HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-04-11; City Council; 13097; APPROPRIATION OF $35,000 IN THE SOLID WASTE ENTERPRISE FUND. AB # 13: o?? TITLE: APPROPRIATION OF $35,000 MTG. 041 I1 195 IN THE SOLID WASTE DEPT. CSD ENTERPRISE FUND DEPl CITY CITY w G & h a 5 z F 0 4 2 5 z 3 0 0 " CyY OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 75-7' appropriating $35,000 from the retained earnings in the So Enterprise Fund Miscellaneous Professional Services Account. ITEM EXP LAN AT1 0 N : The City is currently involved with two issues, the Palomar Transfer Station condemnatioi 10 City lawsuit against the Solid Waste Authority, which require substantial professional services. As these actions were not anticipated at the beginning of the year, no fu~ appropriated to cover these expenses. In order to fund these actions through the remain year, an additional $35,000 will need to be appropriated from the retained earnings of Waste Enterprise Fund. An appropriation of $35,000 will cover all professional services expenses incurred to date anticipated through the remainder of the fiscal year. Should any additional services be re these two cases, an additional appropriation will be needed. FISCAL IMPACT With the original adopted budget, the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund is anticipated to hav remaining in retained earnings at year-end. The recommended action will reduce tht earnings of the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund by $35,000, leaving an estimated balance a' of $22,000. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 9 5 c 9 o 2. 3. Solid Waste Enterprise Fund Status Spreadsheet Memo to Frank Mannen dated 3/20/95 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W W RESOLUTION NO. 95-90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBl CALIFORNIA, APPROPRIATING $35,000 FROM THE RETAINED EARNIN IN THE SOLID WASTE ENTERPRISE FUND MISCELLANEO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACCOUNT WHEREAS, the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund has incurred a number of u professional services expenses; and WHEREAS, adequate funds are available in the retained earnings o Waste Enterprise Fund; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City ( as follows: 1. 2. The above recitations are true and correct. The Finance Director is hereby authorized to appropriate $!35,0 retained earnings in the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund Mis Professional Services account. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City ( at its regular meeting held on the 11 th day of APRIL , 1995, by the follc to wit: AYES: NOES: None Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, ABSENT: None CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor A'ITEST: ALETHA L RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEGL) I, bAPLDL1 L w rn SOLID WASTE ENTERPRISE FUND STATUS Beginning Balance 7/1/94 $70,600 AB 939 revenues to 2/28/95 $65,358 Expenditures to 2/28/95 ($71,274) Current Balance $64,685 Anticipated AB 939 revenue $26,000 Plus CWM reimbursement $1 7,000 less unexpended appropriations ($49,998) Year End Balance $57,687 less additional appropriation ($35,000) Revised Year End Balance $22,687 EXHIBIT 3 W 0 March 20, 1995 TO: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Via: FROM: Management Analyst, Solid Waste Administrative Services/Projects Manager ). # STATUS OF FY 1994-95 SOLID WASTE BUDGET AND ENTERPRISE FUND Professional Services: The Solid Waste Enterprise Fund (SWEF) budget for N 1994-95 was approved at $101 Since adoption of the budget, there have been a number of unbudgeted Professional Sei that have been either charged to the SWEF or are anticipated to be charged. These sel could amount to as much as $61,000 in excess of current appropriations. Initially, $20,000 was appropriated for Professional Services. The original $20,000 was bud as follows: b Hilton Famkopf & Hobson $1 0,000 (City share) b North County JPA Support Services $1 0,000 $20,000 The North County JPA retained Dwight Worden for assistance with the preparation of the co with Coast Waste/ECDC. Carlsbad’s share was $3,180.87. The Hitton Famkopf 8~ Hc contract exceeded the allocated amount by $7,000. These two costs have expe encumbered the entire Professional Services budget plus $180.87. To date, the SWE incurred the following unbudgeted expenses in the Professional Services account: b Asaro, Keagy, Freeland $9,053 (Transfer Station Condemnation) b Dwight Worden (Carlsbad’s share) $6,000 (1 0 crty lawsuit against Authofity/County) b First American Title Co $5,217 (Transfer Station Condemnation) b Lee Johnson Co, appraiser $8,500 (Transfer Station Condemnation) b Various other professional services $1,111 Total $29,881 i w V SWEF Fund Balance: If we stay within our original $1 04,000 budget, and revenues continue to come in as anticipate the SWEF fund balance should be approximately $57,000 at year-end. The tentative FY 1QQ5-! SWEF budget is $101,875, which is supported by estimated $96,000 in AB 939 fee revenue. C 939 fee revenues fluctuate accordingly with any solid waste services rate changes. Recommendation: If we will not require Dick Freeland’s services to the extent originally anticipated, the Solid Was Enterprise Fund balance can absorb the additional unanticipated Professional Servici expenditures. This may change should we require any additional services from Dick Freelan or Dwight Worden (in conjunction with the 10 city lawsuit). Any appropriations from the retainc earnings in the SWEF must be approved by City Council. An appropriation of $35,000 will cover all professional services to date and those anticipati through the remainder of the year. I am preparing an agenda bill for this purpose. Please c me at ex?. 2949 if you have any questions. Fh J LEROSS c: Community Services Director