HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-06-27; City Council; 13207; Award Agreement for Traffic Signal Maintenance and Repairs Contract No U/M 93-94RCla OF CARLSBAD - A - b 4 DEPT. TITLE AWARD AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC AB# 1'32 zo7 ,?. - MTG. DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 6/27/95 CSD SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS CITY A CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9R CITY Iv c Adopt Resolution No. 9 5-/9 6 accepting bids, awarding an agreement for Traffic Si Maintenance and Repairs in the amount of $89,922.00 to Signal Maintenance Inc. in accc with the provisions of Contract No. U/M 93-9R, and authorizing the City Manager to enter said agreement to become effective July 1, 1995. ITEM EXPLANATION! Currently, there are seventy-two (72) signalized intersections within the City of Carlsbad. these, seven (7) are owned and maintained by Caltrans. Under a maintenance agreemer the State of California, Caltrans maintains four (4) of the signals owned by the City. The remaining sixty-one (61) City owned and maintained traffic signals are maintained by a pr contractor under an annual agreement for traffic signal maintenance and repairs. Since 1988, routine maintenance and emergency traffic signal repairs have been perform Alexander Traffic SignaVLighting Company of San Diego, California. The agreement unde these services were performed was vague and open to interpretation. Staff felt it necessi rewrite this agreement in order to better define the contractor's duties. In an effort to cut maintenance costs, it was determined that the City electrician could become more active involved in signal maintenance with the assumption of responsibility for inspection of all f appurtenances. The contractor would, therefore, be responsible only for monthly inspeci the cabinet and controller functions. At first, this worked well. However, with the ever increasing workload, it became apparer City staff could not complete the monthly inspections as defined in the agreement. In ac there was a need for revisions to the agreement which, among other items, would addre: issue of liquidated damages and the City's policy regarding a drug and alcohol free work The agreement was modified and bids were solicited. The following three bids were received, opened, witnessed and recorded on June 12, 19 bb8 i5 2 Q2 a8 2 0 F 0 a 1 0 z 3 2 COMPANY NAME BID AMOUNT Signal Maintenance Inc. $89,922.00 Southwest Signal Service $1 30,988.00 Computer Service Company $1 53,229.70 The bids were reviewed by both Purchasing and Community Services Department staff. Maintenance Inc. of Anaheim, California, was the lowest responsive bidder in the amoun satisfactory. $89,922.00, The contractor's registration and proof of insurance are in order and referer v 0 PAGE 2 OF AB# /$a07 b 4B ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW No environmental review is required for this agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate funds have been budgeted for Fiscal Year 1995-96 in the traffic signal repairs a c to cover all costs associated with this agreement. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 9 5 - I 7 L, 2. Agreement for Traffic Signal Maintenance and Repairs 7 "I V L .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 Q Exhibit 1 RESOLUTION NO. 95-176. A RESOLUTION OF ME CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE CIN MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS, CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9R WHEREAS, bids have been received by the City of Carlsbad, California, for Tra Signal Maintenance and Repairs in accordance with Contract No. UIM 93-9R; and WHEREAS, the lowest responsive bid received for this agreement was submittc Signal Maintenance Inc. of Anaheim, California in the amount of $89,922.00; and WHEREAS, adequate funds have been budgeted in the traffic signal maintenal budget for Fiscal Year 1995-96 to cover all costs associatea with the execution of thi! agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsl California, as follows: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. The bid of $89,922.00 by Signal Maintenance Inc. of Anaheim, Californi Traffic Signal Maintenance and Repairs, Contract No. UIM 93-9R, is her accepted and the City Manager and the City Clerk are hereby authorize execute a contract therefore to become effective July 1, 1995. Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill 111 Ill .. I ... i w * 0 & 3 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsb; 2 California, at its regular meeting held on the 27th di 3 of JUNE , 1995, by the following vote, to wit: 4 5 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall 6 7 8 9 NOES: None ABSENT: None 10 ATTEST: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 r / 0 e' * AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 29th day of JUNE , 1995, by and between the City of Carlsbad, California, a Municipal Corporation hereinafter designated i "City" and Si qna 1 Ma i ntenance. I nc. hereinafter referred to as "Contractor." RECITALS City requires the services of the Contractor to provide traffic signal maintenancc The Contractor has submitted to the City a proposal to provide traffic signal The Contractor possesses the necessary skills and qualifications to provide the repair services within the City. maintenance and repair services. services required by the City. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenant herein, City and Contractor agree as follows: I. TERM OF AGREEMENT A. This agreement shall extend for a period of one (1) year. By mutual consel the City Manager may extend this agreement for three (3) additional one (1 year periods for a total term of four (4) years upon satisfactory performancc II. COMPENSATION A. Routine/Preventive Maintenance: 1. For all of the routine/preventive maintenance services which Contractor obligated to perform under the terms of Section IV "DUTY OF CONTRACTOR", Sub-section A "Routine/Preventive Maintenance" of thi agreement, the City shall pay to the Contractor the sum of $ 29 - 75 per intersection per month. Intersections added after the effective day this agreement will be added at the same rate. This rate may be adjusl annually in accordance with the provisions of Section VI "FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS" of this agreement. All labor, equipment and materials necessary to complete the routine/preventive maintenance services sha included in the cost per intersection. No additional payments will be m HLH94027.REV Rev. 2 e 0' * B. Emerqency Response: 1. For emergency response services which.Contractor is obligated to perf( under the terms of Section IV "DUTY OF CONTRACTOR", Sub-Section',E "Emergency Response" of this agreement, the City shall pay the Contra based on "time and materials". "Time and materials" shall include labor equipment costs which shall be based on the attached Labor & Equiprr Cost Schedule (Exhibit A) which may be adjusted annually in accordanc agreement. When not provided by the Crty, materials shall be supplied the Contractor at cost with a reasonable percentage for overhead and F not to exceed 15%. with the provisions of Section VI "FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS" of this C. Extraordinarv Services: 1. For extraordinary services which the Contractor is obligated to perform under the terms of Section IV "DUTY OF CONTRACTOR", Sub-section ( "Extra-ordinary Services" of this agreement, the City shall pay the Contr; based on "time and materials" except as provided in subsections C2 an C3 of Section I1 "Compensation". "Time and materials" shall include lab and equipment costs which shall be based on the attached cost schedl (Exhibit A) which may be adjusted annually in accordance with the provisions of Section VI "FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS' of this agreement. When not provided by the City, materials shall be supplied by the Contractor at cost with a reasonable percentage for overhead and profi to exceed 15%. a. Loop-Set Testing: For loop-set testing services which Contractor is obligated to perform u the terms of Section IV "DUTY OF CONTRACTOR", Sub-section C "Extra-ordinary Services" of this agreement, the City shall pay to the Contractor a unit sum of $10.00 per loop-set, payable upon completion of the requested testing. All labor, equipment, and material necessary to complete the loop-set testing shall be included in the unit for each loop-set. No additional payments will be made. This unit cos1 may be adjusted each year in accordance with Section VI "FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS" of this agreement. 2. Loop Detector Replacement: For replacement of loop detectors which the Contractor is obligated to perform under the terms of Section IV "DUTY OF CONTRACTOR", Sub-section D "Loop Detector Replacement" of this agreement, the Cit) shall pay the Contractor in accordance with the following: Type "A" $185.00 each Type "B" $1 6 5 .o 0 each Type "D" $1 9 0 - 00 each Type "E" $2 5 0 . 0 0 each Type "Q" $1 8 0 . o o each HU-194027.RN Rev. 2 0 e. ). Prices paid for loop detector installation shall be "lump sum" for loops complete in place including connection to the DLC in the pull-box. Necessary work beyond point of connection to DLC must be approved the Community Services Director or his approved representative and h: an assigned incident and/or work order number. Payment for such wo shall be based on "time and materials". "Time and materials" shall inclu labor and equipment costs which shall be based on the attached cost schedule (Exhibit A) which may be adjusted annually in accordance wit the provisions of Section VI "FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS" of this agreemei When not provided by the City, materials shall be supplied by the Contractor at cost with a reasonable percentage for overhead and profi to exceed 15%. a. Annual Relamping (1) For annual relamping services which Contractor is obligated to ped under the terms of Section IV "DUTY OF CONTRACTOR", Sub-Sect E."Annual Relamping" of this agreement, the City shall pay to the Contractor a lump sum of $2 4 4 0 . 0,Opayable upon completion of tt entire annual relamping program, based on a current total of sixty-c (61) intersections. All labor and equipment necessary to complete annual relamping shall be included in the lump sum cost. Material! including lamps and lenses will be provided by the City at the City': option. When not provided by the City, materials shall be supplied the Contractor at cost with a reasonable percentage for overhead E profit not to exceed 15%. (2) Intersections added after the effective date of this agreement will br added the following year at the rate of $4 0 . 0 0 per intersec regardless of the number of phases. All labor and equipment necessary to complete the annual relamping shall be included in th unit cost for each intersection. This unit cost may be adjusted eacl year in accordance with Section VI "FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS" of th agreement. When not provided by the City, materials shall be sup by the Contractor at cost with a reasonable percentage for overhea and profit not to exceed 15%. b. Annual Conflict Monitor Testing: (1 1 For conflict monitor testing services which Contractor is obligated t perform under the terms of Section IV "DUTY OF CONTRACTOR", 2 Section F "Annual Conflict Monitor Testing" of this agreement, the C shall pay to the Contractor the unit sum of $40 . 00 Per intersection, payable upon completion of the entire conflict monitor testing program. All labor, equipment, and materials necessary to complete the conflict monitor testing shall be included in the unit c( for each intersection. No additional payments will be made. This L cost may be adjusted each year in accordance with Section VI "FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS" of this agreement. HLH94027.REV Rev. 2 0 e' w Ill. AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS A. The complete agreement between the parties shall consist of and include the , following documents, all of which shall be and are hereby incorporated by ' reference and made a part hereof as fully as if set out in full herein: 1. This Agreement. 2. Exhibit A - Labor & Equipment Cost Schedule 3. Exhibit B - List of Intersections and Equipment 4. Exhibit C - Monthly Inspection Checklist 5. Exhibit D - Quarterly Inspection Checklist 6. Exhibit E - Annual Inspection Checklist 7. Certificates of Insurance 8. IMSA Signal Technician I1 certificates of qualified staff IV. DUTY OF CONTRACTOR A. Routine/Preventive Maintenance: 1. Monthly Inspection a. The Contractor shall perform monthly routinelpreventive inspections ba: on the City's schedule. Such inspections shall be scheduled so that es intersection is inspected at approximately the same date each month. b. The monthly inspection shall include a complete check of all timing and component functions and field appurtenances described in the "Monthll Inspection Checklist" (Exhibit C). Every three months, the "Quarterly Inspection Checklist" (Exhibit D) will be used in lieu of the "Monthly Inspection, Checklist" (Exhibit C) for that month's inspection. (1) Any graffiti found at the time of the inspection such as signs, flyers, tape, shall be removed by the Contractor at that time at no addition charge to the City. Graffiti requiring extensive'removal will be performed by City staff or referred to the Contractor and treated as "Extra-ordinary Services" and payments will be made in accordance with the provisions of Section II "COMPENSATIONt', Sub-section C, "Extra-ordinary Service". (2) All other deficiencies which require attention but do not constitute a unsafe situation will be referred to the Community Services Director his approved representative by the end of the work day in which thl inspection occurred. The Community Services Director or his apprc representative will elect to make the repairs in-house or assign the Contractor an incident number authorizing the Contractor to make i repairs. If referred to the Contractor, repairs will be treated as ".Extr ordinary Services" and payments will be made in accordance with t ordinary Service". provisions of Section II "COMPENSATION", Sub-Section C, "Extra- HLHQ4027.REV Rev. 2 0 e. w c. Should the Contractor find an unsafe situation at the time of inspection Contractor shall make any repairs necessary to return the intersection t safe operating condition. Contractor shall then report to the City immediately upon completion of the repair. Such repairs will be consid "COMPENSATION", Sub-section B "Emergency Response" of this agreement unless such action would normally be considered part of th' routine/preventive maintenance, in which case no additional payments be made therefore. "Emergency Response" and payment will be in accordance with Sectioi d. The maintenance of all components within the confines of the cabinet ( detectors] load switches, etc,) shall be the responsibility of the Contrac and shall be inspected each month for proper function. All adjustment made by the Contractor shall be included in the monthly cost for inspection. No additional payments will be made for adjustments or re normally considered preventivehoutine maintenance. When a compon must be removed from the intersection for repair, a like component will provided and installed by the Contractor in place of the component requiring repairs. All repairs shall be the responsibility of the Contractc and the component shall be returned immediately upon completion of repairs. (1) If, in the opinion of the Contractor, any controller mechanism has become obsolete or deteriorated beyond the point of repair, the Contractor shall nottfy the City and demonstrate or otherwise provic evidence that replacement is necessary. No permanent change of control mechanisms shall be done without -prior approval of the Cit Emerqencv Response: 2. Emergency Response shall be defined as the initial unscheduled response repairs necessary to restore safe operation of the signalized intersection. a. The Contractor will maintain a 24-hour toll-free emergency number whc helshe can be reached in case of emergency. This phone number will made available to all persons designated by the City. b. The Contractor will provide service twentyfour,(24) hours per day for tl servicing of all equipment covered by this agreement. An IMSA/TSA LC II or higher technician will respond immediately upon notification in a vehicle with aerial capabilities. This vehicle shall be equipped with equipment and materials necessary to restore safe operation of the intersection, If the Contractor is contacted after normal working hours determines that aerial capabilities are not necessary based on the information provided, initial response may be made in a service vehicle However, if the Contractor opts to respond in a service vehicle and ael HLH93027.REV Rev. 0 0. - capabilities are required, the City will not pay any costs associated with retrieval of an aerial vehicle. Under normal conditions, initial response t should not exceed one (1) hour, In cases where delays are anticipated exceed this maximum, Contractor shall notrfy City immediately with an.' estimated time of arrival. In no case shall initial response time exceed two (2) hours. A greater response time may result in the City's non- payment of labor and equipment costs associated with the repairs. c. The Contractor shall make timing adjustments only when necessary to compensate for sudden changes in traffic conditions or malfunctioning traffic signal equipment that cannot be repaired or replaced immediatel! The Contractor shall notify the City of these adjustments immediately ul completion of the adjustments. d. If the estimated cost of emergency repairs exceeds $1,000.00, the Contractor shall restore the intersection to flashing operation and obtair authorization from the City before proceeding with repairs. For exampk cases involving a knockdown, where the City maintenance representath not already on-site, Contractor shall make every effort to notify the City maintenance representative as soon as possible and obtain authorizatic from the designated City representative for repairs. If the City decides t have the Contractor perform necessary repairs, an incident and/or work order number will be issued and work will begin as soon as possible, e. The City may request that the Contractor respond to the scene of collisi at signalized intersections in order to veri proper signal operation. In. case, the Contractor shall perform a review of the traffic signal facility including a thorough inspection of all equipment for physical damage 0, equipment malfunction. Contractor shall also observe traffic movement veri normal signal operation. Contractor shall then submit, in writing, l report summarizing the results of the inspection to the Community Sen/ Director or his approved representative within 48 hours of the incident, f. Upon completion of emergency repairs, the Contractor shall invoice the for all costs associated with the emergency in accordance with Section "COMPENSATION", Sub-section B "Emergency Response", Invoices for emergency maintenance shall include the following information: (1) intersection description (2) intersection number (3) authorizing party (4) time of call (5) description of complaint (6) time of arrival (7) status upon arrival (8) corrective measures taken (9) status upon departure (10) time of departure (1 1) invoice number (1 2) incident number (13) equipment identification number - part being replaced (1 4) equipment identification number - replacement part HLH94027.RN Rev. 21 m 8' . The City may request that additional information be added to the invoic provided such request is made in writing and such request does not excessively burden the Contractor, Upon receipt of a wriien request fa additional information, the Contractor shall have ten (10) days to respoi with objections. If no objections are received within ten (10) days, invo for all emergency response shall include the requested information. Payment for invoices not containing all requested information may be delayed. 6. Extraordinary Services: Extraordinary services shall be defined as scheduled repairs/services resutting I any part of a traffic signal system that is damaged by collision, acts of God or malicious mischief, excepting any damage resulting from the negligence of the Contractor, or normal deterioration due to the passage of time. It shall also inc requests for special programming, synchronized system timing, consultation services, and other special requests. All extra-ordinary maintenance shall be subject to prior approval of the community Services Director or his approved representative. Work performed as "Extra-ordinary Services" will be completed within the time agreed upon by both parties at the time work is assigned. Worl completed within this mutually agreed time will be subject to the terms of Sectic "Liquidated Damages". 1. Special Programming a. The City may request that special time programming be performed (i.e. time of day programming, synchronized system timing). Payment for SI work shall be based on %me and materials". "Time and materials" sha include labor and equipment costs which shall be based on the attache Labor & Equipment Cost Schedule (Exhibit A) which may be adjusted annually in accordance with the provisions of Section VI "FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS" of this agreement. When not provided by the City, materials shall be supplied by the Contractor at cost with a reasonable percentage for overhead and profit not to exceed 15%. 2. Loop-Set Testing a. On-going detection problems will be reported to the City for determinati loop-set testing is required. Loop-set testing shall be performed at the discretion of the Community Services Director or his approved representative. A loop-set is defined as all loops connected to a single lead-in cable of a single loop detector amplifier in a rack slot. The loop testing shall include disconnecting all loops from the lead-in cable to separate the individual loop-sets for the slot to be tested, a meg check each individual loop in the loop-set, reconnection of the loops, and test of the lead-in wiring for the loop-set. HLH94027.REV Rev. 2 e 0. * 3. Loop Detector Replacement a. Upon notification from the Community Services Director or his approvf representative, the Contractor will install new loop detectors. New 1001 configuration will be one Type D and three Type A loops per lane unle: otherwise indicated. Loop installation will include pavement cutting, placement of the conductors including home run, sealing pavement cu and connection to DLC in pull box so that loop-set is functioning prop€ upon completion of the installation. Only IMSA/TSA Level II or higher technician is authorized to make loop connection within the cabinet. b. In most cases, the contractor will be asked to install four (4) or more lo at one time; however, the City reserves the right to request fewer than 1 (4) loops if deemed necessary by the Community Services Director or I approved representative. Payment for loop installation will be in accordance with Section II "COMPENSATION", Sub-section D "Loop Detector Replacement". 4. Annual Relamping a. Within 90 days after execution of this agreement and annually thereafte the Contractor will remove and replace all incandescent lamps in all sig heads and Type A pedestrian heads unless otherwise instructed by the Community Services Director or his representative. City will provide lar and other necessary materials unless the Community Services Director notifies the Contractor otherwise. 'In such case, the Contractor will proi the materials specified by the Community Services Director and the Cit) pay the Contractor for the actual materials costs plus a reasonable percentage for overhead and profit not to exceed 15%. Contractor will disposal unless othenvise instructed. Intersections not completed within the 90 day period will be subject to t assessment of liquidated damages as specified in Section V "LIQUIDAT DAMAGES". In extreme cases, the Community Services Director or his approved representative may authorize an extension and waives the obligation to pay liquidated damages. return all lamps and materials removed from City signals to the City for b. Contractor shall clean, polish, and inspect all traffic signal head lenses i reflectors. Contractor shall replace all broken or deteriorated parts and leave each intersection clean and secure. Special attention will be giver ensure proper closure of all doors and tight fastening of all wingnuts. Contractor shall adjust and align all signal heads, including optically programmed heads in accordance with the "Annual Inspection Checklisl (Exhibit E). c. Contractor shall check signal head and mast arm sign mounting hardwz for corrosion. Contractor shall verify alignment of all mast arm signs, ar signal heads and shall repairhealign as required in accordance with the "Annual Inspection Checklist" (Exhibit E). HLH94027.REV Rev. 21' 0 a. z d. Contractor shall clean all emergency vehicle pre-empt detection scopes Contractor shall check mounting hardware for corrosion and shall adju: and align as required in accordance with the "Annual Inspection Check' (Exhibit E). e. Following completion of relamping, City staff will inspect each intersecti to verify that Contractor has completed relamping in accordance with g traffic signal maintenance practices and the guidelines specified herein. Inspections will occur on at least one signal head, selected randomly] 2 the Contractor will be obligated to return to the intersection within five working days to complete the relamping to the City's satisfaction. f. The City reserves the right to modrfy and/or delete this program at any each signalized intersection, Should the selected head fail the inspecti1 during the course of this agreement. 5. Annual Conflict Monitor Testing a, In the sixth month following the effective date of the agreement and annually thereafter and/or when so instructed by the Community Servic Director] the Contractor will remove the conflict monitor for testing in thl field. The Contractor will provide all testing equipment and previously tested conflict monitor units and diode boards for use during the testin< period. Conflict monitor must meet manufacturer's specifications prior reinstallation into the cabinet. Copies of test results will be submitted tc representative. Contractor must complete conflict monitor testing on al designated intersections within ninety (90) days following the first calenl day of the sixth month of the agreement or be subject to the assessme liquidated damages in accordance with Section V "LIQUIDATED DAMAGES". Intersections not completed withjn the 90 day period will be subject to 1 assessment of liquidated damages as specified in Section V "LIQUIDAT DAMAGES". In extreme cases, the Community Services Director or his approved representative may authorize an extension and waive the obligation to pay liquidated damages. City upon request by the Community Services Director or his approved b. The Contractor will .notrfy the City prior to beginning the conflict monitol testing. Contractor will submit a time schedule for the completion of th' conflict monitor testing program which will be updated daily during completion, c. The City reserves the right to modify andlor delete this program at any during the course of this agreement. HLH94027.RN Rev. 2 0 d' . V. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES A. All work not completed within the time period allotted for said work shall be sut to the assessment of liquidated damages in the amount of $50.00 per affected intersection per work day for each day beyond the specified completion time. Adjustments to completion time will be made for adverse weather conditions at discretion of the Community Services Director or his approved representative. VI. FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS A. Annually, all costs specified in Section I1 "COMPENSATION" and in Exhibit A % & Equipment Schedule" be subject to change to reflect cost of living increases decreases in the costs of labor and equipment as dictated by market condition: B. Periodically, during the course of this agreement, circumstances may arise that affect the Contractor's expenses under the terms of this agreement due to cost increases beyond the Contractor's control. Should this happen, the Contractor shall submit a wriien request for a unit cost increase. The City will research thi request and will respond to the Contractor within ten working days. If the adjustment is fair and justified and the City and Contractor mutually agree on tt increase, an amendment to the agreement will be prepared and submitted to tk City Manager for final approval. Should adjustments to Section IV "DUTY OF THE CONTRACTOR" be required, . City shall noto the Contractor in wriiing of the requested modification and any associated costs. The Contractor will have ten working days within which appl the change. If both parties agree to the modified duties and/or modified unit cc an amendment to the agreement will be prepared and submitted to the City Manager for final approval. If the Contractor does not agree to the required modifications, the City shall have the option of terminating this contract upon 3( days written notice to Contractor. VII. DRUG & ALCOHOL FREE WORKPLACE A. The City of Carlsbad is committed to maintaining a work environment free from effects of drugs and alcohol consistent with the directives of the Drug Free Workplace Act. As a condition of this agreement, the Contractor and the Contractor's employees shall assist in meeting the requirements of this policy a forth in the "City of Carlsbad Drug and Alcohol Use Policy" incorporated by reference herein. B. Contractor agrees that the Contractor and the Contractor's employees, while performing service for the City, on City property, or while using City equipment not be in possession of, use, or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, C. The Contractor has the duty to inform all employees or agents of the Contract0 that are performing service for the City on City property or using City equipmen the City's objective of a safe, healthful and productive workplace and the prohit of drug or alcohol possession, use or impairment from same while performing z service for the City. HLH94027 REX Rev. 2 0 e. .. D. The City has the right to terminate this agreement and any other agreement thf Contractor bas with the City if the Contractor or Contractor's employees are determined by the Community Services Director or his representative to have breached the provisions of Section VI1 herein as interpreted and enforced pursl to the provisions interpreted and enforced pursuant to the provisions of the Cit Carlsbad Drug and Alcohol Use Policy" incorporated by reference herein. VIII. STAFF A. Contractor shall use Level II or higher lMSA/TSA certified technicians to service maintain, and make necessary repairs to traffic signal devices within the confinc the controller cabinet. Skilled laborers can make hardware repairs under the di supervision of the Level I1 technician. No work will occur at any signalized intersection under this agreement without a Level II or higher technician presen all times unless otherwise previously approved in writing by the Community Services Director or his representative, IX. EQUIPMENT A. The machinery and equipment used by the Contractor in the furtherance of this agreement shall be modern, clean, and maintained in proper working condition all times consistent with current standards of the industry and subject to the approval of the Community Services Director. 8. As requested by the Communrty Services Director, the Contractor shall supply tl City with list of the equipment being used in furtherance of this agreement incluc its make, model, date of manufacture and any other pertinent information. C. All equipment shall be available for inspection by the City upon 24 hour notificat to the Contractor. X. MATERIALS A. All materials used in the furtherance of this agreement shall be in accordance wi Cattrans specifications and approved by the Community Services Director or his representative. XI. TRAFFIC CONTROL A. The Contractor may be required to submit traffic control plans to be approved bj the Traffic Engineer for extra-ordinary services. Preparation of these plans shall I the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Community Services staff will assist on1 with interdepartmental coordination. All drawings and revisions will be the responsibility of the Contractor. HLH93027.RN Rev. 2l1, 0 0. . B. All traffic.control devices shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the ’ “Manual of Traffic Control Devices for Construction and Maintenance Work Zonc as published by the State of California, Department of Transportation (Caltrans), The Contractor will be responsible for providing and placing all temporary traffic control devices. C. The Contractor shall conduct his/her operations so as to cause the least possib interference with public traffic. D. Any time during the course of this agreement that the Contractor initiates flash operation at a signalized intersection, Contractor shall nottfy the City immediate1 with an approximate time that the intersection will be restored to automatic operation. XII. RECORDS A. The Contractor will maintain at his/her place of business a record of all service ( or work performed upon the signal equipment including date, location times in i out, costs for equipment and materials used, parts and supplies used, and the names of all persons who performed work. B. Each time work is performed at an intersection, including monthly routinelprevel maintenance, the Contractor will update the record book within the cabinet. C. The Contractor will maintain accurate timing information sheets within the contrc cabinet at each signalized intersection. The Contractor will provide copies of th sheets upon request of the Community Services Director or his approved representative. XIII. INSURANCE A. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract and any a all amendments and extensions, insurance against claims for injuries to person: damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performancc the work hereunder by the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees o subcontractors. Said insurance shall be obtained from an insurance carrier admitted and authorized to do business in the State of California. The insuranc carrier is required to have a current Best’s Key Rating of not less than “A-:V” anc comply with the City’s policy for insurance as stated in City Council Resolution I 91 -403. 1. COVERAGES AND LIMITS - Contractor shall maintain the types of coveragl and minimum limits indicted herein: a. Comprehensive General Liabilitv Insurance: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, perso injury and property damage. If the policy has an aggregate limit, gener; aggregate limits shall apply separately to the work under this contract o HLH94027.RN Rev. 21 0 e’ - the general aggregate shall be twice the required per occurrence limit. separate aggregate in the amounts specified shall be established for th risks for which the City or its agents, officers or employees are additior insureds. b. Automobile Liabilitv Insurance: $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury, persons injury and property damage. The auto policy must cover any vehicle u non-owned or hired, and whether scheduled or non-scheduled. The aL insurance certificate must state that coverage is for “any auto” and canr be limited in any manner without qualifications or limitations. in the performance of the contract, whether onsite or offsite, owned, c. Workers’ Compensation and Emplovers’ Liabilitv Insurance: Workers’ compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the Sta California and Employers’ Liability limits of $1,000,000 per incident for personal injury. Workers’ compensation offered by the State Compens Insurance Fund is acceptable to the City. 2. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS - Contractor shall ensure that the policies of insurance required under this agreement contain, or are endorsed to contaii the following: General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverages: a. ADDITIONAL INSURED: The City shall be named as an additional insured on all policies excludit Workers’ Compensation. The City, its officials, employees and voluntee are to be covered as additional insureds as respects liability arising out activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the contractor; premises owned, leased, hired borrowed by the contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City, its officials, employees or volunteers. b. SEPARATE COVERAGE: Coverage shall state that the contractor‘s insurance shall apply separate to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except Y respect to the limits of the insurer’s liability. c. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION: All policies of insurance required under this agreement shall contain a waiver of all rights of subrogation the insurer may have or may acquire against the City or any of its officials or employees. d. PRIMARY COVERAGE: The Contractor’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respt the City, its officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self- insurance maintained by the City, its officials, employees or volunteers SI be in excess of the contractor’s insurance and shall not contribute with it HLH94027.REV Rev. 2/11 0 e' . e. "CLAIMS MADE" POLICIES: If the insurance is provided on a "claims made" basis, coverage shall bl maintained for a period of three years following the date of completion the work. f. SUBCONTRACTORS: Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insured under its policies shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontr: Coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirement: stated herein. g. VERIFICATION OF COVERAGE: Contractor shall furnish the City with Certificates of insurance and origir endorsements affecting coverage required by this clause. The certifica and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a per authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behatf. The certificat and endorsements are to be in forms approved by the City and are to I received and approved by the City before work commences. h. DEDUCTIBLES AND SELF-INSURED RETENTION (S.I.R.) LEVELS: Any deductibles or self-insured retention levels must be declared to an( approved by the City. At the option of the City, either: the insurer shal reduce or eliminate such deductibles or setf-insured retention levels as respects the City, its officials and employees; or the contractor shall prc a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigation, claim administration and defense expenses. i. FAILURE TO REPORT: Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its officials, employees or voluntee j. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION: Each insurance policy required by this agreement shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled, or reduc in coverage or limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice ha been given to the City by certified mail, return receipt requested. k. COST OF INSURANCE: The Cost of all insurance required under this agreement shall be includ in the Contractor's bid. 1. FAILURE TO MAINTAIN: If the Contractor fails to maintain any of the insurance coverages requir herein, then the City will have the option to declare the Contractor in br of this contract, or may purchase replacement insurance or pay the premiums that are due on existing policies in order that the required coverages may be maintained. The Contractor is responsible for any payments made by the City to obtain or maintain such insurance and tl City may collect the same from the Contractor or deduct the amount pi from any sums due the Contractor under this agreement. HLHQ4027.REV Rev. 2 0 8’ - XIV, FAITHFUL PERFQRMANCE A. The standards of performance which the Contractor is obligated to perform hereunder are the standards which are considered to be good traffic signal ’ maintenance practices and shall be subject to the approval of the Community Services Director or his approved representative. XV. CANCELLATlON CLAUSE A. If Contractor refuses or fails to prosecute the agreement or any separable part thereof wilh such diligence as will ensure its completion within the time specifie the City or any extension thereof, or fails to complete such work within such tin or if Contractor should be adjudged bankrupt, make a general assignment for 1 benefit of creditors, or if a receiver should be appointed on account of Contrac insolvency, or if Contractor fails to make prompt payment for materials, equiprr or labor, or if Contractor persistently disregards laws, ordinances, policies or instructions of City, City may serve wriien notice upon the Contractor of its intc to declare this agreement in default. Said notice shall contain the reasons for : intention to declare a default, and unless within ten (IO) days after service of SI notice, such violations shall cease and satisfactory arrangements for the correc thereof including payment to the City for any damages resulting therefrom, be made and documented in writing by both parties, this agreement shall upon th( expiration of said time, be in default. XVI. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY A. The City, its agents, officers and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penatties, fines or any damage to goods, properties or effects of any person whatever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or resutting fron claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any act or omission of Contractor or Contractor’s agents, employees or representatives. Contractor a agents, officers, and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claim! any Contractor’s indemnification shall include any and all cost and expense, attorney’s fees and liability incurred by the City on account of any of the foregc including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications, unless that liability or claim is due to, or arises out of, the sole u or negligent conduct of the City or its employees. to defend, indemnify, and hold free and harmless the City and its authorized XVII. STATUS OF THE CONTRACTOR A. The Contractor shall perform the services provided for herein in the Contractor‘ own way as an independent contractor and in pursuit of Contractor’s independ calling, and not as an employee of the City. Contractor shall be under control the City only as to .the result to be accomplished but shall consult with the City provided for in this agreement. HLH94027.RN Rev. 2 e e. - B. The Contractor is an independent contractor with the City. The payment made Contractor pursuant to this agreement shall be the full and complete compensi to which Contractor is entitled pursuant to this agreement. The City shall not r~ , any federal or state tax withholdings on behalf of the Contractor, The City $ha\' be required to pay any worker's compensation insurance on behalf of the Contractor. The Contractor agrees to indernntfy the City for any tax, unemployl compensation, retirement contribution, social security, payment of wages or worker's compensation payment which the City may be required to make on bt of Contractor or any employee of Contractor for work done under this agreeme, C. The Contractor shall be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Reform at Control Act of 1986 (8 U.S.C. Sec. 1101 - 1525) and shall comply with those requirements, including, but not limited to,. verifying the eligibility for employmer ail agents, employees, subcontractors, and consultants that are included in this agreement. XVIII. SUBCONTRACTING AND ASSIGNMENT A. The Contractor shall neither subcontract nor assign any obligation or interest in agreement without the prior written approval of the City in its absolute discretior XIX. PROHIBITED INTEREST A. No official of the City who is authorized in such capacity on behalf of the City to take part in negotiating, making, accepting, or approving this contract, or any architectural, engineering construction or material supply contractor or subcontractor associated with this contract, shall become directly or indirectly engineer, inspector or attorney of or for the City who is authorized in such capal and on behalf of the City to exercise any executive, supervisory, or other similar functions in connection with the performance of this contract shall become direc or indirectly interested personally in this contract or any part thereof. interested personally in this contract or in any part thereof. No employee, archil XX. VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION A. No verbal agreement or conversation with any office, agent, or employee of the City, either before, during, or after the execution of this contract, shall affect or modrfy any of the terms or obligations herein contained nor shall such verbal agreement or conversation entitle the Contractor to any additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this agreement. XXI, ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC FACILITIES "AS IS" A. Contractor acknowledges having examined the public facilities to be maintained pursuant to this agreement and accepts them "as is." No changes in the acceptc conditions of the facilities shall be made by Contractor without prior approval of t Community Services Director or his approved representative. HLH94027.RN Rev 2/11 e e .. XXII. CIIY PERMITS A. The Contractor must have a current City business Uicense. Bidders are advise{ consult the’Business License Supervisor as to the exact cost of such license, ii currently licensed. Executed this day of. , 19J CONTRACTOR: CITY OF CARLSBAD, a munic Sisnal Maintenance. Inc. (name of Contractorj ”, ’ . , , MAYOR B: (sign her ) ..-.. ATTEST: h!”kdL CITY CLERK 4AfiGs K .&Ufioh) ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ (print name here) &<si-. sa/- (title and organization of signatory) By: (J -7$$2j&JgA7 9 he (print nade here) Lkze-qJQt&& GmiGMA@&L Hi!m”-C ZL (title and organiiation of signatory) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporatio only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation. APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL City Attorney - n BY (+naL. Depu City Attorney6 ,28.9 fa EXHIBIT A w e CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9R Labor & Equipment Cost Schedule City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 The undersigned declares he/she has carefully examined the location of the work, rec Request for Proposals, examined the Agreement, and hereby proposes to furnish all materials, equipment, transportation, and services required to do all the work to cor Contract No. U/M 93-9R for TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS in accordanc the provisions of the agreement and that he/she will take in full payment therefor the foll unit prices for each item complete, to wit: Item Description with Item Unit Price or Lump Sum Unit No. Price in Wards Price 1. IMSA Level I1 Technician at twenty-three dollars and no cents per hour $ 23.00 straight time. 2. IMSA Level I1 Technician at t h i r t Y dollars and no cents per hour $ 30.00 overtime. 3. IMSA Level I Technician at e i g h teen dollars and f i f t Y cents per hour straight time. $ 18.50 4. IMSA Level I Technician at t we n t Y - f i v e dollars and no cents per hour $ 25.00 overtime. seven teen 5. Laborer at dollars and no cents per hour straight time. $ 17.00 twenty-four - 6. Laborer at dollars and no cents per hour overtime. $ 24.00 7. Aerial Truck at e i ah t dollars and no cents per hour. $ 8.00 UI uodn37 DIT "" w e Exhibit 6 CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SiGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS List of Intersections & Equipment ,J2/22/94 CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9 R '001933.014750 CAMINO DE LOS COCHES @ RANCHQ SANTA FE RD , Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: I Serial #: 268123 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: isontroller type: 170s Program: 200 I Comments : ! I I i ~)02060.010970 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE @ EL CAMIN0 REAL ;' Manufacturer: Signal Control Turn-On Date: i. Serial #: 775501 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: : ?ontroller type: 170 Program: 176 Comments : f b 1 ~J02060.014080 CAMIN0 VIDA ROBLE @ PALOMAR AIRPORT RD Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: Serial #: 264372 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments : 1 :ontroller type: 170 Program: 17 6 i i ~03000.004020 CANNON RD @ CARLSBAD BLVD Manufacturer! Safetran Turn-On Date: Serial #: 262843 p of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170s Program: 17 6 I b 304020.004025 CARLSBAD BLVD @ CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR b Manufacturer : signal Control Turn-On Date: Serial #: 10369 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments : b Zontroller type: 170 Program: 200 1 ~004020.006020 CARLSBAD BLVD @ CERE20 DR Manufacturer: Signal Control Turn-On Date: Serial #! 9061., # of Phases: 3 Revision Date! Comments : bController type: 170 Program: 176 I e 6 m- Exhibit 6 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS 1/,2/22/94 CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9 R List of Intersections & Equipment i ~04020.011690 CARLSBAD BLVD @ GRAND AV Manufacturer: Saf etran Turn-On Date: Serial #: 248628 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments: ~?!ontroller type; 170s Proyram: 176 I ~4)04020.014360 CARLSBAD BLVD @ PINE AV Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: Serial #: 331260 # of Phases: 5 Revision Date: " controller type: 170 Program: 2 0 0 b Comments : ~104020.014510 CARLSBAD BLVD @ POINSETTIA LN kontroller type: 170s Program: 176 Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: Serial #: 262845 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: b Cammeits: 1 h 004020.016040 CARLSBAD BLVD @ TAMARACX AV Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: Serial #: 258276 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Controller type: 170s Program: 176 L Comments: '004025.008080 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR @ CONCORD ST e Manufacturer: Signal Control Turn-On Date: Revision Date: Serial #: 9960 # of Phases: 3 Comments : 4 'Controller type: 170 Program: 176 b OO402!5.010970 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR @ EL CAMINO REAL Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date Serial #: 828 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date -b 1 Controller type: 170 Program: 17 6 Comments : lb *'I 1 W e " Exhibit 8 CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS List of Intersections & Equipment i 12/22/94 CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9 R 004025.014910 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR @ ROOSEVELT ST Manufacturer : Turn-On Date: Serial #: # of Phases: Revision Date: Comments : / ! controller type: Program: I i. I 304025.O15810 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR @ STATE ST - Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: Serial #: 239073 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: ( Controller type: 170s Program: 200 Comments: turn-on date not in cabinet I , 007010~010970 CHESTNUT AV @ EL CAMINO REAL Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: Serial #: 248422 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 176 k a 007010.013530 . CHESTNUT AV @ MONROE ST Manufacturer: Signal Control Turn-On Date: I Serial #: 9158 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: i Controller type: 170 Program: 200 1 Comments : 1 008062.010970 COLLEGE BLVD @ EL CAMINO REAL H Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: ! Controller type: 170 Program: 17 6 a Comments : Serial #: 275943 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: 1 h 008062.011250 COLLEGE BLVD @ FARADAY AV Manufacturer: Signal-Control Turn-On Date : Serial #: 8453 # of Phases: 5 Revision Date: Comments: turn-on date not in cabinet i b Controller type: 170s Program: 176 i m v e Exhibit B - CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS List of Intersections & Equipment i 32/22/94 CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9R -008062.014080 COLLEGE BLVD @ PALOMAR AIRPORT RD I .Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date : Serial #: 1954 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: =controller type: 170 Program: 176 COInInentS: 2/17/94 - original serial number gone - used #1954 - into top of controller ,: 210840 , 010970 DOVE LN @ EL WINO REAL a Manufacturer: Traffic Control Tech Turn-On Date: Serial #: 822262 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date: Tontroller type: 170s Comments : 1 Program: 200 ~J10970,011250 EL CAMINO REAL @ FARADAY AV Manufacturer: Signal Control Co Turn-On Date: Serial #: 2759 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date: L Comments : :ontroller type: 170 Program: 200 r ~10970,012100 EL CAMINO REAL @ HOSP WY Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: Serial #: 306445 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments: Caltrans timing chart i - Controller type: 170s Program: Q5 1 i! i 310970,012300 EL CAMIN0 REAL @ KELLY DR h Manufacturer: Saf etran Turn-On Date: e Serial #: 249041 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Comments : i 2ontrofler type: 170s Program: 200 I! hO10970.012420 EL CAMINO REAL @ LA COSTA AV Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: ' Serial #: 269543 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date: ZlController type: 170 Program: 45 Comments : 4 's e e 1- Exhibit B c I i i 02/22/44 7- CITY OF CARLSBAB AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS List of Intersections & Equipment CONTRACT NO, U/M 93-9 R i 010970.012830 EL CAMINO REAL @ LEVENTE ST Manufacturer.: Saf etran i i- Turn-On Date: Serial #: 6433 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Comments : - Controller type: 170 Program: 200 ~010970~014080 EL CAMINO REAL @ PALOMAR AIRPORT RD Manufacturer: Signal Control Turn-On Date: Serial #: 12589 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 t Program: 200 ~Ol0970.014730 EL CAMINO REAL @ RANCHO CARLSBAD DR L Controller type: 170s Program: 176 Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: Serial #: 222901 # of Phases: 5 Revision Date: Comments: turn-on date not in cabinet t 010970.016040 c im EL CAMINO REAL @ TAMARACK AV Manufacturer: Traffic Control Tech Turn-On Date: Serial #: 822260 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date: Comments : Controller type: 170 Program: 176 010990.014080 EL FUERTE ST @ PALOMAR AIRPORT RD b Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: Serial #: 26750 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: Comments : I b Controller type: 170 Program: 176 b 011690.012240 Manufacturer: Safetran GRAND AV @ JEFFERSON ST Turn-On Date: Serial #: 341123 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Comments: Streetscape b controller type: 170 Program: 200 b L w e . Exhibit I3 0- I_ CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAW List of Intersections & Equipment i 32/22/94 r CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9 R i ,. ! r Serial #: 341130 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: ! 311690.014910 GRAND AV @ ROOSEVELT ST Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: [ Zontroller type: 170 Program: 200 Comments: Streetscape f I- 011690.015810 GRAND AV @ STATE ST t I Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: Serial #: 278245 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Comments: revised: Streetscape controller type: 170s Program: 200 312240.012620 L Manufacturer : Saf etran L 1 Serial #: 255871 Comments : :ontroller type: 170 012240.012700 Manufacturer: Traconex Serial #: T-1087 Comments : LController type: 170 L JEFFERSON ST @ LAGUNA DR Turn-On Date: # of Phases: 2 Revision Date: Program: 17 6 JEFFERSON ST @ LAS FLORES DR . - Turn-On Date: + of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Program: 176 012240.013390 JEFFERSON ST @ MARRON RD /, Manufacturer: Saf etran Turn-On Date: Serial #: 272065 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date: Comments : L Controller type: 170s Program: 45 hO12240.016040 JEFFERSON ST @ TAMARACK AV Manufacturer: Signal'control Turn-On Date: # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: 1 Serial #: 9423 iController type: 170 Program: 176 Comments : 1 b I 1 1 0 e I- Exhibit 6 i- CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SlGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS List of intersections & Equipment 1uz/22;94 . CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9 R i 012420.014750 LA COSTA AV @ RANCHO SANTA FE RD Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: Serial #: 223285 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date: Comments : 1 controller type : 17 OS Program: 200 1 113390.013530 MARRON RD @ MONROE ST i Manufacturer! Measurements Engr Co Turn-On Date: Serial #; 9813860 # of Phases: 8 Revision Date: ' :ontroller type: 170 Program: 200 Comments : L b Ol3460.014750 MELROSE DR @ RANCHO SANTA FE RD b Controller type: 170 Program: 45 Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: Serial #: 290240 # of Phases: 4 Revision Date: Comments : c L 014080.000001 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD @ PRICE CLUB Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date: Serial ft! 347313 # of Phases: 6 Revision Date: ! Controller type: 170 Program: ZOO i Comments : .. 014080.014100 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD @ PALOMAR OAKS WY b Manufacturer: Safetran Turn-On Date Revision Date I Serial #: 335924 # of Phases: 6 i Controller type: 170 Program: 200 Comments : b O14O80.017290 .. PALOMAR AIRPORT RD @ YARROW DR Z Controller type: 170 Program: 17 6 Manufacturer: Micro Delta Eng Turn-On Date Serial #: 503 . g of Phases: 6 Revision Date Comments : b m HLH94027.REV ". ..e- EXHIBIT C 0 m 1- i- - CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS Monthly Inspection Checklist (contnued) CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9R I 1 < c I ISHIMI I 0 0 m CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9R - Quarterly Inspection Checklist , * 1 = Repairs completed by Contractor per maintenance agreement 2 = Repairs completed by Contractor at Cis request - incident number assigned 3 = Referred to City for repairs a e * 1 = Repairs completed by Contractor per maintenance agreement 2 = Repairs completed by Contractor at Cis request - incident number assigned 3 = Referred to Crty for repairs HW94027.REV Rev. 2/11 MHlBlT E 0 e ,- CITY OF CARLSBAD AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS CONTRACT NO. U/M 93-9W Annual Inspection Checklist' I * 1 = Repairs completed by Contractor per maintenance agreement 2 = Repairs completed by Contractor at Cis request - incident number assigned 3 = Referred to Ci for repairs UI ua~nv mzw :: nl.lvlrlv. VLBI I lrlb G.w.r:1liaunmvlLC: a: .... .::.:I.! ................................. . ............ ,:...... U".. .. ............. "U .... ----- . w ,,,,:,:.:.: :....:..: ./, .,.: : PEEK953'ii' PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSU D AS A MAlTER OF INFORMATI0 CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THI hrdine Ins Services Texas Inc DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFF( 550 Westlake Park Suite 400 POLICIES BELOW. Houston TX 77079 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAG William R Purifov ...................................................................................................................... (713-531-7444 - : CO&w A NATIONAL UNION FIRE INS I' I ................................................... .......................................................................... ............................................... I INSURED ........................................................................ -. l.€rrER INS CO OF STATE OF PENN I i COMPANY B ............................................................................................................................ . .~" ................................................. B1 UIPLOYERB'UASIUN ~MsEA8GwucyuMlt : iMswGEAcNEMpLoME i I OTHER .. .. DESCRIPnON OF OPERA~ONS/LOCAnONSNUll~PECW ITEMS SEE ATTACHMENTS ..... .... ......... CERTlFlCATE HOLDER .... .:I;,: ....... ,:,: .:..,::;,.: :,.:...:I.::<: ::~,::..~..'~I::~:~:~.:~: ........... ~~.i':.::...:~~:~~. :. ....cANCELLAT[ON, ::i,:.:I:~~.~~.~:~:~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ........................... .............................. :.:.x.:. ......... .ii ......................................................... ..:. SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES 8E CANCELLED B .. ................................... ... .. .. ... ... "1. EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUINQ COMPANY WILL .:i.: MAIL 30 DAYS WRITEN NOTICETOTHE CERTIFICATE HOLDER N/ .... .... .... City of Carl sbad 405 Oak Avenue Carl sbad CA 92008-3009 LEFT- ACORD 25-s (7/90) 0 e - 4 Attaching to and forming a part of Certificate Insurance issued on June 13, 1995: All rights of subrogation are hereby waived against t Certificate Holder: City of Calsbad, its official employees and volunteers for losses paid under the terms Insured for the city of Carlsbad. Cancellation Notice: The insurance afforded by the policies shall not be suspended, voided, canceled, reduc in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days pri ' written notice by certified mail return receipt request has be been given to the City of Carlsbad at the address shown on the certificate. this policy which arise from work performed by the Nan ENDORSEMENT WA1VER OF TRANSFER RIGHTS OF REC0VEZt.Y AGAINST OTHERS , This endorsement modifies insurance provided under t following: commercial General Liability Policy No. GL5908295 Comprehensive Automobile Liab. Policy No. CA1373384 Workers' Compensation Policy No. WC877-3082 CANCELLATION BY US ' We may cancel by mailing or delivering to the first Nam 1. 10 days before effective date of cancellation if 1 2. 30 days before the effective date if we cancel fo: Insured written notice of cancellation at least: cancel for non payment of premium; or any other reason. 1 @@ Authorized v 0 0 I w Attaching to and forming a part of Certificate of Insurance issued on June 13, 1995: The Certificate Holder: The City of Carlsbad, its officials, employees and volunteers shall be Named as ADDITIONAL INSURED: but only as respects to the operations of the Named Insured as defined within the contract; except this insurance does not apply to liability resulting from the Additional Insured's sole negligence#@. ENDORSEMENT ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: Commercial General Liability Policy No. GL5908295 Comprehensive Automobile Liab. Policy No. CAI373384 NOTE: (Additional Insured not applicable to Workers Compensation) WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown as the Certificate Holder, but only with respect to liability arising out of I1your work11 for that insured by or' E or you. id^