagoon Stra Plan and has recommended the increase of staff time for the formation of a Stra Planning Group. The Strategic Planning Group will be comprised of technical staff SUI from the member agencies of the JPC with the inclusion of a representative fron Department of Fish and Game. In order to make the Strategic Planning Group SUCCE and ensure efficient use of City staff time, tasks assigned as part of the strategy wi spread to members of the group, therefore reducing the hours of commitment anc sharing of responsibilities. The California Department of Fish and Game has proposed to take the lead role ir Strategic Planning Group with the first project being an updating of the existing B[ Vista Lagoon Management Plan (proposal letter attached). The Department of Fish Game is requesting staff assistance in researching previously completed projects an process, staff will have the ability to provide input on current city interests and progr established in the Buena Vista Lagoon area. A critical component in this strategy is thle commitment of staff time from all tl jurisdictions in the JPC, as well as staff from 'the California Department of Fish and GE The cooperation of these groups is essential to a coordinated effort in the developmer future maintenance/enhancement projects within the entire BuenaVista Lagoon waterst The Oceanside City Council authorized additional staff time for the Strategic Plant Group at a recent Council meeting (February 13, 1995) and this issue is currently ur consideration by the Vista City Council. identrfy/priofiize future enhancement opportunities within the watershed area. During FISCAL IMPACT: The increase in staff commitment to the formation of the Strategic Planning Groul estimated at 160 staff hours per year and the resulting financial obligations to the JP( estimated at $5,200. This work effort can be absorbed into the normal departme administrative duties of both the Engineering and Planning Departments, EXHIBITS: 1. Letter dated February 27, 1995 from the California Department of Fish and Game STAE OF CALIFORNIA-THE RESOURCES AGE @ e PFTE WIL: Exhibit 1 -DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME 330 GOLDEN SHORE. SUITE M LONG BEACH, CA 90802 (3101 590-5113 February 27, 1995 Buena Vista Lagoon Joint Powers Commirtee City of Carlsbad City of Oceanside City of Vista Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation Dear Joint Powers Committee Members: Strategic Plan for the Management of Buena Vista Lagoon San Diego County, California The Department of Fish and Game (Department), as owner of Buena Vista Lagoon Ecological Reserve, is requesting the involvement of the Buena Vista Lagoon Joint Powers Committee (PC) in establishing a Strategic Planning Group, consisting of staff members from Carlsbad, Oceanside, Vista, and The Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation under the direction of the Department, in order to prepare an updated version of the Buena Vista Lagoon Management Plan incorporating a watershed management approach. A critical component of the Strategic Planning Group is the need for participation of all of the cities within the Buena Vista Lagoon watershed in order to determine current and future management needs of the entire lagoon ecosystem. Various plans, reports, studies, and support documentation are available from all PC members and associates; however, most of this valuable information is broadly distributed among the many parties involved. One function of the Strategic Planning Group would be to collect all current available information and deposit it in a central location. Staff from the Strategic Planning Group would provide research assistance in collecting, analyzing, and evaluating all available documentation necessary in the preparation of a new Management Plan. Assistance from staff would greatly diminish the effort necessary to complete the Management Plan in a timely manner. Important components of the Management PIan will include: 0 History - An important component of this effort will be to document all previously completed projects which have benefitted the watershed and lagoon ecosystem. Projects include desiltation basins, drop structures, dredging projects, and flood control improvements. Included in this analysis will be both natural and human induced events which have shaped the Buena Vista Lagoon watershed. In addition, a chronological history of legislation and acquisition efforts will be researched and docum. * e e Buena Vista Lagoon Joint Powers Committee February 27, 1995 Page Two Maintenance/Enhancernent/Management - The Strategic Planning Group will prepare a list of potential future projects which will help to maintain and enhance the lagoon ecosystem using the Department's land management plan preparation guidelines. Projects will be defined, analyzed, evaluated, and prioritized based on Management Plan goals and opportunities. Input will be assessed from all JPC participants. * Financing - The ManaEement Plan will identify various potential funding mechanisms that the Department and JPC may consider to implement projects identified in the Plan. Such mechanisms may include assessment districts, maintenance districts, special legislation, and, various local, state, and federal funding opportunities. These are some of the major components which the Strategic Planning Group will focus their efforts; however, there are many other aspects which will be considered in the preparation of the Management Plan. With the help of the PC, the Department will be able the prepare a plan which meets the needs of the resource and the surrounding community. Thank you for your interest in the state's resources. The Department is pleased that Cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista, and the Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation are willful partners with the Department. The Department looks forward to working with the JPC in furthering the resource value of the Buena Vista Lagoon ecosystem. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Troy D. Kelly, Associate Wildlife Biologist at (714) 644-9612. Sincerely , *A I A7 &!" Patricia Wolf Acting Regional Manager Region 5