HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-04-18; City Council; 13116; BLEP statusAB# * TITLE: STATUS ON THE BATlQUlTOS LAGOON J ENHANCEMENT PROJECT MTG. @/qs DEPT. CD DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY CITY MGR - 0 a j 4!$&&&* iz -I? fi iff it:f <~t:~~~i~ rt.1 f: <; L'1-y c 3 6J 1\1( - - ! t 3&...;% ii? :* April 11, 1995 id I+% C C*GLb TO: ClW MANAGER kLER--- OMMCONITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR VIA1 F FROM: MUNiCiPAL PROJECTS MANAGERLJL ' SUBJECT: REVISED OUTLINE OF PUBLIC AGENCY OFFICIALS BRIEFING; BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT Marty asked me to have Rick Alexander revise the attached outline regarding the public agency project briefing program for the Batiquitos project. Rick has therefore revised thc last paragraph on Page 4 of the outline to include a wider range of Carlsbac representation to take part in these project briefings. Although the public agency official briefing program will be mentioned in our Tuesday April 18th City Council Batiquitos project status report, your approval is requested tc begin making plans for this program and scheduling appointments in Washingtoi sufficiently in advance. 0 0 BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT Environmental Monitoring Office 7102 Batiquitos Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 TO: John Cahill FROM: Rick Alexander DATE: RE: February 10, 1995 (Revised 3/10/95) Washington D.C. and Sacramento Trips in Spring 1995; Elected Official and Agency Outreach cc: Betty Dehoney, Laurie Sargent This memo is intended to facilitate discussion and planning for trips to Washington, D.C. a Sacramento in Spring 1995. The purpose of these trips is to conduct briefings for both elect and permitting agency officials on the status and accomplishments of the Enhancement Projei These briefings were anticipated in the Work Program and staff participation is allocated in Ta 2.1.3, Agency Interaction. As we have learned, an undertaking with the scope of the Enhancement Project invariably h detractors. In the San Diego region, we have seen recent examples of how the involvement senior elected or appointed officials can sway agency and public opinion of major proje causing their delay or abandonment. The outreach process focuses on design and execution of regularly scheduled briefings for k public officials, including top agency administrators, local elected officials, state legislators, a members of Congress. Costs identified for this task include development of briefing materi and scheduled staff travel. If these parties are going to receive information about 1 Enhancement Project, it should come from the City, Port District, and Project Team rather th another source with a special interest. This memo will focus on our Washington D.C. trip a: model. Sacramento will be addressed subsequently. e 0 Memorandum to John Cahill February 10, 1995 Page 2 Issues Since this is probably the first significant information the target audience will have received sinc project start-up a ten minute presentation should be developed which focuses on: - project goals - Cityport Partnership - role of federakite agencies and permits - economic benefits - environmental benefits - benefits to the public - schedule - request ffor continued support - establishment of a direct contact person with the Project invite them to visit the Project. e These presentations are most effective when the team informally addresses the issues with eac member taking specific areas of responsibility. Two or three portable graphics are good - I slides or tapes unless we choose to leave a copy of the video at selected stops. From the Congressional staff we should learn: - if they have been approached about the Project by constituents or special interc what pending or proposed legislation could have an effect on the Project. groups - Target Audience for D.C. 1. Congress a. Senator Barbara Boxer Key staff. Kathy Lacey b. Senator Diane Feinstein Key staff. Peter Teague C. Congressman Ron Packard Key staff: David Coggin d. Congressman Randy Cunningham Key staff Lindsey Lloyd Clare O’Leary e m Memorandum to John Cahill February 10, 1995 Page 3 Optional meetings: Briefing key committee staff is a valuable exercise if you can convince them to talk t you. Usually people seek them out who are after money, so a briefing on a non-D.C funded program could be appealing. The House has completely reorganized its structu1 and has created a new Committee on Resources, We should meet at minimum with thc e. House Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Oceans 1. Chairman: H. James Saxton (N.J.) Key staff Sharon McKenna 2. Ranking Minority: Gerry Studds (Mass.) Key staff Keith Lind . 3. A3encv Officials in D.C. We should identify key agency officials who represent the federal MOA agencies. Local sta contact persons should provide the names of which parties they feel we should brief, and thr should be invited to attend the briefing, although obviously at their own agency’s expense. a. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Local staff Jack Fancher D.C. staff b. National Marine Fisheries Service Local staff: D.C. st&. Bob Hoffman (Long Beach) c. Environmental Protection Agency Local staff D.C. staff d. Corps of Engineers Harriet Hill (San Francisco) Local staff: Elizabeth White D.C. staff a 0 I Memorandum to John Cahill February 10, 1995 Page 4 Funding Source On the subject of funding assistance for planning and implementing a permanent visitor cente and educational program we should meet with: 1. Whitney Tilt, Coexecutive Director National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Entourage The group should be small and able to make an effective presentation. Inclusion of a Counc member will help assure a personal briefing with Cunningham and Packard if that is desire< If a person from the Port wants to join the group, or if the Port wants to expand the briefing t include Los Angeles area Congresspeople that should be welcomed. In any event I am sure the have a Washington lobbyist who should be invited to sit in. A Carlsbad group could includc 1. Mayor and/or City Councilmember 2. City Manager office representative 3. City Project Director 4. Project Environmental Monitoring Manager 5. Project Community Facilitator Each of these people play a specific role in our access and presentation strategy. Let’s dim those roles when we review this initial memo.