HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-07-18; City Council; 13256; Lanikai lane fence replacement request+r CfiY OF CARLSBAD - AGWA BILL L I - “l AB # 13,,2 56 MTG.7-18-9 5 TITLE: REQUEST FOR LANIKAI LANE FENCE REPLACEMENT (DEPT. CM [ DEP1 CITY CITY L I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review fence replacementlrepair options and authorize staff to repair the fence. ITEM EXPLANATION: 4 ?I .rl P (d a C aJ bD (d a, Ld u -4 C a : 8 z” *ti (d rl a m Leslie Tanner, a resident of Lanikai Mobile Home Park, has requested City Council authc work with Mr. Tim Stripe of Continental Commercial Corporation, the developer of property of the mobile home park, to replace an existing fence approximately 1,500 feet along the frl in front of the park. The three foot tall fence was installed by the State of California man before Highway 101 became Carlsbad Boulevard. The fence is now in need of repair in i areas. Mr. Stripe has agreed to use the heavy equipment being used on the Continents\ ( development to remove the fence and surrounding iceplant since the equipment is alre; The City would be responsible for hauling and disposing the material and replaceing the. cost of hauling and disposal of the material would greatly exceed the cost of removing thj iceplant.) The City would then hire a fence contractor to install a new fence, In evaluating this proposal, staff have estimated its cost, as well as other options and th listed below. Option 1 Fence and iceplant removal by Continental Commercial Corporation at no cost. City crews haul and dispose of material - $4,000 Fence contractor installation of fence - $7,500 .$ Estimated Total Cost: $1 1,500 u 0 a a a, Option 2 g ;;I k Fence contractor would remove just enough iceplant necessary to remove the old posts * g Contractor would then dispose of material and install new posts and fence. Estimated Total Cost: $10,500 rl .4 1 0 U z 0 F 0 a d 8 z 3 1 Option 3 Fence contractor would remove enough iceplant to dispose of old fence and install new fel posts. Estimated Total Costs: $5,600 )r e *. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. /3,254 Option 4 Fence Contractor would repair existing, missing or damaged areas of fence. Estimated Total Cost: $2,000 . Option 5 Take no action at this time and consider funding for replacement of fence in 1996 improvement Program Budget in conjunction with development of properties adjacent tc Estimated Total Cost: $10,500 As noted above, the City’s cost to replace the fence if Continental Commercial removes th iceplant is higher than if the City’s fence contractor removes the fence. This is because t. much more iceplant to remove and dispose of if heavy equipment is used to remove the m if the fence contractor does this work. The cost estimate for Option 1 also does not inciuc costs to landscape the fence area if that is necessary or desired. Because no water i available in that location for irrigation purposes, it is estimated that landscaping costs could $10,000 to $20,000 depending on the type of landscaping material used. Staff recommends Council authorize staff to repair the fence and evaluate replacement alt conjunction with other development in the area. FISCAL IMPACT Funds to implement options 1 through 3 would require an appropriation from the Contingency Fund. Funds are available in the Community Services Department Budget. ;i B y +> . I. .. /-. >.pq - - _- y-": ,_ /LL : /i[ Li.Li-ilCtLc 6" <,, ' _, :'i'- ' , >,Q &- &&&d .-- /f+ k/&: &Le .LC I [,y-h ?L.& LC < ~ --- # ". ,. , ,A /f+ -IC-/ .' 't - , " Lit P- LC ./iB?t.C.if+. -r - f ,,SC /;e%,, @ iL+ I ,&L.Li4i.LLL &q- yuF.+.&7 " i' L y&.&&Lp& i' 92 $/ ;y&f$7fiu. .I qk,L[. L:i! &< %fLG4 ,h- 1; /., .J L[LLd<L,,, * f gj- $!LC <L.LWq i / -, ,&i( ,&L&d/ i f (-&L.< - / 1,: &&L&,Lr I- i 1 1 I 1 t LI I Y ut- LA~L~DAU $. : i' ' .- 132 -5v7 w- ,- REQUEST FOR REFUND '.<, Amount of Refund 3,i&g. 66 '.- C'nA17fbL Of?A/ ?, /$Jt;5/r,J */5 x /&)E- $2-75 ~~prhlsc c - 5 /&tJRk?m 4 /r " 4. 0 ' ;. Account No. 13.4- f/o a&?-g%q < /I/, '' 7 . I Vendor No. I Fee Paid For: aL?Fem$g 66 4- k Date Fee Paid: ,&h4 Fee Paid By: LrnIkfl; j! Mfi fl!/AE hhw? i%4d&?? Facts Supporting Request:' {g /L-/AIM -[. $ CT /kSC x I c 8 -. .. 7 /mS/LE &MF' An Name qf Applicant: A- /?d/K'c? 1' .E @jF- &mEnw.ma AS-C + Address: 6 550 /%d7i3 D~I US. 5 p Ia-4 CR2L5A&, C# 74 009 Street -. ' City i State , : zip' Teleph : < ~ Signature of Applicant: - .*". ' .. Date f" 0 Disapprove I '- ,; .- A . Finance Investigation: Rec: f" .. . ..'< . ._ , :, .. .. .: .. { CI Approve 0 Disapprove Dept. Head Signature .. .- . City Manager's Action: 0 Approve 0 Disapprove City Manager Signature , -. .7". . 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Name of Applicant: Go& &? 5mz fllObh2? hl&E L)wAk& ha& m.' 3&hf, Address: ' /lQA f /n&ANli-+lC) ST. ,kO*dOf 876 1 GAR&$ C4()g& 'a 726q31 Street City State Zip Telep .. .. - City Manager's Action: 0 Approve 0 Disapprove Citv Msnamr SiicnRtt TF! d- i .- ., ~ _- GITY UF CARLSBAD -.k. .'. 5 *: ;gias7 9 &'' REQUEST FOR REFUND 0 /-- 6 ' Account NO./~/- $/~"0600-g9~$? < /0/Og37 Vendor No. Amount of Refund f, f 7fh " Fee Paid For: &%b.k%? aP &d 6nrfROll OfbOAdCE Date Fee Paid: ld/ItVh# Fee Paid By; IAKHO C/I RL s 640 lI]o&~ /&~ Gb Facts Supporting Request:. #%?TvPh) OF o/?l6imJA '5000 &3%T LK.< /fiAk#,c, ld/ ,+;jftbrij Up %X/ gx/uE< /Rku,q~m. I 1 4 Name of Applicant: rAdch {A/2L;&Ao. dnb/LE /-A= oU~ AS~C ~d.ndd::cA Address: stoa EL CfinlIEJb ; ril&W ! CMLUrn @ qaoa6;' ' Street 'City ' State j Zip Telep -. , C Signature of Applicant: Dept. Justification: Rec: - e Date / &&prove Disapprove k-2.:: WJ Finance Investigation: 1 Rec: 0 Approve 0 Disapprove Dept. Head Signature City Manager's Action: 0 Approve 0 Disapprove City Manager Signature '. ... .. - ,* .. , .............. ....... ... ... . h " .. i .. .. .. ..... .. .. .' L ,: '. ''_ . , :::* .. .e : : . I. ..... ....... . _. . , ,,. , , . , ., : ._I ' _, . -: .. - * . .,..: ... .. ..... .' . ., .~ ~ .., * . - .. .. .. , . -_ I. *. ''> ._ . - ,* I -- . * .'%. . ,. 9 .>. . 7- .i :>- " . ' : .. .. ....... .. ", r .. I. .. ,. . , 1 . . , ,,.-."' ' .( I . .. ....... .I, ~ ., ,.; .< ". ....... ..~ . - . ,- . ,~. .'..<, :.:.; ..,-, .............. 13 . I) .\ . .. ...... .... ... . . c., . ....... ._ . I > I.__ .:r,.',', - v ., -. . c: .' ,% . .,,!., ! 7':. .. . " .I ,..I, 1. ~. ,, .. . 8. . <:, '! : ? < .".'.~.. *. .I>', +: .. ->a . ,. .::\ -8 . . ... ,. , .! : %. : -. _. . .- ..... . .. . . ...... .. . . 1.. .. . ......... ..... i .. ............ ,>,",.,- *-;: .*, s .:, -: 7 __ .I # L '< .., ..I_ I. - '* ;. 1 .- ... ....... ....... . .... ._ :I ., ..... ...... .... .-.v * ., .. 3 .. .. ,. ,. ,. . . ,, .. , * e REa3 JAN 19 CmaF ME @n-Y ATTO1 January 19, 1995 TO: RON BALL, CITY AlTORNEY FROM: City Clerk RENT CONTROL LITIGATION I was looking through some papers, and came across the litigation documents for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (Case No. 678617) and South Shores Development Corporation (Case No. N64423) in connection with Mobile Home Rent Control. What is the status of those cases at this point in tlme 3 Ace either one of them proceeding through the courts? Do I need to be doi ng? I've heard nothing and didn't know whether I would have to be reviewin ord of Proceedings, c tapes from those Council meetings? I would appreciate an update, and thank you in advance. I- I$ - 7 5 .. if they had dropped the cases. If the cases have be , can we erase the \ /a tee - LEE RAUTENKRANZ hm" City Clerk Ir ??I bay Cm" &a V+ut 7' Ldd && flwk5 6 -*. Lcrc [dw + * PJ-b +"-pt" myw c& w w e';* - v= ? @