HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-07-18; City Council; 13250; Out of State Travel Request for Conference, Cl- OF CARLSBAD - AGEP-A BILL AB # l$&~ TITLE: OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST TO MTG. 7/I 8195 ATTEND INVESTMENT IN EXCELLENCE DEPT. HR GLOBAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 95-913 . Authorize one Investment in Excellence staff facilitator to attend the Pacific Institute’s Global Leadership Conference in Seattle, Washington, August 9, 10, 1 1, 1995. I ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council is asked to approve out of state travel for one City Investment in Excellence Facilitator to attend the Pacific Institute’s Global Leadership Conference. Attendance at this conference will enable the facilitator to learn about successful techniques and innovative approaches for improving our facilitation of the Investment in Excellence (I.I.E.) Program currently being offered to all City employees. In order to provide the most up to date techniques, methods and skills available to I.I.E. participants, we believe it is extremely important to continually enhance our facilitator capabilities. The staff attendee will share the new knowledge and methods obtained with all the City’s I.I.E. facilitators. Currently, the City has provided I.I.E. training to over 250 employees. I FISCAL IMPACT: Lodging, meals and air fare will cost an estimated $1,000. The city’s annual membership with The Pacific Institute includes tuition for one participant in the conference, so the $850 fee for tuition is waived. Funds are available in the Human Resources Department training budget for air fare, lodging and meals. I EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. %- aI3 authorizing one staff member to travel to Seattle, Washington to attend the Investment in Excellence’s Global Leadership Conference. I 2. Conference announcement. 3. Letter dated May 15, 1995 from The Pacific Institute. - RESOLUTION NO. 95-213 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING ONE STAFF MEMBER TO TRAVEL TO SEATTLE, WASHINGTON TO ATTEND THE INVESTMENT IN EXCELLENCE GLOBAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE AUGUST 9, 10, 11, 1995. WHEREAS, the Investment in Excellence Program (I.I.E.) of the Pacific Institute is conducting a Global Leadership Conference in Seattle, Washington r . August 9-l 1, 1995; and WHEREAS, the program is directed toward facilitators of the I.I.E. program; and WHEREAS, facilitators for the City of Carlsbad constantly seek new methods and innovative approaches to effectively facilitate; and WHEREAS, facilitator training is an essential part of the implementation of the Investment in Excellence Program and funds are available in the Human Resources Department training fund to cover the estimated $1,000 cost of this program; and WHEREAS, the tuition fee of $850 is credited to the City of Carlsbad. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad that permission is granted for one staff I.I.E. facilitator to travel out of state to attend the Investment in Excellence’s Global Leadership Conference. 1 2 z 4 c c e 7 E s 1C 11 1% 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California held on the 18th day of JULY , 1995 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clejk (SEAL) /I I/ I/ II /I /I I/ /I /I Ii Deur Frien,tls. When Diane and lU/&rnded The Pacific Institute in 1971, we had faith in the premise thut (111 organizationS success was based not on its capital or material resources. but on its human resources. We believed that corpo- rate accomplishments and high pe$ormance were results of people being educated and thereb!. motivated, rather than constantly scrutinizing the Diane nnd Lou Tice bottom line. Our philosophy that all meaningful and lasting change begins within an indi- vidual has been the cornerstone of our services for nearly twenty-five years. During that time, Diane and I have watched with pride as The Pa& Insti- tute’s educational programs and philos- ophy have helped a growing number of organizations and individuals to realize their true potential and actively shape theirfiture. Now, more than ever, the issue of shap- ing thefiture is of critical importance for both individuals and organiza- tions. We hate the choice to be passive spectators of change or active par- ticipants in change. The Ptzc;f;c Institute’s 1995 Global Leadership Con- ference: Imagination Creates the Future, focuses on preparing us for and managing change 6~ discovering and using our creativity, initiative and personal power. At this year’s conference, we will present a renowned slate of speakers, respected worldwide for their visionary approach to personal empower- ment. In uddition. eighteen workshops and focus sessions and many opportunities for networking and building synergy with conference atten- dees from around the world will energize and motivate you. .-- We look forward to welcoming you to Seattle on August 9th. Sincerely, Diane Ee LOU Tice r , WEDNESDAY, AUGL-ST 9 IMAGINATION AND CREATIVITY ‘&Imagination is more important than krwwl- edge,” said Albert Einstein. Indeed. it i.s the only limiting factor to what we can hope for and achieve. As we open our 1995 Global Leadership Conference and mope through its first day, you will expand your ability to unleash the incredible force of your creative imagination to build a positiue. @filling ji&re. 7:OO - 8:00 a.m. Registration/ Coffee/Rolls 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. 8:30 - 930 a.m. 9:30 - 945 a.m. 9:45 - lo:45 a.m. 10~45 - 11:45 am, 11:45 - 1:15 p.m. 1:15 - 2:00 p.m. 290 - 2:15 p.m. 2:15 - 3:lO p.m. 3: 10 - 4:05 p.m,, .1: 4:05 - 530 ; Opening Remarks Keynote Speaker Break Speaker Armchair Session No Host Lunch Speaker Break Breakout Sessions Breakout Sessions Breakout Sessions Awards/closing On Your Own THURSDAY, AL-GUST 10 1 FRIDAY, AL-GUST 11 j THEFUTURE: Mov~xc FROM SURVIVALTO OP~MISM WEAREL%ZCOUXTABLE: ACALL TO&X-ION To be optimistic is to operatefiom an efia- cious position of confidence, hope and faith. Day two of the conjirence will help you to use the power of positire belief to facilitate extraordinary change in your per- sonal and professional life. community, nation. and world. Imagination and confidence without action are meaningless. In the final analysir, lif is not a spectator sport - we are what we do. The final oLzy of our conference will inspire and energize you to not only act on Jour beliefs, but to make your highest per- sonal and professional goals reality. / 7:30 - 8:00 a.m. 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. 8~30 - 9:30 a.m. 9:30 - 9:45 a.m. 945 - lo:45 a.m. lo:45 - 11:45 a.m. 11:45 - 1:15 p.m. 1:15 - 290 p.m. 2:00 - 2:15 p.m. 2:X - 3:lO p.m. 3:lO - 4:05 p.m. 4:05 - 500 p.m. 500 - 5:30 p.m. Evening Coffee/Rolls Opening Remarks Speaker Break Speaker -Armchair Session No Host Lunch Speaker Break Breakout Sessions Breakout Sessions Breakout Sessions Closing Optional Event - An Evening at 7illicum village 7:13 - 7:45 a.m. ;A5 - 8:15 a.m. 8:15 - 9:15 a.m. 915 - lo:15 a.m. lo:15 - 10~30 a.m. lo:30 - 11:30 a.m. 11:30 - 12:30 p.m. 12:30 - 1:45 p.m. 1:45 - 5:00 p.m. Coffee/Rolls Opening Remarks Speaker Speaker Break Armchair Session CIose: Lou Tice “A CalI to Action” No Host Lunch* Facilitator Meeting* . *The Pa+ Institute facilitators and project directors. - ‘:y I*Lz : willp$?ress the challenges in the 21st.% %uy. The future is 4& &er, and as we prepare for the changes ahead we must 1. ers or followers. The goal of the WOK to confidently make that choice. 9 ops is to help you e ;,,-, e- -9 , “-a.- _, A. from a variety of private and public g&or &&‘&ations g and strate~?$anning fo? the so explore the use of imagination and creafity id exijand your manage the many chun$?forecasted for the N - Participants,$#?.t&&~ six of eighteen workshops and fo&s sessions offered. Complete descq ’ P packet. ’ of all eighteen sessions will be in&d&d in your registration &::;I > / ;! 5 Focus SESSIONS Examine success stories of The Pacific Institute’s partnerships with organ&a- I tions around the world, and learn how I your organization can produce out- ~ standing results Iike these: I I l Revitalize dyhg quality programs. 1 l Attain top-ranked industry positions. I l Save millions of dollars by reducing ! I production down time. 1 l Triple profits while downsizing your : I workforce b 50%. l Improve retention rate by 51 o/o. 1 JACK KEMP KEYNOTE SPEAKER In January, 1995. Jack Kemp announced that he would not seek the Republican Presidential nomination in 1996. He said that his passion for ideas was not matched by a passion for fundraising. Many com- mentators have said that his withdrawal was a huge loss for the Party and for the country, but that his influence would con- tinue as a kev spokesman for growth and opportunity, and ownership and reconcilia- tion in America. In March, 1995. Kemp was named chairman of the National Commission on Economic Growth and Tax Reform to study how major restruc- turing of our tax code could help unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of America, grow the economy without inflation and cre- ate greater opportunity for people to escape poverty. Mr. Kemp currently serves on the Board of Directors of Empower America, a public policy and advocacy organization he co-founded in 1993 with William Bennett, Jeane Kirk- patrick, and Vin Weber. Empower America is dedicated to three founding principles; expanding freedom and democratic capitalism around the world; promoting policies to expand economic growth, job cre- ation, and entrepreneurship for our nation; and advancing social policies which empower people, not government bureaucracies. WALTER WFUSTON Walter Wriston served as chairman and chief executive officer of Citi- corp and its principal subsidiary, Citibank N.A. for 17 years, during his 38 year tenure with the organiza- tion. He also served as chairman of President Reagan’s Economic Policy Advisory Board, a member and for- mer chairman of The Business Coun- cil, and a former co-chairman and policy committee member of The Business Roundtable. Currently serving as director, trustee and/or member of a number of prominent companies and organizations, Mr. Wriston is also a writer, whose work includes Risk and Other Four-Letter Words. and The Twilight of Sovereignty. Prior to founding Empower America, IMr. Kemp served for four years as secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and proved to be one of our nation’s most inno- vative leaders in that role. He was one of the first and strongest advocates of Enter- prise Zones to encourage entrepreneurship and job creation in impoverished neighbor- hoods and of expanding homeownership among the poor through resident manage- ment and ownership of public housing. Mr. Kemp also serves as a distinguished fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a visit- ing fellow at the Hoover Institution, and on the Board of Directors of Habitat for Humanity, the Opportunities Industrializa- tion Centers, and was most recently elected to the Board of the prestigious Howard University. Before his appointment to the cabinet. Mr. Kemp represented the Buffalo area and Western New York for nine terms in the United States House of Representatives from 1971 to 1989.. He served seven years in the Republican Leadership as chair- man of the House of Republican Conference. Jack Kemp came to Congress after 13 years as a professional football quarterback. He was elected captain of the San Diego Chargers from 1960 to 1962 and of the Buffalo Bills, a team he helped lead to the American Football League Championship in 1964 and 1965 when he was named the League’s Most Valu- able Player. He also co-founded the AFL Players Association and was elected president five times. DR. JENNIFER JAMES A cultural anthropologist, lecturer, writer and commentator, Dr. Jennifer James works on an international level helping people meet the challenges of today’s transitions. A specialist in American culture, the process of change, managing diversity, sex roles and new forms of intelligence, Dr. James is the author of six books, numerous academic articles, a column for The Seattle Times, and a host of national radio and television programs. She is currently working on her latest book and a PBS Series entitled “Thinking In The Future Tense.” She holds a masters degree in history and psychology and a Ph.D. in cultural anthropology. MIKE FITZGERALD An astute observer of today‘s unprecedented global changes. JIikr Fitzgerald is actively involved iI1 shaping our ability to benefit from. rather than be engulfed by these changes. Currently director of the Department of Community, Trade & Economic Development for the State of Washington. Mr. Fitzgerald has also served as administrative assistant to tntl Montana Co\-ernors, as president and managing director ot’ tire V~trlt:nl;~ lnterna- tional Trade Commission and as rse~~uti\r (Iirrc.tor ot’ the Washington State Economic Development 13oanl. ~15 ice11 as, working for The Pacific Institute from I (;)V)- 1 ‘W. DR. KATHLEEN HAWK A recipient of the Attorney General’s Award for Excellence in Manage- ment, Dr. Kathleen Hawk is a career public administrator in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. She began her career in 1976 as a psychologist anti rose to become chief of Psycholog! Services, senior instructor for the Staff Training Academy, associate warden, warden, and assistant dirrt.tor f’or the Program ivision, before moving to her prrhrnt position. Cur- rector of the Federal Bureau of Pri~otic. ittr oversees operations of 67 federal institution.+ .LII~I .>i~ regional C~S employing more than 223.000 pronil>. -9 $$Y DOHERTY &?,fe-long community activist and izntrepreneur, Paddy Doherty k!pue combination of experi- reconstruction and community ~%nt- A builder by profes- $ focus of Mr. Doherty’s 20 has been the Inner . 2:. ‘Ibis project works to &@$ies left derelict and _$o..bombings during 1970 LIIIII 1080 in Derry, ~!?!ercial, ed ucational anti u~siicl~~rltial use. Mr. *ding member of the I>,w\ t :rc*(Iit I:nion. a &$ooperative bank, arlcl I1~~.. +.v.NI ah clirec- \\III~.~I,,~). ,L training DR. MARTIN SELIGM-4~ Dr. Martin Seligman is a Professor of Psychology and Director of Clinical Training at the University of Pennsyl- vania, where he holds the Kogod Term Professor Chair. An engaging and accomplished speaker, Dr. Seligman has earned worldwide acclaim for his clear. simple and realistic approach to life. His work has helped millions guard against wasting ener,q, courage. and income in vain attempts to accomplish the impossible. .I prolific writer and internationally recognized scholar. his book.< Lrcuned Opti- mism: How to Change Your Mind and Your L$. xx1 What You Can Change and What You Can’t, have receiver1 r;1\.e reviews. YOSHIKJ PAUL OTAKE Currently chairman of ;iFLAC-Japan (American Family Life ,issurance Company), Mr. Otake has pioneered its growth to a client base of more than 15.7 million, making this Ameri- can-owned Japanese company the most profitable and successful non- Japanese financial organization’in Japan. Mr. Otake has served as secre- tary to a member of the Japanese House of Representatives, and as a member of the American International Cmup. NIem- hers of AFLAC Japan visited The Pacific Institute in February, and will open The Pacific Institute - Japan in .Jui!. 199.5. srons have been a high- .Global Leadership Con- portunity to learn /from our world-&s speakers. ----t - __ -.- WHO SHOULD iYITEND? You should : ’ ; J you: Believe in the Value of lifetime leaming’and continu- ous personal and professional growth; are committed to personal account- ability for a positive future; have a vision that goes far beyond the corporate bottom line; possess a strong, relentless passion to change yourself and the world for the better. - -- THE WASHIBGTON STATE CONVENTION AND TRADE CENTER We have selected this site for The Pacific Institute’s N!X Global Leader- ship Conference because of its commitment to the highest standards of quality service. The Convention Center’s open atrium design provides a relaxed and comfortable environment for learning and networking. Located in the heart of downtown Seattle, the Convention Center is conveniently -...+--,located near fine hotels, restaurants and shops. The Convention Center offers superb ~‘$iidi&~titia~services; fully-accessiblg-f+zZiliti&-&id -on-site staff available at all times. THE PACIFIC INSTITUTE RESOURCE CENTER The Pacific Institute Resource Center will offer a wide selection of books, audio &d video tapes selected to complement the conference* theme - Imagin&ion Creates the Future. Several new personal and professional --develodm~~s~~o~~~d-~~~~~~~~be available in the Resource Center. You may purchase books written by our guest s$eakers as well as additional resources recommended by The Pacific Institutk. T-shirts, hats, mugs, pins &d other conference memorabelia will also be for sale. i f i SCHOLAR%IPS 1 i The misLion of The Pacific Institute!states that “We af&m the r&t of all i in * ’ i and pe e . . . ‘onal excellence.” chwsqpHwdam Ls We are ommitted to ensuring the dl versity of our part;cipants at the Global Lead e rship Conference. Corpo$tions that are interfsted in sponsoring a scholarship for a participant who 1s; financial- ly unablb to attend may check the a ’ propriate or call DL Glenn Terrell at 800-426- !I box on the registration form i 660 for more information. I i i I WELCOME TO SEATEE, WASHINGTON - THE EMERALD CITY , -Sti%Efle IS famous for its stretches ofJ pristine water, majestic snow capped mountain ‘views and thick evergreed forests, but it is the friehdly people I who make$Seattle one of the top to&St destinations in the naiion. While you are eijoying the 1995 Global Leadership Conference, be sure to visit some of Seattle’s special attractions.! Visit the famous Pike Place Market, museums &d art galleries, dine at a world-class restaurant, or choose from a multitud{ of shopping destinations.; For further information about Seattle. -please-eont~~eSe~tt~e=~~~Co~~~nanaVisitors Bureau at (206) 461-5840. I I TILLICUM VILLAGE ' THURSDAY? AUGUST 10 / _i 6:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M. ‘- _ f : *: r Depart from Seattle’s Pier 56 for c1 i scenic cruise on Elliott Bay to Blake Island Marine State Park, site of‘ ‘-‘I Tillicum Village. In 1993 President Clinton held the Asia-Pacific Eco- nomic Cooperation Summit at this popular destination. Your traditionrli northwest feast will begin with ‘- steamed clams and nectar, followed jl by an all-you-can-eat buffet of alder- ‘., smoked salmon and Indian bread. ‘: You will learn about the northlcest1$ ,- history as you watch Natice Ameri- cans pe$orm ancient folk-tales in 11 series of costumed dances. A..ier thr _ show, browse the gift shop or e.zplorc! ’ Blake Island’s nature trails beforf T heading back to Seattle and enjoying ,; the spectacular view of the city’s Sk!-- I line. i $30.00 per person includes all trans- .’ portation, dinner and entertainment. $ 7 , , t ’ ‘7 .i! THEPACIFICINSTTThE’ EXHIBIT 3 Monday, May 15. 1995 . Cliff Lange City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92005 Dear Cliff, Enclosed you will find the 1995 Global Leadership Conference registration brochure. I am certain that you will be excited and enthusiastic when you discover the list of speakers and events for this year’s Conference. It promises to be the most fulfilling Conference ever! As a client of The Pacific Institute, you are pre-registered for participants to attend the 1995 Global Leadership Conference. According to our records, as a License Agreement client, you have a balance of one participant, based on your license agreement. This reflects the totals of the license agreement, and any additions by renewal through May 151995. To confirm your reservation and add any additional participants, simply fill out the registration form, and specify “License Agreement Participants-Prepaid” under “Events”, and the number you are sending under “# of people”. The Pacific Institute will make your reservations for the Conference, and arrange hotel reservations (which must be guaranteed by your credit card). If you wish to be a part of the cruise and dinner at the Tillicum Village, this must be paid for when you register for the Conference. (Note that the room rates are only guaranteed through June 15, 1995.) To make your airline reservations, simply call Intercon Travel. Make your reservations now! If you have any questions, contact your Project Director, or call Ginny Riley at l-800-426-3660. We are looking forward to seeing you here in Seattle, August 9th through 1 Ith. THE PACIFIC INSTiTUTE Mike Silvey Please Note: Here is an example of how to fill out the registration form to include participants beyond those included in your license agreement: If you have one participant covered by the license agreement, and two more paid participants, you would pay for two (2) at $825.00, as your total participants would equal three (3). If all three participants wish to attend the Tillicum Village cruise and dinner, you would pay for three (3) at $30.00 each, in addition to the Conference fees. _--, . WATERFRONT PLACE 800 l 1011 WESTERN AVENUE . 104- SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98 105 1 (206) 628-4800 l FAX (206) 587-6007 l USA (800) 426-3660 l Canada 346-5454 (800) -