HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-06-06; City Council; 13168; 1995-96 Operating budget & fee scheduleIEPT. F’N I 1 CITY MGR. + 3ECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept report. Set public hearing for June 20, 1995. ITEM EXPLANATION: Operating Budget The proposed operating budget for 1995-96 totals $75.4 million, a decrease of $1.5 million from the current 1994-95 budget. Operating revenues are estimated at $74.3 million which is a $1.5 million increase over the current year projections and is mainly the result of increases in the Enterprise (Water and Sanitation) funds. The General Fund portion of the budget contains $38.9 million in recommended expenditures and is down $500,000 from the current 1994-95 budget. Projected General Fund revenues for 199596 total $X9 million resulting in a budget which is balanced with current revenues. Revenue projections show a decrease of .3% or $100,000 from the current 1994-95 projected receipts. The relatively flat revenue forecast for 1995-96 has resulted in the need to maintain planned expenditures at current levels. Balancing the 1995-96 General Fund budget entailed the use of the following strategies: Fifteen (15) positions are not funded, an increase of three quarters (.75) of a position over 1994-95 levels. The unfunded positions are vacant and represent no layoffs of existing staff. This is the fourth year that alternate funding sources have been used to support some former General Fund programs including the use of Police Asset Forfeiture funds, Gas Tax revenues and the Workers’ Compensation fund balance. No payment to the Golf Course fund has been included in the General Fund budget for 1995-96. Minimal capital outlay expenses have been included within the proposed budget (a total of $186,000). The Council Contingency account is proposed at $550,000. This account is available to the City Council to address unanticipated emergencies or unforseen program needs. # 0 PAGE TWO OF AGENDA BILL NO. j'3i I h& No additional specific service level reductions are anticipated for the 1995-96 bud< year; however, previous cuts are expectedto continue. These include closing the Sw Complex for two weeks in December, a reduced level of street sweeping, less wateri Services, and a decreased book budget in the library. Through the use of these strategies, the General fund is balanced for the 1995-96 fis year; although the City will continue to feel the effects of the recession and the Stat raid on City funds for a number of years to come. Revenues are beginning to reco but not fast enough to be able to offset all the onetime sources used in the past balance the budget - and these sources are quickly disappearing. Unless therc significant growth in revenues over the next several years, the City will struggle each y to find the funds to pay for the current level of services provided to its citizens. The Water Enterprise revenues and expenses are balanced at $13,2 million. Water ri of park areas, minimal photographic assistance to other' departments from Ma charged by the Metropolitan Water District and County Water Authority are expectec increase during the year and are reflected in the 1995-96 budget. A water rate stud currently underhay and the results of the study will assist in determining the amount : nature of any necessary rate increases for Water District residents. The Sanita Enterprise has a proposed budget of $4.5 million, which is $200,000 less than the cur; 1994-95 budget. Revenues for the Sanitation fund are estimated at $4.7 million and not include a recommendation for a rate increase. The combined Redevelopment Agency budget proposal totals $1,775,000, an incre of $200,000 from the current budget. The increase is the net result of a decreas, operations and an increase in debt service. Operations decreased by $121,000 du reduced lease payments, personnel costs and professional services. Debt ser payments are increasing by $262,000 as the Agency begins to pay back principal as as interest on the bonds which were refunded in 1993-94. .Fees and Charges for Services One of the City Council's goals is to annually evaluate fees and charges for servict conjunction with the budget. Staff has reviewed all fee schedules and is recommen a change in only one fee at this time. The increase is authorized by ordinance ar based on the change in the Engineering News Record (ENR) construction cost in( There are three City fees which are required by ordinance to be adjusted annually b; on an ENR index: Traffic Impact Fees (TIF), Sewer Connection fees and Planned L Drainage Area (PLDA) fees. As there are different versions of this index, the adjustrr may vary from fee to fee. The index used for both the TIF and the Sewer Conne fees resulted in such a minor increase ($1 or less) that no change in the current fe recommended. The index used by the PLDA fees increased by .5% which results i increase to the fees of up to $30 per Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU), depending 01 Drainage area. J 0 0 PAGE THREE OF AGENDA BILL NO. f 3 1 (c K .- The work session on June 6,1995 is an opportunity for ttie Council to review the 1995 Operating Budget as well as the Fees and Charges for Services. City staff will be mak presentations and be available to answer questions, Staff is requesting that the pul hearing be set for the meeting of June 20, 1995. At that time, Council may receive in from interested citizens and groups wishing to comment on the proposed bud! Citizen’s will also have an opportunity to discuss the Operating Budget and the Car Improvement Program at the public forum scheduled for Monday, June 12 at noon in Council Chambers. EXHIBITS 1. 1995-96 Operating Budget. 2. Recommended Change to City Fee Schedule - Planned Local Drainage P Fees. ., e a EXHIB I 1995-96 OPERATING BU Overview The proposed 1995-96 operating budget for the City of Carlsbad totals $75.4 millic revenues for the year estimated at $74.3 million. General Fund revenue wnmarize the operating revenues, expenditures, an? important issues facing tl in the forthcoming 1995-96 fiscal year. Discussion is focused on the General F, it contains discretionary revenues that fund the basic core of City services. This ! not diminish the importance of the other operating funds, as they too contribute array of services available within Carlsbad. The beginning of the 1990’s marked a major change in the City of Carlsbad’s ecor and budgeting strategies. Throughout most of the 19803, the City had experiencing tremendous growth and a steadily increasing revenue stream. challenge at that time was to provide programs and senn’ces to keep up w increasing demands from a growing population. Then, in 1990-91, the City began its revenues slow as a very deep recession took’ hold in California. Property tumbled, sales taxes dipped and development all but stopped throughout much State. The effect on Carisbad’s revenues was dramatic especially in light of the 1 digit growth experienced in previous years. The State of California was also experiencing shortfalls in revenues during this tin chose to balance its budget with cities’ and other agencies’ revenues. During years 1993 and 1994, the State took over $2.5 million in property taxes from the Carlsbad. This was a permanent reduction in revenues and one from which the C not yet recovered. As a result of the recession and the State’s raid on City fun( City has faced the constant dilemma of how to provide the high level of SI expected by its citizens with less and less available revenues. The 1994-95 fiscal year has brought some relief to the budget woes. Although PI taxes continue to lag, there has been a noticeable increase in development w reflected in the development-related revenues. Also, the State has seen some F changes in its revenues and, so far, there have been no further raids on City PI taxes or other revenues sources. However, even with the ending of the recessior take the City many years to recover from the losses in the eariy 1990’s. As we enter fiscal year 1995-96, the City is still suffering from the effects of the fir years of the decade. Revenues are beginning to recover but not fast enough to k to offset all the onetime sources used in the past to balance the budget - anc sources are quickly disappearing. The City is continuing to utilize onetime rc sources to balance the General Fund. In addition, the golf course payment is once scheduled to be paid from the General Fund balance rather than with op revenues. Unless there is significant growth in revenues over the next several ye: expenditures are balanced at $38,9 million. The budget message which foil01 1 d 0 a City will continue to struggle each year to find the funds to pay for the high leve services its citizens have come to expect. Budaetaw - Policies An analysis of the local economy indicated that the City should expect minimal gro' in revenues for 1995-96 compared to the original estimate for 1994-95, requil expenditures to be held at current levels. In order to accomplish this goal, a b budget was established for each department which excluded any amounts carried c from previous years. Each department was given the direction to maintain the bottc line total. In order to arrive at this goal, departments prepared their budgets within following guidelines: b No new positions, programs or services unless specific revenue sources \I\ indicated. b Budgets were required to absorb increases due to step increases and other inflationary increases. b Assume no increase in fees or other charges for services. b Increased costs were required to be offset by reductions elsewhere so that the bottom line would remain the same. b Capital outlay needs could be addressed within the budget request. b Maintain existing service levels; however, try to obtain cost reductions beyond the base budget. b The managed hiring freeze will be maintained throughout the 1995-96 fiscal ye After budgets were submitted, the Finance Department reallocated assessments and any adjustments to salary schedules. This approach excluded these costs from base budget calculation, as the allocations varied significantly in some department The use of these guidelines resulted in a 1995-96 operating budget of $75.4 millio decrease of $1.5 from the current 1994-95 budget. Fifteen (15) positions will no funded in the 1995-96 budget, up from fourteen and one quarter (14.25) in the prev year. All of the unfunded positions are in General Fund programs. The COI Contingency account is budgeted at $550,000 which is down from the $1 to $2 mi budgeted in pre-recessionary years. This account is available to the City Counc address unanticipated emergencies or unforseen program needs. Information Systems, Workers' Compensation, Liability Insurance Self Insurance Fu 2 - e e Revenue The following table shows the total operating revenues the City anticipates receivin! 1994-95, as well as those estimated for 1995-96. REVENUE SUMMARY BY FUNCTION (In Millions) i FUND PROJECTED 1994-95 GENERAL FUND 39.0 SPECIAL REVENUE 7.8 ENTERPRISE 17.6 INTERNAL SERVICE 6.7 ' REDEVELOPMENT 1.7 ESTIMATED 1 1995-96 2 ~~~ ~ 38.9 7.6 19.1 7.0 1.7 -I DIFFERENCE % CHAF (0.1 1 -E (0.2) 1.5 E 0.3 L 0.0 c r -e I I TOTAL 72.8 I 74.3 I 1.5 2 Revenue estimates for the operating budget indicate that the City will receive a toi $74.3 million, a $1.5 million increase over the current year projections. The majori the increase can be attributed to the Enterprise funds, up $1.5 million. These fund: be discussed later in this report. Revenues for all other groupings are expect€ remain relatively flat. General Fund revenues provide a representative picture of the local economy. T revenues are of particular interest as these resources fund basic City services SUC Police, Fire, Library, Street Maintenance and Park and Recreation programs. The below shows a summarized outlook for the major General Fund revenues. SIGNIFICANT REVENUES TO THE GENERAL FUND (In Millions) FUND PROJECTED ESTIMATED 1994-95 I 1995-96 I DIFFERENCE . % CHA I I PROPERTY TAX 10.9 SALES TAX 11.0 TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX 3.1 DEVELOPMENT RELATED RW 2.5 OTHER REVENUES 11.5 10.9 1 1.3 3.2 2.2 1 1.3 0.0 ( 0.3 0.1 (0.3) -1 ' I (0.2) I I TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE 30.0 I 3R.O I (0.4 1 3 - e 0 Throughout Carisbad’s history, property taxes have always been the largest sour revenue for the General Fund. However, due to the permanent loss of property ta the State and the deflation of real estate values, property taxes are expected to 1 28% of the total General Fund revenue and shows no increase from the 19 estimate. Although property values seem to have stabilized from their dowr movement over the past several years, no recovery of property values is expeci second place in the upcoming year. The $10.9 million projection for 1995-96 repre 1995-96 and future recovery is expected to be very slow. Sales tax is now the largest revenue source to the General Fund representing 29% 4 fund. Sales taxes are estimated at $1 1.3 million for 1995-96, an increase of 3 $300,000 over the projected 1994-95 receipts. This estimate includes approxirr $290,000 that is restricted to spending on public safety services under Propositior Proposition 172 required that the 1/2 cent increase in California sales taxes be depc to newly created state and local public safety trust funds and allocated to local age to fund public safety services. . The next most significant General Fund revenue is the Transient Occupancy Tax \ is estimated at $3.2 million for 1995-96, an increase of 3% over 1994-95 estimatt appears that travel to Carlsbad is on the upswing after three years of relative1 revenues. Development within Carlsbad saw a sudden upward turn in 1994-95 although it I expected to keep up the pace throughout 1995-96. The 1994-95 development re revenues, which include planning,’engineering and building department fees as wl construction permits and the license tax on new construction, are expected to cor approximately $870,000 higher than originally budgeted. The projections for 19! show a 12% reduction in these revenues for a total combined revenue projection 01 million. One other revenue source shows a significant decrease from the 1994-95 proje Interdepartment charges are expected to decrease by 17% or $357,000 from the 19 estimate. These are amounts charged to other funds to pay for administrative sel provided by the General Fund departments. A new cost allocation plan was don year which is the basis for determining the amount charged. Due to the decre General Fund budget and the reorganization within some departments, the c( administrative services charged to other departments in 1995-96 has declined. Special Revenue Fund revenues total $7.6 million which is $200,000 or 2.6% less those projected for 1994-95. The types of functions supported within Special Re\ Funds include programs funded by specific revenue streams such as Section 8 Ho Assistance, Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), maintenance asses3 districts, and Gas Tax street maintenance. The Special Revenue Fund accountir most of the decrease in this category is the CDBG program. This program shot decrease in revenues of $296,000 or 31% from 1994-95 projections. This is due i 1993-94 carryover of grant funding into the 1994-95 fiscal year. The CDBG progr 4 - 0 0 an expenditure-driven grant which means that the grant funds are not distributed L after the expenditure has been incurred. Thus, it is common to receive the revenue! the year after the grant was actually awarded, Other changes occurring in the Special Revenue funds are seen in the maintena assessment districts. It is anticipated that there will be a rate increase in the Mec Maintenance assessment district this year resulting in an increase in the. revenue 1995-96 of $123,000 or 47%. The increase is needed to offset increasing costs i additional mileage of medians being maintained. In addition, there may be a chal in the method of assessment for the other two maintenance assessment districts, Tr and Street Lighting, causing the revenue projections to be slightly less than estimz for 1994-95. The State laws governing maintenance assessment district require pu noticing and hearings for any changes in the rates. Thus, information regarding th proposed adjustments will be presented to Council and the citizens as a separate rep Enterprise Fund revenue for 1995-96 is projected at $1 9.1 million, up $1.5 million or 8 over 1994-95 estimates. Enterprise Funds are similar to a business in that rates enterprises include the water and sanitation services, and solid waste managemeni Water Operations revenues show an increase of 11.2%, or $1.3 million, which reflc anticipated rate increases from the Metropolitan Water District and the County W Authority for the water Carlsbad purchases for sale to users. A water rate stud currently underway and the results of the study will assist in determining the amount nature of any necessary rate increases. Reclaimed water revenues are also projec to' increase in 1995-96 by $245,000, the result of the possible water rate increase increased sales. Sanitation operating revenues, at $4.7 million, are not expectec increase in 1995-96 as rates are expected to remain stable. Internal Service Funds show an estimated revenue of $7 million for 1995-96, an incre of $300,000, or 4.5% over 1994-95 projections. Internal Service Funds provide serv within the City itself and include programs such as the self insurance funds for Work Compensation and Liability Insurance, as well as Information Systems and Vet Service Fund demonstrating the largest revenue increase is the Information Syst fund, up $307,000 or 39%. The increase is necessary to cover the increased exper of the fund which are detailed later in this report. Redevelopment revenues are estimated at 1994-95 levels of $1.7 million. The increment on property values has not exhibited any signs of growth over the past t years, and is expected to remain unchanged for 1995-96. charged to support the operations which supply the service, Examples of Carls Maintenance. Departments pay for services provided by these funds. The Ink 5 0 0 ExDenditures Proposed City operating expenditures for 1995-96 total $75.4 million which repre a decrease of $1.5 million, or 2% from the current 1994-95 budget as shown in the below. BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY (In Millions) I BUDGET FUND 1994-95 GENERAL FUND 39.4 SPECIAL REVENUE 9.8 ENTERPRISE 18.6 INTERNAL SERVICE 7.5 REDEVELOPMENT 1.6 BUDGET 1995-96 I DIFFERENCE % CHI 1 7.5 (2.1 (0.5) 0.0 1 1.8 0.2 I I TOTAL 76.9 I 75.4 I (1 5) General Fund expenditures show a $500,000, or 1.3% decrease, from the current 19 budget to the 1995-96 budget. Balancing the 1995-96 General Fund budget entail€ use of various strategies which are profiled below. b Fifteen (15) positions are not funded, an increase of three quarters (.75: position over 1994-95 levels. The unfunded positions are vacant and repr no layoffs of existing staff. The unfunded positions now include six (6) PO$ in the Library, four (4) positions in Engineering, four (4) positions in Comn Services, and a management analyst in the Fire department. Four ( used for staffing the 'positions have been transferred to an operating acc There are no immediate cost savings on these positions, however it is antici that in future years economies will result. The other eleven (11) PO: represent a savings of approximately $550,000 a year. unfunded positions represent a change to contracted services and monies b This is the fourth year that alternate funding sources have been used to SL some former General Fund programs. Police Asset Forfeiture fund supporting all maintenance and operation costs of the DARE and Ju Diversion programs and major street maintenance and repair prograv supported through the Gas Tax revenues. In addition, another $200,000 represents five (5) positions in street maintenance, has been shifted fro General Fund to the Gas Tax fund for 1995-96. This will cause expenses Gas Tax fund to exceed annual revenues by approximately $100,000 resul the drawdown of the fund balance. Also budgeted is a $250,000 transfer General Fund from the Workers' Compensation fund balance. 6 0 0 The SUPPO~~ Of General Fund programs through other funds saves the Ger Fund approximately $1.7 mjllion in total. In the future, it may be necessar consider the General Fund.as a source for funding these programs once as b No payment to the Golf Course fund has been included in the General F budget for 1995-96. Rather, a transfer from the General Fund balance is plar in fiscal year 1994-95 in the amount of $600,000. ,This will prepay the Gel Fund obligation for the 1995-96 budget year. . Capital outlay expenses totaling approximately $1 86,000 have been funded M the budget. While the preceding strategies apply on a City-wide basis, there are measurable se level reductions which occur at the program level. In general, most programs antici extended response times to accomplish tasks as less staff and resources are avail: No additional specific service level reductions are anticipated for the 1995-96 bul year; however, previous cuts are expected to continue. These include closing the S Complex for two weeks in December, and reductions to the water account in the maintenance program which will affect the appearance of park areas. The Library M Services program has eliminated photographic assistance to other departments a: staff position has rotated to the reference service desk to fill in for an unfunded Libra The Library book budget remains at relatively low levels which will affect adult circuk and reference materials. In addition to all the cuts necessitated by the recession and the State’s reallocatic property taxes, the Library program has also had to absorb the costs of the Centr lnformacion program into its budget plan this year. This is a grant funded pro: which was scheduled to last for five years. The middle of 1995-96. represents termination of the receipt of the grant funds, at which time General Funds will be I to continue the prograin. Full year funding for the Centro de lnformacion has I absorbed in the 1995-96 budget at an additional cost of approximately $30,000. Special Revenue Funds show a decrease in anticipated spending of approximately million, or 21 % which is the result of reductions in a number of programs. Police P Forfeiture expenditures declined due to one time spending which occurred in 1994 In addition, Gas Tax spending is projected to decline as the 1994-95 budget contai significant amount of funds carried over from the previous year. to complete sched projects. The CDBG EntitlernenVRehab fund also shows a decrease due to the earl)( of grant funding from the 1993-94 fiscal year causing the 1994-95 fiscal year expendii to be unusually high. The Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District budget contains a decrea! . $346,000, or 33% and is due to the one-time costs to purchase street light fixtures SDG&E contained in the 1994-95 expenditure estimate. The only Special Revenue showing a significant increase is the Median Maintenance Assessment District whi higher. by $106,000, or 39% as the result of additional medians to be maintained 7 0 e increased costs. Staff is presently reviewing service levels, delivery requirements an appropriate assessments and a rate increase for the Median Maintenance Assess District is expected to be recommended during the upcoming year. Enterprise Funds show a budget increase of $900,000, or 4.8%, due mainly to incre purchased’ water costs in both the Water Operations and the Reclaimed Water fl It is anticipated that there will be higher demand for water due to new developme . well as an increase in the cost of purchased water from the City’s suppliers, the Cc ‘dVater Authority and the Metropolitan Water District. Internal Service Funds, taken together, reflect essentially no change from the pre year; however, there are some significant swings within the funds that make uy group. The largest change is in the Information Systems fund which shows an inc of $278,000. The majority of the increase is due to absorption of the General Information Systems division. Personnel, as well as maintenance costs related tl telephone and voice-mail systems, were transferred to the Information Systems In1 Service fund. Adding to the increase are additional capital outlay requests to pn upgrades to the City-wide network and to replace a number of outdated microcompl Moving in the opposite direction is the Vehicle Replacement fund with an decrea $250,000 or 19%. The decrease is the result of an unusually high budget in 199 This occurred as the City has been catching up on purchases which were delayec to budget cuts in previous years. The budget for this fund normally fluctuates acco to the vehicles recommended for replacement in any given year. The budget for Workers’ Compensation Self Insurance has fluctuated very little fron of 1994-95 and, once again, includes an operating transfer to the General FUI $250,000. This action will reduce the Workers’ Compensation fund balance whi higher than necessary and help to offset Workers’ Compensation expenses il General Fund. The Redevelopment Agency budget has increased for 1995-96 by $200,000, main result of a decrease in operations of $121,000 and an increase in debt servi? $262,000. The decrease in operations is the result of reduced lease payr personnel costs and professional services, Lease payments are expected to drc about $50,000 as the Agency is exercising its option to purchase one of the dowr parking lots, thereby eliminating the lease payments. Personnel costs are dov resources are shifted to other programs and a lower level of professional servic expected to be needed in the upcoming year. Debt service payments will increase as the Agency begins to pay back principal a: as interest on the bonds which were refunded in 1993-94. a 0 e Summary While 1995-96 represents a challenging year financially, the City will strive to maintain quality and variety of services which have come to be expected by the residents : businesses of Carlsbad. The 1995-96 budget projects a slow recovery resulting in sr increases to the forecasted revenues. Carlsbad’s budget still relies upon alterr funding sources to insure that services continue to be available to the citizens, althol sometimes at reduced levels. These methods of balancing the budget are becorr exhausted and will not necessarily be available in future years. The City is continL reviewing how it does business in order to operate more efficiently and productiv However, without additional funding sources or stronger revenue growth in the futur will be necessary to reevaluate the City’s ability to offer all of its current programs wi its limited financial resources. 9 0 e CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1995-96 PROJECTED PROJECTED BALANCE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE FUND JULY 1,1995 REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS JUNE 30, 199( 1 GENERAL FUND li 10,457,178 38,855,000 38,854,487 (200,000) 10,257,69 ................................................................................................................. : 2: ...;..;............ ..................................................................... ..................................................................................... - :.:.::.:.: :.: ............................................................................. ......................................................................................... .............. Pt)C,CE.~sSET.~~RFE,~~~... ................................................................. .............. HOUSING - SECTION 8 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE GAS TAX TREE MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT STATE GRANTS (LIBRARY) SENIOR NUTRITION CDBG ENTITLEMENT/REHAB 1,115,400 133,082 91,800 2,924,600 41 5,720 26,100 640,260 424,588 197,700 6,090 25,498 150,000 3,235,000 11 0,000 1,350,000 533,200 383,300 608,900 108,000 229,000 195,900 647,500 57,120 3,238,794 147,500 1,467,900 531,290 380,380 713,620 6,500 293,200 200,998 672,000 1,208.28 129,288 54,30 2,806,70 41 7,63 29,02 535,54 526,00 133,50 98 98 I ENTERPRISE 1: ............................................................................. .............................................................................. ............................................................................. .............................................................................. WATER OPERATIONS RECLAIMED WATER SEWER OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT GOLF COURSE I INTERNAL SERVICE h. .............................................................. woRKERscoMpsELFi.NsuR .............................................................................. LIABILITYSELF INSUR HEALTH INSURANCE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4,104,000 360,300 3,643,500 36,850 600,000 1,245,900 1,735,900 1,201,700 (88,700) 3,325,200 625,600 13,176,200 1,208,700 4,672,500 101,400 0 755,020 1,004,990 1,805,000 1,335,000 990,000 1,088,500 13,201,330 1,203,300 4,493,260 108,440 470,000 1,114,500 1,065,360 1,950,000 1,291,000 1,093,500 1,070,080 4,078,87 365,7C 3,822,74 29,81 130,OC 886,4; 1,675,5: 1,056,7( (44,7( 3,221,7( (100,000) 544,O; 1 REDEVELOPMENT ......................................................................... opERA~ioNs 7,190 78,100 523,960 . 450,000 11,3: DEBT SERVICE 905,960 1,275,000 1,077,600 (450,000) 653,3( LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 2,876,800 355,000 173,020 3,058,7 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $37,038,216 $74,251,210 $75,399,139 ($300,000) $35,590,2 10 0 e CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1994-95 UNRESERVED PROJECTED BALANCE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE FUND JULY 1,1994 REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS JUNE 30,1995 WRAL FUND )$ 11,296,596 38,992,000 37,231,418 (1,800,000) 11,257,17f .......................... Appropriat~on~:rom ........................................................................................................... fun^ .Barance :..:.:. (800,OOC 1OI457,17t 1,522,400 100,000 507,000 1,115,40( HOUSING - SECTION 8 131,400 3,225,000 , 3,223,318 133,08: AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE 121,800 1 15,000 145,000 91,80( GAS TAX TREE MAINTENANCE 2,811,600 1,360,000 1,247,000 364,400 584,200 532,880 2,924,601 41 5,72( MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 40,100 260,000 274,000 26,101 STREET LIGHTING 986,800 660,000 1,006,540 BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT 31 2,700 115,000 3,112 640,261 424,58 STATE GRANTS (LIBRARY) 260,400 207,500 270,200 197,70 SENIOR NUTRITION CDBG ENTITLEMENTFIEHAB 2,200 195,300 191,410 47,684 943,730 965,916 6,09 25,49 I ENTERPRISE k! .............................................................................. ............................................................................... ............................................................................. .............................................................................. WATER OPERATIONS 3,635,600 11,851,100 11,382,700 4,104,OO RECLAIMED WATER 131.800 963,500 735,000 360,30 SEWER OPERATIONS 3,299,400 4,674,500 4,330,400 3,643,5(3 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 69,300 129,800 162,250 36,85 GOLF COURSE 420,000 0 420,000 600,000 600,OO ~ INTERNAL SERVICE ...................................................................... ............................................................................. wo.RKER's.cOMp.s.ELF..iNsuR ..................................................................... ................. 1,321,200 771,600 846,900 LIABILITY SELF INSUR 1,696,200 1,047,000 1,007,300 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,336,700 1,815,000 1,950,000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (85,700) 1,230,000 1,233,000 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 3,606,200 1,019,000 1,300,000 61 7,500 781,400 773,300 l,245,9C 1,735,9(3 1,201,7c (88,7C 3,325,2( 625,6C 1 REDEVELOPMENT !? ; ................................................................................................................... 0PE~TiONS .......................................................................................................... ............................... ....................... 59,600 78,100 630,510 . 500,000 7,1$ DEET SERVICE 936,300 1,285,000 81 5,340 (500,000) 905,9( LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 2,618,200 360,000 101,400 2,876,81 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $37,560,380 $72,763,730 $71,285,894 ($1,200,000) $37,038,2 11 0 e CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1992-93 TO 1995-96 %INCR (DE( 1994 -95 I. 94-95 BUI 1992-93 1993-94 ESTIMATED 1994-95 1995-96 3 TO DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS EXPENDITURES BUDGET 1 BUDGET K 95-96BUI I GENERAL FUND iiii GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL 153,747 160.166 168.300 168,548 CITY MANAGER 679,476 744,963 757.300 779,245 CITY CLERK 20.878 21,554 40,900 40,900 CITYATTORNEY 362,318 370,109 462,000 473,619 FINANCE 860,207 993,163 999,800 1,041,287 CITYTREASURER 71,101 79,595 91,500 101,959 171,890 777,090 329,000 485,410 1,021,740 1 1 1,820 1.98s - 0.289 704.404 2.495 - 1.88: 9.67' PURCHASING 329,101 338,910 348,200 358,057 358,681 $ 0.17' HUMAN RESOURCES 579,733 571,196 640,162 862,690 784,082 iiij -9.11' RESEARCH OFFICE 159,883 0 0 0 0.00' INFORMATION SYSTEMS 359,784 388,402 394,000 397,023 0 3: -100.00' 1 ~' o ;i RISK MANAGEMENT 177,219 0 0 0 0 ?! 0.00' TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 3,753.447 3,668,058 3.902.162 4,223.327 4,039,713 $ -4.35' PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE 8,591,028 8,760,470 8,644,797 8,898,556 9,203,980 : 3.43' FIRE 6,750,721 6,986,554 6,724,671 6,855,812 I 6,871,675 1 0.23' TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 15.341.749 15,747,024 15,369,468 15,754,369 1 16,075,655 I.' 2.04' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DNEL ADMIN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING PLANNING GROWTH MANAGEMENT HISTORIC PRESERV COMM BUILDING INSPECTION - 458,761 124,941 18,403 3,374,023 1,807,556 98,945 3,448 762,082 546.406 132.124 27,060 3,004,240 1.793.683 107,377 399 702.467 - 588,566 173,714 68,500 2,843.994 1.828,117 75,599 4,375 735.550 608,285 ' 222.844 84,000 3,231,504 2,034.665 75,599 4,375 78 I .950 573.300 196,040 132,640 3,061,062 1,971,420 77,960 3,000 816.947 TOTAL COMMUNINDEVELOPMENT 6,648.159 6,313,757 6,318,415 7,043,221 rl 6,832,369 .$ LIBRARYKULTURE U BRARY 2,316,029 2,447,865 2,406,670 2,480,284 2,475,040 3 CULTURALARTS PROGRAM 229,842 234,075 231,500 248,301 250,480 $ SISTER CITY PROGRAM 8,993 8,426 10,200 11,500 6,800 i$ TOTAL LIBRARYKULTURE 2,554.864 2,690,366 2,648,370 2,740.085 2,732,320 $ ........................... .................................... ... -5.758 - 12.03' 57.90' -5.27 -3.1 1 3.12 -31.43 4.48 -2.99 -0.21 0.8e -40.87 -0.2E 12 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1992-93 TO 1995-96 1994 -95 rjii "d:9:: 1992-93 1993-94 ESTIMATED 1994-95 2 TO 1995-96 DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS MPENDITURES BUDGET $ 95-96 BL BUDGET COMMUNITYSERVICES COMMUNITY SERVICES ADMIN 793,905 716,951 629,900 645,652 SENIOR PROGRAMS 217,793 228,591 239,000 245,092 :i -2.OC 1,584,790 RECREATION 1335.487 1,594,578 1,572.350 1,617,095 z: -0.25 1,584,860 PARK MAINTENANCE 1,445,853 1,583,524 1,457,100 1,588,842 I' -5.08 612,870 245.800 $ 0.25 STREET MAINTENANCE 1,809,753 1,378,169 1,534,800 1,629,092 1,459.620 $. -10.4C FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 1,130,429 1,186,463 1,292,800 1,377,521 1,238,040 ! -10.12 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINT 275,924 278,404 308,300 348,550 $ -5.7( 7,022,930 TOTAL COMMUNITYSERVCIES 7.209.144 6,966,680 7,034.250 7.451.044 $l -14.8C 296,950 :.: ~ .. ~ NON-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNITY PROMOTION 246,205 BEACH PARKING 36,000 COMMUNINCONTRIBUTIONS 75,000 HIRING CENTER 76.498 HOSP GROVE PAYMENT 735,051 AUDIT 41,275 PROPERTY TAX ADMlN FEE 161,975 ANIMAL REGULATION CONTRACT 168,224 DUES &SUBSCRIPTIONS 26,008 MISC/OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT 297.468 ASSESSMENT SERVICES 7,598 BOND SERVICES 8,185 GOLF COURSE 565,200 LEASES 130,500 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL 2,575,187 222.702 33,668 75,000 76,967 787,708 26,823 154,827 1 10.868 20,973 1.31 1,502 6,266 5,432 0 0 2,832,736 205,000 243,902 36,000 36,000 77,300 77,300 80,000 80,000 802,000 812,500 40.000 69,754 170,000 172.000 125,000 125,000 23,000 23,000 385,953 385.953 8,500 10,800 6,000 6,500 0 0 0 0 1,958,753 2,042,709 205,000 40,000 8 -1.2: 802,500 I: O.O( 80,000 $. -2.91 75.000 2 O.O( 36,000 $ -15.9: $ 8.7( 25,000 3 12.0( 140,000 {i: 4.6! 180,000 $! -42.6( 0 j:i. -100.01 11,500 $ 0.01 6,500 $ 6.41 o ;; ,,. 0.01 0 ::: .. ~ 0.01 1.601.500 $ -21.61 .... ~ SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND 38.082.550 38,218,621 37,231.418 39,255,554 1 38.304.487 1 -2.4 CONTINGENCIES 0 0 0 149.821 u 267.1 TOTAL GENERALFUND 38,082,550 38.218.621 37.231,410 39,405,375 38,854,487 $, -1.4 ... ........................... ............................ .. ~ 13 0 e CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 1992-93 TO 1995-96 %INCR (DE' 1994-95 TI 94-95BU 1992-93 1993-94 ESTIMATED 1994-95 1995-96 $ TO DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS EXPENDITURES BUDGET BUDGET /ii 95-96 BU [ SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 1: ..................................................................................... .................. .................................... ........................................................ ........................................ POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE HOUSING SECTION 8 AUDIO VISUAL INSURANCE GAS TAX TREE MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT STATE GRANTS (LIBRARY) SENIOR NUTRITION CDBG ENTITLEMENT/REHAB 392.997 2,529.978 49.41 1 220.477 536,165 236,802 591,575 198,105 286,593 180,403 268,000 604.628 2,796,680 93.326 1,593,540 546,738 277.490 528.069 54,215 313,138 189.756 1,177.361 507.000 3,223,318 145,000 1,247,000 532,880 274,000 1,006,540 3,112 270,200 191,410 965.916 507,702 3,229,027 168,265 2,344,544 558.839 274.360 1,059,488 14.689 356,396 197,361 1.148,712 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 5,490,506 8,174.941 8,366,376 9,859.383 WATER OPERATIONS 10,008,242 11,145,830 I 1,382,700 12,537,874 REClAIMED WATER 683,007 635,635 735,000 840.660 SANITATION OPERATIONS 4,026,391 5,920,427 4,330,400 4,672,977 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 153.722 112,284 162,250 121,271 GOLF COURSE 0. 0 420,000 420,000 57.120 $ 3,238,794 2 147,500 2 1,467,900 ?j $ 672.000 2 200,998 $: 293,200 2 6,500 2 713,620 $ 380,380 !: 531,290 1 -~ 13,201,330 7,709,302 $ $ 1,203,300 8 4,493,260 2 108.440 it 470.000 $ -aa.751 0.30' -12.34' -37.39 -4.93 38.64 -32.64 -55.75 - 17.73 1.84 -41 sa -21.81 5.2s 43.14 -3.85 - 10.56 11.9c TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 14,873,362 17,814.176 17,030.350 18.592.782 Fi; 19.476.330 $ = 4.75 1 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS~~ ...................................................... .................................................................. ................................... : .:.:.: .:.:.:.:. :::::::,:::::.::::; .................................................. WORKERS COMP SELF INSURANCE 639.500 789,247 846,900 852.144 W C Operating Transfer Out 0 0 250,000 250.000 LIABILITY SELF INSURANCE 1,183,895 1,100.915 1,007,300 1,014,870 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,824,547 ' 1,856,039 1,950,000 1,962,045 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 1,227,137 1,267,294 1.233.000 1,311,575 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 324,509 542,630 1,300,000 1,343,251 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 683,073 725.298 773,300 792,243 1 1. 864,500 1.065.360 g O.O( 250,000 3 1.4: 2 -18.51 1,093,500 $. - 1 Si 1,291,000 f -0.6' 1,950,000 f 4.91 1,070,080 $ 35.0; TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 5,882.661 6,281.423 7,360,500 7,526,127 1..Q- 7 584 440 i; 0.7- /REDEVELOPMENT: ..................................................................... .................................................................... ..................................................................... 1 OPERATIONS 753,104 590,095 630,510 644,650 523.960 .I -18.7 DEBT SERVICE 1,619,643 1,091,749 815.340 815,340 I 173,Oj 64.7 1,077,600 $, 32.1 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 81,437 101,494 101,400 105,000 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT 2.454.184 1,763,338 1,547,250 1,564,990 1,774,580 $ 13.3 .... ~ .......................... ....... ..I ~ ............................................... [TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS 66,783,263 72,272,498 71,535,894 76,948,657 75,399,139 -2.0 14 e e CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1995-96 ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED z AS % DIFFERENC REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE 2 OF FY94-95 1994-95TC 1 1::: REVENUE SOURCE 1993-94 1994-95 1 1995-96 $ PROJECTED 1995-96 I GENERAL FUND tiii TAXES PROPERTY TAX $1 1,123,765 $10,900,000 g 3.23% 100,oc 3,200,000 TRANSIENTTAX 3,153,084 3,100,000 3 2.73% 300,OC 11,290,000 SALES TAX 10,840,115 10,990,000 $ 0.00% $10,900,000 FRANCHISE TAX TRANSFER TAX TOTAL TAXES 1,183,310 1,340,000 1,360,000 3 1.49% 20,oc 1 , 1: 21 0,731 220,000 220000 6 0.00% 26,511,005 26,550,000 26,970,000 $ 1.58% 420,0( LICENSES AND PERMITS l ,/ CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 365,571 550,000 400,000 $ -27.27% (1 50,0( BUSINESS LICENSES 1,093,827 1,212,000 1,250,000 % 3.14% 38,0( LICENSE TAX-CONSTRUCTION 44,496 75,000 -33.33% (25,0( OTHER LICENSES & PERMITS 31 8,381 355,000 285,000 z - 19.72% ClO,O( TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS 1,822,275 2,192,000 1,985,000 5 -9.44% (207,Ol 50000 i8 I :.:. STATE SUBVENTIONS 11 OTHER 233,887 199,000 200,000 g VEHICLE IN-LIEU 2,628,592 2,073,000 2,200,000 3 TOTAL STATE SUBVENTIONS 2,862,479 2,272,000 2,400,000 8; fb CHARGES FOR SERVICES PLANNING FEES 459,509 721,000 BUILDING DEPT. FEES 275,156 434,000 $ 725,000 8 375,000 6.1 3% 127,Ol 0.50% 1 ,a 5.63% 128,0( 0.55% 4,Ol -1 3.59% (59,0( ENGINEERING FEES AMBULANCE FEES RECREATION FEES 656,108 743,000 3 0.65% 5,o 775,000 747,043 770,000 I; :::: 3.24% 11,o 350000 # 342,829 339,000 $ - 19.25% (143,O 600,000 OTHER CHARGES OR FEES 589, I 59 543,000 1 535,660 i' -1 A796 (8.0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 3,069,804 3,550,000 3,360,000 $ -5.35% (190,O FINES AND FORFEITURES 231,454 244,000 i$ .... - 1.64% (4,o 240 , 000 INTEREST 1,465,717 1,177,000 $ 1.95% 23,C 1,200,000 _____ _____ ~,.,.~ ~ INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES 2,393,576 2,157,000 2 - 16.55% (357,C 1,800,000 OTHER REVENUE SOURCES 407,155 850,000 38,855,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 38,763,465 38,992,000 ::; 5.88% 50,C t $ -0.35% (1 37,c goo 000 i(i ....... .......... .............................. .............................. .............................. 15 e e CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1995-96 ACTUAL PROJECTED i\ ESTIMATED ijj ... AS % DIFFERENC REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE $ OF PI 94-95 1994-95 TC REVENUE SOURCE 1993-94 1994-95 1 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE ASSET FORFEITURES 107,591 35,000 INTEREST 90,569 65,000 I 1995-96 1 90,000 :i 60,000 $ PROJECTED 1995-96 ~~~ ~~ 157.1 4% 55,00( -7.69% (5,00( TOTAL 198,160 100,000 1 150,000 /I,: iiji 50.00% 50,00( HOUSING - SECTION 8 INTEREST 7,947 9,000 8,000 3 FEDERAL GRANT 2,678,074 3,023,000 11 3,037,000 $2 OTHER 123,605 193,000 1g0,ooo 8 TOTAL 2,809,626 3,225,000 3,235,000 f.. AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE INTEREST 7,274 5,000 INSURANCE FEES TOTAL 89,152 11 0,000 96,426 1 15,000 1 ,I 5,000 z 105,000 2 11 0 000 iii -11.11% (1 DO 0.46% 14,OO -1.55% (3,OO 0.31 % 10,oo 0.00% -4.55% (5,Oo -4.35% (5,oo GAS TAX 11 GAS TAX REVENUES 1,186,119 1,200,000 1,200,000 ; 0.00% INTEREST TOTAL 141,790 160,000 1 150,000 1 -6.25% (1 o,oa 1,327,909 1,360,000 1,350,000 $ -0.74% (1 o,oa TREE MAINTENANCE INTEREST 18,625 18,ooo 2 0.00% 66,200 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 66,143 66,200 2; -9.60% (48,OC 452,000 TREE MAINTENANCE FEES 506,397 500,000 i)i .i. - 16.67% (3,OC 15OOo 1 $ -8.73% (51 ,OC 533,200 TOTAL 591,165 584,200 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE e INTEREST 1,945 0 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FEES 257,670 260,000 z 47.42% 123,3( 383,300 TOTAL 259,943 260,000 0 0% MlSC REIMBURSEMENT 328 0 2 . 47.42% 123,3( 383,300 ojl 0.00% P.. . ............................... ............................ ............................. ............................. 16 0 e - CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1995-96 ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE SOURCE 1993-94 1994-95 STREET LIGHTING INTEREST 50,222 32,000 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 74,297 28,000 I ESTIMATED REVENUE 2 AS % DIFFERENC $ PROJECTED 1995-96 1995-96 $ OF FY94-95 1994-95 TC 30500 Z I .::: -4.69% (1,501 28000 2 9 i:: 0.00% I STREET LIGHTING FEES 61 8,104 550,400 $ -8.27% (49,60( MISC REIMBURSEMENT 525 0 ;$ 0.00% TOTAL 743,148 660,000 608,900 $ -7.74% (51,101 6m'o: b[ BUENA VISTA CREEK CHNL MAINT l ,i INTEREST 15,473 15,000 ' 8 000 i$i -46.67% i7,oc BUENA VISTA FEES 99,626 100,000 100,000 $ 0.00% TOTAL 115,099 1 15,000 108,000 # -6.09% i7,oc STATE GRANTS 1 ,I INTEREST 14,554 7,500 6,000 $ -20.00% (1,5C GRANTS 289,190 200,000 223,000 $$ 11.50% 23,OC TOTAL 303,744 207,500 229000 13 10.36% 21,5c SENIOR NUTRITION GRANTS 105,354 11 0,400 $ -0.45% (5C 109,~ DONATIONS TOTAL 86,556 84,900 +"! 86,000 3 1.30% 1,lC 191,910 195,300 195,900 $ 0.31 % 6C CDBG ENTITLEMENT/REHAB INTEREST 944 700 2 -31.39% (296,2: 647,500 TOTAL 1,152,096 943,730 $ -31.39% (296,O: 647,000 GRANT REVENUE 1,151,152 943,030 1:s -28.57% (2C 500 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 7,789,226 7,765,730 $ -2.77% . (214,9: 7,550,800 ...................................... . . . . . . . . . . ..............,, . .................... 17 0 e - CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1995-96 I ACTUAL PROJECTED ,I ESTIMATED 1 AS % DIFFERENC REVENUES REVENUE REVENUE $$ OF FY94-95 1994-95 T( REVENUE SOURCE 1993-94 1994-95 $ PROJECTED 1995-96 1995-96 j$ ....... ................ .................................................................................................... . .:.):.:.):.:.), 2:; .......................................................................... WATER OPERATIONS WATER SALES 9,952,785 READY TO SERVE CHARGES 1,972,049 NEW ACCOUNT CHARGES 76,140 BACK-FLOW PROGRAM FEES 47,322 PENALTY FEES 262,717 INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 260,856 ENGINEERING & PLAN CHECK FEES 47,084 CONNECTION FEES 54,079 MISCELLANEOUS 187,023 TOTAL 12,860,054 9,000,000 2,100,000 64,000 48,500 250,000 260,000 49,100 58,600 20.900 11,851,100 10,067,QQO 3 2,440,000 3 3 50,000 46,000 5 283,300 $ 200,000 2 26,500 5 40,000 ;f 3 23,400 13,176,200 2:; $ 11.86% 1,067,OO 16.1 9% 340,QO -21.88% (1 4,00 -5.15% (230 13.32% 33,30 -23.08% (60,OO -46.03% (22,60 -31.74% (1 8,60 11 96% 2,50 11m18% 1,325,lO RECLAIMED WATER WATER SALES 665,431 700,000 3 26.96% 188,70 888,700 READY-TO-SERVE CHARGE 8,783 8,000 2; j:: 8.75% 70 8700 9 RECLAIMED WATER CREDITS 21 5,642 240,000 ${ 27.00% 64,80 304,800 INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 12,826 15,000 6,000 <{ 0.00% (9,OQ MISCELLANEOUS REIMB EXPEND 650 500 ji$ 0.00% TOTAL 903,333 963,500 1,208,700 $ 25.45% 245,20 5oo I 1 SANITATION OPERATIONS SERVICE CHARGES 4,708,689 4,400,000 LATERAL CONNECTIONS 10,000 9,OOO PRE-TREATMENT CHARGES 75,313 65,000 INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 181,902 200,000 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 525 500 4,976,429 4,674,500 4,400,000 2 9000 200 c)oc) iji 63W iiji jjij 500 $ ! .j: I .j: I .:.: 4,672,500 i$ t I 0.00% 0.00% -3.08% (2,OC 0.00% 0.00% -0.04% (2,OC SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 4,061 5,000 GRANTS/REBATES 27,727 32,400 5,000 j$ 0 3 - 100.00% (32,4( ... 0.00% RECYCLING FEE 0 S,W jiij 4.35% 4,0( MISCELLANEOUS 91,004 400 4t-J) ijg 0.00% TOTAL 122,792 129,800 101,400 ;; -21.88% (28.4( g27 1 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 18,862,608 17,618,900 ] 19,158,800 ki 8.74% 1,539,9( ........................... .............................. ............................. ............................. 18 0 e CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1995-96 ACTUAL PROJECTED $ OF FY94-95 1994-95 TC REVENUE REVENUES REVENUE 5 AS % DIFFERENC ESTIMATED REVENUE SOURCE 1993-94 1994-95 $ PROJECTED 1995-96 1995-96 ;; .. .. ... , , ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... ..: ........... .,. ......... . ..... ... ................................... . ..................... . ..................... . ............................................. /.- ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WORKERS’ COMP SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 124,389 80,000 $ 0.56% 3,42 615,020 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 61 1,639 61 1,600 $ 0.00% ( 80,000 OTHER TOTAL 55,654 80,000 I 60,000 [ -25.00% (20,OO 791,682 771,600 755,020 3 -2.15% (16,58 LIABILITY SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 120,721 95,000 $ -4.01 % (42,Ol 1,004,ggO TOTAL 906,772 1,047,000 ;:i 0.00% 10,000 OTHER 19,132 10,000 $ -2.34% (2291 919,990 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 766,919 942,000 $ -21.05% (20,OO 75,000 HEALTH INSURANCE INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 99,717 75,000 $ -0.55% (1 0,OC 1,805,000 TOTAL 1,806,384 1,815,000 2 0.00% 340,000 REIMBURSEMENTS =o,= 340,000 $ 0.00% 1,400,000 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 1,366,158 1,400,000 i::: .::: - 13.33% (1 o,oa 65 , ooO VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INTERDEPARTMENTAL 1,251,777 1,220,000 : 8.54% 105,OC 1,335,000 TOTAL 1,300,743 1,230,000 if 50.00% 5,0c 15,000 MISCELLANEOUS 48,966 10,000 $ 8.20% 100,oc 1,320,000 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL 920,628 81 9,000 2 -2.85% (29,0( ggo000 TOTAL 1,112,953 1,019,000 $j -37.50% (1 5,0( 25,000 SALE OF PROPERTY 28,776 40,000 $ - 18.75% (30,0( 130,f)oc) INTEREST 163,549 160,OOO .:.: 1.95% 16,0( 1 835Q00 jz INFORMATION SYSTEMS j:; 20 oO ..i. INTEREST & POFITFOLIO SERVICES 34,725 20,000 jj 39.30% 307,ll 1,088,500 TOTAL 742,143 781,400 0.00% 0% MISCELLANEOUS 0 8,800 2 41.97% 31 5,91 1,~,500 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 707,418 752,600 .j: 0.00% , TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 6,660,677 6,664,000 8 4.72% 314,5 6,978,510 . . . . . , . . . . .................................. i......... .....:.. ......... ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 e e - CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1995-96 ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUES REVENUE $ AS % DIFFERENC ESTIMATED $ PROJECTED 1995-96 1995-96 REVENUE SOURCE 1993-94 1994-95 # OF FY 94-95 1994-95 T( REVENUE .................................................................................. ................................................................................ .................................................................................. ;:.; ......................... OPERATIONS RENTAL INCOME 37,426 40,000 INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 5,683 0 40,0(~~ iijj 0.00% 0 3 0.00% MISCELLANEOUS 57,372 38,100 1 38,100 (:i 0.00% TOTAL , 100,481 78,100 $ 0.00% 78,100 DEBT SERVICE TAX INCREMENT 1,288,269 1,200,000 INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 61,392 85,000 $ 0.00% 1,200,000 8 -0.78% (1 O,O( 1,275,000 TOTAL 1,349,661 1,285,000 $ - 1 1.76% (1 O,O( 75,000 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG j:j: TAX INCREMENT 322,067 3oa000 MISCELLANEOUS 1 62 0 j::: .::: -8.33% (5,0( 55 , ooc) INTEREST & PORTFOLIO SERVICES 58,761 60,000 ; 0.00% =,000 03 0.00% TOTAL 380,990 360,000 355,000 2 -1.39% (5,0( TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS 1,831,133 1,723,100 1,708,100 !2i -0.87% (1 5,a ............................................................ ............................................... 1 TOTAL OPERATING $73,907,108 $72,763,730 $74,251,210 2.04% $1,487,4 20 a e - CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1994-95 AND 1995-96 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION REQUEST OVER 1994-95 (UNDER) NUMBER 1995-96 1994-95 ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED ~:~~~~~~~~:~~~~,~~~:~~~~~~ :.: ... .i.. . , EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT 1 1 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 1 1 0 ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..:,:,:.:,:,:,:,, , , . ................................................ ...................................... 3;g$$p$J&g&aBm.:: ./....,...,... ............................................................................................. ../ .... ,.. . , , , , . .: , . , , . . , , . , , . ,.~::::~~:i:r:~,:~<:~: CITY MANAGER 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER 1 1 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT TO CITYMANAGER 1 1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 SECRETARY TO CITY MANAGER 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 2 2 TOTAL CITY MANAGER a a 0 ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IrQ]:~~~~~~~~,~~.~.~.~~.~:~:~,~~~~ INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR 1 0 -1 ASSISTANT CITY CLERK 1 1 MINUTES CLERK 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 0.6 -0.4 SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST 1 1 OFFICE SPECIALIST II 1 1 TOTAL CITYCLERK 6 4.6 -1.4 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~~~,~,~~~,~~~~~:~~~~~~:~~~~~~, INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR 0 1 1 INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER SYSTEMS ANALYST PROGRAMMEWOPERATOR NETWORK SPECIALIST II ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS :.:~~~14~~~~~:.:.~:.~~~:i:r:i:r:~~~~~~~: <:, : :_. <. .. : ::: :..._ ................................................ n.. .... ........................ ........................... CITYATTORNEY ASSISTANT CITYATTORNEY DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY v,.. .. , .. .......... n.,..,.. .... > I....., *_ ............ ... ...... ... ... . 1 1 1 1 0 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.4 0.4 5.4 1.4 1 1 1 SECRETARY TO ClTYAllORNEY 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 TOTAL CITY ATTORNEY 5 5 0 .................................................................... ,,,_ , , , ,,, ,_,_, , , , ,,A ..,., ~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~ FINANCE DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR 1 1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR 2 2 ACCOUNTANT 4 4 ACCOUNT CLERK II 2 2 ACCOUNTING OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 1 AU D IT0 R 1 1 TREASURERS ASSISTANT 0.75 0.75 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 TOTAL FINANCE 14.75 14.75 0 21 0 Q CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1994-95 AND 1995-96 BY DEPARTMENT AND CblSSlFlCATlON 1994-95 REQUEST OVER (UNDER\ NUMBER 1995-96 1994-95 ALLOCATED BUDGFT ALLOCATED @j[$j$$W&&@@J@ ,~~~i~~f~,~~~~~~~i~~~ ... . .._......_....._.. ................................................... .......,..... :.:.:.:.:.: .....,... (..... ' RISKMANAGER 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT 2 2 0 .... . ... ... . .. . ... ... ... ..... ...... ... . ... ............... ......... ............... ............... ~~~~~~~~~~~:::~~:~:~.:~:.:.:.:.:.:~~~~ ., , , ,.,..._. ................................................. PURCHASING OFFICER 1 1 SECRETARY BUYER 1 1 2 2 MESSENGER 1 1 TOTAL PURCHASING 5 5 0 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 1 1 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER 2 2 HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 OFFICE SPECIALIST II 1 1 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 7 7 0 1~~~~~~~~~~~ .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . I . . ...... POLICE CHIEF 1 1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY SECRETARY POLICE CAPTAIN POLICE LIEUTENANT POLICE SERGEANT SENIOR POLICE OFFICER POLICE OFFICER COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR RECORDS SUPERVISOR COMMUNICATION OPERATOR II POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST II PROGRAMMEWOPERATOR JUVENILE JUSTICE PROGRAM COORD CRIME PREVENTION TECHNICIAN 1 1 3 2 5 10 21 41 1 1 13 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 5 10 19 43 1 1 13 5 1 1 1 - -2 2 POLICE SERVICES AIDE 2 2 TOTAL POLICE 110 110 0 22 0 e CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1994-95 AND 1995-96 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION REQUEST OVER NUMBER 1995-96 1994-95 1994-95 (UNDER) ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED :.:f,f$j@,. .~, , :,~~.~~~~:~:~~.~~~~~~~~~~.~~~:~ ,,,,, ...r...v.. , ":"' ::::: "':::~:~~~~;~;~:.~..~ : :: : :: : : :: .,..,. ~ ..... ::.:.:.:.:.: .,...,.,... ............................. .,.,...,. <,+:.:.: .......; ,... :.:.:.:.:.: ..... ~~~~~~~,:,:~:::~.::::~ FIRE CHIEF 1 1 DIVISION CHIEF FIRE BAlTALlON CHIEF FIRE CAPTAIN FIRE CAPTAIN SPECIALIST FIRE ENGINEER FIRE FIGHTER FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER II MANAGEMENT ANALYST ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY PARAMEDIC-FIRE FIGHTER SECRETARY TOTAL FIRE 2 3 18 1 18 9 21 3 1 1 1 79 2 3 18 1 18 9 21 3 1 1 1 79 0 ............. ... .. .. .... .. r......... ,.. ................................... ~ .................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 PRINCIPAL BUILDING INSPECTOR 1 1 SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR BUILDING INSPECTOR I1 BUILDING INSPECTOR I CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I1 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I BUILDING TECHNICIAN II BUILDING TECHNICIAN I SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST OFFICE SPECIALIST I1 TOTAL BUILDING INSPECTION 0 5 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 11 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 1 2 2 2 -3 1 1 1 1 0 1 -1 1 1 1 11 0 1 MUNICIPAL PROJECT MANAGER 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 OFFICE SPECIALIST I 1 1 TOTAL COMM DEV ADMINISTRATION 4 4 0 m ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTMANAGER TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1 1 0 I.. 1 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~,~ " GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYSTEM COORD 1 1 TOTAL GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 1 1. 0 23 0 e CITYOF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1994-95 AND 1995-96 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION REQUEST OVER 1994-95 (UNDER) NUMBER 1995-96 1 994- 95 ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CITY ENGINEER 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER TRAFFIC ENGINEER PRINCIPALCIVILENGINEER PRINCIPALCONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR SENIOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR SENIOR ENGINEERING INSPECTORND CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR II ASSOCIATE ENGINEER ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST MANAGEMENT ANALYST MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 4 1 2 2 4 12 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 3 12 5 1 1 2 1 - 1 1 SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST 4 4 TOTAL ENGINEERING 41 41 0 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 TOTAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT 1 1 0 ~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... .. . ... ... .... ...... . .. ... . ... ...... . ......................................................... %... ..... . ........... . ..... . ....... . ........... ". PLANN~NGTGcTOR ' ''. 1 1 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST PRINCIPAL PLANNER SENIOR PLANNER ASSOCIATE PLANNER ASSISTANT PLANNER PLANNING TECHNICIAN II PLANNING TECHNICIAN I GRAPHIC TECHNICIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST TOTAL PLANNING 1 1 2 4 5 2 1 1 1 1 3 23 1 1 2 4 5 2 1 1 1 1 3 23 0 24 .- 0 e CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1994-95 AND 1995-96 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION REQUEST OVER NUMBER ’ 1995-96 1994-95 1994-95 (UNDER) ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED $@- ,~,~~~:~~~~~ LIBRARY DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 GRAPHIC ARTIST 1 1 ACCOUNT CLERK II 1 1 SENIOR CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 8 8 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 2.75 2.75 SENIOR LIBRARIAN 6 6 LIBRARIAN II ,5 4 LIBRARIAN I 0 I 1 MEDIA PROGRAM SPECIALIST 1 1 COMMUNITY LIBRARY SERVICES SUPERV 0.75 0.75 LIBRARY SERVICES SPECIALIST 1 1 ’ ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 OFFICE SPECIALIST II 1 1 TOTAL LIBRARY 32.5 32.5 0 -1 ~~~~~~~~~~:~,~,~~?:.:.:~.:::~,~~~~:~.~:~~~~ .... .. ARTS MANAGER 1 1 COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 TOTAL CULTURAL ARTS 3 3 0 +~”””’..”: ........... . ..... ............................................................ ADMINISTRATION COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR 1 1 ADMlN SERVICES/PROJECTS MANAGER 1 1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 PARK DEVELOPMENTCOORDINATOR 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 2 2 SECRETARY 1 1 OFFICE SPECIALIST II 1 0.75 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION PARK MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERINTENDENT 1. 1 PARK SUPERVISOR 1 1 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 5 5 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER II 10.75 9.75 PARK MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE TREE MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERVISOR 0.5 0.5 TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER 2 2 TREE TRIMMER II 2 2 TREE TRIMMER I 1 1 TOTAL TREE MAINTENANCE 5.5 5.5 0 -0.25 8 7.75 -0.25 -1 1 1. 18.75 17.75 -1 25 t 0 e CITYOF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1994-95 AND 1995-96 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION REQUEST OVER 1994-95 (UNDER) NUMBER 1995-96 1994-95 ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED MEDIAN MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERVISOR PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER II 0.5 0.5 1 1 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I 0 1 1 TOTAL MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 1.5 2.5 1 RECREATION RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I1 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I RECREATION SPECIALIST I RECREATION ASSISTANT AQUATIC SUPERVISOR AQUATIC SPECIALIST OFFICE SPECIALIST I1 TOTAL RECREATION 3 3 2 3 1 1 0 -1 2.25 2.25 1 1 0.75 0.75 3 3 14 14 0 SENIOR PROGRAM SITE MANAGER SENIOR COORDINATOR 1 1 1 1 SECRETARY 1 1 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAM 3 3 0 STREET MAINTENANCE STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 2 2 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 6 6 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER II 11 11 MAINTENANCE WORKER I 3 3 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE 23 23 0 STREET LIGHTING ADMIN COORDINATOR - SPECIAL DISTRICTS 1 1 SENIOR ELECTRICIAN ELECTRICIAN 1 1 1 1 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 1 1 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 4 4 0 BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAIMSUPERINTENDENT 1 1 BUILDING MAIMSUPERVISOR 1 1 SENIOR BUILDING MAlNT WORKER 1 BUILDING MAIM WORKER II 2 2 CUSTODIAN II 1 1 CUSTODIAN 9 9 TOTAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE 15 15 0 1. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0.75 0.75 TOTAL SOLID WASTE 0.75 0.75 0 26 1. 0 e n CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1994-95 AND 1995-96 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFEATION 1994-95 NUMBER ALLOCATED VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FLEET SUPERINTENDENT EQUIPMENT MECHANIC SUPERVISOR EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I1 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 1 1 4 1 OFFICE SPECIALIST I1 1 TOTAL FLEET OPERATIONS 8 REQUEST OVER (UNDER) BUDGET ALLOCATED 1995-96 1994-95 1 1 4 1 1 8 0 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 101.5 101.25 -0.25 .,.......... . ....................................................................................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIR 1 1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST MANAGEMENT ANALYST HOUSING PROGRAM MANAGER HOUSING SPECIALIST II HOUSING SPECIALIST I ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OFFICE SPECIALIST II 2 2 TOTAL HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT 10 10 0 27 a a e . CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1994-95 AND 1995-96 BY DEPARTMENT AND CIASSIFICATION REQUEST OVER NUMBER 1995-96 1994-95 1994-95 (UNDER) ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED ~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~: WATER OPERATIONS .a. . , ............. ......... .............. . ................ ............ ... ...... GENERAL MANAGER DlSTRlCT ENGINEER ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER OPERATIONS SUPERINTENDENT WATER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST ASSOCIATE ENGINEER CONSTRUCTDN/MAINT SUPERVISOR CONSTRUCTDN/MAINT WORKER I ENGINEERING OFFICE ASSISTANT li ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN ACCOUNT CLERK II ACCOUNT CLERK I ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 111 ENGINEERING SECRETARY EQUIPMENTOPEPATOR FACILITY MAIM LEADWORKER METER SERVICES WORKER 111 METER SERVICES WORKER I1 METER SERVICES WORKER I CROSS CONNECTION CONTROLTECH SERVICE COORDINATOR SR CONSTRUCTION/MAINT WORKER SENIOR SYSTEMS OPERATOR STOREKEEPER WATER CONSERVATION SPECIALIST SYSTEMS OPERATOR II VALVE TECHNICIAN SENIOR VALVE TECHNICIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY OFFICE SPECIALIST II ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 OFFICE SPECIALIST I 1 1 TOTAL WATER OPERATIONS 43 43 0 RECLAIMED WATER ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 1 1 TOTAL RECLAIMED WATER 1 1 0 SANITATION MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT SANITATION SUPERVISOR METER SERVICE WORKER II UTILrPl MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 UTlLrPl MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATOR 111 UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATOR 11 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 OFFICE SPECIALIST I 1 1 TOTAL SANITATION 12 12 0 TOTAL CMWD 56 56 0 28 1 rn 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOGATIONS FOR 1994-95 AND 1995-96 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION - REQUEST OVER NUMBER 1995-96 1994-95 ALLOCATED BUDGET ALLOCATED 1994-95 (UNDER) $#j~g&@&j+.qq+$@gg$@j&t&~#yp&y$j POLICE PURCHASING HUMAN RESOURCES GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYS RISK MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING PLANNING BUILDING INSPECTION LIBRARY PARK MAINTENANCE TREE/MEDIAN/ST LGHT MAINTENANCE RECREATION/AQUATICS SENIORS CULTURALARTS ....A ...... 5 .A 0.99 0.5 0.07 0 0.5 1 0 0 34.68 2 2 28.25 8.75 0.5 0.99 0.5 0.24 0.5 0.5 0 1 0.1 3 34.39 2.5 2.3 28.74 5.73 0.5 0 0 0.1 7 0.5 0 -1 1 0.1 3 -0.29 0.5 0.3 0.49 -3.02 0 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 0.3 0.3 0 78.32 - 1.22 i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 79.54 606.29 604.82 -1.47 29 - P 0 e W Exk I Recommended Change to City Fee Schedule I PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGEAREA FEES Current Fee AreaA Area B Area C Area D Base Rate - Low $1,564 $3,362 $2,514 $34 Base Rate - High $2,560 $5,502 . $4,114 $56 Proposed New Fee Adjusted Rate - Low $1,572 $3,380 $2,528 $34 Adjusted Rate - High $2,574 $5,532 $4,136 $56 Increase Adjusted Rate - Low $8 $1 8 $1 4 $0 Adjusted Rate - High $1 4 $30 $22 $0 Percentage increase = -5%.