HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-08-15; City Council; 13279; APPROVAL OF THE ARTS OFFICE GRANT APPLICATION TO THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTSgj 8 $ E .. z 0 4: =! 0 5 0 0 6 Cw OF CARLSBAD - AGEW BILL GRANT APPLICATION TO THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS AB#-77 TITLE:APPROVAL OF THE ARTS OFFICE DEP'I CITY MTG. 8/15/95 DEPT. ARTS CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: 9f-239 Adopt Resolution No. approving the Arts Office grant application to the National Endowment for the Arts to facilitate an arts festival at THE FLOWER FIELDS. Item Description To celebrate Carlsbads history and heritage as one of the nation's leading flower growing centers, the City Council is asked to consider approval of the Carlsbad Arts Office's grant application to the National Endowment for the Arts requesting $50,000 over a two year period to develop a major Arts Festival at THE FLOWER FIELDS. Backaround The Arts Office and CB Ranch Enterprises, dba THE FLOWER FIELDS at Carlsbad Ran( will partner to develop THE FLOWER FIELDS Festival to occur in late April over two weekends on site at the fields. The concept for the festival developed out of the need to preserve the fields which is a goal of the General Plan and the need to provide family- oriented, community based cultural activities, also a goal of the General Plan and the 199511 goal of providing outside funding when possible. The NEA Stabilization Grant provides fundin of up to $50,000 for a two-year period, to bi which develop new earned income ventures, strengthen administrative capabilities and assist collaborative efforts to improve cultural services at the local level. The goals of the festival are 1) to generate income to help preserve the ranunculus fields; ; to celebrate the arts in a community setting of significance; 3) to provide opportunities for local artists. With funding, the Festival will include an art exhibition using THE FLOWER FIELDS theme major concert and smaller performances by local artists. One of the weekends will feature arts for families with story-telling and participatory activities. The grant will also fund a pari time coordinator for the festival. In addition to the Arts Office and CB Ranch Enterprises, Carlsbad CONVIS, local arts organizations and artists, the Arts Commission and the Siste City Committee will participate in planning and producing the festival. The festival is plann to earn a profit at the end of the second year which will provide funding for the third year's Fiscal Impact The City of Carlsbad will provide some staff time to supervise the festival but no new Ci money is needed. THE FLOWER FIELDS will provide the required match for the grant. EXHIBITS: City Goals and Objectives. The grant application also addresses a separate Arts Office matched 1 to 1 with public or private funds. 8 tabilization grants are awarded for projects festival. Projected revenue profits in Year Five will provide additional funds for the arts, 1. Resolution No. 9-237 . 2. National Endowment for the Arts Grant Application. 3. Letters of support. I1 0 e 1 2 3 RESOLUTION NO. 95-3,37 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ARTS OFFICE GRANT APPLICATION TO THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS 4 11 WHEREAS, Carlsbad wishes to celebrate its history and heritage as one of thc 5 6 WHEREAS, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Locals Program offers 7 projects which develop new earned income ventures, strengthen administrative capat 8 assist collaborative efforts to improve cultural services at the local level; and 9 WHEREAS, an arts festival at THE FLOWER FIELDS addresses the needs an leading flower growing centers; and 10 11 the City’s General Plan, Land Use and Arts Elements; and 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 18 20 WHEREAS, many community organizations will participate in planning and pro( festival; and WHEREAS, CB Ranch Enterprises agrees to provide matching funds as requi N EA. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of C: follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the grant application to the National Endowment for the Arts is apprc PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City Counci City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 15 th day of AUGUST , 1995, by the folio\ to wit: AYES: Council Members Le ABSENT: None 21 NOES: None 22 23 24 25 26 27 ALETHA L. RA UT 2% LHKL>BN KKlb UP1 0 LOCAL ARTS AGENCIES, DEVELO NT CATEGORY Stabilization Grant @ Proposal: To celebrate Carlsbad’s history and heritage as one of the nation’s leading flower growir Centers, the Carlsbad Arts Office is requesting $50,000 over a two-year period to develop a major AI Festival at THE FLOWER FIELDC&,,The goals of the Festival are 1) to generate income to help preser the ranunculus fields and to help develop the arts in Carlsbad; 2) to celebrate the arts in a commun setting of significance; 3) to provide opportunities for local artists. By providing funds via the stabilizatic grant the Arts Office will become a partner serving as a voice for the arts in developing this qual southern California event. The grant will enable the Arts office to share in future profits which will bene arts development in Carlsbad. Factors including the prolonged California recession have caused the City to establish freezes on hirir and on new programs for the past four fiscal years and into the foreseeable future. Without this grai costs are essential to the effort, In the meantime, the opportunity to partner with a newly developing hiq visibility promotional activity related to a community attraction/resource would be lost. In order to take advantage of the opportunity for an annual arts festival along with the marketing of the flower fields, i’ important to begin in 1996. The grant would allow this to happen. The festival is planned to earn a prl at the end of the second year which will provide funding for the third year’s festival. Projected reven profits in Year Five provide additional funds for the Arts Office regranting program to community a groups. CB Ranch Enterprises, dba THE FLOWER FIELDSTmat Carlsbad Ranch, and the Arts Office will partr to develop THE FLOWER FIELDS Festival, to occur in late April over two weekends on site at the fielc using the unique and exhilarating natural surroundings of more than 100 acres of blooming ranuncu as both setting and theme. The concept for the Festival developed out of the need to preserve the fie (a goal of the City’s General Plan) and the need to provide family-oriented, community-based cultL ‘ activities and to develop new sites and facilities for arts events (goals of the Arts Office Cultural Pla THE FLOWER FIELDS Festival will serve as a marketing tool and an income source for CB Ran Enterprises. The Festival will provide area arts groups with exposure, earned income and professioi development through participating in the planning and presenting of a large community performar event. Artists of national repute live in Carlsbad/North County area and the Festival. will call attentior their works and their contribution to the quality of life within the community. The primary community partners in planning and producing the Festival are: the Arts Office would be unable to begin a festival: staff support and seed funds for artists and operatii Carlsbad Arts Off ice, a ten-year-old municipal agency for cultural development; CB Ranch Enterprises, horticultural retailers and wholesalers, owner of the ranunculus fields Carlsbad CONVIS, the tourism development office of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce; Carlsbad Arts Roundtable, representatives from local visual, performing and literary : organizations. Carlsbad Arts Commission and Carlsbad Sister City Committee, appointed by the mayor; The Director of Promotions and Marketing for CB Ranch Enterprises and the staff of the Arts Ofl are the leading planners and administrators of THE FLOWER FIELDS Festival project. Preliminary plans for the Festival include: A temporary sculpture exhibition; A juried exhibit of a national competition of two-dimensional artwork on THE FLOW FIELDS,theme; A performance schedule featuring city community arts groups such as Carlsbad Childrc Theater, Carlsbad Dance Centre, the Pacific Coast Concert Band, Carlsbad High School Folklo Troupe, and San Diego area professional artists such as folksinger Sam Hinton and Na Americans, dancer Eric Runningpath and storyteller Abel Silvas; Readings by Carlsbad poets and writers such as Victor Villasenor (“Rain of Gold”) and Ja Cannon (“Stellaluna,’ winner of the 1994 National Book Sellers Award for children’s fiction); A major concert performance by a nationally recognized artist; -1- UnLLhounu ni\Lo VI 0 AdVVILy &-.A" L'"-l.ylY", YYlYY" 1.1 "I)1L.""I\I i Stabilization Grant A series of workshops and demonstrations in flower arranging, local horticultural history, origa etc.; Participation by Carlsbad's sister cities, Futtsu, Japan, which also has commercial flower fie1 and Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic; History: For eight weeks every year, THE FLOWER FIELDS,,at Carlsbad Ranch, a panorama of ranuncL blooms, create a living tapestry of vibrant colors flowing across the land overlooking the Pacific Oce The brilliant banners of color are the city's most closely identified and instantly recognized symbol. As1 what they want to preserve and protect, residents immediately answer the ocean and the flower fie1 These natural wonders define Carlsbad. In the past, even though the blooming fields have been closed to the public to protect the crops, buslo; came to view them. Meanwhile, expenses have made it difficult to maintain the fields without coopera efforts among the ownedgrower, the Carlsbad Agricultural Improvement Fund and the California Coa Conservancy. Designated by the state legislature as historically and agriculturally significant, the fiE are located on prime ocean-view land adjacent to a major interstate freeway, an auto sales park i several residential and commercial developments. The fields have been threatened with discontinuai and land development. Thus, a means of generating income is important. Last year the grower decic to open the fields, market the blooms, bulbs, garden items and souvenirs to the public and develop income source with the potential to make the flower fields self-sustaining. The response c overwhelming. Thousands of people visited the fields daily, including bus tours from out-of-state. M than 15 articles featuring the flower fields appeared in local and oul-of-region publications, includ Sunset Magazine, San Diego Union-Tribune, and Howell Houser's California Gold, as well as televi3 programs on local stations. The Coastal Conservancey expressed great satisfaction with the result: a its originating assistance loan for the marketing venture. Nevertheless, operational costs for the creal of this new public-access attraction were greater than revenues from on site sales. The Community: Carlsbad is located about 35 miles north of the City of San Diego on the Soutt California coast. The City covers 42 square miles and has a population of 67,900; the largely Latino . minority is projected to increase to 30%. Industries in the area include 24 hotels offering 1884 room: tourists, an auto dealerships park, a major regional shopping mall, electronics, aerospace, golf app and equipment manufacturing and numerous land developers building single and multi-family hous Carlsbad experiences one of the nation's fastest growth rates: the population doubled between 1980 1990 and is projected to reach 135,000 by 2020. Ability to Address Identified Needs: THE FLOWER FIELDS Festival meets a number of cur community needs. The ten-year-old Carlsbad Arts Office has been interested in developing a cultui significant arts festival, identified as a priority in the 1991 Cultural Plan. Because Carlsbad has professional arts organizations, major educational institutions, public museums or galleries, the Arts 01 role in the community is to act as a catalyst in helping and guiding community development of the I to Serve as a resource for local artists and to provide cultural opportunities for residents and visitor: Tourism is the second largest industry in Carlsbad, after Retail & Manufacturing. Tax on Tourism (T provides 10% of City general revenues, the third largest source of funds. The Festival will significz enhance tourism opportunities, as well as expanding the recognition and impact of Carlsbad's natior identifiable community symbol. The City's General Plan, revised and approved by City Council in 1995, addresses the need to presc and promote the flower fields and to develop and promote the arts. Public hearings on the Arts and 0 Space Elements were held in 1993-94 (see attached). -2- LOCAL ARTS AGENCIES, DEVEL~NT CATEGORY 8 CARLSBAD ARTS OE St ab iliz a t ion Grant In the Cultural Plan survey, 77% of Carlsbad residents wanted increased cultural events in Carlsbad i mendations presented in the Cultural Plan include: 92% supported continuing or increasing arts opportunities for Carlsbad children. Relevant leu *Work with the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau (CONVIS) and other public and prik agencies to create one or more large-scale events that use unique characteristics of Carlsbac a theme. "Increase opportunities for participatory events in Carlsbad and events oriented toward fami with children. *Research development opportunities for a small (800-1 200 seats) amphitheatre within the C The Programming Task Force reviewed and endorsed Cultural Plan Recommendations and presen methods and means of accomplishing them. The Task Force specifically called for development ( major festival using themes of relevance to Carlsbad, with particular mention of the idea of a Flo Festival. The Task Force also strongly endorsed the call for increased family-oriented cultural event Carlsbad, in cooperation, in support of cultural tourism and involving local artists. Ability to Carry Out Project: Although the Arts Office has not conducted a major festival to date, it full responsibility for the development and management of other large-scale parks-sited events, suck the weekly summer Jazz Series and the annual Pops Concert and Festejando a las Madrecitas, wt attract audiences of 2,000 to 6,000 people. Staff conducts booking and artist relations, production i technical support, site management, traffic control, security, marketing and promotions, budgets i contracts and evaluation. CB Ranch Enterprises has successfully conducted one season of public acti . on site, dealing with public access, parking, temporary facilities, promotions, on site sales and crc control. Potential Impact on the Arts in the Community: The Festival will occur over two weekends at the height of blooming season. One weekend will empha! Arts for Families. Attendance is anticipated at 18,000 per weekend in 1996 and 20,000 in 1997 (ba on 15,000 in 1995). Entry to THE FLOWER FIELDS will be free. Tickets will be sold for the ever "name" concert. Performing artists will be paid for participation. Sculptors will receive fees for lenc works for exhibit. Art sales will benefit participating visual and crafts artists with 20% commission to Festival. Prizes will be awarded for the juried competition; the winning entry will be used as the PO for the Festival, The development of an outdoor concert site will increase community cultural facilities. No such fac currently exists in Carlsbad. CB Ranch Enterprises will provide a paved access road and grac landscaped site with adjacent parking at THE FLOWER FIELDS. A Local Arts Agency Development Stabilization Grant funding THE FLOWER FIELDS Festival for consecutive years will allow the Arts Office to pursue goals identified in the City's General Plan ( Cultural Plan and endorsed by community task forces. A partnership will be established with a I( business enterprise; an association with a visible community event protecting a valued community syn will enhance the role of the Arts Office as the catalyst for cultural services. Funded opportunities for I( arts groups to perform, exhibit and interact with the community-at-large will be expanded. Recogni of individual artists residing in the community will increase. Temporary and possibly permanent cult facilities will result. A future funding source for the Arts Office's regranting program will be institu Carlsbad's tourism industry will be strengthened. -3- of this form with other required ma m 602, National Endowment for thf Carlsbad Arts Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad Arts Office requests $50,000 over'2 years to develop a major arts The Flower Fields Festival will occur in late April for 2 weekends, using t and exhilarating natural surroundings of 100 acres of blooming ranunculus a andl theme. Festival goals are 1) to generate income to help preserve the r fields and to help develop the arts in Carlsbad; 2) to celebrate the arts i ity setting of significance; 3) to provide opportunities for local artists. will allow the Arts Office to become a Festival partner serving as a voice at a time when the City has a hiring and program freeze. The concept for t developed out of the need to preserve the fields (a goal of the City's Gene and the need to provide family-oriented, community-based cultural activitie develop new sites and facilities for arts events (goals of the Community Cu Plan). Both the General Plan and the Cultural Plan were developed through process involving broad community representation. The Festival will serve keting tool and income source for CB Ranch Enterprises and the Arts Office. Salaries and wages Fringe benefits Supplies and materials Permanent Equipment Fees and other L3-3. B. Indirect costs $- Total direct costs $ 81 ~ & Total project costs $ 81 .81 MUST EQUAL Total project costs (Section VI1 above): =- 1. $ 783.070 2. $ 288,000 Public funds: citykounty 1. $ 241,870 2. $ 711;non Public funds: state 1. $ 10.700 2. $ 20,000 2. $ 35,000 Other funds 1. $ m,mn (cont YEAR 1 ONLY; SEE ATTACHED FOR YEAR 2 X. Budget breakdown of summary of estimated costs Carlsbad Arts Office (include figures for this project only) A. Direct costs Applicant: 1. Salaries and wages Annual or average % of time devoted Amount type of personnel personnel salary range to this project $ Total salaries and wages Add fringe benefits $ Total salaries and wages including fringe benefits $ Amount $ 2. Supplies and materials (list each major type separately) 3. Travel (provide breakdown on separate sheet) Amount Total travel $ I 4. Permanent equipment (provide justification on separate Sheet) Road & Concert Site (wade, flatten, pave, landscape) I 4,000 Total permanent equipment $ 4,000 Amount $ 5. Fees for services and other expenses Amount (list each item separately) $ 1 ONLY: See attache1 B. Indirect costs Rate established by attached negotiation agreement with the National Endowment for the Arts or another Federal agency Amount s- A. Contributions Amount s 33,: Totalcash S 38,f Applicant funds Carlsbad Arts Office 5,: 2. In-kind contributions (list each major item) Total contributions (1 + 2) $ 38 > 6 Federal (Do not list any Arts Endowment qrants anticipated or received ) Total grants $ - Ticket Sales: Concert $10 x 1200 12,o Art Campet1 t1-y Fee $75 x 300 7,5 .. Total revenues $ 19,5 S 58.1 Total contributions, grants, and revenues for this project (contin Reports :‘; :,Have you submitted all required final reports on all cbmpleted giants from anv Arts Endowment Proarafn? :; :j ( x’ .:. . */,, a Yes No If no, and you have received previous Arts Endowment grants, please mail immediate$:‘hder : ,’ ,.. separate cqver, to Grants Office/Final Reports Section to maintain eligibility. Do not include with . .._.. your aoolication oackaae. XIII. Delinquent Debt ‘4 Are yov delinquent .on repayment of any Federal debt? If yes, provide explanatory information on a separate sheet. Yes x No XIV.:IS APPLICATION SUBJECT TO REVIEW FY STATE EXECUilVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS? ; .s. a., YES. This pre-application/application.~as.’made a$ailable to the State Executive Order 12372 Process for review on date ,:b. NO. 0 Program is not &vered by E.O. 12372 . . . or : B Program has not been selected by state for review XV. Certification The Authorizing Official(s) certify that the information contained in this application, including all attachments and supporting materials, is true and correct to the best of our knowledge. .The Authorizing Official(s) alsq certify that the applicant will comply with the Federal requirements soecified under”‘Assurance of Cnmnlianc.&” nn nafles 33-37 fl Authorizina Officitilfsl ‘, SIGNED FORM WILL FOLLOW UPdN Executive Director: Signature : RECEIPT OF CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL _.--- - .,’ Name (print or type) lj Mr. U MS: -.sFR;lWK.-mEN, AssT,yEG&R - Telephone (area code) .j,.I.. (619) 434-2821 . Board or Commission Chair: Sighatuie x /(cw~ &&&f ,Narne (print or type) 0 Mr. q Ms. Laurie Batter ITelephone (area code) (619) 438-9304 proiect director Signature X Date signed T/g/F< Name (print or type) 0 Mr. a MS. Connie Beardsley Title (print or type) Arts Officeper Telephone (area code) (619) 434-2921 BE SURE TO DOUBLE CHECK THE “HOW TO APPLY” SECTION UNDER THE APPROPRIATE’CATEGORY FOR ALL MATERIALS TO BE INCLUDED IN YO’UR APPLICATION PACKAGE. LATE APPLICATIONS AND APPLICATIONS DETERMINED BY THE PROGRAM AND PANEL TO BE INCOMPLETE WILL BE REJECTED. Privacv Act Notice The-Privacy Act’of 1974 requires that the Arts Endowment furnish you wit’h the fbllowing information: The National Endowment for the Arts is authorized to solicit the information in this application by 20 U.S.C. section 954 -&&Q. (the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965, as amended). The information contained in the application (including all supplementary materials, such as work samples, submitted with,the application) is used in the grant review process. All application materials may be subject to review by the National Council on the Arts in open meeting. The information in your application also may be used for statistical research, analysis of trends, and for.Congressional oversight purposes. This information may also be provided to the public upon request after the conclusion of the Endowment’s deliberative process, subject to certain exemptions contained in the Freedom of Information Act and, in the case of individuals, the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. sections 552 and 552a, respectively). By submitting a signed application, you are acceding to the conditions described herein. Failure.to provide all requested information niay result in the rejection of your application. July 14, 1995 Local Arts Agency Program National Endowment for the Arts Nancy Hanks Center 11 00 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20506-0001 . x1 .~ Dear Panelists: The proposed project submitted by the Carisbad Arts Office to produce THE FLOWER FIELDS FESTIVAL at Carlsbad Ranch offers our community the opportunity to preserve a unique and deeply valued community asset. The ranunculus fields at Carlsbad Ranch are a nationally recognized landmark. They express the beauty of our area and the tradition of floral agriculture which has flourist here since the beginning of this century. In the time we have been managing the field operations, we have received hundreds of testimonies of their significance and observed thousands of people amving . admire these beautiful flowers. However, the income produced by THE FLOWER FIELDS is not equal lo the expense of maintaining t. increasing their visibility and public awareness as a tourist destination. THE FLOWER FiELDS FESTIVAL will increase awareness and attendance by residents and visitors and provide a mechanism for earned income of the farming business. The partnership with the Carfsbad Arts Office will help us to develop a professionally organized festival presenting quality activities and making use of community resources which are outside of our regular scope of operations. We are looking forward to enhancing our site with an accessed concert area and providing a family cultural event in a matchless setting. We will provide the financial match for the grai funds awarded. While the short-term financial goal of THE FLOWER FIELDS FESTIVAL is to become a self-supportin< annual arts event, the economics of the fields will also receive immediate benefit from increased cut flower and bulb sales. We also anticipate a gradual increase in paid attendance during non-Festival weeks as a result of promoting the festival. We hope that Panel members see the opportunity for a significant arts festival in this setting and understand what it means to Carlsbad to keep THE FLOWER FIELDS blooming and involved in our community's cultural life. Christoppe C. alkins, Vice President $6 CB Ra Enterprises farm operation. Our business operation is not capable of annually subsidizing the fields, so we are j(,Ofi ;\\.!:sll:;, IS>,( I!,'.,. SI'Iii i<(, I ..!,;.I .(:..I L)~c'?s T!.!.I.I'II~YI ()IO '.';.'-vi:; i.t,>%. f);~! ::I-OG: m - {>- -p7eB&JJ e 4 Ala u C,~I,IF~?\ i \. July 17, 1995 Local Arts Agencies Program National Endowment for the Arts Nancy Hanks Center 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20506-0001 Dear Grants Panel: The Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau is pleased to endorse the proposal to establis a festival in the flower fields at Carlsbad Ranch. This event would have a very beneficial impact on our community in at least two ways that address ConVis interests. Tourism is a major Carisbad industry and the development of annual or consistent tourist attractions is necessary, especially in "off-season" months such as April. The festival will families to visit Carlsbad. Secondly, the flower fields are endangered due to crop development costs. Yet they are recognized across the nation and are a valuable promotional resource. In Spring, 1995 mo than 10 major articles appeared in travel publications, generated by the photographic appea of the fields in bloom. An average of 6,000 people a day visited the fields during the five weeks they were open to the public. There was a vital economic impact by these visitors c our hotels, restaurants, retail merchants and auto service businesses. The ConVis and the Arts Office have been partners in many worthwhile community ventures. Arts Office involvement in the Flower Fields Festival will ensure the highest calibre of programming and knowledgeable attention to the details of event planning. This festival will not only benefit Carlsbad, its citizens and its arts groups. It has the stror potential to attract national attention because of its exceptional location and to further the perception of the arts as contributors to community values, traditions and needs. Sincerely , . a major event regionally while providing incentive for out-of-region travelers. especially ,(* -2c-4 -& cY <Steve Link Manager \I _. . 1.. >:- 7: Yi5itqi-s 3u:c.ii p:>. ;<qa . ' ". . . ; yj 9 I2 !:i - '*;iL>l I<' : -