HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-05-16; City Council; 13139; AMENDMENT TO THE MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULEI w g E 2 z 2 0 a d 0 z 3 0 0 9. I- conservative increases, increases are clearly being given in both the public and private sector. grant a 3% salary increase to other employees groups, it is recommended that the City Council approve the attached salary schedule which includes a 3% general salary increase for all management classifications, retroactive to January 1, 1995. management, fire management and general management job classifications. approve the following: Consistent with Council’s recent decision to This salary schedule includes all police In addition, it is recommended that the City Council I e 0 PAGE 2 OF AB# 13, /gy 1 - Health insurance rates for employees covered under Northwestern National Life or Kaiser insurance will be held constant through December 31, 1995, with the understanding that management employees may be required to pay more than the current contribution levels after January 1, 1996. On or before June 30, 1995, several enhancements will be made to the Northwestern National Life and Kaiser health insurance programs for management employees. These include: 1) dental insurance through Northwestern National Life for Kaiser enrollees, 2) enhanced vision coverage for employees covered under Northwestern 2. National Life, and 3) establishment of a wellness program. 3. Amendment of the PERS contract to provide the Third Level of the 1959 Survivors’ Benefit for management employees. The addition of Martin Luther King’s Birthday to the holiday schedule for police management employees, to be observed as a floating holiday in 1995 and as a designated holiday thereafter. 4. FISCAL IMPACT: For FY 1994/95, the increased cost to the City for the January 1, 1995 salary adjustment is estimated at $1 05,000. Funds will be transferred from management staff’s respective fund balances to cover this expense. recommended salary adjustments. Concerning health insurance rates, funds from the City’s Health Insurance reserve fund will be used to offset any increases to the City’s or the employee’s portion of the health insurance premium during calendar year 1995. There was no increase in the Kaiser or Northwestern National Life health insurance premiums for calendar year 1995. The enhancements to the health insurance program will be made in FY 1995/96. The estimated costs associated with these enhancements are The 1995196 operating budget will be increased by $210,000 to cover the 0 0 PAGE 3 OF AB# I?,, /3 7 $42,000 per year for management employees and will be funded from the City’s Health Insurance reserve fund for calendar year 1995. The 1959 Survivors’ Benefit increase is funded through the use of reserves held by PERS. No additional funding is required from the City. The increased cost to the City for the Martin Luther King holiday for police management employees is estimated to be $3,200 per year. EXHIBITS: e, 4- 1 *x? 1. Resolution No. 2. Attachment A: Management Salary Schedule 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16 3.7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e RESOLUTION NO. 95-123 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REVISED MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE. WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority to approve adjustments to the management salary schedule, consistent with Council Policy Statement No. 36: and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined it to be in the public interest to authorize a 3% adjustment to the Management Salary schedule, marked Exhibit A and incorporated herein; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That an estimated $105,000 in funds will be transferred from management staff's respective fund balances to cover the expense of a 3% salary adjustment effective January 1, 1995. That any increase in costs to the health insurance ! 3. program for calendar year 1995 will be covered by the fund balance in the Health Insurance Fund. 4. That the enhancements to the health insurance program will be made in FY 1995196. The estimated costs associated with I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1’7 18 l9 20 0 e these enhancements are $42,000 for management employees and will be funded from the City’s Health Insurance reserve fund. 5. That the cost of the 1959 Survivors’ Benefit program at the Third Level will be funded from reserves held by PERS. 6. That $3,200 in funds will be transferred from the Council’s General Fund Balance to cover the expense of granting the Martin Luther King holiday to each police management employee. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 16th day of MAY Y 1995, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila NOES: Council Member Hall ABSENT: None ATTEST: 23 24 25 26 27 28 KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk (SEAL) a CITY OF CARLSBAD MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE BIWEEKLY PAY 01 /01/95 STEP STEP = STEP STEP STEP ADMIN. COORDINATOR-SPECIAL DISTRICTS $1,746 $1,834 $1,925 $2,022 $2,123 $2,229 ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER $1,952 $2,050 $2,152 $2,260 $2,373 $2,492 ADMINISTRATIVE SVCSPROJECTS MGR. $2,488 $2,612 $2,743 $2,880 $3,024 $3,175 AQUATIC SUPERVISOR $1,746 $1,834 $1,925 $2,022 $2,123 $2,229 ARTS MANAGER $2,056 $2,159 $2,267 $2,380 $2,499 $2,624 ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY $3,147 $3,304 $3,469 $3,643 $3,825 $4,016 ASSISTANT CITY CLERK $1,813 $1,904 $1,999 $2,099 $2,204 $2,31 4 ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER $2,450 $2,573 $2,701 $2,836 $2,978 $3,127 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER $3,147 $3,304 $3,469 $3,643 $3,825 $4,016 ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR $2,068 $2,171 $2,280 $2,394 $231 3 $2,639 ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR $2,068 $2,172 $2,280 $2,394 $251 4 $2,640 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR $2,618 $2,749 $2,886 $3,031 $3,182 $3,341 ASSISTANTTO CITY MANAGER $2,517 $2,643 $2,775 $2,914 $3,060 $3,213 BUILDING MAINT SUPERINTENDENT $1,952 $2,050 $2,152 $2,260 $2,373 $2,492 BUILDING MAINT SUPERVISOR $1,746 $1,834 $1,925 $2,022 $2,123 $2,229 CITYAlTORNEY $3,148 $3,306 $3,471 $3,644 $3,827 $4,018 CITY ENGINEER $2,666 $2,800 $2,940 $3,087 $3,241 $3,403 CITY MANAGER $3,314 $3,479 $3,653 $3,836 $4,028 $4,229 COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR $1,600 $1,680 $1,764 $1,853 $1,945 $2.042 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR $3,147 $3,304 $3,469 $3,643 $3,825 $4,016 COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR $2,667 $2,800 $2,940 $3,087 $3,241 $3,403 CONSTWMAINT. SUPERVISOR $1,483 $1,557 $1,634 $I ,716 $I ,802 $1,892 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR $1,712 $1,797 $1,887 $1,982 $2,081 $2,185 DEPUTY ClTYAllORNEY $2,135 $2,241 $2,353 $2,471 $2,595 $2,724 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MANAGER $2,328 $2,445 $2,567 $2,695 $2,830 $2,972 EQUIPMENT MINT SUPERINTENDENT $1,952 $2,050 $2,152 $2,260 $2,373 $2,492 EQUIPMENT MAINT SUPERVISOR $1,746 $1,834 $1,925 $2,022 $2,123 $2,229 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT $1,813 $1,904 $1,999 $2,099 $2,204 $231 4 FINANCE DIRECTOR $2,652 $2,785 $2,924 $3,070 $3,223 $3,385 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR $3,147 $3,304 $3,469 $3,643 $3,825 $4,016 FIRE BATTALION CHIEF $2,110 $2,216 $2,327 $2,443 $2,565 $2,693 FIRE CHIEF $2,932 $3,079 $3,232 $3,394 $3,564 $3,742 POSITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 DISTRICT ENGINEER $2,246 $2,358 $2,476 $2,600 $2,730 $2,866 FIRE DIVISION CHIEF $24 5 $2,431 $2,553 $2,680 $2,814 $2,955 GENERALMANAGER $2,829 $2,971 $3,119 $3,275 $3,439 $3,611 GEOGRAPHIC INFO. COORDINATOR $1,854 $1,946 $2,044 $2,146 $2,253 $2,366 HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR $2,541 $2,668 $2,802 $2,942 $3,089 $3,243 HOUSING PROGRAM MANAGER $1,813 $1,904 $1,999 $2,099 $2,204 $2,31 4 HUMAN RESOURCE ASSISTANT $1,417 $1,488 $1,562 $1,641 $1,723 $1,809 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR $2,652 $2,785 $2,924 $3,070 $3,223 $3,385 m ATTACHMENT A 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE BIWEEKLY PAY 0 1 IO 1 I95 POSITION HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER $1,896 $1,991 $2,090 $2,195 $2,304 $2,419 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR $2,652 $2,785 $2,924 $3,070 $3,223 $3,385 INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER $2,036 $2,138 $2,245 $2,357 $2,475 $2,599 LIBRARY DIRECTOR $2,652 $2,785 $2,924 $3,070 $3,223 $3,385 LIBRARY SERVICES SPECIALIST $1,417 $1,488 $1,562 $1,641 $1,723 $1,809 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT $1,952 $2,050 $2,152 $2,260 $2,373 $2,492 MANAGEMENT ANALYST $1,570 $1,649 $1,731 $1,818 $1,909 $2,004 MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT $1,417 $1,488 $1,562 $1,641 $1,723 $1,809 MEDIA PROGRAMMING SPECIALIST $1,417 $1,488 $1,562 $1,641 $1,723 $1,809 METER SHOP SUPERVISOR $1,746 $1,834 $1,925 $2,022 $2,123 $2,229 MUNICIPAL PROJECTS MANAGER $2,450 $2,573 $2,701 $2,836 $2,978 $3,127 OPERATIONS SUPERINTENDENT $1,952 $2,050 $2,152 $2,260 $2,373 $2,492 PARKS SUPERINTENDENT $1,952 $2,050 $2,152 $2,260 $2,373 $2,492 PARKS SUPERVISOR $1,746 $1,834 $1,925 $2,022 $2,123 $2,229 POLICE CAPTAIN $2,658 $2,791 $2,931 $3,077 $3,231 $3,393 POLICE CHIEF $3,147 $3,304 $3,469 $3,643 $3,825 $4,016 POLICE LIEUTENANT $2,306 $2,421 $2,542 $2,669 $2,803 $2,943 PRINCIPAL BUILDING INSPECTOR $2,217 $2,328 $2,444 $2,566 $2,695 $2,829 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER $2,246 $2,358 $2,476 $2,600 $2,730 $2,866 PRlNCl PAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR $2,036 $2,138 $2,245 $2,357 $2,475 $2,599 PRINCIPAL LIBRARIAN $1,570 $1,649 $1,731 $1,818 $1,909 $2,004 PRINCIPAL PLANNER $2,209 $2,319 $2,435 $2,557 $2,685 $2,819 PRfNCfPAL RECREATION SUPERVISOR $1,879 $1,973 $2,071 $2,175 $2,284 $2,398 PURCHASING OFFICER $2,068 $2,171 $2,280 $2,394 $2,531 3 $2,639 RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT $1,952 $2,050 $2,152 $2,260 $2,373 $2,492 RISK MANAGER $1,952 $2,050 $2,152 $2,260 $2,373 $2,492 SANITATION MAlNT SUPERVISOR $1,746 $1,834 $1,925 $2,022 $2,123 $2,229 SECRETARY TO CITY MGWCITY ATTY $1,201 $1,261 $1,324 $1,390 $1,460 $1,533 SENIOR CITIZENS COORDINATOR $1,879 $1,973 $2,071 $2,175 $2,284 $2,398 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST $1,813 $1,904 $1,999 $2,099 $2,204 $2,314 STREET MAINT SUPERINTENDENT $1,952 $2,050 $2,152 $2,260 $2,373 $2,492 STREET MAlNT SUPERVISOR $1,746 $1,834 $1,925 $2,022 $2,123 $2,229 SYSTEMS OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR $1,746 $1,834 $1,925 $2,022 $2,123 $2,229 TRAFFIC ENGINEER $2,352 $2,469 $2,593 $2,722 $2,858 $3,001 UTI LIT1 ES MA1 NT SU PER1 NTEN DENT $1,952 $2,050 $2,152 $2,260 $2,373 $2,492 WATER MAINT SUPERVISOR $1,746 $1,834 $1,925 $2,022 $2,123 $2,229 PLANNING DIRECTOR $2,919 $3,065 $3,218 $3,379 $3,548 $3,726 j