HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-04-04; City Council; 13091; Housing & Com.Dev. CDBG needs/proposalsI rl -d L) c 70 u Ll 0 w n vl m OI 4 n 4 4 rl -rl Ll % VI 0 bo c .rl u a, B 5 8 5 a, U 0 u -rl aJ u' %' F 1 2 L, 1 \ v - - T- a aJ e 2 9 *rl !+ u Xl 0 (I. M e Fb a f c cd -3 u m c $ 0 L) a a, u a a, L) u cd rl. -4 c vo c -4 1u ov ucd i/l J f2 2 2 s 4 c 3 u 2 vl .. 6\ z \ 4 0 H 1 H e u 4 4 H u 3 z 0 u MMENTS ON CARLSBAD'S HOUSING AND THE CDBG PROGRAM COMMENDED ACTION: derate income persons within the City of Carlsbad. In addition, the City Council mayac the various proposals which have been submitted for funding under the City of Carl ommunity Development Block Grant program. nder Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, the City of Carlsl In identifying the needs of low and moderate income persons, federal regulations requ Council "hold at least one public hearing to obtain the views of citizens on the grantee's (C; and community development needs." During the public hearing, the City Council may also I on specific activities proposed to meet the needs of low and moderate income person The City of Carlsbad has been notified that it is entitled to receive a new CDBG allocati during fiscal year 1995-96.The City also has CDBG funds which were allocated in previoL need to be reallocated to new projects. These funds include: 0 $50,00Ofrom a previously approved capital improvementlpublic facility project whit (Western Institute Foundation for Mental Health/Alzheimer's Day Care Center); ar $19,847.84 from a previously approved capital improvement/public facility pro. completed with a surplus of funds (Carlsbad High School/Stadium Lighting Syster The total amount of federal funds currently available for allocation to eligible projects whict of low and moderate income persons is $716,847.84. Attached for City Council's information is a general explanation of the CDBG program 1 summaryalso outlines the national objectives and the local objectives established for the program, as set forth in the Housing and Community Development Plan. In response to the City's "Request for Proposals", a total of thirty-seven (37) proposals, v\ in funding requests, have been submitted to date for consideration by the City Council. ( 1995 and March 2, 1995, the CDBG Funding Advisory Committee interviewec recommendations. The recommendations of the Committee are attached as Exhibit 2. A copy of each proposal has been submitted to the Council for review. Copies of the pr available for review by the general public at the City Clerk's Office (1 200 Carlsbad Villa the Housing and Redevelopment Office (2965 Roosevek Street). organizationslagencies requesting funding. The Committee met on March 13, 199: l?sruRdEa TO I +.//?S. PAGE 2 0 0 AB# 14,091 The chart below summarizes the funding available and the maximum amount allocated in each expenditure category: EXPENDITURE $ 97,( $ 423,514.00 Public Services AVAILABLE FUN1 REQUESTED FUNDING CATEGORY AMOUNT OF AMOUNT OF - - (24 proposals) Public Facility/ (1 2 proposals) Other Projects Improvements & $ 490,: $ 1 ,I 81,770.00 Administration $ 129,400.00 $ 129,~ (1 proposal) TOTAL $ 71 6,t $ 1,734,684.00 (37 proposals) I I In selecting projects for funding, top priority should be given to developing a well-~ program which best meets the various public services and public facility needs of Ion income Carlsbad residents. Each eligible proposal submitted was evaluated based up( criteria, with a maximum score of 100 points: 1) organization’s ability and capacity; 2) and stability; 3) benefits and beneficiaries; and 4) ready implementation of program/p were then selected from each of the three local objective categories based upon the prc evaluation score. The chart provided as Exhibit 2 outlines each request for funding rece for the 1995-96 CDBG program with an indication of the average evaluation scc recommendation. Staff recommends that the City Council accept public comments on the needs of loc income persons and the proposals submitted for funding under the 1995-96CDBG progra needs. Then, as a second action, it is recommended that the Council express its intent project funding allocations at a future City Council meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: The City of Carlsbad will receive an estimated new allocation of $647,00Oin CDBG fu year 1995-96. An additional $69,847.84in CDBG funds is also available for reallocation approved, canceled or completed projects. The City may use a maximum of twenty p the new allocation, or $129,400, for administration of the program. The CDBG Prograr on the General Fund. EXHIBITS: 1 - Summary of CDBG program 2 - Summary of CDBG Funding Advisory Committee Recommendations 3 - Summary of Project Proposals (37 Total) e 0 EX1 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM 1995-1996 SUMMARY ~________ I. Introduction Funding for the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is authol under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93- The program provides grants on a formula basis to entitled cities and counties to develop vi urban communities through the provision of decent housing, a suitable living environment by expanding economic opportunities for low and moderate income persons. The amount of each entitlement grant is determined by statutory formula which uses sel objective measures of community need, including the extent of poverty, population, hot over-crowding, age of housing and growth lag in relationship to other metropolitan areas. Entitlement communities, such as the City of Carlsbad, develop their own programs and fun priorities. However, maximum feasible priority must be given to activities which meet the 1 community development objectives and at least one of the three broad national objectives fo program. II. Promam Development The City of Carlsbad is eligible to receive CDBG funds on an annual basis. In ordej Carlsbad to receive the grant, a list of community development objectives must be devek along with an outline of proposed projects. The City of Carlsbad must also certify that following an approved Comprehensive Housing Assistance Strategy (CHAS) and that not than 70% of the CDBG funds will be used for activities that benefit low and moderate inc persons. III. Funding The total amount of new CDBG funds from the U.S. Department of Housing & U Development estimated to be available for Carlsbad in 1995-96 is $647,000. In addition, the has a total of $69,847.84 in CDBG funds available for reallocation from previously appra completed or canceled projects. The total amount of funds available for allocation to eli; projects in 1995-96 is $716,847.84. In an effort to allocate the noted funds in a manner which best meets the needs of the low moderate income population of Carlsbad, the City accepts project proposals from comml organizations, individuals, andlor public agencieslcity departments, An appointed C1 Funding Committee will review each proposal and make funding recommendations to the 0 0 Council for consideration. The City Council will, subsequently, hold a public hearing to ot: input on the needs of the low and moderate population and project proposals submitte address those needs. Finally, the Council will approve a list of projects to be funded througl 1995-96 CDBG program. N. Eligible Activities Activities that can be carried out with CDBG funds may include, but are not limited to: p~ service activities, acquisition of real property, relocation and demolition, rehabilitatiol residential, construction of public facilities and improvements and conversion of schools eligible purposes. In addition, CDBG funds may be used for activities relating to en conservation and renewable energy resources. Assistance may also be provided to pr motivated businesses to carry out economic development activities which benefit low moderate income persons/households. The types of activities that generally are not eligible for CDBG funding include: building; the general conduct of government, political activities, income payments, construction of housing and other facilities offering 24-hour care. V. NationaULocal Proyam Obiectives The City of Carlsbad is committed to using CDBG funds to finance projects and services w provide direct benefit to low and moderate income residents. Every project proposed foj CDBG program must address at least one of the three broad National Objectives for program. The National Objectives are: 1. Provide direct benefit to low and moderate income persons; 2. Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; and 3. Meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because exi; conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the comml where no other financial resources are available to meet such needs. In addition to meeting the National Objectives, every project proposed for CDBG funding meet at least one of the local Community Development Objectives which are: 1. AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Provide direct benefit to lower income persons through the provision or rete] of affordable housing units within Carlsbad; Provide shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families u result in an improved situation through employment, permanent hou 0 CDBG Program Summary 1994-1995 Page 3 treatment of mental, or substance abuse problems, etc.; and, Provide direct assistance to lower income households to prevent or elimj residential Building or Municipal Code violations and/or improve the qualit housing units through residential (rental and/or owner occupied) rehabilk programs. 2. PUBLIC/SOCIAL SERVICES: Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who meet the basic n of lower income persons. Basic needs are defined as those which provide f shelter, clothing and, in some cases, health care; Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer counseling self-improvement programdactivities for lower income persons; and Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer recreati and/or cultural programs/activities for lower income persons. 3. SPECIAL NEEDS - CHILDREN & ADULTS: Provide assistance to organizations which administer programs that din benefit lower income children with special needs living in Carlsbad. programs must provide one or more of the following activities: day care, a school care, cultural enrichment, recreation, health carelimmunization or improvement. The City may also give priority to single-parent assist programs such as counseling services; and Provide assistance to organizations which administer programs that dirc benefit low income adults with special needs living in Carlsbad. The progl must provide one or more of the following activities for adults: employ1 services, job training, and educational programs. Programs designed for el( adults only must provide one or more of the following activities: m homemaking or personal assistance services, financial assistance serv counseling, transportation, or shared housing or other housing related servi It is the intent of the City to only approve CDBG-assisted projects which do not result il displacement of low/moderate income persons from their homes. Therefore, all per submitting project proposals to the City should consider the displacement impact 1 low/moderate income households. 0 0 CDBG Program Summary 1994-1995 Page 4 VI. Summary Although the federal regulations for the program are complex, the primary goal of the CI program is fairly simple. The goal is as follows: every projectlactivity funded through CDBG program must primarily benefit low and moderate income persons. Also, it is imp1 to note that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has indicated to the of Carlsbad that affordable housing and related services are a top priority. Therefore, Carl has been strongly encouraged to focus the expenditure of its CDBG funds on projectdsen which address the affordable housing needs of low and moderate income persons. WP: CDBGSUM.95 Revised: 03/16/95 0 e E CITY OF CARLSBAD C0M"TY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM 1995-1996 EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS & FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS Employment Tmg e CDBG Program Evaluation & Recommendations Page 2 0 a CDBG Program Evaluation & Recommendations Page 3 0 Wp: EVAL%REC.TBL Revised: 03/17/95 e 0 EXH CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVEJBPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM 1995-96 LIST OF PROJECT PROPOSALS No. REQUEST NATIONAL LOCAL TYPE OF AGENCY1 PROJECT 25,W L/M Income Special Needs - Public Service - Carlsbad Care CrewlSD County 1 AMOUNT ($) OBJECTm OBJECTIVE PROJECT Mental Health Benefit Elderly SeniOrS wheels Benefit Elderly Seniors Case Mngt, for Seniors Benefit Elderly SeniOrS 2 6,W LA4 Income Special Needs - Public Service - NO CO Council on Aging/ 3 9,040 L/M Income Special Needs - Public Service - Senior Adult ServiceslMeals on 4 15,000 L/M Income Aff Housing - Public Service - EYE/Family Recovery Center Homeless Benefit Shelter & Svc 5 10,000 LIM Income Aff Housing - Public Service - Brother Benno’s/Homeless Services Benefit Shelter & Svc Homeless 6 8,250 L/M Income Aff Housing - Public Service - Catholic CharitieslGOod Samaritan Homeless Shelter Benefit Shelter & Svc Homeless 7 30,000 L/M Income Aff Housing - Public Service - Catholic CharitiesILa Posada Homeless Shelter Benefit Shelter & Svc Homeless 8 12,500 LIM Income Aff Housing - Public Service - Saint Clare’s HomelShelter & Care for Homeless Women Benefit Shelter & Svc Homeless 9 15,000 L/M Income Special Needs - Public Service - Aid to Veteran/”Stand Down” Information & Assistance Fair Benefit Homeless Homeless 10 25,000 LIM Income Social Services Public Service - Comrn. Resource Center1 Homeless Prevention Benefit - Basic Needs Homeless 11 20,444 L/M Income Social Services Public Service - North County Chaplaincy/ Homeless Prevention Benefit - Basic Needs Homeless 12 50,000 L/M Income Social Services Public Service - Boys & Girls ClubReen Diversion Gang Prevention Program Benefit -ReC& Youths Counseling 13 75 ,OOo L/M Income Social Services Public Service - Join Hands Save a Life1 Gang Prevention Program Benefit -Rw& Youths Counseling 14 10,OOo L/M Income Social Services Public Service - City of CarlsbadIStay N’ Play Youths Benefit - RW & Counseling 15 15,000 LIM Income Social Services Public Service - Carlsbad Hiring Center/SER Employment Tmg Benefit - Self Improve 16 15,000 LIM Income Social Services Public Service - Carlsbad Youth Services & City of Carlsbad/Carlsbad Barrio Employment Benefit - Self Improve Employment Tmg 17 12,000 L/M Income Aff Housing - Public Service - Women’s Resource Center1 Alternatives to Abuse Shelter Benefit Shelter & Svc Battered Spouses . 10,Ooo L/M Income Special Needs - Public Service - Casade Amparol 18 Food Program Benefit Abused & Neg Abused & Neg. Children Children WP: LIST.TBL Revised 0311 6/95 -1- 0 e No. REQWT NATIONAL LOCAL TYPE OF AGENCY/ PROJECT 5 .w Special Needs - L/M Income Public Service - AIDS FoundatiodCase Mngt. Svc. 19 AMOUNT ($) OBJECTJYE OBJECTNE PROJECT I I AIDS Patients AIDS I Benefit I b 20 10,ooc L/M Income Aff Housing - Public Service - Fratemity HouseRes Care for Chronidy Ill Benefit Shelter & Svc AIDS Patients 21 5 7m L/M Income Social Services Public Service - Family Service Association General Benefit - self Improve 22 8 .Mx LIM Income Social Services Public Service - Hospice of No. Coast/Bereavement Benefit - Counseling General 23 23,78( LIM Income Public Service - Aff Housing - Lifeline Community ServiceslHousing Services Tenant-Landlord Landlord-Tenant Services Public Service - Heartland Human Relations Assocl 24 General I 25 Site Acquisition - ’ WIFIAlzheimer’s Day Care Center Disabled 26 Site Acquisition - Habitat for HumanityNery Low 27 Youth Acquisition Site Acquisition - Join Hands Save A Life/Site Income Housing Aff Housing 28 Public Facilities & Catholic Charities1 La Posada de Guadalupe Improvements - Homeless 29 Public Facilities & City of Carlsbadl Pine Field Improvements - Parks & Rec 30 Public Facilities & Join Hands Save a Life/ Installation of Bldg Improvements - -. -. -. - -, - - - Services Benefit Social Service Benefit - Counseling 8,500 L/M Income Special Needs - 100,000 LA4 Income Disabled Benefit Socii Service 32,000 LIM Income -Recreation Benefit Aff Housing - 257000 LIM Income Aff Housing - Benefit Acq & Rehab 75,000 LIM Income Homeless Benefit Social Services 35,000 L/M Income - Recreation Benefit Social Services 75,000 L/M Income -ReC& Benefit Youths Counseling I 31 100,OOO Social Services I L/M Income Public Facilities & Girls Club/ WP: LIST.TBL Revised 0311 6/95 -2- c b- THE CITY COUh March 30, 1995 TO: City Manager CG FROM: Management Analyst, Leilani Hines VIA: Housing and Redeveiopment Director f4B- RE: CDBG FUNDING COMMI’ITEE RECOMMENDATIONS On March. 13, 1995, the Council-appointed Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Fur Advisory Committee met to discuss their recommendations to City Council regarding the allocatic 1995-96 CDBG funds. Prior to the meeting on March 13th, the Funding Committee met twice, Febl 27 and March 2, 1995 to interview each of the organizations who submitted requests for CDBG fun FUNDING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS To assist the Council in understanding the Committee’s perspective in regard to their recommendat the following summary of the basic points of the Committee’s discussions are presented for reviev - 0 The Funding Committee focused on projects/activities which provided the greatest bene Carlsbad residents and reflected an appropriate level of benefit to low/moderate-in1 households. The Funding Committee generally supported organizations that benefitted Car seniors, youths, and the homeless. 0 The Funding Committee generally supported funding for non-profit organizations rather thar sponsored programslprojects, with a few exceptions. The Committee felt that such activitit the responsibility of the City to fund through local funding sources. It was the Commi opinion that in such hard economic times, it is much more difficult for non-profit organiz to locate and obtain the funding resources to operate their much needed services. 0 A considerable amount of time was spent discussing the Boys and Girls Club’s.propos; renovating the Village Branch facility. The Committee members feel that the Boys and Club is a worthy organization and provides a wide variety of services not only for Carlsbad ; but seniors. A few Committee members did voice concerns regarding the slow moving prc of this project. There was a concern that the Boys and Girls Club may not be able to sper recommended funds within a reasonable period of time. The Committee members would 1 see the quick expenditure of CDBG funds previously allocated to this project. It was also by staff that there is concern over the slow expenditure to date of previously allocated C funds. However, in general, the Committee members do support the efforts of this organiz 2965 Roosevelt St., Ste. B - Carlsbad, CA 92008-2389 - (61 9) 434-2810/2811 - FAX (61 9) 72c 0 * March 30, 1995 CDBG Funding Committee Recommendations Page 2 The Funding Committee recommends that no matching funds requirement be placed c private organizations which were recommended for CDBG funding. The Committee believt those organizations recommended for funding are institutiow within the community that proven experience, abilities, and commitment to provide their services. A matching requirement places an additional financial burden on these organizations during difficult eco1 times, which the Committee feels is inappropriate. The Committee did, however, recommend a matching funds requirement be placed on the of Carlsbad for CDBG funds recommended to improve/renovate Pine Field. Agair Committee felt that City facilities are the responsibility of the City to maintain with local fu sources. Therefore, the Committee would like the CDBG funds recommended for this p to be leveraged with other City resources. 0 There was frustration expressed by the Committee that the evaluation criteria focused c experience and overall capacity of an organization to effectively and efficiently use the app. CDBG funds within the given program year. They did not approve of the requirement for organization to have a five year plan or to have past experience in providing the pro] program. The Committee felt that the criteria unfairly penalized organizations which are and perhaps more grass root oriented. They felt that some new organizations were in g~ need of support from the CDBG funding program. Many of the lower scoring organizations considered by the Committee to be very worthy but in terms of their average evaluation could not compete well and ranked lower on the list. In order to be able to fund some of the deserving organizations that were at the bottom ran the public service activity proposals to be considered for funding, the Committee made modest funding recommendations for the organizations at the top of the range. The Corn set a $10,000 maximum funding recommendation for public service activities. The av. recommendation was approximately $4,043. Where the organization received a fairly average overall impression score, the Committee tried to recommend approximately half c funding request, while still restricting themselves to the $lO,OOO maximum recommendatic 0 There was also some dissatisfaction by the Committee members with the Council go providing a more well-balanced CDBG program. The Committee was somewhat frustratc the requirement to select at least one project at a time from each of the three local objc categories of affordable housing, social services, and services for those with special need make a funding recommendation before they could move to perhaps their favorite project. to the systematic approach of selecting projects/programs within each of the three categories the top of the list to the bottom, there was a potential for funding projects/prograrns that ma have scored well simply because it was the next project within the particular cate, Therefore, the Committee set a few of its own guidelines for considering fu~ recommendations, which are outlined below: For both public service and public facilitieslimprovement activities, proposals determined "minimally qualified", based upon an average evaluation score of 69 points or less, wer recommended for funding. These proposals included the following: 0 e March 30, 1995 CDBG Funding Committee Recommendations Page 3 b Aid to Veterans of America/Stand Down Information Fair; b ' Habitat for Humanity/Acquisition and Rehabilitation of Homes for Low Income Pe b City of Carlsbad/Renovations to City Facilities for ADA Compliance. Additionally; for public facilitieslimprovement and other projects, proposals which receil average evaluation score below 80 points and an overall impression score (on a scale of 1 of 7 or below, were also not considered for funding. By setting this guideline, the Corn was able to recommend nearly the full amount of requested funds for each proposal. : facilities/improvement proposals not recommended for funding included the following: and, b Habitat for Humanity/Acquisition and Rehabilitation of Homes for Low Income Pe b New HavedExpansion of Campus and Group Home Facility; b City of Carlsbad/Single Family Residential Rehabilitation Program; and, b City of Carlsbad/Renovations to City Facilities for ADA Compliance. 0 Staff and the Committee have recommended $30,000 for the renovations and improvemt La Posada de Guadalupe; this is actually $5,000 over the original funding request. Afl Committee had completed its work, staff was contacted by Catholic Charities regardi Posada de Guadalupe and additional damages to the facility from the most recent rain si Catholic Charities requested an amendment to their original application to include an add $5,000 request for some emergency improvements to the facility as a result of the damages. The Committee recommended $25,000 for the purchase of an office trail( improvements to a storage trailer and staff recommended $5,000 for improvements to the fa Staff has notified the Committee of the noted adjustment and has received no objections tc 0 As a final comment, the Funding Committee wanted to ensure that the funding levels all to each organization would actually help to provide a project/activity. They did recommenc amounts to organizations if they felt these funds would help to provide the proposed sen From staffs perspective, the CDBG Funding Committee members worked very well together. Con regarding the selection of projects/activities and the level of funding to be recommended was c reached. As in past years, the most difficult decisions are those related to funding for the public : activities. This category has the largest number of applications/proposals and the smallest amc funding available. Each year the Committee tries to determine a method for providing more fur public service activities. But, each year they realize that the federal regulations limiting expendit 15% of the CDBG allocation are to blame. So, they do the best that they can with the available For information purposes, some members of the Funding Committee did not review a proposal frl City of Carlsbad for improvements/renovations to City facilities in compliance with the America Disabilities Act because the application did not meet the February 6th application submittal deadli was not received until February 27, 1995. The Committee began its process of interviewing each organizations on February 27th. So, they did not feel that it would be fair to the other organizat review the late application. 0 a March 30, 1995 CDBG Funding Committee Recommendations Page 4 Attached for Council review is a copy of a chart which summarizes the Funding Corn recommendations and the Committee’s rating/evaluation of each proposal. fiJW+ LEILANI HINES Attachments (3) cc: Community Development Director City Attorney 0 0 I.. *, CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM 1995-96 LIST OF PROJECT PROPOSALS No. REQUEST ' NATIONAL LOCAL TYPE OF AGENCY/ PROJECT AMOUNT ($) OBJECTIVE OIWXTNE PROJECT ... Public&!- . . ' : .. ................ ... .............................. .. ... ..... ............... .. ....... .... .. .... .. .... .... .. .. .,: ..fi ...: .:.:.:: . ,.. .... ...... .: .. .. .. 1 25,m LIM Income Special Nds - Public Service - &rlsbad Care CrewlSD County Mental Health Benefit Elderly SeniOl-5 2 6,000 LIM Income Special Needs - Public Service - NO CO Council on Aging/ Case Mngt. for Senion, Benefit Elderly SeniOl-5 3 9,040 LIM Income Special Needs -. Public Service - Senior Adult Services/Mcala on wheel8 Benefit Elderly SeniOlX 4 15 ,000 L/M Income Aff Housing - Public Service - EYEFamily Recovery Center Homelecls Benefit Shelter & Svc 5 14060 L/M Income Aff Housing - Pub& Sentice - Brother Btnno9s/u~d~ Sew~cca Homl~ Benefit Shelter & Svc 6 8,250 LIM Income Aff Housing - Public Service - Catholic CharitiealGood Samaritan Homeless Shelter Benefit Shelter & Svc Homeleas 7 30,000 L/M Income Aff Housing - Public strvice - catholic charities/La Posada Homcltsa Shelter Benefit Shelter & Svc Homelcsa 8 12,500 LIM Income Aff Housing - Public Service - Saint Clarc's HomelShelter & Care for Homeless Women Benefit Shelter & Svc Homeless 9 15,Ooo LIM Income Special Needs - Public Service - Aid to Vctcd"Stand Down" Information & Assistance Fair Benefit Homeleas Homeless 10 . 25,Ooo UMIncome SocialServiw~ PublicService- Comm. Rtaourcc Center/ Homeltsa Prevention Benefit -Basic Nee& Homelecls 11 20,444 LIM Income Social Services Public Service - North County Chaplaincy/ Homeless Prevention Benefit - Basic Naeds Homelecls 12 50,Ooo UM Income Socii Sccrvicg Public Service - Boys & Girls Clubma Diversion Gang Prcvcntion Program Benefit - RCC & Youths Counseling 13 75,000 LIM Income Social Scrviccs Public Service - Join Hands Save a Life( Gang Prevention Program hfit - RCC & YOUthS counseling 14 lO,oo(] LfM Income Social Services Public Service - City of CarlsbadlStay N' Play Youths Benefit -Re&& counseling 15 15,000 LA4 Income Socii Services Public Service - Carlsbad Hiring CenterlSER Employment Tmg Benefit - Self Improve 16 15,001 L/M Income Socii Services Public Service - Carisbad Youth Servicea & City of CarlsbadICarisbad Barrio Bencfd - Self Improve Employment Tmg Employment 17 12,m L/M Income Aff Housing - Public Sentice - Women's Resource Center/ Alternatives to Abuse Shelter Benefit Shelter & Svc Batted spsea 18 10,w LIM Income Spial Needs - Public Service - Caaa de Ampar01 Food Program Benefit Abused & Neg Abused & Neg. Children Children -1- 0 0 WP: LIsT.TBL Rnirad- 3m/95 -2- e 0 ATT: CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM 19951996 EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS & FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS No. C0-E RANKI JXWDING RE4lUWI' TYPEOF AGENCY1 PROjECr C0"lTTEE I AMOUNT PROJECr (5) EVAL EVAL OVERALL (9 SCORE SCORE 1 Q 8.6 74.1 7,000 25,m Public Service - Carlsbad Care Crew/SD County Mental Health SCniOrS 2 Q 7.6 84.3 2,500 6,000 Public Service - NO CO Council on Aging/ Case Mngt. for Seniors Seniors 3 Highl] 9.4 92.3 8,000 9,040 Public Service - Senior Adult SCrViddS on whaels SeniOrS 4 Highl! 8.8 89.4 5,000 15,OOO Public Service - EYEIFamily Recovery Center Hornless 5 Highl! 9.6 91.6 5 ,000 1o.OOO Public Service - Brother Benno'B/Homeleas Servicea Homcltss 6 Q 7.9 82.3 2,500 8.250 Public Service - catholic CharitiealGood Samaritan Homeless Shelter Homlcse 7 Highly 8.4 86.3 10,W 30,000 Public Service - catholic ChafitiMlLe Posada Homclcss Shelter Homelcse 8 Qu 7.1 83.9 1,500 12,500 Public Service - Saint Clare's HomclShelter & Care for Homeleas Women Homelcps 9 Ql 7.9 84.5 5,000 2%000 Public sentice - Corn. Rcaourcc Center/ 10 QL Homeless Information & Assistance Fair Mi 5.5 53.3 0 15,000 Public Service - Aid to Vcted"Stand Down" Homeless Prevention Homeless 11 QL 6.4 71.9 0 20,444 Public Service - Nozth County Chaplaincy/ Homelcss Prevention Homelesa 12 Highly 9.1 94.8 10,000 50,000 Public Service - Boys & Girls Clubmeen Diversion Gang Pmcntion Youths program 13 Highly 9.3 88.0 7,000 75,000 Public Service - Join Hands Save a Lifd Gang Prevention Program YOUthS 14 Highlj 8.4 85.5 6,000 10,000 Public Service - City of Carlsbad/Stny N' Play Youths 15 QI 8.6 82.8 5,23250 15,000 Public Service - Carhbad Hiring CcnterlSER Employment Tmg 16 Q 7.6 73.5 0 15,000 Public Service - Carbbad Youth Services & City of Carlsbad/Carlsbad Barrio Employment Employment Tmg 17 Highly 8.8 87.3 5,ooO 12,000 Public Service - Women's Resource Center/ Altedves to Abuse Shelter Battered Spouscl, 18 Highly 7.9 86.8 5,000 10,000 Public Service - Casa de Amparol Food Program Abused & Neg. Children 19 Q 7.1 84.5 2,500 5 ,O00 Public Service - AIDS FoundatiodCase Mngt. SVC. AIDS Patienta 20 QL 7.9 80.8 0 10,000 Public Service - Fraternity House/Res Can for chronically Ill AIDS Patients CDBG Program 0 CDBGProgram 1) Evaluation & Recommendations i - Page 3 0 .. NOTES: 1. The total number of points possible was 100. The maximum number of points received by any propo, The lowest number of points was 23 points. 2. Tbe average point value, or mean, was 80.7 points. 3. The point values that appeared most often, or the modes, were 93 points and 82 points. 4. The point value which appeared in the middle of the range, or median, was 86 points. 5. Each proposal was given an overall impression score, from a scale of 1 to 10. 6. A proposal was evaluated based upon the following scoring criteria: 1) organization’s ability/( financial ability and stability; 3) benefits and beneficiaries; 4) ready implementation of the projedpl 5) overall impression. Each proposal was given a ranking according to the following evaluation sc 85 points + = Highly Qualified 70 to 84 points = Qualified 69 points or less = Minimally Qualified .. wp: EvALkREc.TBL Revis& 03L?ONS 0 0 AI 1At .- 2 % ",".(I, d:z Zid 9;: gz gz s a 0 a b t-a UhW 020 +aW ZU".(I, WOO wn nz z 3 I I 0 9 9 8 h 0) 00 88 In h 0) 9 ww a id2 5003 392 22: 225 2s am3 zz ooe JJU kkW aau .* a 0 =, d5 a4 LO I-,= a00 Xp! 00 SqE %-U BgE ZjO $ad -Jam gzk! wak OZl 30 P-2 50 83 ig; +UU 5; 0 OP, .I d 2 g Q, Q, t $8 f-0 0 0 Q) d *- n d$ sga 552 .L u, 2 22E PPg WW aA2 >-Jn aacr aa3. nnq -J-J 2: - - .- 3 0,: a' .- t: E Ec 2' 8. .- s: >' -0 a m n a 0 al S' I- € E 2 (3 rn n 0 u) Q, U a 0 c a a a I - - - i - 8 Q Q, > Q) U 0 u) la 0 (3 c, .- - .. u) u) Q) 0 a 2 e 0 *- z a d c3 0 b a l-m aoo (30F scz YES OZ$ 3g2 ziz Jag :50 i?? -10- mFz c-az O<* oza WOU - z 3 5 E 0 0 0 0 0 -a- cu 9 m- T 00 90 00 0 -a- cn- (u F 0 2: 4mLl a92 22% 3x5 LLU 1-I PP5 am3 zz an2 aac t-I-W C c$ @Q %l) n e- a @= > = sc -- a, v) sa73 g .G c t: €2 *E €0 &E 620 8ui$j 2;s - n m 0 .E us5 c 52 s%g g@ 0 LSO Q, 3 (9 OU nga mr t 0@P AI- '1, .cn d) = 0zi5 > -i (13 J=-u +Q)C Q)ca T3co 8g 8 s '3 5 o"%s I ma = '3 a, 3 QE az* Q- Q) 0 Uq g .E 'E Q) 'E a 44 ooa 't - .u, ,a a, ?iJ p *? 0s: &g cd ar08 @oca 8 %,a" 8 $e$% - all 0 N U -i CI 0 4 ." March 31, 1995 TO: Mayor and City Council F DATE cc FROM: Management Analyst, Leilani Hines RE: HISTORICAL SUMMARY OF CDBG FUNDING PROGRAM As requested by Council Member Hall, I am providing you with a summary of Comml Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program funds allocated, reallocated, and expende subrecipients since Program Year 1988-89. I hope this will provide you with a good histc perspective of CDBG fund activities. If you should have any questions regarding this summary or the CDBG Program, please co my office at ~2818. qd&& L ILANI HINES Attachment (1) c: City Manager 2965 Roosevelt St., Ste. B Carlsbad, CA 92008-2389 (619) 434-28101281 1 FAX (619) 72C ', CW OF CARLSBAD - CDBG PROG 1c AM ACCOUNTS 0. (GPRW-94) Revised: 17-p CITY OF CARLSBAD - CDBG PROGR COUNTS e 0 Grant Entitlement 309,000.00 Program Admin Cap (20% of New Grant1 Actual Expenditures Amount of SurpIuslOverexpenditure Percentage of Grant Expended Public Service Cap (15% of New Grant) Total Expendaures Total Unliquidated Obligations Previous Unliquidated Obligations Net Obligation Amount of Surplus/Overexpenditure Percentage of Grant Obligated Annual Balance Goal (1.5 Times Annual Grant) Balance Amwnt to be Expended to Reach Annual Goal Actual BalancelGrant 61,800.00 0.00 61 800.00 I] 48,350.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.350.00 0.0% t 483.500.00 283.976.00 l25a (GPR93-94) Revised 17-Feb-95 CrrY OF CARLSBAD - COB0 PROG d AM ACCOUNTS 0 ._ (GPR93--94) Revised: 17-Feb-9. CITY OF CARLSBAD - CDBG PROe ACCOUNTS 0 Grant Entitlement 321,000.00 Proaram Admin Cap (20% of New Grant) Actwl Expenditures Amount d Surplus/Overexpendture Percentage of Grant Expended Public Service Cap (15% of New Grant1 Total Expenditures Total Unliquidated Obligations Previous Unliquidated Obligations Net Obligation Amount of Surplus/Overexpenditure Percentage of Grant Obligated Annual Balance Goal (1.5 Times Annual GranQ Balance Amount to be Expended to Reach Annual Goal Actual Balance/Grant 64,200.00 55.978.00 8 222.60 1J 4a,150.00 10.060.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 3a.150.00 I 3.1%1 481,500.00 I 1.541 4S4.793.67 IS,293.07 (GPR93-94) Revised 17-Feb-95 I 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAO - COBG PROGRAM ACCOUNTS (GPR93-94) Revised: 17- CflY OFCARLSBAD - CDBG PAOG&OUNTS 0 Grant Entitlement 325,000.00 Proaram Admin Cap (20% of New Grant) Actual Expenditures Amount of SurplurlOverexpenditure Percentage of Grant Expended Public Service Cap (15% of New Gra@ Total Expendlutes Total Unliquidated Obligations Previous Unliquidated Obligations Net Obligation Amount of SurplurlOverexpenditUre Percentage of Grant Obligated Annual Balance Goal (1.5 limes Annual Grant) BalanCO Amount to be Expended to Reach Annual Goal Actual BalancelGrant 65.000.00 84,850.00 150.00 [ 20.w 1 48,750.00 43,725.00 54,521 .OO 0.00 90,246.M e53 487.500.00 637.17131 449.67731 1.96 J (GPR93-94) Revised: 17-Feb-95 6. 0 0 CIM OFCAALSBAO - CDBG PROGRAM ACCOUNTS t. (GPR93-94) Revised: 17- CITY OF CARLSBAD - CDBG PRO e ACCOUNTS Grant Entilement 369,000.90 Proqram Admin Cao (20% of New Grant) 73.800.00 Actual Expendturer ~5.797 .I a Amount of Surplus/Overexpenditure la 002.82 Percentage of Grant Expended l-"xx] Public Service Cap (15% of New Grant) 55.350.00 Total Expendaures 44,069.59 Total Unliquidated Obligations 40,801.41 Previous Unliquidated Obligations 54.521 .00 Net Obligation 30.350.00 Amount of SurpluslOverexpenditure 25,000.00 Percentage of Grant Obligated I 8.2% 1 Annual Balance Goal (1.5 Times Annual Grant1 Ba)ance Amount to be Expended to Rench'Annual Goal Actual BalancdGrant - 553.500.00 W.496.30 1 10.996.30 1.10 1 c (GPR93-94) Revised: 17-Fob-95 1. e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD - CDBG PROGRAM ACCOUNTS (GPR93-94) Revised: 17-Feb- -95 cm OF CARLsBm - CDBG PROGR&oUNTS 0 Grant Entllement 390.000.00 - Actual Expenditures 78.000 .OO Amount of SurplusDverexpenditure BWJ2 ' 69348.48 Percentage of Grant Expended [-"I Public Service Cap (15% of New Grant) 50.500.00 Total Expenditures 77.826.25 Total Unliquidated Obligations 21.475.16 Previous Unliquidated Obligations 40,801.41 Net Obligation 58.500.00 Amount of Surplus#verexpendRurc 0.00 Percentage of Grant Obligated I 15.096 j " Annual Balance Goal (1.5 Times Annual Grant1 - 585,000.00 Balance 1,291.851.29 Amount to be Expended to Reach Annual Goal 708.851.29 Actual Balance/Grant I 3.31 J (GPRS3-94) Revised: 17-Feb-05 0 0 - I. CITY OF CARLSBAD - CDBG PROGRAM ACCOUNTS (GPRQ3-94) Revised: 17- Fet CITY OF CARLSBAD - CDBG PROGR~COUNTS m Grant Entitlement 512,000.00 Proaram Admin Car, (20% of New Grant) Actual Expenditures Amount of Surplur/Overexpenditure Percentage of Grant Expended Public Service Cap (15% of New Grant. Total Expenditures Total Unliquidated Obligations Previous Unliquldated Obligations Net Obligation Amount of Surplus/Overexpenditure Percentage of Grant Obligated Annual Balance Goal (1.5 Times Annual Ora@ Balance Amount to be Expended to Reach Annual Goal Actual Balance/Grant - 102.400.00 79,251 .I2 23 148 08 1-1 . 78,800.00 55.731.16 42,144.00 21.475.16 78.400.00 400.00 I 14.9% 1 768,000.00 852.699.20 a (GPR93-94) Revised: 17-Feb-M CIM OF CARLSBAD - CDBG PR !a AM ACCOUNTS e J. (GPR93-94) Revised: 17-Feb CIlY OF CARLSBAD - CDBG rn GRAM ACCOUNTS w Summary 199419s Activitv 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 _Unprogrammed Funds 77,723.76 0.00 43,400.24 78,980.00 Public Service 862,026.92 0.00 40.204.1 6 367,420.00 Public Facilities & Other Projects 181,920.94 0.00 5,423.18 11 1,600.00 Program Administration Balance . Reallocated Allocation I Expended 1 TOTAL ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ I 556,000.001 89,027.56 I 0.00 } 1,l 21,671.62 ] Grant Entitlement 558,000.00 Proqrarn Adrnin Cap (20% of New Grant) 11 1,600.00 Actual Expenditures 5,423.18 106 176.82 Amount of Surplus/Overexpenditure Percentage of Grant Expended [-I Public Service Cap (1 5% of New Grant) Total Expenditures Total Unliquidated Obligations Previous Unliquidated Obligations Net Obligation Amount of SurpIuslOverexpenditure Percentage of Grant Obligated Annual Balance Goal (1.5 Times Annual Grant) Balance Amount to be Expended to Reach Annual Goal Actual Balance/Grant 83,700.00 43,400.24 77,723.76 42,44400 78,980.00 4 720 00 114.2%] 837,000.00 1,121,671.62 284,671.62 2.01 1 - (GPR93-94) Revised: 30-Mar-95 F e e CIM OF CARLSBAD - CDBG PROGRAM ACCOUNTS (GPR93-94) Revised: 17-Fe CIM OF CARLSBAD - CDBG PROGReCOUNTS 0 Grant Entitlement 4,0335.120.35 Program Adrnin Cap (20% of New Grant) Actuai Expenditures Amount of SurpluslOverexpendturs Percentage of Grant Expended Pubb Service Cap (15% of New Grant) Total Expendtureo Total Unliquidated Obligations Previous Unliquidated Obligations Net Obligation Amount d SurplusDverexpendiurr Percentage of Grant Obligated Annwl Balance Goal 11.5 limes Annual GranQ Balance Amount to be Expended to Reach Annwl thj ActuaI Balance/Grant 807,025.87 530,645.96 476 370.01 1x1 605,269.40 274.75224 65.222.76 0.00 339.975.00 265.2e4.40 l--"Tzz] 6,052694.02 939,170.82 5,119,523. L-7 (GPRQ3-94) Revised: 17-Feb-95 , .- e .+ CITY OF CARLSBAO - CDBG PROG a AM ACCOUNTS I I I 1 STATUS (GPR93-94) Revised: 17-Fe I . 0 0 ;I PROOF OF PUBLICATION (201 5.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego This space is for the County Clerk's FiIi I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the Cou'nty aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of Proof of Publication of Wade-Citizen l a newspaper of general circulstion, printed and published daily in the City of Oceanside and qualified for the City of Oceanside and the North County Judicial district with substantial circulation in Bonsall, Fallbrook. Leucadia, Encinitas, Cardiff, Vista and Cartsbad, County of San Diego, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of San Diego, State of California. under the date of June 30, 1989, case number 171349; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: . ""+&L 4 -?T- """ /.$&..dj.pi77i v/ /J r,, ( ~\iJ """""""""""""""""""" Paste Clipping of Notice SECURELY In This Space. ,7y/$,&L,f/ 4) 2, / ,+yjT I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. ." .. . '/ . +,' ,I.' ' , .. .; . i. , Dated at Oceanside,Califomia, this/ day . ..I. ~ 3; $', of / ,' , I I i j? ..:,.' ,,' -/<A ; I 'i 47 ,,'. . . - I ,.+, ,/ , ,{ , ..- ,.. .I 8 I, City of Carlsbad Notice of Public Hearing /;$/"A /"/ /,. .,.3 /, i, , 8 -x-. 1 : income residents. To develop a CDBG program which meets the needs of the low and moderate 1995-96 Community Development Block Grant Progra $9 , m in the Council Chambers located 1200 Carlsbad Village Driveto discuss projects to be included ir The citizens of Carlsbad are hereby notified that Carlsbads City Council will hold a public hearing or ! gevelopment Block Grant (CDBG) Program. The City has approxlmately $716,847.514 avallable fori j The Ci of Carlsbad is committed to using CDBG funds to finance projectslservices which provide dir -- ------------,------&" ,--a&------- Carlsbadrequestsassistancefrommembersofthecommunity.Citizenparticipationiscriticaltothe 1' Gonature ,' / J program. Therefore, the City invites all community members to consider the needs of low and m Carlsbad to attend the public meetings and to provide comments on the housing and community moderat&incorne persons and the var/ous proposals which have been submitted for funding un Program. Those proposals selected for funding will be identified within the new Consolidated Plan as 1 The Ci has received a total of (37) proposals for CDBG funding. The following or anizations havf in the upcoming year to meet the needs of low and moderate income Carlsbad residents. Carlsbad Care Crew; North County Council on Aging; Senior Adult Services; EYE eounseling 8 Cr Good Samaritan House: La Posada de Guadalupe; Saint Clare's Home; Aid to Veteran's of America v~ces; SERlJobs for Progress; Wqmen's Resource Center; Casa de Amparo; New Haven; AIDS Foul North County Chaplaincy; Girls Club of Carlsbad; Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad; Join Hands Si House; Western Institute Foundatlon for Mental Health; Family Service, Assonation; Hospice of the h Services; Heartland Human Relations Association: Habitat for Humanity; Houslng and Redevelopm BLADE-CITIZEN Persons who have questions or comments regarding the City of Carlsbads CDBG Program or whl vices Dept. mation on the proposals submitted for 199596 CDBG funding consideration and those being re( Legal Advertising contact Leilani Hines at 434-2818, Monday through Friday between 8:OO am to 5:OO pm. 1722South Hill Street ~ega141893 March31,1995 ,. P.O. BOX 90. ... Oceanside, CA 92054 (61 9) 433-7333 I t I 0 City of Carlsbad 0 1995-96 Community Development Block Grant Program Notice of Public Hearing The citizens of Carlsbad are hereby notified that Carlsbad’s City Council will hc public hearing on Tuesday, April 4, 1995 at 6:OO pm in the Council Chambers loc 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive to discuss projects to be included in the City’s 199!~ Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. The City has approxima $71 6,847.84 available for allocation to eligible projects. The City of Carlsbad is committed to using CDBG funds to finance projects/serv which provide direct benefit to low and moderate income residents. To develc CDBG program which meets the needs af the low and moderate income populai the City of Carlsbad requests assistance from members of the community. Cit participation is critical to the success of the Carlsbad CDBG program. Therefore, City invites all community members to consider the needs of low and mode income persons within Carlsbad, to attend the public meetings, and to pro! comments on the housing and community development needs of low and moder income persons and the various proposals which have been submitted for fun( under Carlsbad’s 1995-96 CDBG Program. Those proposals selected for funding be identified within the new Consolidated Plan as the activities the City will pursu the upcoming year to meet the needs of low and moderate income Carlsbad reside The City has received a total of (37) proposals for CDBG funding. The follov organizations have submitted request for funding: Carlsbad Care Crew; North COL Council on Aging; Senior Adult Services; EYE Counseling & Crisis Services; Brot Benno’s; Good Samaritan House; La Posada de Guadalupe; Saint Clare’s Home; to Veteran’s of America; Community Resource Center; North County Chaplaincy; C Club of Carlsbad; Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad; Join Hands Save a Life; Carlsl Youth Services; SER/Jobs for Progress; Women‘s Resource Center; Casa de Amp: New Haven; AIDS Foundation of San Diego; Fraternity House; Western Instil Foundation for Mental Health; Family Service Association; Hospice of the North Co, Lifeline Community Services; Heartland Human Relations Association; Habitat Humanity; Housing and Redevelopment Dept.; and Community Services Dept. Persons who have questions or comments regarding the City of Carlsbad‘s CD Program or who would like more specific information on the proposals submitted 1995-96 CDBG funding consideration and those being recommended for fundi please contact Leilani Hines at 434-2818, Monday through Friday between 8:OO $0 5:OO pm. I r 0 0 March 21, 1995 TO: CITY CLERK’S OFFICE FROM: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice Solicitation of CommentsAn Carlsbad’s Housing; and Cornmuniv Development Needs and Proposals submitted for fun under the CDBG Program for a public hearing before the City Council. Please note that public hearing does not need to be noticed ten (10) days in advance of the public hearing. The hearing requires a minimum notice of 72 hours/3 days. Please notice the item for a regular Council meeting on April - 4, 1995 or alternate dah selected by City Manager. Thank you. 3 - 2.2. / Yp DATE - i < e _" - e '. March 21, 1995 TO: CITY MANAGER hAR\CY AJ - ~ 7"w PACW3-r 1NJcCclDES , i I &ErJC)P, BILLS , l?ECh"D - I -WE CnBG PROGRAM I Fe I f?Ev\ta,~. AL30 ATTAQHE! FROM: HOUSING AND REDE~LOP~~ * 13 T\+e PAPERWCS.K CDBG PROGRAM/PROJECTS - CITY COUNCi NE&DEo Fcb N67'c'NG c Attached are two (2) agenda bills related to the 1995: q-e..a + Grant Program. -- OE6BI E The first agenda bill requests the City Council to holl ' recommended by the CDBG Funding Advisory Committee. As in the past, this public hearing is intended to be used by the Council for solicitation of comments/public testimo only; no action is requested or expected by staff. If at all possible, we would like to havc public hearing scheduled for the Council meeting of April 4, 1995. This public hearing ( days in advance of the hearing to meet federal regulations. The second agenda bill requests action from the City Council to select the projects and funding levels for the 1995-96 CDBG program. This action does not require an addition; public hearing. Action can be taken by the Council under the "Departmental/City Manag Report" section of the Agenda. If possible, we would like this agenda bill to be schedule the next meeting of the Council following the public hearing which would be April 11, 1 If you have any questions regarding the requested scheduling, please contact me. A6 /Q p pueL1C HEAR'F I QAnXA I kl , on the CDBG program in general and, more specifically, the funding allocations - not require the normal ten day noticing requirements. It must be noticed at least 72 hour! & EVAN E. BECKER %