HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-05-23; City Council; 13149; IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT FOR FIELDSTONE/RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN4 & 1 ? 2 E! 6 4 J 3 z 3 0 0 e CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGEltDA 8 BILL AB# 13, /"I 7 TITLE: IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT FOR DEPT. FlELDSTONElRANCHO SANTA FE ROAD HABITAT 6.L MTG. 5 --&3 - / I CONSERVATION PLAN CITY A DEPT. PLN CITY M RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. 95' I&!? , authorizing the Mayor tc Implementation Agreement for the Fieldstone/Rancho Santa Fe Road Habitat Conserv ITEM EXPLANATION: The recommended action is the culmination of a series of actions that have taken place four years relating to planning for wildlife conservation in the vicinity of Rancho Santa specifically property owned by the Fieldstone Company. The recommended action wi action that must be taken by the City to secure federal and state endangered species p' property. The federal and state permits will be based on the conservation described in Conservation Plan (HCP), which is provided as an attachment to the lmplementatior The Implementation Agreement is the vehicle for formal approval of the HCP, an( incorporated in the agreement by reference. The Table of Contents of the lmplementatic and the Executive Summary of the HCP are provided as Exhibit 2. To briefly summarize the provisions of the HCP and Implementation Agreement, appro acres of habitat would be conserved onsite. This conserved habitat land support California gnatcatcher territories as well as a number of other sensitive species, sucl manzanita. The conserved areas have been designed to maintain habitat connec Carlsbad and to other important habitat areas southeasterly of Carlsbad. In addition conservation, the plan calls for the acquisition and conservation of habitat land offsite, of $150,000 to the City for the Habitat Management Plan, establish managemenvmaintenance program for the conserved land, and $50,000 for indepeni on the California gnatcatcher. The City Council reviewed an earlier draft of the Implementation Agreement as part c #12,746 (June 21, 1994). Since that time, there have been changes to two provisio importance to the City. These are described in Exhibit 3. Briefly, these provisic ensuring connectivity between Carlsbad and habitat lands to the southeast of Carlsbad, of right of first refusal to the City to purchase portions of Fieldstone's developable la funding for habitat land acquisition becomes available. If the Council concurs with the staff recommendation, after the Mayor signs the In- Agreement, it will be submitted to FWS and DFG for their execution and issuance of Take Permit. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with the recommended action. d d ‘Page 2 of Agenda Bill @ 140. j 9 1 L.9 0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT The proposed project site is generally located in the southeast quadrant of the City, wi of Local Facilities Management Zones 10 and 1 1. The direct, indirect, and cumulative ei impacts from this project have been discussed in the Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignm Grading Environmental Impact Report (FEIR 91-01), certified on May 19, 1992, and the Master Environmental Impact Report (MEIR 93-01), dated March 1994. Staff prepared a to analyze the potential environmental impacts of the project and determined that I impacts over those addressed in FElR 91-01 and MElR 93-01 will occur, and therefoi is in prior compliance with FElR 91-01 and MElR 93-01. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. Cpj-128 2. 3. 4. Table of Contents of Implementation Agreement and Executive Summary of HCF Analysis of Recent Changes to the Implementation Agreement. Implementation Agreement on file with City Clerk. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 95-128 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIF( AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMEN‘ THE FlELDSTONE/RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD HABITAT CONSERVATION PL/ WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad did on the ??rd day of , 1995, receive a staff report and recommendations regarding the docui “Implementation Agreement Regarding the City of Carlsbad/Fieldstone/La Costa Habitat Conservation Plan/Ongoing Multi-Species Plan”, hereinafter referred to as “A and, WHEREAS, the staff report recommends that the Mayor be authorized to sign the and WHEREAS, upon execution of the agreement by the United States Fish and Wild and California Department of Fish and Game, permits will be issued by those ager City and FieldstondLa Costa Associates to allow future development of the lands sc in the agreement, including realignment and construction of Rancho Santa Fe Roac WHEREAS, the City Council concurs with the staff recommendations and finc appropriate and in the public interest to sign the agreement and to receive the permit above; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the Planning Director‘s issuance of of Prior Environmental Compliance, indicating that the action of entering into the a a Subsequent Project that has been addressed by previously certified environmental and that the action will not entail any new impacts or additional mitigation measures addressed in those previously certified environmental documents. WHEREAS, the City Council makes the following findings with respect to the the previously certified environmental documents: 1. The City Council finds that, based on the EIA Part II dated April 11, Subsequent Project was described in the FElR 91-01 and MElR 93-01 as within their ! that there will be no additional significant effect, not analyzed therein; AND that additional mitigation measures or alternatives are required; AND that therefore this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Project is within the scope of the prior EIRs, and no new environmental document Resources Code 21801 findings are required. 2. The City Council finds that all feasible mitigation measures or project i identified in FElR 91-01 and MEIR 93-01 which are appropriate to this Subsequent PI been incorporated into this Subsequent Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City o California as follows: 1, 2. 3. That the above recitations and findings are true and correct. That the Mayor is authorized to sign the agreement. That staff is authorized to submit the signed agreement to the United Statt Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Game for final execut agreement (on file with the City Clerk’s Office) and issuance of permits. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council MAY , 1995, by tht of Carlsbad, California, held on the 23rd day of vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: RANZ, City Clerk sistant City Clerk (SEAL) 2 tAHlBlI L 1 I Summary e e Carlsbad-FLCA HCPIOMSP Summary A. Introduction This Habitat Conservation Plan/Ongoing Multi-Species Plan (HCP/OMSP) is the culmination of a threeyear collaborative planning process undertaken by the City of Carlsbad (City) and Fieldstone/La Costa Associates (FLCA) in consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). It covers 1,940.2 acres of land essentially surrounded by existing urban uses in the southeast quadrant of Carlsbad (Figure S-l), conserving habitat for plant and wildlife species and mitigating the impacts of anticipated urbanization. Initiated prior to enactment of California's Natural Communities Conservation Planning (NCCP) Act, the HCP/OMSP technically is exempt from the NCCP program; however, it is consistent with NCCP Guidelines and with two planning efforts that are enrolled in the NCCP program as OMSPs - the City's Habitat Management Plan (HMP) and the North County Multiple Habitat Conservation Program (MHCP). The plan fulfills NCCP goals and strengthens the HMP and MHCP efforts by: Providing for the preservation and management of up to 885.1 acres of coastal sage scrub and other habitats in key locations that will support viable populations of indigenous plants and animals and maintain the link between the City's natural communities and the larger regional ecosystem; and Reconciling the current and future needs of diverse public and private biological resources while allowing necessary economic development and anticipated urbanization to proceed. 0 interests through a cooperative effort that will sustain and improve sensitive In this way, the HCP/OMSP constitutes a completed aspect of NCCP for the City and subregion. Consistent with the federal and state Endangered Species Acts (ESAs) as well as the NCCP program, the HCP/OMSP addresses the needs of 66 listed and unlisted species associated with habitats in the plan area. It focuses on a number of animal species that are representative of the diversity and sensitivity of resources in the City and region, including the federally-listed coastal California gnatcatcher, and provides protection for nearly 80 percent of all sensitive plant populations in the plan area. Utilizing the best available scientific information, the HCP/OMSP meets the requirements of the ESAs by: Minimizing and mitigating anticipated impacts on the species of concern to the maximum extent practicable; and 3-28-94 Revised Draft s-1 I f Summary e d Carlsbad-FLCA HcvoMsP Conserving habitat, habitat linkages, corridors, and buffers in a way that, together with the other impact minimization and mitigation measures, ensures that the likelihood of the species' survival and recovery will not be appreciably reduced. Also in accordance with the ESAs, the plan assures adequate funding for implementation of the conservation and mitigation measures and includes procedures for responding to unforeseen circumstances. The HCPIOMSP also is consistent with the Carlsbad General Plan, providing for the conservation of sensitive resources and the development of land and facilities in accordance with the City's land use, circulation, open space, and growth management plans as well as the proposed HMP. B. Planning Process and Purpose Preparation of the HCP/OMSP began in 1989 and evolved into a unique planning process for a project specific plan, characterized by a consideration of range-wide conservation issues, open public participation, and candid negotiations with conservation interests and federal, state, and local agencies. To ensure continued progress during the process, the planning participants signed a Memorandum of Agreement in 1991 regarding development of a plan and an Initial Points of Consensus document in 1992 establishing the plan's fundamental tenets. The primary purpose of the planning process and this HCP/OMSP is to provide for the conservation of wildlife and its habitat in the context of anticipated urbanization. The HCP/OMSP establishes the basis for government planning and regulation as well as assurances to the landowners and others that the plan will be implemented and that projects and activities in the plan area can proceed without further wildlife mitigation. Specifically, the plan provides the basis for: 1. Issuance by USFWS of a Section 10(a) permit, USFWS authorizations under the gnatcatcher 4(d) rule, and USFWS consultations (internal as well as with other agencies such as the US. Army Corps of Engineers) under Section 7 of the federal ESA; 2. Issuance by CDFG of a Section 2081 permit under the California ESA and a Section 2835 permit under the NCCP Act; 3. Issuance of permits under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act; 4. Consummation of an implementation agreement, with USFWS, CDFG, the City, and FLCA as parties, implementing the plan and providing the parties with assurances; and 5, Planning and development activities by the City, FLCA, and other landowners in the plan area. s-2 Revised Draft 3-28-94 I 0 e NOTE Pages 3 and 4 of the Fieldstone Habitat Conservation Plan consist of a color map of the Plan Area. The map could not be reproduced in black and white and therefore has been omitted from the Executive Summary which appears in the City Council Agenda Packet. To view the color map, please see the full Habitat Conservation Plai document which is on file in the City Clerks Office. Summary 0 e ' Carlsbad-FL CA HCPIOMS P C. Plan Area Profile The plan area for the HCP/OMSP consists of two sets of lands (see Figure 51): 1,278.2 acres identified as "Rancheros-Southeast 11," which includes 846.2 acres that are the project area for the Rancho Santa Fe Road realignment, 347 acres that are the Rancheros component of FLCA's La Costa Master Plan, and 85 acres in San Marcos Creek; and 662.0 acres identified as "Northwest," another component of the La Costa Master Plan. Combined, the lands account for 13 percent of all undeveloped land remaining in the City. All of the land is private property, and 95 percent (1,844.4 acres) is owned by FLCA. The other five percent includes 81 acres owned by MAG Properties and 14.8 acres of miscellaneous private ownerships within proposed right-of-way easements for the realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road. Except for 242.6 acres, all of the lands are currently designated in the General Plan for residential or commercial development. The biological significance of the lands stems from their location in relation to other resources and their inherent values. Rancheros-Southeast II forms the western tip of the largest, contiguous stretch of coastal sage scrub and natural open space in northern San Diego County and, by virtue of that connection, is the primary link between the City's natural communities and the larger regional ecosystem. Northwest is less directly attached to the regional ecosystem but supports a mix of habitats and species representative of the City's and region's biodiversity. Six habitat types occur within the plan area: Diegan coastal sage scrub, southern mixed and southern maritime chaparral, non-native and native grassland, riparian scrub and oak woodland, disturbed habitat, and eucalyptus woodland (Table S-1). Approximately two-thirds of Rancheros-Southeast II is coastal sage scrub, with the remainder primarily southern mixed chaparral and disturbed habitat; all six habitat types occur in Northwest but no one type covers more than 38 percent of the area. The habitats support hundreds of different plant and wildlife species, including the 66 that have been selected as "species of concern" for conservation planning purposes. The 66 include species that are: 1. Already protected by the federal or state ESAs; 2. Candidates for federal or state listing; 3. "Species of special concern" in California as identified by CDFG; 4. Sensitive bird species protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act; 5. On the list of sensitive species for the NCCP program; 6. On the list of sensitive plant species in California; 7. On the list of target species for the HMP and North County MHCP; or 8. On the list of "other sensitive species" for the HMP. 3-28-94 Revised Draft s-5 t Summary 0 e Carlsbad-FLCA HCPIOMSP Table S-1 Habitat Types in the Plan Area (acres) Based on extensive surveys conducted over a two-year period, 36 of the 66 species of concern are known to occur in one or both plan area components; the other 30 species are closely associated with habitats in the plan area and, foi purposes of this plan, have been treated as potentially occurring. Table S-2 lists the species of concern under the headings of "observed" and "potentially occurring"; it also indicates their primary habitat association and rangewide distribution. D. Habitat ,Conservation Strategy and Impact Analysis Based on an understanding of both the biological and land use issues to bc reconciled, the City and FLCA developed a onsite habitat conservation strateg) that is the foundation of this HCP/OMSP. Further, in accordance with the ESA! and NCCP Guidelines, the City and FLCA considered the potential effects of thf strategy on the species of concern before proceeding with final planning. Fo purposes of the impact analysis, all species of concern were treated as listec species. "Take" as defined in the ESAs was calculated primarily based on tht occurrence of habitat for each species in areas designated for development. AI habitat suitable for a species of concern was assumed to be occupied by tha species, and all habitat not designated as being conserved was treated a! "taken." Also in accordance with ESA and NCCP requirements, alternatives tc the taking were considered. S-6 Revised Draft 3-28-9, . ID # Species Name and listing Status Habitat Association and Rangewide Distribution Observed Species of Concern (N = 36) Ashy spikemoss CNPS4 California adder's-tongue C~C, CNPS4 northwestern Baja California. California adophia A-3 Adolphia californica CNPSZ, NCCP, OSS Del Mar manzanita FPE*, CNPS1 6, T Colonet. Engelmann oak CNPS4, OSS California. Nuttall's scrub oak CNPS1 B, OSS A-I Selaginella cinerascens Occurs on flat mesas in open CSS and CHP. Range includes Orange County to northern Baja California. Occurs in grassy areas and vernal pools. Range A-2 Ophioglossum californicurn extends from northern California counties into Occurs in CSS and CHP in clay soils on dry coastal and foothill slopes below 1000 feet. Range includes San Diego County to Baja California. Occurs in SMaC in areas with marine sandstone. Range includes coastal San Diego County to Cab0 Occurs in OW, EW, and SMaC. Range extends from Los Angeles County foothills to Sierra Juarez in Baja Occurs in CHP and CSS in sandy soils and sandstone. Range extends from coastal Santa Barbara County to northwestern Baja California. ~-4 Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. crassifolia A-5 Quercus engelrnannii A-6 Quercus dumosa Orcutt's brodiaea Occurs along ephemeral streams and vernal pools, A-7 Brodiaea orcuttri Range extends from Riverside and San Bernardino C2*, CNPSl B, T Palmer's grapplinghook CNPSZ, OSS San Diego County viguiera CNPS4, NCCP San Diego golden star C2*, CNPSl B, T San Diego marsh elder C2, CNPSZ, NCCP, OSS Southwestern spiny rush Iunctus actus var. leopoldii CNPS4, OSS central Baja California. St icky-leaved I iveforever C1*, CNPSl B, NCCP, OSS Summer holly C1, CNPSlB, T California. T h read-leaved brod iaea C1*, SE, CNPSl B, T Counties through San Diego County into Baja Calif. Occurs in CHP, CSS, and G. Range includes A-8 Harpagonella palmeri southern California from Los Angeles County southward, Arizona, and northern Baja Calif. Occurs in CSS. Range includes coastal San Diego County to central Baja California. Occurs in G and CSS with clay soils. Range includes coastal San Diego County to extreme northwest of Baja California. Occurs in RS and SM. Range includes coastal San Diego County to central Baja California. Occurs in FWM, SM, and RW. Range extends from San Luis Obispo and San Bernardino Counties to Occurs in CSS and CHP of bluffs and rocky cliffs. A-13 Dudleya viscida Range includes southern Orange County to central San Diego County. Occurs in CHP and SMaC. Range includes coastal Orange and San Diego Counties into northwest Baja Occurs in G and vernal pools with clay soils. Range includes coastal San Diego County to central Baja California. ~-9 Viguiera laciniata A-i 0 Muilla clevelandii A-1 1 Iva hayesiana A-1 2 ~-14 Cornarostaphylis diversifolia ssp. diversifolia ~-15 Brodiaea filifolia ID # A-16 A-1 7 A-1 8 A-1 9 A-20 A-2 1 A-22 A-23 A-24 A-2s A-26 A-27 A-213 A-29 A-30 Species Name and Listing Status Habitat Association and Rangewide Distribution Wart-stemmed ceanothus Ceanothus verrucosus C2, CNPSZ, T Western dichondra Dichondra occidentalis C~C, CNPS4, NCCP, OSS Western spadefoot toad Spea harnrnondii CSC, NCCP, T California. Coastal rosy boa Lichanura trivirgata rosafusca C2, CSC, NCCP, OSS Coastal western whiptail Cnernidophorus tigris rnultiscutatus C2, CSC, NCCP, OSS California. Northern red diamond rattlesnake C2, CSC, NCCP, OSS Calfiornia. Orangethroated whiptail Cnernrdophorus hyperythrus beldingi C2, CSC, NCCP, T San Diego horned lizard Phrynosoma coronaturn blainvillei C2, CSC, NCCP, T Bell's sage sparrow Arnphispiza belli belli C2, CSC, MBTA, NCCP, OSS Burrowing owl Speotyto cunicularia CSC, MBTA, T Coastal California gnatcatcher Polioptila californica californica FT, CSC, MBTA, NCCP, T Accipiter cooperi CSC, MBTA, T Loggerhead shrike Lanius ludovicianus C2, CSC, MBTA, NCCP, OSS Northern harrier Circus cyaneus CSC, MBTA, T Southern California rufoustrowned sparrow Airnophila ruficeps canescens C2, CSC, MBTA, NCCP, T Occurs in SMaC and CHP. Range includes coastal San Diego County to central Baja California. Occurs in underston/ of CHP and CSS. Range extends from Marin and Sonoma Counties to San Miguel island and Baja California. Occurs in CSS, CHP, and G. Range extends from north central California to northwestern Baja Occurs in CSS and CHP with rocky substrates. Range extends from Los Angeles County to northwest Baja California. Occurs in open CSS, CHP, and woodlands. Range extends from Ventura County to south central Baja Occurs in rocky CSS, CHP, other scrub, and cactus. Crotalus ruber ruber Range includes southern California to northern Baja Occurs in CSS, CHP, RW, weedy areas, and washes. Range includes southern Orange and San Bernardino Counties to south central Baja California. Occurs in CSS, CHP, and OW. Range includes Santa Barbara County to northwest Baja California. Occurs in CSS, CHP, juniper woodland, and alluvial fan scub. Range includes California and northern Baja Calif. Occurs in G. Range includes western United States, Canada, and Mexico. Occurs in CSS. Range includes Los Angeles, Orange, western Riverside, and San Diego Counties into Baja Calif. Cooper's hawk Occurs in RS, RW, and OW near foraging areas. Range includes continental U.S., excluding Alaska and parts of Montana and the Dakotas. Occurs in G, CSS, and disturbed habitat. Range includes much of North America; winters south to Central America. Occurs in FWM, SM, G, CSS, and agricultural fields. Winters and migrates throughout California. Occurs in CSS and mixed CSS and G. Range includes Santa Barbara County to northwestern Baja California. ID # A-3 1 A-32 A-33 A-34 A-35 A-36 Species Name and listing Status Habitat Association and Rangewide Distribution Breeds in FWM, forages in G and agricultural lands. Range extends from southern Oregon to northern Baja California. Occurs in RW and RS. Range includes most of North America; breeds in southern California in spring and Occurs in RW and RS. Range includes most of North America; breeds in southern California in spring and Occurs in CSS, CHP, and open weedy areas. Range includes parts of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Sari Bernardino, and San Diego Counties. Occurs in CSS, C, and disturbed habitat. Range includes coastal slope of southem California from Santa Barbara County into northwest Baja Calif. Occurs in rocky areas and CHP and CSS with cactus. Range includes coastal slope of southern California from San Luis Obispo County to northwest Baja Calif. Tricolored blackbird Agelaius tricolor C2, CSC, MBTA, NCCP, T Ye1 low-breasted chat lcterra virens CSC, MBTA, OSS summer. Yellow warbler Dendroica petechia brewsteri CSC, MBTA, OSS summer. Northwestern San Diego pocket mouse Chaetodipus fallax fallax C2, CSC, NCCP, T San Diego black-tailed jackrabbit lepus californicus bennettii C2, CSC, NCCP, OSS San Diego desert woodrat Neotorna lepida interrnedia c2, csc, oss Potentially Occurring Species of Concern (N = 30) Blochman's dudleya CNPS1 E, NCCP, OSS C I iff spurge 6-2 Euphorbia rnisera CNPSZ, NCCP, OSS Coast barrel cactus C2*, CNPS2, NCCP, OSS Del Mar sand aster FPT, CNPS 1 B, NCCP, T 6-1 Dudleya blochmaniae ssp. blochrnaniae 6-3 Ferocacrus viridescens ~-4 Corethrogyne filaginifolia var. linfolia Encinitas baccharis 8-5 Baccharis vanessae FPE, SE, CNPSl 6, T Orcutt's hazardia Orcutt's spineflower FPE*, SE, CNPSl 8, NCCP San Diego ambrosia C2*, CNPS1 6, NCCP San Diego sagewort CNPS2, NCCP, OSS 6-7 Chorizanthe orcuttiana 6-8 Ambrosia pumila 6-9 Artemisia palmer; Occurs atop coastal bluffs in CSS. Range includes coastal slope of southern California from San Luis Obispo County to northwest Baja Calif. Occurs on coastal bluffs in CSS. Range includes Orange, Riverside, and San Diego Counties to central Baja California. Occurs on dry slopes with CSS and CHP. Range includes coastal San Diego County, northwest Baja California, and foothills of Sierra Juarez. Occurs in sandy, disturbed coastal areas, usually in SMaC. Endemic to central, coastal San Diego county. Occurs in SMaC and CHP. Endemic to northwest and northtentral San Diego County. Occurs on coastal slopes in CHP. Endemic to I Occurs in SMaC. Endemic to San Diego County. Occurs in coastal C and disturbed habitat. Range includes coastal San Diego County to northwest Baja California. Occurs in drainages with RS, CSS, and CHP. Range includes coastal San Diego County to northwest Baja Cal ifornia. ._ ID # Species Name and listing Status Habitat Association and Rangewide Distribution Occurs in C and vernal pools on clay soils. Range includes coastal San Diego County to coastal area above Ensenada and Sierra Juarez mountains. Occurs in RW, RS, and OW with perennial water source. Range includes Orange and San Diego Occurs in CSS and CHP; larval foodplant is San Diego thornmint C1*, SE, CNPS1 6, NCCP, T Harbison's dun skipper C2, T Counties. Hermes copper C2*, oss northern Baja Calif. Quino checkerspot 6-1 3 Euphydryas editha quino c1*, oss California red-legged frog - B-14 Rana aurora draytonii FPE, CSC, OSS California. Coast patch-nosed snake B-15 Salvadora hexalepis vrrgultea C2, CSC, NCCP, OSS Coronado skink C2, CSC, NCCP, OSS San Diego banded gecko C2, CSC, NCCP, OSS 6-1 o Acanthornintha ilicifolia 6-1 1 €upbyes vestris harbinsoni B-1 2 Lycaena hermes buckthorn. Range includes San Diego Co. to Occurs in CSS, G, and VP; larval foodplant is plantain. Range includes Orange, Riverside, and San Diego Counties to coastal central Baja Calif. Occurs in ponds, marshes, and pools. Range includes northern California to northwestern Baja Occurs mainly in CHP but also in mixed CSS and G. Range includes Santa Barbara County into northwest Baja California. Occurs in G, CSS, open CHP, OW, and pine forests. Range includes Los Angeles County into northwest Baja California plus several islands. Occurs in CHP and CSS with rocky outcrops. Range extends from San Gabriel Mountains to northwest Baja California and Cedros Island. southwest San Bernardino County to northwest Baja Occurs along washes, beaches, alluvial fans and in CSS and CHP. Range includes San Francisco to 6-1 6 Eurneces skiltonianus interparietalis 6-1 7 Coleonyx variegatus abbotti San Diego ringneck snake Occurs in OW, G, CHP, and CSS. Range includes B-1 8 Diadophis punctatus sirnilis c2, csc, oss California. Silvery legless lizard csc, oss northwest Baja California. Southwestern pond turtle C1*, CSC, NCCP, OSS Two-striped garter snake B-21 Tbarnnophis hamrnondii c2, csc, oss California homed lark 6-22 Erernophila alpestris actia C2, CSC, MBTA, NCCP, OSS Least Bell's vireo B-19 Anniella nigra argentea Occurs in FWM, creeks, and ponds. Range extends from Monterey County to northwest Baja California. Occurs primary along permanent creeks and streams, also in VP and CHP. Range includes Monterey County to northwest Baja California. Occurs in sandy beaches, G, and agricultural lands. Range includes coastal slopes and lowlands from Sonoma County to northern Baja California. Occurs in lowland RW. Range includes southern California to northwest Baja California. Occurs in CSS, cactus patches, and thorny thickets. Range includes southern Orange and San Diego Counties into northwest Baja California. 6-20 Clernrnys rnarmorata pallida 8-23 Vireo bellii pusillus FE, SE, MBTA, T San Diego cactus wren C2, CSC, NCCP, T 6-24 Carnpylorhynchus brunneicapillus couesi 10 # 13-25 B-26 B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 Species Name and Listing Status HabiPat Association and Rangewide Distribution Southwestern willow flycatcher Empidonax traillii extimus FPE, SE, FSS, MBTA, T California mastiff bat Eumops perotis californicus C2, CSC, T Dulzura California pocket mouse Chaetodipus californicus femoralis C2, CSC, T Baja California. Pacific pocket mouse Perognathus longimembris pacificus FEE, CSC, NCCP, OSS Southern grasshopper mouse Onychomys torridus ramona C2, CSC, NCCP, OSS Townsend’s western big-eared bat Plecotus townsendii townsendii C2, CSC, T western U.S. Occurs in RW and RS. Range includes southwestern U.S. into northwest Mexico. Roosts in rock crevices, outcrops, buildings; forages in CHP and OW. Range includes Central California, western Texas, and northern Mexico. Occurs in CHP, mulefat scrub, and disturbed areas. Range extends from Santa Margarita River to northern Occurs in CHP, CSS, and G with sandy substrate. Range limited to coast of southern California; only eight localities known. Occurs in G and CSS. Range extends from northern Los Angeles County to northwestern Baja California. Roosts in tunnels, caves, and buildings; forages in OW, G, and other habitats. Range includes most of e' Carlsbad-FLCA HCPlO MSP 0 Summary Table S-2 (continued) HCP/OMSP Species of Concern ID Codes A- B- status codes c1 c2 c3c CN PS Species observed or assumed to occur in one or both plan area components. Species potentially occurring in habitats in one or both plan area components. Category 1 candidate for federal listing Category 2 candidate for federal listing Category 3c candidate for federal listing Listed by the California Native Plant Society as: (1 6) rare or endangered in California and elsewhere (2) rare or endangered in California and more common elsewhere (4) plants of limited distribution Identified by CDFC as a species of special concern in California Listed as endangered under the federal ESA Emergency listed as endangered under the federal €SA Proposed for federal listing as endangered identified by federal agencies as a sensitive species Listed as threatened under the federal €SA Protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act On the list of sensitive species for the NCCP program "Other Sensitive Species" identified in draft Carlsbad HMP Listed as threatened under the California ESA Target species for Carlsbad HMP and North County MHCP groups who filed suit regarding the timely listing of C1 and C2 species. csc FE FEE FPE FSS CT MBTA NCCP oss ST T FPT Proposed for federal listing as threatened * On the list of species covered by a settlement agreement between USFWS and environmental Habitat Codes AFS Alluvial Fan Scrub CHP css Coastal Sage Scrub FWM Freshwater Marsh C Grassland, native and non-native IW Juniper Woodland M FS Mulefat Scrub ow Oak Woodland RW Riparian Woodland SMaC Southern Maritime Chapaml VP Vernal Pools Chaparral types, excluding Southern Maritime Chaparral RS Riparian Scrub s12 Revised Draft 3-28-94 Summary e e Carlsbad-FLCA HCPIOMSP 1 Configuration of Conserved Habitat The configuration of conserved habitat within the plan area achieves SIX goals: 1. Linkages to other significant habitat areas are maintained; 2. Conserved habitat is buffered from existing and anticipated development; 3. The conserved habitat values are representative of the regional and local ecosystem; 4. The exclusion of areas from conserved habitat will not pose jeopardy to listed and other species of concern; 5, Preservation of key species in each plan area component is maximized; and 6. The City, FLCA, and others are provided with certainty regarding which areas will be permanently conserved and which will not. A total of 645.1 acres has been designated conserved habitat in the plan area: 521.41 acres within Rancheros-Southeast II and 123.69 acres in Northwest (Table S-3). The specific configurations of onsite conserved habitat were developed in coordination with the USFWS, CDFG, local conservation groups, and City staff. Onsite conservation also was weighted based on existing habitat values, with priority given to the gnatcatcher and other sage scrub vertebrates on Rancheros-Southeast II and to sensitive plants on Northwest. Key considerations in the planning process are summarized below. Table S-3 Conserved Habitat in the Plan Area Components (acres) a. Rancheros-Southeast I1 Conserved habitat in Rancheros-Southeast II includes 521.41 acres that will function as a local multiple species reserve and regional habitat linkage. The proposed configuration: 3-28-94 Revised Draft s-13 Carlsbad-FLCA HCPIOIMSP a 0 Summary Preserves 426.67 acres of coastal sage scrub (51 percent of the 832.2 acres in the plan area component) and 18 gnatcatcher use areas; Maintains two primary habitat linkages with the larger regional ecosystem, one across Southeast II and one along San Marcos Creek; and Concentrates future land uses adjacent to existing development and in relation to the ultimate alignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road. As shown on Figure 5-2, the proposed configuration within Southeast 11 preserves a corridor that is 1,000 feet wide at its narrowest point and widens tc approximately 1,800 feet in width at the eastern end where it crosses Ranchc Santa Fe Road. The corridor retains linkages with designated conserved habitai in San Marcos Creek and Rancheros and linkages with natural open space outside the plan area. Conserved habitat along San Marcos Creek preserves a second linkage with the regional ecosystem, ensures connectivity between conserved habitat in Southeast II and Rancheros, and includes non-sage scrub habitats and species in the "microecosystem" captured by the configuration. In this case, the conserved area forms a corridor that is at least 1,000 feet wide until it reaches the Rancho Santa Fe Road crossing and enters the City of San Marcos. Additionally, there are at least 70 feet of vertical separation between the creek bottom and the road crossing. This design maximizes the contiguity of the open space and minimizes the overall edge effect of the proposed reserve. The primary consideration in Rancheros was the need to reconcile conservation originally proposed in the La Costa Master Plan, Rancheros was designated for large lot ranchettestyle residential development. This concept was replanned in the context of the HCP/OMSP to cluster new housing near existing development on the western and northern borders and on the upper terraces 0' the site. Priority was given to minimizing edge effects and conserving two thirds of the gnatcatcher pairs onsite (10 of Q5). ThZ resulting configuratior preserves the highest density occupied gnatcatcher habitat in a contiguous banc of primarily sage scrub habitat that adjoins San Marcos Creek and is over 0.5 mile wide. and land use priorities for lands with high biological and development value. As b. Northwest Conserved habitat in Northwest includes 123.69 acres selected to preserve plan1 species of concern and maintain connectivity through the site (Figure S3). Foul primary considerations affected the design of conserved habitat: 1, The presence and relative abundance of rare plants associated with nativf grassland (thread-leaved brodiaea, Palmer's grapplinghook) and southerr maritime chaparral (Del Mar manzanita, summer holly, wart-stemmec ceanothus, Nuttall's scrub oak); 2. The relatively fragmented nature of the sage scrub (by comparison wit! Rancheros-Southeast II) but high number of gnatcatchers; 3. The bifurcation of the natural habitats by the La Costa Golf Course; and S-14 Revised Draft 3-28-9 ...**)’ r ’.* -I----- *-E-!* CONSERVED HABITAT MISTING ROADWAY FUTURE ROADWAY \.* .._..-..-.*--- I Prepared By: Hofman Planning Associates Figure S-2 Schematic of Conserved H; on Rancheros = Southe ..-..-..-. LEGEND CONSERVED HABITAT EXISTING ROADWAY FUTURE ROADWAY Prepared By: Hofrnan Planning Associates Figure S=3 Schematic of Conserved Ha in North S-16 Summary 9 w ' Carlsbad-FLCA HCPIOMSP 4. The existing albeit narrow habitat linkages with natural open space to the northeast and to Rancheros to the southeast. Following a consideration of each of these factors, two interrelated decisions were made: onsite conservation would focus on sensitive plants and would be supplemented by offsite acquisitions of coastal sage scrub, As proposed, the onsite conserved habitat preserves a majority of the sensitive plant species. It also provides connections to and through the site from south to north and to the east (see Figures S-3). In addition, onsite restoration of about 11 acres of sage scrub has been proposed for a portion of conserved habitat that intersects a utility easement that currently serves as a narrow wildlife corridor. The restoration will provide a "stepping stone" of habitat for dispersing and breeding bird species of concern (including the gnatcatcher) as well as cover for dispersing predators such as coyotes. Offsite conservation will be used to: 1. Provide replacement habitat for the sage scrub that ultimately will be removed from Northwest; and 2. Bolster the regional linkages conserved under the plan. It also will incidentally benefit other species of concern. Up to 240 acres of coastal sage scrub occupied by gnatcatchers or otherwise acceptable to USFWS and CDFC will be acquired by FLCA, with at least 120 acres in locations that will strengthen the habitat linkage between Southeast II and the regional coastal sage scrub community that extends into the San Dieguito and San Pasqual River Valley. No specific locations have been proposed for acquisition at this time. 2. Impact Analysis In connection with designating onsite conserved habitat, the City and FLCA considered the beneficial and adverse effects on species of concern that would likely result from conserving some areas of habitat and allowing development to proceed in others. As noted, all species of concern were treated as listed species, and all suitable habitat for each species was considered "taken" if not designated as conserved habitat. This approach was used to ensure that habitat impacts were not underestimated, to fulfill ESA requirements that "take" of species be estimated, and to identify appropriate impact minimization and mitigation measures. Also in accordance with the ESA and NCCP Guidelines, alternatives to the taking were considered. a. Anticipated impacts to species of concern are summarized in Table 5-4 in terms of habitat conserved and habitat assumed taken and based on the primary habitat associations of the species of concern (e.g., impacts to species found separate calculation of total conserved habitat that assumes acquisition of 240 acres of offsite sage scrub also is provided. Impacts to Species of Concern only in sage scrub, impacts to species found in more than one habitat type). A 3-28-94 Revised Draft s-17 n Summary 0 Carlsbad-FLCA HCPIOMSF Table S-4 Habitat Conserved and Assumed "Taken" by Primary Habitat Associations of the Species of Concern (ac res) In addition to the habitat-based impacts, the following points can be natec regarding the conservation of species given priority in the planning process: 0 Up to 18 pair of coastal California gnatcathers will be conserved onsite ir Rancheros-Southeast II, and an undetermined number of pairs on up to 24C acres will be conserved offsite; At least 795 Del Mar manzanita individuals and approximately 5,80C thread-leaved brodiaea individuals will be conserved on Northwest. All of the sticky-leaved liveforever will be conserved in the San Marcos Creek corridor; A significant portion of habitat suitable for the orange-throated whiptail and San Diego horned lizard will be conserved on Rancheros-Southeast 11, and the two reptiles will also likely benefit from the offsite conserved habitat; and Ripariandependent bird species such as the yellow-breasted chat, yellow warbler, and least Bell's vireo will benefit from the preservation of well ovei 95 percent of the onsite riparian habitats; sensitive plant species such as southwestern spiny rush and San Diego marsh elder also will be preservec onsite. 0 0 S-18 Revised Draft 3-28-9' Summary 0 * ' Carlsbad-FLCA HCPIOMSP 6. Alternatives to the Taking Six alternatives to the anticipated taking were considered and ultimately eliminated from further consideration: 0 Complete avoidance of take of listed species; No take of coastal California gnatcatchers; Take only within the Rancho Santa Fe Road project area; Delay of take in the plan area pending completion of the HMP; An offsite mitigation strategy with unlimited take in the plan area; and Reconfiguration of onsite conserved habitat and development areas. E. Conservation Program and Mitigation Measures The conservation program and mitigation measures include those actions necessary to: 0 Conserve 645.1 acres of habitat in the plan area and up to an additional 240 acres in offsite locations; Provide for ongoing management of the conserved habitat; Minimize and mitigate the impacts expected in the plan area; and 0 0 Ensure implementation of the plan and secure long-term (30-year) authorizations and assurances for projects and activities in the plan area. 1 Habitat Conservation Implementation of the HCPIOMSP will conserve up to 885.1 acres of habitat for the species of concern: 645.1 acres within Rancheros-Southeast II and Northwest and up to 240 acres in offsite locations to be selected in consultation with USFWS and CDFG. All of the onsite conserved habitat is in FLCA's ownership. Onsite consewation will occur in the areas shown on Figures S-2 and S-3 and as described in the legal agreements that will accompany this plan. Offsite conservation will occur in conjunction with development within Northwest and will consist of acquisition by FLCA of up to 240 acres of coastal sage scrub in locations acceptable to USFWS and CDFG, with at least 120 acres in locations that will strengthen the habitat linkage with the regional coastal sage community that extends into the San Dieguito and San Pasqual River Valley. In accordance with state guidelines for 2081 agreements (see Appendices), FLCA will provide an irrevocable offer to convey fee interest or a conservation easement for the conserved habitat to a conservancy established or designated for purposes of the Carlsbad HMP, to CDFG, or to another entity approved by USFWS and CDFG. Conservation easements or fee interest also will be conveyed for the offsite mitigation lands. 3-28-94 Revised Draft s-19 Carlsbad-FICA HCPIOMSP X Summary a 0 2. Habitat Management Two types of habitat management will be provided under the plan: Long-term, ongoing management of conserved habitat by an entity designated for that purpose under the terms of this HCP/OMSP, the HMP, or North County MHCP. Interim management of conserved habitat by FLCA; and It is anticipated that the entity responsible for long-term management 01 conserved habitat and the entity to which the conservation easements or fee interest is conveyed will be a conservancy established for purposes oi implementing the HMP. However, alternative arrangements also have beer identified in the event that the HMP is substantially delayed or not completed Such alternatives include delegation of management responsibilities to CDFG The Nature Conservancy, or (as a last resort) a homeowners association. The arrangement actually made will be subject to USFWS and CDFG concurrence. a. lnterim Habitat Management FLCA will be responsible for management of conserved habitat until fee interest is conveyed or FLCA delegates its management responsibilities to the HMP conservancy or an entity approved by the City, USFWS, and CDFG. interim management activities will consist of: Maintaining existing access controls; - Clean-up of conserved habitat areas where unauthorized trash dumping has occurred; and implementation of project-specific impact minimization and mitigation measures (see below). FLCA will prepare an interim management plan that describes the activities tc be performed and, until fee interest is conveyed or the managemeni responsibilities have been delegated, will provide annual updates to the plan as necessary. FLCA also will provide information on the implementation of interim management measures in the annual reports on overall plan implementation that will be prepared by FLCA and the City for USFWS and CDFG review. b. Ongoing Habitat Management Ongoing management of conserved habitat will be guided by annual plans prepared by the HMP conservancy or other designated entity in consultation with a management advisory committee. The committee will be composed oi representatives of USFWS, CDFG, the City, FLCA, and the management entity or entities. s-20 Revised Draft 3-28-94 Summary 0 a Carlsbad-FLCA HCPIOMSP e. Funding of Habitat Management Funding of interim management activities will be FLCA's responsibility. Funding of long-term management will be provided through the HMP by use of any funds available to the City for wildlife, acquisition, conservation, and management purposes, including but not limited to assessments, levies, and grants or other types of funding from public or private sources. As a last resort, a "conserved habitat maintenance charge" of $50.00 per residential unit per year would be assessed on each development unit within the plan area. 3. Impact Minimization and Mitigation Measures In addition to the impact minimization acheived through preserve design, the HCP/OMPS provides for individual projects and activities in the plan area to be planned and implemented in a way that further avoids, minimizes, and mitigates impacts to species of concern and conserved habitat. Such measures will include but not be limited to project-specific impact avoidance and minimization, impact phasing and project design, and supplemental mitigation measures. a. In configuring conserved habitat within the plan area, priority was given to minimizing direct impacts through preserve design. Ten additional impact avoidance and minimization measures will pertain to individual projects and activities that would affect conserved habitat. 1. Nest site protection. No clearing or grading operations will be allowed in habitat occupied by the gnatcatcher during its breeding season (February 15 to July 31). This measure also will protect other nesting species of concern. Prior to July 31, clearing may occur if it is determined that the birds have already successfully fledged young, are no longer actively nesting, and the young have dispersed from the area. In addition, although no direct impacts to trees currently used for nesting by raptors are anticipated, if it is determined that raptors are nesting in any trees scheduled for removal, the trees will be avoided until after the nesting season. Additionally, where feasible, clearing activities within 200 feet of raptor nest sites will be avoided during the nesting season. 2. Access control. Prior to commencement of clearing or grading activities, access barriers to conserved habitat will be established at key entry points. The boundaries of conserved habitat immediately adjacent to a grading area will be flagged by a biologist, and a fence will be installed to prevent disturbance by construction vehicles. This fencing may be removed upon completion of all construction activities and/or replacement with permanent also will be taken to ensure that the construction crew is informed of the sensitivity of conserved habitat. Project-Specific Impact A voidance and Minimization fencing to protect conserved habitat. Reasonable, appropriate measures 3-28-94 Revised Draft s-2 1 * Summary 0 @ Carlsbad-f LCA HCPIOMSP 3. Noise Control. Grading, construction, and other activities that create noise in excess of 61 d.b.a. Leq level in conserved habitat occupied by gnatcatchers will be limited to the non-breeding season (August 1 through February 15) unless six foot temporary noise berms are used to reduce noise levels. 4. Storage and staging areas. No temporary storage or stockpiling of construction materials will be allowed within conserved habitat, and all staging areas for equipment and materials (especially rock crushing equipment) will be located as far from conserved habitat as possible. Staging areas and construction sites will be kept as free as possible of trash, refuse, discarded food wrappers, and other waste that might attract small scavengers that prey on gnatcatchers and other sensitive small passerines. Trash containers with animal-resistant lids will be provided on the site during construction. 5. Monitoring. During grading and construction adjacent to conserved habitat, a biologist will monitor the adjacent habitat for excessive accumulations of dust or other disturbance. Erosion control devices also will be monitored during the rainy season to ensure that dirt, topsoil, and other materials are not washing into the conserved habitat area. If at any time significant amounts of dust or material are determined to be impacting conserved habitat, then corrective measures will be taken immediately. 6. Unavoidable disturbances of conserved habitat. Disturbance of conserved habitat will be avoided to the maximum extent possible. However, where disturbance is unavoidable and has been authorized, it will be mitigated by restoration of the affected sites. Revegetation plans will be prepared for the approval of the City prior to such disturbances occurring. In addition, the location and installation of utilities will be planned cooperatively with the City, USFWS, and CDFG to minimize and mitigate the impacts of such projects on species of concern and conserved habitat. Examples of disturbances that may be unavoidable include: (a) temporary noise buffers and fencing adjacent to conserved habitat; (b) fuel modification zones at the edge of conserved habitat; (c) temporary and permanent public facilities for water, electricity, sewer, gas, and other utilities; and (dl remedial grading for structural purposes, such as easements, buttresses, and crib walls. 7. Fuel management zones. Fuel management zones separating conserved habitat from adjacent development will be designed to minimize impacts to native vegetation. The final location of the zones in relation to the interface of development of conserved habitat will be defined at the tentative map stage of planning. Measures to minimize or further reduce impacts to pruning (as specified in the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Manual) to suppress the potential for slope fires; (b) planting of native, low-fuel plant species within fuel management zones; and (c) use of alternative fuel breaks such as coastal prickly pear cactus, that reduce water use, have additional wildlife value, and minimize access to conserved habitat. vegetation include: (a) removal of high fuel species, irrigation, and selective s-2 2 Revised Draft 3-28-94 Summary e 0 ' Carisbad-FL CA H CPIO MSP I $1 8. Lighting. Lighting within new development projects adjacent to conserved habitat will be selectively placed, shielded, and directed away from conserved habitat. In addition, lighting from homes abutting conserved habitat will be screened by planting vegetation, and large spotlight-vpe backyard lighting directed into conserved habitat will be prohibited. 9. Landscaping. Invasive species such as giant reed and pampas grass will not be used in landscaped area directly adjacent to conserved habitat. A list of species that should not be used in landscaping will be provided to home buyers. Additionally, these species will be identified in the CC&Rs of the homeowners association as plants to be avoided in landscaping. 10. Public information program. Homeowners, homeowner associations, and the interested public will be informed of ways to avoid impacts to the conserved resources through a public information program developed in cooperation with the City. The program will include: (a) a public information brochure that describes the natural resources and prohibited activities within conserved habitat; and (b) a landscaping and fuel break planning brochure for homeowners and homeowner associations adjacent to conserved habitat. 6. Impact Phasing and Project Design Measures Impact phasing and project design measures pertain to projects and activities within Rancheros-Southeast II. They are as follows. 1. Realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road will proceed in twc-phases tied to the City's level of service and financing requirements and subject to final environmental review. 2. Grading and construction within Southeast I1 will occur in the areas identified in the plan as "phases." 3. Realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road and the configuration of conserved habitat in Southeast I1 assumes redesign of Melrose Avenue to avoid two gnatcatcher use areas and reclassification of the road from a prime to major arterial. c, Supplemental Mifigation Measures In addition to the measures already described, FLCA will work cooperatively with the City, USFWS, and CDFG to implement the following supplemental mitigation measures. 1. Research. To provide additional data that can be used to guide habitat management, FLCA will provide $50,000 for research on the coastal California gnatcatcher. The focus and design of the research program will be determined prior to the conveyance of conserved habitat to the designated management entity. 3-28-94 Revised Draft S-23 Carlsbad-F1CA HCPIOMSP e 0 3 15 * Summary 2. Coordination. To ensure that the needs of multiple species are addressed and to avoid duplication of effort, the City will coordinate the implementation of this plan with other conservation programs in and adjacent to Carlsbad. In addition, FLCA will provide the City with $1 50,000 for the completion of the HMP. 3. Cooperation. Working with USFWS and CDFG, the City and FLCA will seek the cooperation of Vallecitos Water District in maintaining the existing biological value of the District's lands near Stanley Mahr Reservoir; SDG&E's cooperation in the consolidation and relocation of powerline easements in conserved habitat; and the City of San Marcos' cooperation in the preservation of a wildlife corridor in that portion of San Marcos Creek outside of the City. 4. Plan Implementation implementation of the HCPIOMSP will be governed by an agreement among the City, FLCA, USFWS, and CDFG. In addition to reiterating the roles and responsibilities cited above, the agreement will specify reporting requirements and procedures to address unforeseen circumstances. It also will provide long- term (30-year) authorizations and assurances allowing projects and activities planned and conducted in accordance with the HCP/OMSP to proceed without further wildlife mitigation. Such projects and activities will include but are not I i m i ted to: 1. Realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road and related transportation improvements in Rancheros-Southeast 11; 2. Development of FLCA master planned residential communities, together with the requisite infrastructure and public facilities, in both plan area components; 3. Commercial development by MAG properties on 81 acres in Rancheros- Southeast II: 4. Fire management and roadway maintenance in both plan area components; and 5. Management of consetved habitat in both plan area components. S-24 Revised Draft 3-28-94 ._ EXHIBIT 2 0 _. -- -- -. ---------..--.I I , I3 ' e Draft: May 15, u - DRAFT IXPLEXENTATTON AGRE- REGARDXNG THE CxTY OR CARLSBAD/FIGLI)STONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIAmS HABITAT CONSERVATION PfrAN/ON-GOING MlfZrTT-SPECXES PfiarJ 3Y AND BEWBBEJ: UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE; TEE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GM, THE CITY OF CARLSBAD and FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES LIMITED BaR'ITNERSHIP L I* 0 0 TABLE OF CONTENT S - Pac I- DEPINITIONS AXD EXEIBLTS ............... A. DEPINITXQNS .................... 1. "Agreement" ................. 2 . ilBudgetll .................. 3 . I! Ci ty" ................... 4. flCiey Regulations11 ............. 6. "Conserved ff8bit;dt;" ............. 7. llBff ective Date" .............. 8. llFieldstonelf ................ 9, llFuture Rancho Santa Fe Road" ........ 10. "Habi eal: Conservation PJan/On-Going Multi-Species PlanJ1 or NHCP/OMSEII ..... 12. "NMP". ................... -12. rrHMP Conservancyff .............. 13. rrlNP Program" ................ 14. 'rHomeow12ers ASSoC~d~ionr~ .......... 15. lIImpact Areal1 or llIxnpact Areas1# ....... 16. 'IMAG Parcel" ................ 17. NMapll .................... 18, l1Minor Adjustment1# ............. 19, llNorchwesr: Conserved Habitat Parcels't . . + . 20. "Northwest SubareaN ............. 21. tV€€site Conservation LmdP * + + + . + . b 22. l'Offsite Mitigation Parcel" ........ 23. {'Pernits and MOUsTt ............. 24. "Plan Area" ................. 25. . lrPlan Activities" .............. 26. flProjectfr .................. 27, 'rRancheros-Southeast II Conserved hlabitat Parcelr1 .................. 28, lJRancheros-SoutheaSt XI Subareai1 ...... 29. lISpecies of Concern" ............ 30. "Special Rule" ............... 3 1. JrSubarealt or llSubareas I' ........... 32. rrTermu ................... 33. flWildZifc Conservation Regulationsr1 ..... 5. 'Tonsemation mti ty" ............ B. liXBULE 1 Attached to this Agreement are the following Exhibits, which are incorporated herein by this reference: Glossam Exhibit 2 : - Exhibit 3 : List o f Soecies Q f Concerq - _____-___ __ - I .-I .. , ,I ' 0 e Bxhibi t 4 : Exhibit 5 : Exhibit 6: Pindinqs and Detednationg Form of Conservation 1~3s ement Form of Ricrht of First- &gg ssal IX. m s ....................... A. PLAN aREA OWNERSHIP APJD DEVELOPMENT OF THE B. SPECIES ADDRESSED BY THIS AGREEMENT AES) THEIR REGULATION .................... : C+ THE HABITAT CONSERVATION PW .......... 1 D. AUTHORITY OF FWS ................. : E. AUTHORITY OF DFG ................. ! I?. RELATIONSHIP TO THE NCCP PROGRAM A;ND THE SPECIAL PROJECT ..................... I RULE ....................... 3 G. AWTHORITYOFTHE CL!E .............. 3 X, LEGALL REQWXRBMENTS AND ASSURANCES ........ : Conservation Regulations ....... 2 1 - BCPjOMgP Caas;stency with Wildlife 2. Reliance on Undertakings .......... 3 111. TERN OF THE AGREEMENT ................. 2 A. STATED TERM ................... 2 B. PERIUlNENCE OF CONSERVED HABITAT AND OFFSITE MITIGATION PARCEL ................ 2 IV. AUT'EORIZATION TO TaKe ................. 2 A. ISSUANCE OF SECTION 10(a) PERMIT AND SECTXON 2~81~0~. .................... 2 1. Section 10(a) Permit ............ 2 2. Section 2081 MOU .............. 2 OF CONCERN .................... 2 C. LISTING OF OWR SPECIES ............. 2 D. ISSUANCE OF MBTA PERMITS ............. 2 E. NOTICES OF PROPOSED RULES AFFECTING ANY SPECIES OFCONCERN. ................... 2 F. CITY PROJECT APPROVAL AND ASSURANCES ** 2 1. No Approval of Project Beyond Wildlife .. 2 - Project .......... 2 B. FURTHER PERMTTS WITH RESPECT TO UNLISTED SPECIES - nC v.* .4 Y ...... .... 3. Environmental Review of- 65-1 5 -95 F:\UWOC\O1~116\85~CAGR.IA1 ii A .... Q 0 f G. UTILITY LINES, OTHER FACILITIES AND ACTIVITIES IN CONSERVED FIXBITAT ............. - - : V. ;.*.,. OB ....: A. CONVEYANCB OF CONSERVED HABITAT AFQ OFFSITE MITIGATION PARCEL ................ : 1, Conveyance of On-site Conserved Habitat ... : 2. Conveyance oE Offsite Mitigation Parcel .... B, MAINTENANCE OF CONSERmD HAElITAT BP FIELDSTONE PENDING CONVEYANCE ................ : C, PROTECTION OF ON-SITE CONSERVED HABITAT IN CON"ION WITH DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES . , . . : D. FUNDING ............ .........: 1. By Fieldstone ................ : a. Maintenance of Conserved Habitat - . - - : b. City WP Program and Research ..... : Funding of Long-term Maintenance of Conserved Habitat ............. : a. Buclget for Long-term Maintenance and b. c. Funding through Homeowners ,Association 2. Limit of Fieldstone Obligation ..... : Public Efforts to Provide Long Term Funding ................ : and Endowment ............. 4 E. CONDITION PRECEDENT TO PERFOWCE ........ 1 VI. crm FMP; AYWTIONAL CONSERVATLON~ LONG-TERM OF CONSERVED HABITAT,AND, RELATED MEWSURES , 4 A. CITYHMP.. .................... d B. ADDITXONAL CONSERVATION TO BE PROVIDED UNDERHMP .................... d 1- Acquisition of Lands within the Corridor between Caxlsbad and the San Dieguito Riveqark Planning Area ........... d 3. Right of First Refusal ........... 1 C. LONG TERM MAINTENANCE OF CONSERVED HABITAT ... - 4 I, Creation of the HMP Conservancy ....... 4 2, Annual Report, Program and Budget ...... d 3. Cooperation of Wildlife Agencies and the City .................... 4 4. Coordination of Conservation and Management Measures with Other Conservatian Programs . 1 5. Enhancement of San Marcas Creek Habitat . + - I 6. Relocation o€ SDG&E Easements ........ f 2. Purther Acquisition Discussions . - . . - . 1 05-15-95 F:\VPDOC\bl\2116\9~6~AGR~IAl Fii .. , I, ' e 0 c VII, UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES ............... ! A. INGENERAL.. .................. ! 8, PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING OC-NCE OF UNFORBSEEN CIRCUMSTANCES ............. 1. Notice to Parties .............. 2. Submission of Information by Other Partfes . 3 . Findbgs .................. C. RESPONSE TO OCCURRENCE OF WFOF!33SEEN CIRCUMSTANCES .................. VZIZ. AMEND kcENTs, MZNOR ADJUSTMENTS AND EMZRDENCY ACTIO- -- A. FURTHER ACTIONS AND AMENDMENTS .......... 3, MINOR ADJUSTMENTS ................ C. ACTIONS TO PROTECT HUMAN HEALTH 2dVD SAFETY . . , . 3X. MAGPARCEL ...................... X. TEWY8ATION BY FIELDSTONE.. ............. XI. o-..m-rES ................ A. INGWERAt.. .................. B. REVOCATION AND TEWINATION ............ 1 C. NOTXCE AND OPPORTUNITY TO CURE .......... 1 D. SEVERABILITY.. ................. 1 1. Fieldstone as to Project and Plan Activities and City as to Rancho Santa Fe . Road, .................... 1 2. Conveyance of Parcels by Fieldstone ..... 1 E. UNIQUE WILDLIFE lU3SOvRCES; IRREPARABLE INJURY - . F. NO LIMITATION IN AUTHORITY ............ XXI. NO FIJRTIDZR MITIGAIT 1.0x ................. A. EO FURTWER MITIGATION .............. xzxx. MIScELL-as P RQVXSIONS ............... A. TNCORPORATTON OF THE HCP/OMSP .......... 1 B. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. ................ I C, ASSIGNMENT AND DELEGATION ............ 1 D. INTERPRETATION OF AMBIGUITIES . - . t . . , . . , 1 E, CAPTIONS. .................... 1 F, 1NDEPENDE;NT INVESTIGATION ............ G. TIMING., .................... H. NOPARTNERSHZP.. ................ I, BLE!jlcTElr> OFPICYALS NOT TO BEWBPY'X' ......... 05-15-95 F:\~oOC\O2\2116\9506AGR.IAl iv ... 0 * , 8' ' * J. STABDING TO SUE DFG ............... IC. BENEFIT OF TRE AGREENEW' ........... - .. M. FORCE MAJEXJRE .. + ....... N. NOTICES ......... .-*++*+----* 0. ATTORJWYS' F3ES - ...... - .... - .. - . I Q. DUPLICATE ORIGINUS . + ... + ..... - ... d L. EMINENTDOMAIN. ....... e ...... - - . .* T t,? V I P. EFFECTIVE DATE , .................. ' SIGNATURES 76-' 05-15-95 F:\WPDOC\Ol\2t 10\9504AGR. IA'l v A. EXHIBIT 3 , .( ’ 0 0 * Analysis of Recent Changes - to the Implementation Agreement In June 1994, the City Council reviewed a previous version of the Implementat Agreement. Since then, there have been two substantive changes to the agreement. Th are: (A) provisions relating to offsite mitigation to ensure connectivity between Carlsbad i habitat lands to the southeast, (B) Fieldstone‘s granting of right of first refusal to the Cit! purchase portions of Fieldstone’s developable lands. These are discussed below. A. OFFSITE MITIGATION AND CONNECTIVITY PROVISION From the inception of the HCP process it was recognized by all of the participants that conservation on Fieldstone’s property will be meaningless unless there is correspond conservation outside of Carlsbad in a corridor extending southeasterly from Fieldstor property to the San Dieguito River Valley and adjacent areas. The first draft of the I- recommended that the offsite mitigation occur within Carlsbad in order to help implem the Citywide Habitat Management Plan, and the HCP was modified to reflect this. h, recently, concerns raised by some conservation organizations led the City and the resou agencies to return to the original concept of mitigating in the corridor. The final versior the Implementation Agreement which accompanies this agenda bill requires that Fieldstor offsite mitigation occur within the corridor area. Although there would be benefits to having Fieldstone’s offsite mitigation occur wit Carlsbad, the concept of mitigating in the San Dieguito corridor would provide grei benefits in terms of regional habitat planning. This corridor has been identified in the Mi Habitat Conservation Plan (MHCP) as one of the most important in North County, and essential that this linkage be secured and maintained. In carrying out this offsite mitigati the City will play an important role in coordinating with other agencies, primarily cou government. Fieldstone‘s mitigation site is intended to be the nucleus for furi conservation actions to protect this vital link. In addition to the change in location, the form of the mitigation has undergone a changc well. Initially, the requirement was that Fieldstone acquire and dedicate an offsite mitigai parcel of approximately 240 acres. FWS subsequently determined that a higher leve onsite conservation was needed on Fieldstone’s Northwest Property to provide a larger i of southern maritime chaparral, which includes the rare plant species Del Mar manzar Fieldstone’s Northwest Property contains one of the largest remaining stands of Del I Manzanita in the region. Fieldstone responded by agreeing to conserve an additional acres of southern maritime chaparral on the Northwest Property. In exchange for increased onsite conservation, the resource agencies agreed to cap the cost of the of1 mitigation at $1 million, adjusted annually for inflation. The scenario for acquisition of the offsite mitigation parcel is expected to proceed gener as follows. First, the City would oversee compilation a list of candidate parcel! approximately 200-300 acres in size for possible acquisition within the identified corri area. The acquisition must occur prior to any disturbance of Fieldstone’s Northv Property. It could be several years before development of the Northwest Property can oc (1992) called for the offsite mitigation to occur within this corridor. Later, City ! - Page 2 . 87 ‘ c e because there are presently no entitlements on the Northwest Property. It will be necess to process a General Plan amendment, Master Plan amendment, tentative map, possibly environmental impact report, and a probably other entitlements as well. These acti typically require 2-3 years to complete. At the time of the first final map or grading permit on the Northwest Property, one or rn of the candidate parcels must be selected for acquisition, subject to approval by FWS , DFG. Upon selection of the parcel(s), Fieldstone will be required to contribute $1 mill towards purchase of all or a portion of the selected parcel(s). If Fieldstone’s $1 million d not acquire the entire parcel(s), then as part of the City‘s Habitat Management Plan (Hh the financing strategy will identify potential funding to purchase the remainder of parcel(s) from whatever sources are available to implement the HMP. These sources r include, but are not limited to, federal, state or private grants, regional or local bc measures, regional or local impact fees, or other regional or local revenue sources that r be developed for the purpose of acquiring habitat and open space lands. The requirement stated above does not mean that the City will have to use General FI monies or other funds normally used for City operations or capital projects to purchase remainder of the selected mitigation site. The wording of the Implementation Agreerr expressly states that the City’s General Fund may not be used for this purpose. Rather, acquisition will be accomplished using the sources indicated above when that func becomes available. The fundamental purpose of this unique offsite mitigation requirement is to ensure the IC term viability of conserved habitat in Carlsbad by maintaining regional connectivity. It 1 recognized in the negotiations on this mitigation package that Fieldstone had reached limit of its ability to fund mitigation and that financing programs to implement the HMP , the larger regional plans do not exist at this time. As part of the approval of the HMP connectivity issue can be addressed in a realistic and flexible manner. B. GRANTING RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL TO THE CITY As the MHCP progresses toward completion, and particularly as regional funding for ha! land acquisition becomes available, there may be a desire to use some of that fundin! purchase a part of Fieldstone’s property that has been designated for development. If occurs, it would involve only funds dedicated for habitat or open space purposes. The r of first refusal provision which has been added to the Implementation Agreement is inten to ensure that approval of the HCP does not preclude the possibility of such acquisitioi main effect of the provision is to state that the City and Fieldstone can enter int subsequent agreement to provide for the right of first refusal. It is anticipated that agreement would provide for a notice to the City in the event that Fieldstone receive! offer to purchase property, and the City would have the opportunity, but not the obligat to match that offer. the future, It does not create any obligation on the City to make any such purchase. * - 00 - --1- , I. ’ 0 -Wfl FRIEND OF BATIQUITOS LAGOON P.O. BOX 2736, LEUCADIA, CALIFORNIA 92024 ~ -9 L : L.L L,..E!e? 2-:=:3::; 3 e\J!=:: 3rJ;.,zn ~~. cI 1 s<:i:zf> . d I *- , I= 0 0 I' <-: 7, .-.r= ,z I... -.~ \--. . .. ?. . i T 'E. ‘r ---- - 6 - cr’ 0 0 J ROSALENA HOMEOWNERS CONCERNS, MAY 23,1995 The Trail The proposed plan for Ihe trail by Carlsbad Cily officials has Ihe 11 going through the backyards of some 20 homes. We are especially concerned this plan since it runs the trail on top the Lagoon bluff and will invade the pri\ of homeowners. The proposed distance from back doors is merely 35 feet and some cases less. The purpose of the trail is to view the lagoon and nature. However, due to topography of the land, the Lagoon can not be seen from SOI spots along the proposed trail. Rather, the proposed trail provides viewing of k yards of private homes, rear sides of houses, and in some cases into second s bedrooms. Homeowners are in favor of a trail along the shores of Batiquitos Laqoon. The trail should start at the far eastern end of the Lagoon and proceed westward under the 1-5 freeway along the North edge of the Lagoon to the Pacific Ocean. An old service road in this area can be used to build on. Thi plan will permit unobstructed viewing of the Lagoon and maintain the priva of homeowners. Homeowners on the eastern section of the Lagoon are als favor of this plan. The Coastal Commision has told us that the Applicant for the trail, i.e. KaiL Corporation, is responsible for maintenance and liability. The City and Kaiz; have stated that these obligations will be transferred to our Association wt Kaiza sells out, takes its money and leaves. Also, Kaiza has formed a new corporation “Batiquitos Trail Corporation” build and be responsible for Poinsettia Shores trails. By doing so they absoi themselves from liability and circumvent insurance issues. Our insurance agent, State Farm, has notified us that they will cancel RosaLena’s insurance policv when the trail traverses our area. We have trie find an alternative insurer but to no avail. We have infomed the City and K: of this problem. The City has ignored this concern and instructed Kaiza to proceed with the building of the trail. They have not responded to our lette and addressed the following concerns. 1. Liability to homeowners if someone is injured while on the trail or our properties. 2. The potential for robbery and homeowner harm with the public in our backyards. 3. The potential maintenance nightmares including: vandalism, keeping the clear, picking up garbage, and controtling washouts in heavy rains on thf sections that cut up and down hillsides and slopes. This includes erosion 4. Sections of the trail will be constructed of decomposed granite and virtu Trail Maintenance and Liability the bluffs. impossible for handicapped people to use. City people state that this in accordance with federal laws, but is it right for Carlsbad? .. - * *v-- e a I Completion of our homes and backyard fences The City permitted us to move into our homes in 1989 but we are in 1995 s not allowed to complete our homes. Rather than having a trellis as shown on t model homes and paid for, residents have 4 metal straps imbedded in their pal that are kept covered with a plastic nursery can for safety reasons. The lack o protection from the sun has ruined French doors and provided leak paths that permit a thorough drenching of living rooms during rain storms. Lack of rear y; fences allows the coyotes and other wild life free access to back yards. This particular concern to families with small children, grandchildren, and pets. The Coastal Commission gave us permission to instail the trellises and fences 1 ago but the City says no! Messy entrances We have talked to the developer about our concerns but they are very slow take action. We understand that their task is not easy but they could clean up help beautify the area. Batiquitos Laqoon that was inhabited by hundreds of migratory birds, i.e. terns, egrets, herons, avocets, black neck stilts, cormorants, pintail ducks, and pelicans. The island \ an attractive natural habitat where birds could be watched and enjoyed. The ic has been dredged away and the birds are no longer in view. In place of the isla the City and dredging company have left us a small platform that resembles a drilling platform. Traffic and Speeders We have had a substantial increase in traffic that violate RosaLena's 15 MF speed limits. A large portion of cars are looking for a bypass route to San Dieg caused by freeway construction work. This has caused a traffic hazard for our children and when we back out of our garage and driveways. We would like ti have the City provide signs to prevent unnecessary traffic with "Detour" signs "No Outlet" signs at entrances to Navigator Circle. Gated Community Privacy gates on either end of Navigator Circle would provide a means for control of our streets which we now maintain. The City and Coastal Commissic are requested to grant permission for their installation. Prior to the dredging operation there was a small island below Rosalena hoi e e ’* * - , lC* P Actions for Carlsbad City Council Consideration I. Hold off on RosaLena Perimeter trail until the location, maintenance, insurance, and liability issues are resolved for &I City Trails. 2. lssue permits for trellises and back yard fences. ( They have been held hostage long enough). 3. Assist Rosahena in obtaining Privacy Gates. --- Install signs to deter traffic and slow down speeders. 4. Continue Quadrant Visitations by Council Members. ---- Effective method for communication / observation 5. Remove Floatinq Platforms from Batiquitos Lagoon until dredging starts up again this fall. 6. Prohibit motor boat traffic on the Lagoon until dredging operations are resumed in mid September :nn IYG, -;- p ..::I _- -_ ..Ai. - C'*G ,.,,: ~ ....- _- b-,;:L, r41i:1 -- € - I , IT;* cod~Yq~eeTIl$J 1 "3 T?E !yFG3h<;S,TiCi'i --.- CF i I q3/v7 .13uy ' jc B -3 * I nE Ci-fy COiiNGiL! CiTy >uMh!x+pj&/ 4 -;~7' ,(; 'rid'; (-,In MANA'X'P =- __I 3OSALmA 'PBill; STATUS - 41AY 23,1995 September 27, 1994; Joint meegng with Coastal Commission and City of Calsbad say. ?resident of the RoAena Horxwwners Association and 2':ojec: Alanager i?om Kaka Poinsettia Corn. Decision made t( divide tine tza icto south and west segmenis in response to Xasaiena request. Coastal staff will verify compliance with Coasrai canditions and noti* the City if the west uaii segment zouid be built and corresponding veilis permits issued. City and Kaia notified by the Coastal Commission that the wes. City issued trellis building permits for seven homes along Navigator Circle adjacent to the west trail segment. Xaiza negotiates trail construction contract. Kaiza asks City to confirm tic ability to buiid the west trail segment within a City heid open spce easement. City sends letter to Kaiza coniiming ability to buiid wesr trail. Legal counsei for the RosaIena HOA sends a 12 page letter to Kaka, Coastal Commission and the City outlining several issues and reaSOns to not allow the trail to be built as approved. rAaneed ma is still surnmatlzed si- the April 14 letter. Xaiza. wruting for similar determination from Coastai Commission. Pldg staff mct with Charlie Marvin III (Rosalena HOA legai counsei) for half an hour and described the City process to formailv mena the existing approved mil alignment. The hilowin? irems were discussed: 1 ?xpianation of master pian and LCP amendment process 3 dl propew owners undcriying existing and proAwsd ?ai alignments need to sign applications :II snvironrnentai review may be required' with the process * sta~Trecomrne~dation of a trail dignment change would >.e msed on review of the specific application i. ?oss:aility exists for City approval yet Coastal denial Yovember 28, 1994: $ail segment could be built and tdli~ pmits isslreci. November 30, 1994: Dec '?&Aprii 3, '9% April 14, 1995: ARrii27, 1995 May 8, 1995: City sends letter fo .Kaka stating that the City position hs not May 16, 1995: May 23. 1MSr caua Tr ' hiid :he west mi sepent given Chariie Marvin's HOA letter. w&dn~ to hear from Coastal conrirming the abiliry to / .G i - - Draft: Azril 7 Mav 15, 19 DRAFT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT REGARDING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD/FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN/ON-GOING MUL'PrS-SPECIES PLAN / ' -7 BY AND BETWEEN: UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME, THE CITY OF CARLSBAD and FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT REGARDING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD/FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONbERVATION PLAN)ON-QOING =TI-SPECIES PIAN (California Section 2081 Memorandum of Agreement) This IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT REGARDING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD/FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONSERVATION P ("Agreement1I) is made and entered into as of January -, 1995 and between the City of Carlsbad, California (the llCitylf), a municipal corporation, Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Limited Partnership, a California limited partnership (llFieldstonelr) , United States Fish and Wildlife Service, an adof the Department of Interior of the United States (IrFWS1I), and the California Department of Fish and Game (IIEFGfr) , an agency of t State of California (the City, Fieldstone, FWS and DFG are referred to collectively herein as the "Partiesf1). T Based on the definitions, recitals of fact, findings and determinations, the mutual obligations and covenants set forth herein, and other consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties do hereby agree as follows. 05-16-95 F: \WPDOC\O1\2110\AGRIAl .RDI 1 I. DEFINITIONS AND EXHIBITS (in alphabetical order) A. DEFINITIONS The following definitions are used in this Agreement. Each of the terms defined in the Glossary attached to th Agreement as Exhibit 1 has the meaning set forth therein when used in this Agreement. 1. IIAgreement rr means this document entitled: "IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT REGARDING THE CITY 6 CARLSBAD/FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN1' entered into by and between the City, Fieldstone, FWS ar DFG. c 2. "Budget I' means the budget entitled "Management Cost Assumptions for the Habitat Conservation Plan/Onyoiny Mu3 Species Plan for Properties on [sic] the Southeast Quadrant of the City of Carlsbad1!, described in the Addendum dated July 1: 1994 to the HCP/OMSP. 3. rrCityn means the City of Carlsbad, California, municipal corporation. 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl~RDl 2 4. Vity Regulations" means all existing and futu City laws , ordinances , rules , regulations, policies, constrain conditions of development approvals, goals, purposes or other requirements related to the Conservation of Wildlife, includin but not limited to those set forth in: the General Plan and Municipal Code (including the provisions of Title 20 and Title 21) , codified and uncodified ordinances (including zoning ordinances and Ordinance Number 9795), policies, and the HMP o the City of Carlsbad. 5. ffConservation Entityf1 means the HMP Conservanc DFG, an agency of the State of California, ordservation agency approved by DFG and FWS, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. T 6. "Conserved Habitat" means the approximately 645.1 acres of lands owned in fee title by Fieldstone within t Plan Area, consisting collectively of the Rancheros-Southeast Conserved Habitat Parcel and the Northwest Conserved Habitat Parcels, all as generally depicted on the Map. 7. "Effective Dateff means the date of the issuanc of the Section 10(a) Permit by FWS permitting the incidental T of California Gnatcatchers as contemplated by Section IV hereinbelow. 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RDl 3 e. Vi Ez-"-c:lowct Amr;t" mz;; 9- ----- r,t E.- 232 efft*"-A * CLLU nn cIaA D-ml AAcIAe~t-n~ ;rAe '2- n-*-- n-7 -4- flnA cln uc. bvuC: U,ct;sra;= C'O * -+ -A- 4 & ffFieldstonell means Fieldstone/La Costa Associa - Limited Partnership, a California limited partnership. 18 2. "Future Rancho Santa Fe Road" means the - future roadway as shown and designated as such on the Map, including, without limitation, all grading and construction activities connected therewith, a portion of which is adjacent but not included within Conserved Habitat, thdl be realig to the proposed "Canyon Alignmentii and reconstructed, in one o more phases, as a six-lane prime arterial, as described in the environmental impact report, Clearinghouse Number 90010850, certified June 2, 1992, including any grading adjacent to the profile of the proposed road necessary to construct the road. L 3Ek 10. Wabi tat Conservation Plan/On-Going Mu1 ti - Species Plan" or lrHCP/OMSPii mean the "HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN/ON-GOING MULTI-SPECIES PLAN FOR PLANT AND WILDLIFE SPECIE OF CONCERN IN THE SOUTHERN QUADRANT OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, dated March 28, 1994", together with the First and Second Addenda thereto, dated, respectively, July 13, 1994 and December 21, 1994, all of which have been approved by the Part in connection with their execution of this Agreement. 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 4 32 u. rrHMPiJ means the City of Carlsbad Habitat - Management Plan, which is a Wildlife habitat conservation plan that will serve as a component of the City's General Plan Open Space and Conservation Element, and that will comprise a subarc component of the MHCP. available in draft form on July 2, 1993, addresses, in the context of the subregional MHCP, the protection and management multiple types of habitat and listed and unlisted species with: the subarea formed by the jurisdictional boundaries of the Cit] The HMP, which was made publicly 43 _12. JiNMP Conservancy'' means an agency created - the City, alone or together with one or more &public agencies, pursuant to the HMP Program, or otherwise, to own an1 Manage lands for Wildlife Conservation purposes. T * 1-3. "NMP Program" means the habitat managemen - program of the City of Carlsbad in cooperation with the North County Wildlife Forum of San Diego County, Fieldstone, FWS and DFG to develop the HMP. 2s _14. rJHomeowners AssociationiJ means an - incorporated or unincorporated association of homeowners withi the Plan Area formed for the purposes of, among other things, holding, maintaining, operating and protecting common areas an open space, and funding those activities within any Subarea. 05- 16-95 5 F: \WPDOC\O1\21 IO\AGRIAl .RDI ilAi 15. "Impact Area" or IIImpact Areas" mean, - respectively, a portion or portions of the Plan Area, as shown the Map, which are excluded from Conserved Habitat and will be developed as part of the Project. 43 16. ffMAG Parcelff means that certain - approximately 81 acres of land located within the Impact Areas lying southeast of Existing Rancho Santa Fe Road within Southeast I1 Subarea, as shown on the Map. ik8 17. fiMapff means the map attached hereto as _. Exhibit 2, which generally depicts, among othgdngs, the P1 Area, the Northwest Subarea, the Rancheros-Southeast I1 Subare the Impact Areas, the MAG Parcel, the On-site Conserved Habita the Future Rancho Santa Fe Road alignment and the SDG&E easements. .- '7 33 18. "Minor Adjustmentii means an adjustment or modification of the Conservation measures under the HCP/OMSP a implemented by this Agreement that is expected to result in adverse impacts to the Species of Concern that are substantial the same or less than those contemplated by the HCP/OMSP, whic may include, for example, some modifications in the boundaries the Conserved Habitat. _. 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\211O\AGRIA1.RD1 6 28 19. JINorthwest Conserved Habitat Parcels 'I mea those portions of Conserved Habitat located within the Northwe Subarea, consisting of approximately 123.69 acres of land, as shown on the Map. _. 21- a. Worthwest Subarea" means that portion of the Plan Area consisting of approximately 662 acres of land, a shown on the Map. - 22 21. llOffsite Conservation Lands1' means lands - approved by FWS and DFG, and located generally within the corridor between the City and the San Dieguitadqark Plann Area, to be conveyed to a Conservation Entity or-other conservation organization approved by FWS and DFG in accordancc 7- with Section V.B.1, 22. llOffsite Miticration Parcel" means the lands - reauired to be conveyed bv Fieldstone Pursuant to Section V.A.; as provided in Section VI.B.l.a.(2), which lands will comprise portion of the Offsite Conservation Lands. 23. "Permits and M0Us1' means all Permits and MOUs issued or entered into Pursuant to or as contemplated by this - Sreement, includincr, but not limited to, Section 10(a) bermits Section 2081 MOUs, Section 2835 Permits and MBTA Permits. 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 7 23 24. I1PZan Area" means the lands covered by - HCP/OMSP, consisting of the Rancheros-Southeast I1 Subarea and the Northwest Subarea and the 14-acre portion of the Rancho Sa Fe Road right-of-way outside of the Subareas, 24 25. "Plan ActivitiesI1 ( Ifall activities - authorized under the HCP/OMSPrl) means all activities of every kind and nature that are necessary or appropriate in order to develop, complete, effect, use, operate, manage, enhance, repa and maintain the Project and the Conserved Habitat, with timin and phasing determined by the respective actor with respect to each such activity. r;c < ' 7- *' 25 26. llProject I' means the development contempla. _. by the HCP/OMSP to be located within the Impact Areas and, to extent provided under Section IV.G, within Conserved Habitat, urban facilities, structures and uses, without limitation: (i residential, commercial, facilities and infrastructure improvements; and, (ii) road and related transportation facilities. the Project, includes: grading and landscaping; utilities, communication lines, facilities, pipelines and rights-of-way, ( Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, every kind and nature; roads, bikeways and walkways; dams, channels, bridges, water and sewer systems; recreational facilities, trails and open space; and, all other development, structures and facilities of every kind and nature. 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\D1\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 8 * 27. "Rancheros-Southeast I1 Conserved Habitat Parcel" means that portion of Conserved Habitat that Fieldstor owns in fee, located within the Rancheros-Southeast I1 SubareE consisting of approximately 521.41 acres of land, as shown on Map. 2rF 28. - "Rancheros -Sou theas t II Subarea If means tl portion of the Plan Area consisting of approximately 1,278.2 acres of land as shown on the Map. 28 29. - Ifspecies of Concern If means those species L;/ 4 ' -7 listed in Exhibit 3. 24 x. - "Special Ruleff means Section 17.41 (b) Ti 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations with respect to the Gnatcatcher. 218 31. - "Subarea If or Ifsubareas If mean, respective] one or both of the Northwest Subarea and the Rancheros- Southeast I1 Subarea as depicted on the Map. 33.z 32. - Termff means that period during which, regardless of the Ifstated term" set forth in Article 111, thiE Agreement is in effect. 9 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RDI 32 33. - Wildlife Conservation Regulations1' means a local, State and federal laws, ordinances, regulations, guidelines, policies and directives regulating or restricting impacts or - effects of the Project on Wildlife and its habitat, including, without limitation: ESA (including, withc limitation, Section 10(a), Section 4(d) and the Special Rule; CESA (including, without limitation, Section 2081); NCCP Act (including, without limitation, Section 2835); NCCP Program; NEPA; CEQA; the federal Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act; ME Act, the federal Clean Water Act; Section 1601 and 1603 of the California Fish and Game Code; the California Native Plant Protection Act (California Fish and Game Code / ction § 1900 5 m.) and City Regulations with respect thereto. As to each party, such wildlife conservation regulations are those administered by or under which the party exercises legal jurisdiction or authority. c B. EXHIBITS Attached to this Agreement are the following Exhibits, which are incorporated herein by this reference: Exhibit 1 : Glossary Exhibit 2 : The Mar, 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 10 Exhibit 3 : List of SDecies of Concern Exhibit 4 : Findings and Determinations Exhibit 5: Form of Conservation Easement Exhibit 6 : Form of Risht of First Refusal 11. RECITALS ,< ' -4 This Agreement is based on the following facts: A. PLAN AREA OWNERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT The Plan Area consists of the Rancheros-Southeast I1 Subarea and Northwest Subarea owned by Fieldstone and others (with respect to the Mag Parcel), and a portion of the right-c way for Future Santa Fe Road owned by the City. Fieldstone and the City desire to: (i) effect the Projec within the Plan Area in phases determined appropriate by the respective developer of each portion thereof; and, (ii) minim: and mitigate the impacts of the Project on the Species of Conc 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 11 and their habitats by providing for the Conservation of the Species of Concern and their habitats, as provided herein, wit the Conserved Habitat. B. SPECIES ADDRESSED BY THIS AGREEMENT AND THEIR REGULATION The Species of Concern are species that use, occupy or E associated with the Plan Area and include, but are not limitec species that are: (1) Listed as I1threatened1I or l1endangeredl1 under ESA or CESA; (2) proposed or candidates for such listins (3) of special concern in California; (4) rarwKZeclining regionally; or (5) of local concern. Certain Species of Conce for example, but without limitation, the Gnatcatcher, are currently Listed under ESA and it is anticipated that one or n of the other Species of Concern may be proposed to be or may become Listed under ESA or CESA. ‘T C. THE HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN The HCP/OMSP has been collaboratively developed pursuant a three year facilitated focused planning process led by the ( and involving representatives of Fieldstone, the City, DFG, FI conservation organizations and various other individuals, agencies and organizations in order to fully reconcile conceri regarding the conservation of the Species of Concern and thei 05 - 16- 95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 12 habitat and the Project and to provide the basis for the expeditious issuance of permits and approvals under and pursua to the Wildlife Conservation Regulations. FWS and DFG consultants have independently and thoroughly reviewed the HCP/OMSP, which is acknowledged to be the product of accurate, thorough and lengthy studies and surveys. D. AUTHORITY OF FWS FWS has provided guidance to the City and Fieldstone in preparation of the HCP/OMSP and entered into this Agreement pursuant to ESA and the United States Fish and-dlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. §§ 661 CCCcl et secr.) and the FiE and Wildlife Act of 1956 (16 U.S.C. § 742f). In connection wj the enactment of Section 10(a) of the ESA, the United States Congress expressed its intent that FWS cooperate in the development of conservation plans that protect both listed anc ' -7 unlisted species over the long term while providing assurancei regarding the limits of any Mitigation required, stating that [Tlhe Secretary [of the Interior] . . . may . . . approve conservation plans which provide long-term commitments regarding the conservation of listed a: well as unlisted species and long-term assurances 1 the proponent of the conservation plan that the te: of the plan will be adhered to and that further mitigation requirements will only be imposed in accordance with the terms of the plan. In the eve] that an unlisted species addressed in an approved conservation plan is subsequently listed pursuant the Act, no further mitigation requirements should imposed if the conservation plan addressed the 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 13 conservation of the species and its habitat as if t species were listed pursuant to the Act. *** It is also recognized that circumstances and information may change over time and that the origi plan might need to be revised. To address this situation the Committee expects that any plan apprc for a long-term permit will contain a procedure by which the parties will deal with unforeseen circumstances. [H.R. Rep. No. 97-835, 97th Cong., 2d Sess. 30-31 (1982)l. E. AUTHORITY OF DFG DFG has participated in the preparation of t HCP/OMSP entered into this Agreement pursuant to CESA, whieh provides t the Department has jurisdiction over the conservation, protect and management of fish, wildlife, native plants and habitat L. 2 .I necessary for biologically sustainable populations of those species. See, e.q., California Fish and Game Code §§ 1801, 1I 2000, 2052. DFG is charged not to approve projects as proposr that would jeopardize the continued existence of any !fendange~ or "threatenedr1 species or that would result in the destructic or adverse modification of habitat essential to the continued existence of those species if there are reasonable and prudenl alternatives available consistent with conserving the species its habitat that would prevent jeopardy. California Fish and Game Code 8 2053. Bowever, in the event specific economic, social or other conditions make infeasible such alternatives, individual projects may be approved if appropriate 'Imitigatio: 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 14 and enhancement measures are provided. California Fish and Ga Code § 2054. Further, DFG may authorize the Take of Species o Concern Listed under CESA for scientific, educational or management purposes under: (1) CESA and Section 2081; and (2) California Fish and Game Code Sections 2835 and 3007. F. RELATIONSHIP TO THE NCCP PROGRAM AND THE SPECIAL RT: The State of California enacted the NCCP Act effective January 1, 1992, for the conservation of natural communities. Pursuant to the NCCP Act, the state promulgated the NCCP Progr which is a pilot project under the NCCP Act tdovides for preparation of NCCPs for coastal sage scrub habitat and the species that inhabit and use coastal sage scrub habitat, including the Gnatcatcher. The California Resources Agency, 1 and FWS have entered into that certain IIMOU REGARDING COASTAL SAGE SCRUB NATURAL COMMUNITY CONSERVATION PLANNING IN SOUTHEF3 CALIFORNIA,II executed December 4, 1991, providing for a policl coordination and cooperation between FWS and DFG in the development of plans for the conservation of coastal sage scri natural communities. ’ -7- FWS has adopted the Special Rule, which defines those conditions under which incidental take of the Gnatcatcher undc the ESA, that is not otherwise excepted under Section 7 or permitted under Section lO(a), will not be considered a viola1 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl~RD1 15 of the ESA. Those conditions are: (1) if the incidental Take results from activities conducted in accordance with an NCCP f the protection of CSS habitat prepared consistent with the Sta of California's NCCP Conservation and Process Guidelines, provided that (a) the NCCP has been prepared, approved and implemented pursuant to the NCCP Act; and (b) the FWS has issL written concurrence that such plan meets the standards set for in 50 C.F.R. § 17.32(b) (2) ; or (2) during the period that an 1 is being developed, the incidental Take occurs within an area under the jurisdiction of a local government that is enrolled actively engaged in the preparation of such a plan and such Tz results from activities conducted in accordandh the NCCP Conservation and Process Guidelines. Section 2835 provides t€ DFG may permit the Taking, as provided elsewhere in the California Fish and Game Code, of any identified species whose ffconservationll and llmanagementlf is provided for in a DFG apprc NCCP . - The HCP/OMSP is exempt from the NCCP Act pursuant to Section 3 of the NCCP Act in that it was prepared pursuant to pre-existing agreement for the preparation of a habitat conservation plan or NCCP approved by the Director of DFG pric to January 1, 1992, the effective date of the NCCP Act. Notwithstanding this exemption, as set forth in various agreements related to the preparation of the HCP/OMSP and the among the Parties and among certain Parties and other State 05- 16-95 F:\UPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl~RD1 16 agencies responsible for implementation of the NCCP Program, including the NCCP Program enrollment agreements between the C and the Resources Agency of the State of California, the Parti intend that the HCP/OMSP be coordinated and consistent with th NCCP Program such that the objectives of the NCCP Program will substantially achieved and preparation of a regional NCCP will promoted. Further, while the HCP/OMSP independently meets thE requirements of CESA and ESA, the City and Fieldstone also ha1 cooperated with the preparers of the HMP and the MHCP, which E subarea and subregional plans prepared under the NCCP Act, to ensure that the HCP/OMSP will be a completed component of the NCCP Program. Y 4 -- Specifically, the HCP/OMSP is recognized as an initial component of the HMP, which in turn is a subarea component of subregional MHCP under the NCCP Program. The HCP/OMSP, HMP ar MHCP are all multiple species and multiple habitat conservatic plans prepared in the context of ESA, CESA and the NCCP Progrz to achieve the goals and objectives of the Wildlife RegulatioI in general. G. AUTHORITY OF THE CITY The City is authorized to enter into and has entered in1 this Agreement pursuant to statutes and the Constitution of tl State of California, authorizing the City to regulate the use 05- 16-95 F:\'rlPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RDl 17 land, accept or approve open space and conservation easements, create assessment districts, enact conservation and open space elements for general plans, preserve natural resources, includ Wildlife, and exercise general planning and zoning powers, and enter into contracts and take other actions to conserve wildli resources and reconcile such concerns with economic developmer See, e.cT., California Government Code §§ 50060.5, 51205, 5107C 50575, 65302, 65560, 65864, California Civil Code § 815.3, California Streets and Highways Code §§ 22500-22679 and the California Constitution, including, without limitation, Article 11. The Parties recognize that the City is both a Permittee with respect to permits and MOUs redg public improvements and facilities, the possible managefnent of the Conserved Habitat and the MAG Parcel, under Section lO(a) and Section 2081, and a local jurisdiction with authority to regul the use of lands within its jurisdiction, including the Plan Area. 'T H. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND ASSURANCES 1. HCP/OMSP Consistencv with Wildlife Conservatic Realations The HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreement is intended to effect the long-term reconciliation of the Conservation of the Species of Concern and economic developme: 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl~RD1 18 activities within the Plan Area, and to be consistent with and fulfill the requirements of all Wildlife Conservation Regulati with respect to the Project and Plan Activities including, without limitation: Section lO(a), the MBTA, Section 2081, Section 2835, Section 404 of the federal Clean Water Act (wit? respect to the avoidance, minimization and mitigation of all impacts on the Species of Concern and their habitat with respe to all waters of the United States within the Plan Area), and required mitigation of impacts to, or other actions with respe to, Species of Concern and their habitat under any Streambed Alteration Agreements with respect to the Plan Area required pursuant to Sections 1601 et sea. of the Cali& Fish and C Code; the NCCP Program; the Special Rule; the California Natil Plant Protection Act; and, City Wildlife Regulations. The HCP/OMSP, as implemented by this Agreement, is: (1) consistent with and will complement other applicable conservation plannir and regulatory programs and efforts addressing Wildlife in the City, the subregion and in the region, such as the HMP, the MZ and the NCCP Program; and, (2) based on current scientific an< other information, reduces and mitigates the potential significant adverse impacts of the Project and Plan Activities the Species of Concern and their habitats to a level of insignificance. - 2. Reliance on Undertakinss 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl~RDl 19 Each of the parties has bargained for and relied tc its detriment, and has intended that the other parties rely, u the significant and valuable undertakings, assurances, and thc punctual and complete performance of this Agreement. 111. TERM OF THE AGREEMENT A. STATED TERM This Agreement shall become effective as of the EffectiT Date and shall remain in full force and effect during the perj of time commencing on the Effective Date and dating thirt (30) years from the Effective Date (the "Stated Term"), subjec to earlier termination pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. ' T B. PERMANENCE OF CONSERVED HABITAT AND OFFSITE MITIGA' PARCEL Notwithstanding the Term of this Agreement, once any Species of Concern have been incidentally Taken and their hab: modified within the Plan Area pursuant to the HCP/OMSP and th: Agreement, the take and habitat modification shall be permanei Therefore the provisions of the HCP and this Agreement regard. the maintenance, preservation and dedication of Conserved Hab within the Plan Area, and maintenance and preservation of the 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 20 Offsite Miti'jzklx ?zrcz1 Conservation Lands shall likewise, t the extent permitted by law, be permanent and extend beyond th Term of this Agreement. IV. AUTHORIZATION TO TAKE A. ISSUANCE OF SECTION 10(a) PERMIT AND SECTION 208 MOU 1. Section 10(a) Permit On the Effective Date, FWS has igmr?da Section ' .+- lO(a) Permit authorizing the incidental Take b;y the Permittees in connection with the Project and Plan Activities, of Species of Concern that are Listed or may be Listed in the future under ESA, which permit requires compliance with this Agreement as a condition thereof. As to each Species of Concern that is not currently Listed under the ESA, the permit shall become effective with respect to such Species of Concern uDon its Listins under the ESA. 2. Section 2081 MOU This Agreement constitutes a Memorandum of Understanding under Section 2081 and authorization under 05- 16-95 F: \WPDOC\O1\211 O\AGRI AI . RD 1 21 Section 2835 whereby the Permittees are authorized and permitted to Take the Species of Concern (Listed or which may become Listed in the future under CESA) for the Term, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. B. FURTHER PERMITS WITH RESPECT TO UNLISTED SPECIES OF CONCERN Notwithstandins Section IV.A.l, in the event that it is judicially determined that FWS was not authorized to issue a Section 10(a) Demit for all of thh dies of Concern, FWS shall issue Section 10(a) permits for the Species of Concern as they become Listed, as otherwise provided in this Section 1V.B. Upon application from time to time by the City or Fieldstone for further Section 10(a) Permits, subject to compliance with ESA and applicable statutes and regulations (but not including any requirement of further surveys on the part of the applicant), after public review and subject to the provision with respect to the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances set forth below, as soon as practicable, FWS shall issue further Section lO(a) Permits for the remaining Term of this Agreement allowing the incidental Take of szid zpcei '23 the - Species of Concern by the Permittees in connection with the Plan Activities in accordance with this Agreement and shall !r 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 22 not request, impose, recommend or require further mitigation, compensation or protection for the listed species under NEPA, ESA, or any other Wildlife Conservation Regulations, except as expressly provided in this Agreement -,t rrt-r- .,-e 9- W I LIAL.‘ LUAAUlILg U .. -4- th-4- -,t -,- -.-A.,”.,-ll*F A AAL LAALLL &cI -LY JUUIL-LUII U A 4-1-4- w-- * CL LAAUL J. YI CULkASZlZZd tc ;zz=’LZ z SZctLoPA Lc<z) SL-Lt fcr 211 SE t?~2 €cr tk S;czkz cf CcE3srE zz t! Li9t22, 2s ethcrvisc prCK-idL I;= this Sezti-- YJ.l.2. C. LISTING OF OTHER SPECIES LC 4 ’7 In connection with the Listing under ESA or CESA of any species other than a Species of Concern, and upon prope application, FWS or DFG, as appropriate, shall expeditious1 consider the issuance and if appropriate issue a Section lO(a) Permit or a Section 2081 MOU, as applicable, in connection with the Project upon a finding that the HCP/OMS and IA meet ESA or CESA, as applicable, standards for the issuance of an Incidental Take Permit for such species. In determining whether any further mitigation measure are required to issue a Section lO(a) Permit or enter into Section 2081 MOU with respect to a species, other than a Species of Concern, FWS and DFG shall: (1) take into 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 23 consideration that Fieldstone and the City haw ~hPiihized and mitigated the impacts to the Species of Concern within the Plan Area to the maximum extent practicable; and, (ii) use their best efforts to cooperate with Fieldstone and the City in good faith to minimize the adverse impacts of the Listing of such species on the Project. D. ISSUANCE OF MBTA PERMITS Upon application from time to time by Fieldstone or the City, and upon compliance with applicable permit review procedures, FWS shall expeditiously issue MBdermits allowing the Take of any birds covered by the'MBTA, with compliance with the terms of this Agreement as a condition e thereof. Prior to individual development activity within any of the Impact Areas, in addition to the requirements of the HCP/OMSP, Fieldstone shall implement measures to relocate raptors that are Species of Concern so as to a=+&d - minimize imnacts thereto. E. NOTICES OF PROPOSED RULES AFFECTING ANY SPECIES OF CONCERN DFG and FWS each shall ea& use its best efforts to endeavor to send any future public notices to Fieldstone an the City of any proposed rule which it promulgates to 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 24 protect a Species of Concern as a Listed Species of Concern. Upon application for a Section lO(a) or Section 2081 MOU, FWS and DFG shall endeavor to expeditiously process the application so as to allow, in accordance with Section 1V.B above, the issuance concurrently with the taking effect of such listing or as soon thereafter as possible. F. CITY PROJECT APPROVAL AND ASSURANCES 1. No ADRrOVal of Project Bevond Wildlife Nothing in this Article IV shalldterpreted - as a final approval of the Project by the City. review by, zA& Cfzv:lzpeemit=: frm , the City will be required before any portion of the Project may be developed provided, however, that under no circumstances shall the City - request, require, impose or recommend any further Mitigation, compensation, enhancement, protection o Conservation with respect to the Species of Concern beyond that required by this Agreement. Further 2. W - General Plan Amendmen It is acknowledged that the City has adopted a General Plan providing for certain types and levels of development within the Impact Areas. The City shall use it 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 25 best efforts to expeditiously consider eet~rizg 2 fzb~ nt P- AAL LU -J- qn ..---- -.-L: -5 -L. 2” yLurur WLAAbA WILL ‘V’Czt LE PzzLzZ-Az tkc rlskt tc dLTLcp th.2 rrczect w;tk;zr: thc I~zc~ A~CZZ LE ZCCS~~ZECZ ~ltk tkc C~ty CC~C~Z,~ a;;rs-v-cd, tk f-~rth.~~ -t cf tk.2 amendins said General Plan to provide collectively for the following: a. the redesignation of Melrose Avenue South of Rancho Santa Fe Road from “prime arterial” to “major arterial” ; -4 b. the revision of the open space and area designated for development in the land use map of the General Plan to be consistent with, respectively, the Conserved Habitat and Impact Areas provided for in the HCP/OMSP and provision that no further open space will be required beyond the Conserved Habitat under the General Plan, including but not limited to the growth management provisions thereof; c. the shift of allowable dwelling units currently provided for within the portions of the Conserved Habitat to the Impact Areas (including, for example, 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 26 portions of the Impact Areas currently designated as open space under the General Plan); and, d. the requirement that the owner of the MAG Parcel reimburse Fieldstone for a prorata share of the costs of preparing the HCP/OMSP as a condition precedent to said owner receiving any benefits under the HCP/OMSP and this Agreement. 1. Environmental Review of BrV-z1- ?A?=;rc,mc;nt - 2x3 Proi ect sa< 'T The City shall use its best efforts to expeditiously complete the environmental review of &e 3e&epwe- each phase of the Project under applicable federal, state and local laws governing environmental and public review of the approval of those projects. G. UTILITY LINES, OTHER FACILITIES AND ACTIVITIES I CONSERVED HABITAT The Project and Plan Activities include the creation, construction, installation, repair, maintenance, and replacement of required utilities, facilities, related corridors, and public uses and rights-of-way within 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RDl 27 Conserved Habitat (including, but not limited to: vegetation modification within zones established pursuant tc City ordinances for the protection of urban development froa catastrophic fire (fuel modification zones); and temporary and permanent uses, ways and facilities for drainage, water, electricity, telephone, sewer, gas and other utilities and services), located within the Conserved Habitat shall be subject to approval by FWS, DFG and the City as being in accordance with this Section, which approvals shall not be unreasonabl: withheld, and in this regard: (i) shall be designed to All such Project elements and Plan Activities minimize and avoid impacts on the Species 05 4 ncern and '5 their habitat within Conserved Habitat to the-maximum exten' practicable, consistent with the requirements of the Projec. and Plan Activities and the levels of development provided for in the City General Plan; and, (ii) any such impacts on such species shall be offset as soon as practicable by the revegetation of habitat, adaptive management measures withi Conserved Habitat and Minor Adjustments. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any fuel modification zone required to serve elements of the Project shall be located within the Impact Areas to the extent reasonably practicabl taking into consideration the levels of development within the Impact Areas contemplated by the City General Plan and when located in Conserved Habitat shall be fully mitigated in - accordance with this Section. The dedication of 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 28 Conserved Habitat and the conveyance of the conservation easement provided for in Section V.A. shall except and reserve to Fieldstone the rights and interests necessary to carry out the purposes of this Section 1V.G. v. OBLIGATIONS OF FIELDSTONE AND E")ING Fieldstone shall perform the covenants set forth in this Article V, in accordance with and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement. A. CONVEYANCE OF CONSERVED HABITAT d OFFSITE ' -7 .. MITIGATION PARCEL 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 29 1. Convevance of On-site Conserved Habitat Prior to the disturbance of any habitat occupied by any Species of Concern within the Plan Area (except for minor activities approved by the FWS and DFG, which approva: shall not be unreasonably withheld) and in no event later than two years after the Effective Date of this Agreement 0. six months after the tzki~g cffcct sf tk Zc-,c;=t - amendment of the General Plan as nrovided in Section IV.F.2., whichever date occurs later, Fieldstone shall irrevocably offer to convey: ,< ’ -7 a. a conservation easement to the DFG in and over the Conserved Habitat, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 5, providing that the Conserved Habitat will be held and used in perpetuity for Wildlife Conservation purposes ; and b. fee title to the Conserved Habitat, to be held and used in perpetuity for Wildlife Conservation purposes to, in order of preference: (1) the HMP Conservancy, provided thai at the time of conveyance: (a) Fieldstone and or the HMP Conservancy establishes to the satisfaction of FWS, a viabll source of funding for the permanent management of the 30 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 Conserved Habitat in accordance with the HCP/OMSP; and, (b) the HMP Conservancy commits in writing to accept said conveyance and assume for the benefit of FWS and DFG the obligation to manage, operate and maintain the Conserved Habitat in perpetuity for Wildlife Conservation purposes only in accordance with the HCP/OMSP and this Agreement; or (2) in the event that the HMP Conservancy fails to satisfy the requirements of #&s paragraph V.A.l.b(l) above, a Conservation Entity jointly designated in a written notice to Fieldstone by FWS, DFG an the City that otherwise satisfies the require@& of paraqraph V.A.1.b. (1) above; or ‘T (3) in the event that neither the HMP Conservancy nor any other Conservation Entity approved by FWS, DFG and the City has committed to accept said conveyance in accordance with this paragraph and paragraph (l), a homeowners association for the Project, provided however, that said homeowners association satisfies the requirements of V.A.1.b. (1). Said conveyance by Fieldstone shall be subject to, and shall reserve and except, the rights and easements necessary to provide for certain elements of the Project an Plan Activities within Conserved Habitat in accordance with 05- 16-95 F:\UPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RDI 31 Section 1V.G. hereinabove; liens for taxes and assessments; and rights, interests and exceptions and conditions of tit16 that do not interfere with the use of the Conserved Habitat for Wildlife Conservation as reasonably approved by FWS and DFG . Fieldstone may provide in any such conveyance of the Conserved Habitat for a reversion of fee title to Fieldstone on the occurrence of the condition subsequent that the Conserved Habitat is used for any purpose other than wildlife conservation in accordance with this Agreemeni and the HCP. In the event of any such revvdof title tc Fieldstone and the availability of the trust fund provided in Section V.D.2., Fieldstone shall accept and hold title subject to the obligations of the Conservation Entity to maintain the - Conserved Habitat as provided in this Agreement. '4 Unless and until Fieldstone completes the conveyance of the Conserved Habitat as provided in this Section V.A.l.b., Fieldstone shall continue to manage, operate, and maintain the Conserved Habitat in accordance with the HCP/OMSP and this Agreement, until such conveyance is completed. 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RDI 32 2. Convevance of Offsite Mitisation Parcel Prior to or concurrently with the earlier of: (i) the recordation of any final subdivision tract map for development within the Northwest Subarea; or (ii) any disturbance of habitat by Fieldstone related to development of the Project within the Impact Areas of the Northwest Subarea, Fieldstone shall cause the I1Offsite Mitigation Parcel" to be conveyed as provided in Section VI.B.1.a. B. MAINTENANCE OF CONSERVED HABITAT BY FIELDSTONE PENDING CONVEYANCE - / .- *- Prior to conveyance of the Conserved Habitat pursuant to Section V.A. above, Fieldstone, at its sole cost and expense, shall manage, operate and maintain the Conserved Habitat and in accordance with the HCP/OMSP and this Agreement. Such required Management activities, as detaile in the HCP/OMSP and the Addenda thereto, include: 1. the removal of trash resulting from dumping in order to prevent disturbance and the establishment of non-native weedy plant species; 2. trapping and removal of cowbirds for the purpose of reducing the potential for cowbird parasitism of 33 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 the Gnatcatcher and other passerine nests in accordance wit1 the cowbird trapping program outlined in the HCP/OMSP and the Addenda thereto; and 3. monitoring of the Conserved Habitat for the presence of feral animals and, to the extent reasonably practicable, exclusion of such animals from the Conserved Habitat. C. PROTECTION OF ON-SITE CONSERVED HABITAT IN CONNECTION WITH DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES -4 IC Prior to the grading of any portion of the Impact Areas reasonably adjacent to the Conserved Habitat, Fieldstone shall: 1. fence the boundary between the development activities and the adjacent Conserved Habitat so as to limi access thereto; no construction access, parking or storage of equipment e€ 01: - materials shall be permitted within Conserved Habitat; 2. prior to any grading or vegetation removal, conduct a survey, utilizing a monitoring biologist ("Monitoring Biologist") approved by FWS, DFG and the City, which approval shall be,expeditiously provided and shall no 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 34 be unreasonably withheld, to locate on-site nests of Gnatcatchers; nests shall he marked and mapped on the project grading plan; and during breeding/nesting season fo the Gnatcatcher, no grading operations shall take place within 500 feet of nests containing eggs or nestlings; 3. engage the Monitoring Biologist to be on- site during brush clearing and grading operations affecting CSS Habitat; the Monitoring Biologist shall flush Gnatcatchers from occupied habitat areas immediately prior to brush clearing and earth moving or, if they cannot be flushed, they shall be captured in mist netsdrelocated to Conserved Habitat, and shall ensure that no Gnatcatchers are directly removed by brush clearing or earth moving equipment ; ’ .7- 4. comply with City-mandated dust control programs and periodically spray CSS Habitat vegetation in the vicinity of construction with water to reduce dust accumulated on leaves i-s as necessary to avoid injury to tk vegetation; and, - 5. minimize and mitigate the impacts on Conserved Habitat in connection with any elements of the Project or Plan Activities contemplated pursuant to Sectior 1V.G. hereinabove. 35 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RDl 6. carry out such additional protective measures as are provided for in the HCP/OMSP. D. FUNDING 1. By Fieldstone Fieldstone shall pay, or cause to be paid, the amounts, and incur and bear the costs and expenses set fort in this Section V.D. a. Maintenance of Conse-dbitat - As provided in Section V.B., above, Fieldstone shall incur and pay the costs and expenses with respect to the maintenance of the Conserved Habitat prior t conveying said parcels pursuant to Section V.A., above. b. Citv HMP Proqram and Research Prior to or concurrently with the recordation of the first final subdivision tract map for development within the Impact Areas related to the Project, Fieldstone shall pay: 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 36 (1) to the City a sum of money, not tc exceed one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) , determined by the City as necessary to fund the HMP Program; and, (2) to a person or entity, approved b: FWS and DFG, the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) to conduct research regarding the Conservation of the Gnatcatcher and CSS habitat. 2. Fundin? of Long-term MaintFdof I- Conserved Habitat a. Budset - for Lons-term Maintenance and Limit of Fieldstone Oblisation Included in the Addenda to the HCP/OMSP is the Budget for the annual costs with respect to the long- term operation and management of the Conserved Habitat. From and after the conveyance of the Conserved Habitat, respectively, pursuant to Section V.A., above, Fieldstone shall have no further obligation to incur or pay any costs or expenses with respect to the Conserved Habitat, provided that, and subject to the approval of FWS, a source of funding has been established that will provide permanent 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl .RD1 37 funding in the amount of the aggregate of the costs set forth in the Budget. The following funding sources may be considered: (1) an assessment or tax, such as, fo: example, an assessment pursuant to the Habitat Maintenance Funding Act (Section 2900 et seq. of the California Fish and Gam Code) for a period of thirty (30) years; (2) as to the Conserved Habitat only, a covenant running with th&dburdening the residential development within the Plan Area similar to that provided in the San Bruno Mountain Habitat Conservation Plan an Implementation Agreement; and, '7 (3) an endowment fund for such purpos held by the City, Conservation Entity or, a to the Conserved Habitat only, a homeowners association, holding fee title to the Conserved Habitat in an amount that when invested at an interest rate of 6% would provide an annual income (exclusive of principal) equal to the annual costs set . 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 38 forth in the Budget adjusted from time to time for anticipated inflation. Upon conveyance of fee title and establishing a long-term source of funding acceptable to FWS for the permanent maintenance of the Conserved Habitat, in accordance with this Section and Section V.A. hereinabove, Fieldstone shall thereupoi and without further action of the Parties bc released from its obligations under this Agreement with respect to -Arther maintenance of the Conserved Habitat. Concurrently therewith or thereafter and upon the request by Fieldstone, FWS, DFG anc the City shall execute and deliver to Fieldstone a written release of Fieldstone confirming the foregoing. Nothing herein shall be interpreted to release or require the release of Fieldstone for any liability for any breach in the performance of its obligations hereunder occurring prior to said transfer. - 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 39 b. Public Efforts to Provide Lonq Term Fundinq The City may consider any proposal to utilize public funding mechanisms for the long-term conservation of the Conserved Habitat under the HMP or MHCP by use of funds available for Wildlife Conservation purposes, including, but not limited to taxes, assessments (such as those under the Habitat Maintenance Funding Act), levies, grants or other funding provided from public sources, including without limitation, the federal government, State, and the NCCP Program. lidadevent that the City chooses to fund the implementation o< the HCPjOMSP as set forth in this Section by use of taxes, assessments o levies that will affect the Project, Fieldstone shall, in accordance with applicable law, cooperate with the City to establish, and shall consent to, the imposition of reasonable taxes, assessments or levies encumbering the Impact Areas, but in no event exceeding $50.00 per residenc or parcel per year (adjusted from time to time based on changes in the Consumer Price Index (llCPI1l) for the Los Angeles/Anaheim/ Riverside All Urban Consumers Index published by the U.S. Department of Labor). ’ -7 05 - 16- 95 F:\WPDOC\01\211O\AGRIAI.RDI 40 c. Fundins throush Homeowners Association and Endowment It is acknowledged that it is preferable foi the maintenance of the Conserved Habitat to be undertaken b] a Conservation Entity other than a homeowners association and, accordingly, it is anticipated that public funding wil. be pr.ovided for the maintenance of the Conserved Habitat as provided above and shall be provided to the extent that public funding generally is provided for the maintenance of other lands to be conserved as habitat within the City. Thi covenants effecting the charge, if covenants / are utilized, /- shall also provide that the charge shall be reduced and offset to the extent that a tax or benefit or impact assessment is levied on or with respect to any residences subject to said pro-rata charge, or any private or public funds become available, to provide for the maintenance of the Conserved Habitat. E. CONDITION PRECEDENT TO PERFORMANCE It is condition precedent to the obligations of Fieldstone to convey the Conserved Habitat, acquire and convey the Offsite Mitigation Parcel, and pay the monies required under this Article V and to the authorization to Fieldstone and the City to incidentally Take any Liztcd 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 41 Species of Concern, that this Agreement and the Development: Agreement have been entered into and are in full force and effect, free of all outstanding litigation attacking the validity or effect of this Agreement or the Development Agreement. The Parties shall in good faith cooperate in thi expeditious consideration and adoption by the City of the Development Agreement. The conditions precedent set forth in this Section are for the benefit of and may be waived by Fieldstone. VI. CITY HMP; ADDITIONAL CONSERVATION; LONG-TERM MAG- OF CONSERVED WITAT m REmTE-diAEs f -- A. CITY HMP City shall use its best efforts to expeditiously complete the HMP in accordance with the NCCP Program. B. ADDITIONAL CONSERVATION TO BE PROVIDED UNDER HMp 1. Aca-uisition of Lands within the Corridor between Carlsbad and the San Diemito Riverpark Plannins - Area 05-16-95 F:\UPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 42 In the pre-permitting review of the HCP/OMSP, a concern was raised regarding the tradeoff requested by FWS, which is now reflected in the HCP/OMSP (increasing Fieldstone‘s dedication of onsite acquisition 01 southern maritime chaparral and decreasing the then proposec offsite acquisition of 240 acres of Gnatcatcher habitat). Acknowledging the foregoing, through the HMP and the MHCP, the City shall act as the lead agency and cause to be conveyed to the Conservation Entity, or another conservatioi organization approved by CDFG and FWS, to be held for wildlife conservation uses, an additional 240 acres of land: of value to the Gnatcatcher (as habitat or4 d4 r connectivity - within the corridor between the City and the San Dieguito Riverpark Planning Area ( ‘Off site Conservation Lands” ) . These lands shall be paid for from sources available for thi implementation of the HMP and/or MHCP (in part by Fieldston as provided below) and shall be designated, approved and acquired in accordance with the following: a. Prior to the approval and recordation of any final subdivision map for any portion of the Northwest Subarea or any City-permitted disturbance of the Northwest Subarea: (1) The City, as lead agency, shall, with the approval of FWS and CDFG, designat 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAI~RD1 43 one or more candidate parcels that would be acceptable as the Offsite Conservation Land! (designated and approved parcels are hereinafter referred to as “Approved Candidate Parcels” ) ; and, (2) Fieldstone shall cause to be conveyed to the Conservation Entity or another conservation organization designate by FWS and DFG, fee title to a portion of the Approved Candidate Parcels which are designated in a written nob4 d e by the City, c as lead agency, to Fieldstone (together wit the conveyance of a conservation easement t DFG over said parcel, substantially the Sam as the conservation easement provided for i Section V.A.l.a., above), with a purchase price to be paid by Fieldstone of not to exceed $1,000,000, adjusted in accordance with the Consumer Price Index (“CPI”) for Los Angeles/Anaheim/Riverside All Urban Consumers Index published by the U.S. Department of Labor, from the Effective Dat until the end of the calendar month next preceding the acquisition of the designated parcel. (“Off site Mitigation Parcel”) . 05 -1 6-95 F:\UPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 44 City, FWS and DFG shall take all actions reasonably requested by Fieldstone in order to enable Fieldstone to complete said conveyance within the reasonable time constraints established by Fieldstone in conjunction with the development of the Impact Areas within the Northwest Subarea.- - In the event that Fieldstone acuuires the Offsite Mitisation Parcel prior to the conveyance thereof pursuant to this Parasraph VI.B.l.a.(2), it shall hold and maintain said parcel in the- / ame manner as e provided in Section V.B. with 'respect to Conserved Habitat. b. The approved HMP shall identify the Approved Candidate Parcels, any such lands that have been acquired pursuant to the Fieldstone obligation, and the method, source and timing of the acquisition of any Approve Offsite Conservation Lands left to be acquired. The City, as lead agency, shall -ewe coordinate activities so that any remaining seek lands to be acuuired shall be acquired a expeditiously as practicable, taking into consideration the availability of funds under the HMP and MHCP. In any event the City cannot commit General Fund monies to this PuTpose. 05- 16-95 F:\UPDOC\O1\211O\AGRIAl.RD1 45 c. As a condition to any conveyance pursuant to and satisfying the requirements of this Section VI .B., €u&&~g fsr thc ISZCJ tzzLLL mci=tcAzemc!z sf tkc pzrezl Cameyed the followinq shall have been provided for through the adopted HMP or MHCP, - or in a manner otherwise approved by FWS and CDFG: (i) fundins and provision for thi lons-term maintenance of the narcel to be conveved, in a manner similar to the Conserved Habitat, or in the event that the HMP or MHCP has been approved by FWS and DFG. as provided in such approved - HMP or MHCP; and, (ii) assurances that the parcel shall be dedicated in pemetuitv for wildlife conservation (subject onlv to except'& approved by FWS and CDFG). F 2. Further Acauisition Discussions Until the further sale of lands that it owns within the Plan Area, Fieldstone shall continue to conduct good faith, willing seller negotiations with the City, FWS and CDFG for lands within the Impact Areas that may be identified in connection with the development of the HMP an the MHCP as high conservation value in relationship to regional conservation; provided, however, that the foregoin shall not be construed as conveying an option to purchase c as a limitation on the right of Fieldstone to develop the lands within the Impact Areas, or to sell the lands within 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl-RD1 46 the Impact Areas to others for development purposes, and that the foregoing shall not be considered as fulfilling an) mitigation requirements of Fieldstone. 3. Risht of First Refusal Concurrent with the taking effect of this . Agreement, Fieldstone, the City or its designee and the holder of the deed of trust encumbering the lands owned by Fieldstone within the Rancheros-Southeast I1 Subarea shall have entered into a Right of First Refusal Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 6. 4- 4 ’ 3- C, LONG TERM MAINTENANCE OF CONSERVED HABITAT Following the conveyance of the Conserved Habitat by Fieldstone pursuant to Section V.A., the Conservation Entit shall manage and maintain the Conserved Habitat for wildlif conservation purposes in accordance with this Article VI. 1. Creation of the HMP Conservancv The City shall use its best efforts to establish the HMP Conservancy to accept fee title to the Conserved Habitat as the Conservation Entity for Conservation purpose and to assume for the benefit of FWS and DFG the obligation 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RDI 47 of maintaining the Conserved Habitat in accordance with thi: Agreement and to assist the other Parties in obtaining tax, benefit assessment or other funding for the Conservation of such lands to provide the funding necessary to cover the costs set forth in the Budget. 2. Annual ReDort, Prosram and Budset Prior to February 1 of each year, the Conservation Entity shall prepare and deliver to the Wildlife Agencies and the City: w 4 ’ .ST a. a report on the management of the Conserved Habitat during the prior year (based on a calenda year), including information relating to the prior year regarding: any monitoring and surveying for the Species of Concern; expenditures by the Conservation Entity as compare with the Budget and Budget projections prepared as part of the pervious year program; b. any Taking of the Species of Concern b the Conservation Entity in the Management of the Conserved Habitat; and, c. a proposed program for the current yea (and first two months of the next succeeding year), 48 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\O1\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 including: proposed enhancement, research and monitoring activities, together with a proposed Budget projection as compared with the Budget and expenditures for the then past year. 3. CooDeration of Wildlife Asencies and the Citv In the implementation of this Agreement and the HCP/OMSP, the Wildlife Agencies and City, at their own cost and expense and subject to the availability of appropriated funds, shall observe and perform the obliga+ms T which are to be observed or performed by them as set forth in this Agreement. / .J The Wildlife Agencies and City shall expeditiously, in good faith using their best efforts, cooperate with- Fieldstone in the implementation, perfomanc and observance of the provisions, and in obtaining the objectives of this Agreement. include, for example: technical, monitoring (e.s., in connection with the monitoring under permits and MOUs issue and entered into pursuant to this Agreement) and research assistance, consultation and advice with respect to the maintenance of the Conserved Habitat. Such cooperation shall 05 - 16- 95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.R01 49 4. Coordination of Conservation and Manasement Measures with Other Conservation Prosrams The Parties shall cooperate in expeditiously approving the Offsite Conservation Lands to be acquired and conveyed, as provided for in Paragraph VI.B.1. hereinabove, in coordination with other conservation efforts and programs, including, without limitation, the NCCP Program, the MHCP and the HMP Program. At the option of Fieldstone and the City, and upon reasonable approval of FWS and DFG, Fieldstone and the City may participate in broader conservation plans or programs, and Fields- €F e-and the City /c .- and Fieldstone or the City, as appropriate, would be thereupon subject to the restrictions of such broader plans and programs and would have the right to participate in and receive and apply to the implementation of the HCP/OMSP the benefits of such plans, including but not limited to the benefit of taxes, assessments, levies, grants or other type of funding provided for Wildlife, acquisition, or Conservation purposes from any public or private source, including without limitation the State, the NCCP Program, and the HMP Program. 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAI.RD1 50 5. Enhancement of San Marcos Creek Habitat The parties shall use their best efforts to encourage the Conservation of those lands in and adjacent tc San Marcos Creek and immediately outside the Plan Area. 6, Relocation of SDG&E Easements It is acknowledged that the Parties do not own 01 control the SDG&E easements as shown on the Map. Upon the request of Fieldstone, the Parties shall use their best efforts, consistent with each of their indnidual c authorities and jurisdictions, to cooperate in the relocation and consolidation of the southern-most SDG&E easement into the northern-most SDG&E easement, all in a manner that will minimize to the maximum extent practicable the impact on the Species of Concern resulting therefrom. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, upon the request of Fieldstone, the Wildlife Agencies shall consult with the Parties in determining the most effective and efficient ways in which to minimize and mitigate the impact of any such consolidation on the Species of Concern. / 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 51 VII. UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES A. IN GENERAL The Parties have made every effort to anticipate the conservation measures necessary to Conserve the Species of Concern within the Conserved Habitat and Offsite Mitigation Parcel and F- have consulted the best available scientific and other information. The HCP/OMSP reduces the potential for adverse Unforeseen Circumstances on the Species of Concern to a level of insignificance. Should adverse Unforeseen Circumstances result intPor-threaten, a substantial change in the population of any Species of Concern, as determined pursuant to the procedure outlined below, the parties shall cooperate to resolve the adverse impacts in accordance with this Section VII. / -- B. PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING OCCURRENCE OF UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES As a condition precedent to making any determination regarding the occurrence of any Unforeseen Circumstances, the agency making the determination shall strictly comply with the following procedure: 05-16-95 F:\UPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 52 1. Notice to Parties At least thirty (30) days prior to making a determination, the agency shall provide written notice to the other Parties of its intention to consider making the determination, together with a detailed statement of the facts regarding the Unforeseen Circumstances involved and the anticipated impact thereof on the respective Species of Concern and all supporting information. 2. Submission of Information bv Other Parties ,l.- 4 / .T The other Parties shall have a meaningful opportunity to submit information to the determining agency and shall submit said information within thirty (30) days o said notice. Upon written request by any Party to, and the approval of, the determining agency, which approval will no be unreasonably withheld, the time for submission of said information may be extended. 3. Findinss The agency making the determination shall have the burden of demonstrating that Unforeseen Circumstances exist, using the best scientific and commercial data available. The Service’s findings must be clearly 53 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAI.RD1 documented and based upon reliable technical information regarding the status and habitat requirements of the affected species. C. RESPONSE TO OCCURRENCE OF UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES If a Wildlife Agency determines that Unforeseen Circumstances have occurred in accordance with Section VII.B., hereinabove, and that additional mitigation from Fieldstone or the City is required to address such circumstances, and provided that Fieldstonearfd the City have fully complied with the terms of the HCP/OMSP, such mitigation shall limit changes to the original terms of the HCP/OMSP to the maximum extent possible and shall be limitel to modifications within the Conserved Habitat and Offsite Mitigation Parcel or to the HCP/OMSP’s operating conservation program for the affected Species of Concern. /Y T Additional mitigation requirements shall not involve the payment of additional compensation or apply to parcels of land available for development or land management under the original terms of the HCP/OMSP without the consent of Fieldstone and the City. FWS shall retain the right, as authorized under Section 5 of the ESA, to acquire endangere or threatened species habitat by purchase when additional 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 54 conservation measures are necessary for a listed Species of Concern under the HCP/OMSP. I. AMENDMENTS, MINOR ADJUSTMENTS AND EMERGENCY ACTIONS A. FURTHER ACTIONS AND AMENDMENTS From time to time hereafter, the Parties shall executi such instruments and other documents and take such other actions, upon the request of the other, as may be necessary or desirable to carry out the intent of this Agreement. This Agreement and the HCP/OMSP shall not b< anynded or modified in any way except by a written instrument executed 4 by the Parties. Material changes, other than Minor Adjustments, to the HCP/OMSP shall be processed as an amendment to the Section lO(a) permit in accordance with CESA and ESA and permit regulations at 50 C.F.R. Parts 13 and 17 and shall be subject to appropriate environmental review. B. MINOR ADJUSTMENTS Minor Adjustments in the Conservation measures under the HCP/OMSP and this Agreement and all permits and MOUs issued or entered into pursuant hereto , ixlw3h.5, ::itbet .. - -----lT---- ---I- -- --- -- + U IAAVVIW-LLAY LL'-LYAVAAY AIA L- 55 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 , L:t-t -*A -a~--;;h-nn .,, :y- .~.~nn n t fi .LILY "L LA*& b AdILUL UAAU UbLI LLLU &I k-t-t --A nCqn-tn n--- UJ+LUL UAAU V&&UALL LuAbcLl may be approved by Field Supervisor of FWS, on behalf of FWS, and Director of DFG, on behalf of DFG, and shall take effect upon the written approval of all the Parties and without further amendment of the HCP/OMSP, this Agreement or said permits, and MOUs. Upon the written request for the approval of a Minor Adjustment pursuant to this Section VIII., the Parties shall use their best efforts to expeditiously consider and, if appropriate, approve said request within thirty (30) days of said request. * 4-r r- - C. ACTIONS TO PROTECT HUMAN HEALTH AND SAFETY Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted as an additional constraint beyond those provided in law, prohibiting Fieldstone or the City from Taking a Listed Species of Concern in accordance with 16 U.S.C. Si 1540 (a) (3). IX. MAG PARCEL The HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreement provides adequate Mitigation measures for potential significant adverse impacts to the Species of Concern from the development of the MAG Parcel. Both the HCP/OMSP and this 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 56 Agreement were prepared at the sole cost and expense of the City and Fieldstone and any right of the owners or developers of the Mag Parcel to incidentally Take any Listec Species of Concern with respect to the Mag Parcel under the Section lO(a) Permit and Section 2081 MOU contemplated by this Agreement shall be derived from the City in connection with the approval of the development of the Mag Parcel undei the City -Regulations. As a condition precedent to permitting or allowing the enjoyment of the Section 10(a) Permit and Section 2081 MOU by the Mag Parcel owners or developers, the”City shall require: (1) the full reimbursement to Fieldstone of an equitable portion attributable to the Mag Parcel of the Mitigation measures and the costs and expenses related to the preparation and implementation of the HCP/OMSP and this Agreement as approved by Fieldstone; and, (2) the assumptio by the owners of the Mag Parcel of the obligations under this Agreement as they - relate to the Mag Parcel (such as, for example, the commitment not to disturb CSS Habitat prior to the dedication of the Conserved Habitat as provided in Section V.A. above). / Notwithstanding the foregoing, the owner of the MAG Parcel is not now and under no circumstances shall be a third part beneficiary of this Agreement or any of the rights or 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 57 interests of Fieldstone or any other Party hereunder. It is acknowledged that MAG Properties, in its discretion, may elect not to seek or obtain from the City the benefit of the Section lO(a) Permit, and the Section 2081 MOU, and may independently seek to obtain such permits and authorization! directly from the Wildlife Agencies or to otherwise comply with applicable law, including the Wildlife Regulations. I1 such event, the Parties shall in good faith consider the amendment of the HCP/OMSP, the Section 10(a) Permit and the Section 2081 MOU to delete the Mag Parcel and to equitably reduce, if appropriate, the obligations of Fieldstone Y 4 thereunder and under this Agreement. , -- II. TERMINATION BY FIELDSTONE Prior to the more than deminimis disturbance of any habitat occupied by the Species of Concern within the Plan Area, Fieldstone shall have the right, at its option, and upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other Parties, to terminate this Agreement in whole. Prior to more than deminimis disturbance of any habitat occupied by a Species of Concern within a particular Subarea, Fieldstone shall have the right, at its option, and upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other Parties, to terminate this Agreement as to the affected Subarea. From and after the effective date of such termination, the Parties shall have 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\Ol\2llO\AGRIAl.RD1 58 no further rights or obligations under this Agreement in whole or, in the event that Fieldstone terminates the Agreement with respect to a Subarea, as to the Subarea affected. In the event that this Agreement is terminated as to only one Subarea, the obligations of Fieldstone to pay monies under Section V. and to maintain the Conserved Habitat shal: be proportionally reduced on the basis of the number of acres of Conserved Habitat within each Subarea, except that the acquisition and conveyance of the Offsite Mitigation Parcel and the establishment of a source orfunding for the permanent maintenance of said parcel, as provided for in Section V.,7\,.2. VI.B.l.a.(2), shall be allocated entirely to the Northwest Subarea. 4 Any such termination by Fieldstone shall be grounds for FWS or DFG to revoke, respectively, the Section lO(a) Permit or the Section 2081 MOU, in whole or as to the affected Subarea. In the event that Fieldstone has conveyed any Conserved Habitat or other lands and paid monies with respect to the Subarea as to which this Agreement has been terminated in accordance with this Section X, the Parties shall cooperate to effect an equitable reimbursement of monies paid and 59 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 reconveyance of the Conserved Habitat and other lands to Fieldstone. In the event that Fieldstone terminates this Agreement in whole or as to any Subarea pursuant to this Section X, the Parties shall have no further rights or obligations under this Agreement in whole or, in the event that the termination is only with respect to a Subarea, as to the Subarea affected, except with respect to rights and obligations with regard to which Fieldstone is then in violation. In the event the termination is only with respect to a Subarea, the provisions of thi% Kg-reement shal remain in full force and effect as to the unaffected Subarea. / XI. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES A. IN GENERAL Except as set forth in this Agreement, the Parties shall have all of the remedies available in equity (including specific performance and injunctive relief) and at law to enforce the terms of this Agreement and any Section lO(a) Permit and Section 2081 MOU, in accordance with and subject to the following: 60 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\O1\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 B. REVOCATION AND TERMINATION FWS and DFG shall have the right to revoke, terminate or suspend, respectively, the Section lO(a) Permit and the Section 2081 MOU, or any other Section 10(a) permit or Section 2081 MOU issued pursuant to this Agreement, in the event of a material breach or violation of any such permit or MOU, the HCP, this Agreement or governing law. The regulations found at 50 C.F.R. §§ 13.27-13.29 shall govern the suspension and revocation or termination of any Section lO(a) Permit issued by FWS under this Agreement. J;c 4 ., -- C. NOTICE AND OPPORTUNITY TO CURE Under applicable regulations or otherwise, Fieldstone and the City shall be provided with reasonable notice of an1 an opportunity to cure any breach of any Section 10(a) permit, Section 2081 MOU or this Agreement before a termination of the rights of Fieldstone or the City thereunder. D. SEVEF?-Al3ILITY It is contemplated that Fieldstone may convey portion of the Impact Areas to others and that the City may develop portions of Rancho Santa Fe Road independently of 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAI.RDl 61 Fieldstone. Accordingly, under certain circumstances the obligations of the City and Fieldstone, and remedies with respect to breaches thereof, shall be severed as follows. 1. Fieldstone as to Project and Plan Activitie: and Citv as to Rancho Santa Fe Road After'conveyance of the Conserved Habitat as provided in Section V.A., no default by Fieldstone shall adversely affect or be the basis for a default or the termination or suspension of the rights of the City under tk S~ct~c.2 A 12 (2) Tcrmit GZ Sezticz 2- th?s asreement or the Permits and MOU with respect to the Rancho Santa Fe Roac or the Mag Parcel; and, (2) no default by the City shall adverselv affect the rights of, or be the basis of, a default by - Fieldstone under the Zzctl~~ 1:::~) Z'zrrLt sr / +<-- ?no1 LLVIA LUUI I4W this Asreement or the Permits or MOUs, wit respect to the Project and Plan Activities by Fieldstone. 2, Conveyance of Parcels by . Fieldstone After the conveyance of the Conserved Habitat an Offsite Mitigation Parcel, respectively, as provided in Section V.A., and the conveyance of any portion or portions of the Impact Areas by Fieldstone to a transferee or transferees approved by the Wildlife Agencies pursuant to 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\O1\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 62 Section XIII-C., below, no default or act of Fieldstone or any such transferee shall affect the rights or be the basis for a default under or the termination or suspension of thi: Agreement, or any fezticr: InV(2) ?zmit sr Ezcticr: 2!I-&&MW 2 -- --tn..--J 4-t- -..--.- ni- ?-.---t u uL LAALLLbu -LIALV yuLYuaAAL ALLLbL~ of the Permits or MOUs, with respect to Fieldstone or any other transferee whc did not so default or act ('"on-defaulting Partiesrr) or wit1 respect to any portions of the Impact Areas owned, or the Project or Plan Activities to be undertaken with respect to such Impact Areas, by such Non-defaulting Parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the obligation to convey the Offsite Mitigation Parcel pursuant to &et i%n -Sections V.A.2, and VI,B.l.a.(2) shall relate to all of the Northwes / .I Subarea, and any default with respect thereto will be a basis for the termination of this Agreement and the Section lO(a> Permit and Section 2081 MOU with respect to the Northwest Subarea. E. UNIOUE WILDLIFE RESOURCES; IRREPARABLE INJURY Each Species of Concern and the Conserved Habitat are unique and any significant adverse impact, damage or loss with respect thereto would result in irreparable damage to the environment. Accordingly, temporary injunctive relief, specific performance or declaratory relief may be 63 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RDI appropriate in certain instances involving a breach of this Agreement. F. NO LIMITATION IN AUTHORITY This Agreement shall not limit the authority of FWS 0: DFG to invoke the penalties provided in or otherwise enforct the provisions of ESA, CESA, or any similar statutes. XII. NO FURTHER MITIGATION Y/ / A. NO FURTHER MITIGATION ‘f In that the purposes of this Agreement are to provide for the long-term reconciliation of Wildlife Conservation and economic development with respect to the Plan Area and Plan Activities and the maximum degree of certainty practicable, FWS, DFG and the City shall not request, impose, recommend or require any further Mitigation related to impacts of the Plan Activities on the Species of Concern or their habitat, except as expressly set forth in Article VI1 of this Agreement with respect to Unforeseen Circumstances. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, for purposes of this Agreement, the Conserved Habitat is to be viewed as independent from the Impact Areas, with all buffers for purposes of Wildlife 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RDI 64 Conservation being located within the Conserved Habitat. In this regard, under no conditions shall any of the Parties require, request or recommend that any buffers for the Conservation of any Species of Concern be located within ani Impact Area. XIII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. INCORPORATION OF THE HCP/OMSP The HCP/OMSP and each of its terms are intended to be, #Y7 and by this reference are, incorporated inZhrs - Agreement. In the event of any direct contradiction between the terms of this Agreement and the terms of the HCP/OMSP, the terms of this Agreement shall control. In all other cases, the terms of this Agreement and the terms of the HCP/OMSP shall be interpreted as supplementary to each other. In interpreting the HCP/OMSP, consideration shall be given to the fact that the HCP/OMSP was not drafted as a legal document. B. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement supersedes all other agreements, eithe oral or in writing, between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and this Agreement is fully 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAI.RD1 65 integrated in that it contains all of the covenants, obligations, findings, determinations and agreements among the Parties with respect to said matter. Each Party acknowledges that no representation, inducement, promise or agreement, oral or otherwise, has been made by any other Party or anyone acting on behalf of any Party that is not embodied in this Agreement. C. ASSIGNMENT AND DELEGATION This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their successorsYwi'd_assigns. Upon any assignment w & delegation of the rights and duties of this Agreement incidental to a conveyance of a portion of the Plan Area, and with the written approval of FWS and DFG, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, the assignor shall be released from and shall no longer have an obligation, responsibility, liability, covenant, right or duty under this Agreement relating to such portions of the / Plan Area so conveyed& I provided, however, that prior to the written approval with respect to any such assisnment and delesation by FWS and DF as provided - above, the respective - assisnor shall remain oblisated under this Asreement and followins such assiqnment, and notwithstandins the approval thereof by FWS and DFG, such assignor or delegator shall remain liable for 66 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RDI any breach of this Agreement occurring before such assignment or delegation. Upon request by any Party, the Parties shall expeditiously acknowledge such release in writing . In the event that FWS or DFG fails to urovide written acknowledsement of such release, or a written statement of the reasons for not providins such acknowledgement, within thirty (30) days followins receipt of the written reauest therefor by a Party, such release shall be deemed acknowledsed and said non-respondins asency shall thereaftei be estopped from denvins such release. Y 4 ' -I' It is acknowledsed that the rishts and duties of the Permittees under anv Section 10(a) Demit are not assisnable. Notwithstandins any of the foresoins to the contrarv, the City's rishts and nrivileses under any Permit and MODS issued or entered into pursuant to or as contemplated bv this Aureement shall inure to the benefit o the City and, subject to the satisfaction of the followinq conditions, to successors-in-interest to Fieldstone and the owners of the Mas Parcel, subject to full compliance with Section IX. of this Asreement, (for pumoses of this Section, any such successor is referred to as "Successor Landowner"). As a condition precedent to beins able to benefit from the City's rishts and Drivileses under any of 67 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 the Permits and MOUs, the Successor Landowner shall have fully comRlied with the followins conditions: 1. The Successor Landowner shall have been assigned by its Dredecessor-in-interest, Fieldstone or khe owners of the Mas Parcel (includins throush mesne convevances), the rishts and interests of such predecessor under and with respect to this Agreement; 2. The Successor Landowner shall have assumed in writincr for the benefit of the Citv, FWS and CDFG, the oblisations of its Rredecessor, Fieldstone%r -Mag Parcels, as apnropriate, under this Asreement and the Permits and / MOUs with respect to the lands owned by the Successor Landowner; and, 3. The Successor Landowner shall have been issued a sradins or buildins permit bv the City authorizinq the specific activities that would result in the Take of Species of Concern as contemplated under this Asreement and in connection therewith, shall have entered into a further asreement with the Citv (with FWS and CDFG named therein as beneficiaries) , D rovidincr for the sumervision bv the Citv o said activities to assure compliance with this Asreement an the Permits and MOU. Upon the reuuest of a Successor 68 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl~RD1 Landowner. the City shall act exaeditiouslv to consummate such an asreement. In exercisins the rishts and privileses of the City under any of the Permits and MOU, the Successor Landowner is actins under the direct supervision and control of the City as Permittee and Party, and the City shall take all actions to reasonably assure that the Successor Landowner comDlies with the Drovisions of this Aareement ani the Permits and MOU. / As an alternative to relvins URC~ the rishts and privileges of the City with respect to the Permits and MOUs, and provided that it has been assisned the rishts and interests under this Asreement, a Successor Landowner, subject to compliance with Section IX if applicable, may amply for one or more new Permits or MOUs. The Resource Asencies shall not recruire as a condition of issuincr or enterins into any of the new Permits and MOUs that the Successor Landowner Rrovide anv undertakinss or mitisation in addition to those set forth in or contemplated by this Asreement, and shall use their best efforts to process the Permits and MOUs within sixtv (60) daw of receipt of a comRlete application therefor. 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RDI 69 D. INTERPRETATION OF AMBIGUITIES Each Party acknowledges that it has been represented by its attorney in the making and execution of this Agreement and agrees that the Agreement shall be deemed to be drafted by each and all of the Parties. Therefore, any statute or rule providing that the interpretation of ambiguities is against the drafter shall not apply. E. CAPTIONS / The headings of the various articles "and ;sections of this Agreement are for convenience only, and shall not affect the meaning of any provision of this Agreement. F. INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION Each Party represents to the other Parties that in entering into this Agreement, it has made a careful and ful investigation of all of the facts, law and circumstances upon which it relies in signing this Agreement, and in so signing it has relied only on the representations contained in this Agreement and not otherwise. 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 70 G. TIMING Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. H. NO PARTNERSHIP Neither this Agreement nor the HCP/OMSP shall make or be deemed to make any Party to this Agreement the agent for, the partner of, or a joint venturer with any other Party. / I. ELECTED OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFI’P” -- T No member of or delegate to the State Legislature or to the United States Congress and no Federal Resident Commissioner shall be entitled to any share or part of this Agreement, or to any benefit that may arise from it. J. STANDING TO SUE DFG If at any time in the future, DFG breaches this Agreement in violation of the purposes of CESA or otherwise uses or threatens to use the Conserved Habitat or Offsite Mitigation Parcel for purposes other than the stated Conservation and Management purposes of this Agreement, the! the United States, the California Attorney General and the 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 71 citizens of California shall have standing to sue DFG for such breach or nonconforming use. This provision shall not be construed to grant standing to sue any Party other than DFG to any person or entity. K. BENEFIT OF THE AGREEMENT Without limiting the applicability of the rights granted to the public pursuant to the provisions of 16 U.S.C. 1540(g), the Parties intend that only the Parties to this Agreement shall benefit from the Agreement. This 0-f Agreement shall not create in the public, 8ny member of the -T .. public, any other person or entity any rights as a third- party beneficiary to this Agreement, nor shall it authorize anyone not a Party to this Agreement to maintain a suit for injuries or damages under the provisions of this Agreement. L. EMINENT DOMAIN Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the power of eminent domain held by any public agency. M. FORCE MAJEURE In the event that a Party is wholly or partly prevented from performing its obligations under this 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD~ 72 Agreement because of unforeseeable causes beyond the reasonable control of and without the fault or negligence of such Party (Ilforce majeure"), including, but not limited to, acts of God, labor disputes, sudden actions of the elements, or actions of federal, state and local agencies, such Party shall be excused from whatever performance is affected by such force majeure to the extent so affected, provided that nothing in this Section shall be deemed to authorize either Party to violate ESA or CESA and provided further that: 1. within fourteen (14) days after the occurrence of the force majeure, the Party p F evented from , -- -, performing gives the other Parties written notice describin! the particulars of the occurrence; 2. the suspension of performance is of no greater scope and no longer duration than is required by th force majeure; 3. the Party prevented from performance uses its best efforts to remedy its inability to perform, except that this subsection shall not require the settlement of an legal action, strike, walk-out, lock-out or other labor dispute on terms that, in the sole judgment of the Party prevented from performing, are contrary to its interest; an 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 73 4. when the Party prevented from performing is able - to resume performance of its obligations hereunder, such Party shall give the other Parties notice to that effect. N. NOTICES Any notice permitted or required by this Agreement shall be delivered personally to the individuals set forth below, or shall be deemed given five (5) days after deposit in the United States mail, certified and postage prepaid, return receipt requested, and addressed asYol-lows or at such other address that any Party may from time to time notify the other Parties about in writing: / e If to Fieldstone: The Fieldstone/La Costa Associates 4565 Morehouse Drive, Suite 250 San Diego, California 92121 Limited Partnership Re: Official Notice Concerning the City of Carlsbad/Fieldstone HCP/OMSP With copy to: Lindell L. Marsh, Esq. Siemon, Larsen & Marsh 19800 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 350 Irvine, California 92715 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\211 O\AGRIAl. RD 1 74 If to FWS: Regional Director United States Fish and Wildlife Service 500 NE Multnomah, Suite 607 Portland, Oregon 97232 Re: Official Notice Concerning the City of Carlsbad/Fieldstone HCP/OMSP and Field Supervisor United States Fish and Wildlife Service 2730 Loker Avenue West Carlsbad, California 92028 Re: Official Notice Concerning the City of Carlsbad/Fieldstone HCP/OMSP 4 If to DFG: Y California Department of Fish and’Game Region 9 Headquarters 330 Golden Shore, Suite 50 Long Beach, California 90802 Re: Official Notice Concerning the City of Carlsbad/Fieldstone HCP/OMSP and California Department of Fish and Game Legal Affairs Division 1416 Ninth Street Post Office Box 944244 Sacramento, California 94244-2090 Re: Official Notice Concerning the City of Carlsbad/Fieldstone HCP/OMSP If to the City: The City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California 92009 2075 Las Palmas Drive Re: Official Notice Concerning the City of Carlsbad/Fieldstone HCP/OMSP 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAI.RD1 75 0. ATTORNEYS' FEES Each Party shall bear and pay its own actual attorneys fees, costs and expenses in connection with any action at law or in equity, including any action for declaratory relief, and any appeals therefrom, brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of this Agreement and the HCP/OMSP, subject to and except as provided by law, including, but not limited to, the Equal Access to Justice Act (28 U.S.C. § 2412). P. EFFECTIVE DATE Y c=q '7 This Agreement shall take effect as of the date of tht issuance of the Section lO(a) Permit as contemplated by Section IV, and shall be effective when executed by FWS, thc City and Fieldstone with respect to the rights and duties o those Parties and with respect to all of the Parties thereupon or thereafter when DFG has also executed the Agreement and issued the Section 2081 MOU. Any of the Parties may insert the date of said issuance of the Section 10(a) Permit in the space provided therefor on page 1 of this Agreement. 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1-RD1 76 Q. DUPLICATE ORIGINALS This Agreement may be executed in any number of duplicate originals. A complete original of this Agreement shall be maintained in the official records of each of the Parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties execute this Agreement to be in effect as of the first written above. 1r FWS !I UNITED STATES FISIE SERVICE dw ILDLIFE IC Date : By: Approved as to form: Date: Lynn Cox, Assistant Regional Solicitor 11 D FG ‘I CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Date: By : Boyd Gibbons, Director By : [Signatures Continue1 77 05- 16-95 F:\UPDOC\O1\2110\AGRIAI.RD1 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Date : Craig Manson, General Counsel California Department of Fish and Game I' FIELDSTONE I' THE FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By: The Fieldstone Company, a California corporation General Partner DATE : By : John Barone Lr < Its: Senior Proj-e%t Manaser APPROVED AS TO FORM: By : Lindell L. Marsh, Esq. Siemon, Larsen & Marsh 'ITHE CITY" THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, California DATE : By : Bud Lewis Its: Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: By : Ron Ball, City Attorney 78 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1 .RDI EXHIBIT 1 TO THE IMPLXMENTATION AGREEMENT REGARDING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD/F'IELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN/ON-GOING MITLTI-SPECIES PLAN Glossarv x- / - EXHIBIT 1 TO THE IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT REGARDING HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN/ON-GOING MULTI-SPECIES PLAN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD/FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES Glossary 1. Wiological Opinion" has the meaning set forth ir 2. flCEQAIl means the California Environmental Qualit1 Act (California Public Resources Code §§ 21000 promulgated pursuant thereto (including, without limitation, 14 California Code of Regulations §§ 15000 & a.) . 3. llCESA1r means the California Endangered Species Act (California Fish and Game Code - et -.) and the regulations prom peed in connection with that Act (including,.%ithout limitation, 14 California Code of Regulations §§ 40, 41, 243, 670.1 and 670.5). 4. "Conservationll means the same as set forth in 16 50 CFR § 402.02. et m.) and the guidelines and regulations Fo50 U.S.C. § 1532. 5. rtCSSfl means coastal sage scrub. 6. "Conserved Habitat" means the On-site Conserved Habitat and Off-site Conserved Habitat to be held and managed for Wildlife Conservation purposes. Game, an agency of the State of California. 8. "ESAN means the federal Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. §§ 1531 & -.) and the regulations promulgated in connection with that Act (including, without limitation, 50 C.F.R. Parts 13, 17, 402 and 424). 7. llDFGlf means the California Department of Fish ani 9. rtFWS1f means the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, an agency of the Department of Interior of the United States. 10. llGnatcatchern means the subspecies known as the PolioDtila californica californica. 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAI~RD1 79 I ~. 11. IlImpact Area" and flSmpact Areas" mean, respectively, a portion or portions of the Plan Area, as shown on the Map, which are excluded fron Conserved Habitat and will be developed as a part of the Project . thereunder as Ilthreatenedll or ttendangeredll ; and, with respect to CESA, listed thereunder as "threatenedll or "endangered" or a "candidate" for such listing. 13. WBTA Permit" means a permit issued pursuant to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and specifically issued under 16 U.S.C. § 703, and 50 C.F.R. § 21.27, to allow the Take of any Birds of Concern. 12, I1ListedN means: with respect to ESA, listed 14. 'WXCP Program" means the program sponsored by thc North County Wildlife Forum of San Diego County, in cooperation with FWS and DFG and in accordance with the NCCP Program, for research a development of a subregional Muli& 8 .e-Habitat Conservation Plan for the conservation of multipli types of habitat and sensitive species that occup or use lands located within northern San Diego County. 15. WBTAN means the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, 16 U.S.C. § 703 et seq., and the regulations promulgated in connection therewith, including 50 C.F.R. § 10.13, 50 C.F.R. Part 13, and 50 C.F.R. Parts 20-22, inclusive. 16. WBTA Permitf1 means a permit issued under the MBTA . 17, WitigationN has the same meaning as set forth i CEQA (14 Cal. Code of Regulations § 15370) and in NEPA (40 C.F.R. § 1508.20), and includes, among other things, the designation or reservation of land as open space or funding to provide for the Conservation of the Species of Concern. 18. "NCCPff means a natural community conservation plan prepared pursuant to the NCCP Act. 19. WCCP Actt1 means the Natural Community Conservation Planning Act enacted by Chapter 765 of California statutes of 1991 (A.B. 2172) (codified in part in California Fish and Game Coc §§ 2800 et m.) . 80 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\O1\211O\AGRIA1.RDI 20. WCCP Programff means the pilot program of the California Resources Agency and DFG under the NCCE Act undertaken in cooperation with FWS for the conservation of coastal sage scrub habitat, the Gnatcatcher, and other sensitive species that inhabit or use coastal sage scrub habitat. 21. NNEPAff means the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 5s 4321 et u.) and the regulations promulgated in connection with that Act (including, without limitation, 40 C.F.R. §§ 1500 & sea.). entities and agencies, or one of the entities or agencies, that have executed this Agreement. 23. "Permittee" and ffPermitteesff mean, respectively, the entity or entities entitled to the benefit of any authorization of Take pursuant to a Section Z+E& 2835, Section 2081 MOUJMBTA Permii issued pursuant to this Agreemen= and may includc one or all of the City, Fieldstone'an-d the owner of the MAG Parcel, as set forth in this Agreement 22. ffPartiesff and ffPartyff mean, respectively, the Section 10 (a) Permit, Incidental Take Statement, 25. "Section 4(d)lf means Section 4(d) of ESA, 16 U.S.C. § 1533(d). 26. ffSection ZO(a)ff means Section lO(a) of ESA, 16 U.S.C. § 1539, and the rules, regulations, or guidelines promulgated in connection with that statutory provision, including, without limitatio. 50 C.F.R. § 17.22. 27. ffSection 10(a) Permit" means: (1) a permit issue under Section 10(a) (1) (B) of ESA (16 U.S.C. § 1539(a) (1) (B)) to permit the incidental Take of ESA Listed Species of Concern; or (2) permission or authorization under any other federal law or regulation that permits the Take of ESA Listed Species of Concern. 28. ffSection 208Zff means California Fish and Game Code § 2081, and any rules, regulations, or guidelines promulgated in connection with that statutory provision. memorandum of understanding entered into by DFG under Section 2081 and consistent with CESA authorizing the Take of a Species of Concern 29. "Section 2081 MOUff or WOU" means: (1) a ai 05 - 16-95 F : \WPDOC\O1\2110\AGR I A1 .RD1 Listed under CESA; or (2) permission or authorization under any other state law or regulation, including, without limitation Section 2835, that permits the Take of a Species of Concern Listed under CESA or provided with protection under new or revised State laws substantially similar in effect to the protection provided under CESA. 30. "Section 2835" means California Fish and Game Code § 2835, and any rules, regulations or guidelines promulgated in connection with that statutory provision. 31. Take1r and Taking1' mean the same as set forth iI ESA on the Effective Date. 32. "Unforeseen Circumstance" means an extraordinary circumstance taking into consideration, or change in, existing or anticipated biological conditions (including a circumstance or change disclosed in public comments on future permit ap pations, consultations and rules) that: (3 1-s -significant and adverse with respect to the contiaued existence of a Species of Concern; and, (ii) was reasonably unforeseen by the Wildlife Agencies as of the Effective Date. 33. Wildlifer1 means all wild animals, birds, plants fish, amphibians, reptiles and related habitat an ecological communities upon which such wildlife depends. 34. Wildlife Agency" or Wildlife Agenciesft means, respectively, either or both of FWS or DFG, as th context requires. a2 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 EXHIBIT 2 TO THE IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT REGARDING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD/FIEIIl)STONELA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONSERVATION FLAN/ON-GOING MULTI-SPECIES PLAN The MaD Y 4 ' -7- ., EXHIBIT 3 TO THE IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT REGARDING THE CITY OF CARISBAD/FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN/ON-GOING MULTI-SPECIES PLAN List of Species of Concern from Approved Habitat Conservation Plan Hv / ,_ EXHIBIT 0 TO THE IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT REGARDING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD/FIEIIl)STONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN/ON-GOING MULTI-SPECIES PLAN Findings and Determinations Tr 4 7- EXHIBIT 4 TO THE IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT REGARDING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD/FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN/ON-GOING MULTI-SPECIES PLAN Findinss and Determinations FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS. The terms used in this Exhibit have the same meaning as set forth in the Agreement. A. FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS BY FWS UNDER ESA FWS has found and determined that the HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreement meets the requirements of a conservation plan for purposes of ESA, including, without limitation, the purposes of 16 U.S.C. Section 1539 and 50 C.F.R. Section 17,22(b) (2) and Section 17.32(b respect to the HCP/OMSP as implemented by thig Agreement: connection with the Plan Activities will be incidental to ar otherwise lawful activity; Concern will be, to the maximum extent practicable, minimized and mitigated; particularly, FWS has found and determined* 19,d"'- at,- with More 1. the taking of the Species of Concern in 2. the impacts of such taking of the Species of 3. Fieldstone and the City have ensured that adequate funding for the implementation of the HCP/OMSP will be provided through this Agreement; 4. Fieldstone and the City have ensured that adequate procedures to deal with Unforeseen Circumstances are provided through this Agreement; connection with the Plan Activities as contemplated by the HCP/OMSP and this Agreement will not appreciably reduce the likelihood of the survival and recovery of the Species of 5. the taking of the Species of Concern in Concern in the wild; 6. all measures required by FWS as necessary or appropriate for purposes of the HCP/OMSP are provided for ii and implemented by this Agreement; 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAI.RDl 85 7. FWS has received such other assurances as it has deemed necessary to ensure that the HCP/OMSP will be implemented; and 8, FWS has considered the anticipated duration and geographic scope of the Plan Activities, including the impacts of the Plan Activities on Species of Concern and Plan Area habitat and the degree to which such impacts affect the Species of Concern and the habitat within the Plan Area, the City, the subregion, and the region, and has considered the assurances provided to Fieldstone and the City under this Agreement and has determined that the foregoing findings and determinations are in accordance wit1 ESA. B. FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS BY FWS UNDER THE MBTA FWS has considered the anticipated nature and geographic scope of the Plan Activities, including the impacts of the Plan Activities on birds and species covered Fieldstone and the City under this Agreemem and has determined that, based upon the measures contained in the HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreement, MBTA Permits allowing Take of the birds covered by the MBTA in connectior with the Plan Activities shall be issued concurrently herewith and thereafter upon appropriate application, to the Permittees. by the MBTA, and has considered the assurances,-grovided to C. FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS BY DFG DFG has found and determined that the HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreement meets the requirements of CESA, including, without limitation, Sections 2081 and the NCCP Act. More particularly, DFG has found and determined that with respect to the HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreement: FINDINGS 1-8 ARE DRAWN FROM DFG GUIDELINES FOR NO JEOPARDY DETERMINATIONS. DFG SHOULD CONSIDER WHETHER TO MAKE THE FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO THIS 2081. DFG TYPICALLY MAKES T FINDINGS FOR 2090 CONSULTATIONS AND COULD MAKE THEM UNDER FOR 2081 PERMITS. 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAI.RDl 86 1. No viable or recoverable population of any Species of Concern will be eliminated and no significant proportion of a population of any Species of Concern will be adversely affected by the Plan Activities. be significantly diminished by the Plan Activities. will not be significantly adversely affected by either the immediate or future effects of the Plan Activities. 4. The access to habitat by Species of Concern will not be significantly adversely affected as a result of the Plan Activities. 2. The range of the Species of Concern will not 3. The habitat used by the Species of Concern 5. Take in connection with the Plan Activities will not adversely affect current or future efforts to provide protection for the Species of Concern or their habitat. 6. Take in connection with the Pla ctivities 2 will not adversely affect plans for recovery or eventual delisting of any Species of Concern currently.1-isted as "endangeredIf or I1threatened1l under CESA. 7. Take in connection with the Plan Activities will not significantly adversely interfere with the reproductive or other behavior of the Species of Concern. will not result in the extinction of the Species of Concern Take of the Species of Concern in connection with the Plan Activities is authorized for Conservation and Management purposes pursuant to CESA, including Section 2081. 10. Take of the Species of Concern in connection with the Plan Activities will not jeopardize the continued existence of any Species of Concern or result in the destruction or adverse modification of habitat essential to the continued existence of the Species of Concern. 8. Take in connection with the Plan Activities 9. FINDINGS 11-13 ARE DERIVED DIRECTLY FROM SECTION 1 OF A.B. 2172 (UNCODIFIED) AND CAL. FISH AND GAME CODE SECTION 2805 WHICH ARE THE PROVISIONS OF THE NCCP ACT THAT ESTABLISH T€ PURPOSES OF NCCP PLANS 87 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RDI 11. The HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreement will, to the maximum extent feasible, avoid, minimize and compensate for impacts of the Plan Activities on Species of Concern and Plan Area habitat. 12. The HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreement will sustain and restore the habitat within the Plan Area tc the level necessary to maintain, in conjunction with the those biological communities impacted by the Plan Activities. HMP, MHCP and the NCCP Program, the continued viability of 13. The HCP/OMSP, as independent initial component of the HMP, and together with the HMP, component of the MHCP, provides for area-wide protection anc perpetuation of natural wildlife diversity, while allowing compatible and appropriate development growth. Therefore, the HCP/OMSP is consistent with the goals and purposes of the NCCP Act and will serve as a completed independent component of an NCCP which encompasses the Plan Area, prepared, approved and implemented pursuant In this context, the HCP/OMSP as implemented%$?his Agreement also serves to further regional wildELfe conservation planning, which can effectively address cumulative impact concerns, minimize wildlife habitat fragmentation, promote multispecies management and conservation, identify and ensure appropriate mitigation fo impacts on fish and wildlife, and promote the conservation of broad based natural communities and species diversity. The HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreemen ensures that the impacts of the Plan Activities on Species of Concern and Plan Area habitat will be insignificant or will be minimized and mitigated to a level of insignificanc as required by CEQA. Agreement ensures that an adequate management reporting and monitoring program for the HCP/OMSP Conservation and Management measures will be implemented as required by CEQA FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS BY THE CITY as a . e NCCP Act 14. (a) The HCP/OMSP as implemented by this D. The City has balanced the environmental, health, safet and socioeconomic attributes of the Project and has considered all identifiable alternatives to and minimizatic and Mitigation measures for the Project, and has found and determined that: 05- 16-95 88 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAI.RD1 1. The Conservation and Management measures contained in the HCP/OMSP and implemented by this Agreement provide for Species of Concern and Plan Area habitat as required by all City Wildlife Regulations; ensures that the impacts of the Plan Activities on Species of Concern and Plan Area habitat will be insignificant or will be minimized and mitigated to a level of insignificance as required by CEQA; provides that an adequate management reporting and monitoring program for the HCP/OMSP Conservation and Management measures will be implemented as required by CEQA significant benefit to goals and purposes of the HMP. 2. The HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreement 3. The HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreement 4. The implementation of the HCP/OMSP provides / w/ c 89 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 EXHIBIT 5 TO THE IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT REGARDING THE CITY OF CARISBAD/FIELDSTO~/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABrrAT CONSERVATION PLAN/ON-GOING MULTI-SPECIES PLAN Form of Conservation Easement -6 ‘T .- WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Craig Manson, Esq. General Counsel California Department of Fish and Game 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 NO DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX California Revenue & Taxati Code § 11922 Presented for Acceptance bl California Department of Fi and Game lir 4 This space for Recorder's Use Only RECITALS WHEREAS, Grantor is the owner in fee, subject to matters of record, of approximately - acres of land locate in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California , more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Conserved Habitat Lands") and WHEREAS, pursuant to that certain Habitat Conservation Plan/Onsoinq Multi-SDecies Plan for Pronerties in the South East Ouadrant of the Citv of C d sbad and 'Y Addenda dated , and the related Implementation Agreement, among Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Limited Partnership, the City of Carlsbad, the United States Fish ar Wildlife Service and Grantee dated Imp1 ement a t ic Agreement ("Implementation Agreement"), the Grantor desires to transfer and convey to Grantee and Grantee desires to accept the conservation easement described hereinbelow (llConservation Easement1!), on and subject to the terms and conditions set forth below; and, WHEREAS, Grantee is an agency formed under the la of the State of California with jurisdiction over the conservation, protection, and management of fish, wildlife, native plants, and habitat necessary for biologically 91 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\O1\2110\AGRIAI.RD1 sustainable populations of those species (California Fish an( Game Code Section 1802) and is authorized to hold conservation easements for these purposes (California Fish and Game Code Section 2052); and WHEREAS, Grantor desires to assure Grantee that Grantor will hold the Conserved Habitat Lands conveyed herek for the conservation of the Species of Concern, as that tern is defined in the Implementation Agreement in accordance wit and subject to the terms and conditions of this Deed; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consid / ation of the ,-- facts recited above, the mutual covenants, terms, condition: and restrictions contained herein, and pursuant to the laws of California and California Civil Code Sections 815 througl 816, inclusive, Grantor hereby grants, assigns, transfers ai conveys to Grantee, and Grantee hereby accepts, a conservation easement (I1ConserYation Easement1'), as defined in Paragraph 2. below, in perpetuity in and over the Conserved Habitat Lands, resewinq to Grantor and excentinq therefrom, all rights, title and interest in and with respe to the Conserved Habitat Lands of every kind and nature tha are not expressly included in the Conservation Easement. 1. Pumose. The purpose of this Conservation Easeme is to assure Grantee that, except as provided in Paragraph 92 OS-16-9s F : \WPDOC\O1\211 O\AGRI A1 . RDI hereinbelow, the Conserved Habitat Lands shall be held and used only for conservation of the Species of Concern and their habitat, including but not limited to compatible educational uses, subject to the provisions of the Implementation Agreement. 2. Conservation Easement. The Conservation Easement includes the prohibitions and limitations on the use of the Conserved Habitat Lands set forth in Paragraph 2.1. below an the rights set forth in Paragraph 2.2. below, together with the other rights and interests provided to Grantee herein. -4 ’ -7 2.1. Prohibited Uses. Except as provided in Paragraph 3, without the written approval of Grantee and USFWS, the Conserved Habitat Lands shall not be used for any purpose or use other than the conservation of the Species of Concern and their habitat and compatible educational purposes. 2.2. Rishts of Grantee. As an incident of the Conservation Easement, the Grantee shall have the right to: 2.2.1. Prevent the Conserved Habitat Lands from being used for uses or purposes in violation of Paragraph 2.1. above; 93 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 2.2.2. Enter upon the Conserved Habitat Land to enforce at the sole cost of Grantor and pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Deed the restoration of such areas or features of the Conserved Habitat Lands as may be damaged by such activities; and 2.2.3. Enter upon the Conserved Habitat Land at reasonable times to monitor compliance with Paragraph 2.1 above and for scientific study purposes; provided, however, that such entry shall be upon the prior reasonable notice to Grantor or its successor. r* 4 I -7 3 * Reservations and Excemions. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Deed, Grantor has reserved and then is excepted from the grant, transfer, assignment and conveyance of the Conservation Easement hereunder the right to engage in and to allow, permit or invite others to engage in all uses of the Conserved Habitat Lands that are not expressly prohibited herein and are not inconsistent with thc purpose of this Conservation Easement. 4. Grantee’s Remedies. In addition to any and all other remedies available to Grantee in law or in equity, Grantor intends that the remedies set forth in this Section shall be available to Grantee and to the USFWS, as an expressly identified third party beneficiary of this Deed. I. 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RDl 94 Grantee determines that the Grantor or its successor has taken or threatens to take action that is in violation of th terms of this Conservation Easement, Grantee shall give the then record fee title owners of the Conserved Habitat Lands written notice of such actual or threatened violation and shall demand in writing that said violation be cured or prevented. In the event that said violation is not cured within thirty (30) days from the date of said written notice or, in the event that said cure would require more than thirty (30) days to complete and action is not commenced promptly and pursued expeditiously to effect said cure, Grantee may take any such action and seek any remedies available at law or equity to enforce the provisions of this Conservation Easement, including, but not limited to, the seeking of money damages, temporary or permanent injunctions or other equitable relief (including, but not limited to, tk restoration of any condition that existed within the Conserved Habitat Lands prior to said violation). A 'T Notwithstanding the foregoing, Grantee shall not be required to provide Grantor with written notice of an actual or threatened violation or demand the cure thereof if Grantc determines that provision of such written notice and demand of cure will result in significant and unacceptable delay oi commencement of a cure to such actual or threatened violation. In such cases, Grantee may proceed in any actio1 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2710\AGR~Al.RD1 95 at law or in equity as provided above without delay and without giving said written notice and demand of cure. Grantor acknowledges that Grantee’s remedies at law for a violation of this Conservation Easement would be inadequate and that Grantee would be entitled to injunctive relief, bot prohibitive and affirmative, including specific performance of the terms of this Conservation Easement, without the necessity of proving either actual damages or the inadequacy of otherwise available legal remedies. Grantee’s remedies under this Conservation Easement shall be cumulative and in addition to all remedies now or hereafter existing at law 01 in equity, including, but not limited to, t / remedies set forth in California Civil Code Sections 815 through 816, inclusive. ,- 5. Costs of Enforcement. Any costs incurred by eithc party in enforcing the terms of this Conservation Easement against the other, including, without limitation, costs of suit and reasonable attorney‘s fees, and any costs of restoration of the Conserved Habitat necessitated by a violation of the terms of this Conservation Easement shall 3: borne by the breaching party. action (including appeals therefrom) to enforce the terms of this Conservation Easement, such party’s reasonable costs of suit including, without limitation, actual attorney‘s fees, shall be borne by the other party, except that the USFWS’s If a party prevails in any 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 96 liability for any attorneys fees and costs shall be determined in accordance with federal law. 6. Grantee’s Discretion. Enforcement of the terms of this Conservation Easement requiring performance by Grantor shall be at the discretion of Grantee. Grantee to exercise its rights under this Conservation Easement in the event of any breach of this Conservation Easement by Grantor shall not be deemed to be a waiver by Grantee of such rights or rights under this Conservation Easement. No delay or omission by Grantee in the exercise c any right or remedy upon breach by Grantor ma11 impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. Any forbearance by / T 7. Acts Bevond Grantor’s Control. Nothing contained in this Deed shall be construed to provide a right to Grant€ to bring any action against Grantor for any injury to or change in the Conserved Habitat Lands resulting from causes beyond Grantor’s control, including without limitation, the acts of third parties, fire, flood, storm, earth movement, c any other natural disaster, any act or omission of Grantee, or from any reasonable action taken by Grantor under emergency conditions to prevent, abate, or mitigate significant injury to the Conserved Habitat Lands resulting from such causes. 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 97 8. Access. This Conservation Easement does not convc a general right of access to the public, however, access for scientific research and interpretive purposes is conveyed tc Grantee or its designee pursuant to Paragraph 2.2.3. above. 9. Costs and Liabilities. Grantor or its successor shall retain all responsibilities and shall bear all costs and liabilities of any kind related to the ownership, operation, upkeep and maintenance of the Conserved Habitat Lands, including the following: 9.1. Taxes. Grantor shall pay b / ore-delinquencl -- all taxes, assessments, fees, and charges of whatever description levied on or assessed against the Conserved Habitat Lands by competent authority (collectively I'taxesll) , including any taxes imposed upon, or incurred as a result of this Conservation Easement, and shall furnish Grantee with satisfactory evidence of payment upon request. 9.2. Hold Harmless. Grantor or its successor shall hold harmless, indemnify, and defend Grantee and its members, directors, officers, employees, agents, and contractors and the heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of each of them (collectively I1Indemnified Parties") from and against all liabilities, penalties, costs, losses, damages, expense, causes of actior 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\211O\AGRIA1.RDl 98 claims, demands, or judgments, including without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees, arising from or in any way connected with: physical damages to any property, resulting from any act, omission, condition, or other matter occurring on the Conserved Habitat Lands, unless caused by the acts or (1) injury to or the death of any person, c omissions of any of the Indemnified Parties; and (2) the existence or administration of this Conservation Easement. 9.3. Condemnation. If this Conservation Easement is taken, in whole or in part, by exercise of the power of eminent domain, Grantee shall be entitled te / compensation -. from the condemning authority in accordance with applicable law. IO. Assiqnment. This Conservation Easement is transferable, but Grantee shall give Grantor at least thirty (30) days prior written notice of the transfer. Grantee may assign its rights and obligations under this Conservation Easement only to an organization that is a qualified organization at the time of transfer under Section 170(b) the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1954, (or any successor provision then applicable), applicable regulations promulgated thereunder, authorized to acquire and hold conservation easements under California Civil Code Section 815, et m. of as amended and the and is Grantee shall nc 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\O?\2110\AGRIAI.RDl 99 assign its rights and obligations under this Conservation Easement without prior written consent of the Grantor and USFWS, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. AE a condition of such transfer, Grantee shall require that the Conservation Easement be used only for the purposes describe in Paragraph 1. above. 11. Subsequent Transfers. Grantor shall include a description of the terms of this Conservation Easement in an deed or other legal instrument by which it divests itself of any interest in all or a portion of the Conserved Habitat Lands, including, without limitation, a lease 6 old interest. Grantor shall give written notice to Grantee of the transfer of any interest at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of such transfer. The failure of Grantor to perform any act required by this Paragraph 11 shall not impair the validity of this Conservation Easement or limit its enforceability ir any way. 12. EstoDDel Certificates. Upon request by Grantor, Grantee shall within fifteen (15) days execute and deliver t Grantor any document, including estoppel certificates, that certify Grantor’s compliance with any obligation of Grantor contained in this Conservation Easement and otherwise evidences the status of this Conservation Easement as may be requested by Grantor. 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAI.RDI 100 13. Notices. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval, or communication that either party desires or is required to give to the other shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by certified mail with postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: To Grantor: To Grantee: Regional Manager Department of Fish and Game State of California 3330 Golden Shore, Suite 50 Long Beach, CA 90802 with the following note on the envelope: / a== -- Official Notice Resardins Fieldstone/Carlsbad Conservation Easement Deed TO USFWS: Regional Director United States Fish and Wildlife Service Portland Eastside Federal Complex 911 N.E. 11th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97232 with the following note on the envelope: Official Notice Reqarding Fieldstone/Carlsbad Conservatio Easement Deed or to such other address as either party from time to time shall designate by written notice to the other. Notice shal 05 - 16-95 F: \WPOOC\Ol\2110\AGRIA1 .RDI 101 be deemed effective in the case of personal delivery, upon delivery, and in the case of certified mail, five (5) days after deposit in the United States mail. 14. Recordation. Upon execution, Grantee shall promptly record this instrument in the official records of San Diego County, California and may re-record it at any tin as may be required to preserve its rights in this Conservation Easement. 15. General Provisions. x-. N 15.1. Controllins Law. The interpretation and performance of this Deed shall be governed by the laws of th State of California. 15.2. Liberal Construction. Any general rule of construction to the contrary notwithstanding, shall be liberally construed to effect the purpose of the Conservation Easement and the policy and purpose of California Civil Code Sections 815 through 816, If any provision in this Deed is found to be ambiguous, interpretation consistent with the purposes of the Conservation Easement that would render the provision valid shall be favored over any interpretation that would render i invalid. this Deed inclusive. an 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RD1 102 15.3. Severability. If any provision of this Deed, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is found to be invalid, the remainder of the provisions of this Deed, or the application of such provisio t0 persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is found to be invalid, as the case may be, affected thereby. shall not be 15.4, Entire Asreement. This instrument sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to this Deed, and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings, or agreements”re1atlng /. to this ’7 Deed, all of which are merged herein. 15.5. Modifications. Any alterations, changes or modifications of or to this Deed, to be effective, shall require the approval of USFWS, shall be made in writing and shall be executed by all parties. 15.6. No Forfeiture, Nothing contained herein will result in a forfeiture or reversion of Grantor’s title in any respect. 15.7. Successors. The covenants, terms, conditions, and restrictions of this Deed shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the parties hereto and 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\O~\211O\AGRIA1.RDl 103 their respective personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns and shall continue as a servitude running in perpetuity with the Conserved Habitat. hereunder benefiting Grantee shall also benefit the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Upon conveyance of its right, title and interest in and to the Conserved Habitat Lands, the Grantor shall have no further obligation hereunde except with respect to breaches thereon that have occurred prior to said conveyance. The covenants 15.8. CaDtions. The captions in this Deed hav been inserted solely for reference and are &part of thi Deed and shall have no effect upon its construction or interpretation. ’ .+- 15.9. Counterparts. The parties may execute this Deed in two counterparts, which shall, in the aggregate be signed by both parties; each counterpart shall be deemed an original instrument as against any party who has signed 05- 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RD1 104 it. produced, the recorded counterpart shall be controlling. In the event of any disparity between the counterparts IN WITNESS WHEREOF Grantor and Grantee have entered into this Deed the day and year first above written. GRANTOR : By : 4 s.. GRANTEE : DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA c By : Approved as to form Craig Manson, Legal Advisor California Department of Fish and Game 05 - 16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIAl.RDl 105 EXHIBIT A Description of Conserved Habitat Lands IC< /- .. 05-16-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\AGRIA1.RDl 106 EXHIBIT 6 TO THE IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT REGARDING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD/FIEL;DSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLANlON-GOING ~'v~ULTI-SPECIES PLAN Form of Right of First Refusal Agreement w 4 ' T EXHIBIT 6 TO THE IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT REGARDING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD/FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN/ON-GOING MULTI-SPECIES PLAN Form of Ricrht of First Refusal Agreement THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of April -, 1995, by and among Fieldstone/La Costa Associates, a California Limited Partnership ("Fieldstone"), the a municipal corporation ("City") , whereby, based on the following recitals of fact, the parties hereby agree as follows * I ("Lender") ; and, the City of Carlsbad, s- / -- Recitals This Agreement is based on the following facts: A. This Agreement is entered into pursuant to Section VI.B.3. of that certain agreement among the Fieldstone, City and others entitled "Implementation ne /La Aareeme nt Regardina The City of Ca rlsbad/ Fieldsto Costa Assoc iates Habitat Conser vation Plan/On-going Multi-SDecies Plan" ("IA") , whereby Fieldstone has agreed to provide, and cause Lender to provide, City with a right of first refusal for a certain period of time with respect to possible conveyances by Fieldstone or Lender of the Rancheros-Southeast I1 Subarea, as described in the IA and shown on the map included as Exhibit A hereto, exclusive of Conserved Habitat, the Rancho Santa Fe Road Right-of-way, and the Mag Parcel, as those terms are defined in the IA ("Subject Parcels"), all as provided for, and on and subject to the terms and conditions set forth, hereinbelow; and, B. Fieldstone owns fee title and Lender holds a first lien with respect to the Subject Parcels and are willing to perform as provided in this Agreement, 1 f:\wpdoc\01\2110\9503rof.agr subject to the terms and conditions set forth hereinbelow. -4 ’ -7 2 f:\wpdoc\Ol\2110\9503rof.agr Aar eemen t 1. Riaht of F irst Refusa 1. Prior to the sale and conveyance of any of the Subject Parcels, or any portions thereof, within five (5) years fron the date of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the 'Term"), except for a conveyance to Lender, Fieldstone or Lender (provided that it then holds fee title thereto) shall offer to sell said lands to be offered for sale to the City in accordance with the provisions of this Section 1. a. Written Notjce of Possible Offer to Sell. From time to time during the Term, Fieldstone or Lender ("Offeror") may notify City in writin-otice") that it may offer one or more of the SubjecPB&els, or portions thereof as to which it then owns fee t'itle, or a portion thereof (hereinafter the lands included within an Offer are referred to as "Offered Lands"), for sale and conveyance to City. The Notice shall set forth: (i) a Purchase Price for said the Offered Lands; and, (ii) an offer ('Offer") to sell the Offered Lands for cash at the Purchase Price, with payment thereof and conveyance of title to the City within six (6) months of the Effective Date of the Notice in accordance with Section 1.c. below. The Offei shall terminate unless it is accepted in strict accordance with Paragraph 1.b. below. b. AcceDtance of Of fey. The City may accept an Offer only by delivery of within sixty (60) days of the Effective Date of the Notice with respect thereto, together with: (i) evidence satisfactory to Offeror that City has the financial capability to pay the Purchase Price in a timely manner; and, (ii) assurances to the Offeror in a form reasonably satisfactory to Offeror that: (A) the burden and charges with respect to the construction and operation of Rancho Santa Fe Road or the City's Growth Management Plan and related ordinances, policies and regulations that would have written notice of its acceptance thereof to the Offeror 3 f:\wpdoc\01\2110\9503rof.agr been allocated, charged to or borne by the owners of the Offered Lands but for the use of the Offered Lands as open space, will not be allocated or charged to other lands within the Plan Area owned by Fieldstone or Lender at the time of the Closing; or, (B) that Fieldstone and Lender shall be fully compensated, in addition to the Purchase Price, for the reasonably anticipated increase in charges and burdens to other lands within the Plan Area owned by Fieldstone or Lender at the time of the Closing resulting from the non-development of the Offered Lands. that the City accepts an Offer in accordance with this provision, within six (6) months of the Effective Date of the Notice, the Offeror and City shall simultaneously pay the Purchase Price in cash and convey the Lands through an escrow (the “Closing”), all in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1.c. hereinbelow. In the event c. Closincr of Purchase. 4 In the event City accepts an Offer Y finTaccordance with Paragraph 1.b. above, within ten (10) and the Offeror shall execute and deliver to escrow holder escrow instructions and other documents necessary to evidence the agreement of the parties, establish and escrow and to effect the Closing in accordance with the following terms and conditions; and, (ii) City shall deposit into said escrow cash in the amount of five (5) percent of the Purchase price (to be held and applied by escrow holder to the Purchase Price at the Closing): days: (i) City (1) The Purchase Price and conveyance of title shall be effected Simultaneously and prior to the end of said six (6) month period through ar escrow established with a title company selected by Offeror. (2) Conveyance of title to the Offered Lands shall be by grant deed, conveying fee title thereto to the City or its nominee free of all rights, interests, easements and encumbrances that would impair the use of the Offered Lands wildlife habitat purposes; except that, Offeror may reserve and except from the conveyance of the Offered Lands all easements, rights-of-way and other rights and interests which are reasonably for 4 E:\wpdoc\01\2110\9503rof.agr necessary in connection with the development and use of other lands within the “Plan Area”, as that term is defined in the IA. (3) Real estate taxes, charges and assessments shall be prorated to the Closing. (4) All costs and expenses of the conveyance shall be shared and paid by the Offeror and City as follows: (a) Offeror shall pay the costs of a California Land Title Association owner‘s policy for City or its nominee and one-half of the cost of the escrow; and, (b) City shall pay one-half of the cost w 4 of the escrow. ,- All other costs and expenses of the Closing shall be shared and paid by Offeror and the City in accordance with the customs in the San Diego County. ictio n. 2. No Further Restr In the event that Offeror makes an Offer to City with respect to any Offered Lands in accordance with Paragraph l.a., hereinabove, and the City does not, for any reason, accept the Offer in accordance with Paragraph l.b., hereinabove, Fieldstone and Lender may thereafter offer to sell and/or sell to another the Offered Lands at a Purchase Price equal to or greater than the Purchase Price set forth in the Offer. Upon any such sale, Fieldstone, Lender and their successors and assigns shall have no further obligation or duty under this Agreement with respect to the Offered Lands, including, but not limited to, the obligatior to further offer to sell the Offered Lands to City. In the event that City does not accept an Offer within the time specified in Paragraph 1.b. hereinabove, upon the written request of the Fieldstone or Lender, the City shall execute and deliver to the requesting party all documents and instruments reasonably requested acknowledging that 5 f:\wpdoc\01\2110\9503rof.agr there is no further obligation or duty on the part of Fieldstone, Lender or their successors and assigns under this Agreement with respect to the Offered Lands in accordance with the foregoing. 3. Misce3laneous P rovisio ns . a. Notices. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval, OY communication that either party desires or is required to give to the other shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by certified mail with postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: To Fieldstone: The Fieldstone/La Costa Associates 4565 Morehouse Drive, Suite 250.7 San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. John Barone Limited Partnership ir 4 6 f:\wpdoc\01\2110\9503rof.agr copy to: Lindell L. Marsh, Esq. Siemon, Larsen & Marsh 19800 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 350 Irvine, CA 92715 To City: The City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 To Lender: zz / r- IC or such other address as either party from time to time shall designate by written notice to the other. Notice shall be deemed effective (the "Effective Date") in the case of personal delivery, upon delivery, and in the case of certified mail, five (5) days after deposit in the United States mail. b. Term. This Agreement shall terminate and be of no further force and effect upon and after five (5) years from the date hereof except with respect to the right of a party to damages for any default in the performance of this Agreement occurring prior to the end of said five (5) year period. W. C. Controllinq La The interpretation and performance of this Deed shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. d. Modificatio ns and Amendments. 7 f:\wpdoc\01\2110\9503rof.agr Any alterations, changes or modifications of or tc this Agreement, to be effective, shall be made in writing and shall be executed by all parties. e. Successors and Assians This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. f . Counterparts. The parties may execute this Agreement in counterparts, which shall, in the aggregate, be signed by all parties; each counterpart shall be deemed an original instrument as against any party who has signed it. F-4 ' -T IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have .. executed this Agreement as of the day first above written. " F I ELD S TONE 'I The Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Limited Partnership, A California Limited -Partnership By: The Fieldstone Company, a California corporation General Partner By : John Barone, Senior Pro] ect Manager "LENDER" By : a f:\wpdoc\01\2110\9503rof.agr " CITY" The City of Carlsbad, California By : *4 ' -7 .I 9 f:\wpdoc\01\2110\9503rof.agr Draft: Mav 22, 19 DRAFT IMPLEMENTATION AGREWENT REGARDING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD/FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN/ON-GOING MULTI-SPECIES PLAN BY AND BETWEEN: UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME, THE CITY OF CARLSBAD I and FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP x- 05-23-95 F:\UPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA TABLE OF CONTENTS P - I. DEFINITIONS AND EXHIBITS ............... A. DEFINITIONS ................... 1. IIAgreemen t If ............ lrBudgetrl ............. 2. 3. llCi tyrl .............. 4. I1Ci ty Regulations I! ........ 5. If Cons erva ti on En ti Cyff ....... 'IConserved Habitat" ........ 6. If Ef f ecti ve Date I1 7. If Fi el ds tone If 8. 9. IfFuture-Rancho Santa Fe Road" ... 10. "Habitat Conservation Plan/On- Going Multi-Species Plany1 or "HCP/OMSP lr ............ 11- IIIlMP" - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - . - 12 . IfMP Conservancyif ......... 13. IrHMP Programr1 ........... 14. llHomeomers Associationrr ..... 15. IfImpact Area" or IIImpact Areas" . . 16. IIMAG Parcel lr ........... 17. rrMaprr ............... 18. "Minor Adjustmextfi ........ 19. rrNorthwest Conserved Habitat Parcelsf1 ............. 20. IINorthwest Subarearr ........ 21. llOffsite Conservation Lands" ... 22. 'IOffsite Mitigation Parcel" ..* 2 3 . It Permi ts and MOUs" ........ 2 4 . If P1 an Area lr ............ 25. rlP1an Activities" ......... 27. iiRancheros-Southeast II Conserved Habitat Parcel I1 ......... 28. IlRancheros-Southeast 11 Subareall . 29. Ifspecies of Concern" ....... 30. IlSpecial Ruleff .......... 3 I. rrSubareafl or lrSUbareasff ...... 3 2 . l1 Termrr .............. 33. flWildlife Conservation Regulations I' ........... ......... ........... 2 6 . "Proj ec t II . - - - - - - - . - - - - B. EXHIBITS Exhibit 1: - Glossary Exhibit 2 : The Map Exhibit 3 : List of SDecies of Concern Exhibit 4 : Findinss and Determinations Exhibit 5: Form of Conservation Easement Exhibit 6 : Form of Risht of First Refusal 11. RECITALS ....................... A. PLAN AREA OWNERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE B. SPECIES ADDRESSED BY THIS AGREEMENT AND THEIR C. THE HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN .......... D. AUTHORITY OF FWS ................. E. AUTHORITY OF DFG ................. F. RELATIONSHIP TO THE NCCP PROGRAM AND THE SPECIAL, RULE ....................... G. AUTHORITY OF THE CITY .............. H. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND ASSURANCES ........ PROJECT .......... , , , , , , ..... REGULATION .................... 1. HCP/OMSP Consistency with Wildlife 2. Reliance on Undertakings .......... 111. TERM OF THE AGREEMENT ................. A. STATED TERM ................... B. PERMANENCE OF CONSERVED HABITAT AND OFFSITE Conservation Regulations .......... MITIGATION PARCEL ................ IV. AUTHORIZATION TO TAKE . i ............... A. ISSUANCE OF SECTION lO(a) PERMIT AND SECTION 2081 MOU ..................... 2. Section 2081 MOU ............ B. FURTHER PERMITS WITH RESPECT TO UNLISTED SPECIES OF CONCERN. ................... C. LISTING OF OTHER SPECIES ............. D. ISSUANCE OF MBTA PERMITS ............. E. NOTICES OF PROPOSED RULES AFFECTING ANY SPECIES OF CONCERN .................... F. CITY PROJECT APPROVAL AND ASSURANCES .. 1. No Approval of Project Beyond Wildlife .. 2. General Plan Amendment ........... 3. Environmental Review of Project __--- 1. Section lO(a) Permit . . .......... G. UTILITY LINES, OTHER FACILITIES AND ACTIVITIES IN CONSERVED HABITAT ............... 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA ii V. OBLIGATIONS OF FIELDSTONE AND FUNDING ......... A. CONVEYANCE OF CONSERVED HABITAT AND OFFSITE MITIGATION PARCEL ................ 1. Conveyance of On-site Conserved Habitat . . 2. Conveyance of Offsite Mitigation Parcel ... B. MAINTENANCE OF CONSERVED HABITAT BY FIELDSTONE PENDING CONVEYANCE ................ C. PROTECTION OF ON-SITE CONSERVED HABITAT IN CONNECTION WITH DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES ...... D. FUNDING ..................... 1. By Fieldstone ................ a. Maintenance of Conserved Habitat .... b. City HMP Program and Research ..... Conserved Habitat ............. a. Budget for Long-term Maintenance and Limit of Fieldstone Obligation ..... b. Public Efforts to Provide Long Term Funding ................ c. Funding through Homeowners Association and Endowment ............. E. CONDITION PRECEDENT TO PERFORMANCE ........ 2. Funding of Long-term Maintenance of VI. CITY HMP: ADDITIONAL CONSERVATION; LONG-TERM MANAGEXENT OF CONSERVED HABITAT AND RELATED MEASURES - A. CITY HMP ..................... B. ADDITIONAL CONSERVATION TO BE PROVIDED UNDERHMP .................... 1. Acquisition of.Lands within the Corridor between Carlsbad and the San Dieguito Riverpark Planning Area ........... 2. Further Acquisition Discussions ...... 3. Right of First Refusal ........... 1, Creation of the HMP Conservancy ....... 2. Annual Report, Program and Budget ...... 3. Cooperation of Wildlife Agencies and the City .................... Measures with Other Conservation Programs . 5. Enhancement of San Marcos Creek Habitat . . 6. Relocation of SDG&E Easements ........ C. LONG TERM MAINTENANCE OF CONSERVED HABITAT .... 4. Coordination of Conservation and Management 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA iii VII. UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES ............... A. IN GENERAL .................... PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING OCCURRENCE OF UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES ............. 1. Notice to Parties .............. 2. Submission of Information by Other Parties . Be 3 . Findings .................. CIRCUMST~CES t I * 4 $ ............. C. RESPONSE TO OCCURRENCE OF UNFORESEEN VIII. AMENDMENTS, MINOR ADJUSTMENTS AND EMERGENCY ACTIONS . . A. FURTHER ACTIONS AND AMENDMENTS .......... B. ‘MINOR ADJUSTMENTS ................ C. ACTIONS TO PROTECT HUMAN HEALTH AND SAFETY .... IX. MAGPARCEL ...................... x, TERMINATION BY FIELDSTONE ............... XI. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES ............... A. IN GENERAL .................... B. REVOCATION AND TERMINATION ............ C. NOTICE AND OPPORTUNITY TO CURE .......... D. SEVERABILITY ................... 1. Fieldstone as to Project and Plan Activities and City as to Rancho Santa Fe Road .................... E. UNIQUE WILDLIFE RESOURCES; IRREPARABLE INJURY . . F. NO LIMITATION IN AUTHORITY ............ XIS. NO FURTHER MITIGATION ................. 2. Conveyance af Parcels by Fieldstone ..... A. NO FURTHER MITIGATION .............. XIII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ............... A. INCORPORATION OF THE HCP/OMSP .......... B. ENTIRE AGREEMENT ................. C. ASSIGNMENT AND DELEGATION ............ D. INTERPRETATION OF AMBIGUITIES .......... E. CAPTIONS ..................... F. INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION ............ G. TIMING ...................... H. NO PARTNERSI-PIP .................. 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\O1\2110\9505AGR. IA iv I. ELECTED OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT ......... J. STANDING TO SUE DFG ................ K. BENEFIT OF THE AGREEMENT ............. L. EMINENT DOMAIN .................. M. FORCE MAJEURE .................. N. NOTICES 0. ATTORNEYS’ FEES ................. P. EFFECTIVE DATE .................. Q. DUPLICATE ORIGINALS ............ , , , ..................... SIGNATURES 76 x- 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA V IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT REGARDING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD/FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN/ON-GOING MULTI-SPECIES PLAN (California Section 2081 Memorandum of Agreement) This IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT REGARDING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD/FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONSERVATION P ("Agreementi1) is made and entered into as of June 7, 1995 by a between the City of Carlsbad, California (the IICity"), a municipal corporation, Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Limited Partnership, a California limited partnership ("Fieldstone") , United States Fish and Wildlife Service, an agency of the Department of Interior of the United States (l1FWSf1), and the California Department of Fish and Game ("DFG"), an agency Of tl State of California (the City, Fieldstone, FWS and DFG are referred to collectively herein as the "Partiesi1). Based on the definitions, recitals of fact, findings and determinations, the mutual obligations and covenants set forth herein, and other consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties do hereby agree as follows. 05 - 23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 1 I. DEFINITIONS AND EXHIBITS (in alphabetical order) A. DEFINITIONS The following definitions are used in this Agreement. Each of the terms defined in the Glossary attached to th Agreement as Exhibit 1 has the meaning set forth therein when used in this Agreement. 1. "Agreement Jf means this document entitled: "IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT REGARDING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD/FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN11 entered into by and between the City, Fieldstone, FWS anc DFG. 2. Vudget IJ means 2 the budget entitled "Management Cost Assumptions for the Habitat Conservation Plan/Ongoing Mu1 Species Plan for Properties on [sic] the Southeast Quadrant of the City of Carlsbad", described in the Addendum to the HCP/OM! 3. ffCitym means the City of Carlsbad, California, municipal corporation. 4. "City Regulationsif means all existing and futu: City laws, ordinances, *rules, regulations, policies, constraini 05 - 23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 2 conditions of development approvals, goals, purposes or other requirements related to the Conservation of Wildlife, includin but not limited to those set forth in: the General Plan and Municipal Code (including the provisions of Title 20 and Title 21) I codified and uncodified ordinances (including zoning ordinances and Ordinance Number 9795), policies, and the HMP o the City of Carlsbad. 5. 'rConservation Entity" means the HMP Conservanc DFG, an agency of the State of California, or a conservation agency approved by DFG and FWS, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 6. "Conserved Habitat" means the lands owned in j title by Fieldstone within the Plan Area consisting collective: of the Rancheros-Southeast I1 Conserved Habitat Parcel and the Northwest Conserved Habitat PaTcels, all as generally depicted the Map. 7. "Effective DateJJ means the date of the issuance of the Section lO(a> Permit by FWS permitting the incidental TE of California Gnatcatchers as contemplated by Section IV hereinbelow. 8. NFieldstonen means Fieldstone/La Costa Associat Limited Partnership, a California limited partnership. 05 -23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 3 9. "Future Rancho Santa Fe Roadf1 means the future roadway as shown and designated as such on the Map, including, without limitation, all grading and construction activities connected therewith, a portion of which is adjacent to but not included within Conserved Habitat, that will be realigned to t proposed "Canyon Alignment" and reconstructed, phases, as a six-lane prime arterial, as described in the environmental impact report, Clearinghouse Number 90010850, certified June 2, 1992, including any grading adjacent to the profile of the proposed road necessary to construct the road. in one or more 10. "Habitat Conservation Plan/Qn-Going Mu1 ti -Spec Plan11 or ffHCP/OMSP1l means the "HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN/ON-GO MULTI-SPECIES PLAN FOR PLANT AND WILDLIFE SPECIES OF CONCERN I. THE SOUTHERN QUADRANT OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, dat June, 199511, including the Base Plan and the First and Second Addenda thereto, all of which Qave been approved by the Partie in connection with their execution of this Agreement. 11. rlHMPff means the City of Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan, which is a Wildlife habitat conservation plan that will serve as a component of the City's General Plan Open Space and Conservation Element, and that will comprise a subarc component of the MHCP. available in draft form on July 2, 1993, addresses, in the context of the subregional MHCP, the protection and management The HMP, which was made publicly 05 -23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 4 multiple types of habitat and listed and unlisted species with the subarea formed by the jurisdictional boundaries of the Cit 12. "HMP Conservancy" means an agency created by t City, alone or together with one or more other public agencies pursuant to the HMP Program, or otherwise, to own and Manage lands for Wildlife Conservation purposes. 13. "HMP Program" means the habitat management program of the City of Carlsbad in cooperation with the North County Wildlife Forum of San Diego County, Fieldstone, FWS and DFG to develop the HMP. 14. Womeomers Association ff means an incorporated unincorporated association of homeowners within the Plan Area formed for the purposes of, among other things, holding, maintaining, operating and protecting common areas and open space, and funding those activities within any Subarea. 15. ffImpact Area" or "Impact Areas" mean, respectively, a portion or portions of the Plan Area, as shown the Map, which are excluded from Conserved Habitat and will be developed as part of the Project. 16. "MAG Parcel" means that certain approximately acres of land located within the Impact Areas lying southeast 1 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 5 Existing Rancho Santa Fe Road within the Southeast I1 Subarea, shown on the Map. 17. "Map" means the map attached hereto as Exhibit which generally depicts, among other things, the Plan Area, thl Northwest Subarea, the Rancheros-Southeast II Subarea, the Impl Areas, the MAG Parcel, the On-site Conserved Habitat, the Futu. Rancho Santa Fe Road alignment and the SDG&E easements. 18. Winor Adjustment" means an adjustment or modification of the Conservation measures under the HCP/OMSP a implemented by this Agreement that is expected to result in adverse impacts to the Species of Concern that are substantial the same or less than those contemplated by the HCP/OMSP, whic: may include, for example, some modifications in the boundaries the Conserved Habitat. I 19 - 111Jork6west Conserved gab; tat Parcels 11 means thi portions of Conserved Habitat located within the Northwest Subarea, consisting of approximately 181 acres of land, as shot on the Map (which includes 40 acres of land required to be conveyed by Fieldstone as mitigation under a prior agreement w FWS if the Del Mar Manzanita were to be Listed). 05 -23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 6 20. "Northwest Subarea" means that portion of the Plan Area consisting of approximately 662 acres of land, as sh on the Map. 21. "Offsi te Conservation Lands1! means lands appro by FWS and DFG, and located generally within the corridor betw the City and the San Dieguito Riverpark Planning Area, to be conveyed to a Conservation Entity or other conservation organization approved by FWS and DFG in accordance with Sectio VI.B.1. 1 22. "Offsite Mitigation Parcel" means the lands required to be conveyed by Fieldstone pursuant to Section V.A. as provided in Section VI,B.l.a.(2), which lands will comprise portion of the Offsite Conservation Lands. 23. IfPermits and MOUsff means all permits and MOUs issued or entered into pursuant to or as contemplated by this Agreement, including, but not limited to, Section lO(a) permit Section 2081 MOUs, Section 2835 Permits and MBTA Permits. 24. "Plan Area" means the lands covered by the HCP/OMSP, consisting of the Rancheros-Southeast I1 Subarea and the Northwest Subarea and the 14-acre portion of the Rancho Sal Fe Road right-of-way outside of the Subareas. 05 - 23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 7 25. ffP1an Activities" ("all activities authorized under the HCP/OMSPii) means all activities of every kind and nature that are necessary or appropriate in order to develop, complete, effect, use, operate, manage, enhance, repair and maintain the Project and the Conserved Habitat, with timing ant phasing determined by the respective actor with respect to eac: such activity. 26. IrProjectrr means the development contemplated b! the HCP/OMSP to be located within the Impact Areas and, to the extent provided under Section IV.G, within Conserved Habitat, urban facilities, structures and uses, without limitation: residential, commercial, facilities and infrastructure improvements; and, (ii) road and related transportation facilities. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Project, includes: grading and landscaping; utilities, communication lines, facilitieg, pipelines and rights-of-way, ( every kind and nature; roads, bikeways and walkways; dams, channels, bridges, water and sewer systems; recreational facilities, trails and open space; and, all other development, structures and facilities of every kind and nature. (i 27. ffRancheros-Southeast 11 Conserved Habitat Para means that portion of Conserved Habitat that Fieldstone owns ii fee, located within the Rancheros-Southeast I1 Subarea, consisting of approximately 521.4 acres of land, as shown on tl 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 8 Map (including 15 acres of land required to be conveyed by Fieldstone as mitigation under a prior agreement with FWS). 28. "Rancheros-Southeast 11 Subarea" means that portion of the Plan Area consisting of approximately 1,278.2 acres of land as shown on the Map. 29. ffSpecies of ConcernIf means those species liste in Exhibit 3. 30. "Special Rule" means Section 17.41 (b) Title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations with respect to the Gnatcatcher. 31. flSubareall or lrSubareas If mean, respectively, on or both of the Northwest Subarea and the Rancheros-Southeast I Subarea as depicted on the Map, 32. "Term" means that period during which, regard1 of the "stated termii set forth in Section 111, this Agreement in effect. 33. "Wildlife Conservation Regulations If means all local, State and federal laws, ordinances, regulations, guidelines, policies and directives regulating or restricting . impacts or effects of the Project on Wildlife and its habitat, 05-23-95 9 F:\WPDOC\OI\2110\9505AGR. IA including, without limitation: limitation, Section lO(a), Section 4(d) and the Special Rule; CESA (including, without limitation, Section 2081); NCCP Act (including, without limitation, Section 2835); NCCP Program; NEPA; CEQA; the federal Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act; MB Act, the federal Clean Water Act; Section 1601 and 1603 of the California Fish and Game Code; the California Native Plant Protection Act (California Fish and Game Code Section S 1900 e m.) and City Regulations with respect thereto. As to each party, such wildlife conservation regulations are those administered by or under which the party exercises legal jurisdiction or authority. ESA (including, without B. EXHIBITS Attached to this Agreement are the following Exhibits, which are incorporated herein Qy this reference: Exhibit 1 : Glossaw Exhibit 2 : The Map Exhibit 3 : List of SDecies of Concern Exhibit 4: Findinss and Determinations 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 10 Exhibit 5 : Form of Conservation Easement Exhibit 6 : Form of Risht of First Refusal 11. RECITALS This Agreement is based on the following facts: A. PLAN AREA OWNERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT The Plan Area consists of the Rancheros-Southeast Subarea and Northwest Subarea owned by Fieldstone and others (with respect to the Mag Parcel), and a portion of the right-o way for Future Santa Fe Road owned by the City. I1 Fieldstone and the City desire to: (i) effect the Projec within the Plan Area in phases determined appropriate by the respective developer of each portion thereof; and, (ii) minimi and mitigate the impacts of the Project on the Species of Concc and their habitats by providing for the Conservation of the Species of Concern and their habitats, as provided herein, wit1 the Conserved Habitat. 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 11 B. SPECIES ADDRESSED BY THIS AGREEMENT AND THEIR REGULATION The Species of Concern are species that use, occupy or a. associated with the Plan Area and include, but are not limited species that are: (1) Listed as I1threatenedii or rlendangeredii under ESA or CESA; (2) proposed or candidates for such listing (3) of special concern in California; (4) rare or declining regionally; or (5) of local concern. Certain Species of Conce for example, but without limitation, the Gnatcatcher, are currently Listed under ESA and it is anticipated that one or mi of the other Species of Concern may be proposed to be or may become Listed under ESA or CESA. C. THE HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN The HCP/OMSP has been coJlaboratively developed pursuant a three year facilitated focused planning process led by the C and involving representatives of Fieldstone, the City, DFG, FW; conservation organizations and various other individuals, agencies and organizations in order to fully reconcile concern! regarding the conservation of the Species of Concern and their habitat and the Project and to provide the basis for the expeditious issuance of permits and approvals under and pursua. to the Wildlife Conservation Regulations. consultants have independently and thoroughly reviewed the FWS and DFG 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 12 HCP/OMSP, which is acknowledged to be the product of accurate, thorough and lengthy studies and surveys. D. AUTHORITY OF FWS FWS has provided guidance to the City and Fieldstone in preparation of the HCP/OMSP and entered into this Agreement pursuant to ESA and the United States Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. §§ 661 & m.1 and the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 (16 U.S.C. § 742f). In connection with t enactment of Section lO(a) of the ESA, the United States Congr expressed its intent that FWS cooperate in the development of conservation plans that protect both listed and unlisted specil over the long term while providing assurances regarding the limits of any Mitigation required, stating that: [TI he Secretary [of, the Interior] . . . may . . . approve conservation plans which provide long-term commitments regarding the conservation of listed as well as unlisted species and long-term assurances t the proponent of the conservation plan that the ter of the plan will be adhered to and that further mitigation requirements will only be imposed in accordance with the terms of the plan. In the even that an unlisted species addressed in an approved conservation plan is subsequently listed pursuant t the Act, no further mitigation requirements should imposed if the conservation plan addressed the conservation of the species and its habitat as if t species were listed pursuant to the Act. *** 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 13 It is also recognized that ciyeumstanees and information may change over time and that the origi plan might need to be revised. To address this situation the Committee expects that any plan apprc for a long-term permit will contain a procedure by which the parties will deal with unforeseen circumstances. [H.R. Rep. NO. 97-835, 97th Cong., 2d SeSS. 30-31 (1982)l. E. AUTHORITY OF DFG DFG has participated in the preparation of the HCP/OMSP entered into this Agreement pursuant to CESA, which provides t the Department has jurisdiction over the conservation, protect and management of fish, wildlife, native plants and habitat necessary for biologically sustainable populations of those species. See, e.s., California Fish and Game Code §§ 1801, 181 2000 and 2052. DFG is charged not to approve projects as proposed that would jeopardize the continued existence of any I1endangeredlt or I1threatenedii species or that would result in tl destruction or adverse modification of habitat essential to the continued existence of those species if there are reasonable ar prudent alternatives available consistent with conserving the species or its habitat that would prevent jeopardy. Fish and Game Code Si 2053. economic, social or other conditions make infeasible such alternatives, individual projects may be approved if appropriat nmitigationn and enhancement measures are provided. California Fish and Game Code § 20'54. Further, DFG may authorize the Takc I Californii However, in the event specific 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 14 of Species of Concern Listed under CESA for scientific, educational or management purposes under: (1) CESA and Section 2081; and (2) California Fish and Game Code Sections 2 and 3007. F. RELATIONSHIP TO THE NCCP PROGRAM AND THE SPECIAL RU The State of California enacted the NCCP Act effective January 1, 1992, for the conservation of natural communities. Pursuant to the NCCP Act, the state promulgated the NCCP Progr which is a pilot project under the NCCP Act that provides for preparation Of NCCPs for coastal sage scrub habitat and the species that inhabit and use coastal sage scrub habitat, including the Gnatcatcher. and FWS have entered into that certain "MOU REGARDING COASTAL SAGE SCRUB NATURAL COMMUNITY CONSERVATION PLANNING IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA," executed December,$, 1991, providing for a policy coordination and cooperation between FWS and DFG in the development of plans for the conservation of coastal sage scru natural communities. The California Resources Agency, D FWS has adopted the Special Rule, which defines those conditions under which incidental take of the Gnatcatcher unde the ESA, that is not otherwise excepted under Section 7 or permitted under Section 10(a), will not be considered a violat of the ESA. Those conditions are: (1) if the incidental Take 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 15 results from activities conducted in accordance with an NCCP f the protection of CSS habitat prepared consistent with the Sta of California's NCCP Conservation and Process Guidelines, provided that (a) the NCCP has been prepared, approved and implemented pursuant to the NCCP Act; and (b) the FWS has issu written concurrence that such plan meets the standards set for in 50 C.F.R. § 17.32(b) (2); or (2) during the period that an N is being developed, the incidental Take occurs within an area under the jurisdiction of a local government that is enrolled actively engaged in the preparation of such a plan and such Ta results from activities conducted in accordance with the NCCP Conservation and Process Guidelines. DFG may permit the Taking, as provided elsewhere in the California Fish and Game Code, of any identified species whose llconservation" and llmanagementll is provided for in a DFG apprc NCCP . Section 2835 provides tk I The HCP/OMSP is exempt from the NCCP Act pursuant to Section 3 of the NCCP Act in that it was prepared pursuant to pre-existing agreement for the preparation of a habitat conservation plan or NCCP approved by the Director of DFG pric to January 1, 1992, the effective date of the NCCP Act. Notwithstanding this exemption, as set forth in various agreements related to the preparation of the HCP/OMSP and the among the Parties and among certain Parties and other State agencies responsible for implementation of the NCCP Program, 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\O1\2110\9505AGR.IA 16 including the NCCP Program enrollment agreements between the C and the Resources Agency of the State of California, the Parti intend that the HCP/OMSP be coordinated and consistent with tl- NCCP Program such that the objectives of the NCCP Program will substantially achieved and preparation of a regional NCCP will promoted. Further, while the HCP/OMSP independently meets the requirements of CESA and ESA, the City and Fieldstone also ha\ cooperated with the preparers of the HMP and the MHCP, which z subarea and subregional plans prepared under the NCCP Act, to ensure that the HCP/OMSP will be a completed component of the NCCP Program. Specifically, the HCP/OMSP plan has been prepared, apprc and implemented pursuant to the NCCP Act and is recognized as initial component of the HMP that meets the standards set fort in 50 C.F.R. 17.32(b) (2). The HMP is a subarea component of t on-going MHCP planning effort under the NCCP Program. The HMI and MHCP are on-going multiple species and multiple habitat conservation plans prepared in the context of ESA, CESA and tl NCCP Program to achieve the goals of and objectives of the Wildlife Regulations in general. On acceptance by the FWS an( DFG of the MHCP, the HCP/OMSP shall be considered an approved component of that subregional NCCP Plan. I 05 - 23 - 95 F:\UPDOC\O1\2110\9505AGR. IA 17 G. AUTHORITY OF THE CITY The City is authorized to enter into and has entered int this Agreement pursuant to statutes and the Constitution of tk State of California, authorizing the City to regulate the use land, accept or approve open space and conservation easements, create assessment districts, enact conservation and open space elements for general plans, preserve natural resources, incluc Wildlife, and exercise general planning and zoning powers, and enter into contracts and take other actions to conserve wildli resources and reconcile such concerns with economic developmer See, ea, California Government Code §§ 50060.5, 51205, 5107C 50575, 65302, 65560, 65864, California Civil Code § 815.3, California Streets and Highways Code §§ 22500-22679 and the California Constitution, including, without limitation, Article 11. The Parties recognize that the City is both a Permittee with respect to permjts and MOUs regarding public improvements and facilities, the possible management of the Conserved Habitat and the Impact Areas generally, under Section 10(a) and Section 2081, and a local jurisdiction with authority to regulate the use of lands within its jurisdictior including the Plan Area. 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 18 H. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND ASSURANCES 1. HCP/OMSP Consistencv with Wildlife Conservatic Requlations The HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreement is intended to effect the long-term reconciliation of the Conservation of the Species of Concern and economic developmer activities within the Plan Area, and to be consistent with and fulfill the requirements of all Wildlife Conservation Regulati with respect to the Project and Plan Activities including, without limitation: Section lO(a), the MBTA, Section 2081, Section 2835, Section 404 of the federal Clean Water Act (witk respect to the avoidance, minimization and mitigation of all impacts on the Species of Concern and their habitat with respc to all waters of the United Stqtes within the Plan Area, but r impacts to such jurisdictional waters that are subject to mitigation independent of the Species of Concern; provided, however, that mitigation for the bridges in connection with Rancho Santa Fe Road has not been provided (including mitigat: for Species of Concern)), and any required mitigation of impac to, or other actions with respect to, Species of Concern and their habitat under any Streambed Alteration Agreements with respect to the Plan Area required pursuant to Sections 1601 & -. of the California Fish and Game Code; the NCCP Program; ' Special Rule; the California Native Plant Protection Act; and 05 -23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 19 City Wildlife Regulations. The HCP/OMSP, as implemented by th Agreement, is: (1) consistent with and will complement other applicable conservation planning and regulatory programs and efforts addressing Wildlife in the City, the subregion and in region, such as the HMP, the MSCP and the MCCP Program; and, ( based on current scientific and other information, reduces and mitigates the potential significant adverse impacts of the Project and Plan Activities on the Species of Concern and thei habitats to a level of insignificance. 2. Reliance on Undertakinss Each of the parties has bargained for and relied tc its detriment, and has intended that the other parties rely, t the significant and valuable undertakings, assurances, and thc punctual and complete performance under and with respect to tl Agreement. 111. TERM OF THE AGREEMENT A. STATED TERM This Agreement shall become effective as of the EffectiT Date and shall remain in full force and effect during the per: of time commencing on the Effective Date and terminating thirl (30) years from the Effective Date (the "Stated Termll), subjec 05-23-95 F:\UPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 20 to earlier termination pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. B. PERMANENCE OF CONSERVED HABITAT AND OFFSITE MITIGA'I PARCEL Notwithstanding the Term of this Agreement, once any Species of Concern have been incidentally Taken and their habj modified within the Plan Area pursuant to the HCP/OMSP and thj Agreement, the take and habitat modification shall be permaner Therefore the provisions of the HCP and this Agreement regardj the maintenance, preservation and dedication of Conserved Habj within the Plan Area, and maintenance and preservation of the Offsite Conservation Lands shall likewise, to the extent permitted by law, be permanent and extend beyond the Term of t Agreement. I IV. AUTHORIZATION TO TAKE A. ISSUANCE OF SECTION 10(a) PERMIT AND SECTION 208 pIoJ 1. Section 10(a) Permit On the Effective Date, FWS has issued a Section lO(a) Permit authorizing the incidental Take by the 05 -23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 21 Permittees in connection with the Project and Plan Activities, of Species of Concern that are Listed or may be Listed in the future under ESA, which permit requires compliance with this Agreement as a condition thereof. to each Species of Concern that is not currently Listed under the ESA, the permit shall become effective with respect to such Species of Concern upon its Listing under the ESA. As 2. Section 2081 MOU This Agreement constitutes a Memorandum of Understanding under Section 2081 and authorization under Section 2835 whereby the Permittees are authorized and permitted to Take the Species of Concern (Listed or which may become Listed in the futpre under CESA) for the Term, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. B. FURTHER PERMITS WITH RESPECT TO UNLISTED SPECIES OF CONCERN Notwithstanding Section IV.A.l, in the event that it is judicially determined that FWS was not authorized to issue a Section 10(a) permit for all of the Species of Concern, FWS shall issue Section 10(a) permits for the 05 - 23 -95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 22 Species of Concern as they become Listed, as otherwise provided in this Section IV,B, Upon application from time to time by the City or Fieldstone for further Section lO(a) Permits, subject to compliance with ESA and applicable statutes and regulations (but not including any requirement of further surveys on the part of the applicant), after public review and subject to the provision with respect to the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances set forth below, as soon as practicable, FWS shall issue further Section lO(a) Permits for the remaining Term of this Agreement allowing the incidental Take of the Species of Concern by the Permittees in connection with the Plan Activities in accordance with this Agreement and shall not request, impose, recommend or require further mitigation, compensation or protection for the listed species under NEPA, ESA, or any other Wilwife Conservation Regulations, except as expressly provided in this Agreement. C. LISTING OF OTHER SPECIES In connection with the Listing under ESA or CESA of any species other than a Species of Concern, and upon prope application, FWS or DFG, as appropriate, shall expeditious1 consider the issuance and if appropriate issue a Section 10(a) Permit or a Section 2081 MOU, as applicable, in connection with the Project upon a finding that the HCP/OM$ 05 -23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 23 and IA meet ESA or CESA, as applicable, standards for the issuance of an Incidental Take Permit for such species. In determining whether any further mitigation measurer are required to issue a Section 10(a) Permit or enter into E Section 2081 MOU with respect to a species, other than a Species of Concern, FWS and DFG shall: (1) take into consideration that Fieldstone and the City have minimized and mitigated the impacts to the Species of Concern within the Plan Area to the maximum extent practicable; and, (ii) use their best efforts to cooperate with Fieldstone and the City in good faith to minimize the adverse impacts of the Listing of such species on the Project. D. ISSUANCE OF MBTA PERMITS Upon application from time to time by Fieldstone or the City, and upon compliance with applicable permit review procedures, FWS shall expeditiously issue MBTA Permits allowing the Take of any birds covered by the MBTA, with compliance with the terms of this Agreement as a condition thereof. Prior to individual development activity within any of the Impact Areas, in addition to the requirements of the HCP/OMSP, Fieldstone shall implement measures to relocate raptors that are Species of Concern so as to minimize impacts thereto. 05 - 23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 24 E. NOTICES OF PROPOSED RULES AFFECTING ANY SPECIES OF CONCERN DFG and FWS each shall use its best efforts to endeavor to send any future public notices to Fieldstone an( the City of any proposed rule which it promulgates to protect a Species of Concern as a Listed Species of Concern Upon application for a Section 10(a), FWS and DFG shall endeavor to expeditiously process the application so as to allow, in accordance with Section 1V.B. above, the issuance concurrently with the taking effect of such listing or as soon thereafter as possible. F. CITY PROJECT APPROVAL AND ASSURANCES 1. No ARRrOVal of Project Beyond Wildlife Nothing in this Section IV. shall be interpreted as a final approval of the Project by the City. review by the City will be required before any portion of the Project may be developed; provided, however, that under no circumstances shall the City request, require, impose or recommend any further Mitigation, compensation, enhancement protection or Conservation with respect to the Species of Concern beyond that required by this Agreement. Further 05 -23-95 F:\WPDOC\O1\2110\9~05AGR.IA 25 2. General Plan Amendment It is acknowledged that the City has adopted a General Plan providing for certain types and levels of development within the Impact Areas. The City shall use its best efforts to expeditiously consider amending said General Plan to provide collectively for the following: a. the redesignation of Melrose Avenue South of Rancho Santa Fe Road from “prime arterial” to “major arterial” ; b. the revision of the open space and areas designated for development in the land use map of the General Plan to be consistent with, respectively, the Conserved Habitat and Impact, Areas provided for in the HCP/OMSP and provision that no further open space will be required beyond the Conserved Habitat under the General Plan, including but not limited to the growth management provisions thereof; c. the shift of allowable dwelling units currently provided for within the portions of the Conserved Habitat to the Impact Areas (including, for example, portions of the Impact Areas currently designated as open space under the General Plan); and, 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 26 d. the requirement that the owner of the MAG Parcel reimburse Fieldstone for a prorata share of the costs of preparing the HCP/OMSP as a condition precedent to said owner receiving any benefits under the HCP/OMSP and this Agreement - 3. Environmental Review of Project The City shall use its best efforts to expeditiously complete the environmental review of each phase of the Project under applicable federal, state and local laws governing environmental and public review of the approval of those projects. G. UTILITY LINES, OTHER FACILITIES AND ACTIVITIES IT CONSERVED =ITAT i The Project and Plan Activities include the creation, construction, installation, repair, maintenance, and replacement of required utilities, facilities, related corridors, and public uses and rights-of-way within Conserved Habitat (including, but not limited to: vegetation modification within zones established pursuant tc City ordinances for the protection of urban development fro1 catastrophic fire (fuel modification zones); and temporary and permanent uses, ways and facilities for drainage, water 05-23-95 F:\UPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 27 electricity, telephone, sewer, gas and other utilities and services). All such Project elements and Plan Activities located within the Conserved Habitat shall be subject to approval by FWS, DFG and the City as being in accordance with this Section, which approvals shall not be unreasonabl; withheld, and in this regard: (i) shall be designed to minimize and avoid impacts on the Species of Concern and their habitat within Conserved Habitat to the maximum exteni practicable, consistent with the requirements of the Projeci and Plan Activities and the levels of development provided for in the City General Plan; and, (ii) any such impacts on such species shall be offset as soon as practicable by the revegetation of habitat, adaptive management measures withi: Conserved Habitat and Minor Adjustments. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any fuel modification zone required to serve elements of the Project shall be located within the Impact Areas to the extent reasonably practicabl taking into consideration the levels of development within the Impact Areas contemplated by the City General Plan and when located in Conserved Habitat shall be fully mitigated in accordance with this Section. The dedication of Conserved Habitat and the conveyance of the conservation easement provided for in Section V.A. shall except and reserve to Fieldstone the rights and interests necessary to carry out the purposes of this Section 1V.G. 05 -23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 28 V. OBLIGATIONS OF FIELDSTONE AND FUNDING Fieldstone shall perform the covenants set forth in this Section V., in accordance with and subject to the condition: set forth in this Agreement. A. CONVEYANCE OF CONSERVED HABITAT AND OFFSITE MITIGATION PARCEL 1, Convevance of On-site Conserved Habitat Prior to the disturbance of any habitat occupied by any Species of Concern within a subarea of the Plan Area (except for minor activities approved by the FWS and DFG, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld) and in nc event later than two years after the Effective Date of this Agreement or six months after the amendment of the General Plan as provided in Section IV.F.2., whichever date occurs later, Fieldstone shall irrevocably offer to convey: I a. a conservation easement to the DFG in and over the Conserved Habitat within said Subarea, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 5, providing that said Conserved Habitat will be held and used in perpetuity for Wildlife Conservation purposes; and 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 29 b. fee title to the Conserved Habitat within said Subarea, to be held and used in perpetuity for Wildlife Conservation purposes to, in order of preference: (1) the HMP Conservancy, provided that at the time of conveyance: Conservancy establishes to the satisfaction of FWS, a viablt source of funding for the permanent management of said portion of the Conserved Habitat in accordance with the HCP/OMSP; and, (b) the HMP Conservancy commits in writing tc accept said conveyance and assume for the benefit of FWS anc DFG the obligation to manage, operate and maintain said portion of the Conserved Habitat in perpetuity for Wildlife Conservation purposes only in accordance with the RCP/OMSP and this Agreement; or, (a) Fieldstone and or the HMP I (2) in the event that the HMP Conservancy fails to satisfy the requirements of paragraph V.A.l.b(l) above, a Conservation Entity jointly designated in a written notice to Fieldstone by FWS, DFG and the City that otherwise satisfies the requirement of paragraph V.A.1.b. (1) above; or (3) in the event that neither the HMP Conservancy nor any other Conservation Entity approved by FWS, DFG and the City has committed to accept said -. 05 -23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 30 conveyance in accordance with this paragraph and paragraph (11, a homeowners association for the Project, provided however, that said homeowners association satisfies the requirements of V.A.1.b. (1). Said conveyance by Fieldstone shall be subject to, and shall reserve and except, the rights and easements necessary to provide for certain elements of the Project an( Plan Activities within Conserved Habitat in accordance with Section 1V.G. hereinabove; liens for taxes and assessments; and rights, interests and exceptions and conditions of titlt that do not interfere with the use of the Conserved Habitat for Wildlife Conservation as reasonably approved by FWS and DFG. Fieldstone may provide in any such conveyance of I the Conserved Habitat for a reversion of fee title to Fieldstone on the occurrence of the condition subsequent that the Conserved Habitat is used for any purpose other than wildlife conservation in accordance with this Agreemen. and the HCP. In the event of any such reversion of title tc Fieldstone and the availability of the trust fund provided in Section V.D.2., Fieldstone shall accept and hold title subject to the obligations of the Conservation Entity to maintain the Conserved Habitat as provided in this Agreement. 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\O1\2110\9505AGR.IA 31 Unless and until Fieldstone completes the conveyance of the Conserved Habitat as provided in this Section V.A.l.b., Fieldstone shall continue to manage, operate, and maintain those portions of the Conserved Habitat not then conveyed in accordance with the HCP/OMSP and this Agreement, until such conveyance is completed or the termination of this Agreement with respect to such unconveyed portions of the Conserved Habitat pursuant to Section X. hereinbelow. 2. Convevance of Offsite Mitiqation Parcel Prior to or concurrently with the earlier of: (i) the recordation of any final subdivision tract map for development within the Northwest Subarea; or (ii) any disturbance of habitat by Fieldstone related to development of the Project within the Impact Areas of the Northwest Subarea, Fieldstone shall cause the "Offsite Mitigation Parcel" to be conveyed as provided in Section VI.B.l.a.(2). B. MAINTENANCE OF CONSERVED HABITAT BY FIELDSTONE PENDING CONVEYANCE Prior to conveyance of the Conserved Habitat pursuant to Section V.A. above, Fieldstone, at its sole cost and 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 32 expense, shall manage, operate and maintain the Conserved Habitat and in accordance with the HCP/OMSP and this Agreement. Such required Management activities, as detailec in the HCP/OMSP, include: 1. the removal of trash resulting from dumping in order to prevent disturbance and the establishment of non-native weedy plant species; 2, trapping and removal of cowbirds for the purpose of reducing the potential for cowbird parasitism of the Gnatcatcher and other passerine nests in accordance wit1 the cowbird trapping program outlined in the HCP/OMSP and the Addenda thereto; and 3. monitoring of the Conserved Habitat for the I presence of feral animals and, to the extent reasonably practicable, exclusion of such animals from the Conserved Habitat. C. PROTECTION OF ON-SITE CONSERVED HABITAT IN CONNECTION WITH DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Prior to the grading of any portion of the Impact Areas reasonably adjacent to the Conserved Habitat, Fieldstone shall: 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 33 1. activities and the adjacent Conserved Habitat so as to limit access thereto; no construction access, parking or storage of equipment or materials shall be permitted within Conserved Habitat; fence the boundary between the development 2. prior to any grading or vegetation removal, conduct a survey, utilizing a monitoring biologist (IIMonitoring Biologisti1) approved by FWS, DFG and the City, which approval shall be expeditiously provided and shall noi be unreasonably withheld, to locate on-site nests of Gnatcatchers; nests shall be marked and mapped on the project grading plan; and during breeding/nesting season fo: the Gnatcatcher, no grading operations shall take place within 500 feet of nests containing eggs or nestlings; I 3. engage the Monitoring Biologist to be on- site during brush clearing and grading operations affecting CSS Habitat; the Monitoring Biologist shall flush Gnatcatchers from occupied habitat areas immediately prior to brush clearing and earth moving or, if they cannot be flushed, they shall be captured in mist nets and relocated to Conserved Habitat, and shall ensure that no Gnatcatchers are directly removed by brush clearing or earth moving equipment ; 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 34 4. comply with City-mandated dust control programs and periodically spray CSS Habitat vegetation in the vicinity of construction with water to reduce dust accumulated on leaves as necessary to avoid injury to the vegetation; and, 5. minimize and mitigate the impacts on Conserved Habitat in connection with any elements of the Project or Plan Activities contemplated pursuant to Section 1V.G. hereinabove. 6. carry out such additional protective measures as are provided for in the HCP/OMSP. D. FUNDING I 1. Bv Fieldstone Fieldstone shall pay, or cause to be paid, the amounts, and incur and bear the costs and expenses set fort in this Section V.D. a. Maintenance of Conserved Habitat As provided in Section V.B,, above, Fieldstone shall incur and pay the costs and expenses with 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\O1\2110\9505AOR.IA 35 respect to the maintenance of the Conserved Habitat prior tc conveying said parcels pursuant to Section V.A., above. b. Citv HMP Procrram and Research Prior to or concurrently with the recordation of the first final subdivision tract map for development within the Impact Areas related to the Project, Fieldstone shall pay: (1) to the City a sum of money, not tc exceed one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($lSO,OOO), determined by the City as necessary to fund the EiMP Program; and, (2) to a person or entity, approved b: I FWS and DFG, the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) to conduct research regarding the Conservation of the Gnatcatcher and CSS habitat. 2. Fundins of Lonq-term Maintenance of Conserved Habitat 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 36 a. Budset for Lons-term Maintenance and Limit of Fieldstone Oblisation Included in the Addenda to the HCP/OMSP is the Budget for the annual costs with respect to the long- term operation and management of the Conserved Habitat. From and after the conveyance of the Conserved Habitat, pursuant to Section V.A., above, Fieldstone shall have no further obligation to incur or pay any costs or expenses with respect to the Conserved Habitat, provided that, and subject to the approval of FWS, a source of funding has bee1 established that will provide permanent funding in the amount of the aggregate of the costs set forth in the Budget o The following funding sources may be considered: (1) an assessment or tax, such as, foi 1 example, an assessment pursuant to the Habitat Maintenance Funding Act (Section 2900 et seq. of the California Fish and Game Code) for a period of thirty (30) years; (2) as to the Conserved Habitat only, a covenant running with the land burdening the residential development within the Plan Area similar to that provided in the San 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 37 Bruno Mountain Habitat Conservation Plan anc Implementation Agreement; and, (3) an endowment fund for such purpos~ held by the City, Conservation Entity or, a: to the Conserved Habitat only, a homeowners association, holding fee title to the Conserved Habitat in an amount that when invested at an interest rate of 6% would provide an annual income (exclusive of principal) equal to the annual costs set forth in the Budget adjusted from time to time for anticipated inflation. Upon conveyance of fee title and establishing a long-term source of funding acceptable to FW! for the permanent maintenance of the Conserved Habitat, in accordance with this Section and Section V.A. hereinabove, Fieldstone shall thereupon and without further action of thc Parties be released from its obligations under this Agreement with respect to the further maintenance of the Conserved Habitat. Concurrently therewith or thereafter an1 upon the request by Fieldstone, FWS, DFG and the City shall execute and deliver to Fieldstone a written release of Fieldstone confirming the foregoing. be interpreted to release or require the release of Nothing herein shall 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR. 1A 38 Fieldstone for any liability for any breach in the performance of its obligations hereunder occurring said transfer. prior tc b. Public Efforts to Provide Lons Term Funding The City may consider any proposal to utilize public funding mechanisms for the long-term conservation of the Conserved Habitat under the HMP or MHCP by use of funds available for Wildlife Conservation purposes, including, but not limited to taxes, assessments (such as those under the Habitat Maintenance Funding Act), levies, grants or other funding provided from public sources, including without limitation, the federal government, State, and the NCCP Program. In the event that the City chooses to fund the implementation of the HCP/OMSP I as set forth in this Section by use of taxes, assessments 0: levies that will affect the Project, Fieldstone shall, in accordance with applicable law, cooperate with the City to establish, and shall consent to, the imposition of reasonable taxes, assessments or levies encumbering the Impact Areas, but in no event exceeding $50.00 per residenc or parcel per year (adjusted from time to time based on changes in the Consumer Price Index ("CPI") for the Los 05 - 23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 39 Angeles/Anaheim/ Riverside All Urban Consumers Index published by the U.S. Department of Labor). c. Fundins throush Homeowners Association and Endowment It is acknowledged that it is preferable fo: the maintenance of the Conserved Habitat to be undertaken b! a Conservation Entity other than a homeowners association and, accordingly, it is anticipated that public funding wil: be provided for the maintenance of the Conserved Habitat as provided above and shall be provided to the extent that public funding generally is provided for the maintenance of other lands to be conserved as habitat within the City. Thc covenants effecting the charge, if covenants are utilized, shall also provide that the charge shall be reduced and offset to the extent that a tax or benefit or impact assessment is levied on or with respect to any residences subject to said pro-rata charge, or any private or public funds become available, to provide for the maintenance of the Conserved Habitat. I E. CONDITION PRECEDENT TO PERFORMANCE It is a condition precedent to the obligations of Fieldstone to convey-the Conserved Habitat, acquire and 05 -23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 40 convey the Offsite Mitigation Parcel, and pay the monies required under this Section V. and to the authorization to Fieldstone and the City to incidentally Take any Species of Concern, that this Agreement has been entered into and the General Plan has been amended as provided in Section 1V.F. hereinabove, and are in full force and effect, free of all outstanding litigation attacking the validity or effect of this Agreement or the General Plan Amendment. The Parties shall in good faith cooperate in the expeditious consideration and adoption by the City of said General Plan Amendment. The conditions precedent set forth in this Section are for the benefit of and may be waived by Fieldstone. VI. CITY HMP; ADDITIONAL CONSERVATION; LONG-TERM MANAGEMENT OF CONSERVED HABITAT AND RELATED MEASURES I A. CITY HMP City shall use its best efforts to expeditiously complete the HMP in accordance with the NCCP Program. B. ADDITIONAL CONSERVATION TO BE PROVIDED UNDER HMp 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 41 1. Accru;s;t;on of Lands within the Corridor between Carlsbad and the San Diemito Rivemark Plannins Area In the pre-permitting review of the HCP/OMSP, a concern was raised regarding the tradeoff requested by FWS, which is now reflected in the HCP/OMSP (increasing Fieldstone's dedication of onsite acquisition 0: southern maritime chaparral and decreasing the then propose( offsite acquisition of 240 acres of Gnatcatcher habitat). Acknowledging the foregoing, through the HMP and the MHCP, the City shall act as the lead agency and cause to be conveyed to the Conservation Entity, or another conservatioi organization approved by CDFG and FWS, to be held for wildlife conservation uses, an additional 240 acres of land: of value to the Gnatcatcher (as habitat or for connectivity within the corridor between the City and the San Dieguito i Riverpark Planning Area ( "Off site Conservation Land&' I - These lands shall be paid for from sources available for thc implementation of the HMP and/or MHCP (in part by Fieldstonc as provided below) and shall be designated, approved and acquired in accordance with the following: a. Prior to the approval and recordation of any final subdivision map for any portion of the 05 -23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 42 Northwest Subarea or any City-permitted disturbance of the Northwest Subarea: (1) The City, as lead agency, shall, with the approval of FWS and CDFG, designate one or more candidate parcels that would be acceptable as the Offsite Conservation Land; . (designated and approved parcels are hereinafter referred to as "Approved Candidate Parcels") ; and, (2) Fieldstone shall cause to be conveyed to the Conservation Entity or another conservation organization designate( by FWS and DFG, fee title to a portion of the Approved Candidate Parcels which are designated in a written notice by the City, as lead agency, to Fieldstone (together wit1 the conveyance of a conservation easement tc DFG over said parcel, substantially the Sam as the conservation easement provided for i Section V.A.l.a., above), with a purchase price to be paid by Fieldstone of not to exceed $1,000,000, adjusted in accordance with the Consumer Price Index ("CPI") for Los Angeles/Anaheim/Riverside All Urban I 05-23-95 F:\UPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 43 Consumers Index published by the U.S. Department of Labor, from the Effective Date until the end of the calendar month next preceding the acquisition of the designated parcel. (‘Off site Mitigation Parcel” ) . City, FWS and DFG shall take all actions reasonably requested by Fieldstone in order to enable Fieldstone to complete said conveyance within the reasonable time constraints established by Fieldstone in conjunction with the development of the Impact Areas within the Northwest Subarea. In the event that Fieldstone acquires the Offsite Mitigation Parcel prior to the conveyance thereof pursuant to this Paragraph VI,B.l.a.(2), it shall hold and maintain said parcel in the same manner as provided in Section V.B. with respect to Conserved Habitat. I b, The approved HMP shall identify the Approved Candidate Parcels, any such lands that have been acquired pursuant to the Fieldstone obligation, and the method, source and timing of the acquisition of any Approve( Offsite Conservation Lands left to be acquired. The City, as lead agency, shali coordinate activities so that any 05 -23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 44 remaining lands to be acquired shall be acquired as expeditiously as practicable, taking into consideration the availability of funds under the HMP and MHCP. In any event, the City cannot commit General Fund monies to this purpose. c. As a condition to any conveyance pursuant to and satisfying the requirements of this Section VI.B., the following shall have been provided for through the adopted HMP or MHCP, or in a manner otherwise approved by FWS and CDFG: term maintenance of the parcel to be conveyed, in a manner similar to the Conserved Habitat, or in the event that the HMP or MHCP has been approved by FWS and DFG, as provided ii such approved HMP or MHCP; and, (ii) assurances that the parcel shall be dedicated in perpetuity for wildlife conservation (subject only to exceptions approved by FWS anc CDFG) . (i) funding and provision for the long- I 2. Further Acauisition Discussions Until the further sale of lands that it owns within the Plan Area, Fieldstone shall continue to conduct good faith, willing seller negotiations with the City, FWS and CDFG for lands within the Impact Areas that may be identified in connection with the development of the HMP an1 the MHCP as high conkervation value in relationship to 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 45 regional conservation; provided, however, that the foregoins shall not be construed as conveying an option to purchase 03: as a limitation on the right of Fieldstone to develop the lands within the Impact Areas or to sell the lands within the Impact Areas to others for development purposes, and that the foregoing shall not be considered as fulfilling an] mitigation requirements of Fieldstone. 3. Risht of First Refusal Concurrent with the taking effect of this Agreement, Fieldstone, the City or its designee and the holder of the deed of trust encumbering the lands owned by Fieldstone within the Rancheros-Southeast I1 Subarea shall have entered into a Right of First Refusal Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 6. I C. LONG TERM MAINTENANCE OF CONSERVED HABITAT Following the conveyance of the Conserved Habitat by Fieldstone pursuant to Section V.A., the Conservation Entit] shall manage and maintain the Conserved Habitat for wildlifc conservation purposes in accordance with this Section VI. 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 46 1. Creation of the HMP Conservancy The City shall use its best efforts to establish the IEMP Conservancy to accept fee title to the Conserved Habitat as the Conservation Entity for Conservation purpose: and to assume for the benefit of FWS and DFG the obligation of maintaining the Conserved Habitat in accordance with this Agreement and to assist the other Parties in obtaining tax, benefit assessment or other funding for the Conservation of such lands to provide the funding necessary to cover the costs set forth in the Budget. 2- Annual Report, Prosram and Budset Prior to February 1 of each year, the Conservation Entity shall prepare and deliver to the Wildlife Agencies and the City: t a. a report on the management of the Conserved Habitat during the prior year (based on a calenda: year), including information relating to the prior year regarding: any monitoring and surveying for the Species of Concern; expenditures by the Conservation Entity as compare1 with the Budget and Budget projections prepared as part of the pervious year program; 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 47 b. any Taking of the Species of Concern b.1 the Conservation Entity in the Management: of the Conserved Habitat; and, c. a proposed program for the current yea] (and first two months of the next succeeding year), including: proposed enhancement, research and monitoring activities, together with a proposed Budget projection as compared with the Budget and expenditures for the then next preceding year. 3. CooDeration of Wildlife Asencies and the Citv In the implementation of this Agreement and the HCP/OMSP, the Wildlife Agencies and City, at their own cost and expense and subject to the availability of appropriated funds, shall observe and perform the obligations which are to be observed or performed by them as set forth in this Agreement. The Wildlife Agencies and City shall expeditiously, in good faith using their best efforts, cooperate with Fieldstone in the implementation, performancl and observance of the provisions, and in obtaining the objectives of this Agreement. Such cooperation shall 05 - 23 - 95 F:\WPDOC\OI \2110\9505AGR. IA 48 include, for example: technical, monitoring (em, in connection with the monitoring under permits and MOUs issuec and entered into pursuant to this Agreement) and research assistance, consultation and advice with respect to the maintenance of the Conserved Habitat. 4. Coordination of Conservation and Manasement Measures with Other Conservation Proqrams The Parties shall cooperate in expeditiously approving the Offsite Conservation Lands to be acquired and conveyed, as provided for in Section VI.B.l. hereinabove, ii coordination with other conservation efforts and programs, including, without limitation, the NCCP Program, the MHCP and the HMP Program. At the option of Fieldstone and the City, and upon reasonable approval of FWS and DFG, Fieldstone and the City may I participate in broader conservation plans or programs, and Fieldstone and the City, and Fieldstone or the City, as appropriate, would be thereupon subject to the restrictions of such broader plans and programs and would have the right to participate in and receive and apply to the implementation of the HCP/OMSP the benefits of such plans, including but not limited to the benefit of taxes, assessments, levies, grants or other type of funding provided for Wildlife, acquisition, or Conservation purposes from any public or private source, 05 - 23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\950SAGR~~A 49 including without limitation the State, the NCCP Program, and the HMP Program. 5. Enhancement of San Marcos Creek Habitat The parties shall use their best efforts to encourage the Conservation of those lands immediately outside the Plan Area that are located within and adjacent to San Marcos Creek. 6. Relocation of SDG&E Easements It is acknowledged that the Parties do not own 03 control the SDG&E easements as shown on the Map. request of Fieldstone, the Parties shall use their best efforts, consistent with each of their individual authorities and jurisdictions, to cooperate in the relocation and consolidation of the southern-most SDG&E easement into the northern-most SDG&E easement, all in a manner that will minimize to the maximum extent practicable the impact on the Species of Concern resulting therefrom. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, upon the request of Fieldstone, the Wildlife Agencies shall consult with the Parties in determining the most effective and efficient ways in which to minimize and mitigate the impact: of any such consolidition on the Species of Concern. Upon the I 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 50 VII. UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES A. IN GENERAL The Parties have made every effort to anticipate the conservation measures necessary to Conserve the Species of Concern within the Conserved Habitat and Offsite Mitigation Parcel and have consulted the best available scientific and other information. The HCP/OMSP reduces the potential for adverse Unforeseen Circumstances on the Species of Concern to a level of insignificance. Circumstances result in, or threaten, a substantial change in the population of any Species of Concern, as determined pursuant to the procedure outlined below, the parties shall cooperate to resolve the adverse impacts in accordance with this Section VII. Should adverse Unforeseen B. PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING OCCURRENCE OF UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES As a condition precedent to making any determination regarding the occurrence of any Unforeseen Circumstances, the agency making the determination shall strictly comply with the following procedure: 05 - 23-95 51 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR-IA 1. Notice to Parties At least thirty (30) days prior to making a determination, the agency shall provide written notice to the other Parties of its intention to consider making the determination, together with a detailed statement of the facts regarding the Unforeseen Circumstances involved and the anticipated impact thereof on the respective Species of Concern and all supporting information. 2. Submission of Information bv Other Parties The other Parties shall have a meaningful opportunity to submit information to the determining agency and shall submit said information within thirty (30) days oj said notice. Upon written request by any Party to, and the approval of, the determining agency, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld, the time for submission of said information may be extended. 3. Findinss The agency making the determination shall have the burden of demonstrating that Unforeseen Circumstances exist, using the best scientific and commercial data available. The Service’s findings must be clearly 05 -23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 52 documented and based upon reliable technical information regarding the status and habitat requirements of the affected species. C. RESPONSE TO OCCURRENCE OF UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES If a Wildlife Agency determines that Unforeseen Circumstances have occurred in accordance with Section VII.B., hereinabove, and that additional mitigation from Fieldstone or the City is required to address such circumstances, and provided that Fieldstone and the City have fully complied with the terms of the HCP/OMSP, such mitigation shall limit changes to the original terms of the HCP/OMSP to the maximum extent possible and shall be limitec to modifications within the Conserved Habitat and Offsite Mitigation Parcel or to the HCP/OMSP’s operating conservation program for the affected Species of Concern. Additional mitigation requirements shall not involve the payment of additional compensation or apply to parcels of land available for development or land management under the original terms of the HCP/OMSP without the consent of Fieldstone and the City. FWS shall retain the right, as authorized under Section 5 of the ESA, to acquire endangerec or threatened species habitat by purchase when additional 05 -23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 53 conservation measures are necessary for a listed Species of Concern under the HCP/OMSP. VIII. AMENDMENTS, MINOR ADJUSTMENTS AND EMF,RGENCY ACTIONS A. FURTHER ACTIONS AND AMENDMENTS From time to time hereafter, the Parties shall executl such instruments and other documents and take such other actions, upon the request of the other, as may be necessary or desirable to carry out the intent of this Agreement. This Agreement and the HCP/OMSP shall not be amended or modified in any way except by a written instrument executed by the Parties. Material changes, other than Minor Adjustments, to the HCP/OMSP shall be processed as an amendment to the Section 10(a) permit in accordance with CESA and ESA and permit regulations at 50 C.F.R. Parts 13 and 17 and shall be subject to appropriate environmental review. I B. MINOR ADJUSTMENTS Minor Adjustments in the Conservation measures under the HCP/OMSP and this Agreement and all permits and MOUs issued or entered into pursuant hereto may be approved by Field Supervisor of FWS, on behalf of FWS, and Director of 05 - 23-95 Ft\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 54 DFG, on behalf of DFG, and shall take effect upon the written approval of all the Parties and without further amendment of the HCP/OMSP, this Agreement or said permits and MOUs. Upon the written request for the approval of a Minor Adjustment pursuant to this Section VIII., the Parties shall use their best efforts to expeditiously consider and, if appropriate, approve said request within thirty (30) days of said request. - C. ACTIONS TO PROTECT HUMAN HEALTH AND SAFETY Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted as an additional constraint beyond those provided in law, prohibiting Fieldstone or the City from Taking a Species of Concern in accordance with 16 U.S.C. § 1540 (a) (3). IX. MAG PARCEL The HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreement provides adequate Mitigation measures for potential significant adverse impacts to the Species of Concern from the development of the MAG Parcel. Both the HCP/OMSP and this Agreement were prepared at the sole cost and expense of the City and Fieldstone and any right of the owners or developers of the Mag Parcel to incidentally Take any Liste Species of Concern with respect to the Mag Parcel under the 05 - 23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 55 Section lO(a) Permit and Section 2081 MOU contemplated by this Agreement shall be derived from the City in connection with the approval of the development of the Mag Parcel unde: the City Regulations. As a condition precedent to permitting or allowing the enjoyment of the Section lO(a) Permit and Section 2081 MOU by the Mag Parcel owners or developers, the City shall require: (1) the full reimbursement to Fieldstone of an equitable portion attributable to the Mag Parcel of the Mitigation measures and the costs and expenses related to the preparation and implementation of the HCP/OMSP and this Agreement as approved by Fieldstone; and, (2) the assumptio by the owners of the Mag Parcel of the obligations under this Agreement as they relate to the Mag Parcel (such as, for example, the commitment not to disturb CSS Habitat prio to the dedication of the Conserved Habitat as provided in Section V.A. above). I Notwithstanding the foregoing, the owner of the MAG Parcel is not now and under no circumstances shall be a third part beneficiary of this Agreement or any of the rights or interests of Fieldstone or any other Party hereunder. It i acknowledged that MAG Properties, in its discretion, may elect not to seek or obtain from the City the benefit of th Section lO(a) Permit, and the Section 2081 MOU, and may 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\950SAGR.IA 56 independently seek to obtain such permits and authorization! directly from the Wildlife Agencies or to otherwise comply with applicable law, including the Wildlife Regulations. 11 such event, the Parties shall in good faith consider the amendment of the HCPJOMSP, the Section 10(a) Permit and the Section 2081 MOU to delete the Mag Parcel and to equitably reduce, if appropriate, the obligations of Fieldstone thereunder and under this Agreement. . X. TERMINATION BY FIELDSTONE Prior to the more than deminimis disturbance of any habitat occupied by the Species of Concern within the Plan Area, Fieldstone shall have the right, at its option, and upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other Parties, to terminate this Agreement in whole. Prior to more than deminimis disturbance of any habitat occupied by a Species of Concern within a particular Subarea, Fieldstone shall have the right, at its option, and upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other Parties, to terminate this Agreement as to the affected Subarea. From and after the effective date of such termination, the Parties shall have no further rights or obligations under this Agreement in whole or, in the event that Fieldstone terminates the Agreement with respect to a Subarea, as to the Subarea affected. 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 57 In the event that this Agreement is terminated as to only one Subarea, the obligations of Fieldstone to pay monies under Section V. and to maintain the Conserved Habitat shal: be proportionally reduced on the basis of the number of acres of Conserved Habitat within each Subarea, except that the acquisition and conveyance of the Offsite Mitigation Parcel and the establishment of a source of funding for the permanent maintenance of said parcel, as provided for in Section VI.B.l.a.(2), shall be allocated entirely to the Northwest Subarea. Any such termination by Fieldstone shall be grounds for FWS or DFG to revoke, respectively, the Section 10(a) Permit or the Section 2081 MOU, in whole or as to the affected Subarea. t In the event that Fieldstone has conveyed any Conserved Habitat or other lands and paid monies with respect to the Subarea as to which this Agreement has been terminated in accordance with this Section X., the Parties shall cooperatc to effect an equitable reimbursement of monies paid and reconveyance of the Conserved Habitat and other lands to Fieldstone. In the event that Fieldstone terminates this Agreement in whole or as to any Subarea pursuant to this Section X., the 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR-IA 58 1 Parties shall have no further rights or obligations under this Agreement in whole or, in the event that the termination is only with respect to a Subarea, as to the Subarea affected, except with respect to rights and obligations with regard to which Fieldstone is then in violation. In the event the termination is only with respect to a Subarea, the provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as to the unaffected Subarea. XI. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES A. IN GENERAL Except as set forth in this Agreement, the Parties shall have all of the remedies available in equity (including specific performance and injunctive relief) and at law to enforce the terms of this Agreement and any Section 10(a) Permit and Section 2081 MOU, in accordance with and subject to the following: B. REVOCATION AND TERMINATION FWS and DFG shall have the right to revoke, terminate or suspend, respectively, the Section IO(a) Permit and the Section 2081 MOU, or'any other Section lO(a) permit or 05 -23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 59 Section 2081 MOU issued pursuant to this Agreement, in the event of a material breach or violation of any such permit or MOU, the HCP, this Agreement or governing law. The regulations found at 50 C.F.R. §§ 13.27-13.29 shall govern the suspension and revocation or termination of any Section lO(a) Permit issued by FWS under this Agreement. C. NOTICE AND OPPORTUNITY TO CURE Under applicable regulations or otherwise, Fieldstone and the City shall be provided with reasonable notice of an an opportunity to cure any breach of any Section 10(a) permit, Section 2081 MOU or this Agreement before a termination of the rights of Fieldstone or the City thereunder. D. SEVERABILITY It is contemplated that Fieldstone may convey portion of the Impact Areas to others and that the City may develop portions of Rancho Santa Fe Road independently of Fieldstone. Accordingly, under certain circumstances the obligations of the City and Fieldstone, and remedies with respect to breaches thereof, shall be severed as follows. 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 60 1. Fieldstone as to Project and Plan Activitie: and City as to Rancho Santa Fe Road After conveyance of the Conserved Habitat as provided in Section V.A., no default by Fieldstone shall adversely affect or be the basis for a default by, or the termination or suspension of the rights of, the City under this Agreement or the Permits and MOU with respect to the Rancho Santa Fe Road or the Mag Parcel; and, (2) no default by the City shall adversely affect the rights of, or be the basis of, a default by Fieldstone under this Agreement or the Permits or MOUs, with respect to the Project or Plan Activities by Fieldstone. 2. Convevance of Parcels bv Fieldstone I After the conveyance of the Conserved Habitat an Offsite Mitigation Parcel, respectively, as provided in Section V.A., and the conveyance of any portion or portions of the Impact Areas by Fieldstone to a transferee or transferees approved by the Wildlife Agencies pursuant to Section XIII-C., below, no default or act of Fieldstone or any such transferee shall affect the rights or be the basis for a default under or the termination or suspension of thi Agreement, or any of the Permits or MOUs, with respect to Fieldstone or any other transferee who did not so default c 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 61 act ("Non-defaulting Parties") or with respect to any portions of the Impact Areas owned, or the Project or Plan Activities to be undertaken with respect to such Impact Areas, by such Non-defaulting Parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the obligation to convey the Offsite Mitigation Parcel pursuant to Sections V.A.2. and VI.B.l.a.(2) shall relate to all of the Northwest Subarea, and any default wit respect thereto will be a basis for the termination of'this Agreement and the Section lO(a) Permit and Section 2081 MOU with respect to the Northwest Subarea. E. UNIOUE WILDLIFE RESOURCES; IRREPARABLE INJURY Each Species of Concern and the Conserved Habitat are unique and any significant adverse impact, damage or loss with respect thereto would result in irreparable damage to i the environment. Accordingly, temporary injunctive relief, specific performance or declaratory relief may be appropriate in certain instances involving a breach of this Agreement. F. NO LIMITATION IN AUTHORITY This Agreement shall not limit the authority of FWS o DFG to invoke the penalties provided in or otherwise enforc the provisions of ESA, CESA, or any similar statutes. 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 62 XII. NO FURTHER MITIGATION A. NO FURTHER MITIGATION In that the purposes of this Agreement are to provide for the long-term reconciliation of Wildlife Conservation and economic development with respect to the Plan Area and Plan Activities and the maximum degree of certainty practicable, FWS, DFG and the City shall not request, impose, recommend or require any further Mitigation related to impacts of the Plan Activities on the Species of Concern or their habitat, except as expressly set forth in Section VII. of this Agreement with respect to Unforeseen Circumstances. foregoing, for purposes of this Agreement, the Conserved Habitat is to be viewed as independent from the Impact Areas, with all buffers for purposes of Wildlife Conservation being located within the Conserved Habitat. I this regard, under no conditions shall any of the Parties require, request or recommend that any buffers for the Conservation of any Species of Concern be located within an Impact Area. Without limiting the generality of the 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 63 XIII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. INCORPORATION OF THE HCP/OMSP The HCP/OMSP and each of its terms are intended to be and by this reference are, incorporated in this Agreement. In the event of any direct contradiction between the terms of this Agreement and the terms of the HCP/OMSP, the terms of this Agreement shall control. In all other cases, the terms of this Agreement and the terms of the HCP/OMSP shall be interpreted as supplementary to each other. In interpreting the HCP/OMSP, consideration shall be given to the fact that the HCP/OMSP was not drafted as a legal document. B. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement supersedes all other agreements, eithe oral or in writing, between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and this Agreement is fully integrated in that it contains all of the covenants, obligations, findings, determinations and agreements among the Parties with respect to said matter. Each Party acknowledges that no representation, inducement, promise or agreement, oral or otherwise, has been made by any other -. 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 64 Party or anyone acting on behalf of any Party that is not embodied in this Agreement. C. ASSIGNMENT AND DELEGATION This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their successors and assigns. Upon any assignment and delegation of the rights and duties of this Agreement incidental to a conveyance of a portion o the Plan Area, and with the written approval of FWS and DFG which shall not be unreasonably withheld, the assignor shal be released from and shall no longer have any obligation, responsibility, liability, covenant, right or duty under this Agreement relating to such portions of the Plan Area s conveyed; provided, however, that prior to such written approval by FWS and DFG with respect to any such assignment and delegation, as provided above, the respective assignor shall remain obligated under this Agreement and following such assignment, and notwithstanding the approval thereof b FWS and DFG, such assignor or delegator shall remain liable for any breach of this Agreement occurring before such assignment or delegation. Upon request by any Party, the Parties shall expeditiously acknowledge such release in writ ing . I 05 -23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 65 In the event that FWS or DFG fails to provide written acknowledgement of such release, or a written statement of the reasons for not providing such acknowledgement, within thirty (30) days following receipt of the written request therefor by a Party, such release shall be deemed acknowledged and said non-responding agency shall thereafte: be estopped from denying such release. It is acknowledged that the rights and duties of the Permittees under any Section 10(a) permit are not assignable. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing to the contrary, the City's rights and privileges under any Permit and MOUs issued or entered into pursuant to or as contemplated by this Agreement shall inure to the benefit o the City and, subject to the satisfaction of the following conditions, to successors-in-interest to Fieldstone and the owners of the Mag Parcel, subject to full compliance with Section IX. of this Agreement, (for purposes of this Section, any such successor is referred to as "Successor Landownerrr). benefit from the City's rights and privileges under any of the Permits and MOUs, the Successor Landowner shall have fully complied with the following conditions: As a condition precedent to being able to 1. The Successor Landowner shall have been -. assigned by its predecessor-in-interest, Fieldstone or the 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 66 owners of the Mag Parcel (including through mesne conveyances), the rights and interests of such predecessor under and with respect to this Agreement; 2. The Successor Landowner shall have assumed in writing for the benefit of the City, FWS and CDFG, the obligations of its predecessor, Fieldstone or Mag Parcels, as appropriate, under this Agreement and the Permits and MOUs with respect to the lands owned by the Successor Landowner ; and , 3. The Successor Landowner shall have been issued a grading or building permit by the City authorizing the specific activities that would result in the Take of Species of Concern as contemplated under this Agreement and, in connection therewith, shall have entered into a further agreement with the City (with FWS and CDFG named therein as beneficiaries), providing for the supervision by the City of said activities to assure compliance with this Agreement and the Permits and MOUs. Upon the request of a Successor Landowner, the City shall act expeditiously to consummate such an agreement. I In exercising the rights and privileges of the City under any of the Permits and MOU, the Successor Landowner is acting &der the Permits of the City, and the 05 - 23-95 F:\WPDOC\O1\2110\9505AGR. IA 67 City shall take all actions to reasonably assure that the Successor Landowner complies with the provisions of this Agreement and the Permits and MOUs. As an alternative to relying upon the rights and privileges of the City with respect to the Permits and MOUs and provided that it has been assigned the rights and interests under this Agreement, a Successor Landowner, subject to compliance with Section IX., if applicable, may apply for one or more new Permits or MOUs. The Resource Agencies shall not require as a condition of issuing or entering into any of the new Permits and MOUs that the Successor Landowner provide any undertakings or mitigation in addition to those set forth in or contemplated by this Agreement, and shall use their best efforts to process the Permits and MOUs within sixty (60) days of receipt of a complete application therefor. I D. INTERPRETATION OF AMBIGUITIES Each Party acknowledges that it has been represented by its attorney in the making and execution of this Agreement and agrees that the Agreement shall be deemed to be drafted by each and all of the Parties. Therefore, any statute or rule providing that the interpretation of ambiguities is against the drafter shall not apply. 8 05 - 23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 68 E. CAPTIONS The headings of the various articles and sections of this Agreement are for convenience only, and shall not affect the meaning of any provision of this Agreement. F. INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION Each Party represents to the other Parties that in entering into this Agreement, it has made a careful and full investigation of all of the facts, law and circumstances upon which it relies in signing this Agreement, and in so signing it has relied only on the representations contained in this Agreement and not otherwise. G. TIMING I Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. H. NO PARTNERSHIP Neither this Agreement nor the HCP/OMSP shall make or be deemed to make any Party to this Agreement the agent for, the partner of, or a joint venturer with any other Party. 05 - 23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 69 I. ELECTED OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT NO member of or delegate to the State Legislature or to the United States Congress and no Federal Resident Commissioner shall be entitled to any share or part of this Agreement, or to any benefit that may arise from it. J. STANDING TO SUE DFG If at any time in the future, DFG breaches this Agreement in violation of the purposes of CESA or otherwise uses or threatens to use the Conserved Habitat or Offsite Mitigation Parcel for purposes other than the stated Conservation and Management purposes of this Agreement, ther the United States, the California Attorney General and the citizens of California shall have standing to sue DFG for such breach or nonconforming use. be construed to grant standing to sue any Party other than DFG to any person or entity. I This provision shall not K. BENEFIT OF THE AGREEMENT Without limiting the applicability of the rights granted to the public pursuant to the provisions of 16 U.S.C. 1540(g), the Parties intend that only the Parties to this Agreement shall-benefit from the Agreement. This 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 70 Agreement shall not create in the public, any member of the public or any other person or entity, any rights as a third- party beneficiary to this Agreement, nor shall it authorize anyone not a Party to this Agreement to maintain a suit for injuries or damages under the provisions of this Agreement. L. EMINENT DOMAIN Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the power of eminent domain held by any public agency. M. FORCE MAJEURE In the event that a Party is wholly or partly prevented from performing its obligations under this Agreement because of unforeseeable causes beyond the reasonable control of and without the fault or negligence 01 such Party (Itforce majeuref1), including, but not limited to, acts of God, labor disputes, sudden actions of the elements, or actions of federal, state and local agencies, such Party shall be excused from whatever performance is affected by such force majeure to the extent so affected, provided that nothing in this Section shall be deemed to authorize either Party to violate ESA or CESA and provided further that: 05 - 23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR-IA 71 1. within fourteen (14) days after the occurrence of the force majeure, the Party prevented from performing gives the other Parties written notice describin! the particulars of the occurrence; 2. the suspension of performance is of no greater scope and no longer duration than is required by thc force ma j eure ; 3. the Party prevented from performance uses its best efforts to remedy its inability to perform, except that this subsection shall not require the settlement of an] legal action, strike, walk-out, lock-out or other labor dispute on terms that, in the sole judgment of the Party prevented from performing, are contrary to its interest; an( 4. when the Parky prevented from performing is able to resume. performance of its obligations hereunder, such Party shall give the other Parties notice to that effect . N. NOTICES Any notice permitted or required by this Agreement shall be delivered personally to the individuals set forth below, or shall be deemed given five (5) days after deposit 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 72 in the United States mail, certified and postage prepaid, return receipt requested, and addressed as follows or at such other address that any Party may from time to time notify the other Parties about in writing: If to Fieldstone: The Fieldstone/La Costa Associates 4565 Morehouse Drive, Suite 250 San Diego, California 92121 Limited Partnership Re: Official Notice Concerning the City of Carlsbad/Fieldstone HCP/OMSP With copy to: Lindell L. Marsh, Esq. Siemon, Larsen & Marsh 19800 MacArthur Blvd,, Suite 350 Imine, California 92715 If to FWS: Regional Director United States Fish and Wildlife Service 500 NE Multnomah,'Suite 607 Portland, Oregon 97232 - Re: Official Notice Concerning the City of Carlsbad/Fieldstone HCP/OMSP and Field Supervisor United States Fish and Wildlife Service 2730 Loker Avenue West Carlsbad, California 92028 Re: Official Notice Concerning the City of Carlsbad/Fieldstone HCP/OMSP 05-23-95 F:\UPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 73 If to DFG: California Department of Fish and Game Region 9 Headquarters 330 Golden Shore, Suite 50 Long Beach, California 90802 Re: Official Notice Concerning the City of Carlsbad/Fieldstone HCP/OMSP and California Department of Fish and Game Legal Affairs Division 1416 Ninth Street Post Office Box 944244 Sacramento, California 94244-2090 Re: Official Notice Concerning the City of Carlsbad/Fields tone HCP/OMSP If to the City: The City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 Re: Official Notice Concerning the City of Carlsbad/Fieldstone HCP/OMSP 0. ATTORNEYS’ FEES I Each Party shall bear and pay its own actual attorney! fees, costs and expenses in connection with any action at law or in equity, including any action for declaratory relief, and any appeals therefrom, brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of this Agreement and the HCP/OMSP subject to and except as provided by law, including, but noi limited to, the Equal Access to Justice Act (28 U.S.C. § 2412). 05 -23-95 F : \WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR - I A 74 P. EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement shall take effect as of the date of thc issuance of the Section lO(a) Permit as contemplated by Section IV. and shall be effective when executed by FWS, thl City and Fieldstone with respect to the rights and duties o those Parties and with respect to all of the Parties thereupon or thereafter when DFG has also executed the Agreement and issued the Section 2081 MOU. Any of the Parties may insert the date of said issuance of the Section 10(a) Permit in the space provided therefor on page 1 of this Agreement. Q. DUPLICATE ORIGINALS This Agreement may be executed in any number of duplicate originals. A complete original of this Agreement shall be maintained in the official records of each of the Parties. I 05 -23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 75 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties execute this Agreement to be in effect as of the first written above. II FWS I! UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Date : By : Thomas J. Dwyer, Deputy Regional Director Approved as to form: Date: Lynn Cox, Assistant Regional Solicitor "DFG" CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Date: By : Boyd Gibbons, Director I APPROVED AS TO FORM: Date: Craig Manson, General Counsel California Department of Fish and Game [Signatures Continue] 05 -23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 76 I' FIELDSTONE " THE FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By: The Fieldstone Company, a California corporation General Partner DATE : By : John Barone, Senior Project Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Lindell L. Marsh, Esq. Siemon, Larsen & Marsh "THE CITY" THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, California DATE : By : Claude A. Lewis, Mayor t APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald R. Ball, City Attorney 05-23-95 F:\WPDOC\01\2110\9505AGR.IA 77 EXHIBIT 1 TO THE IMPLEDSEXTATION AGREEMENlc REGARDING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD/FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN/ON-GOING HULTI-SPECIES PLAN Glossary 1. "Biological Opinion" has the meaning set forth ii 2. frCEQAfl means the California Environmental Qualit] 50 CFR § 402.02. Act (California Public Resources Code §§ 21000 - et w.) and the guidelines and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto (including, without limitation, 14 California Code of Regulations §§ 15000 et seq.) . 3. ffCESAn means the California Endangered Species Ai (California Fish and Game Code §§ 2050 & m.1 aj the regulations promulgated in connection with th< Act (including, without limitation, 14 California Code of Regulations §§ 40, 41, 243, 670.1 and 670.5). 4. IrConservationff means the same as set forth in 16 U.S.C. § 1532. 5. ffCSS1r means coastal sage scrub. 6. ffDFGrr means the California Department of Fish an( Game, an agency of the State of California. 7. IfESAfr means the federal Endangered Species Act ( U.S.C. §§ 1531 et m.) and the regulations promulgated in connection with that Act (includin without limitation, 50 C.F.R. Parts 13, 17, 402 a 424) - 8. "FWS" means the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, an agency of the Department of Interior the United States. 9. "Gnatcatcher" means the subspecies known as the 10. ifImpact Areafr and IrImpact AreasN mean, PolioDtila californica californica. respectively, a portion or portions of the Plan Area, as shown on the Map, which are excluded fro Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement , Exhibit 1. Conserved Habitat and will be developed as a part of the Project . thereunder as "threatened" or lfendangeredfl ; and, with respect to CESA, listed thereunder as llthreatenedll or I1endangered1I or a "candidate" for such listing. 11- "ListedR means: with respect to ESA, listed 12. WBTA Permit" means a permit issued pursuant to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and specifically issued under 16 U.S.C. § 703, and 50 C.F.R. § 21.27, to allow the Take of any Birds of Conceri 13. "MHCP Program" means the program sponsored by thc North County Wildlife Forum of San Diego County, : cooperation with FWS and DFG and in accordance wil the NCCP Program, for research and development of subregional Multiple Habitat Conservation Plan fo: the conservation of multiple types of habitat and sensitive species that occupy or use lands locate1 within northern San Diego County. 14. lrMBTAN means the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, 16 U.S.C. § 703 et seq., and the regulations promulgated in connection therewith, including 50 C.F.R. § 10.13, 50 C.F.R. Part 13, and 50 C.F.R. Parts 20-22, inclusive. 15. IIMBTA Permit" means a permit issued under the 16. "Mitigation" has the same meaning as set forth i: CEQA (14 Cal. Code of Regulations § 15370) and in NEPA (40 C.F.R. § 1508.201, and includes, among other things, the designation or reservation of land as open space or funding to provide for the Conservation of the Species of Concern. 17. flNCCP" means a natural cornunity conservation pl prepared pursuant to the NCCP Act. 18. IfNCCP Act" means the Natural Community MBTA . Conservation Planning Act enacted by Chapter 765 California statutes of 1991 (A.B. 2172) (codified et -.). California Resources Agency and DFG under the NCC in part in California Fish and Game Code §§ 2800 19. "NCCP Programf' means the pilot program of the Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement Exhibit 1. Act undertaken in cooperation with FWS for the conservation of coastal sage scrub habitat, the Gnatcatcher, and other sensitive species that inhabit or use coastal sage scrub habitat. 20. WEPA1l means the National Environmental Policy Ac of 1969 (42 U.S.C. §§ 4321 et m.) and the regulations promulgated in connection with that Ac (including, without limitation, 40 C.F.R. §§ 1500 - et -.I. entities and agencies, or one of the entities or agencies, that have executed this Agreement. 21. "Parties" and "Party" mean, respectively, the 22. rrPermittee" and "Permittees" mean, respectively, the entity or entities entitled to the benefit of any authorization of Take pursuant to a Section lO(a) Permit, Incidental Take Statement, Section 2835, Section 2081 MOU or MBTA Permit issued pursuant to this Agreement, and may includ one or all of the City, Fieldstone and the owner 1 the MAG Parcel, as set forth in this Agreement. 23. l'Section 4(dln means Section 4(d) of ESA, 16 24. "Section IO(a1" means Section 10 (a) of ESA, 16 U.S.C. § 1533(d). U.S.C. § 1539, and the rules, regulations, or guidelines promulgated in connection with that statutory provision, including, without limitatio 50 C.F.R. § 17.22. 25. "Section 1U(a) Permit" means: (1) a permit issue under Section 10(a) (1) (B) of ESA (16 U.S.C. § 1539(a) (1) (B)) to permit the incidental Take of ESA Listed Species of Concern; or (2) permission authorization under any other federal law or regulation that permits the Take of ESA Listed Species of Concern. 26. 'ISection 2081" means California Fish and Game Co § 2081, and any rules, regulations, or guidelines promulgated in connection with that statutory provision. 27. "Section 2081 MOU" or I1M0Ul1 means: (1) a memorandum of understanding entered into by DFG under Section 2081 and consistent with CESA authorizing the Take of a Species of Concern List Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OPISP Implementation Aareement Exhibit 1. under CESA; or (2) permission or authorization under any other state law or regulation, includin! without limitation Section 2835, that permits the Take of a Species of Concern Listed under CESA or provided with protection under new or revised Stal laws substantially similar in effect to the protection provided under CESA. 28. "Section 2835" means California Fish and Game Coc si 2835, and all rules, regulations or guidelines promulgated in connection with that statutory provision. Takeff and frTakingfi 29. mean the same as set forth ii ESA on the Effective Date. 30. "Unforeseen Circumstancelf means an extraordinary circumstance taking into consideration, or change in, existing or anticipated biological conditions (including a circumstance or change disclosed in public comments on future permit applications, consultations and rules) that: (i) is significant and adverse with respect to the continued existen of a Species of Concern; and, (ii) was reasonably unforeseen by the Wildlife Agencies as of the Effective Date. 31. Wildlifefi means all wild animals, birds, plants fish, amphibians, reptiles and related habitat an( ecological communities upon which such wildlife depends. respectively, eitMr or both of FWS or DFG, as th 32. "Wildlife Agency" or Wildlife Agenciesii means, context requires. Fieldstone/Carlsbad XCP/OMSP Implementation Aqreement Exhibit 1. EXBIBIT 2 TO TEE IMPLEMENTATION AGREEXEXE REGARDING TBE CITY OF CARLSBAD/FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES EABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN/ON-GOING MULTI-SPECIES PLAN The MaR I Fieldstone/Carlsbad ECP/OMSP Implementation Agreement ' Exhibit 2. EXHIBIT 3 TO THE IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT REGARDING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD/FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN/ON-GOING =TI-SPECIES PLAN List of Species of Concern from ADproved Habitat Conservation Plan Plants 1. Encinitas baccharis (Baccharis vanessae) (endangered) 2. San Diego thorn mint (Acanthomintha ilicif.olia) 3. Thread-leaved brodiaea (Brodiaea filifolia) (endangere 4. Ashy spike-moss (Selaginella cinerascens) 5. Blochman’s dudleya (Dudleya blochmaniae ssp. 6. California adder’s tongue (Ophioglossum californicum) 7. California adolphia (Adolphia californica) 9. Coast white lilac (Ceanothus verrucosus) 10. Del Mar manzanita (Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. 11. Del Mar Mesa sand aster (Corethrogyne filaginifolia va 12. Engelmann oak (Quercus engelmannii) 13. Nuttall’s scrub oak (Quercus dumosa) 14. Orcutt’s brodiaea (Brodiaea orcuttii) 15. Orcutt’s hazardia (Hazardia orcuttii) 16. Palmer’s grapplinghook’(Harpagonel1a palmeri) 17. San Diego ambrosia (Ambrosia pumila) 18. San Diego Coast barrel cactus (Ferocactus viridescens) 19. San Diego County viguiera (Viguiera laciniata) 20. San Diego Goldenstar (Muilla Clevelandii) 21, San Diego marsh elder (Iva hayesiana) 22. San Diego sagewort (Artemisia palmeri) 23. Southwestern spiny rush (Juncus acutus ssp. leopoldii) 25. Summer holly (Comarostaphylis diversifolia ssp. 26. Western dichondra (Dichondra occidentalis) (endangered) blochmaniae) 8. Cliff spurge (Euphorbia misera) crassif olia) linf olia) 24. Sticky-leaved liveforever (Dudleya viscida) diversif olia) Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement Exhibit 3. Invertebrates 27. Dun skipper (Euphyes vestris harbinsoni) 28. Hemes copper (Lycaena hemes) AmDhibians 29. 30. Western spadefoot (Scaphiopus hammondii) ReDt iles California red-legged frog (-Rana aurora draytonii) 31. Coastal rosy’boa (Lichanura trivirgata rosafusca) 32 Coastal western whiptail (Cnemidophorus tigris mu1 t i s cut a tu s ) 33. Coast patch-nosed snake (Salvadora hexalepis virgultea 34. Coronado skink (Eumeces skiltonianus interparietalis) 35. Northern red diamond rattlesnake (Crotalus ruber ruber 36. Orange-throated whiptail (Cnemidophorus hyperythrus beldingi) 37. San Diego banded gecko (Coleonyx variegatus abbitti) 38. San Diego horned lizard (Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillei) 39. San Diego ringneck snake (Diadophus punctatus sirnilis) 40. Silvery legless lizard (Anniella pulchra pulchra) 41. Southwestern pond turtle (Clemmys mamorata pallida) 42. Two-striped garter snake (Thamnophis hammondii) Birds I 43. Least Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) (endangered 44. Southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax trailli 45. Bell’s sage sparrow (Amphispiza belli belli) 46. Burrowing owl (Speotyto cunicularia) 47. California horned lark (Eremophila alpestris actia) 48. Coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica 49. Cooper’s hawk (Accipiter cooperi) 50. Loggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) 51. Northern harrier (Circus cyaneus) 52. ext imus ) (endangered) calif ornica) San Diego cactus wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus couesi) Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement ’ Exhibit 3. x- 53. 54. Tricolored blackbird (Agelaius tricolor) 55. Yellow-breasted chat (Icteria virens) 56. Yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia brewsteri) 57. California mastiff bat (Eumops perotis californicus) 58. 59. 60. Southern California rufous-crowned sparrow (Airnophila ruficeps canescens) Dulzura California pocket mouse (Chaetodipus californicus fernoralis) Northwestern San Diego pocket mouse (Chaetodipus falla fallax) San Diego black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus bennet t i i > San Diego desert woodrat (Neotoma lepida intermedia) Southern grasshopper mouse (Onychomys torridus ramona) towns endii ) 61. 62. 63. Townsend’s western big-eared bat (Plecotus townsendii I Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement ’- Exhibit 3. EXHIBIT 4 TO THE IMPLEMENTATION AGRE- REGARDING TEE CITY OF CARLSBAD/FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN/ON-GOING MULTI-SPECIES PLAN Findinss and Determinations FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS. have the same meaning as set forth in the Agreement. The terms used in this Exhibi A. FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS BY FWS UNDER ESA FWS has found and determined that .the HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreement meets the requirements of a conservation plan for purposes of ESA, including, without limitation, the purposes of 16 U.S.C. Section 1539 and 50 C.F.R. Section 17.22(b) (2) and Section 17.32(b) (2). More particularly, FWS has found and determined that, with respec to the HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreement: connection with the Plan Activities will be incidental to ai otherwise lawful activity; the impacts of such taking of the Species of Concern will be, to the maximum extent practicable, minimize and mitigated; adequate funding for the implementation of the HCP/OMSP wil: be provided through this Agr'eement; adequate procedures to deal with Unforeseen Circumstances a: provided through this Agreement; 1. the taking of the Species of Concern in 2. 3. Fieldstone and the City have ensured that 4. Fieldstone and the City have ensured that 5. the taking of the Species of Concern in connection with the Plan Activities as contemplated by the HCP/OMSP and this Agreement will not appreciably reduce the likelihood of the survival and recovery of the Species of Concern in the wild; 6. all measures required by FWS as necessary or appropriate for purposes of the HCP/OMSP are provided for ii and implemented by this Agreement; Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement ' Exhibit 4. 4 7. FWS has received such other assuranceg as it has deemed necessary to ensure that the HCP/OMSP will be implemented; and 8. FWS has considered the anticipated duration and geographic scope of the Plan Activities, including the impacts of the Plan Activities on Species of Concern and PlI Area habitat and the degree to which such impacts affect thi Species of Concern and the habitat within the Plan Area, th City, the subregion, and the region, and has considered the assurances provided to Fieldstone and the City under this Agreement and has determined that the foregoing findings an determinations are in accordance with ESA. B. FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS BY FWS UNDER THE MBTA FWS has considered the anticipated nature and geograph scope of the Plan Activities, including the impacts of the Plan Activities on birds and species covered by the MBTA, a has considered the assurances provided to Fieldstone and th City under this Agreement and has determined that, based up the measures contained in the HCP/OMSP as implemented by th Agreement, MBTA Permits allowing Take of the birds covered: the MBTA in connection with the Plan Activities issued concurrently herewith and thereafter upon appropriatj application, to the Permittees. shall be C. FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS BY DFG DFG has found and determined that the HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreement meets the requirements of CES, including, without limitation, Sections 2081 and the NCCP Act. More particularly, DFG'has found and determined that with respect to the HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreement: Fieldstone/CarlsSad HCP/OMSP Exhibit 4. Implementation Agreement ' 4 FINDINGS 1-8 ARE DRAWN FROM DFG GUIDELINES FOR NO JEOPARDY DETERMINATIONS. DFG SHOULD CONSIDER WHETHER TO MAKE THE FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO THIS 2081. DFG TYPICALLY BSAKES T FINDINGS FOR 2090 CONSULTATIONS AND COULD HAKE THEM UNDER FOR 2081 PERMITS. 1. No viable or recoverable population of any Species of Concern will be eliminated and no significant proportion of a population of any Species of Concern will bc adversely affected by the Plan Activities. 2. The range of the Species of Concern will not be significantly diminished by the Plan Activities. 3. The habitat used by the Species of Concern will not be significantly adversely affected by either the immediate or future effects of the Plan Activities. 4. The access to habitat by Species of Concern will not be significantly adversely affected as a result of the Plan Activities. 5. Take in connection with the Plan Activities will not adversely affect current or future efforts to provide protection for the Species of Concern or their habitat. 6. Take in connection with the Plan Activities will not adversely affect plans for recovery or eventual delisting of any Species of Concern currently listed as ffendangeredff or If threatened" under CESA. will not significantly adversely interfere with the reproductive or other behavior of the Species of Concern. will not result in the extinction of the Species of Concern. 9. Take of the Species of Concern in connection with the Plan Activities is authorized for Conservation and Management purposes pursuant to CESA, including Section 2081 7. Take in conn6ction with the Plan Activities 8. Take in connection with the Plan Activities 10. Take of the Species of Concern in connection with the Plan Activities will not jeopardize the continued existence of any Species of Concern or result in the destruction or adverse modification of habitat essential to the continued existence of the Species of Concern. Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMS? Implementation Aareement Exhibit 4. 4 FINDINGS 11-13 ARE DERIVED DIRECTLY FROM SECTION 1 OF A.B. 2172 (UNCODIFIED) AND CAL. FISH AND GAME CODE SECTION 2805 WHICH ARE THE PROVISIONS OF THE NCCP ACT THAT ESTABLISH TH PURPOSES OF NCCP PLANS 11. The HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreemeni will, to the maximum extent feasible, avoid, minimize and compensate for impacts of the Plan Activities on Species of Concern and Plan Area habitat. The HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreemeni will sustain and restore the habitat within the Plan Area tc the level necessary to maintain, in conjunction with the HMI MHCP and the NCCP Program, the continued viability of those biological communities impacted by the Plan Activities. The HCP/OMSP, as independent initial componez of the HMP, and together with the HMP, as a component of thc MHCP, provides for area-wide protection and perpetuation of natural wildlife diversity, while allowing compatible and appropriate development growth. Therefore, the HCPIOMSP is consistent with the goals and purposes of the NCCP Act and will serve as a completed independent component of an NCCP which encompasses the Plan Area, prepared, approved and implemented pursuant to the NCCP Act. HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreement also serves to further regional wildlife conservation planning, which can effectively address cumulative impact concerns, minimize wildlife habitat fragmentation, promote multispecies management and conservation, identify and ensure appropriatt mitigation for impacts on fish and wildlife, and promote tht conservation of broad based natural communities and species diversity. The HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreemeni ensures that the impacts of the Plan Activities on Species ( Concern and Plan Area habitat will be insignificant or will be minimized and mitigated to a level of insignificance as required by CEQA. 12. 13. In this context, the I 14. (a) The HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreement ensures that an adequate management reporting and monitoring program for the HCP/OMSP Conservation and Management measures will be implemented as required by CEQA Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement = Exhibit 4. 4 D. The City has balanced the environmental, health, safet! and socioeconomic attributes of the Project and has considered all identifiable alternatives to and minimizatio~ and Mitigation measures for the Project, and has found and determined that: The Conservation and Management measures contained in the HCP/OMSP and implemented by this Agreement provide for Species of Concern and Plan Area habitat as required by all City Wildlife Regulations; The HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreemeni ensures-that the impacts of the Plan Activities on Species I Concern and Plan Area habitat will be insignificant or will be minimized and mitigated to a level of insignificance as required by CEQA; The HCP/OMSP as implemented by this Agreemen' provides that an adequate management reporting and monitorii program for the HCP/OMSP Conservation and Management measurc will be implemented as required by CEQA; significant benefit to goals and purposes of the HMP. FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS BY THE! CITY 1. 2. 3. 4. The implementation of the HCP/OMSP provides I Fields t one/Carl sbad HCP/OMS P Implementation Agreement a Exhibit 4. 4 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: WEN RECORDED RE’I” TO: Craig Manson, Esq. General Counsel California Department of Fish and Game 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 NO DOCUMENTmY TRANSFER TA California Revenue & Taxat Code § 11922 Presented for Acceptance b: California Department of F and Game This space for Recorder’s Use Only RECITALS WHEREAS, Grantor is the owner in fee, subject to matters of record, of approximately - acres of land locatc in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Conserved Habitat Lands") and Conservation Plan/Onsoins Multi-SDecies Plan for ProDerties in the South East Ouadrant of the Citv of Carlsbad and Addenda dated , and the related Implementation Agreement, among Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Limited Partnership, the City of Carlsbad, the United States Fish a Wildlife Service and Grantee dated June Implementation Agreement (llImplementation Agreement"), the Grantor desires to transfer and convey to Grantee and Grant desires to accept the conservation easement described hereinbelow ( "Conservation Easement II 1 , on and subject to th terms and conditions set forth below; and, WHEREAS, Grantee is an agency formed under the la of the State of California with jurisdiction over the conservation, protection, and management of fish, wildlife, native plants, and habitat necessary for biologically sustainable populations of those species Game Code Section 1802) and is authorized to hold conservation easements for these purposes and Game Code Section 2052); and WHEREAS, Grantor desires to assure Grantee that Grantor will hold the Conserved Habitat Lands conveyed here for the conservation of the,Species of Concern, as that ter is defined in the Implementation Agreement in accordance wi and subject to the terms and conditions of this Deed; facts recited above, the mutual covenants, terms, condition and restrictions contained herein, and pursuant to the laws 816, inclusive, Grantor hereby grants, assigns, transfers a conveys to Grantee, and Grantee hereby accepts, a conservation easement ("Conservation Easement") , as defined in Paragraph 2. below, in perpetuity in arid over the Conserved Habitat Lands, reservinq to Grantor and exceDting therefrom, all rights, title and interest in and with respe to the Conserved Habitat Lands of every kind and nature tha are not expressly included in the Conservation Easement. 1. Pumose. The purpose of this Conservation EasemE is to assure Grantee that, except as provided in Paragraph California , more particularly described in Exhibit A WHEREAS, pursuant to that certain Habitat , 1995, (California Fish a; (California Fish NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the of California and California Civil Code Sections 815 throug Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement Exhibit 5. hereinbelow, the Conserved Habitat Lands shall be held and used only for conservation of the Species of Concern and their habitat, including but not limited to compatible educational uses, subject to the provisions of the Implementation Agreement. 2, Conservation Easement. The Conservation Easement includes the prohibitions and limitations on the use of the Conserved Habitat Lands set forth in Paragraph 2.1. below a] the rights set forth in Paragraph 2.2. below, together with the other rights and interests provided to Grantee herein. Paragraph 3, without the written approval of Grantee and USFWS, the Conserved Habitat Lands shall not be used for a? purpose or use other than the conservation of the Species o Concern and their habitat and compatible educational purposes - 2.1. Prohibited Uses. Except as provided in 2.2. Rishts of Grantee. As an incident of the Conservation Easement, the Grantee shall have the right to: 2.2.1. from being used for uses or purposes in violation of Paragraph 2.1. above; 2.2.2. to enforce at the sole cost of Grantor and pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Deed the restoration of such areas or features of the Conserved Habitat Lands as may be damaged by such activities; and Prevent the Conserved Habitat Lands Enter upon the Conserved Habitat Lanl 2.2 I 3 Enter upon the Conserved Habitat Lanl at reasonale times to monitlor compliance with Paragraph 2. above and for scientific study purposes; provided, however, that such entry shall be upon the prior reasonable notice tl Grantor or its successor. 3. Reservations and ExceDtions. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Deed, Grantor has reserved and the is excepted from the grant, transfer, assignment and conveyance of the Conservation Easement hereunder the right to engage in and to allow, permit or invite others to engag in all uses of the Conserved Habitat Lands that are not expressly prohibited herein and are not inconsistent with t purpose of this Conservation Easement. other remedies available to Grantee in law or in equity, Grantor intends that the remedies set forth in this Section shall be available to Grantee and to the USFWS, as an expressly identified third party beneficiary of this Deed. 4. Grantee’s Remedies. In addition to any and all Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement Exhibit 5. I Grantee determines that the Grantor or its successor has taken or threatens to take action that is in violation of tl- terms of this Conservation Easement, Grantee shall give the then record fee title owners of the Conserved Habitat Lands written notice of such actual or threatened violation and shall demand in writing that said violation be cured or prevented. In the event that said violation is not cured within thirty (30) days from the date of said written notice os, in the event that said cure would require more than thirty (30) days to complete and action is not commenced promptly and pursued expeditiously to effect said cure, Grantee may take any such action and seek any remedies available at law or equity to enforce the provisions of this Conservation Easement, including, but not limited to, the seeking of money damages, temporary or permanent injunctions or other equitable relief (including, but not limited to, tl restoration of any condition that existed within the Conserved Habitat Lands prior to said violation). required to provide Grantor with written notice of an actua: or threatened violation or demand the cure thereof if Grantt determines that provision of such written notice and demand of cure will result in significant and unacceptable delay 0: commencement of a cure to such actual or threatened violation. In such cases, Grantee may proceed in any actio] at law or in equity as provided above without delay and without giving said written notice and demand of cure. Grantor acknowledges that Grantee’s remedies at law for a violation of this Conservation Easement would be inadequate and that Grantee would be entitled to injunctive relief, bo1 prohibitive and affirmative, including specific performance of the terms of this Conservation Easement, without the necessity of proving either ‘actual damages or the inadequac: of otherwise available legal remedies. Grantee’s remedies under this Conservation Easement shall be cumulative and in addition to all remedies now or hereafter existing at law 0: in equity, including, but not limited to, the remedies set forth in California Civil Code Sections 815 through 816, inclusive. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Grantee shall not be 5. Costs of Enforcement. Any costs incurred by eith party in enforcing the terms of this Conservation Easement against the other, including, without limitation, costs of suit and reasonable attorney’s fees, and any costs of restoration of the Conserved Habitat necessitated by a violation of the terms of this Conservation Easement shall borne by the breaching party. If a party prevails in any action (including appeals therefrom) to enforce the terms o this Conservation Easement, such party’s reasonable costs o suit including, without limitation, actual attorney’s fees, shall be borne by the other party, except that the USFWS’s Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement Exhibit 5. I liability for any attorneys fees and costs shall be determined in accordance with federal law. 6. Grantee's Discretion. Enforcement of the terms oj this Conservation Easement requiring performance by Grantor shall be at the discretion of Grantee. Grantee to exercise its rights under this Conservation Easement in the event of any breach of this Conservation Easement by Grantor shall not be deemed to be a waiver by Grantee of such rights or rights under this Conservation Easement. No delay or omission by Grantee in the exercise ( any right or remedy upon breach by Grantor shall impair suci right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. 7. Acts Bevond Grantor's Control. Nothing contained in this Deed shall be construed to provide a right to Grant1 to bring any action against Grantor for any injury to or change in the Conserved Habitat Lands resulting from causes beyond Grantor's control, including without limitation, the acts of third parties, fire, flood, storm, earth movement, ( any other natural disaster, any act or omission of Grantee, or from any reasonable action taken by Grantor under emergency conditions to prevent, abate, or mitigate significant injury to the Conserved Habitat Lands resulting from such causes. 8. Access. This Conservation Easement does not convt a general right of access to the public, however, access foi scientific research and interpretive purposes is conveyed t' Grantee or its designee pursuant to Paragraph 2.2.3. above. 9. Costs and Liabilities. Grantor or its successor shall retain all responsibilities and shall bear all costs and liabilities of any kind related to the ownership, operation, upkeep and maintenance of the Conserved Habitat Lands, including the following: all taxes, assessments, fees, and charges of whatever description levied on or assessed against the Conserved Habitat Lands by competent authority (collectively !'taxesir) including any taxes imposed upon, or incurred as a result o this Conservation Easement, and shall furnish Grantee with satisfactory evidence of payment upon request. shall hold harmless, indemnify, and defend Grantee and its members, directors , officers , employees , agents, and contractors and the heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of each of them (collectively "Indemnified Parties") from and against all liabilities, penalties, costs, losses, damages, expense, causes of actio Any forbearance by 9.1. Taxes. Grantor shall pay before delinquenc: 9.2. Hold Harmless. Grantor or its successor Fieldstanejcarlsbad KCPjOMSP Implementation Agreement Exhibit 5. E claims, demands, or judgments, including without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees, arising from or in any way connected with: (1) injury to or the death of any person, c physical damages to any property, resulting from any act, omission, condition, or other matter occurring on the Conserved Habitat Lands, unless caused by the acts or omissions of any of the Indemnified Parties; and (2) the existence or administration of this Conservation Easement. 9.3. Condemnation. If this Conservation Easement is taken, in whole or in part, by exercise of the power of from the condemning authority in accordance with applicable eminent domain, Grantee shall be entitled to compensation law. 10. Assisnment. This Conservation Easement is transferable, but Grantee shall give Grantor at least thirt] (30) days prior written notice of the transfer. Grantee ma] assign its rights and obligations under this Conservation Easement only to an organization that is a qualified organization at the time of transfer under Section 170(b) o the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended (or any successor provision then applicable), and the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder, and is authorized to acquire and hold conservation easements under California Civil Code Section 815, et m. Grantee shall nc assign its rights and obligations under this Conservation Easement without prior written consent of the Grantor and USFWS, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. A, a condition of such transfer, Grantee shall require that thl Conservation Easement be used only for the purposes describc in Paragraph 1. above. description of the terms of this Conservation Easement in a deed or other legal instrument by which it divests itself o any interest in all or a portion of the Conserved Habitat Lands, including, without limitation, a leasehold interest. Grantor shall give written notice to Grantee of the transfe of any interest at least fifteen (15) days prior to the dat of such transfer. The failure of Grantor to perform any ac required by this Paragraph 11 shall not impair the validity of this Conservation Easement or limit its enforceability i any way. 12. EstoDDel Certificates. Upon request by Grantor, Grantee shall within fifteen (15) days execute and deliver Grantor any document, including estoppel certificates, that certify Grantor's compliance with any obligation of Grantor contained in this Conservation Easement and otherwise evidences the status of this Conservation Easement as may 1= requested by Grantor. Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement Exhibit 5. 11. Subsecnrent Transfe'rs. Grantor shall include a I 13 - Notices. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval, or communication that either party desires or is required to give to the other shall be in writing and eithei served personally or sent by certified mail with postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: To Grantor: To Grantee: Regional Manager Department of Fish and Game State of California 3330 Golden Shore, Suite 50 Long Beach, CA 90802 with the following note on the envelope: Official Notice Resardins Fieldstone/Carlsbad Conservatil Easement Deed TO USFWS: Regional Director United States Fish and Wildlife Service Portland Eastside Federal Complex 911 N.E. 11th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97232 with the following note on the envelope: Official Notice Resardins Fieldstone/Carlsbad Conservatic Easement Deed or to such other address as either party from time to time shall designate by written notice to the other. be deemed effective in the case of personal delivery, upon delivery, and in the case of certified mail, five (5) days after deposit in the United States mail. promptly record this instrument in the official records of San Diego County, California and may re-record it at any ti as may be required to preserve its rights in this Conservation Easement. Notice sha 14. Recordation. Upon execution, Grantee shall Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement Exhibit 5. I: 15. General Provisions. 15.1. Controllins Law. The interpretation an( performance of this Deed shall be governed by the laws of tl State of California. 15.2. Liberal Construction. Any general rule of construction to the contrary notwithstanding, this Deed shall be liberally construed to effect the purpose of the Conservation Easement and the policy and purpose of California Civil Code Sections 815 through 816, inclusive. If any provision in this Deed is found to be ambiguous, an interpretation consistent with the purposes of the Conservation Easement that would render the provision valid invalid. shall be favored over any interpretation that would render 15.3. Severability. If any provision of this Deed, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is found to be invalid, the remainder of the provisions of this Deed, or the application of such provisit to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is found to be invalid, as the case may be, shall not be affected thereby. 15.4. Entire Asreement. This instrument sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to this Deed, and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings, or agreements relating to thi Deed, all of which are merged herein. 15.5. Modifications. Any alterations, change or modifications of or to this Deed, to be effective, shall require the approval of USFVS, shall be made in writing and shall be executed by all parties. 15.6. No Forfeiture. Nothing contained herei will result in a forfeiture or reversion of Grantor’s title in any respect. 15.7. Successors. The covenants, terms, conditions, and restrictions of this Deed shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the parties hereto and their respective personal representatives, heirs, successor and assigns and shall continue as a servitude running in perpetuity with the Conserved Habitat. The covenants hereunder benefiting Grantee shall also benefit the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Upon conveyance of its right, title and interest in and to the Conserved Habitat Lands, the Grantor shall have no further obligation hereund except with respect to breaches thereon that have occurred prior to said conveyance. Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement Exhibit 5. I 15.8. Captions. The captions in this Deed ha been inserted solely for reference and are not a part of th Deed and shall have no effect upon its construction or interpretation. this Deed in two counterparts, which shall, in the aggregat be signed by both parties; each counterpart shall be deemed an original instrument as against any party who has signed it. In the event of any disparity between the counterparts produced, the recorded counterpart shall be controlling. 15.9. Countemarts. The parties may execute IN WITNESS WHEREOF Grantor and Grantee have entered into this Deed the day and year first above written GRANTOR : By : GRANTEE : DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA By : I APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig Manson, Legal Advisor California Department of Fish and Game Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement Exhibit 5. I EXHIBIT A Description of Conserved Ilabitat Lands I -a - Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement Exhibit 5. 5. EXHIBIT 6 TO THE IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT REGARDING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD/FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN/ON-GOING MULTI-SPECIES PLAN Form of Risht of First Refusal Asreement THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of June 7, 1995, by and among Fieldstone/La Costa Associates, a California Limited Partnership ('Fieldstone") , the Bank of America, Illinois ("Lender") ; and, the City of Carlsbad, a municipal recitals of fact, the parties hereby agree as follows. coypora'cion ("City") , whereby, based on the following \ Reci tal8 This Agreement is based on the following facts: A. This Agreement is entered into pursuant to Section VI.B.3. of that certain agreement among the Fieldstone, City and others entitled "Implementation Aqreement Recrardins The Citv of Carlsbad/Fieldstone/Lz Costa Associates Habitat Conservation Plan/On-soinq Multi-SDecies Plan" ("IA") , whereby Fieldstone has agreed to provide, and cause Lender to provide, City with a right of first refusal for a certain period of time with respect to possible conveyances by Fieldstox or Lender of the Rancheyos-Southeast I1 Subarea, as described in the IA and shown on the map included as Exhibit A hereto, exclusive of Conserved Habitat, the Rancho Santa Fe Road Right-of-way, and the Mag Parcel, as those terms are defined in the IA ("Subject Parcels"), all as provided for, and on and subject to the terms and conditions set forth, hereinbelow; and, B. Fieldstone owns fee title and Lender holds z first lien with respect to the Subject Parcels and arc willing to perform as provided in this Agreement, subject to the terms and conditions set forth hereinbelow. Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement Exhibit 6. 6 Aqreemen t 1. Risht of First Refusal. Prior to the sale and conveyance of any of the Subject Parcels, or any portions thereof, within five (5) years fro the date of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Term”) , except for a conveyance to Lender, Fieldstone or Lender (provided that it then holds fee title thereto) shal in accordance with the provisions of this Section 1. offer to sell said lands to be offered for sale to the City a. Written Notice of Possible Offer to Sell. From time to time during the Term, Fieldstone or Lender (“Offeror”) may notify City in writing (“Notice’,) that it may offer one or more of the Subject Parcels, or portions thereof as to which it then owns fee title, or a portion thereof (hereinafter the lands included within an Offer are referred to as “Offered Lands,’), for sale and conveyance to City. The Notice shall set forth: (i) a Purchase Price for said the Offered Lands; and, (ii) an offer (“Offer”) to sell the Offered Lands for cash at the Purchase Price, with payment thereof and conveyance of tit1 to the City within six (6) months of the Effective Date of the Notice in accordance with Section 1.c. below. The Offe shall terminate unless it is accepted in strict accordance with Paragraph 1.b. below. b. AcceDtance of Offer. The City may accept an Offer only by delivery of written notice of its acceptance thereof to the Offeror within sixty (60) days of the Effective Date of the Notice with respect thereto, together with: (i) evidence satisfactory to Offeror that City has the financial capability to pay the Purchase Price in a timely manner; and, (ii) assurances to the Offeror in a form reasonably satisfactory to Offeror that: (A) the burden and charges with respect to the construction and operation of Rancho Santa Fe Road or the City’s Growth Management Plan and related ordinances, policies and regulations that would ha\ been allocated, charged to or borne by the owners of the Offered Lands but for the use of the Offered Lands as open space, will not be allocated or charged to other lands within the Plan Area owned by Fieldstone or Lender at the time of the Closing; or, (B) that Fieldstone and Lender shall be fully compensated, in addition to the Purchase Price, for the reasonably anticipated increase in charges and burdens to other-lands within the Plan Area owned by Fieldstone or Lender,at the time of the Closing resulting Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement Exhibit 6. 6 from the non-development of the Offered Lands. that the City accepts an Offer in accordance with this provision, within six (6) months of the Effective Date of the Notice, the Offeror and City shall simultaneously pay the Purchase Price in cash and convey the Lands through an escrow (the “Closing”), all in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1.c. hereinbelow. In the event c. Closins of Purchase. In the event City accepts an Offer in accordance with Paragraph 1.b. above, within ten (10) days: (i) City and the Offeror shall execute and deliver to escrow holder escrow instructions and other documents necessary to evidence the agreement of the parties, establish and escrou terms and conditions; and, (ii) City shall deposit into sai escrow cash in the amount of five percent (5%) of the Purchase price (to be held and applied by escrow holder to the Purchase Price at the Closing): (1) and‘ to effect the Closing in accordance with the following The Purchase Price and conveyance of title shall be effected simultaneously and prior to the end of said six (6) month period through a escrow established with a title company selected by Offeror. (2) Conveyance of title to the Offered Lana shall be by grant deed, conveying fee title thereto to the City or its nominee free of all rights, interests, easements and encumbrances tha would impair the use of the Offered Lands for wildlife habitat purposes; except that, Offeror may reserve and ekcept from the conveyance of the Offered Lands all easements, rights-of-way and other rights and interests which are reasonably necessary in connection with the development and use of other lands within the “Plan AreaN, as tha term is defined in the IA. (3) Real estate taxes, charges and assessments shall be prorated to the Closing. (4) shall be shared and paid by the Offeror and City as follows: All costs and expenses of the conveyanc (a) Offeror shall pay the costs of a California Land Title Association owner’s policy for City or its the escrow; and, nominee and one-half of the cost c Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMS? Implementation Agreement Exhibit 6. 6. (b) City shall pay one-half of the cos of the escrow. All other costs and expenses of the Closing shall be shared and paid by Offeror and the City in accordance with the customs in the Sa Diego County. 2. No Further Restriction. In the event that Offeror makes an Offer to City with respect to any Offered Lands in accordance with Paragraph l.a., hereinabove, and the City does not, for any reason, accept the Offer in accordance with Paragraph l.b., hereinabove, Fieldstone and Lender may thereafter-offer to sell and/or sell to another the Offered Lands at a Purchase Price equal to or greater than the Purchase Price set forth in the Offer. Upon any such sale, Fieldstone, Lender and their successors and assigns shall have no further obligation or duty under this Agreement with respect to the Offered Lands, including, but not limited to, the obligatic to further offer to sell the Offered Lands to City. In the event that City does not accept an Offer within written request of the Fieldstone or Lender, the City shall execute and deliver to the requesting party all documents and instruments reasonably requested acknowledging that - there is no further obligation or duty on the part of Fieldstone, Lender or their successors and assigns under this Agreement with respect to the Offered Lands in accordance with the foregoing. the time specified in Paragraph 1.b. hereinabove, upon the I 3. Miscellaneous Provisions. a. Notices. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval, o communication that either party desires or is required to give to the other shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by certified mail with postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: To Fieldstone: The FieZdstone/La Costa Associates 4565 Morehouse Drive, Suite 250 San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Mr. John Barone Limited Partnership Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement Exhibit 6. 6- copy to: Lindell L. Marsh, Esq. Siemon, Larsen & Marsh 19800 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 350 Imine, CA 92715 To City: The City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 To Lender: Bank of America, Illinois or such other address as either party from time to time shall designate by written notice to the other. Notice shall be deemed effective (the "Effective Date") in the caE of personal delivery, upon delivery, and in the case of certified mail, five (5) days after deposit in the United States mail. b. Term. This Agreement shall terminate and be of no further force and effect upon and after five (5) years fron the date hereof except with respect to the right of a party to damages for any default ih the performance of this Agreement occurring prior to the end of said five period. (5) year c. Controllins Law. The interpretation and performance of this Deed shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. d. Modifications and Amendments. Any alterations, changes or modifications of or t this Agreement, to be effective, shall be made in writing and shall be executed by all parties. e. Successors and Assisns. This agreement shall be binding upon and inure tc the benefit of the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. FieldstonejCarlsbad HCPJOMSP Implementation Agreement Exhibit 5. 6 f * Countemarts. The parties may execute this Agreement in ) counterparts, which shall, in the aggregate, be signed by all parties; each counterpart shall be deemed an original instrument as against any party who has signed it. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed thi Agreement as of the day first above written. "FIELDSTONE'' The Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Limited Partnership, A California Limited By: The Fieldstone Company, a . Partnership California corporation General Partner By : John Barone, Senior Project Manager "LENDER" Bank of America, Illinois By : I I - "CITY" The City of Carlsbad, California By : -1 Fieldstone/Carlsbad HCP/OMSP Implementation Agreement Exhibit 6. 6