HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-09-12; City Council; 13308; AUTHORIZE THE ACQUISITION AND APPROVE ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS FOR A PARCEL REQUIRED FOR THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE PROJECTK a 2 .. 6 - i- V 4 W Z 2 0 W d - l 1, /I 4 9 AB# /33d8 TITLE: AUTHORIZE THE ACQUISITION AND APPROVE DEPT. t MTC . %$AS FOR THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE CITY A J’ 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL e ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS FOR A PARCEL REQUIRED PROJECT DEPT. CD CITY M RECOMMENDED ACTION: ADOPT Resolution No. ysJd& authorizing the acquisition and approving escrok for a one-half acre parcel required for the proposed Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course ITEM EXPLANATION: A one-half acre parcel owned jointly by Mr. Robert P. and Mr. Richard C. Kelly adj; Boulevard and north of Palomar Airport Road is required as one of the final parcels development of a proposed municipal golf course project. Negotiations with the pro have resulted in a recommended agreement for the City’s purchase of this parcel. City’s Special Counsel in this matter, the law firm of Asaro, Keagy, Freeland, and /v assembled escrow instructions which will affect the City’s acquisition of this parcel. owners have agreed to the proposed terms, conditions, and schedule for closing the affecting transfer of the parcel to the City. The basic terms of the acquisition include 1. Purchase price is $25,000 based upon the City’s formal appraisal report independent, licensed appraiser, The Lee C. Johnson Company. City shall deposit t an interest earning escrow account and seller shall receive all interest earned up0 of escrow. 2. At the request of the seller, escrow is to close on or before January 2, 1996. 3. City shall pay all costs and expenses associated with the transaction in insurance, recording, and escrow fees. 4. City shall reimburse seller for taxes paid for the next installment due Dc 1995 at the time of close of escrow upon evidence of payment. City shall have the right to enter the property, if needed, prior to the close of es purposes of performing surveys, environmental assessments, field inspections, ani Staff recommends approval of the escrow instructions and authorization to acquirl required for the project. 5. e e Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. /3 ap FISCAL IMPACT: The total estimated cost of acquiring this needed parcel for the proposed City golf coui Purchase price: $ 25,000 Reimbursement of December 10, 1995 tax installment: 750 Closing costs, escrow fees, title insurance, etc.: 1,500 Total estimated cost: $ 27,250 This parcel is encumbered by ongoing special taxes for the College Boulevard Assess and Community Facilities District No. 1 in the estimated amount of $1,200 annually. TI no longer be obligated for ongoing County of San Diego collected property taxes after i by the City of Carlsbad. There are sufficient funds available in the Golf Course Enterprise Fund to enable the pu parcel at this time. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. !%S-aLd approving escrow instructions and aut1 purchase of property required for the proposed Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Escrow instructions dated May 30, 1995. 2. r ‘r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 95-264 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Off THE CITY OF CARLSB, THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY FOR THE PROPOSED CARLSE MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE PROIECT. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has authorized proceeding with the development of the proposed Carlsbad Municipal ( project; and CALJFORNIA, APPROVING ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS AND AUTHORlZl WHEREAS, a one-half acre parcel is required to facilitate the developrr project: and WHEREAS, City has retained the services of an independent, licensed apl has completed an appraisal of said property; and WHEREAS, negotiations for the acquisition of said property with the prop1 have resulted in a recommended agreement of the terms, conditions, and schec sale of said property to City; and WHEREAS, escrow instructions and accompanying documents have been affect said acquisition; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, hert necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to approve said escrow instr acquire said property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That acquisition of said parcel described as Assessor Parcel No. 2 hereby approved, /I/ //I I// //I //I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. That escrow instructions dated May 30, 1995 are hereby approved ar Clerk is authorized to execute said escrow instructions on behalf of the City. The is directed to forward the signed copies of said escrow instructions to City’s Specia Asaro, and Keagy, attention: Richard Freeland, 31 70 Fourth Avenue, Fourth Floor, > California 92103, and a copy of said escrow instructions to the City Attorne Community Development Department. 4. That the Finance Director is authorized to make deposits with tl company in the amount of the purchase price and required fees and costs requir purchase by the City. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Cat Council held on the 12th day of SEPTEMBER , 1995, by the follow it: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall ATTEST: I ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) ) LAlllDl I 0 CONTINENTAL LAWYERS TITLE COMPANY - of Lawyers TJitle - c!cupnx+icn ESaam-ms g& m: ~~TITLEOOMPANY Ekcnxd No.: 952279 4542 Fuf* street, suite 200 Date: my30 San Mego, Ca 92111 (619) 278-4171 FAX (619) 279-7538 ATIN.: - Off--= Mitchell Paidl=Uts& . of Esanw .... $ cash thmugh Esenw ....... $ -of reoord ..... $ Budxane of recood ..... $ New b ........... $ New b ........... $ New b ........... $ New - ........... $ 'RnaL-cN $- @l a before m 2, 1996, We WiLl. hXd ycU "El full cash w vi02 Of plus ather fur& ad &cUnErlts that rmy be required, whidayouwill deli~~youobtain a (;rant Deed to the vestee(s) MpEdhET you can issue yarc Usual standard fona CLTA Owners policy of ti with a liability in the ammt of $ 25,000.00 cn pmperty - as fc aMPLETE LEx;AL -ON SET FCRJ2-I IN -IT "A", ATI- HERFIO AND MADE HEREOF. - immEss-(Lmverifi€d): sbowingtitle-in: Carlsbad, a92008 THE CITY OF CARISBAD, a rtnmicipd axpratim FAEEoF--: OURRENT - - and Sptx5.d Taxes far tk fi.s&L yeff 1995-1996, i persmal- taxes, if any, and specidl District Ievies, PaylIlent of WE& andasbcted- 'th, and +3~ h of saqplenental taxes, if any, assessed the gmxidas of chapter 498, Sta- of the State of California. Cowman- , reservations, -*, rights, rights of way of reaard, ti-, - or- -tiax3 of reaard. THIS IS AN ALL CASH TFws?mION AND THEm WIU BE M) OIPW LIRs AFFECrm SUE RCIPETY AT THE CLaSE OF EscEam. m HXDER IS DSEUTHl Ex)T TO AFFIX m TAX TO THE a"E DEED A OF m, As THE CITY OF CXUSEAD IS Ex€" FKI4 SAID TAX. BUYER AND m I"D THAT BUYER SHALL PAY ALL REAL FKlPERTY, 0 AND PssESs DISTRICX TAXES AND PAYMFNIS FTX THE 1995-96 FISCAL YEAR. HUGVE!, SELLER SHAI FIRST DSTALLMDlT OF EAL FEWERlT TAX?ZS IxlE Dm I@, 1995, CY CB EXES S CBDER TO AwlD B m AND PENALTIES AND FURNISH EVIDm OF PAYME pI;ENT. WIYER SHALTA FEDBXSE -, THRXX33 SCRX, FOR SAID PA-, WHICH ADDITION TD THE RJXXASE PRICE. ALL CTHEE TPXES AND FSSESSMENPS SHW BE PAII .. I/ ................................. !Initial lnitidl ! s\eN AND RETURN ................................. 0 0 -~~ooMpAm Escrow No.: 952279 EscRow xmmEmrs (-timed) Date: 05/30/! MFiKEADJlsIMENps AND PRoRATIm OF m Il2m-m As OFQlLM [I -,erpcept-~perscnal~~~~~- alZr€nt -1s -. - in lb evBlt lb esw33J closes after July bsEdupnti-e;rmpil,;l 'MY- year's taxes unless iix? parties to - furnishycuwith anaxa.Int mrtuanly agreed to, t.ihi.& SUIL shall be used a! basis far said pmaation. 11 Interestmdeedof~ofremrdbasedmstatanent~shedyrxlby- ficimy. roent is nure OT less Umn tk aumt sbm abxe, adjust diffm axn ---plblidlYpOsted.- plblishedyouare- -)F [I II~~~of~loanofreocndto~as~cn~:' [I l&rtals~mstatenenthandedyoubysellerand~bybuyer. [I ~~deposits,~feesandacfvancerentsas~onrentalst; to be charged to seller and dted to buyer. [ 3 Prxmiw a~ fire insnarre policies handed you, unless buyer at his cptix - and advises escrou holder mardingl Y- [ 1 Iheaxer's associaticnfees. [I RIAmrtgageInsrnancepreniM. [I ~~~m~iciaIy~tsnmt~tobe~~~aI seller. mmmAL lIsmmrIcNs: EXKW FGENT SHW HAVE M ~ILITY cdi mxsmIuTy m THE PARAQWH. BUYER, ITS OF TI^, EMPLDYEESANDPGENIS, sHALLHAvETH?3RIGmTOEmER~P ALZ~T~fuRINsTHE~OFTHIS~,FCRTHEKJRXEEOFPERFOR SW%VEXS, - -, FIEID IISPECTIoEG AND PLANNING. / ................................. !Initial Initial ! ____________---_____------------- Q e --=- ~srrow No.: 9522791 Esclw~~(arrtirnmd) Date: 05/30/' I~topaybuygs~cfiargesr AND W SELME'S C2@RGES AT THE CLEE OF n ALL OFZHETms, ommw AMI m1mAS SGP ma m ATrmm GENEa AREAppRovED, -, AND aoNIllRRED M BY- - - SI-- AppEa INYER(S): / ADDRESS: c/o Attarru3y By: THE CITY OF CARISBAD, a mnicipal carparatiopl !mLEEnE: -R€sidence/ 'Ihef~terns,caditionsand~ - arehereby-inrw ardmcepteid. 1willhandynUal;LtheinstMm ts and money necessary of E * - you - CCmplY - 'thwhichpl are alltlmrizd to use and/ar ddiver 1 ycuhdld in this escrow farm aammt h funds, ptmataadjushaents and inst mBlts deliverable toroeuTxkr these instructians . Iagree~~ycuE~e charges, eJpoept - hhuyer aF== to pay, my -* rg fees. chatges far assucaMe of title, lmef- sbtanmt(s) and/or denrands(s) togetfier with a axxmts necessary to plaoe title in ocnditirn called for. $0.00 sEzXzR(S) : Indicate (11 dead doammtary transfer tax and charge my axanxt tkrefor. ADDRESS: RmmT P. KELLY TELEpH3NE: -Residence/ lu3HARDc. KELLY 0 (;ENERAL PRmIas 1. All fmdsreceived inthisescrow shall bedeposited inawescrowm axmnts, including escrow s.aviqs accrxrnts of CnWmmmL - TxTrz a3 state a Natianl mnk - * todolsusiness in the state of California. ~~benladebycfieckof~~~ooMpANy. ThE to this escrow are herebymtified that the flm3.S aeposiwl herein are inslll 2. Ycuare~to~,~,r€mrdarddeliver~~inst carry art the terms aIx3 ccrditiclns of this escTc;NJ an3 to cx-&?z to be l.s5uxl escxma us2 policy of title n as call& for in tkse instnx=ticlls .a shdllnEan.tfiedatei.nHnmm tsarex-emxkd. 3. All adj-ts awl pmram shall be rack on the basis of a 3O-day mth. 4. Asmyagent, youareinstructed to assign any fire ad casualty insurance pc 'to you ard to SeQne any -ts required in tfie pf3-f- of these I YW lmy assmE tbt saiaplicy is in full faroe and eff& ard that all pn ken paia. 5, Ym are rat to be hsld mtable or Liable forr m suffw cn: d form, IMnner of areaImn * ,orvalidityOfanyl.WtmEntdepositedinthis€ to the identity, - 'ty or rights of any pascn afEatxg * theSam2. YaJx uXY32r shall be united to the pxpx handllrg of SucfilRXYzy and tfY3 prcp€x 8 swh~ts,ar~~tsreceivedbyycuas~Hdlder,andf siticnof sane in aozcadanoe with the WritbSn insbxtl '-acoeptedbyycui 6. Youshdllhaveno~ * 'tyofmti~mearanyofthe~tott anysale, resale, loan, exchargeorather~~lvinganyprapertL cribedarof anypmfitredlizedbyanypersan, firmorccnparaticninann€ with, regardless of the fact that such -(s) my be handled byp csowarin~escrau. s 7. No~,~ar~of~ 'onsshallbeof anyeffer=tinthis€ gim inwrltirgby all parties aff- thexeby. depositinthisescrarisrack,rotccrrxnredinbyallpartieshereto,the Nolder, regardless of win mxk demand tkE?fm, may elect to do wof ti-e f to be CaMelled alxl/cr demard for funds was &, absent mrtually ozlxlmirg prmldhg for FayllEnt of fuIx% ard .the dispeitial to bemade of this esx33J H0ldermayretlJrna.U furrlsard-ts toti-le parties aepositing sarre, liability tfierefar. (ii) withku ard step all furtkr pmc€dmg . in, andperfarrtlaKEof thise: a resolutLcnof anyanflict by andbetween the parties hereto. (iii) File a suit in in- and cbtain an arder from tlY? cou17t dLlcwirr Holder to aep0Si.t: fur& and dcrclrmerrts in court and havem - liabiu *ty (iv) Dqcsit the fur& with the curt in the event ei- party files an= the uther party tm W escrcw to determine x&id~ party is entitled to said 8. IftheacnditLazsof-thisesx33Jhaverotbeen~withatthetirnehen pare- tnanpktethesameas soonas themnditicns (accept4 have beencarplled with, unless I shall have- written demard upcn ycu fa of mrey ard * dqc&t€!d by me. 9. All parties hzreto w, jointly and severdlly, to pay on denlad, as well tJ andhdLdycu~fmnaIx3~~pinstallcosts,darages, juaseTlprrt,attnr -, cbligaticns and liabilitifL3 of any kind or Mane vhich, b good fc iTy3uTorsustiyn ' in- * wi~this~,c3fcept~acrtsduetothE orbreachoftheescrow- * bytheJ73sxcwm. 10. YWareautfmlzedtofLlmlsh - copies of tkse -, any saqplellE¶lts c tfrereto, notFozs of ~~ardclosing stawts totlY?real estateh len;ler(s) Mned in this escmw, l-?-sse - Xray be executed in aJUnteqa323, imeqe&im of ti-e date of its execut;l 'onanddelivT?xybedeemadariginal, ax ~~~sbdllconstitute~andthe~~t. 12. Tkse v . shall beunle effeztive as anescD3l cnlyupcn the delivas the Escrow Holdersignedbyall parties there.to. 13. Anyfur-dsabardoredar~ * -, after gmd faith efforts have b3 the Esr=rowHalder to return SaR3 to tbe party(ies) erltitl€d tl-ereto, shall €x holdiq fee of $50.00 amnJally. Mter three years th3 mumt, - ren claiuled lnay esd-eat to til3 state of califarnia. 14. All dmmnts, dLosing statmats, am3 bdlarrzs due tfie parties to this esn miled by ordimry mail to said parties at the adctresses skrwn wte thzb lmless- . m. limit -by* FederdL Wt I"surmxzccorparatiCn. In the event a demard fox (i) After -days fran the daw Esclrow - was first notified that an 11. each of Whidl93 executeL 15. In the event parties hereto utilize facsimile tmnsau 'm signed instructun, *E partiesherebyagree-a=cept--- theEbXUWHolder'torelY w/aocunents as if they bcxre original signa-. parties -l€ gre to -glfo&k to the -Holder tbe - *Cns/-ts bearirg dgi wres within 72 m of - . im of * facsimile. Parties - t Barly release of fur& fran escrow will rat - until Esr=row Holder has rec originally signed - . parties furthx rncderstard that facsimile si mnts will rot be zaxqted far IECordatim. - m TITLE - IS LIO TO El? As ANuNDEIwRITl" TITLE THE DEPAFtIMDR OF IWUFWCE, STATE OF D. 16. Initial mtial Initial Initial / -am with secticns 18805 ard 26131 of LWerue aryl l'axaU.cn code, a be requFred ka Wie-hdd an -t equal to 3-1/3 of +h= SdLES price in a < dispE&tialof cdlifarnia real praperty ineerest by ei-: 1. arwhenthe~tinstructians autknze * the-besentima in- of .tfie a, CR 2. Amuporatesellerwhi&hasno~tplaceof~ in Califor -, -- - anyotberprovisicn~udedinthecalif~sta 1. In L A seller- is an ~vidualwitha last -street address artside ref- above,mhyerwillberequix&towithtmldanymxmtarbes PendLty for failure to withlmld if: 1. TfiesalespriceoftheCdlifomiaredLFncpertyanvey&dce~mtexr=e .tfwsard ckmzrcs ($100,m.00), m 2. The ssllcx exeQftes a written dficate urxk the penalty of perjury tht the seller is a resident of California or if a cosparaticn, has a w of lxlsim% in California, ow 3. The seller, wb is an irdividudl, exa&s a written certificate, urde of perjuy, tbat tfe California redL property being CDCNeyed is t3-e seller resideMe (as Hired hsecticn 1034 of the lhtemal Etevenwcode). The seller is subjet to penale far kmwiqly filing a fraudulent certifia Tk California stam refe~1-033 above irclude Ipwisicns which auttmize Tax Board to grant nxkxzed witht-01- and waivers fran wi-ldirg cm a a basis. Section 18805 and 26131 are a@xzib . letocertam . sales of California real e pnpose of avoiding a Withkmlding requirement. Euyer is hby rotifid that the Iyrovisians of California Fmmw and Taxai I-esidentsellers. BLIyerlJr&&z&thatinm~twillescrcwho~ury advise hyer and/or kuyds rqm3sentative cn the possible . a@.i.caticnoftl code sFs3&ns to w specific - * . ZhiLeSs~y~by waiver fmnwithbldmg frantheFradnse . Tax Board (rn) in the mt tha' is- * requiredinthis- 'on, rar lxxhA&e to withbld and rer the FTB in the event m Waiv-3 is c$tained. SbUldlxIyer and seller herein Ml* to urdertake any activities ]Feusuant to the Wim-ddLCg * -iJ law, buyer agrees to cmperate fully in prcxmhg necessary inf0rmati.cn and ard escrowhdLder harmless in the event of l-lmmtpm resulting fm inf( .suppIi& by eith=r w and/or seller. Far additicmal inf0rmatim copyz1~1: withbldirg guxxisim urder the code secticns reff333xEd above, please ani FTB-WithbM at Sance Unit (916) 369-4000, P. 0. Ecor 651, Sxzamnto, Cali: 95812-0651. wlyer is hereby mtified that FIRPl'A (Foreign Imestmnts in Wal property 'I &venue code 1445) ad California fdi3venue ad Taxati.cn code Secticms 18805(a ~~herein,~~the~holderwillrrrtassistin& 2. areag@ic&h toa3rtaln * sales of Wt€d states and cdlifarnia redL estate residerre u. s. aliens. - hdlder is released fran any liability, &lig responsibilltywi~~tosaidcode~, indluding,btnotlimit€ (a) withbldiq of frads, (b) advising the parties as to the requiranents of -, (c) - * ether transferrer (seller) is a fareign prsm c ard (dl &ainia~ a xmfcmdan affidavit. 3. Ftm3s rani- to this eszuw are subject to availability nquhxmnts imp cdllfarnia Insurarrz cdle section 12413.1 (Ckpkr 598, SbW of 1989). izansfers are aa=orded SaIE day aVailabiliQ. - ' Is, certified cz tell€ ---y--daY- . 'ty. Depcsit of fuds oth2.l atmewill be subjet to a lcrger cleararyz &aI andmy delay Wcla 4. priartotheclaseofescrow,~shallcausetobe~escrowhjlderi anple- am3 executed "prellrmnary * charrgeofclwnesh 'p F&&mrY pursuant to mqJiEmnts of ard in a(xJsirdaTyz with sectlcn * 480.3 of ex3 RzVenu? and TaxE state of California. If w so dxcsfs, kayx w elect mt to anplete E said farm prica to tfie close of esucw. In such an event layer is m~are thz charge will be assess&& tf-e chn* Remrder's office and escLuw mwi theEKmimt0fthem- * ly. Elscrow hdlder's SaLe duty shall be tk of said form to the Came Fbmrder at the tine of rermdatla? of transfer d 5. BuyerisawareoftbpassageofSeMteBill8l3regardu-lg . =EPl==-Frrop billsasaresultofany~inamzrshipornewcmstm2icn. E?e@miq 1983, lncperty which charges cxrmxhl 'p or is newly amsmEt& will be revdL time of lzansfe oo[;uIs or l3E aXlsimx7ti.cn is Cmplew. The ret change in result in a supphsmtal assesmnt. Tk qqlewntal taxes will be assesse date of change of oxmxshl 'p or amsimx7ti.cn anpleti.cn to the erd of the tax ycu~anYw=tJ-a= . omY3mbq this .su@-tal tax, please om- the th2 camty Assessar in i3-E Camw in which tk Fdcperty is located. 6. seller aqrees to furnish escrow lml& with a ampleM IPS W-9 fm which w m holder suff- inf-- to file fcam 1099~ ern the rnten-n~ ~oe service for ths sale of the - whid is subject of this escrow. Said ard the fLUrg tkrwf is required m the FederdL Tax Worm kt of 1986, January 1, 1987. escrow. INITIAIS: INITIAIS: 0 0 ' To: ~LBIJyws~ooMpANy Escras No.: 95- 4542 m- S-eet, suite -ME?SO,- 9zI.u (619) 2784l7l Date: 08/10/95 CMgindl- - are hemby to be mdifww-ted WImIN 5 BUSINESS lyiys of city of carlsba signing origlml escT[kl --arrstitutestheN1~~ofsubject~. thefollowingpartiailars: -, daa Pky 30, 1995, the city will deposit $25,000.00 to escrow uparreoeiptofsaid~irrtothisescrau,~halderis~to imest same wit3i thicn Bank, far depsit into a my=y-mxtkt type amaarrt at theraisofirrterestofferedatthetimeofdleposit. Saidammtshdllbe the~of~tal~Title~, 1TFfarEaObestP.Kellyand Ridlard c. Kelly. All M shall reTnain in ths acccxmt until this esum is atherwise in a positionmclc6e. ~~~isin~timtobeclosed,allfiads rnu3ingaoCruedin~ shall beredeposited into thisescrow farcredit thebuyer, astothepdmipalof $25,OOO.oOandcreditt0~seller, asto theaocrued interest. In the event mis escrow does not close and the parties have reqWst& that tMs~c=anoel,the~shallbe~tedin~thisesr=rowand disknsrd- ' to the cancellation instructi on. hCSWlt t4l the -tS Of the f- hskibkh~, Fk Tax 1mtifiCatim NUIlbiz to be . wJyER(S): THECITYOFCARLSBAD A: SELLER(S): FmEFiTP. my RICHARDC. KEmY 7 y4 c'-%, *b -# - I i :4.B-D RE==!-,; :wpJ I 0 e mm No. : 198726-02 EXHIEnT A (LM;AL DIESCRICPTI~) -_. Tbe southeasterly 152.00 feet of the Sauthwstxrly 152.00 feet of that - * port: bt G of E?ardm ASua Hedirmda, County of San Diego, State of California, accordiq 1 Partition Map thereof No. 823, filed in tk Office of the county Recorder of San Dic County, Beginning at point 7 of said mt G which pint is also sbwn as Point 14 of I;Ot F orl Partition Map No. 823; theru=e frun said point of Beginning, South 51'15'45" East, al the Northeasterly line of said Lot G 1042.27 feet: then=e at right angles south 37'4 west 440.57 feet; tha-ce at right angles North 52'15'45" West, 1240.75 feet to a pi the ~orthwesterly line of said Lot G therx3e North 62"OO' East along a portion of thE Northwesterly line of said Lot G, 483.29 feet to the Point of Beginning of the PmF herein described. November 16, 1896, bounded and described as follaJs: * .- T January 20, 1994 Asaro and Keagy 3170 Fourth Avenue, 4th Floor San Diego, CA 92103 Attention: Richard Freeland RE: The Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of September 12, 199 adopted Resolution No. 95-264, approving escrow instructions a authorizing the acquisition of property for the proposed Carlsb Municipal Golf Course Project. Enclosed please find a copy of Resolution No. 95-264 and t original escrow instructions for your convenience. Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project &EJ&i&MC 4l Assis ant Ci Clerk KRK: ijp Enclosures ----- ------- -I ZOO Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 43428C