HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-04-25; City Council; 13125; APPROVAL OF PARAMEDIC/FIREFIGHTER WORK EXCHANGE AGREEMENT' fE 2 z 0 I- o - a d 2 3 0 0 cw OF cAHL3BAU - AbitwA BILL F..- I ' - AB# /?,t 125 TITLE: APPROVAL OF PARAMEDICEIREFIGHTER DEPT MTG. q-25- 3 5 WORK EXCHANGE AGREEMENT CITY CITY DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: FIR ap roving a work exchange agreeme P Adopt Resolution No. Ci.";,lC? paramedic/firefighters between the cities o Carlsbad and San Diego. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Le department is proposing a work exchange agreement between the c' Carlsbad and San Diego fire departments. This agreement would paramedic/firefighters from each department to work a specified number of sh the other department. When a Carlsbad paramedic/firefi hter is working on on a Carlsbad paramedic ambulance. . The purpose of the agreement is to enhance the knowledge, training and exp of personnel from both departments and to examine each other's methoi procedures. Each de artment will act as an insurer for its own personne duties un B er the supervision of the host department and will pz performin% salary and enefits. The agreement empowers the fire chiefs to execute supplementary agreem necessary, regarding operational procedures. The work exchange agreement terminated by either party within 30 days of written notice. FISCAL IMPACE None. EXHIBITS: 1. Staff Report 3. Agreement Diego paramedic assessment unit, a San Diego paramedic/ K irefighter will be w 2. Resolution No. ci5 -Icy I 0 0 August 11, 1994 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Fire Chief VIA: Battalion Chief, Operations PARAMEDIC EXCHANGE PROGRAM WITH SAN DIEGO FIRE DEPARTMENT ISSIJE: Should the Carlsbad Fire Department (CFD) and the San Dieso Fire Department (SDFD) enti into an agreement to allow the temporary exchange of paramedidfirefighters for the purpose career development and skill enhancement? PECoMM ENDAT ION; Staff recommends that the City of Carlsbad and the City of San Diego enter into an agreeme which provides for the temporary exchange of paramedic/firefighters between fil departments. A LT E R N AT1 V ES : Do not enter into the agreement. J M PACTS : Fiscal: There should little, if any, financial impact. Participation will be voluntary the part of the individual medics. There will be no milage or overtin compensation associated with travel to the SDFD fire stations. Overtime cot become a factor only in the event that a San Diego medic fails to show up for shift in Carlsbad. Such an event would be rare and would only involve an ho or two until our medic could be recalled from San Diego. BACKGROUND: Paramedic Advanced life support (ALS) emergency medical services (EMS) are provided both the San Diego Fire Department (SDFD) and the Carlsbad fire department (CFD) with SOI core differences. Carlsbad’s EMS delivery system utilizes paramedidfirefighters who staff two Mobile lntens Care Unit (MICU) ambulances and two Assessment Engines. The ambulances are staffed by t paramedic/firefighters while the assessment engines are staffed by one paramedidfirefighi Currently, the ambulances represent the c_ore of our delivery system while the assessrn engines are considered an enhancement. 0 m San Diego's a delivery system differs form ours in that San Diego contracts with a privz ambulance company (currently American Ambulance) to provide MlCU ambulance servic which are staffed by civilian paramedics. The core is backed up by fourteen (14) assessme engines, each staffed by one paramedidfirefighter. Staff doe!; not expect any deterioration in the service provided to the citizens of Carlsbad. Tt SDFD has been involved in exchange programs with other San Diego County fire agencies f approximately three years and all of their medics have been able to work on ambulances and a familiar with the skills that are required. DISCUSSION: Unlike CFD paramedics, who rotate among the MICU's and engines, SDFD medics are unable rotate onto the MlCU ambulances operated by American Ambulance. This is due to the fact th the American Ambulance medics are not cross-trained as firefighters and would not be able swap duties with the SDFD paramedidfirefighters. SDFDs interest in setting up an exchange program is to provide their firefighterhedics tl opportunity to use and enhance the medical skills associated with transporting a patient wh working on an MICU. CFDs interest in entering into the agreement is also to enhance the skills of a firefighter/medics. Except for injuries associated with traffic accidents, our medics de primarily with non-trauma type injuries and illnesses. We expect that one result of t exchange program will be that the participants will experience more traumatic-type injuri while working with SDFD and, as a result, will be better able to deal with those types injuries when they occur in Carlsbad. A significant number of our paramedidfirefighters are in favor of the program and st expects that the exchange program will not only enhance their skills but also contribute to th already high morale. Therefore, staff recommends that the City of Carlsbad enter into ParamedidFirefighter exchange program agreement with the City of San Diego. ATTACH M ENTS : A. Sample Agreement c 1 2 3 '4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 95-109 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAI CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A PARAMEDIC/FIREFIGHTER WOR EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF CARLSBAI AND SAN DIEGO WHEREAS, the city of Carlsbad Fire Department wishes to enter into a mutual work exchange program with the city of San Diego to exchange paramedic/ firefighters for the purpose of enhancing their training and capat and WHEREAS, valuable experience and knowledge is to be gained by both agencies through participation in the work exchange program; and WHEREAS, the program serves to promote a strong working relations. between all participating fire agencies within San Diego county. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City o Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true. 2. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute an agreement w city of San Diego for an exchange of paramedic/firefighter personnel for traj purposes under the terms and conditions of the agreement on file in the off the City Clerk. j // /I /I // 11 // // // // IC Rr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 a PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held on the by the following vote, ‘to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, KuLchin, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Nygaard 25th day of APRIL 1 ATTEST: A&M’mG* (SEAL) 0 0 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made by the city of San Diego, a municipal corporation herein called SAN DIEGO and the city of Carlsbad, herein called CARLSBAD. RECITALS SAN DIEGO and CARLSBAD maintain as part of their municipal services, organized and equipped fire departments charged with the duty of fire related responses. In addition, San Diego Fire Department provides first responder emergency medical technician and paramedic services within its jurisdictional limits and Carlsbad Fire Department provides paramedic emergency services witf its jurisdictional limits. Investigation has disclosed that it would be mutually beneficial to allow SAh DIEGO firefighterlparamedics to exchange positions with CARLSBAD paramediclfirefighters, rate for rate, for a period of time per month agreed'to by th designated chief officers of the two departments. SAN DIEGO and CARLSBAD agree that this agreement is mutually beneficia by allowing SAN DIEGO firefighter/paramedics the opportunity to maintain their paramedic scope of practice by responding to medical emergencies and transportin ill and injured victims and allowing CARLSBAD paramedic/firefighters addition; exposure to/and training operations by being assigned to SAN DIEGO fire stations NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and the mutual obligatic of the parties as herein expressed, SAN DIEGO and CARLSBAD agree as follows: To schedule an exchange of work-shifts crossing over from department 1. department, rate for rate, firefighter/paramedic for paramedic/firefighter, for a period of time to be agreed to by each party's designated fire department chief offic The respective exchange personnel will be subordinate to and answerab! to the fire chief or fire chief's designee of the department to which they are assign€ and the exchanged personnel will adhere to and abide by department rules, 2. 1 e a regulations and working conditions as stipulated in the operational regulations of the department to which they are assigned. 3. Each party to this agreement shall cover its employee workers’ compensation liability without cost to the other party for those employees assignec to the other party’s department and each party shall pay the salary and the fringe benefits to its own personnel assigned to the other party’s department without cos to the other party. 4. CARLSBAD agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SAN DIEGO, its officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, cost, suits and damages, including attorneys fees, arising from the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of CARLSBAD associated with this project. SAN DIEGO agrees to indemnify and hold harmless CARLSBAD, its officers, agents and employees fron and against any and all claims, costs, suits and damages, including attorneys fees, arising from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of SAN DIEGO associated witk this project. 5. CARLSBAD and SAN DIEGO each shall act and be the employer of its 01 personnel while voluntarily assigned to the other agency, except for day-to-day instructions and assignments while at the other agency, including coverage of malpractice claims in accordance with the Governcode, arising out of their condu for the other agency pursuant to this agreement. 6. The chiefs of the parties fire departments are authorized to execute supplementary agreements regarding operational procedures necessary to implement this agreement. This agreement may be terminated by either of the parties upon giving the other jurisdiction’s fire chief and city manager written notice of intent to terminai with such termination to become effective thirty (30) days after notice. 2 0 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the agreement is executed by the city of SAN DIEG( acting by and through its city manager, pursuant to Resolution No. authorizing said execution, and by the city of CARLSBAD, acting by and through it city manages, pursuant to Resolution No. 95-109 authorizing such execution. Dated this day of ,1995. CITY OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF CARLSBAD By: JACK MC GRORY CITY MANAGER CITY OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF CARLSBAD I HEREBY APPROVE the fo and legality of the foregoing agreement o this && dayof &bf$ - JOHN W. WITT, City Attorney - k RONALD BALL, City Attorney City of San Diego City of Carlsbad BY BY 3