HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-04-18; City Council; 13111; COST SHARING AGREEMENT FOR D.A.R.E. PROGRAMp >,,Y /. 0 0 /' I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. w-1'3 approving the cost sharing agreement between the City of Ca the Carlsbad Unified School District and the Encinitas Union School District for the Drug Abuse Re Education (D.A.R.E.) Program for fiscal year 1994-95. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City has agreed to provide the Carlsbad and Encinitas school districts with the D.A.R.E. Progrz their elementary schools for fiscal year 1994-95. The City has also agreed to provide the D.A.R.E. to Carlsbad school district's junior high and high schools. The Police Department has staffed one C officer to Carlsbad and Encinitas elementary schools and one to Carlsbad junior high and high schc accordance with the agreement. Each school district has agreed to pay for one-half the cost of the program. The cost of each officer is $50,000. Carlsbad Unified School District's cost share for the Program for the elementary, junior high and high schools is $43,750; Encinitas Union School Distric share for the elementary school is $9,375 - a total of $53,125. FISCAL INPACT: The cost sharing payments of $53,125 will be placed into the General Fund Expense Account and offset the cost of the D.A.R.E. Program to the City. 1. Resolution No. ?r-/og 2. Agreement with Carlsbad Unified School District. 3. Agreement with Encinitas Union School District. Qm a9 4 .. z Q a b 2 8 J I 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 I.1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I1 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 95-103 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A COST SHARING AGREEMENT FOR DARE PROGRAM BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, THE CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That the cost sharing agreement for the DARE Program between the City of Carlsbad, the Carlsbad Unified School District and Encinitas Union School District is hereby approved. 3. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad, California on the 18th day of APRIL , 1995, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A'ITEST: E%. (SEAL) // // 0 0 COST SHARING AGREEMENT This agreement is made and entered into at Carl: California, this 12th day of September , 1995 by the Cii Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called llCityll Carlsbad Unified School District I a unified school disti hereinafter called "School Districtvt. WHEREAS, the City and the School District find thz would be mutually beneficial to share the costs of the Drug 2 Resistance Education program, hereinafter called D.A.R.E., parties agree as follows: The City agrees to provide the School District wit elementary school D.A.R.E. program as described in Exhibit VIA' the School District agrees to pay the City a sum certain of $It toward the cost of this program. The City agrees to provide the School District wi high school and junior high school D.A.R.E. program as describl Exhibit IlBll and the School District agrees to pay City a certain of $25,000 toward the cost of this program. MODIFICATIONS AND SCHEDULING Descriptions of the programs in Exhibit ttA1t and ItBt general guidelines only and minor modifications may be made b! City. Scheduling of the programs is at the discretion of the ( CONDITIONS This agreement is based on the following assumptior Encinitas Union School District agrees to provide % toward the cost of the elementary D.A.R.E. program. (f;L 1) cost.shar/kjhl6/1/94 0 0 2) School enrollment at Carlsbad Unified School District Encinitas Union School District is approximately the in the 1994/1995 school year as in the 1993/1994 sc: year. If either of the two assumptions above prove to be fa this agreement is VOID. TERM OF AGREEMENT The term of this agreement extends from July 1, 199 to June 30, 1995. METHOD AND TIME OF PAYMENT The School District agrees to pay the City in following manner: One-half of the amount due will be paid no later than December 31, 1994. The remaining one-half will be paid no later than June 30, 1995. CITY EMPLOYEES City employees who perform duties under this agreer are not, for any purpose whatsoever, employees of the scl District. OL DISTRICT B M District Superintendent Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: RONALD R. BALL City Attorney ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk q.21- qJ- - %La$$'-, BY LE. 6Qee Deputy City Attorney cost.shar/kjhl6/1194 0 0 Exhibit A The primary emphasis of the D.A.R.E. Program is assisting students in recognizing and resisting the pressures exerted on them to experiment with drugs. A semester course will be given to students in their last year at each elementary school. Topics covered will include but not be limited to: Showing students how to say no to peers who offer them drugs, Developing self-esteem, 4 Being assertive. l Understanding the social pressures which encourage drug use. Learning positive things they can do instead of using drugs. An abbreviated program will also be given to children from kindergarten tc the fifth grade. The elementary program will be administered and presented by one policr officer. 0 0 Exhibit B -- High School Level The D.A.R.E. Program administered by the police department at the High school level will include but not be limited to: Drug Education. Dealing with and resisting media pressure. Coping with anger and conflict without drugs. Decision making. ’ Alcohol and driving. Understanding personal rights and responsibilities; ’ A semester course will be given to students during their attendance at mandatory health education classes. High school students who &e not enrolled in the health education classe2 who have already completed the classes will receive an abbreviated progr; ,Jiinior High - School Level The D.A.R.E. Program at the Junior High level will include but not be limi to: Reinforcing techniques for saying no to others who offer drugs. Feeling good about oneself. Being assertive. Understanding the social pressures which encourage drug use. Decision making. Understanding personal rights and responsibilities. A semester course will be given to students during the eighth grade. Students in other grades will receive an abbreviated program. Both High school and Junior High school programs will be administered a presented by one police officer. 0 0 COST SHARING AGREEMENT This agreement is made and entered into at Carls California, this \3& day ofhb , 1w by the Cit Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called llCity", Encinitas Union School District, a unified school disti hereinafter called IISchool Districtt1. WHEREAS, the City and the School District find the would be mutually beneficial to share the costs of the Drug 1 Resistance Education program, hereinafter called D.A.R.E., parties agree as follows: The City agrees to provide the School District wit elementary school D.A.R.E. program as described in Exhibit ItA1 the school District agrees to pay the city a sum certain of $5 toward the cost of this program. MODIFICATIONS AND SCHEDULING The description of the program in Exhibit I1At1 general guideline only and minor modifications may be made bq City. Scheduling of the programs is at the discretion of the c CONDITIONS This agreement is based on the following assumptier 1) Carlsbad Unified School District agrees to prc $18,750 toward the cost of the elementary D.A. program. School enrollment at Carlsbad Unified School Districl Encinitas Union School District is approximately the in the 1994/1995 school year as in the 1993/1994 sc year. If either of the two assumptions above prove to be fa 2) cost .sharlkjh18/4/94 0 0 this agreement is VOID. TERM OF AGREEMENT The term of this agreement extends from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1995. METHOD AND TIME OF PAYMENT The School District agrees to pay the City in following manner: One-half of the amount due will be paid no later thari Eacemnber 31, 1994. The remaining one-half will be paid no later than June 30, 1995. CITY EMPLOYEES City employees who perform duties under this agreen are not, for any purpose whatsoever, employees of the Sck District. ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: RONALD R. BALL City Attorney ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ q-2 ,- y City Clerk - V-d. 9r* BY O-QL Deputy City Attorney cost .shar/kjh/8/4/44 . 0 0 Exhibit A The primary emphasis of the DAR.E. Pro@am is assisting students h recognizing and resisting the pressures exerted on them to experiment with drugs. A semester course will be given to students in their last year at each elementary school. Topics covered will indude but not be limited to: Showing students how to say no to peers who offer them drugs. Developing self-esteem. Being assertive. Understaxkg Lle social pressmrs svhich encourage dmg use. Learning positive things they cm do hstead of using drugs. An abbreviated program will also be given to children from kindergarten the fifth grade. The elementary program will be administered and presented by one pol officer. *--Hi& Pefl0-e finkg in i~ Nurftuing Env&onment-.. January 10, 1995 Don L. Sisselberger Sergeant Recruit ment/Traini ng 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, California 92008-7280 Dear Don, Enclosed please find the signed CGst Sharing Agreement for the DARE program. The DARE program will include the La Costa Heights, Olivenhain Pioneer and Miss Estancia. The contact person for each school is listed below. La Costa Heights Mission Estancia Debbie Blow, Principal Tim Reeve, Principal 944-4380 943-2007 Olivenhain Pioneer Emily Andrade, Principal 943-2022 Thank you so much for your patience and cooperation. If 1 can be of further assistan to you in the future, please don't hesitate to contact me. Si ncereiy, w @L Debbie Blackburn for Bonnie Drolet, Ed. D. Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services Board of Trustees Tracy Casey Shannon Kuder Cathy Regan Carol Skiljan H.J. Walker Superintendent Patricia Clark White. Ed. D. Assistant Superlntendents Educational Services Staff Developn Greg Ryan Kay 101 s. Rancho Sanra Fe Road. Eminitas. CA 92024 Phone (619) 944-4300 FAX (619) 942-7094