HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-06-13; City Council; 13184; Amend Car Country Specific Plan Sign RegsCl”v OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL \B # j3, 12-q TITLE: ATG. b-13-95 AMENDMENT OF CAR COUNTRY SPECIFIC PLAN IEPT. PLN SIGN REGULATIONS - SP 19(G) IECOMMENDED ACTION: CITY MGRiii$? That the Council ADOPT City Council Resolution No. fis -/5T , APPROVING the Negative Declaration and direct the City Attorney’s Office to prepare an Ordinance, APPROVING Specific Plan SP 19(G). ITEM EXPLANATION This item is an amendment to the standards and procedures for signs contained in the Car Country Specific Plan. Staff and the Car Country Dealers Association have met over a period of time to discuss and work on problems which the dealers have encountered with the Car Country sign regulations. This process resulted in the following proposed changes to the Car Country Specific Plan sign regulations: 1. 2. 3. Consolidation and Reformatting snecific plan sign regulations Car Country Sign regulations are currently in multiple specific plan documents, making their use difficult. This amendment proposes to consolidate and reformat the regulations into one specific plan document. Procedural Changes These revisions propose that sign permits would be acted on first by the Planning Director (rather than first by the Planning Commission as now) with the ability for subsequent appeals to the Planning Commission and City Council. This would ensure expeditious review of individual signs, while appeals and amendments would still be reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council. This procedure is consistent with sign permit review for the rest of the City. Sian Area Changes An increase in the amount of signage available to a dealership site from 1.5 square feet of sign per linear foot of building frontage to 2.0 square feet of sign per linear feet of building frontage is proposed by this modification. The Dealers Association has requested that the sign area allowance be increased to provide adequate signage for franchises. The association claims that the current sign standard of 1.5 square feet per linear foot of frontage is insufficient for dealers who want signs for multiple franchises. This is because dealerships with multiple franchises have special needs caused by stringent controls imposed by the parent companies. Parent companies have special standards which require franchises to use signs of standard sizes, but the City’s existing specific plan maximum sign size limit is too small to accommodate such signs. The dealers are prevented from making custom signs because of copyright/trademark controls. Staff has analyzed all sign permits in Car Country, together with the amount of signage allowed by the specific plan (see Attachment “5”). This analysis shows that in many cases dealers are close to using up the amount of sign area allocated by the existing Specific Plan. The proposed new sign allocation of two square feet of signage per linear foot of PAGE TWO OF AGENDA BILL NO. 13 /PV frontage will provide dealers with more sign space to accommodate the special signage needs of multiple franchises. 4. Directional Signs Directional signs are signs which identify “Car Country” and direct customers to the various dealerships within the site. Regulations which would control sign appearance, size and safe placement of such signs were proposed. Items 1 and 2 above were proposed by staff and items 3 and 4 were proposed by the dealers association. All items 1-4 above are recommended for approval. 5. Freewav Oriented Signs In addition to the amendments proposed in Items 1-4 above, the dealers association has also requested that the specific plan allow signs which are oriented to the I-5 Freeway (in addition to the existing “Car Country” pole sign). Amendment language showing the dealer’s proposal is shown in Attachment “4”. This special attachment has been provided due to the complexity of the regulations, to assist in review. This portion of the amendment is not recommended for approval for the following reasons: a) Freeway oriented sign approval would be contrary to the provisions of the existing specific plan which precludes such signs. b) The City zoning ordinance allows Freeway oriented signs, but only for “Freeway Service Facilities”. These are defined as “a restaurant, a motel, automobile service station” within a given distance of a freeway interchange. The uses in Car Country do not conform to this definition. 4 Approval would not be consistent with a prior Planning Commission decision. On May 29, 1991, the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission denied a freeway oriented sign because it did not comply with the zoning ordinance definition of “Freeway Service Facility.” Planning Commission Decision At the meeting of April 19, 1995, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council adopt the amendment as outlined in Items l-4 above (as shown in Exhibit “2”), by a 7-O vote. This approval recommendation did not include freeway oriented signs (other than the existing “Car Country” pole sign). Some Commissioners noted that they would like to see changes to allow freeway oriented signs. Others thought that any existing freeway oriented, non-conforming signs should be allowed to stay. One Commissioner felt that CalTrans should be again asked to allow a sign in their right-of-way. Specific Plan Consolidation During the course of review of this application it has been determined that portions of the specific plan have not been processed as a Local Coastal Program amendment (the original “old” car country predated the 1976 Coastal Act). Staff will return with a subsequent agenda item to adopt a consolidated version of the specific plan for submission as a single Local Coastal Program amendment. . PAGE THREE OF AGENDA BILL NO. 13 /PC4 FISCAL IMPACT Some administrative costs will arise from processing sign permit applications. These costs will be o&et by permit fees. EXHIBIT: 1. City Council Resolution No. 75-/S 5 2. Proposed Amendment dated April 19, 1995 3. Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 3749 and 3750 4. Planning Commission Staff Report dated April 19, 1995 5. Amendment (Dealer Recommended) allowing signs facing I-5 6. Analysis of existing and proposed signage for Car Country 7. Excerpts of Minutes of Planning Commission Meeting of April 19, 1995. 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ! RESOLUTION NO. 95 - 15 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR A SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT TO REGULATE SIGNAGE ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN CAN-NON ROAD AND PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. CASE NAME: AMENDMENT OF CAR COUNTRY SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN REGULATIONS CASE NO: SP 19(G) WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code, the Planning Commission did, on April 19,1995, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, examining the initial study, analyzing the information submitted by staff, and considering any written comments received, the Planning Commission considered all factors relating to the Negative Declaration; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission Resolution No. 3695, on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference constitute the findings of the City Council in this matter and that the Negative Declaration is hereby approved. . . . . . ..a . . . . . . . . : . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 13th day of JUNE , 1995, by the following vote, to wit: AyEs: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None AlTEST: (SEAL) “EXHIBIT 2” APRIL 19,1995 IV. SIGN PROGRAM The purpose of this section is to establish the sign standards necessary to ensure coordinated exposure and tenant identification within the Car Country Specific Plan area. A primary consideration is preventing visual blight and traffic safety problems. Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.41 (Sign Regulations) shall apply except as specifically stated in the following specific plan consolidated sign regulations. A. Sipn Permit Procedures 1. Permit All signs without Car Country Specific Plan shall be subject to a sign permit which shall be determined by the Planning Director (or designee) to be in compliance with the Specific Plan and Chapter 21.41 (CMC). 2. Anpeals The decision of the Planning Director may be appealed to the Planning Commission. In a similar manner, the decision of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council. The appeal shall be filed with the secretary of the Planning Commission (for Planning Commission appeals), or the City Clerk (for Council appeals) within ten (10) calendar days of the decision. Appeals shall be accompanied by a filing fee as specified in the City fee schedule. 3. Appeals Noticing All appeals shall be noticed in accordance with Section 21.54.060 of the zoning ordinance as it may be amended from time to time. B. Permitted Signage Signs permitted shall meet the following standards: 1. Each lot will be permitted signage equal to two square feet per lineal foot of building frontage. 2. One freestanding sign may be placed on each lot provided the sign area of the freestanding sign is included within the aggregate sign area permitted as stated in paragraph Bl above. 3. No portion of such sign shall extend over or into the public right-of-way line, or be within fifteen feet of any driveway or curb line. 4. Monument signs shall not exceed a height of 8 feet. 1 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Freestanding signs shall not exceed the height of any building which is located on the same site, and in no event shall the signs be over thirty five feet high. Signs for uses other than motor vehicle dealerships on Lots 2-3 shall conform to the sign regulations of the Carlsbad Municipal Code as it may be amended from time to time. All signs will be reviewed by the Planning Director to ensure compatibility and to protect the public interest. All signs shall be oriented so that the primary view is from surface streets. Interstate 5 shall not be considered a surface street. Signs oriented to surface streets, but still visible from Interstate 5 shall be consistent in size, color and illumination with those of the existing auto park. Only one freestanding sign, advertising the entire car country development, may be oriented to Interstate 5. This sign shall be a maximum of 35 feet high and 150 square feet in area. C. Franchise Signs If more than one franchise is located on one lot, an additional freestanding sign, wall or monument sign may be allowed. Such signs shall meet the following criteria: 1. 2. Monument signs, shall not exceed eight feet in height. The aggregate sign area for the entire development shall not exceed the sign area allowed for the development according to the provisions of Paragraph Bl above. 3. No portion of such sign shall extend over or into the public right-of-way, or be within fifteen feet of any driveway or curb line. 4. 5. The maximum sign area for any such sign shall not exceed fifty-five square feet. The signs shall be oriented so that the primary view is from surface streets. Interstate 5 shall not be considered a surface street. D. Directional Signs 1. The maximum aggregate sign area of all entry/directional signs is 100 square feet plus 3 square feet per acre of property within the development. The maximum area for any individual sign is 150 square feet. 2. A sign permit application shall be submitted for these signs. 3. Entry and directional signs shall be combined into one sign. 2 7 4. These signs shall be placed within the boundaries of the Car Country Specific Plan. 5. A unified design theme which is complimentary to the design of the existing architecture shall be used. 6. The base of entry/directional signs should be landscaped to provide an attractive setting, and ground definition of the signs. 7. The appearance of the sign should be unified by a common design. Subdued sign and lettering colors should be used consistent with the design theme of the center. E. All signs shall comply with the requirements of the Coastal Zone. F. All signs shall be placed so as not to be detrimental to traffic safety to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. G. Administrative Note The addendum to Specific Plan 19C dated December 28, 1988, is administrative only. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 .- EXHBIT 3 / PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3749 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNIN G COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR A SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT TO REGULATE SIGNAGE ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN CANNON ROAD AND PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. CASE NAME: AMENDMENT OF CAR COUNTRY SPECIFICPLANSIGN REGULATIONS CASE NO: SP 19(G) ~ WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 19th day of April, 1995, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request, and I WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, examining the initial study, analyzing the information submitted by staff, and considering any written comments received, the Planning Commission considered all factors relating to the Negative Declaration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission as follows: 4 That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Planning Commission hereby recommends APPROVAL of the Negative Declaration according to Exhibit ‘ND”, dated January 4, 1995, and “PII”, dated December 12, 1994, attached hereto and made a part hereof, based on the following filld&S: 1. The initial study shows that there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant impact on the environment. 2. The site has been previously graded and developed pursuant to an earlier environmental analysis. 3. The streets are adequate in size to handle traffic generated by the proposed project. 4. There are no sensitive resources located onsite or located so as to be significantly impacted by this project. 1 . - . - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 - - PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the / ! Planning’Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 19th day of April, 1995, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Welshons; Commissioners Compas, Erwin, Monroy, Nielsen, Noble and Savary. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. ATTEST: KIM WELSHONS, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING DIRECTOR PC RESO NO. 3749 -3- NEGATIVE DECLARATION PROJECT ADDRESS/LOCATION: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Revisions to the regulations and procedures for signs governed by the Car Country Specific Plan. Car Country Carlsbad Car Country Drive and Paseo De1 Norte The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carisbad. As a result of said review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment) is hereby issued for the subject project. Justification for this action is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Planning Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, California 92009. Comments from the public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Planning Department within 30 days of date of issuance. If you have any questions, please call Robert Green in the Planning Department at (619) 438-1161, extension 4442. DATED: CASE NO: CASE NAME: PUBLISH ‘DATE: . JANUARY 4, 1995 SP 19(G) Planning Director CAR COUNTRY SPECIFIC PLAN - SIGN CODE AMENDMENT JANUARY 4, 1995 2075 Las Palmas Drive l Carlsbad, California 92009-l 576 l (619) 438-l 161 aa . - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FORM - PART II (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT) DATE: BACKGROUND CASE NO. SP 19(G) December 12. 1994 1. CASE NAME: Car Countrv Specific Plan - Sian Code Amendment 2. APPLICANT: Car Countrv Carlsbad Dealer’s Association 3. ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER OF APPLICANT: 5500 Paseo Dei None Carlsbad. CA 92008 4. DATE EIA FORM PART I SUBMITTED: November 29. 1994 5. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Revisions to the regulations and nrocedures for sipns Povemed bv Car Countrv Snecific Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS STATE CEQA GUIDELINES, Chapter 3, Article 5, section 15063 requires that the City conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment to determine if a project may have a significant effect on the environment. The Environmental Impact Assessment appears in the following pages in the form of a checklist. This checklist identifies any physical, biological and human factors that might be impacted by the proposed project and provides the City with information to use as the basis for deciding whether to prepare an Environmental. Impact Report or Negative Declaration. * A Negative Declaration may be prepared if the City perceives no substantial evidence that the project or any of its aspects may cause a significant effect on the environment. On the checklist, “NO” will be checked to indicate this determination. * An EIR must be prepared if the City determines that there is substantial evidence that any aspect of the project may cause a sieniftcarg effect on the environment. The project may qualify for a Negative Declaration however, if adverse impacts are mitigated so that environmental effects can be deemed insignificant. These findings are shown in the checklist under the headings “YES-sig” and “YES-insig” respectively. A discussion of potential impacts and the proposed mitigation measures appears at the end of the form under DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION. Particular attention should be given to discussing mitigation for impacts which would otherwise be determined significant. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Result in unstable earth conditions or increase the exposure of people or property to geologic hazards? Appreciably change the topography or any unique physical features? Result in or be affected by erosion of soils either on or off the site? Result in changes in the deposition of beach sands, or modification of the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? Result in substantial adverse effects on ambient air quality? Result in substantial changes in air movement, odor, moisture, or temperature? Substantially change the course or flow of water (marine, fresh or flood waters)? Affect the quantity or quality of surface water, ground water or public water supply? Substantially increase usage or cause depletion of any natural resources? Use substantial amounts of fuel or energy? Alter a significant archeological, paleontological or historical site, structure or object? X x x x X x x x x x X BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES CM 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Affect the diversity of species, habitat or numbers of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, microflora and aquatic plants)? Introduce new species of plants into an area, or a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? Reduce the amount of acreage of any agricultural crop or affect prime, unique or other farmland of state or local importance? Affect the diversity of species, habitat or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals, all water dwelling organisms and insects? Introduce new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? HUMAN ENVIRONMENT WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES W 17. Alter the present or planned land use of an area? 18. Substantially affect public utilities, schools, police, fire, emergency or other public services? YES NO WW x x X x x YES (i=b.) NO x x -3- - , - HUMAN ENVIRONMENT WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Result in the need for new or modified sewer systems, solid waste or hazardous waste control systems? Increase existing noise levels? Produce new light or glare? Involve a significant risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation)? NO Substantially alter the density of the human population of an area? Affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? Generate substantial additional traffic? Affect existing parking facilities, or create a large demand for new parking? x x X x x . Impact existing transportation systems or alter present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? Alter waterborne, rail or air traffic? Increase traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? Interfere with emergency response plans or emergency evacuation plans? Obstruct any scenic vista or create an aesthetically offensive public view? Affect the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? x x x X X x :/ \’ MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES (siti (ins@ 33. Does the project have the potential to substantially degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wild- life species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or en- dangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory. 34. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the dis- advantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) 35. Does the project have the possible environmental effects which are in- dividually limited but cumulatively considerable? (“Cumulatively con- siderable” means that the incremental effects of an individual project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects.) 36. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? NO x x x x - DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION (Including items 21 and 29 from the checklist). This proposal would allow an incremental increase in the amount of signage allowed in an existing car dealership complex and a change to sign review procedures. Currently the project is governed by multiple sign regulations contained in specific plans. This amendment proposes to combine these multiple regulations into one conformed set of standards and procedures. A minor increase in the sign area permitted is proposed (sign area would be increased from 1.5 sq. ft. to 2 sq. ft. per linear foot of building frontage) however, the signs will be subject to size, locational and aesthetic review. Sign standards and procedures have also been included to ensure that traffic sight lines will not be interfered with, and the signs would not be a traffic hazard. These standards and procedures will ensure that the proposed signage will not have a significant effect on the environment. A-NALYSIS OF VIABLE ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED PROJECT SUCH AS: a) Phased development of the project, b) alternate site designs, c) alternate scale of development, d) alternate uses for the site, e) development at some future time rather than now, f) alternate sites for the proposed project, and g) no project alternative. -7- DETERMINATION (TO Be Completed By The Planning Department) On the basis of this initial evaluation: x I find the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. - I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, because the environmental effects of the proposed project have already been considered in conjunction with previously certified environmental documents and no additional environmental review is required. Therefore, a Notice of Determination has been prepared. - I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A Conditional Negative Declaration will be proposed. - I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. Da& Signature Date Planning Director LIST MITIGATMG MEASURES (IF APPLICABLE) ATTACH MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM (IF APPLICABLE1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 la 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - h PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3750 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP 19(G), FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE EXISTING SPECIFIC PLAN TO REGULATE SIGNING ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN CANNON ROAD AND PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CASE NAME: AMENDMENT OF CAR COUNTRY SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN REGULATIONS CASE NO: SP 19(G) WHEREAS, a verified application has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code, the Planning Commission did, on the 19th day of April, 1995, consider said request on property described as: Lots l-11, Carlsbad Tract No. 72-03, Map 7492, and a portion of Lot H of the Ranch0 Agua Hedionda, Map No. 823. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to SP 19(G). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) B) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission recommends APPROVAL of SP 19(G), according to Exhibit “X”, dated April 19, 1995, attached hereto, based on the following findings: Findings: 1. The Specific Plan is consistent with the Carlsbad General Plan, and with Sections 65450, 65451 and 65452 of the Government Code which regulate specific plans. L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2. The site is physically suitable in size and shape to accommodate the permitted uses identified in the Specific Plan. 3. The amendment to SP 19 is consistent with the intent and guidelines of the existing specific plan. 4. This project will not cause any significant environmental impacts and a Negative Declaration has been issued by the Planning Director on January 4, 1995, and recommended for approval by the Planning Commission on April 19, 1995.’ PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 19th day of April, 1995, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Welshons; Commissioners Compas, Erwin, Monroy, Nielsen, Noble and Savary. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. KIM WELSHONS, Chairperson CARLSBADPLkNINdCOMMISSION ATTEST MI~I~~ELJ.H~L%IILLER PLANNINGDIRECT'OR PC RESO NO. 3750 -2- DATE: APRIL 19, 1995 - EXHBlT 4 APPLICATION COMPLETE DATE: MARCH 3. 1995 STAFF PLANNER: ROBERT GREEN &Q STAFF ENGINEER: BOB WOJCIK 0 5 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: SP 19(G) - AMENDMENT OF CAR COUNTRY SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN REGULATIONS - Reformatting and amendment regulations. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 3749, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the Negative Declaration and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 3750, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of Specific Plan SP 19(G) as proposed to be modified by staff. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND City staff has met with members of the Dealer’s Association over a period of time to discuss problems which the dealers have encountered with the Car Country sign regulations. During this period staff worked with the dealers to devise regulations which address issues which they had raised. The amendment includes new sign regulations for the entire Car Country Specific Plan area. The revisions are as follows: 1. Reformatting to consolidate the sign regulations for Car Country Specific Plan so that they are placed in one document. 2. Procedural changes which allow sign permit review by the Planning Director (and then on appeal to the Planning Commission and City Council.) 3. An increase in the sign area allowance (to accommodate franchise signs peculiar to the requirements of car dealerships). 4. New regulations for directional signs. SP 19(G) AMENDMENT OF CAR COUNTRY SP SIGN REGULATIONS APRIL 19,199s PAGE 2 Items 1 and 2 were included by sta& to improve the functioning of the regulations. Items 3 and 4 were issues which the dealers association specifically requested staff to address. Additionally the dealer’s association has requested that the specific plan allow signs on buildings facing the I-5 freeway. For reasons further discussed in the report, staff does not concur with this and recommends that the amendment be approved precluding signs on buildings oriented towards I-S. (To assist in understanding the differences between the two proposals attachments have been prepared to clarity the requested changes. The “Sign Program” language which is a part of the Ordinance attached to Resolution No. 3750 shows the city supported amendment which precluded signage oriented to I-5. Attachment 3 shows the amendment language which would allow signs on buildings facing I-5 which is not recommended for approval by staff.) III. ANALYSIS 1. Reformatting and Consolidation of Procedures Regulations which govern signs in Car Country are currently in multiple locations. Independent sign regulations are contained in two separate Car Country Specific Plans (“old” and “new” Car Country) and sign code requirements are also contained in several resolutions and the zoning ordinance. This makes sign code regulation in Car Country difficult to use for both applicants and the City. Just one set of sign regulations is proposed for the whole of Car Country in the amendment. 2. Procedural Changes Proposed procedural changes would also mean that sign permits are acted on first by the Planning Director (rather than first by the Planning Commission as now) with the ability for subsequent appeals to the Planning Commission and City Council. This wiII ensure expeditious review of individual signs, while appeals and amendments wilI still be reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council. 3. Sipn Area Changes This proposed modification would increase the amount of signage available to a dealership site from 1.5 square feet of sign per linear foot of building frontage to 2.0 square feet of sign per linear feet of building frontage. Car Country Dealers Association has requested that the area of sign alhnvance be increased to provide adequate signage for franchises. The association claims that the current standard of 1.5 square feet per linear foot of frontage does not allow enough signage for dealers who have multiple franchises. The association maintains that dealerships with multiple franchises have special needs due to stringent controls imposed by the parent companies. Parent al - , SP 19(G) AMENDMENT OF CAR COUNTRY SP SIGN REGULATIONS APRIL 19, 1995 companies have standards which constrain custom sign production, by copyright and trademark controls and signs which are leased by franchisees from parent companies have predetermined sizes. Because of the restrictions made by parent companies the association points out that dealers with multiple franchises are forced to provide signs of a certain size and appearance, but the city’s existing specific plan maximum sign size limit is too small to accommodate such signs. Staff has analyzed all signs with permits in Car Country, together with the amount of signage allowed by the specific plan (see Attachment “4”). This analysis shows that in many cases dealers are close to using up the amount of signage allocated by the existing Specific Plan (7 of 18 dealerships are within 50 square feet of the allocation). The proposed new sign allocation of two square feet of signage per linear foot of frontage will provide these dealers with more sign space to accommodate the special signage needs of multiple franchises. 4. Directional Signs Directional signs are signs which identify “Car Country” and direct customers to the various dealerships within the site. The proposed regulations would control sign appearance, size and safe placement. Design standards are provided by the amendment which will guide the development of detailed plans. These detailed plans would be submitted and reviewed for conformance with the standards of the specific plan by staff. Such signs will be placed within the boundaries of the Car Country Specific Plan outside traffic sight lines. Freewav Oriented Signs The dealers association also requested the allowance of signs on building elevations which face the I-5 freeway. The existing Car Country Specific Plan precludes such signs. Furthermore, Section 21.41.030 of the City zoning ordinance contains regulations which limit freeway oriented signs to “Freeway Service Facilities” located within 600 feet of the apex of a freeway interchange quadrant (or 1500 feet when two or more lots or parcels are covered by a specific plan). A “freeway service facility” is defined by the zoning ordinance as “a lot or parcel located at the apex of a freeway interchange quadrant which contains one or more of the following uses: a restaurant, a motel, or an automobile service station”. SP 19(G) AMENDMENT OF CAR COUNTRY SP SIGN REGULATIONS APRIL 19,199s The uses within Car Country do not conform to the zoning ordinance definition of “freeway service facility”. Additionally on May 29, 1991, the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission denied a freeway oriented sign because it did not comply with the above provisions. Staff therefore, recommends that in order to be consistent with the City zoning ordinance, and prior Planning Commission actions the amendment proposed by the dealer’s association which would allow freeway oriented signs should not be approved. Amendment language is proposed by staff which would preclude signs on buildings oriented to the I-5 Freeway (Exhibit “Y”). The sentence “Interstate 5 shall not be considered a surface street” in Sections IV.B.8 and IV.C.5 is included in the proposed Specific Plan for this purpose. (This language is also included in the existing specific plan.) Iv. ENVIRONMENTAL The proposed amendment both changes procedures and regulations governing signs within the Car Country Specific Plan. Although the amendment would allow a minor increase to the permitted sign area, standards and procedures have been included to ensure that no significant environmental impacts will occur. Consequently, the Planning Director determined that no significant adverse impacts will result from this proposal and has, therefore, issued a Negative Declaration on January 4, 1995. V. SUMMARY The proposed Specific Plan Amendment will reformat and consolidate sign regulations thus facilitating the use and understanding of those regulations. It will also establish new and modified regulations regarding multiple fknchises and directional signage that would address the special needs of car dealers. Finally, the amendment would expedite the processing of sign permits by making such permits administrative rather than discretionary, requiring Planning Commission approval. With the exception of the request for freeway oriented signage, staff believes that the proposed changes are beneficial and therefore, recommends approval of SP-19(G). A’ITACHMENTS 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3749 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3750 3. Amendment (Dealer recommended) allowing signs on buildings facing I-5 4. Analysis of existing and proposed signage allowance for Car Country. EXHIBIT 5 AMENDMENT SHOWING LANGUAGE REOUESTED BY THE DEALER’S ASSOCIATION TO PERMIT SIGNS ON BUILDINGS FACING I-5. Iv. SIGN PROGRAM The purpose of this section is to establish the sign standards necessary to insure coordinated exposure and tenant identification within the Car Country Specific Plan area. A primary consideration is preventing visual blight and traffic safety problems. A. Sign Permit Procedures 1. Permit All signs within car country specific plan shall be subject to a sign permit which shall be determined by the Planning Director (or designee). 2. &peals The decision of the Planning Director may be appealed to the Planning Commission. In a similar manner, the decision of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council. The appeal shall be filed with the secretary of the planning commission (for planning commission appeals), or the city clerk (for council appeals) within ten (10) calendar days of the decision. Appeals shall be accompanied by a filing fee as specified in the City fee schedule. 3. Am&s Noticing All appeals shall be noticed in accordance with Section 21.54.060 of the zoning ordinance as it may be amended from time to time. B. Permitted Sienarre Signs permitted shall meet the following standards: 1. Each lot will be permitted signage equal to two square feet per lineal foot of building frontage. More specific conditions may be added under the ~ .~. ‘.~ .~, .~ ~.., .., . ,~., Specific Site Development Plans. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . . ..:::~~:~~:.::~:~~,.. y$$.. p.<:m,. . . . ..v.. .<.x<. . . . . . . . . . . . . . z...,:~~.:~.:.;r~::~~~~,.,~,~~~::..~~~~:,. ..yy.< ‘.r .., .A ..q.~.:.:.:.),.:.: _..... :~ .:.:.: &.+>&..,. .,...,. ;~‘,.r;:~~~.~,.~~~~~:~.~.~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ..*..> 2.. > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..__. .., .., .., I.. . . . . . . . . . . . >a .,.. % .,.....,. :...A. . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . \ .,.,...A.: . . . . . ..A...> A,.....,.....,...,.. A.. .., . . . . . ..A.. > A.... . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . ..A....... > . . . . > . . ..n . . . . . . . . . . . ...” 2. One freestanding sign may be placed on each lot provided the sign area of the freestanding sign is included within the aggregate sign arca permitted as stated in paragraph Bl above. D-l C. 3. No portion of such sign shall extend over or into the public right-of-way- line, or be within fifteen feet of any driveway or curb line. 4. Monument signs shall not exceed a height of 8 feet. 5. Freestanding signs shall not exceed the height of any building which is located on the same site, and in no event shah the signs be over thirty five feet high. 6. Signs for uses other than motor vehicle dealerships on Lots 2-3 shall conform to the sign regulations of the Carl&ad Municipal Code as it may be amended from time to time. 7. All signs will be reviewed by the Planning Director to ensure compatibility and to protect the public interest. 8. All signs shall be oriented so that the primary view is from surface streets. 9. Signs oriented to surface streets, but still visible from Interstate 5 shall be consistent in size, color and illumination with those of the existing auto park. 10. Only one freestanding sign, advertising the entire Car Country development, may be oriented to Interstate 5. This sign shall be a maxim= of 35 feet high and 150 square feet in area. Franchise Sia If more than one fkanchise is located on one lot, an additional freestanding sign, wall or monument sign may be allowed. Such signs shall meet the following criteria: 1. Monument signs, shall not exceed eight feet in height. 2. The aggregate sign area for the entire development shall not exceed the sign area allowed for the development according to the provisions of Paragraph Bl above. 3. No portion of such sign shall extend over or into the public right-of-way, or be within fItken feet of any driveway or curb line. 4. The maximum sign area for any such sign shall not exceed fifty-five square feet. 5. The signs shall be oriented so that the primary view is from surface streets. . Directional Siq 1. The maximum aggregate sign area of all entry/directional signs is 100 square feet plus 3 square feet per acre of property within the development. The maximum area for any individual sign is 150 square feet. 2. A sign permit application shall be submitted for these signs. 3. Entry and directional signs shall be combined into one sign. 4. These signs shall be placed within the boundaries of the Car Country specific Plan. 5. A unit&d design theme which is complimentary to the design of the existing architecture shall be used. 6. The base of entry/directional signs should be landscaped to provide an attractive setting, and ground definition of the signs. 7. The appearance of the sign should be unified by a common design. Subdued sign and lettering colors should be used consistent with the design theme of the center. E. All signs shall comply with the requirements of the Coastal Zone. F. All signs shall be placed so as not to be detrimental to traffic safety to the satkfaction of the City Engineer. D- 3 EXHBIT 6 - , 1 I I 8 % 8 ui if 8 % ? 3 8 2 m - h - EXHBIT 7 PLANNING COMMISSION April 19, 1995 PAGE 16 ABSTAIN: None RECESS 5. SP 19(G) - AMENDMENT OF CAR COUNTRY SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN REGULATIONS - Request for approval of a Negative Declaration and reformatting and amendment regulations. Chairman Welshons advised the gallery that if this item is approved by the Planning Commission, it will be forwarded to the City Council for their consideration. Robert Green, Principal Planner, reviewed the background of the request and stated that staff has received a letter dated April 14, 1995 (with photographs) from the Car Country Car&ad Dealers Association which has been distributed to Commissioners. No other correspondence has been received by staff. Mr. Green stated that the applicant has met with staff to discuss problems the dealers have encountered with the Car Country sign regulations. During this period, staff worked with the dealers to devise regulations which address issues they had raised. This amendment includes new sign regulations for the entire Car Country Specific Plan area as follows: * Reformatting and consolidation of procedures; * Procedural changes; * Sign area changes; and . Directional signs. He reviewed each of the pmposed changes using an overhead pro@tion. This analysis was also contained in the written staff report. Mr. Green concluded his staff report by stating that staff and the dealers association has agreed on all items except for freeway oriented signs. Staff cannot support freeway signs for Car Country, except for the existing pole sign. Commissioner Erwin inquired about the possibility of putting signage in the Cattrans right-of-way. Mr. Green replied that Caltrans has been reluctant to allow signs in me right-of-way. Staff and the applicant did try to work w@lh them earlier for signs but the discussions were discontinued. Commissiow IUbIaen inquired if the existing freeway signs are illegal. Mr. Green replied that freeway wall signs were approved in the 1970s as part of the original Specific Plan, and they became non-conforming signs to amortized. Commissioner Nielsen noted mat the Lincoln Mercury dealership does not conform. Mr. Green replied that some of the signs at that dealership don’t have permits. Commissioner Nielsen inquired if this proposal is passed, will Car Country dealerships have to change their signage. Mr. Green replied that staff will review the situation with signs depending on the City Council decision. Chairman Wekhons invited the applicant to speak. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION April 19, 1995 PAGE 17 Bill Kornkk, President, Car Country Dealers Association, addressed the Commission and stated that they have worked closely with staff and have come to an agreement with everything except the freeway oriented signs. The Association is requesting that the freeway be treated the same as any surface street. There are three dealerships which face l-5 and they have been there over 20 years. If these dealerships were constructed today, the architects would deal with this issue. But that is not the case. He referred to the before and after photographs included with his letter of April 14th. There is currently a provision for freeway oriented signs for freeway service facilities. This includes hotels, restaurants, and service stations. Mr. Kornick stated that most service stations today only provide gasoline. Auto service is performed primarily by automobile dealers. He believes the definition of automobile dealers should be revised to include automobile service, and eligible for freeway oriented signage. He noted that most other cities work closely with car dealerships to encourage customers since the City receives significant sales tax revenue from the dealerships. Many cities have even named streets which compliment the automobile dealerships. He hopes the Commission will consider their need for this directional signage to assist customers in locating Car Country since there are no signs of this nature. Commissioner Noble inquired about the revenues in 1994. Mr. Kornkk repl$d that 1994 sales were $380 million because the economy was pulling out of a recession. However, 1995 revenues have dropped since last year at this time. Commissioner Noble stated that he lives in Terramar and he has personally spoken to Mr. Hoehn about eliminating all of the test drives that go on every day through his neighborhood, to no avail. Commissioner Erwin stated that he has seen 4’ x 8’ green signs in the freeway right-of-way in other areas. He inquired if the Association has discussed with possibility with Caltrans. Mr. Kornick replied that they have discussed signage with Caltrans but somewhere along the line it got bogged down. Commissioner Erwin inquired if the Association agrees with everything except the freeway signs. Mr. Kornick replied yes, but he feels the freeway sign issue needs to be addressed. He doesn’t think it is fair to ask the dealers to take down their signs since they have been there for so many years. Commissioner Nielsen inquired if the photos which were submitted use all the same ratios. He thinks the Jim Finney signs look more obtrusive. Mr. Green replied that the proposed Finney sign is 400 s.f. and the proposed Dixon sign is 493 s.f. Commissioner Compas asked Mr. Komkk what staff said wf~en you talked to them about revising the definition of car dealers. Mr. Kornkk replied that it all came down to the definition of freeway service facilities. Commissioner Comp#@ inquired if he feels that staff has no plans to address this issue. Mr. KOrnkk replied that was his imprsssion. Mr. Green responded that at the present time the zoning ordinance defines freeway sen&a tzrdlities as motels, service stations, and restaurants only. The City does not plan at this time to requesl that the existing freeway oriented wall signs be taken down. Staff reacts to signs which are a pubtic nuisance. Chairman Welshons opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. There being no persons desiring to address the Commission on this topk, Chairman Welshons declared the public testimony closed ;ind opened the item for discussion among the Commission members. Commissioner Nielsen inquired if the definition of a car dealership can be changed. Rkh Rudolf, Assistant City Attorney, replied that it can’t be done tonight. The Planning Commission can only take action on the item which staff has recommended. If the Commission wants to consider the dealers recommendation, it PLANNING COMMISSION April 19, 1995 PAGE 18 would have to be done at another time. Another method would be to approve it with a contingency. Chairman Wekhons stated that the Commission’s action tonight will be forwarded to the City Council. Mr. Wayne replied that is correct. Commissioner Erwin inquired if any of the three existing freeway signs are out of conformance. Mr. Green replied that they were approved under the original Specific Plan regulations. The specific plan regulations were changed subsequent to that approval and they are now non-conforming. Commissioner Erwin inquired if the City could request that the signs be removed. Mr. Green replied yes However, it is not City policy to go after signs unless they are a public nuisance. Gary Wayne, Assistant Planning Director, commented that the signs are non-conforming signs. They were legal at one time. The codes changed and now they are non-conforming. Our code contains an abatement period and that abatement period has expired. However, the City has never gone out and enforced an abatement. In all likelihood, the City will not go out and enforce the issue unless we abate through the entire City. Commissioner Erwin thinks the Commission should approve the staff recommendation and let the dealers take their request on to the City Council. He would also like to see if we can put up a sign in the Caftrans right-of-way. He thinks it coufd be justified and would be very tasteful. Commissioner Savary thinks some consideration shoufd be given to changing the sign ordinance with very specific details about these signs. Commissioner Nielsen agrees with Commissioner Savary but he thinks it is a policy issue which the City Council needs to address. ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner Erwin, and duly seconded, to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 3749, recommending approval of the Negative Declaration and adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 3750, recommending approval of Specifk Plan SP 19(G) as proposed to be modified by staff. VOTE: 7-o AYES: Compas, Erwin, Monroy, Nielsen, Nobfe, Savary, Wekhons NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Commissioner Nobb would like td see these signs which were approved in the original Specific Plan grandfathered end bt them stay there. Feartin WE stated that no more discussion could take place since the vote had been taken and . in Planning Area “D.” e applicant that the Planning Commission Council within ten calendar days. UINUTES h 'a CARCOUNTRY CARLSBAD la- 0 P ---E%!@ DEALERS ASSOCIATION BOB BAKER CADILLAC 5215 Car Country Drive Culsbad. California 92008 (619) 431-3150 FAX 431-9819 BOB BAKER CHRYSLER/ PLYMOUTH/VOLKSWAGEN 5500 Pasro Dcl Nortc Carlrbad. California 92008 (619) 4j6.2200 FAX ~jl-0972 BOB BAKER INFINITI 5245 Car Country Drive Carlsbad. California 92008 (619) ijl-3100 FAX 431-3120 BOB BAKER JEEP EAGLEiHYUNDAI 5555 Car Country Drive Carlsbrd. California 92008 (619) .tjl-3151 FAX 431-3170 CARLSBAD MITSUBISHI 5515 Car Country Drive Culsbad. California 92008 (6191.?j-l-j050 FAX 431.3165 DIXON FORD/ISUZU 5555 Pax0 Del Norle Cxlsbad. California 92008 (619) 438-9171 FAX (619) 438.9574 HOEHN ACURA 5556 Pass De1 Nom Culsbad. California 92008 (619) 438-9599 FAX 438-8094 HOEHN OLDYSUZUKI 5566 Paxo De1 Nortc Carlsbad. California 92008 (619) 4 38-3900 FAX Ext 31 HOEHN *MERCEDES BENZ/ PORSCHE/AUDI 5454 Pasco Dcl None Carlshad. Californra 92008 (619) JjB-4454 FAX 438-0568 LEXUS WRLSBAD 5444 Pax0 Dcl Nom Carlsbad. California 92008 (619) 438.2300 FAX 438-8090 NORTH COUNTY LINCOLN/MERCURY 5434 Pasco Dcl None Carlsbad. California 92008 (619) ? 38-54 34 FAX \( j8-0049 RORICK BUICK 533i PlKO Dcl NOltC Carlshad. California 92008 (619) ijS-5jl I FAX ijH-995’ TOYOTA CARLSBAD 542.4 Pax” Dcl xurrc Carlsbad. California 92008 (619) 438.200,) FAX 338-1419 WESELOH CHEVROLET 5335 Pasco Dcl None Carlsbad. Czlifomn 92008 (6191 i38.1001 FAX 438.Vi88 WORTHINGTON DODGE CARLSBAD 5548 Paso Dcl Norle Carlsbad. Califomn 92008 (619) 431.1222 FAX 431-1399 JIM FINNEY MAZDA/PONTIA”GMC 5445 Paxa Del None Carlsbad. California 92008 (619) 438-1021 FAX 438.1368 June 1,1995 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California Re: SP-19(G) - CAR COUNTRY SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT Dear Mayor and Members of the City Council, The Car Country Carlsbad Dealers Association will be before you June 13, 1995 to amend the Car Country Specific Plan. We believe that the amendment as proposed by the Association will help us to retain our competitive edge in very competitive regional market while ensuring that the character of Carlsbad remains the same. By way of introduction, Car Country Carlsbad was started 23 years ago by a few new car dealers. Since then it has grown to 16 separate businesses representing 26 new car and truck franchises. More than half the deaJerships are still owned and operated by the original dealers. On average, these businesses have had the same ownership for 11 years, supporting the local community by contributing both to the economy and charities, some of which are listed in the attachment. Clearly we are committed to Carlsbad. While our story is not only important because of our civic contributions, no one can escape the fact that we provide a significant amount ofjobs and property and sales tax revenues for the City of Carlsbad. Sales tax revenues alone for 1993, the year for which we have the most current data, was almost three million dollars, or about one third of the City’s total sales tax revenues. In 1994 we sold over $380,000,000 worth of cars and services. We also directly employ almost 1,000 people, 80% of whom live within 5 miles of Carlsbad, and our combined annual payroll exceeds 32 million dollars. The competition among car dealers has always been fierce. So fierce in fact that their numbers have declined by 10% within the last 10 years, and the number of dealer principals dropping even more dramatically. This fierce competition though is no longer just between car dealers, it is also between municipalities. That is why Jrvine has installed a huge electronic board, why Tustin, which originally built a wall between the fieeway and their car dealers, has now installed signs representing every make in the landscape adjacent to the freeway. Competition is why Escondido renamed 9th Avenue to Auto Park Way and installed t&way signs, or why San Diego changed the Mission Center Road off-ramp to Mission Auto Circle Drive, or why National City installed three electronic sign boards, and closer to home, why Vista Ford is not only freeway adjacent and a redevelopment project, but is to receive a 60 foot high electronic sign board. The bottom line is that with the average price of new car about $20,000, for every person that buys somewhere else, Carlsbad loses $200 to another municipality, day after day, and year after Yf=- - Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council June 1, 1995 Page 2 of 3 We are not asking for anything so grandiose as those other municipalities have implemented, but we are asking that you carefully consider our amendment as a mechanism to increase the competitive edge of a 23 year old auto park. Please remember that Car Country, and most of the buildings, were designed and built under legislation and market conditions of that generation, and that both the business and the legislation have changed dramatically. All that we are requesting is that the Specific Plan be updated to reflect those changes. The first change requested is an increase in allowable signage for multi-franchise dealerships. Twenty years ago most manufacturers prohibited a dealer from owning multiple franchises, even if the other franchises were located in a diRerent city. Now it is not unusual for a dealer to locate 3 or 4 franchises within the same building. However, one thing the manufacturers have not deviated on, and in fact have become more restrictive in, is their representation with their specific sign requirements. The additional signage requested is necessary to meet these multi-franchise requirements. The second change requested is to allow Car Country Carlsbad to include three directional signs within the auto park. These signs will alleviate the confusion of customers who literally do not know whether a particular franchise is located within the park, a problem that is exacerbated by having a lower original section and the upper expansion area. The third change requested concerns freeway exposure and sign allowance for the three dealerships located adjacent to the Geeway (please refer to the attached photographs). We ask that the f&way be treated as a surface street for the purposes of both calculating the sign area allowed and the exposure of fascia signs to the freeway. These three adjacent dealerships have had signs facing the freeway for over twenty years. The Specific Plan as amended 10 years ago prohibits these signs because the “primary view must be from a surface street. Interstate 5 shall not be considered a surface street.” If these dealerships were designed today, as opposed to over twenty years ago, they would incorporate some architectural element that was perpendicular to the Geeway and upon which they would attach their signs, just like most f&way adjacent users in Carlsbad are doing today. However, the expense associated with doing this is prohibitive, and even the best efforts would result in a design that would appear as an architectural afterthought. Interestingly, Car&ad does make exceptions to freeway exposure for “Freeway Service Facilit[ies]” that “are covered under a specific plan” and are “within one thousand five hundred feet from the apex of the freeway interchange quadrant” and which include “automobile service station[s].” Here is where another dramatic shift in the market has occurred, for when was the last time any of you had your car serviced at a gas station? Service stations now sell gas and groceries, while dealerships now provide the majority of service to the motoring public, especially as more and more automobiles are covered by longer and more comprehensive warranties. In 1994, Car Country Carlsbad Dealers provided service to 20,000 customers each month. So here we have a specific plan that is within 1500 feet of a freeway interchange and whose uses cater to the motoring public. Doesn’t it seem reasonable that we allow at least the f%eway adjacent dealerships in this specific plan to present themselves to the motoring public? Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council June 1,199s Page 2 of 3 We’re not legislative experts, but we do know how to sell cars, and that is why we’re here. Marketeers like to talk about brand identification, the importance of the product logo, and the impact of repetitive representation, while sign experts and planning staEdiscuss the importance of scale, compatibility, and conformance. We just know that ifwe can’t get the customer’s attention, we’ll never get their interest.. . Thank you for your support. Sincerely, . Bill Kornik President-Car Country Carlsbad Dealers Association - CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD CHARITIES AND ORGANIZATIONS SUPPORTED Boys Club of Carlsbad, Oceanside and San Marcos Carlsbad Youth Baseball Carlsbad Bobby Sox Baseball Carlsbad High School, Baseball, Football and Band Valley Jr. High P.T.A Carlsbad Christmas Bureau United Way Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation Carlsbad Youth Soccer Pop Warner Football Carlsbad Cares (Leg0 Land) M.A.D.D. Jaycees Santa Margarita YMCA Magdalena Ecke YMCA San Diegito Surf Club Community Hospice Oceanside Historical Society Womens Resource Center Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Armed Services YMCA Colombian Foundation for Retarded Children Soccer Club of Oceanside Coast Volleyball League American Cancer Society Trauma Intervention Society Vista Girls Club Carlsbad Junior Womens Chub Palomar Jr. College American Diabetes Association Sisters of the Precious Blood March of Dimes Daughters of St. Paul Oceanside Rotary Lancer Football Oceanside Historical Society North County Concert Association Carlsbad High School Basketball Civitan .: & t ‘f * IP . . ~. . . ..-z.. I .-.. PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of Blade-Citizen a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published daily in the City of Oceanside and qualified for the City of Oceanside and the North County Judicial district with substantial circulation in Bonsall, Fallbrook, Leucadia, Encinitas, Cardiff, Vista and Carlsbad, County of San Diego, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of San Diego, State of California, under the date of June 30,1989, case number 171349; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof 6n the following dates, to-wit: May 31, 1995 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Oceanside,Califomia, this 2 1 of day May, 1995 Signature BLADE-CITIZEN Legal Advertising 1722 South Hill Street P.O. Box 90 Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 433-7333 This space is for the County Clerk’s Filing Stamp Proof of Publication of Notice of Public Hearing ------------------------------------------------------- Paste Clipping of Notice SECURELY In This Space. + ,, ) _‘I & h 1.t * _I .r:* a:* ,I’ , NOTE@ IS HFBEIbY OIVBJ tha+eCity Cm&l of the Qity, of Carl&ad will hold a public hearing at the Ciiy Cmncil Chambem; 12QO Ca&badAWige Dfiw; Clulsbad, ‘blifomia, at 600 PA& on Tbe&y, Juneld&.E?95~So~c~~ appqwql of a Negative, De&ration and application fbr ab am&d&& t&~S@ebifk Pmperty Plan 19 (Cti : Country) to refimuat and amend regulatiw for paopeaty generally located east of I-5, between Cannon Road and Palanlat Airport Rordi andmore particularly dkcribed as: Lots1~11;CqrWadTractNo.72-5,tip7492;a&portionoflotHofthe Ran&o Agua He&on& Map No. 823. Carl&ad DealemhipiAsmciatim - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SP-19(G) - CAR COUNTRY SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 P.M., on Tuesday, June 13, 1995, to consider approval of a Negative Declaration and application for an amendment to Specific Plan 19 (Car Country) to reformat and amend regulations for property generally located east of I-5, between Cannon Road and Palomar Airport Road, and more particularly described as: Lots l-11, Carlsbad Tract No. 72-3, Map 7492, and a portion of Lot H of the Ranch0 Agua Hedionda, Map No. 823. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Robert Green in the Planning Department, at 438-1161, ext. 4442. If you challenge the Negative Declaration and/or Specific Plan Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues raised by you or someone else at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office at, or prior to, the public hearing. APPLICANT: Car Country Carlsbad Dealership Association PUBLISH: May 31, 1995 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CAR COUNTRY SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN AMENDMENT SP W(Q) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carisbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 CL&bad Village Drive, Carisbad, California, at 6:OO p.m. on Wednesday, April 19, 1995, to consider recommendation of approval of a Negative Declaration and an amendment to Specific Ran 19 reformatting and amending regulations on property generally located between Cannon Road and Palomar Airport Road and more particularly described as: Iots l- 11, Carlsbad Tact No. 72-03, Map 7492, and a portion of Lot H of the Ranch0 Agua Hedionda, Map No. 823. Those penons wishing to speak on this proposal am cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the staff mport will be available on and after April 13, 1995. If you have any questions, please call Robert Green in the Planning Department at (619) 4381161, ext. 4442. If you challenge the Negative De&ration and/or Specific Plan Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public heating described in this notice or in w-&ten correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FLLE: SP 19(G) CASE NAME: CAR COUNTRY SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT PUBLISH: APRIL 7,199s CITY OF CARLSBAD PIANNING COMMISSION - CAR COUNTRY SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN AMENDMENT SP 19(G) A RAY W & BARBARA WINTER 1745 N ROCKY RD FULLERTON CA 92631 CHARLES J MCNARY PO BOX 2066 RANCH0 SANTA FE C 92067 NATIONAL ASSN OF MUSIC 5140 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD CA 92008 JACOB BROUWER 5050 AVENIDA ENCINAS 35 CARLSBAD CA 92008 'ALOMAR & CO (850 AVENIDA ENCINAS lARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD RANCH CO 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS 100 CARLSBAD CA 92008 COLDWELL BANKER 201 CONTINENTAL COMMERC BLVD 20 EL SEGUNDO CA 90245 CARLSBAD ASSOCIATION OF 5120 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD COMMERCIAL CEN PO BOX 1111 CARLSBAD CA 92018 SAN-GAL 550 W C ST 1820 SAN DIEGO CA 92101 PAUL S ECKE 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS 100 CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD RANCH CO 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS 100 CARLSBAD CA 92008 WALDORF 424 ANDREW AVE ENCINITAS CA 92024 JOHN E & MARGARET ORD PO BOX 1789 CARLSBAD CA 92018 CORPORATION OF THE PRES 50 E NORTH TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY UT 84150 CORPORATION L P CARLMART 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS 100 CARLSBAD CA 92008 C B RANCH ENTERPRISES 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS 100 CARLSBAD CA 92008 CAR COUNTRY DEALERSHIP ASSOC 5030 CAMINO DE LA SIESTA SAThE; CA 92108 *** 23 Printed *** L - ‘i AR0 PARTNERS PO BOX 4549 CARLSBAD CA 92018 FINNEY JAMES B 5445 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD CA 92008 DUANE A RODRIGUEZ-WINTE 1282 CREST DR ENCINITAS CA 92024 JONES HOEHN ASSOCIATES 5566 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD CA 92008 TOWNSEND 588 CAMINO DEL RIO SAN DIEGO CA 92108 HOEHN ASSOCIATES II 5566 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLPLAZ 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS 10 CARLSBAD CA 92008 DORIS T BROOKING 375 SKYLINE DR VISTA CA 92084 CHARLES B WESELOH 1520 HUNSAKER ST OCEANSIDE CA 92054 SHARP 5411 AVENIDA ENCINAS 12 CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROBERT E TOWNSEND 588 CAMINO DEL RIO SAN DIEGO CA 92108 HOEHN GROUP THE 5454 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD CA 92008 VINCENT R DIXON 5555 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD CA 92008 JONES 5424 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD CA 92008 JONES 5444 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD CA 92008 DIRTTA INVESTMENTS PO BOX 94303 PASADENA CA 91109 CHRYSLER REALTY CORP 12000 CHRYSLER DR DETROIT MI 48288 *** 22 Printed *** - h , - .a FACILITIES FOR CITY CLERK SAN DIEGO COUNTY PLANNING 5201 RUFFIN RD STE “B” SAN DIEGO CA 92123 EjlLZ&iCES &%SBf#&AL WATER CALIF DEPT OF FISH & GAME i 330 GOLDENSHORE #50 LONG BEACH CA 90802 CITY OF CAR&SBAD--- EyIEERIfiG DEI’T CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT PROJECT PLANNER ROBERT GREEN / i A l (Form A) TO: CITY CLERK’S OFFICE FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notids SP 19(G) - Amendment of Car Country Specific Plan Sign Regulations for a publfc hearing before the iity Council. Please notice the item for the council meeting of Thank you. PUBLIC NOTICE Assistant City Man-- , May l., 1995 Date e_MAY-24-95 WED 09:22 CITWF CANSBAD COMM DE FAX NO. 438W4 P. 01 _L_ ,-, L DATE: , c5? 4 / 9 y3- NfJMBER OF PAGES BEING TRANSMITTED: <? CItKLUDmG FAX TRANSMITWIL) TIME SENT: TO: COMPANY: FROM: DEPT: I-CANNING PI-iONE #: (619) 438-1161 ext. &&$’ FAX X: (619 433-0894 - 1 ., 2075 Las Palmess brivc * c%rtsbad, Californi& 92oc)Q48&3 l ~bzqnt a-- - * - ’ P. 02 MAY-24-95 WED 09:23 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMM DE FAX NO. 4380894 h - - ~~?‘IC’E OF PUBLIC! HUG NcmCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the w -kg Cwmlission of Ihc: City of Carisbd will hold a pubIic he+ d th f3~1d chmbcr~, 1200 Cdbad Village Drive, ChrIsbad, Cdifornia, at 6:OO pm. on Wednesday, Apcil 19, 1995, to Mnnidcr rcconuncndaLion of approval of a Negative &&ration md an anendment to Spcdfrc F%n 19 reformatting and men&g rquktiona on prc~pcrty generally kxattd bctwcen Cannon F&d md P&mar Airport Road and mofol particularly desctibed as: ?i& I-1 4 Cdsbd Tract NO. 72-03, Map 7492, ad a portion of Lot H of the Ran&o Agua Hedionda, Map No. 823. Those persons wishing co speak on this proposal arc wdidly kited to attend the pubiic heting, Copies d the stgff rep-~ will be available on and &er April 13, 1995. If you have any questions, picase call Robert Green in the Planning Ilqmiment at (619) 338-1161, ext. 44-42. If you challenge the Negrttive D&on audior Specific Ph knendment in COW, you may be limited to tising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public heting described iu this notice or in written mrrespondcncc: dvlivcred to the City of C&bad at or prior to the public he&n& CASE 57LE SP19p) CASE NW: CAR COUNTRY SPECIFIC: PLAN AMENDMENT PUBUSW: APRIL 7,1Y95 CITY OF CARISBAD PLANNING COMMISSION MAY-24-95 WED 09:23 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMM DE FAX NO. 4380894 P.03 - - CAR COUNTRY SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN AMENDMENT SP 19(G)