HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-08-08; City Council; 13266; STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 FINAL PUBLIC HEARING4 wi 4 w DISTRICT NO. 1 FINAL PUBLIC HEARING Hold this second and final public hearing to hear staff report, receive public comment an approve Resolution No.%-L%?rconfirming the diagram and assessment and providing fc the levy of the annual assessment of Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1. ITEM U(PLANATI0N: At the Council meeting of June 6, 1995, Council approved three resolutions which initiate proceedings and ordered the preparation of an Engineer's Report for a Special Maintenanc District, approved the Engineer's Report, and set the dates for two public hearings: June 2 and August 8, 1995. On June 8, 1995 a one-eighth page "Public Notice to Property Owners" legal advertiseme was placed in the Blade-Citizen describing the special district's procedures and maintenanc programs. The notice ran daily through July 5, 1995. The first public hearing was held at the Council Meeting of June 27, 1995, and City st; presented a narrative based on the approved Engineer's Report. The Mayor then openc the public hearing for public discussion. One person spoke in opposition to the District. I of the June 27, 1995 public hearing a total of six protest letters had been received by the CI Clerk, copies of which were distributed to Council Members. The nature of the letters Wi reviewed with no further action recommended. An additional 16 telephone calls we received in response to the public notice advertisement. However, staff reported most of tl calls were requests for additional information on the District. At tonight's public hearing, staff will summarize the approved Engineer's Report, and at tl conclusion of the report the meeting will be open for public comment. Upon closure of tl public hearing by the Mayor, Council will be requested to approve Resolution No. 9?S-== providing for the levy of the annual assessments for Fiscal Year 1995-96. FISCAL IMPACT: The Fiscal Year 1995-96 Street Lighting and Landscaping Budget is projected to $1,625,290, or $67,355 more than the adopted budget for Fiscal Year 1994-1995 due to t growth and water rate increase factors in the median maintenance program. The City's General Fund will contribute $94,140 to the Assessment District progran $28,000 to the Street Lighting Zone for street light benefits for City owned parcels which i exempt from assessment collection per the State Code, and $66,140 to the Tree Trimmi 7 b, > .> I. 2 /L id. << -, 2-r BENEFIT ZONE Adopted 1994-95 Street Light Maintenance $724,736 Street Tree Maintenance $558,839 Median Maintenance $ 274,360 TOTAL $1,557,935 Budget 1995-96 Dollar Chan: $ 713,620 ($11 $ 531,290 ($27 $ 380,380 +$lo $1,625,290 +$6 BENEFIT ZONE Street Light Maintenance Street Tree Maintenance Median Maintenance TOTAL Average Assessment Average Assessment Change in Ave PI 94-95 N 95-95 Assessmenl $31.54 $ 29.02 ($ i $ 39.00 $ 35.74 ($ : $ 5.86 $ 8.34 $; $ 76.40 $ 73.10 ($ : Y,.-ALL e 0 !I 1 ORDER OF PROCEDURE CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 DATE OF SECOND PUBLIC HEARING: AUGUST 8,1995 MAYOR: Announce that this is the time and place fixed for the public hearir relating to the levy of the annual assessments for costs of maintenance of improvements for STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1. Announce that notice has been given in the manner and form as required by law, and a Certificate of Compliance is on file and OPE CITY CLERK: for public inspection, STAFF: - provide description of boundaries of District - explain extent of maintenance work - present and summarize "Report" pursuant to the provisions of thc - explain method and formula of assessment spread - report on protests received and announce that copies have beer delivered to each member of the legislative body. "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" END OF STAFF REPORT - OPEN FOR PUBLIC DISCUSSION MAYOR: ASK EACH SPEAKER TO IDENTIFY THEMSELVES AND THEIR PROPERTY. First, ask to hear from those persons who wish to speak in opposition to the following: - boundaries of the District - extent of works of maintenance - method of assessment spread. Next, ask to hear from anyone who wishes to speak in favor of the proceedings. - give final report and recommendation on protests received - presentation of proposed changes or modifications to the STAFF: Engineer's Report and the District, if any. CITY COUNCIL: Discussion. MAYOR: Declare public hearing closed. W 0 ‘I 1 ORDER OF PROCEDURE/CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 Page 2 IF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY WISHES TO PROCEED: CITY COUNCIL: Adopt RESOLUTION confirming the Diagram and Assessment and Providing for the Levy of the Annual Assessment. This is the formi action to confirm the diagram and assessments. W 0 ENGINEER'S REPORT AGENCY: CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECT: ENGINEER'S REPORT PURSUANT TO "LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 19 WHEREAS, this City Council has previousiy formed STREET LIGHTING AND IANDSC DISTRICT NO. I (hereinafter referred to as the District) and has levied assessments wit District for prior fiscal years, all pursuant to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, commencir Section 22500 (hereinafter referred to as the Act); and WHEREAS, this City Council has previously adopted a Resolution ordering the preparatic filing of an Engineer's "Repof, all in accordance with the provisions of the Act. WHEREAS, at this time there has been filed as a part of the 'Report', certain plan specification for the maintenance of the improvements, an estimate of the costs of mainter a diagram of the District, and an assessment roll containing a spread of the estimated c( maintenance within the District, ail as required by the Act and as previousiy ordered by th Council. NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the direction from this City Council, this Report is t submitted to this City Council pursuant to the provisions of the Act. This Report is applica the fiscal vear commencing July 1, 1995 to June 30, 1996 (hereinafter refened to as the Year). This report is prepared in 2 parts (Street Lighting and Landscaping), each of consists of the following 3 sub-parts: Part 1. STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS for the maintenance and/or sewking I improvements during the Fiscal Year. The plans and specifications sho describe the general nature, location and extent of the existing and pro1 improvements to be maintained and/or serviced during the Fiscal Year, plans and specifications also indicate the class and type of improvements maintained and/or serviced for each zone within the District. A DIAGRAM of the District. The Diagram shows the exterior boundaries 4 District, the boundaries of any zones within the District, and the line! dimensions of each lot or parcel within the District. Each parcel is identifi a distinctive number or letter. The lines and dimensions of each lot confc those shown on the County Assessor's map for Fiscal Year. AN ESTIMATE OF COSTS AND AN ASSESSMENTSCHEDULE showing tt amount to be assessed upon assessable lands within the District, desci each assessable lot or parcel within the District by reference to the F numbers contained on the County Assessment Roll, and assessing th amount upon all assessable lots or parcels by apportioning the net an among the several accessible lots or parcels in proportion to the benefits received by each lot or parcel. Part If. Part 111. t a 0 0- Annual assessment increases wiil be caused by reasons of increasg costs of labor, materials and utility cost increases as applied to ener and water fees. Assessments can be annually modified and increased i an annual modification in the cost of labor and materials based t Consumer Price Index, San Diego, as published by the Department of I computed for the first Index in March of each year with additional modi for related energy and water rate increases. All lots and parcels of land known as public property, as defined undei 22663 of the Act, have been omitted and are exempt from any assessrns these proceedings. as /Ld, cd 9 1995at c Executed this 27” day of - 0 a DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MAINTAINED The improvements to be maintained and serviced are generally described as street iigM tree and median landscaping improvements, including additional street lighting, stre€ median landscaping improvements caused by new development, all as set forth and in this Engineer‘s Report. Additionai median areas to be maintained in Fiscal Year 1995-1 996 inciude a 33% incrc City’s landscaped medians and a 16% increase in the C;tY’s hardscapd medians. New deveiopment has added 232 new street lights to be inctuded in the City m inventory. An additional 685 street lights will be added ai the conclusion of the SDC light acquisition during the early part of Fiscal Year 1995-1996. The City’s street tree inventory remains constant, with the exception of repiacernent oi trees, with last year‘s figures since new development improvements do not include tree right-of-way areas. W a STREET LIGHTiNG Pursuant to direction from the City Council, submitted herewith is the "Report", consi: following documents pursuant to the provisions of Division 15, Part 2, of the S Highways Code of the State of California, and specifically Section 22500 etseq., the La and Lighting Act of 1972. PART 1. PLANS AND SPEClFiCATlON The plans and specifications for the maintenance and/or servicing of the stre improvements during the Fiscal Year are on file in the office of the AssessmE Administrator, available for public inspection; and incorporated herein by this reference set forth in full. Said plans and specifications show and describe the general nature, lo extent of the existing and proposed improvements to be maintained and/or serviced Fiscal Year. The plans and specifications also indicate the class and type of improt be maintained and/or serviced for each zone within the District. PART 11. DIAGRAM A diagmm of the Street Lighting District. Said diagmm shall show the exterior bounds Street Lighting District, the boundaries of any zones within the Street Lighting Distrk and dimensions of each lot or parcel within said Street Lighting District and each pare identified by a distinctive number or letter. The lines and dimension of each lot shall bt by a distinctive number or letter. The lines and dimension of each lot shall conforr shown on the County Assessor's map for the fiscal year to which the Report applies. A diagram is attached as Attachment A. A detailed diagram is maintained in the of; Assessment District Administrator and is availabfe for public inspection. I I m 1) METHOD AND FORMULA OF ASSESSMENT SPREAD FOR STREET LIGHTING 1 Within the Street Lighting Asessment District boundaries are the following five zones: 1. Zone A - street lights at intersections onfy (wooden poles, *SDG&E-om maintained) 2 Zone B - street lights at mid-block (*SDG&E-owned and maintained) 3. Zone C - City-owned and maintained street lights on ornamental poles 4. Zone 0 - *SbG&E-owned and maintained Street lights on ornamental poles 5. Non-benefiting Zone - undeveloped property, not assessed Within Zones B, C, and D are several codes. The code being the area@) developed af time and containing the Same City standard of Street light spacing. The assessment to parcels within any one code will be based on one of the following 1. Residential parcels: pay equal shares of the energy and maintenance costs of the street lights within their code 2 Commercial and industrial parcels: share the cost of the er maintenance of the street lights within their code based on the fro percent of the area of the code. *Note: - The City is in the process of purchasing the SDGBEstreet lighting system. However, the acqub has not been completed at me time of prepsrat-on of this Engineer's Report. - PART 111. ESTIMAti OF COSTS AND ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE July 1, 1995 through June 30, 1996 . . ‘. STREET UGiiTlNG COST OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Energy $245,000, 6. Personnel 187,800 C. Operations . . 280.820 Subtotal $713,620 For services to Other Departments Ci Contributions From Fund Balance $30,500 2890~ 104.716 Subtotal ($163jl6) BALANCE To ASSESSMENT $550,404 Detail contained by Fy 1995-96 proposed budget - find 161-6210 A complete assessment roil detailing the street fighting benefit assessment for each CRy parcel is on file at the Communky Services Department, 405 Oak Avenue, Carkbad. iD_ .’ I PACIFiC OCEAN 0'0-0 0"g o~ooooo~03 Gj STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE BENEFIT ZONES -1 STREET LIGHTING NON-3ENEFITLNG PARCELS LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO ATTACHMI * e LANDSCAPING PART 1. PLANS AND SPECIFiCAT1ONS The plans and specifications for the maintenance and/or servicing of the Street Tree an Median improvements during the Fiscal Year are on fife in the office of the Assessinerr Administrator, and are available for public inspection, and incorporated herein by this rc as though set forth in full. Said pians and specifications show and describe the genera location and extent of the existing and proposed improvements to be maintained and/or! during the Fiscal Year. The plans and specifications ais0 indicate the class and improvements to be maintained and/or sehiced for each zone within the District. PART 11. DIAGRAM A diagram of the Landscaping District. Said diagram shall show the exterior boundaric District, the boundaries of the Tree and Landscaping zones within the District, the li dimensions of each lot or parcel within said Landscaping District and each parcel identified by a distinctive number or letter. The lines and dimensions of each lot shall to those shown on the County Assessor's map for the fiscal year to which the Report Simpfified diagrams are attached as Attachments B and C. A detailed diagram is maid the office of the Assessment District Administrator. 0 0 METHOD AND FORMULA OF ASSESSMENT SPREAD FOR LANDSCAPING STREW TREE MAINTENANCE Street Trees are in the street right-of-way, generally between the curb and sidew property line in the areas indicated in Exhibit 8. Each property receives approxin equivalent dwelling unit (mu) based on the average size of a single family reside the City of Carisbad (7,500 square feet or .17 acres). Thus, each single family para an EDU of 1 .O, whiie most other parcefs are given an EDU based on the foilowinc same benefit. Therefore, staff established a benefit formula in which each parcel is Acreaae = EDU .I7 MEDIAN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE This service generally benefits all parcels and residents in the City. Accordingly, i share in the cost. However, parcels which front upon streets which receive median Ii maintenance services generally receive more benefit from landscape median impn than other parcels. Thus, all parcels in the City share in the cost of median I; maintenance using the same EDU formula proposed for Street Tree Maintenance i parcels which front on streets with landscaped medians are assessed twice the B other parcels not fmnting on the median Streets. These formulas were approved by City Councii at the June 6, 1989, regular meeti - 0 0 PART 111. ESTIMATE OF COSTS AND ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE July 1, 1995 through June 30, 1996 TREES COST OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Personnel $317,960 B. Maintenance & Operation 21 3,330 C. Capital Outlay 0 Subtotal $ 531,290 Interest $ 15,000 City Contributions 66,140 From Fund Balance 0 Subtotal ($81,140) BALANCE TO ASSESSMENT $ 450,150 Detail contained in FY 1995-96 proposed budget -- Fund 161 -41 22 A complete assessment roll detailing the tree trimming benefit assessment for each City part is on file at the Community Services Department, 405 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad. \ PACIFIC OCEAN TREE TRIMMING BENEFITING PARCELS I-\ TREE TRIMMING NON-BENEFITING PARCELS LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. ATTACHM 0 0 PART 111. ESTIMATE OF COSTS AND ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE July 1, 1995 through June 30, 1996 MEDIANS COST OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Personnel $140,270 B. Maintenance & Operation 220,610 C. Capital Outlay 1 9,500 D.* Reserve Funds 2943 $383,323 - Subtatal From Fund Balance $ 0 City Contributions 0 Subtotal $ 0 BAUNCE TO ASSfSSMENT ' $383,323 Detaii contained in N 1995-96 proposed budget - Fund 1614123 A cornptete assessment roll detaiiing the median maintenance assessment for each C is on fiIe at the Community SeM'ces Department, 405 Oak Avenue, City of Cadstsad. * To cover parceis to be decked non-assessable during Fiscal Year 1995-1996. - - PACIRC OCEAN I 7 \ .................. ........................ : ............. >; ......................................... .-.-.-- LANDSCAPE MEDIAN LOCATIONS L--I LANDSCAPE MEDIAN BENEFITING PARCELS a" . -.. 0- LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. ,\ TI- h PL'\.( L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 95-225 RES0LWTION OF THE CllY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAi CALIFORNIA, CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT AN PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY OF THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT IN A SPECIP MAINTENANCE DISTRICT WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, has ini proceedings for the levy of the annual assessment for a landscaping and lighting c created pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972', being Di 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California (the "Act"), in a s maintenance district known and designated as Street Lighting and Landscaping Distric 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "District"); and , WHEREAS, at this time two public hearings have been held relating to the levy annual assessments, and this City Council is now satisfied with the assessment and dit and all other matters as contained in the Engineer's "Report" as now submitted fa consideration and approval. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: RECITALS SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. PROTESTS SECTION 2. That all protests and objections of every kind and nature be, and the hereby are, overruled and denied. CON FI RMATl ON SECTION 3. That the final assessment and diagram for the proceedings, as cor I in the Engineer's "Report" is hereby approved and confirmed. SECTION 4. That the public interest and convenience requires, and this legislativ does hereby order the maintenance work to be made and performed as said maintc work is set forth in the Engineer's "Report", and as previously declared and set forth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 Resolution of Intention. SECTION 5. That the assessments contained in said "Report" for the next fiscal yc hereby confirmed and levied upon the respective lots or parcels of land in the District amounts as set forth in said finai "Report." It is hereby further determined that all assess have been apportioned properly in accordance with the benefits that each parcel receive the proposed maintenance works of improvement. ANNUAL ASSESSMENT INCREASE SECTION 6. Future assessment increases will be caused by reason of increases costs of labor, materials and utility cost increases applied to energy rates and wate Assessments can be subsequently modified and increased, as authorized by Section 5 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, to reflect annuai increases costs of labor and materials based upon the Consumer Price Index, San Diego, as put by the Department of Labor, computed for the first Index in March of each year, and above referenced changes will not constitute new and/or increased assessments rei additional notification. FILING AND RECORDING SECTION 7. That the above referenced diagram and assessment shall be filed office of the City Clerk, with a certified copy to be filed in the offie of the Admini: Coordinator-Special Districts. Said diagram and assessment, and the certified copy ti shall be open for public inspection. SECTION 8. That the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to immediate1 certified copy of the diagram and assessment with the County Auditor. Said filing to bc no later than the third Monday in August. ENTRY UPON THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SECTION 9. That after the filing of the diagram and assessment, the County shall enter on the County Assessment Roll opposite each lot or parcel of land the i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 assessed thereupon, as shown in the assessment. COLLECTION AND PAYMENT SECTION 10. The assessments shall be collected at the same time and in the manner as County taxes are collected, and all laws providing for the collectior enforcement of County taxes shall apply to the collection and enforcement of the assessn FISCAL YEAR SECTION 11. That the assessments as above authorized and levied for proceedings will provide revenue and relate to the fiscal year commencing July 1, 19s ending June 30, 1996. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Crty Council of the City of Carlsbac regular meeting held on the 8th day of August ,1995 following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila and Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None t CCSLL 0 0 J V -q p e .+%, “p;,. if/ I :*42 August 7, 1995 TO: BONNIE DOMINGUEZ From: Virginia Mc Coy RE: STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 - AGENDA BILL NO. 13,266 Attached are eight packages for City Council comprised of ten protest letters received by sti during the public noticing period for Fiscal Years 1995-1 996 Lighting and Landscaping Distri assessments. Following each protest letter/letters is a copy of staffs response. If you have any questions or comments please call me at ext. 2941 EBL July 12, 1995 Ms. Lisa Huang Knoll 1579 Dawsan Drive Vista, CA 92083 Dear Ms. Knoll: PROPOSED ASSESSMENT: CITY OF CARLSEAD STREET UGHTlNG & LANDSCA DISTRICT NO. 1 The City Clerk forwarded a copy of your letter of June 24, 1995 to me, regarding the k assessment for your property located at 6955 Sandpiper Place in the City of Carisbad. I an to have the opportunrty to correct your misunderstanding of the notice published in the E Citizen, as it relates to your property. The example of a single family residential unit as given in the newspaper does not apply properties in the Cii of Carlsbad, but was only intended to estabiish an example of a I application of the formula as applied to a typical single family residential unit that benefits ail three services - Street Lighting, Street Tree Trimming and Street Median Maintenance. Your property is identified as a condominium unit and is, therefore, assessed by a diil formula base. In addition, your property is not included in the Street Tree Trimming Zone so is not assessed for services to that zone. A comparison of your assessments for the last two fiscal years follows: 1994-95 19! Street Lighting Zone Assessment $ 10.26 $ Street Median Maintenance Assessment $ 1.18 $ Total Assessment $11.44 $- The City of Carisbad’s Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 was first formed in and special assessments for certain public works maintenance programs have been in exisi since that time. These are not new assessments. 405 Oak Avenue - Carlsbad CA 92008-3009 - t61a) d34-7980 - FAY IF;iQ) 73n Q . -&-&20( 5- * r/lc T e 7dd 'j. & cc; vy Lisa Huang l<noll Vista, Ca. 92083 7579 Dawson Drive June 24, 19! City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive (Elm) Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Re: Proposed Assessment, Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 Dear Sirs: I am op sed to the assessment district, I feel that a tax increase of $73.01 per residenti unit is excess! f4 lease put this item up for a vote of the people. My property is located at 6955 Sandpiper Place, Carlsbad, Ca. 92009. The tax assesso iiumber is 215-052-12-09. Sincere13 *& Lisa Huai Lisa Huang Kna w W Ms. Lisa Huang Knoll July 11, 1995 Page 2 The intent of noticing property owners by way of the Blade-Citizen was to provide information tbe District, and give staff an opportuntty to clanfy issues such as the one presented in yc letter. If you have additional questions, or comments, please call me at 619/434-2941. Sincerely, VIRGIN Adrninist Bo*rdi”a*o%s Mc OY Pgk Q TBak LTFg5094.K) . I- July 12, 1995 x A*- F- "~~ mX\\ LbkL k To "NOTICE OF PROTEST FOR TAX INCREASE CALLED STREfT UGHTlNG & LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1' The intent of this lettter is to claify certain statements in the "Protest' form letters signed you end seven other property owners within your immediate area. The statement within the first paragraph '...do hereby protest the increases advertised ir Blade Citizen ...' is confusing. Overall, your total assessment for all three zones within tt District (Street Light Maintenance, Street Tree Maintenance and Street Median Maintena decreased by $4.84 compared to the previous year. The example given in the newspaper notice was meant to represent an estimated averi benefit assessment for a single family residence for Fiscal Year 1995-96. It was not inte to represent increases, or decreases. The second paragraph of the form letter, and portions of the third, stating "I further plot existence of these taxes in the first place,' and 'My protest is based on the Landscapin! Lighting Act of 1972.: seem contradictory. The Lighting and Landscaping Act of 1972, codified at Section 22500, and following, of Streets and Highways Code, permits the installation, maintenance and servicing of landscaping and lighting through annual assessments on real property which benefits f the improvement. Property which does not benefit is not assessed. Further, the amou assessed is not based on property valuation (ad valorem taxation), but on the estimate benefits to the property (benefit assessment). The further intent of this letter is to indicate City staff's availability to respond to any ad1 comments, or questions, you have regarding the district. For additional background information, you can reach me at 619/434-2941. Sincereiy, VlRG IA Admini 9i?!i2%%s ------ Pgk -- ----- -nnn - ,C?Q\ iq~ ~n~n - c&y c;,~) --, - I- August 9, 1995 Property Tax Services County Administration Center, Room 164 Attention: James Griego/Lane Hicks 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego CA 92101 CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 ASSESSMENTS FOR FY 95-96, STREET LIGHTING ZONES - FUND NO. 6010-01, LANDSCAPING ZONE T - FUND NO. 601 0-1 1, LANDSCAPING ZONE M - FUND NO. 6010-09 The individual assessments for the above referenced assessment zones have been recordec on magnetic tapes which will be on file in Room 092 D.I.S. Services in the County Administration Center. The Street Lighting Zones assessment tape (Fund No. 6010-01) is 6250 bpi and blocked at 12240. There are 34,357 assessable parcels for a total assessment of $549,925.08. The Landscaping Zone T assessment (Fund No. 601 0-1 1) includes 13,198 assessable parcel for a total assessment of $452,438.86. The Landscaping Zone M assessment (Fund No. 6010-09) includes 34,357 assessable parcels for a total assessment of $384,272.98, Tapes for both Landscaping Zones T and M were prepared by the County of San Diego. Please consider this letter as authorization to use all assessment information as recorded on the aforementioned tapes. Attached is a certified copy of Resolution No. 95-225 confirming the assessments. If you have any questions, please call Virginia McCoy at 434-2941. ALETHA WQ- RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk C: Assistant Finance Director CSD Administrative Coordinator-Special Districts LTR95098 EO 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-280 I- August 17, 1995 Property Tax Services County Administration Center, Rm. 164 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101 Attention: Lane Hicks REVISION TO STREET LIGHTING ZONE, FUND NO. 6010-01, OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT #1 ASSESSMENT ROI FOR FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 As per our phone conversation this morning, the revised assessment totals for Fund No. 601 0-01 are as follows: Number of Parcels: 32,667 Total Assessment Amount: $547,710.40 All other information provided in the letter from the Crty Clerk’s Office, dated August 9, 19s remains unchanged. If you have questions regarding these figures, please call me at 434-2941. Pgk c: City Clerk Assistant Finance Director 405 Oak Avenue - Carlsbad, CA 92008-3009 - (619) 434-2980 - FAX (619) 720-9: 1- /p?\ &5 ,e; \&JJ//& v,/ :u ,, June23, 1995 &AJ> tA /+==+ 4, Mr. Jerry D. Abshier 2821 Forest View Way Carlsbad CA 92008 PROTEST OF STREET LIGHTING ZONE ASSESSMENT FOR FY 1995-96 The City Clerk sent me a copy of your letter regarding the Street Lighting Zone benefit assessment proposed for your property, which presents the opportunity to provide further information concerning the assessment. The energy and maintenance costs for the street lighting system within your neighborhood has been paid for with funds from the City's street lighting budget since the lights were installed in 1985. Although Forest View Way is classified as a private street, the City retains general easements for street light maintenance and other City services, The owners of adjacent properties on your street have been paying an annual stref lighting assessment since annexation to the district in 1986-87. Annexation to the City-wide Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 is petitioned by the origin? developers of improved properties at the time of plan submittal. Fiscal Year's 199L 1995 lighting assessment for all other Forest View Way properties was $39.78. The Fiscal Year 1995-1 996 proposed assessment for the same properties is $35.72. A recent audit of the entire Street Lighting Zone identified more than 100 assessabl parcels throughout the City directly benefitting from street lighting that had either been inadvertently omitted from the assessment rolls or had been incorrectly formulated for prior assessment rolls. Although notification of the street lighting assessment rates for these parcels is not required by state law, City staff felt notification to property owners of the adjusted/increased rates was advisable in order to be able to respond to individual concerns such as yours. If you would care to discuss the Street Lighting and Landscaping District benefit assessments further, please call me at 434-2941, LTR35084 EO 405 Oak Avenue - Carlsbad, CA 92008-3009 - (61 9) 434-2980 - FAX (61 9) 720-95 w 0 I- June 23, 1995 Mr. Jerry Abshier Page Two The fire and police radio system assessment, mentioned in your letter, is a separa district formed under a County Service Area Act and is not related to the City’s Str Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1. istricts kq c: Community Services Director City Clerk Ad mi nistrative Services/Proj ects Manager LTF195084.EO uf& GL cF./.s;h< W WLLS 6t .. i‘c : &./- &A ccs- /” . y”r c c7 e”\ CLW:C c\w rf Cfie!Le,w iw GY~SSW Zi’iLiWe k& &.LS k3r”)s w CiW8 5Qk33-K.T ; ?klmT of= 57-c-T L\c)mk& \ * +ST5swp-dT f=wL Tu 9Y-”rb VFS s1 &-S-da my G* fb-3- mxs &. <&C&EG +io CNYC fkP&W)i /q’TJ-eQrbFWfiecA.t k&WY @f+-kGD my @??PCi?V m 4T&-J* -*s ytx m m ml\kxLywc\p FGE- ma WL\G 63y31QS c211+-&4- LK- ta fur T Iura 4 FJ~ n+-=w a- v msF n*v ~~1 \rJ $f j?q,i.$c oyz-;n PK\LI,wy S.dfLW sm m swci~w rn z pcb-wy ptqi 4 \ 19 P~B-PW-V % e m- C \”\y QLJ&L \% . ff- / . Fr>XC s-7 Lie- LL mtJa- dk c CL L\t -\c P . - h \ - r -0 ;A Jer 7 h= A-gw-&z 1 & &* “,‘w 2g A[ Gif??jT L4e% cf)&qm G4- 7pd Ice, 4 //A, w Ec: v- /yL"'7 @ 0 NOTICE OF PROTEST ?e. k FOR TAX INCREASE CALLED STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO 1 TO: CITYCLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 I, AN OWNER OR JOINT PROPERTY OWNER OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE STREET ADDRESS SHOWN - J- A / )&Y"i'L LLj CC&L &V<QL.L, L&-L bL-?-C, . .- CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, A,; :, -: i 91' :, / DO HEREBY PROTEST THE TAX INCREASES ADVERTISED THE BLADE-CITIZEN ON SUNDAY 18 JUNE 1995. I FURTHER PROTEST THE EXISTENCE OF THESE TAXES I1 THE FIRST PLACE. MY PROTEST IS BASED ON THE "LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972" @IVISION 15 OF THE STREETS AT HIGHWAY CODES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA.) DATE SIGNED &.if 3c 1995 ,," d .'--LC J /7%&4<<&, Is 4 .- , /- p 3 'i - ,? '2.73- I \_, &i ; q,./ G i d.r .? ,J*J J ,d &'d 7/3 9- 4. a e e cc: v7--- '"="I NOTICE OF PROTEST FOR TAX INCREASE CALLED STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO 1 TO: CITYCLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 I, AN OWNER OR JOINT PROPERTY OWNER OF THE PROPERTY LOCA ED AT THE STREET ADDRESS SHOWN 'i; -kL q\\A (( > z 2- 4-2 c b\t\Cc. 5 \e.... CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, c, 2 6 Q q ----I 3 6 \ DO HEREBY PROTEST THE Tk INCREASES ADVERTISED THE BLADE-CITIZEN ON SUNDAY 18 JUNE 1995. I FURTHER PROTEST THE EXISTENCE OF THESE TAXES Ir THE FIRST PLACE. MY PROTEST IS BASED ON THE "LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972" (DIVISION 15 OF THE STREETS AP HIGHWAY CODES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA.) DATE SIGNED J j~tq 222 - t;t-l'- \JV > 7-' &Pp'R t)G-/k \ 5 \:, [\\+ \ 1995 Is printed r? . /' \x \ fi 1. {kX&b\\ ., c/ ,\<\V,C\' ALLJ7 r", .I *Z.+s c: 'Ly k LC, L~T~ ?&/PnU. h-address Cwc j5)Qch, qj y-23 e> .-\ r: \ ~1 I T L,UUI~LIL nrnuiis 0 3-s- 7,- a-9 Lh -. ec: y7 + DATE _II * fc', U8L e NOTICE OF PROTEST FOR TAX INCREASE CALLED STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO I I, AN OWNER OR JOINT PROPERTY OWNER OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE STREET ADDRESS SHOWN CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, 4266 q 2429 A4 6A- AF DO HEREBY PROTEST THE INCREASES ADVERTISED IN TI BLADE-CITIZEN ON SUNDAY 18 JUNE 1995. I FURTHER PROTEST THE EXISTENCE OF THESE TAXES II THE FIRST PLACE. MY PROTEST IS BASED ON THE "LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972" (DIVISION 15 OF THE STREETS AI! HIGHWAY CODES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 44 1s 13fiLREMM B4Ffi4 printed st24 kOcoStR AVE add res s Wtis 84.0 l PAi qLue9 &brrrc% %w w 42 &d w ekLL .ttzvtk t?Ld d= d%&-iF ci L- * #7iTW qr- 7 0 NOTICE OF PROTEST x* FOR TAX INCREASE CALLED STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO 3 TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 I, AN OWNER OR JOINT PROPERTY OWNER OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE STREET ADDRESS SHOWN (-4 ,I pj(7 1 Lfi PLSTfi 8 //.E CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, q2LIoy DO HEREBY PROTEST THE TAX INCREASES ADVERTISED THE BLADE-CITIZEN ON SUNDAY 18 JUNE 1995. I FURTHER PROTEST THE EXISTENCE OF THESE TAXES IZ THE FIRST PLACE. MY PROTEST IS BASED ON THE "LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972" (DIVISION 15 OF THE STREETS AI! HIGHWAY CODES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA.) DMESIGNED / LJ~TL $3 1995 P /- r I" c,..&&Z#, ,3 " q$y&&) Is 1/ JU'm7bl A . )/& LgEK printed c?q$h L,J$ r!IflJTd A lis address c'P)/Qi5&AP, (y YJdd9- 73Q/ -- e II) * > 3 E H v)I > v)I WI I- IYI v) (D m 0"; ;u" b) 2! 2 2 5; 2 7 I v)I Ln HI m v- v v)I N & 4-I 0 ww z >v 0 IY I- o -IQ. 0 an H roo IY P) v)IY v) *I o u n U -It N 0 WI m IY VI 0 CI IYI (D L t- HW a1 E ai 5 I-w E? n a V Em v) v)P) 0 mtf) W v) v) z w a z 0 a N- z a t- I (3 H -I I- 30 w v) wo I- W v) HN I-w IY w >m ww I-IY WE v) n t-a Et- P mu +v) OQW VI- a IYO m a oa U-I -I In & -I --I < H NE E e40 LL 00 0 zco > u a3 n a CIi5 EI- 2 5B Ert H -I lm O7 "? z I-? v) 5 ~rn v a ma t; H I- v) z V 4 > IY E7 H r n p! ww * .. zsg (YeH rwr (0x03 ooa \zv) &&lo( 6/27/ e qd0;f Mc 4.d - cc-' vy "T. NOTICE OF PROTEST FOR TAX INCREASE CALLED STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO 1 TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARESBAD, CA 92808 I, AN OWNER OR JOINT PROPERTY OWNER OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE STREET ADDRESS SHOWN CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, 9- 9 DO HEREBY PROTEST THE TAX INCREASES ADVERTISED THE BLADE-CITIZEN ON SUNDAY 18 JUNE 1995. I FURTHER PROTEST THE EXISTENCE OF THESE TAXES Ih THE FIRST PLACE. MY PROTEST IS BASED ON THE "LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972" (DIVISION 15 OF THE STREETS AK HIGHWAY CODES OF' THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA.) d cc u/-r--c7 e %~+f&% NOTICE OF PROTEST FOR TAX INCREASE CALLED STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO * TO: CITYCLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 1, AN OWNER OR JOINT PROPERTY OWNER OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE STREET ADDRESS SHOWN CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, (14 kt: c: 7 DO HEREBY PROTEST THE TAX INCREASES ADVERTISED THE BLADE-CITIZEN ON SUNDAY 18 JUNE 1995. I FURTHER PROTEST THE EXISTENCE OF THESE TAXES r THE FIRST PLACE. MY PROTEST IS BASED ON THE "LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972" (DIVISION 15 OF THE STREETS AI HIGHWAY CODES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA.) I -/ Ls &q i kt.,<,.., [<'',L !-&z address $2d 3 cb,: I\ i,e,a 17 l c, - Y&/J' , 0 L I- :c r b/-Yv<c j7 NOTICE OF PROTEST FOR TAX INCREASE CALLED STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO 1 TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 I, AN OWNER OR JOINT PROPERTY OWNER OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE STREET ADDRESS SHOWN CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, &%x79 DO HEREBY PROTEST THE TAX INCREASES ADVERTISED THE BLADE-CITIZEN ON SUNDAY 18 JUNE 1995. I FURTHER PROTEST THE EXISTENCE OF THESE TAXES I1 THE FIRST PLACE. MY PROTEST' IS BASED ON THE "LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972" (DIVISION 15 OF THE STREETS AI HIGHWAY CODES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA.) -7 24QB 14, f,97!8 h/EdIAL= /- - , CH4LSL&O' wL :L'& cD/ CXI edLL a e .- <*c L'Ay; 644 e&~ NOTICE OF PROTEST 6 /fL FOR TAX INCREASE CALLED STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO 1 I, AN OWNER OR JOINT PROPERTY OWNER OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE STREET ADDRESS SHOWN 2432 LA COSTA AVE. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, 9 2 0 0 9 DO HEREBY PROTEST THE INCREASES ADVERTISED IN TI BLADE-CITIZEN ON SUNDAY 18 JUNE 1995. I FURTHER PROTEST THE EXISTENCE OF THESE TAXES I1 THE FIRST PLACE. MY PROTEST IS BASED ON THE "LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972" (DIVISION 15 OF THE STREETS A7 HIGHWAY CODES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. @a 2432 LA COSTA AVC., CARLSSAD, CA. -.l&&esfj nnrmn- .Ti-= - -. 31 aac; __- %-Q07 0 e 1- This space is for the County Clerk's filins (201 5.5 C.C.P.9 STATE OF CALlF0RNlA County of San Diego I am a citizen sf the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid: 1 am over the age sf eighteen years, and not a party Po or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of i Prod ai Publication of ifiiz Notice to Property Owners a newspaper sf general circulaPim, printed and published daily in the City 0f Oceanside and qualified for the City of Oceanside and the North County Judicial district with substantial circJlafion in Bonsall, Fallbrook, Leucadia, Encinitas, Cardiff, Vista and Carlsbad, County a newspapef of general circulation by the Superior Csurt of the County ~f San Diego, State of California, under the date sf June 30,1989, case number 171 349; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not srnailer than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said Reaspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: _______-__-__--_----_I__________o_______~- of Sari Diego, and which newspaper has been adjudged ____________________--------------------- Paste Clipping of Notice SECURELY In This Space. -; , >" June 8,9,10,11,12,~3,14,15,16,17,18, +) 1 19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30, 4 5 1995 ?kh?ytd?ddl2rej uhder penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. . -r 1 .r Dated at Oceastside,Calilornia, this r; day *f July, 1995 J? _O__P___W O____a.,,-_O--_ D-o--ooP---o - - (61 9) 433-7333 , -.-. ~ ~-. ~~.. I I-- ,, ., ~~ ' -A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION AND REPORT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CAIJORNIA, has approved a "Reprl" of the Engineer and declared its intention to levy and collect annual special assessments to pay for costs of operation and maintenance during the Fiscal Year 1995-1996 within an existing special assessment maintenance district known and designated as STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance Dislrict"). For all parliculars, reference is made to the 'Report of the Engineer as preliminary approved and on file with the lranscripl of these proceedings. DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MAINTAINED lk improvements to be mainlained and serviced are generally described as street lighting, street tree and nirdian landscaping improvements includmg additional street lighting. street tree and median landscaping improvements caused by new developmenl., all as set forth and described in the Engineer's Report on file in the Ofice of the City Clerk and open for public inspection. Additional mrdian areas IO be maintained includs a 32% incrtw III the City's landscapd within heir immediate area. 2. Com:ercial and industrial parcels share the cost of the energy and maintenance of the street lights &.in thei immediate area based on the fmt footage pemt of the area. Street Tee Mainteronce Only pacels with street trees within the public right-of-way that are maintain! by the City are wsec within lhis zone. Parcels are assessed based on a benefit formula u1 w~th each parcel is given 8 equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) based on the average Size of a single fhly residential lot withn the City (47,500 square feet, or .I7 acre). Single family parcels are given an EDU value olI.0 while mos: other parcels are given an EDU based on the formula Mrdianllainlenance A11 parcls in the City share in the cost of median maintenance using the same EDU formula as used in he above Street Tree Maintenance. However, parcels which front on streets with medians For Fisd Year 1B5-96 the estiniatrd assrssmenls for a Single Family Residence benefiting rrom Ltthrte mintenance zones is as follows: medianr and 2 1@1 incnase in the Cig'r hardscaprd medians. art ajststsed itvicc le aniuunl orolher parcels no1 lioniiiig on slreels wilh medians. PROCEEDINGS The proteedings tior he annual levy of assessments within the M?inlynce Districl are being laksn pursuanl In llii "landscapingand Lighting Act of 19i? [UI\WOII II of ihe Slreets and Highways Code of the Slate or California). PUBLIC MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING PROTESTS NOTlCE IS IIEREUY GIVEN TH,AT A PUBLIC MEETIKG AS11 A I'L'BLIC HEARING ARE HEREBY SCHEDULED IN THE REGULAR MEETING PLACE OF 1tIlS LEGISLATIVE All .\ledan Maintenance Zone benetit assessmearsand less than I% of Street Lighting Zone BODY. BEING 'ri{E COVNCILCHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CARLSBAD, CA, ON THE benefit issessinents are projected to be increased in Fiscal Year 1995-96 (For details see the Engineeis Repofl.) A. PUBLIC MEETING: JUNE 27,1995 AT 6:O P.M. Complete assessment parcel lists for all three zones are on file at the Community Services B. PUBLIC HEARING: AUGUST 8,1995. AT 600 P.M. Department at 405 Oak Avenue, Carisbad, CA 92008. ATTHAT TIME THE LEGISLATIVE BODY WILL HEAR ALLTESTIMONY AND ANNUAL ASSESSMENT INCREASE PROTESTS RELATING TO THE PROPOSED PROCEEDINGS AND THEN DETERMINE Furae assessment increases will be caused by reason of increases in the costs of labor, materials WHETHER TO LEVY THE PROPOSED ANNUAL ASSESSMENT; AND ANY INTERESTED and utility cost increases applied to energy rates and water fees. Assessments can be subsequently PERSONS MAY FILE WRITTEN PROTESTS PRIOR TO THE CONCLUSION OF THE modified and increased, as authorized by Section 54954.6 of the Streets and Highway Code of PUBLIC HEARING. ANY PROTEST MUST CONTAIN A DESCRIPTION OF THE the State of California, to reflect annual increases in the costs of labor and materials based upon PROPERTY SUFFICIENTTO IDENTIFY THE PROPERTY OWNER AND STATE THE the Consumer Price Index, San Diego, as published by the Department of Labor computed for GROUNDS FOR THE OBJECTION. the first index in March of each year, and those above referenced changes will not constitute new WRITTEN PROTESTS MAY BE MAILED OR DELIVERED TO THE FOLLOWING andior increased assessments requiring additional notification. PROCEEDING INOUlRlES Street Lighting Maintenance = S29.02 Strert Tree Mainleiiance = S35.71* Median Mdintenance = S8.34' (* = I EDU Equivalent) FOLLOWING DATES AND TIMES: ' CITY CLERK * CITY OF CAUSBAD PROPOSED INCREASE IN L BE ABANWNED AND THE CITY ESSMENT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO ADMINISTRATLVE COO . CITY OF CARLSBAD 3 ~... .. ..... ~ ........ ... . .. .~ 0 0 --a . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION County of San Diego ) PRWF OF PUSbiCATlON STATE QF CALIFORNIA ) _________---------I--------------- )ss. Notice to Property Owners I have been duly sworn as the Legal Advertising Representative of the Blade-Citizen, a newspaper of general circulation, published three times a weekin the Cityof Solana Beach and Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, with circulation in Cardiff, Caslsbad, Del Mar, Encinitas, La Costa, Leucadia, Olivenhain, Rancho Santa Fe 8t Solana Beach and that the notice of which the annexed is a true copy, was pub- ;' lished in said newspaper on the following dates: June 9, 14, 16,21,23,28,30 July 5, 1995 r I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated July 5, 1995 Legal Advertising Representative Blade-Citizen Newspaper RESOLUTION OF INTENTION .4ND REPORT within their immediate area. 2. Commercial and industrial parcels shart the cos1 of the eneg and maintenace ofh st(&[ IishQ within their immediate area bared on he front footage percent ofthe X=. Street Tree Maintenanq Only parcels with street trees within the public right-of-way that are maintained by the City M assessed wichin this zone. Parc:ls are assessed based on a benefit formula in with each parcel is given an equivalent dwelling u:it (EDU) based on the average Si of asingle family residential lot wilhin the Cily (47,500 qw;: feet, OT .I7 acre). Single family parcels are givenan EDU value of 1.0 while most other parcels are given an EDU based ~1 the formula Acreage = EDU Median Maintenancc All parcels i!! the City share in the cost of median maintenance uingthe same EDU formula as -sed in the above Street Tree Maintenance. However, parcels which front on streets with medians are msed twice the amount of oher parvis not fronting on streets with medms. For Fiwal Ye.ar 1995-96 the estimated assess,r.enls for a Single Family Residence benefiting from tk three maintenance zones is as follo,w NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that !he CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CAL1FORNIA;has approved a "Report" of the Engineer and declared its intention to ievy and collect ~MWI special assessments to pay for costs of operation and maintenam during the Fiscal Year 1995-1996 within an existing special asessment mainienance district known and designated as STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. I (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenaxe District"). For all paflicuiars, reference is made to the 'Report of he Engwer as preliminary approved and on file with the transcript ofthev proceedings. DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTSTO BE MAINTAINED The improvements to be maintained and serviced are generally described as street lighting, street tree and median landscaping improvements including additional stmi Eghling, street tree ad median landscaping improvements caused by new developmenl.. all as set forth and described in fie Engineer's Repod on file in the Office ofthe City Clerk and open for public inspestion. Additional median areas to be maintained include a 32% increax in the City's ladrcaped medians and a 16% increase in the City's hardscaped medians. The proceedings for !he annual levy of assessments within the Mainlenance District are being laken pursuant IO the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" (Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California). PROCEEDINGS Street Lighting Maintenance = S29.02 Street Tree Maintenance = S35.74' Median Maintenance = S8.34* PuBLir MEETING AND PuBLir HEAKI WPROTESTS 6. PUBLIC HEARING: AUGUST 8, 1993. GROUNDS FOK THE OBJECTION. WRITTEN PROTESTS MAY BE MAILED OR DELIVERED TO THE FOLLOWING CITY CLERK 1 CITY OF CARLSDAD 12OOCARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE. CAKLSBAD. CA92008 IF THERE IS AMAJORKY PROTEST AGAINST THE PROPOStD INCREASE IN ASSESSMENTS, THE PROPOSED INCREASES SHALL BE .ABANDONED AND THE CITY COUNCIL MAY THEN PROCEED TO LEVY THE ASSESShlENT IN AN LVOUNT NOT TO LXCEED THE PREVIOUS YEAR'S LEVY. All asjessments have been levied in accordance with benefits rsceired to all parcels within the For all informatior relating to these praeedings, the hearing procedure, ad uly and all manm as set bdh and contained in any documenis, your attenlion is directed to hie peMn designated below VIRGINIA McCOY ,, AIMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR-SPECIAL DISTRIflS - CITY OF CARLSBAD 405 OAK AVENUE * CARLSBAD, CA 92008 -TELEPHONE: 61914342941 ' PROPOSED ASSESSMEKT DATE) JUNE 7,1995 Karen R. Kundtl '. ASST. CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD ST.4TE OF CALIFORNIA . .. . . .. .. -. , Virginia McCoy MAY 5, 1995 KAREN, ATTACHED IS ORIGINAL OF NOTICE TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE BLADE FOR THREE WEEKS. IF ALL IS APPROVED AT COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY EVENING, I WILL FAX COPY TO SUSAN AT THE BLADE WEDNESDAY MORNING. SUSAN SAID IT WOULD BEGIN RUN ON JUNE 8 TH. * 0 0 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS RESOLUTION OF INTENTION AND REPORT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, has approved a "Report" of the Engineer and declared its intention to levy collect annual special assessments to pay for costs of operation and maintenance durin! Fiscal Year 1995-1 996 within an existing special assessment maintenance district known designated as STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 (hereinafter ref€ to as the "Maintenance District"). For all particulars, reference is made to the "Report of. Engineer as preliminarily approved and on file with the transcript of these proceedings. DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MAINTAINED The improvements to be maintained and serviced are generally described as street lightii street tree and median landscaping improvements, including additional street lighting, str tree and median landscaping improvements caused by new development, all as set forth described in the Engineer's Report on file in the Office of the Crty Clerk and open for put inspection. Additional median areas to be maintained include a 32% increase in the City's landscape medians and a 16% increase in the City's hardscaped medians. PROCEEDINGS The proceedings for the annual levy of assessments within the Maintenance District are b taken pursuant to the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" (Division 15 of'the Streets i Highways Code of the State of California). PUBUC MEETING AND PUBUC HEARING/PROTESTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBUC MEETING AND A PUBUC HEARING ARE HEREBY SCHEDULED IN THE REGULAR MEETING PLACE OF THIS LEGISLATIVE BODY BEING THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CARLSBAD, CA, ON THE FOLLOWING DATES AND TIMES: A. PUBUC MEETING: JUNE 27, 1995, AT 6:OO P.M. B. PUBUC HEARING: AUGUST 1, 1995, AT 6:OO P.M. AT THAT TIME THE LEGISLATIVE BODY WILL HEAR ALL TESTIMONY AND PROTESTS RELATING TO THE PROPOSED PROCEEDINGS AND THEN DETERMINE WHETHER TO LEVY THE PROPOSED ANNUAL ASSESSMENT; AND ANY INTERESTED PERSONS MAY FILE WRlITEN PROTESTS PRIOR TO THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBUC HEARING. AI PROTEST MUST CONTAIN A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY SUFFICIENT TO IDENT THE PROPERTY OWNER AND STATE THE GROUNDS FOR THE OBJECTION. > m L a 0 Y 0 WRllTEN PROTESTS MAY BE MAILED OR DELIVERED TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 IF THERE IS A MAJORITY PROTEST AGAINST THE PROPOSED INCREASE IN ASSESSMENTS, THE PROPOSED INCREASES SHALL BE ABANDONED AND THE CITY EXCEED THE PREVIOUS YEAR’S LEW. COUNCIL MAY THEN PROCEED TO LEVY THE ASSESSMENT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO PROPOSED ASSESSMENT All assessments have been levied in accordance with benefits received to all parcels witt the boundaries of the Maintenance District and the individual parcel assessments for eacl the benefit zones, street lighting, street tree maintenance and median maintenance are formulated by the following methods: Street Lishtinq 1. Residential parcels pay equal shares of the energy and maintenance cost of the strea lights within their immediate area. 2. Commercial and industrial parcels share the cost of the energy and maintenance of tt street lights within their immediate area based on the front footage percent of the area. Street Tree Maintenance Only parcels with street trees within the public right-of-way that are maintained by the CQ assessed within this zone. Parcels are assessed based on a benefit fonnuia in which ea( parcel is given an equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) based on the average size of a single fa residential lot within the City (47,500 square feet, or .17 acre). Single family parceis are E an EDU value of 1 .O while most other parcels are given an EDU based on the formula: B Acreage = EDU .17 Median Maintenance All parcels in the City share in the cost of median maintenance using the same EDU form as used in the above Street Tree Maintenance. However, parcels which front on streets v medians are assessed twice the amount of other parcels not fronting on streets with med For Fiscal Year 1995-96 the estimated assessments for a Single Family Residence benefit from the three maintenance zones is as follows: Street Lighting Maintenance = $29.02 Street Tree Maintenance = $35.74* Median Maintenance = $8.34* (* = 1 EDU Equivalent) 0 0 *. . N > q All Median Maintenance Zone benefii assessments and less than 1% of Street Lighting Z benefit assessments are projected to be increased in Fiscal Year 1995-96. (For details sl the Engineer's Report.) Complete assessment parcel lists for all three zones are on file at the Communrty Servict Department at 405 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008. ANNUAL ASSESSMENT INCREASE Future assessment increases will be caused by reason of increases in the costs of labor materials and utility cost increases applied to energy rates and water fees. Assessments be subsequently modified and increased, as authorized by Section 54954,6 of the Street Highways Code of the State of California, to reflect annual increases in the costs of labo materials based upon the Consumer Price Index, San Diego, as published by the Depart of Labor computed for the first Index in March of each year, and those above referenced changes will not constitute new and/or increased assessments requiring additional notification. PROCEEDINGS INQUIRIES For all information relating to these proceedings, the hearing procedure, and any and all matters as set forth and contained in any documents, your attention is directed to the pc designated below: VIRGINIA McCOY CIN OF CARLSBAD 405 OAK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: 61 9/434-2941 ADMINISTRATIVE COORDI NATOR-SPEC1 AL Dl STRl CTS DATED: + 1995. STATE OF CAUFORNIA MIs95104.BA