HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-09-12; City Council; 13298; PARTICIPATION IN NORTH COUNTY REGIONAL GANG TASK FORCEAB # e- TITLE: MTG. * PARTICIPATION IN NORTH COUNTY REGIONAL GANG TASK FORCE I, DEPT. &A9 DEF CIT’ CIT -- Qb 2 2 2 z 2 & a 5 z 3 0 0 4 CI*F CARLSBAD - AGEN~ BILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 75-2’53 approving the participation of the Carlsbad Police Department in the newly formed North County Regional Gang Task Force. ITEM EXPLANATION In May1995 representatives of several North County agencies met consider the formation of a task force to combat a growing problem of gal related criminal activity in North San Diego County. Chief Vales w; appointed to the Executive Board, and Captain Hawks participates on tl Coordinating Committee, tasked with developing a Mission Statemer Standard Operating Procedures, and a Memorandum of Understanding i the proposed North County Regional Gang Task Force. The followii agencies are expected to participate: 1. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms 2. California Department of Corrections, and Parole 3. California Department of Justice, B N E 4. Carlsbad Police Department 5. District Attorney, County of San Diego 6. Drug Enforcement Administration 7. Escondido Police Department 8, Federal Bureau of Investigation 9. Immigration and Naturalization Service 10. Naval Criminal Investigative Service 11. Oceanside Police Department 12. San Diego County Probation Department 13. San Diego County Sheriffs Department 14. United States Attorney The mission of this task force will be to target those groups and thc members who commit violent crimes including armed robberies, murd attempted murder, and major crimes of theft and narcotics trafficking benefit the gang through acquisition of wealth and power. An emphasis the task force’s investigative efforts will be on the identification, arrest a prosecution of members of violent gangs using mandatory sentencing la whenever possible. The Police Department seeks Council approval to enter into a Memorandl of Understanding with the North County Regional Gang Task Force. 1 propose initially to continue administrative support through participation the Executive Board, and the Coordinating Committee. We will assign existing detective as a liaison to exchange intelligence information a cooperate and assist in criminal investigations of mutual concern. 7 assignment of a fulltime investigator is the ultimate goal. -* 0 0 PAGE 2 OFAB /< a7f FISCAL IMPACT No direct costs. Staff time for meetings is variable EXHIBITS -. 1. Resolution No. %=a! 2. Memorandum of Understanding, North County Regional Gang Task Fort dated July 18, 1995. _- i -. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 95-253 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARTICIPATION IN THE NORTH COUNN REGIONAL GANG TASK FORCE WHEREAS, the North County Regional Gang Task Force has be established to unite North County law enforcement agencies in thc prevention of gang-related crime; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad would benefit in the particil of the Police Department in such a program by assigning an inve: officer as liaison officer to work in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute members of these gangs whenever possible. members of violent gangs a NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of t Carlsbad, California, hereby approves the participation of Carlsbac Department as a member agency of the North County Regional Gang Force . // /I /I 1, I 27 28 /I /I I -. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 14 15 16 I" 18 19 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of thc Carlsbad City Council on the 12th day of SEPTEMBER ,1 by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: "% ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk) (SEAL) I 0 0 fb I ., .. -. Julv 18, 1995 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NORTH COUNTY REGlONAL GANG TASK FORCE This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), is being executed by the below listc agencies in connection with the North County Regional Gang Task Force to be initiated on or about . The agencies listed below jointly and several agree to abide by the terms and provisions of this MOU throughout the duration this joint operation. The agencies are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Carlsbad Police Department 5. 6. Drug Enforcement Administration 7. Escondido, Police Department 8. Federal Bureau of Investigation 9. Immigration and Naturalization Service 10. Naval Criminal investigative Service I 1. Oceanside Police Department 12. 13. 14. United States Attorney Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms California Department of Corrections, Parole & Community Service: California Department of Justice, Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement District Attorney, County of San Diego San Diego County Probation Department San Diego County Sheriff's Department PURPOSE AND MISSION The purpose of this MOU is to formalize the procedures to be followed bq this task force. This mission is to target those groups and their members, inch legal and illegal aliens, who commit violent crimes including armed robberies, murder, attempted murder, and major crimes of theft and narcotics trafficking 1 benefit the gang through acquisition of wealth and power. An emphasis of the force's investigative efforts will be on the identification, arrest, prosecution, an deportation of members of violent gangs using mandatory sentencing laws whenever possible. .. a 0 MOU North County Regional Gang Task Force -. Page 2 GENERAL AGREEMENT It is agreed between participants: - 1. PARTICIPANTS The North County Regional Gang Task Force will be comprised of police officers, Sheriff’s deputies, federal agents, County probation officers, an prosecuting attorneys from the offices of the United States Attorney and the S Diego District Attorney. I 2. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Gang Task Force shall be headed by an Executive Committee. Members of the Executive Committee will incnude the Chief Executive Officer o shall meet quarterly to discuss the task force’s operations and provide oversigt and guidance to the Coordinating Committee. or her designee, from each of the aforementioned agencies listed. These meml 3. COORDINATING COMMITTEE The Coordinating Committee will consist of representatives from 1 participating agencies. These representatives will be appointed by the agencie Executive Committee member. The Coordinating Committee will assist the Ta Force Coordinator in obtaining resources which will include funds, personnel, equipment, vehicles and other items required to support the overall mission. T Coordinating Committee will also assist the Task Force Coordinator in the development of administrative procedures, investigative objectives and strateg The Coordinating Committee will assist the Task Force Coordinator in the preparation of reports for presentation to the Executive Committee. The Coordinating Committee will meet as necessary, but at least each quarter. 4. The Task Force Coordinator is directly accountable to the Executi Committee. The Task Force Coordinator will prepare a monthly written report ongoing and completed investigations. This report will include the number of expended on each case, and any special funds spent on each case. The repor be presented monthly to the Coordinating Committee, and the Executive Comr TASK FO RCE COOR DINATOR .. 0 0 MOU North County Regional Gang Task Force page 3 quarterly. A Sheriff's Lieutenant has been designated as the Task Force Coordinator. 5. ISSUE RESOLUTION As operational issues arise, they will be mutually addressed and resolved by team leaders and the Task Force Coordinator. If these problems c be resolved, they will be presented to the Coordinating Committee for resolutic is agreed, however, that resolution of operational problems at the lowest possl level is in the best interests of the North County Gang Task Force. 6. PERSONNEL a. INVESTlGATORS The components of this task force will be staffed by persor recommended for assignment to the task force from the participating agencies. Final selection shall be the responsi of'the Task Force Coordinator with the approval of the Coordinating Committee. If the Task Force Coordinator ha: cause to replace a member, the issue will be discussed wit1 contributing agency. The Task Force Coordinator and/or contributing agency will have the authority to remove and/( replace personnel. If the contributing agency does not con with the decision of the Task Force Coordinator, the issue be forwarded to the Coordinating Committee for a final dec The parent agency will supply the following equipment for investigator they send to the task force: a fully maintained undercover vehicle a radio capable of communicating with the parent agency's communications system a pager cellular phone all safety equipment, including firearm(s) and body a .. 0 e MOU North County Regional Gang Task Force Page 4 .. b. CLERICAL Personnel shall be provided to this task force to facilitate no1 administrative and clerical duties associated with an investigative unit. C. PAY ROLL ) The salaries and benefits of all personnel assigned to the tas force will be paid by their parent agencies. It will be the responsibility of the Task Force Coordinator to ensure the accurate reporting of the hours worked by task force person In addition, the parent agency shall also be liable for any worker’s compensation or similar benefits due to its employt d. AGENCY COMMITMENT The participating agencies will provide the following level of staffing at the outset of the task force: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Two full time agents Department of Corrections, Parole & Community Services One liaison agent Department of Justice, Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement One liaison supervisor Investigative fund monies Carlsbad Police Department One liaison detective District Attorney’s Office Two full time clerical personnel Three liaison deputy district attorneys One liaison investigator Drug Enforcement Administration .. 0 m MOU Page 5 North County Regionai Gang Task Force Escondido Police Department One full time detective Federal Bureau of Investigation One full time agent I Immigration and Naturalization Service One full time agent Naval Criminal Investigative Service One full time supervising special agent One full time agent Oceanside Police Department Two full time detectives San Diego County Probation Department One liaison officer San Diego County Sheriff’s Department One full time lieutenant One full time sergeant Two-four full time deputies United States Attorney One liaison assistant United States Attorney 7. CROSS-DEPUTIZATION It is agreed that all local investigators participating in the task force will be sworn as Special Federal Officers with Title 18 and Title 21 U.S.C. authority. Federal agents may exercise the powers of arrest of California peace officers, by virtue of their participation in the task force (830.8(a)(3) P.C.) 8. INVESTIGATIVE STRATEGY The routine investigative strategy regarding case development and direction will be the responsibility of the Task Force Coordinator. The offices of District Attorney and United States Attorney should be contacted on a regular b for legal opinions and guidance. It is intended that full use be made of the vertic prosecution process, and mandatory sentencing laws.. This is interpreted to me .. 0 0 MOU North County Regional Gang Task Force Page 6 that team supervisors and agents will communicate with the assigned attorney the earliest logical moment in the investigation and work together to build a cas from inception through final adjudication. 9. PROSECUTIVE STRATEGY - Criminal cases which present only violations of California state law shall be presented to the Gang Unit Deputy District Attorney, assigned to the ta force. Criminal cases which present only violations of federal law shall be presented to an Assistant U.S. Attorney. I Cases which present violations of both state and federal law shall presented to a Deputy District Attorney and an Assistant U.S. Attorney to determine the appropriate forum in which to prosecute the case. ’IO. LIABILITY Each party to this MOU agrees to the extent possible under federal state law, to assume financial responsibility for any liabilities created as a result the acts or omissions of the parties’ own employees. 11. HOUSING The Oceanside Police Department agrees to provide the trailers adjacent to the their main building as temporary housing for the task force. Tht Oceanside Police Department will provide routine maintenance and repair, and water and power service to these units. The task force will be responsible for custodial and telephone services. 12. EQUIPMENT The procurement and allocation of resources is the responsibility o Task Force Coordinator. The Coordinating Committee will provide support as required. An inventory shall be kept of all equipment loaned to the task force b participating agencies. If the task force disbands or if the agency ends its participation, the equipment will be returned to the supplying agency. 13. All task force members shall review and abide by the SOP Manual which shall be prepared by the Coordinating Committee with oversight from the STAN DARD OPERATI NG PROC EDURES (SO PI .. 0 0 ., MOU North County Regional Gang Task Force Page 7 Executive Committee. The SOP shall specify policies and procedures for the tas force and its teams. 14. ASSET SHARING This issue is to be addressed in detail by separate agreement. 15. MEDIA All press releases pertaining to the North County Regional Gang Ta Force investigations will be coordinated with member agencies. The North Coui Regional Gang Task Force as an entity, will receive top billing for media coverag all situations. The Task Force Coordinator will compose and present all press releases. 16. TERM OF AGREEMENT This agreement shall become effective commencing on for an indefinite period. One year from the commencement date, and annually thereafter, the Task Force Coordinator will present a report to the Executive Committee detailing the efforts of the task force in meeting its purpose and mission. Participating agencies may elect to terminate the agreement by providing writter notification to the Executive Committee. Termination shall take effect not less 1 30 days after receipt of written notification or upon a date established by mutuz agreement. Additional agencies requesting inclusion to the task force will be recognized by signing this agreement. 17. SIGNATORY AUTHORITY The undersigned represent that they have the authority to execute agreement on behalf of their respective agencies by signing this agreement. Thc represent a concurrence with and support of the North County Regional Gang TI Force, as set forth in this agreement. -% 0 0 .. MOU North County Regional Gang Task Force Page 8 JAMES P. STATHES Date Resident Agent in Charge San Diego 8ureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms JUDY CARTIER Date District Administrator Parole and Community Services Division Department of Corrections San Diego PHILIP J. DONOHUE, JR. Date Special Agent in Charge Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement Department of Justice San Diego ROBERT VALES Date Chief of Police Carlsbad Police Department PAUL J. PFINGST Date District Attorney County of San Diego .. 0 a MOU North County Regional Gang Task Force Page 9 ., CRAIG N. CHRETIEN Date Special Agent in Charge Drug Enforcement Administration % San Diego MICHAEL STEIN Date Chief of Police Escondido Police Department ROBERT E. WALSH 3 Date Special Agent in Charge Federal Bureau of Investigation San Diego MARK K. REED Date District Director United States Immigration and Naturalization Service San Diego FRANK M. MELlA Date Special Agent in Charge, Western Region Naval Criminal Investigative Service San Diego .i m a MOU North County Regional Gang Task force page 10 .. MICHAEL POEHLMAN Date Chief of Police Oceanside Police Department 1 ALAN M. CROGAN Date Chief Probation Officer San Diego County Probation Department WILLIAM B. KOLENDER Date Sheriff San Diego County Sheriff's Department ALAN D. BERSIN Date United States Attorney Southern District of California