HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-07-18; City Council; 13257; AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH PORT OF LOS ANGELES RE: EAST CARLSBAD BOULEVARD BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 10, APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH LCWD, INCREASE CHANGE ORDER AUTHORITY AND MAKING PROJECT APPROPRIATIONS// v, 5' 4-2 i 0 k* CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 0 AGREEMENT WITH LCWD, INCREASE CHANGE ORDER ADOPT Resolution No. 95-2/35 APPROVING: Amendment No. 1 to an existing agreement between the City of Carlsbad ar of Los Angeles, acting by and through its Board of Harbor Commissioners, for f of the replacement of the East Carlsbad Boulevard bridge over Batiquil (northbound) as a component of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Projec Batiquitos project change order number 10 for the replacement of the br amendment to the existing construction contract with T.L. lames and incorporated; and An agreement with the Leucadia County Water District (LCWD) regarding thc of their sewer lines and related facilities required by the East Carlsbad Boule replacement. IT EM EXP LAN AT ION : Originally constructed in 1952 by the State of California Highway Department, the City owns and maintains the East Carlsbad Boulevard bridge (northbound) over Batiquitos L, existing construction scope of work for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project is lii placement of scour protection material under the bridge to protect the 1952 bridg abutments from daily tidal influence and potential storm damage. However, inspec bridge in 1993 and 1994 revealed substantial scour under and around the existing bri well as previously unknown deterioration of the support material under the bridge. Sin( the situation has been studied extensively by the Batiquitos project engineers, Moffatt Engineers, and staff from the City of Carlsbad and Port of Los Angeles. It has been dett the complete replacement of the structure is more advantageous in terms of cost anc versus an expensive retrofit of the existing 1952 bridge. Therefore, it has been recor Port of Los Angeles. This amendment also includes provisions for the deletion in the contract of a small buried rock revetment that was to be placed parallel southbou e 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. /3,?57 the tidal inlet structures to be very low. Therefore, the revetment has been determined needed. The amendment before the City Council includes provisions for deletion of the from the construction contract. Staff recommends approval of the amendment to the existing Carlsbad - Port agreement The northbound bridge replacement will begin in August and require approximately 12 complete. The bridge design is virtually identical to the recently completed southbound will produce 2 wider traffic lanes, a wider bicycle and pedestrian lane, and shoulder northbound bridge will also contain a 10-foot wide concrete platform along the east bridge deck upon which the Leucadia County Water District‘s 3 large sewer force mai Batiquitos Lagoon will be relocated. These sewer facilities cannot be taken out of service construction, therefore, requiring a 2-stage construction process for relocating the sewer the bridge is being replaced. The cost of the sewer line relocation is also included in the Angeles funded amendment with Carlsbad for this work. All northbound vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic will be rerouted onto the recently southbound bridge which will enable 2-way traffic along Carlsbad Boulevard at all timer construction. Included for the City Council’s review and approval is contract change order number Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project contractor T.L. James and Company, lncorpor amount of $2,475,000. This change order was negotiated over a period of several moni Batiquitos project prime contractor and is intended to modify the existing City I construction contract to enable the East bridge to be replaced at this time and under the control of the prime contractor. Staff wishes to emphasize the critical importance of c this new and substantial item of work within the overall schedule for the lagoon project. East bridge replaced by the prime contractor within the schedule window developed w timely completion and coordinated work effort in the field. The Port of Los Angeles c this approach. The Port’s Board of Harbor Commissioners approved the enclosed an- their Wednesday, June 28, 1995 meeting. Regarding the issue of the potential requirement to publicly bid the East bridge replace issuing a contract change order to the existing City public works contract with T.L Company, Incorporated, both the Carlsbad Purchasing Officer and City Attorney have approach is permitted under both Section 3.28.1 72(b)(3) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code 3-2 of the 1994 Edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction v this work. The existing public works contract can effectively be modified by change or( by the City of Carlsbad up to 25% of the original contract value without requiring any The cost of change order number 10 in the amount of $2,475,000 (9% of original coni well as the cost of all other previously approved contract changes (4% of original con in a cumulative value well within this 25% limitation. Staff recommends the approv order number 10. Also included for the City Council’s review is an agreement with the Leucadia County \ which permits the relocation their 3 sewer force mains during the East bridge replac agreement includes provisions that all costs for the sewer line relocation, as well as re costs for LCWD’s review of the construction documents, inspection, and administrati 0 0 Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. /3,157 absorbed by the Batiquitos project. LCWD will continue to assume all maintenance ar responsibility for the facilities following completion of their relocation. The LCWD Boarc this agreement at their meeting of December 14, 1994. The Port of Los Angeles has i Carlsbad to enter into this agreement with LCWD as required by the Batiquitos project. resulting from the implementation of the sewer line relocation and all LCWD costs arc responsibility of the Port of Los Angeles. Staff recommends approval the of Carlsba agreement. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Planning Director issued a Public Notice of Prior Environmental Compliance on Fc 1995 finding the environmental effects of the replacement of the East Carlsbad Boule1 were adequately considered in conjunction with the previously certified EIWEIS for Lagoon. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: On April 19, 1995, the Carlsbad Planning Commission approved findings of GE Consistency for the replacement of the East Carlsbad Boulevard bridge over Batiquitos FISCAL IMPACT: The attached amendment to the existing Carlsbad - Port of Los Angeles agreement incl $2,572,000 for contract change order number 10 for the East Carlsbad Boule replacement valued at $2,475,000 plus $97,000 in appropriated contingen $50,000 additional reimbursement to Carlsbad for costs incurred for adminisl East bridge replacement; $27,330 for reimbursement to Carlsbad for costs incurred by Leucadia Cc District for document review, inspection, and administration; $735,000 reimbursement to Carlsbad for costs imposed by the Carlsbad Northern Railway agreement which is the subject of a separate City Counc $50,000 of City of Carlsbad costs reimbursing the Port of Los Angeles f emergency repairs required to stabilize the East Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge (r Funding for these repairs will come from the City's gas tax fund. 0 0 0 0 0 As discussed above, the amendment also includes provisions for deletion of the cost ( revetment (estimated at $450,000) within the Carlsbad - T.L. James and Company, contract. City staff has received assurances from the Port of Los Angeles that the Pr Carlsbad in discussions with the California Department of Fish and Game during tl formulation of the long term "Batiquitos Lagoon Maintenance Plan" to deposit future dredging materials from Batiquitos Lagoon on the local beach immediately south of jetty. This placement will provide increased protection in this area and will further alle\ for the installation of the buried rock revetment in the future. 0 0 Page 4 of Agenda Bill No. 13257 Increase in the City Manager’s previously approved Change Order authority for this projec to 25% is requested due to the value of Change Order No. 10 for the replacement Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge. This increase in Change Order authority will provide t flexibility for the continued administration of the construction of the project. Staff recommends approval of the amendment to the existing agreement with the Port of I for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 95-2 13” approving Amendment No. 1 to an existing agreeme Port of Los Angeles regarding the East Carlsbad Boulevard bridge over Batiquitos 1 2. Amendment No. 1 to agreement. 3. Contract change order number 10. 4. Agreement with Leucadia County Water District. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1% 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 95-215 APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AN EXISTING AGREEMENT WITH T PORT OF LOS ANGELES REGARDING THE REPLACEMENT OF THE El CARLSBAD BOULEVARD BRIDGE, APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. APPROVING AN AGREEMENT LCWD, INCREASING THE CHANGE ORC AUTHORITY, AND MAKING PROIECT APPROPRIATIONS. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has previously into an agreement with the City of Los Angeles, acting by and through its Board oi Commissioners, by adopting Resolution No. 94-141 on May 17, 1994 regarc construction phase of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project; and WHEREAS, the parties to said agreement desire to amend its provisions for the a( work of replacement of the East Carlsbad Boulevard bridge over Batiquitos Lag funding for related project requirements; and WHEREAS, a project change order affecting said bridge replacement has been for this work; and WHEREAS, said bridge replacement includes the relocation of certain sewer foi and related facilities owned, operated, and maintained by the Leucadia County Watc and an agreement with said District has been prepared for this work; and WHEREAS, the Port of Los Angeles shall provide additional project funding fo under this Amendment No. 1; and WHEREAS, the Board of Harbor Commissioners has approved said Amendmer its meeting of Wednesday, June 14, 1995; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby finds it desirable, and in the public interest to approve the aforementioned Amendment N existing agreement with the Port of Los Angeles, approve contract change order r implementing said bridge replacement, and an agreement with the Leucadia COI District affecting this project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 7. That the Finance Director is authorized to appropriate $50,000 from thc fund balance to the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project account required for t emergency repairs to the East Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Counc City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 18th day of JULY , 1995 following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA aepnk.& L. m”T-$rk (SEAL) 3 HARNIR DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT &/9-5-& or CITY OF LOS ANGEES AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT NO. 1419-5 BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT This Amendment No. 1 to Reimbursement Agreement No. 1419-5 is made this. f'd b /y%C , between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municip corporatidof the State of California, hereinafter referred to as CITY, and the Ci of Los Angeles acting by and through the Board of Harbor Commissione hereinafter referred to as BOARD. RECITALS WHEREAS, BOARD and CIp/ (the "Parties") have reviewed the need to repla the East Carlsbad Bridge ("Bridge") as a result of historical degradation and the Batiquil Restoration Project (the "Restoration"); and WHEREAS, BOARD has noted CAL TRANS condemned the Bridge in 1993, reasons unrelated to the Restoration and therefore BOARD has requested CITY to shl in the cost of restoring the Bridge; WHEREAS, the Parties agree that a revetment along West Carlsbad Boulevar not a necessary project element of the Restoration; WHEREAS, BOARD is willing to pay the reasonable cost of replacing the Bric Now, THEREFORE, CllY AND BOARD agree that Reimbursement Agreement Article 1. Section 1. BOARD shall assist CITY with construction managemer the Project. CITY and BOARD hereby designate Centennial Engineering, Inc. a: Construction Manager for Project. so long as the revetment need not be constructed: 1419-5 is amended as follows: 1 0 0 Article 2. Section 7. Section 7, which defines the not to exceed amount of the agreement and the scope of work, is amended to increase the not to exceed amount b) $3,384,330.00 resulting in a revised not to exceed (including items (9, (9) and (h) as addec below) amount of $34,716,980.00 Section 7 is also amended to add the followin{ subsections: (fl a not to exceed amount of $2,572,000 for the construction of the Ea5 Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge; (9) a not to exceed amount of $50,000 for the addition: construction phase costs incurred by the City of Carlsbad as a result of constructing thl Project; (h) a not to exceed amount of $27,330 for the costs incurred by the Leucadi County Water District to relocate existing sewer facilities and (i) a not to exceed amour of $735,000 for the additional costs to modify the bracing on the San Diego Norther Railroad (SDNR). Article 3. Section 16. Section 16 is added as follows: East Carlsbad Bouleval Bridge Agreement No. 1419-5 is amended to include the construction of the East Carlsbz Boulevard Bridge. BOARD shall provide funding for all contract costs for this facility. Article 4. Section 17. Section 17 is added as follows: Sewer Line Relocati Costs: The BOARD shall reimburse CITY for the costs incurred by CITY through CIT' agreement with the Leucadia County Water District(LCW0) for the reimbursement administrative and inspection costs associated with the relocation of existing sewer lin and facilities along Carisbad Boulevard over Batiquitos Lagoon. Within thirty (30) calenc days of receipt of an invoice from CITY, jointly authorized by the Project Directors, BOAI shall pay CIIY the amount shown on each authorized invoice. Invoices shall descr each item and the cost of each item for which partial payment is requested. Article 5 Section 18. Section 18 is added as follows: Modification Work to SDf BOARD agrees to reimburse CITY for an amount not to exceed $735,000 for modificai work to the bracing connections and maintenance on the SDNR trestle. Article 6. Section 19. Section 19 is added as follows: Revetment alona VI Carlsbad Boulevard: After reviewing further engineering studies, CITY agrees that restoration of Batiquitos Lagoon does not require the construction of a revetment al West Carlsbad Boulevard and that BOARD does not have any obligation to construct : revetment. Article 7. Section 20. Section 20 is added as follows: CITY shall ass responsibility for the 1994 emergency repairs required to temporarily stabilize the Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge from further damage. The total cost of these repai $50,000. BOARD agrees to allow CITY to deduct this amount from CITY'S next re' invoice for reimbursement for CITY expenses provided under Agreement 141 9-5. Article 8. It is understood by CITY and BOARD that, except as amended abo\ items in Agreement No. 1419-5 shall remain in effect. 2 .I 0 0 .I( IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this amendment on the da) and year first above written. n of the State o CITY OF LOS ANGELES, by and through its Board of Harbc ROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL City Attorney Ldy , 1995 Assistant City Attorney JCW:7376wp A,. * - 3 TEql /j 13_. L?- $Y q3,fLI 5 5b, Acc'g2&;r.@&l Fuhz>pi&i+ ate B -% J n bA d./ 3 0 0 b Change Order No. 10 Construction of New East Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge June 5, 1995 James Van Norman T. L. James & Company, Inc. 7720 B El Camino Real Box 429 Carlsbad, California 92009 Under the provisions of Section 3 of the Standard Specifications this is your authority to maE the following changes. Payment will be made upon final execution of this agreement an completion of the work. Extra Work Remove the existing East Carlsbad Boulevard (ECB) Bridge and construct the new EC Bridge per the ECB Bridge plans and specifications dated June 1, 1995 and Addenda whic addresses concerns and special conditions expressed in the meeting of May 30, 1995. Reason For Chanwe The original design for the ECB Bridge provided for retrofitting the existing structure. In 1993, CalTrans conducted a structural inspection of the bridge at the request of the City a Carlsbad after it was discovered that severe scour had occurred around the bridge piling. CalTrans recommended closure of the bridge. Therefore based on this recommendation anc that the estimated costs for retrofitting the existing structure will meet or exceed the costs fo construction of a new bridge, it has been determined to proceeded with construction of a nev bridge. This work will proceed as a change to the Batiquitos Lagoon contract instead of being issuec as a separate contract. This will allow for easier and better coordination between the lagoon and bridge work because now the entire work will be under the control of one prime contractoi and will eliminate potential conflicts of separate contractors in the same area. .Additionally, time savings will be realized by conducting the work as a change order by allowing the work ta begin at an earlier date. The time needed to issue the work as a separately bid contract is novi eliminated. Change in Contract Cost The total cost for this change order shall not exceed $2,475,000. , 0 0 D Page 2 Change Order #10 ChanRe in Contract Time There will be no change in contract time. The compensation (time and costs) set forth in the Change Order comprises the tot( compensation due the Contractor, all Subcontractors, and all Suppliers, for the work or chang defined in the Change Order, including impact on unchanged work. By signing the Chang Order, the Contractor acknowledges and agrees, on behalf of himself, all Subcontractors, and all Suppliers, that the stipulated compensation includes payment for all work contained in th Change Order, plus all payment for the interruption of schedules, extended overhead cost: delay, and all impact, ripple effect on cumulative impact on all other work under this Contract. Please sign and return the signed original to our office. ,/d$nmendeoc Nicholas D. Gennaro Construction Manager i/ ;L (9Qp? - b[/Jh T.L. James & Company, Inc. Date City of Carlsbad Port of Los Angeles CO to Date $ 1,640,436 This CO $ 2,475,000 Total CO $ 4,115.436 % of Contract Value 13.69 % C: Bruce Seaton John Cahill Bob Stevens File 312 File 412 0 0 AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF CARLSBAD AND LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT FOR RELOCATION OF EXISTING SEWER LINES AND FACILITIES ALONG CARLSBAD BOULEVARD OVER BATlQUlTOS LAGOON RECITALS WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, a California municipal corporation, hereinafk referred to as the "City," is currently undertaking the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancemer Project, hereinafter referred to as the "Project;" and WHEREAS, said Project includes the future replacement of the City owne northbound Carlsbad Boulevard bridge over Batiquitos Lagoon; and WHEREAS, the Leucadia County Water District, a California Special Servic District, hereinafter referred to as the "District," currently owns, operates, and maintair certain sewer lines and facilities within City's right-of-way and attached thereto to City bridge crossing Batiquitos Lagoon; and WHEREAS, the parties to this agreement desire to provide for the relocation ( District's sewer facilities both during and following City's replacement of its bid( crossing Batiquitos Lagoon; and WHEREAS, the parties to this agreement hereby find it necessary, desirable, ai in the public interest to approve this agreement. CONTAINED HEREIN, the parties do hereby agree as follows: NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENAN' 1. City shall complete, or cause to be completed, the design, environmen assessment and certification, acquisition of any and all public agency permits ai approvals, construction, inspection, and testing required for the relocation of Distric sewer lines and facilities within City's right-of-way crossing Batiquitos Lagoon as component of the Project. City shall consult with District during all phases of the work. City st provide to District copies of all project drawings, specifications, studies, exhibits, repoi and other project documents requested by District with which to review the desi drawings for this work. District shall review and approve, or cause to be reviewed a approved, the design drawings for the work, the approval of which shall not unreasonably withheld. 2. (1) 0 0 3. As a component of the Project, City shall provide for the tempora relocation of District’s sewer lines and facilities so that they remain in service at all timf during the replacement of City’s bridge. District shall operate and maintain their sew lines and facilities at all times during the temporary relocation. City hereby grants to District the right and permission for District to ins@ operate, and maintain its aforementioned sewer lines and facilities within City right-of-wi along Carlsbad Boulevard crossing the new bridge to be constructed as a part of tl Project. As a part of this agreement, City shall prepare appropriate easeme documents, including legal descriptions and plats, more particularly describing the fir location of District’s sewer lines and facilities. District shall review and approve sa easement documents and shall execute said easement documents within thirty (30) da of approval. Following the date of completion of the bridge replacement by City, whic shall include the permanent relocation of District’s sewer lines and facilities there District shall assume all responsibility for future operation, maintenance, and repair said sewer lines and facilities. For the purposes of this agreement, the date completion shall be the date of formal acceptance of the bridge improvements by ti City Council of the City of Carlsbad. City shall pay for all costs associated with the relocation of District’s sew lines and facilities including all costs for design, environmental assessment ai certification, permit acquisition and compliance, construction, inspection, and testing City shall reimburse District for its costs associated with administratic accounting, design review, and construction oversight of the work. District shall have t right to retain, at its sole election, outside consultants to assist District with any aspt of their review of the work for which said costs shall be reimbursed by City to Distri The total, not-to-exceed cost of City’s reimbursement to District under this agreemc shall be $27,329.37 and is more particularly described in attached Exhibit 1, incorporat by reference and made a part hereof. City shall hold District, its officers, agents, employees, and authoriz consultants not liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goo( properties, or effects of any person whatever, nor for personal injuries or death caus by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors, or omissions of City City’s employees, agents, or representatives arising out of the performance of tl agreement until one (1) year following the date of completion of the improvements defined in Section 5 of this agreement. City agrees to defend, indemnify, and save fi 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (2) 8 0 0 and harmless the District and its officers and employees against any of the foregoir claims, liabilities, penalties or fines, including liabilities or claims by reason of allegt defects in any plans and specifications, and any cost, expense or attorney's fees whic are incurred by District on account of any of the foregoing. 9. City, its officers, agents, employees, and consultants shall not t responsible nor liable for any acts or omissions by District's officers, agents, employee and consultants performed during the course of this agreement. The provisions of this agreement are severable. If any portion of tt agreement is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of tl agreement shall remain in full force and affect unless amended or modified by the mutL consent of the parties. This agreement shall be effective on and from the day and year whc formally approved by both City and District. 10. 11. LEUCAD COUN WATER DISTRICT By: Pr ,~ Date: 4&- Date: July 19, 1995 ATTEST: ATTEST: By: qT---- e 17 vL By: m General wager / Aletha L. Raute City Clerk APPROVED AS TCa By: k Btrict Counsel += APPROVED AS TO FORM: \- b&,AT dOk>E J (3) L e EXHIBIT I mUCADlA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT FORCE MAIN REAUGNMENT PROJECT COST SUMMARY 1. LCWD cart: A staff $9,429.37 B. Operational 1 ElectricalPower $1 ,Ooo.Oo Subtotal $1 0,429.37 II. Consultant Cost A. Engineering - see Attachment 1. Design Review $3,400*00 2. Inspection $6,000.00 \ 8. Legal 1. Dowment Review $soo.oo Subtotal s11,900.00 Ilb Contingency $5,000.00 Subtotal %5,ooo.oo .. Total $27,329.37 - a