HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-05-16; City Council; 13146; Development process streamlining CD workplanRECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Evaluate the existing codes, policies or procedures to determine streamlining could occur. Prepare a report that evaluates the pros and cons of the strea action. Submit the report to the City Manager and await authorization to pi Process whatever is necessary to implement the proposed modifi 2. 3. 4. 1. Carlsbad was the first city in the state to prepare a Master EIR General Plan. The MElR can reduce the environmental review pro time for subsequent projects that are anticipated by the General ' Staff is in the middle of the first phase of the Zone Code Update tc a more "user friendly" zone code. 2. 0 m w PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. 3. The City is a few months from the Coastal hearings which could ti Coastal Permit authority to the City which will, at a minimum, I permit processing time by 60 days for projects in the Coastal Zon Carlsbad has aggressively pursued habitat management planning E local establishment of the 4d process in order to expedite p impacting habitat. 4. FISCAL ANALYSIS At this time, it is anticipated that the labor to implement the work plan will invoh staff time and rearrangement of work priorities. However, there is a poten additional costs associated with the use of outside consultants and, in that cas would return to the City Council with the appropriate request. Finally, there will b associated with the processing of any recommended changes to the existing s\ For example, if a zone code amendment is required, there will be costs associat public noticing, conduct of hearings, and the recodification process. ENVIRONMENTAL Implementation of the work plan could involve modifications to existing codes, I and/or procedures. The appropriate environmental review would be conductec time specific projects have been identified. Adoption of the work plan does not ( the City to future actions. Therefore, the work plan qualifies as a planning stud) exempt from environmental review. EXH I BITS 1. Process Streamlining Preliminary Workplan 0 0 EXHIB PROCESS STREAMLINING PRELIMINARY WORKPLAN GOALS A. To streamline the development review process. a. b. c. To facilitate development of the highest quality. a. b. Adjust procedures to remove unnecessary impediments to project review. Decrease the amount of staff time required to review projects. Create a process that will be simple for all customers to use. B. Establish systems of quality assurance/quality control in all review procedures Ensure that all development complies with established standards and guideline3 the goals and the vision of the General Plan can be achieved. C. To provide the opportunity for public input to the maximum extent feasible and appi 1. REDUCE THE HIERARCHY OF DISCRETIONARY REVIEW Changes may be made in the decision point of existing discretionary review applicati( processing time may be saved. The ability to review decisions on appeal could be prese the Planning Commission and City Council. An example of this might be to adjust the fmal decision point for tract maps. Currently or more are approved by the Council. That threshold could be increased to 100 units, 25- by the Planning Commission and below 25 by the Community Development Director. a. Identify perrnits requiring discretionary review and their respective decision (Matrix) Evaluate for changes in level of decision maker Evaluate procedures for decisions (e.g., zone code administrator) Obtain City Manager authorization to proceed b. c. d. e. Write legislation f. Adopt legislation 2. DEVELOP A NEW CATEGORY OF ADMINISTRATIVE PERMITS Some minor decisions must now be reviewed by Planning Commission and/or City Opportunities exist to reduce processing steps and delegate some of these decisions to creating administrative permits. Page 1 0 0 An example of this might be an administrative CUP for minor uses e.g,. delis, which cc decided by staff and be appealable to Planning Commission. a. Evaluate existing permitslidentify opportunities to create new permits; Devi permit types and procedures Obtain City Manager authorization to proceed b. c. Write new legislation/guidelines d. Adopt legislation 3. PROJECT PROCESSING-PROJECT ISSUE RESOLUTION Two items dealing with issue resolution have been identified that potentially impede the prc of projects. First, Council Policy 34, requires that projects be put “on hold until iss resolved. At the time of adoption of Policy 34 the City was inundated with applications was devised as a tool to help the city efficiently process those applications which compli standards. Second, if an applicant disagrees with the staff person reviewing the proj applicant must go through the “chain of command” to appeal the issue. The work tasks to these two items are as follows: A. Policy 34 a. Option 1: Evaluate/Review Policy 34 and revise as appropriate. b. Option 2: Workshops on processing. Through a workshop: 1. 2. 3. Identify State/City mandated requirements. Provide simple graphics explaining the path of a typical application. changes the City can do/is doing to expedite. Help the Council understand the necessary steps in the review process; Lay out, step by step the necessary procedures which go into project rev Shc B. Project Issue Resolution This would involve developing a process to address impasses which may arise, ear project review. a. Evaluate existing policy/conflict resolution procedures, including decision structure, (May require organizational changes/outside assistance) Recommend revisions in a report Produce written guidelines/obtain consensus as necessary b. c. Page 2 a 0 4, NON-WSIDENTIAL PROJECTS - "QUICK FIXE3' - PRIORITY PROCESSING This category identified two items for evaluation. The first item involves an exarnina existing processes related to non-residential projects, for example the processing of landscap for inclusion of reclaimed water requirements warrants review. The second item deals \ examination of "priority processing" with the objective of establishing a formal process. A. Quick Fixes a. b. Prepare revised procedures c. Write legislation@idelis d. Adopt legislatioflguidelines Identify and evaluate non-residential permits and related processes B. Priority Processing This is often cited as a tool for speeding up processing review yet it is a vague ten a. Evaluate problems/opportunities associated with establishing a formal priority prc system. Define the term priori9 processing (i.e., What specifically does priority processing mean? Take out of line? Wh line? Devote special time/resources? Which projects are priority? Which appl are deferred at the expense of priority projects? Who identifies them? What are used? Can the private sector keep up? (kg0 example) Compare proposals to existing system. A prerequisite of priority processin setting up of a rigid system of precedence for different types of development. special system need to be set up or is the current system of day to day manage priorities the most flexible and responsive to changing needs and priorities of th and City Council?) d. Prepare recommendation b. c. 5. SYSTEMIC FIXES This category would include examination and revision of codes, policies and procedures v complex and far reaching. A. Procedure/ordinance revisions a. Identify and evaluate ordinances b. Obtain City Manager authorization to proceed Page 3 a 0 c. Rewrite legislation d. Adopt new legislation An example of this group would include an examination of the in-fill grading, hillside develi and planned development ordinances. B. Examine the possibility of reducing the number of multiple discretionary permits The City currently has multiple discretionary permits which are necessary to im~ existing ordinances, but which perform similar functions. For example precise, ma5 specific plans as well as CUPS and SDPs have Similar furrctiofis md require Sih !Z permits could be consolidated. a. Identify duplicate permits b. c. Rewrite legislation and procedures d. Adopt legislation (revise fees) Evaluate plan check procedures (the goal would be to eliminate unnecessary step: process) a, Evaluate process b. Adjust as necessary Sometimes projects are required to process two or more similar applications. Some { Obtain City Manager authorization to proceed C. D. Streamline review process Examine the administrative and procedural steps in permit processing, and recom changes. This would include looking at the overall administrative system of development perm and improving aspects as necessary. For instance, state law requires permit noti owners within 300 fi. of the site, yet the City requires 600 feet. Can time/ pr economies be achieved by using the state required noticing? a. Evaluate procedures as necessary b. Prepare revisions E. Grading ordinance simplification Examples can include: Allow exemptions for pre-graded lots; eliminate Council of stockpile agreements; examine other grading permit exemptions; clean-up inconsj eliminate outdated standards; clarify. Page 4 e 0 a. Draft b. Review c. Adoption 6. SINGLE FAMILY HOME OWNER ASSISTANCE (NOTE: Ths will dovetail with current efforts to improve customer service) This category includes special methods of providing assistance and enhancing service, ex could include: A. Permit processing workshops a. Identify workshop topics b. c. Arrange location d. Arrange publicity e. Conduct workshop Focussed counter assistance for homeowner questions a. b. Identify personnel, prepare format, materials B. Devise written materials focussing on homeowner questions Allocate special staff/counter time to focussing on homeowner questions C. "Priority processing" (See #4 Above) D. Home owner exemption a. b. Prepare exemptions/revise permits c. Adopt legislation Identify any exemptions which may be possible for homeowner permits 7. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM- IMPLEMENTATION This category involves coordinating the efforts of the new program with streamlined procc will implement that program. A. Industrial Development Authority a. Create by ordinance b. Produce Council policy Page 5 * w * c. Liaison, counseling, review of requests B. Industrial Round Tables a. Facilities planning and implementation for industrial areas C. Outreach Program a. Public relations for City streamlining system D. Economic Development Strategic Plan a. Review b. Approval c. Adopt Page 6