HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-09-26; City Council; 13326; Info. systems needs assessment & long-range planu N 0 a a, a I+ -4 w aJ N A u aJ a 8 a a, u a a, c) c) (d 4 -d 2 =t 0 u .. z 0 F 0 t3 z 3 0 0 a -I 37 Q $ DEPT. HD CI 4 OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA aILL AB# /?,3%0 TITLE: INFORMATION SYSTEMS NEEDS MTG. 09/26/95 ASSESSMENT AND LONG-RANGE PIAN CITY Am DEPT. FINANCEIIS CITY MGR RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file report. ITEM EXPLANATION: In March 1994, Council authorized staff to proceed with the replacement of the City's financial information system. Our current system is approximately 10 years old and was designed primarily as a batch-oriented "bookkeeping" system with certain limited on-line inquiry and reporting features. All support of this software by the original vendor stopped many years ago. Thus, no updates have occurred beyond what has been done by in-house programmers. Over the years, City staff has become more sophisticated in their use of computers and the financial information system has not kept pace with their needs. Due to its fundamental design, it is not cost-efficient to continue to patch or significantly redesign the current system. The purchase of a new system is long overdue. As the first step in pursuing this goal, a needs analysis and a long-range information systems plan was required, To assist in the preparation of these items as well as to assist in the writing of the request for proposals and the evaluation of the ultimate system, Council authorized a contract with McGladrey and Pullen (M&P), an information technology consulting firm, in September 1994. The first phase of the assignment was to determine the current needs for information systems processing within the City and then to prepare a long-range (five year) information systems plan which would address those needs. In order to accomplish this task, M&P analyzed our existing systems, surveyed all departments regarding their information systems needs, conducted over 20 group and individual interviews with City staff and compiled and presented the results in a document entitled "Information Systems Needs Assessment and Long-Range Plan (the Plan). This document has been distributed to Council and all department heads and is available for review by the public in the City Clerk's office. The first action recommended by the consultant was to replace the City's financial system as well as the permitting system. Under authorization from Council in previous agenda bills, staff has begun work on selecting a new financial system. A detailed listing of the City's information system requirements has been developed based on the results of the needs assessment. This list was distributed along with the request for proposals (RFP) for the software and hardware in March 1995. After initial evaluation of the responses by the consultant, a City team was brought together to evaluate each of the top finalists through attending demonstrations of the potential systems. It is anticipated that the team will have a final recommendation for a system in late September or October which would be brought to Council for approval shortly thereafter. At this point, our current contract with McGladrey and Pullen will be completed. Implementation of the new system is expected to commence about 90 days after Council approval and will proceed throughout 1996. In order to coordinate and manage the implementation, additional consulting assistance will be required. The consultant to provide Estimated Costs Year One Year Two Year Three Low High Low High Low High $ 933,500 $l,311,500 $ 271,000 $ 392,200 $299,850 $412,985 e * i Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. /3.3$& There is a total of $1,000,000 appropriated for this project in the 1995-96 Capital Improvement Program. The funding has come from the following sources: General Fund Balance $580,000 Water District 50,000 Sewer District 50,000 Data Processing Fund 320,000 Total $1,000,000 Upon completion of the software and hardware selection process, a better estimate of the costs will be available. At that time, staff will begin working on a long-range capital budget for information systems expenditures which will be submitted with the 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program. EXHIBITS: 1. City of Carlsbad, California Information Systems Needs Assessment and Long-Range Plan (on file in the City Clerk’s office) I I Ip I I I 1 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 1 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1 NEEDS ASSESSMENT I I 1 l I I I 1 LONG-RANGE PLAN I M@GLADREY&PULLEN, LLF Certified Pubk Accountants apd CoiisUltanTs 1 1 E 1 I S @!!!la MCGLADREYkPULLEN, LL P Certified Public Accountants and Consultants Ms. Lisa Hildabrand Finance Director 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Ms. Hildabrand: We have completed the review of the City of Carlsbad's information systems. This review was conducted in accordance with the arrangements set forth in our proposal dated September 7, 1994. The enclosed Information Systems Needs Assessment and Long-Range Plan report presents our findings and recommendations resulting from our analysis, investigation and review. We value this opportunity to serve the City of Carlsbad and express our sincere appreciation for the courtesies and cooperation extended to us throughout the conduct of this project. The successful implementation of our recommendations will require significant commitment and careful follow-through by all parties involved. B City of Carlsbad 1 1 1 s I 4t- +&e*@ B p93 L--/ I 1 I I E 1 B I E I I I I I I I 1 I u I; I I I E io CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA INFORMATION SYSTEMS NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND LONG-RANGE PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION A. Objectives of the Project 1 B. Scope and Approach 1 C. Summary of Recommended Action 2 11. DEPARTMENTAL NEEDS ANALYSIS A. Introduction 5 C. Information Needs Assessment Worksheet 52 B. Departmental Information Needs 5 111. RECOMMENDATIONS A. City-wide Financial Information System 59 B. Other Departmental Systems Needs 62 C. Staffing and Training 69 D. Long-Range Capital Budgeting for Information Systems Expenditures 70 E. Budget Estimates for Implementing Recommendations 71 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsba4 Long-Range Plan Californic; 1 1 I I I I d 1 I I s I E T U I I I I. INTRODUCTION A. Objectives of the Project In September of 1994, McGladrey & Pullen was engaged to perform an information systems needs assessment and long-range plan for the City of Carlsbad (City). This report contains our findings and recommendations related to this phase of the project. The primary objectives of this phase of the project were to: I 0 Identify the information processing requirements of the City, and Identify appropriate hardware and sohare alternatives to satisfy identify the extent that these requirements are presently being satisfied. current and future information needs. 0 Upon completion of this phase of the project, we will assist the City in the following areas: 0 Develop system specifications for Financial Information System Evaluate all proposals received to determine the most appropriate Assist in contract negotiation (in a non-legal capacity) for the new software and hardware and prepare a Request for Proposal (RFP) to be distributed to appropriate vendors. system for implementation. Financial Information System. 0 0 B. Scope and Approach The scope of the project included a review of the City’s present information systems. In connection with OUT assistance, we performed the following tasks: 0 Conducted an initial meeting with the City’s computer selection Thoroughly analyzed existing manual and automated systems, committee to finalize the process for conducting the study and identify departmental participants for interviews. procedures and reports within the City. We conducted approximately 20 interview sessions with City personnel to accomplish this step. In addition, pre-interview surveys were distributed and collected to gather detailed information regarding departmental automation needs. 0 1 U In formation System Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range PIan CaIifornia 0 Reviewed, in detail, the information gathered during the interview and I I I I I I survey process, and developed an information needs analysis documenting the information systems improvements required by the City to satisfy present and future needs. processing and reporting requirements, and developed cost estimates and comparisons for implementing the feasible solutions. implementation of improved information systems within the City. These findings and recommendations are contained within this report. 0 Identified the information systems required to support the City’s Prepared our recommendations and an action plan for the continued 0 C. Summary of Recommended Action Our detailed recommendations are contained in Section I11 of this report. A brief summary of these recommendations is as follows: 0 The replacement of the City’s existing financial system should be considered one of the most immediate requirements of the City. The current system has served the City for many years, but no longer provides the management and analysis tools required by the City. e I 0 The new financial system should provide on-line access to all City departments for budget inquiry, purchase requisition processing, payroll processing and general inquiry to pertinent City information. This will reduce redundant manual procedures which are currently in place due to the lack of on-line departmental access. I I 1 I B I t s 1 I The Request for Proposal process for the new system, which is scheduled for early 1995, should be completed by April or May of 1995. We estimate that system implementation will require approximately one year. By mid-1996, the new financial information system should be fully implemented. 0 Permitting software should be included as part of the financial RFP process. The current version of the City’s permit software is no longer supported by the software vendor and should be replaced by new software. Special consideration must be given to the conversion of existing data due to the volume and add-ons of the current system. w Other non-financial systems which currently operate on the City’s Hewlett-Packard HP3000 computer will need to be replaced or converted to the new hardware environment. 2 I Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 0 As on-line access to the City’s financial system and other systems I 1 0 I I 8 8 1 I 4 8 1 8 II 1 J 1 8 increases, networking and communications upgrades will be required. The City will be budgeting for some upgrades in the communications environment in the 1996 budget, which appear to provide some needed improvements to the communications network. However, we anticipate further upgrades will be required following the implementation of the new system. Based on our analysis, it appears that the City’s overall network design is sound and that the communications bottleneck appears to be the speed of the data communications lines. As bottlenecks occur, the City should consider replacing existing 56kbps communications lines with higher speed T- 1 lines. We recommend that the City conduct a detailed network analysis to determine the most appropriate hardware and communications configuration to support the long-term voice and data requirements of the City. 0 A plan should be initiated to distribute access to Geographic Information System (GIS) data to other City departments. We recommend that a pilot project be initiated in 1995, utilizing the PC- based ArcView software, to determine the benefits of providing access to the ArcInfo GIs. 0 Older PCs will need to be replaced as the City implements new microcomputer software and operating environments such as Windows. We recommend that a yearly budget line item be initiated for continued upgrade and replacement of PC equipment. Due to continual changes in technology, PC replacement will be an on-going expense which the City should anticipate on a yearly basis. 0 Training both Information Systems staff and departmental users should be a high priority for both the new financial system and microcomputer applications. The City should make sure that adequate training dollars are budgeted for new systems to ensure that the maximum benefit is received for the dollars invested in new technology. 0 Implementation of the new financial system with quality software vendor support, should allow the City to keep current Information Systems staffing levels constant. However, during the system implementation process, part-time staff may be required to assist in microcomputer support and other technical areas. Upon implementation of the new system, existing staff may be retrained, as some of their responsibilities should shift in emphasis (e.g., from programming to training and user support). 3 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California I E I 8 1 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 8 E I I The City should implement a process which supports long-range capital budgeting for automation expenditures. We recommend that a City-wide five year capital plan be prepared and presented to the City council on an annual basis for review. This will allow the City to plan for future automation needs and ensure that funding is available to support these future acquisitions. 4 1 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Cartsbad, Long-Range Plan California 11. DEPARTMENTAL NEEDS ANALYSIS 1 1 I I 1 E I i I I I I 1 I 1 I I A. Introduction This section of the report contains our findings related to the City’s information technology needs. These findings, categorized by departmental function, are the basis for the development of hardware and software alternatives outlined in Section 111. 1 B. Departmental Information Needs The narrative section of this analysis discusses the current data processing situation in each department and contains our observations related to information systems requirements. The departmental needs analysis worksheet, which is located at the end of this section, outlines the departmental needs and classifies them as high, medium or low. High priority needs should be implemented within the first two years of the planning horizon; medium priority needs should be addressed in years three and four; with low priority needs following the high and medium requirements. In addition to this narrative section, we have prepared detailed lists of system features, functions and capabilities for each of the Financial RFP-related departments and/or functions. These detailed lists will be included in the RFP document. The following overviews, presented in alphabetic order by grouping, are contained in this section: Financial RFP-related deDartments/functions 0 Business Licenses 0 City Manager 0 Finance 0 Human Resources 0 Permits 0 Purchasing b Treasury b Utilities 0 Fixed Assets 5 I Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California Other City deDartmentdfunctions I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 0 Attorney/Risk Management 0 City Clerk 0 Community Development 0 Community Services 0 Fleet Management 0 Geographic Information Systems 0 Information Systems 0 Library and Cultural Arts 0 Public Safety 0 RecreatiodSenior Center 0 Water & Sewer Due to the structure of the project and the interview process, certain departments and functions were reviewed in greater detail. We have created separate sections for these to expand further on our findings, even though they are technically part of one of the other departments listed. Therefore, there may be some minor overlapping of information. 6 I Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 1. Business Licenses 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 a I I 1 Background: The Business License department uses PCs to access a custom developed business license system on the HP3000 for the processing and reporting of City business licenses. This system was given to the City in 1989 by the City of Roseville, California who developed the system using the PowerHouse programming tool. The City has subsequently made numerous modifications to the system to meet their specific needs. The PCs are also linked to the City’s LANNAN for access to the microcomputer applications such as WordPerfect, Lotus 1-2-3 and Harvard Graphics. The department also uses an internally developed database that resides on the HP3000 called PowerPlan. This database tracks historical information on taxes for each of the City’s hotels. Findings: New business licenses are initially processed with the completion of a five part form. Information from this form is entered into the business license system for the tracking of the license. The multi-part form is distributed to the appropriate City departments for approvals. Tracking of these approvals is presently a cumbersome task and is dependent upon significant paperwork. The City would benefit from a more “paperless” process where approvals could be made on-line in the system. The time for approvals could be reduced; the amount of paperwork would decrease; and the City would be able to offer better customer service to those applying for licenses. All cash receipts that are accepted for the licenses are recorded against the applicant’s record. The overall handling of these cash receipts and the generation of receipt documents is cumbersome. There is no central cash receipting system with an interface to the general ledger system for automatic posting. Instead, a listing is created from the license system which is then forwarded to Finance for posting to the general ledger. The new business license system should be tied into a central cash receipting system that has cash registers and/or money drawers where the cash can be physically stored and for the direct input into the system. This system should also have a direct interface with the general ledger for automatic posting of these cash receipts. 7 In formation Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 1 I I I I I 1 Additionally, the license system may be interfaced to or be part of a permit system to allow for processing of licenses and permits from the same workstation, using a shared database. The license system must be accessible from multiple locations to eliminate the situation where a citizen or contractor has to go to multiple City locations to complete their business transactions. The current license system handles the periodic renewals of licenses. However, there is still a significant amount of manual processing that is required to track the open renewals, send delinquency notices and create agings. The new system should incorporate complete renewal generation and tracking features that would reduce this manual processing. The current system lacks flexible reporting capabilities the department needs for better management. A more powerful and flexible report writer would allow for more statistical analysis of information, historical information reporting on particular businesses, application history, types and locations of businesses, etc. Presently, these are generated manually or are not available at all. a 1 1 I I 1 I I t 1 I 8 8 1 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 2. City Manager I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 Background: The City Manager's Office presently is equipped with various PCs. These PCs are linked to the City's LA" as well as to the HP3000. Their main use is to access PC-based applications such as Wordperfect, Lotus 1-2-3 and Harvard Graphics. One computer has a modem connection to a Legislative Information Service, which is used to access and download information on past, current and future state and federal legislative issues. There is limited use of the HP3000 due to the lack of pertinent applications. t Findings: The main automation need of the department is a request for action tracking and reporting system. Presently, there is a manual multi-part form that is filled out to record citizen requests for action. It is difficult to track the request once it is recorded and to follow up on that request to determine whether it has been resolved. In addition, the department needs to periodically report to the City Council on request for action activities. This reporting is manually processed and often verbally communicated to the City Council. A comprehensive Request for Action system could be a module of the integrated Financial Information System or could possibly be a standalone system. In either case, it must be able to be accessed by all departments within the City for inquiry and/or resolution. The system would record the initial request on-line and would automatically be sent to the appropriate department or person for resolution. These requests can then be easily tracked to determine their status. All management and City Council reports could be . automatically generated to give statistics on the type of requests received or number of requests by department. The department would also benefit from easier and more timely access to business license and permit activities. This can be addressed by providing on-line access and reporting to these areas of the new Financial Information System. The appropriate security would be established to allow for read-only access to the data. There may be a need to customize certain reports for their specific needs. 1 9 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 1 I I I I I 1 II 8 I I I 1 1 1 8 I 1 8 The City Manager also expressed a desire for providing remote access for personnel to access the system from their homes and other locations. As telecommuting becomes a more feasible work alternative, the City may wish to be able to utilize the new system to provide this type of access. 10 In formation Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan Califarnia 8 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I II I I 1 1 I I 3. Finance 1 Background: The Finance department uses various PCs for all data entry and reporting needs. All financial accounting applications use the TAMAS & Associates (TAMAS) Financial software system running on the HP3000 minicomputer. Specific applications include general ledgedfund accounting, accounts payable, accounts receivable, budgeting/appropriation and payroll. The department supplements the TAMAS system with the City’s LANNAN where there is access to microcomputer applications, such as Lotus 1-2-3, Wordperfect and Harvard Graphics. Findings: I General LedgerEund Accounting, The Finance department is the only department with transaction processing access to the automated financial system. Other departments can access standard reports and inquiries provided through the system. Therefore, all requests for specialized or custom financial information are channeled through the Finance Director or her employees. The department is sometimes able to meet these requests. However, because the Powerhouse report writer is cumbersome for the typical user to master, the Information Systems department is often relied upon to satisfy these requests. A more flexible and user friendly report writer would provide users the capability to create their own reports and offer a significant increase in flexibility as well. In addition, this would decrease the number of information requests processed by the Finance department as well as by Information Systems. The Finance department would benefit from a more flexible account number structure. With the TAMAS system, there are limitations on segmenting sub-funds within funds and breaking down divisions, sub- divisions, departments and groups. These limitations impair the flexibility of financial reporting, specifically as they relate to the CAFR. The new Financial Information System should allow for a more flexible breakdown of the funds, sub-funds, type, account numbers, departments, divisions and objects, thus allowing for better financial reporting. 11 u Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California The Finance department use PCs and the various application software systems extensively. System training is imperative to all personnel within the department to ensure efficient and effective processing on these systems. This training should be an on-going process as the systems change as well as the expertise of the users. BudnetindAppropriation The TAMAS system offers some basic capabilities for the preparation of the annual budgets. A number of spreadsheets are also used during the budgeting process, which is very typical for many organizations. However, there could be processing performed on the financial system prior to the use of the spreadsheets that would greatly facilitate the process. This would include generating budget workpapers, providing more easily accessible detailed and historical department expenditure reports and automatic generation of budget amounts based on percentage increases. The finance system should provide for very easy downloading and uploading of data to these PC-based spreadsheets. The Finance department along with all other departments involved in the budgeting process would benefit from a completely automatedon- line approach to budgeting. This would allow all departments to directly access the budget information on-line. These departments would also be able to input directly into the system their budget amounts. This would eliminate duplicate information processing or input and facilitate the Finance departments review process. The City would additionally benefit from a system that allows for budgeting to 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 II the project level. Payroll Payroll processing is performed using the TAMAS payroll module. The system meets many of the City’s basic payroll needs, but lacks many features that would make it more efficient and effective. 12 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 1 I I I I I I I i I 1 I I 1 I I I I Each employee has their own manual time card. After approval, information from these time cards is manually transposed into department personnel records, which track hours, vacation, sick time, etc. The time cards are then forwarded to the Finance department for the payroll processing. This results in redundant processing of information and a reliance on hard copy information that could potentially be lost or destroyed. The existing payroll system maintains only current payroll data and certain year-to-date information. Few reports are available for management of the City’s human resources. With an automated, integrated payroll and employee information tracking system, much of the manual recordkeeping would be eliminated. Due to the significant number of employees, full time and part time in a number of City departments, there may be numerous advantages to having the input of the time card information done by the individual departments. This could possibly save significantly on the time required to process payroll. Most payroll systems will allow for this; however, the appropriate procedures and reviews must be put into I place. The City has many different pay types due to the different bargaining groups. The payroll system must be very flexible in order to meet these different needs. The system lacks the ability to interface to a project costing system for the recording of labor costs against various internal and external City projects or programs. Because of this shortcoming, project costing information is not tracked for many of the City’s projects and programs, or is performed manually or on other internally developed systems by the individual departments (e.g., permits). This results in a lack of capturing important cost information as well as leading to redundant information processing. The new payroll system should have a complete interface to a project costing system for this data collection. 13 1 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California Fixed Assets The City presently uses two separate systems to record and track fixed assets. One is the PC-based PC-FAS system, which tracks all the City’s depreciable assets. The other is an older fixed asset system that resides on the HP3000 which tracks the non-depreciable assets. These two systems are not interfaced with each other or with the general ledger system. For required postings to the general ledger, reports are generated from both systems which are then summarized on spreadsheets for the creation of the appropriate journal entries. The City should operate and maintain only one fixed assets system that will track both depreciable and non-depreciable assets as well as real property owned by the City. In addition, the fixed assets module should have a direct interface to the general ledger system for direct postings. The Finance department would also benefit from a more flexible report writer and query tool to access and report on the fixed asset data. This would greatly facilitate the tracking of assets by find, I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I department, location, etc. Accounts Payable The accounts payable function utilizes the TAMAS system on the HP3000 for the processing and reporting of all accounts payable transactions. Since purchase receiving is not performed on the system, there is a lack of an automated approach to matching an invoice with the purchase order and purchase receipt information. This adds significantly to the accounts payable voucher input process. A fully integrated system would allow for a much more efficient process of matching and creating the voucher fiom purchase order information already in the system. The process of requesting manual checks is presently confusing for most personnel. There are a significant number of forms that are required for the various requests, with little knowledge of when to use which form. Often, payments are made from photo copies of invoices or statements. As a rule, payments should only be made from original invoices, with photo copies or statements being the exceptions. These areas require procedural improvements which should be addressed in conjunction with the implementation of new Financial Information System. 14 ' Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California Project Costing Presently, there is no central project costing system that can be used to track internal and external City projects or programs. Some areas within the City, such as Community Development, have developed their own systems to track costs (e.g., for permits or Engineering labor charged to capital projects). This has led to the duplication of data entry in order to achieve the necessary project costing. Many of the departments would benefit greatly from accurate and timely cost information to better manage ongoing projects or programs or prepare for future projects or programs. The project costing system should be interfaced with purchasing, payroll, work orders and accounts payable. This will allow cost information to be created by the area that is already processing the information, eliminating duplicate data entry or inaccuracies. The capital projects and various City programs, such as DARE or special events, can be set up as distinct projects. A project costing system would also serve to better track cross departmental charges for adjustments of budgets, reimbursements, etc. Database Reauirements The department has many needs for smaller databases to automate existing manual functions. These databases may consist of departmental mailing lists, documents, escrow information, assessment district data, etc. A much higher level of productivity would be acheived with an easy to use, PC-based database program to process these various departmental database applications. I 1 E T I I 1 I I R E 1 E 1 I t I I 15 8 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 4. Human Resources Background: The Human Resources department utilizes Macintosh computers. These systems are linked together through the City Hall LAN, and are also linked to the City-wide WAN. In addition, there is terminal emulation access to the TAMAS payroll system residing on the HP3000 minicomputer. The department extensively uses the microcomputer software applications Wordperfect, Lotus 1-2-3 and Pagemaker for much of their data processing and reporting. The department also uses the microcomputer software AbraTrack for applicant tracking. Findings: The Human Resources department does not have a comprehensive Human Resources Information System (HRIS) for tracking and reporting of personnel-related information. The TAMAS system payroll module does not offer the capability to track historical salary and job information. Most of this information is tracked manually and is augmented by periodic data downloads to PC applications from the HP3000. A complete HRIS would automatically create and track all history when changes are made to the employee master file. This can then be retrieved at any point in time for review. Department personnel have very limited access to the TAMAS payroll system. The Human Resources department often originates a requirement which will require changes to an employee’s master file record. Presently, they complete a form and forward it to the Finance department, where payroll personnel make the system changes. This leads to redundant information processing and creates inefficiencies in the maintenance of the employee information. The department would benefit from a HRIS that is integrated with a payroll system and would allow appropriate employee master file changes which could be made by the Human Resources department instead of by the Finance department, resulting in better internal controls. Another aspect of the HRIS that would not only benefit the Human Resources department but also a number of other City departments is the recording and tracking of employee education and certifications. Not only would the system allow for recording of all appropriate education and certifications for each employee, but would also serve as a tickler database of renewals or re-certifications. 1 8 1 I 1 I I 1 E I 1 1 1 1 R T 1 c 16 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California P I J 1 Q I tlE 1 s 1 l 1 I 3 1 3 I 6 Due to the lack of an HRIS, the department cannot easily generate important management and mandated state and federal government reports. These include various management reports for City and department management as well as periodic state and federal reporting for OSHA, EEO Affirmative Action, etc. A comprehensive HRIS would include most of these as standard reports. Currently, there is no system to link positions (funded and unfunded) within a budget program to the actual personnel data. Some departments must track this information manually. A Position Control system should address these requirements as well as others related to the tracking and reporting of position inventory throughout the City. The City may wish to re-evaluate the use of Macintosh computers within the Human Resources department and consider replacing this equipment with IBM compatible PCs. This would provide the Human Resources department with better connectivity to other City departments and would provide further application and training standardization within the City. a 17 1 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan Calqornia 5. Permits 1 1 I 0 J 1 ! 1 I I 1 I I I 0 Background: Permitting presently utilizes the Sierra software application running on the HP3000. This application is accessed through 56kb lines from various IBM compatible PCs within the department. The software application is comprehensive, covering general property information and permit application, tracking and issuance services for Planning, Engineering, Fire and Inspections. This system was brought on-line in 1988. In parallel with this system, an internally developed Rbase application is used for tracking and project costing for the permits. I Findings: Due to technological and vendor support factors, the HP3000 Sierra system needs to be replaced. The vendor is discontinuing support of the application on the HP3000 platform and has released UNIX and DOS-based versions of the software. Some initial evaluation has been performed on the newer versions of the software and it is felt that they are much more complete and user friendly. However, the City has not made a firm commitment to taking this route as it may be advantageous to examine permitting modules that are part of the new integrated Financial Information System. Due to the lack of an integrated job cost system to properly track and collect costs, an Rbase system was developed to address these areas. Significant duplication of data entry is made to setup the permit information in this Rbase system and the Sierra system. In addition, there is a significant amount of data entry that is required to input labor information, which is a duplication of what is being performed in payroll processing. With the appropriate project costing module attached to permitting and payroll, this redundant processing could be eliminated. The goal of enhancing this area is to integrate into one system the information being processed by both the Sierra system and the Rbase system. This will eliminate the duplicate data entry and maintenance and should also allow for a more flexible inquiry and reporting i I environment for the users. 18 Information System Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 ! 8 I I i There is a significant amount of cash receipts activity that takes place as part of the permitting process. Since there is no central cash receipting system and no interface to the general ledger system, these cash receipts require additional manual processing and must be manually posted. The permitting should be completely integrated with a central cash receipting system, using cash registers or money drawers, which is also integrated to the general ledger. This will lead to much more effective and efficient cash processing for the permit area. The permit system should have the capability to identify properties which are located within the City’s Communities Facility District (CFD). The system should be able to identify any appropriate taxes and fees which may be assessed as a result of developing specific properties in the CFD, so that this can be communicated to the developer. 19 Information System Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 1 6. Purchasing I I 8 It 1 P IC I 1 B 1 I 1 I i i Background: The Purchasing department presently uses various PCs to access the HP3000 minicomputer running the TAMAS financial software system. This software includes a purchasing module that supports some of the basics of the purchasing hctions. In addition, the PCs are tied into the City’s LAN/WAN for access to various microcomputer software, such as Lotus 1-2-3, Wordperfect and E-mail. Recently, the department has begun to implement a microcomputer software program called Advanced Procurement Systems. This system will be used to help track additional vendor information and generate mailing lists and labels. It is not interfaced with any other system. Findings: The purchasing module of the TAMAS system does not fully satisfy the City’s purchasing needs and therefore requires numerous manual tasks to be performed. Additionally, tracking and reporting is difficult and adds inefficiencies to the various purchasing, receiving and accounts payable processes. All purchase requisitions are prepared manually by various City department personnel responsible for procurement. Upon receiving all necessary approvals, the Purchasing Department then generates a purchase order using the TAMAS system. Often there is a long period (one week) between creation of a requisition, its approval and the creation of the purchase order. The system does not allow for creation of requisitions on-line, which can then be tracked, approved on-line and turned directly into the purchase order. A more comprehensive purchasing system would allow for a much more efficient and effective means to generating, tracking and reporting on 1 t requisitions and purchase orders. 20 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California a 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 E I 1 1 I Though the purchasing functions are centralized at the present time, receiving is decentralized. Upon receipt of materials or services, nothing is entered into the system to record the receiving against the purchase order. Therefore, at any point in time it is difficult to obtain accurate and timely information regarding open purchase orders. Once the physical receiving is done at the various departments, all paperwork is sent to Finance for payment. Purchasing never recieves information to update the purchase order status. This creates additional work since each department must manually update the purchase order status periodically. The new system should easily allow each of the various departments to perform purchase receipt processing. However, appropriate procedures and controls will also be necessary if this process is adopted. Due to the limited functionality of the present purchasing system, the department lacks the ability to track open order commitments easily and in a timely fashion. At any point in time, it is important for the department to accurately know of all vendor obligations and be able to easily inquire and report on these. Most comprehensive purchasing systems will have complete vendor and purchase order tracking. The department would benefit greatly from having an automated and integrated system for processing vendor bid requests. This would encompass all facets of generating the bid, the bid list, accepting the bid responses and then reporting for more efficient decision-making. Presently, much of this process is performed manually or with internally developed spreadsheets. Basic tracking and reporting of purchase order transactions is difficult. Spreadsheets are created to make up for the lack of tracking and reporting by the current system. With a new integrated system, purchase orders can be coded for better tracking and reporting. In addition, built in management reports will give better on-line information, and a report writer will allow them to customize the data output to their specific needs. e 1 21 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carhbad, Long-Range Plan California I 1 1 I i I I I I I I 1 1 8 1 I I 7. Treasury Background: The Treasury department presently utilizes two IBM compatible PCs that are linked to the City's LANNAN. The PCs have connections to the HP3000; however, they are mainly used for accessing the PC applications Lotus 1-2-3, Wordperfect, Harvard Graphics and an internally developed database used for the tracking of investments. There is limited use of the HP3000 due to the lack of pertinent I applications. Fin dings : The Treasury department has two main tasks that require computer automation. These consist of cash management and portfolio management. The cash management process mainly consists of manually preparing cash flow projections for a rolling four week period using an internally developed spreadsheet. The spreadsheet works relatively well for their purposes at this point in time. The area within the department that would benefit the most from automation is portfolio management. Presently, this task is being performed manually and through the use of various internally developed spreadsheets. In addition, all posting to the general ledger is performed manually. The department would greatly benefit from a system that offers investment tracking and analysis, including "what if' capabilities, and flexible reporting of all aspects of the City's portfolio. This system could be a module of the new Financial Information System or could also be a standalone system. If it is a standalone system, an interface should be investigated to post the appropriate transactions to the general ledger. The cash management functions that are presently being performed using the spreadsheets, could be further enhanced with a more automated system of retrieving cash receipt and outlay information. Presently, the department receives most of this information from phone calls and by reviewing manual reports generated by other departments. In addition, the department would benefit from the system tracking and reporting all accruals that affect the cash management functions. 1 22 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California I 8. Utilities 8 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I t I I I 1 Background: The Water District presently uses various PCs as workstations for both the HP3000 minicomputer and on the City’s LANNAN. There are only a few non-intelligent terminals still in use, which will be phased out in the near term. For utility billing, the department uses a software program developed by Datastream, which resides on the HP3000. The City’s Information Systems Department has made numerous program modifications to this system over the years. No support or maintenance is received from Datastream. The Water District uses ITRON hand-held meter reading devices. Meter reading personnel input usage data into their hand-held devices in the field. This data is then uploaded into the utility billing system on the HP3000. For remittance processing, the department uses the PC-based Standard Register S/40 system to process the checks and batch them for the bank. An upload program, developed internally, is then used for posting of this data into the utility billing system. An internally developed application, also residing on the HP3000, provides some basic support for department work orders, job costing and inventory tracking. The department supplements the use of the HP3000 with the microcomputer applications Wordperfect, Lotus 1-2- 3, Harvard Graphics and Lotus Approach as their database. The department is presently being used as a beta site for the City’s conversion to a complete Windows environment. Additional background and findings related to Utility Billing are discussed in the Water and Sewer section of this report. 1 23 In formation Systems Needs Assessment and City of Cartsbad, Long-Range Plan California m Findings: Utility Billing The Water District manually processes new service orders. Once the appropriate paper work is completed, information is keyed into the Datastream system to setup the new customer information. Any cash receipts that are taken at this point are manually processed as well. No efficient cash receipt system is in place that automatically links the cash to the customer file or to the general ledger for posting. Use of a central cash receipting system that is interfaced with the utility billing system would allow for automated cash receipts processing, will automatically update the customer file and create the appropriate postings to the integrated general ledger. Additionally, customer or contractor deposits need to be recorded in the system for tracking. The billing system lacks a number of features to enhance customer service. This includes logging of calls and complaints to customer accounts for tracking and reporting. In addition, it is often difficult to establish whether a customer that has been at multiple residences within the City. The District would benefit greatly if more complete customer tracking and reporting was an integral part of the billing I I 1 8 8 I I 1 I I I I I 8 I 1 I system. Upon the need for service, there is no efficient means for automatically creating a work order for the Maintenance department. Presently, this information is manually passed on to that department where it is entered into their own work ordedinventory system. The new billing system should be interfaced with a work order system to make this more efficient and to allow for easier tracking. The Datastream system interfaces with the meter reading devices (ITRON) and the remittance processing system (S/40) are working relatively well. These interfaces will need to be re-established to the new billing system once it is chosen. Additional findings of these systems are discussed in the Water and Sewer section of this report. The City’s Information Systems Department has made a significant number of enhancements and modifications to the Datastream system. Much of the code has been rewritten by the department to facilitate on-going system maintenance. The Water District and the Information Systems Department would greatly benefit from having a new system which is not heavily modified and is vendor-supported. 1 24 Information System Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 1 Work Ordersfinventory Work orders are created on the internally developed work order system on the HP3000. This system creates the work orders and offers some basic tracking of the work orders and their associated costs. In order to track labor, the department must maintain their own employee database with names, rates, etc. This is a duplication of work that an integrated payrolVproject costing/work order system could perform. Inventory items are presently issued to a work order to keep the work order costing intact as well as updating the perpetual inventory. This seems to be working well. However, no interface with the general ledger exists for transaction posting. A new system for the creation and tracking of work orders should be fully interfaced with the billing, payroll, project costing and inventory systems. 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 25 In formation System Nee& Assessment and City of Carlibad, Long-Range Plan California 1 9. Attorneymsk Management I E I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 1 8 1 Background: The Risk Management department has a PC which has access to the City’s LANNAN. The department uses several PC-based software packages, including Wordperfect, Lotus 1-2-3, Harvard Graphics, PC File and Calendar Creator. The PC File software is utilized for the City’s claim tracking and is not interfaced to any other City applications. Findings: I Risk Manayement The department has used the PC File sohare for approximately six years. System training has been very limited resulting in an under- utilization of the software. The database features would be of great use to the department for creating reports, but the staff has limited knowledge of the use and features of the sohare. Therefore, many of the necessary department reports are created through the use of Lotus and Wordperfect. Safety hazard referrals are recorded and tracked using Wordperfect. An integrated claims and incident tracking system would eliminate repetitious entering data to several databases. Risk Management handles all worker’s compensation claims. This requires the department to work closely with Human Resources. It is currently difficult for Risk Management to obtain necessary information and data from the system for claim processing. A new system should provide more user friendly, flexible access to this information. Once a year, Risk Management is responsible to calculate worker’s compensation charges for each City department. This information is manually entered and calculated using Lotus spreadsheets. On-line access to the necessary finance applications would expedite this process, especially for viewing budget information and for posting the charges to the proper ledger accounts. 26 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range PIan California I I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I i 1 I 8 1 Pay types and rates for workers compensation are processed manually by the department. The ability for the payroll system to accept various pay types and parameters necessitated by workers compensation claims would assist in the generation of claim checks and their tracking. Risk Management manually maintains files of property damage for the City. This information is then passed on to the Finance department for the issuance of bills for the payment of these damages. The ability to access the status of these bills in the accounts receivable system would provide accuracy and efficiency in verifying receipt of payment Safety program (OSHA) compliance is tracked by Risk Management. All City employees are required to attend safety training as well as other related employee training. This training attendance should be tracked as part of a comprehensive human resources system with appropriate on-line access andor reporting by Risk Management sMf. The Risk Management department uses computer automation extensively. Their needs may possibly be met with a system module for Risk Management that is a part of the Financial Information System. However, if this cannot be found, the department’s needs may possibly be met by using a stand-alone system. Attorney’s Office Within the next five to ten years, the County Court system will implement a network that will allow for outside party’s to acquire court information for the County. Once available, access to this network will be essential for the attorney to attain appropriate data for handling cases. Many court forms are used on a daily basis by the Attorney’s Office. An automated forms generation and processing system would greatly facilitate the filing and maintenance of these various forms. Reference materials, such as code books, are maintained by the Attorneys’s Office. Much of this information may be available on optical disk. If not, this information can be scanned and placed on optical disk. This will allow for easy access and storage. Research time would be greatly reduced with the extensive search features of an optical disk system. Optical disk could also be used to archive all I I 1 1 legal documents and letters. 27 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 1 10. City Clerk 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 i I 1 I Background: The City Clerk’s department uses PCs linked to the City’s LAN/WAN, which also provides access to the HP3000. Their use of the system is fairly evenly divided between the use of the PC applications of Wordperfect, Rbase, Lotus 1-2-3 and Harvard Graphics, access to the HP3000 for the Indexing application, and various other applications written in Cognos for tracking election information, deeds and several other types of City agreements. The HP3000 is also accessed to inquire into the finance system. 1 Findings: The department’s automation needs are varied, but all of their expressed needs support the goal of providing greater information access to departments and the public. The Knowles-McNiff indexing application currently residing on the HP3000 is used to log all actions of the City Council. It currently contains information from mid-1984 to the present. It requires staff to enter the City Council action and enter Yopics” relating to that action for faster searching. While the system assists the Clerk’s staff in searching and locating data, it would be desirable to make the information available to other staff as well as the public. However, the current application is not conducive to that use. The Clerk’s department also has voluminous amounts of paper files stored in a variety of ways. The desire is to make these documents available to the public and other departments via automation, such as I CD-ROM or optical disks. Another desire is to provide the Municipal Code via automation SO all departments can access and search through the Code in an on-line manner. The Code is currently a 3-inch thick book which is used by virtually every department. It is updated with quarterly supplements, but the lag time for getting new ordinances codified varies between three and five months. Because of this time delay, the Code is seldom current. The departments need to have access to a current version of 1 the Code. 28 In formation Systems Needs Assessment and City of Cartsbad, Long-Range Plan Catgornia I I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I II 1 The City Council minutes are not currently automated. The desire would be to automate the minutes to allow other departments and citizens with access. This application should be easy to use and allow searches by a variety of methods. The Clerk would also like this application to have the ability to track Council votes on items. This would allow the staff to respond to questions received about how individual council members have voted on items, such as future development. 29 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California I 1 R I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I i 11. Community Development 1 Background: Community Development consists of the City planning, engineering and building groups. They currently utilize a variety of PCs with access to City’s LANNAN and various office automation tools. The most significant application systems used by this department are the Sierra permit system and a custom developed Rbase system which is used for project tracking and cost accounting. These systems have been discussed in detail in the Permits section of this report. All other findings are discussed below. I Findings: Community Development would like to implement a system which pre-calculates fee estimates for developers based on the parcel zoning, etc. This system would allow the user to enter specific parameters about the property or area of the City, and the system would suggest what the potential development fees for that parcel would be. This system could be eventually integrated with the City’s GIS system. There are a number of areas of the department which could be improved by increased automation or better access to existing information. These include: 8 Tracking of affordable housing and rent restricted property. Access to information regarding reasons for denial of a Access to a City agenda and minutes tracking system. Tracking of City-owned property and promissory notes owned Tracking of reimbursement and future improvement 8 business license to provide information to the applicant when requested. 8 8 by the City. agreements. 8 Much of this could be satisfied by on-line access to other department applications (i.e., business licenses) or with the use of an integrated database management system. 30 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California I I 1 E R 1 6 I I 1 1 i 1 I I I I I The Community Development department would also like to improve their office automation by moving to an integrated suite of office applications (e.g., Microsoft and Lotus suites). They would like improved presentation graphics capabilities, with the ability to scan documents to incorporate into presentations. They would also like the ability to generate PC faxes via a fax modem. This department would also benefit from increased implementation of the GIS system. PC inquiry to GIs maps would increase the efficiency of some areas that work significantly with property and I! mapping data. 31 E Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 12. Community Services Background: Community Services for the City of Carlsbad provides services for facilities, fleets, streets, parks, utilities and others. The divisions have a limited amount of hardware, mainly consisting of various PCs which access basic PC-based software, including Wordperfect, Lotus 1-2-3, Harvard Graphics, Rbase and AutoCad. There are only a few PCs which are part of the City’s LANNAN network. Findings: An automated calendar could be implemented to serve as a City-wide activity scheduler. This calendar would be helpful when answering citizen’s questions and concerns in regard to maintenance projects, bike lane installations, sidewalk repair, water main replacement, median re-planting and building remodeling. Knowledge about locations and timing of maintenance projects when planning major events, such as parades, triathalons, and fairs would eliminate a conflict of scheduling (e.g., the lack of this access led to a conflict with a parade route and some road repair.). This would require the department to be connected to the network and additional hardware and software to be installed at various locations. Access to the payroll system would eliminate much of the present paper-based system that exists. Community Services manually documents payroll for approximately 105 full-time and 150 part-time employees. Automation would allow supervisors to enter payroll information on-line rather than sending time cards to the Finance department, eliminating the double handling and entry of this information. In addition, on-line access of employee sick, vacation and leave time would facilitate department scheduling by the 1 supervisors. 6 1 I 0 1 I e c 1 t 1 1 E I I 0 1 32 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California I B D 1 1 8 1 a I I E I 1 c 1 f E I Facilities Management is in process of evaluating various maintenance management sohare systems. A maintenance system would allow the department to better track and schedule projects for pavement and street light repairs, provide energy management, project cost control, and payroll information. If the department had lap top computers, workers could enter information in the field which could be downloaded and uploaded to a centralized database. The appropriate interfaces to other City systems must be investigated for the sharing of information between the applications, thus eliminating duplicate data entry. The Sign Shop uses a system installed several years ago. Presently, the current vendor has gone out of business; therefore, the shop has no system support or method to enhance the system. The department needs to replace the system in the near future. Much of the details needed for administering the City’s assessment districts (such as number and type of street lights) is manually tracked in parcel map books. If the tracking and mapping of these details could be automated, this would eliminate a significant amount of manual labor and provide for more accurate information. This could be accomplished by integrating the assessment district information into I the GIS system. Community Services would benefit from access to a City-wide work order system which would allow for creating and tracking work orders and would be interfaced to payroll, project costing and inventory systems. 33 I Information Sysfems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, E ong-Range Plan California 13. Fleet Management Background: The Fleet Management department currently uses the Fleetsite system running on the HP3000 platform for the automation of various fleet management activities. The system is presently tracking over 350 City vehicles. This includes all public safety vehicles, trailers, tractors, etc. Additionally, the department uses the PC-based Gas Boy system for the tracking of fuel costs for the various vehicles. This system is interfaced with the Fleetsite system. Neither of these systems is presently interfaced with the City’s financial information system. a I I 1 6 II’ I I 1 0 Purchase orders. I I !I I 1 1 ! E Fin dings : The Fleetsite system is a very comprehensive fleet management system. It has modules with the ability to automate the following areas: Parts inventory. 0 Repair Orders. 0 Preventive maintenance. 0 Vendor maintenance. 0 Labor tracking. 0 Billing. At this time, however, the system is underutilized due to a lack of department personnel to maintain and operate the system. Additionally, the lack of a flexible report writer or query tool makes it difficult for the users to access the data in different ways. Data input into the system often is behind due to the limited number of personnel who are maintaining the system. Since there is no interface between the Fleetsite system and the finance system, Information Systems created a special report that the Fleetsite system generates for the appropriate postings to the general ledger. Optimally, this system should have a direct interface to the finance system to fully automate this process. The Fleet Management department’s inventory is presently tracked with manual tags and counts. The department would benefit from an integrated barcode system to make the inventory tracking, counting and reporting process more efficient and effective. 34 n Information System Nee& Assessment and City of Carlibad, Long-Range Plan California I 8 I I E R R n I T 1 1 u # 1 I I The Gas Boy system is obsolete and can no longer be repaired. Therefore, the process of recording and tracking fuel useage is being performed manually. Presently, the Fleet Management department processes approximately 2000 transactions per month. The Fire department has their own diesel pumps on which they maintain a manual log of the fuel transactions. There are approximately 120 of these transactions per month. This location should additionally be tied into the new fuel system at Fleet Management. The City is presently undertaking the task of replacing this fuel system. The new fuel system should be an integral part of the Fleet Management system, utilizing magnetic card readers for more automation of transaction processing and posting. Currently, repair orders for vehicles are submitted manually. No system exists to record and track these orders by the various City departments. The system should allow for a department user to submit a repair order electronically within the system and then be able to pull up that record to determine the status of the vehicle and/or repairs. This should be an integral part of the Fleet Management system. I e 35 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 0 Land use. 1 I 1 I I 8 B I 1 14. Geographic Information Systems I Background: The City of Carlsbad currently uses a variety of technologies for mapping and Geographic Information Systems automation. The City’s main GIS system consists of two UNIX workstations running ArcInfo GIS sohare. In addition, the Carlsbad Water District uses a PC- based AutoCad system for development of water utility maps. I Findings : The ArcInfo GIs has been used to establish a base parcel map for the City, which contains all parcel numbers and has various data layers fo1 mapping. These layers include: 0 Vegetation. e Contours and slope. e Noise contours. In addition, the City performs some downloading of tabular data from the permit system running on the Kp3000 minicomputer, to provide the ability to link property data to map layers. Assessor data, which i? received on CD-ROM from Transamerica is also linked to the GIs. The Water District AutoCad system also contains base maps which arc used primarily for the location of water and sewer line attributes I within the City. The most significant long-term GIS need for the City is to provide additional integration of existing tabular data and to provide increased on-line access to the GIS system. Some of the tabular data sets which need to be integrated to the GIS include: 0 Assessor parcel number. 0 Street address. 0 Owner name. O Census tracthlock. 0 Business license number. 0 Tax rate area. 0 Voter precinct. 0 Local facilities management zone. Zip code. 36 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 1 1 I I B I B 1 I 1 1 D I 1 I I In addition, there are public safety data layers which could also be integrated to the GIS to provide police and fire with capabilities to track streets, hydrants, fire and patrol grids, hazardous materials and other information. In some cases, this will require interfaces to external systems such as ARTIS (Area Regional Justice Information System). As additional interfaces and data layers are built, on-line access to the GIS will be desirable. For network users who require inquiry only access, the ArcView 2.0 software could be implemented to provide a low cost method to provide on-line map inquiry. This technology could also be used for public access to the GIS. Although the cost of this software on an existing PC is relatively inexpensive ($1,500), increased on-line access to graphic data may require upgrades to the City’s communication network. The City should consider implementing a pilot ArcView implementation to determine the feasibility of expanding this technology throughout the City. For users who will require the ability to update and modify GIS information, additional ArcInfo workstations would need to be implemented. Since these workstations cost approximately $40,000 each, these acquisitions will be more long-term in nature, as many departments would not be able to justify this expenditure. For the limited use of most departments, implementing ArcView or using the GIS department as a service bureau would be the most cost-effective e 1 I a1 ternative . Further implementation of GIS within the City will reduce the current redundancies within departments in generating maps. If information can be centralized using ArcInfo as the main GIs tool, mapping could be performed more cost-effectively and better information could be provided to staff and City Council. As GIS use increases, the existing hardware may need to be upgraded. This would include the purchase of additional memory and disk for the existing workstations and providing additional printers as required. 37 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California I I 1 B I I II 1 I B I I I I I I 15. Information Systems I Background: The Information Systems department consists of five professionals who are responsible for supporting the City’s various computer hardware and software platforms and computing networks. With the exception of the Public Safety computer-aided dispatch system, which is supported by a member of the Police department, the department supports all other automated software applications within the City. Major operating platforms supported by the department include: I 0 Hewlett-Packard Hp3000 for finance, permits, City management and library applications. Over 250 IBM-compatible PCs for office automation and departmental applications. Macintosh computers in the Human Resources department. Local and wide area interconnection using Novell. 0 0 0 Information Systems uses Powerhouse from Cognos to perform the majority of its development activities on the HP3000 platform. i Findings: Since Information Systems is primarily a service provider and is a limited user of end-user applications, their issues and concerns are different than other departments included in the long-range planning process. Major issues affecting Information Services which must be addressed during the implementation of improved systems within the City include: Software Aptllications There are various non-financial applications which are currently operating on the Hewlett-Packard hardware platform which require replacement or migration if a new financial system is implemented. These systems include: - Sierra permits system. - Weed abatement program. - Street light assessment system. - Index 3000 - a council action indexing package. Fleet management and work order system. Communities Facility District (CFD) system. - - 38 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California I 1 8 I I 1 I 1 I st I ll I I 1 i I - Housing Rental Information Systems. - Law System. - Deed Indexing. - Public improvement database. - Uniform code index. - Elections Database. Based on our review of these ancillary systems, it would appear that the permits, indexing and fleet management system would be candidates for replacement with packaged sofhvare, since application systems are readily available on minicomputer and microcomputer platforms to satisfy these needs. Sierra provides UNIX and DOS- based permitting systems. However, we recommend that systems from vendors providing financial software to the City also be considered, as they may provide increased application integration. The other systems will, in all probability, require porting or redevelopment to the new application environment. Communications Communication capabilities between the various City locations will need to be upgraded to provide increased access to the new financial system and wide area network. Currently, ten 56kb leased lines and one T-1 line, sharing voice and data are being used for wide area network communications. These lines are augmented by dial-up lines in smaller locations. Currently, the City spends approximately $1,650 per month for data communications lines. Consideration should be given to increasing the use of T-1 circuits between City Hall and high volume remote departments to improve communications speed and user satisfaction. 1 1 Training Training for both technical and end-user personnel needs to be addressed. Many departmental users expressed fmstration with PC- related training and support, due to the limited resources available from the Information Systems department. In addition, implementation of a new financial system will place additional burden on the department. While new financial applications should make financial system support easier in the future, demand on technical staff will increase during the implementation of the financial system. Providing an adequate level of staffing for existing and future systems will be a challenge for the City and should be budgeted for as part of the financial system acquisition. 39 Information System Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 1: 1 1 I I I I 1 8 I 8 1 I 1 t 1 I I Relational Database As part of the new Financial Information System implementation, a relational database standard should be considered and appropriate end- user tools should be acquired to provide system users the capability to develop their own queries and reports. This capability, with appropriate end-user training, would decrease some of the support demand currently being placed on the Information Services Department. Such systems are available from vendors such as Oracle, Informix, Sybase, Ingres or Progress. For smaller, departmental database needs, the City may wish to standardize on a PC-based database management system as part of an integrated office suite to satisfy departmental requirements. System Budgeting Methods for funding future City-wide information systems efforts should be discussed. The need for new and replacement equipment will not end with the implementation of a new financial system. The City should develop a method to budget a specific yearly capital budget amount to plan for acquisition of new equipment. By planning toward the future, major systems acquisitions will have less of an impact on yearly operating budgets. 1 40 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan Californic; I I 1 8 I 1 I I R # 8 1 I 1 I I 1 16. Library and Cultural Arts I Background: The Library and Cultural Arts departments have an HP3000/935 computer running the INLEX software. The system is located in the City’s main computer room and is maintained and operated by Information Systems. The HP3000/935 can only be accessed by the Library and Cultural Arts departments and is not part of the City’s LAN/WAN network system. The departments operate with several types of workstations, including PCs, Macintosh systems and non- intelligent terminals. I Findings: Network communications are available at the main library and through dial-up access for the Cultural Arts department. Currently, the departments are equipped with older hardware and peripherals (e.g., 8088 computers with 360K floppy drives and 20 megabyte hard drives, 2400 baud modems) and therefore use fax machines as their communication link between their branches and other City departments. Replacement and upgrades of the hardware in the Library and Art departments would allow network communication with all City departments via electronic mail. Network access would also provide uniformity of release levels for commonly used office tool software packages, such as Lotus and Wordperfect. Other universal information which should be made available through the network include items such as store orders, City agendas, City ordinances, medidgraphic contacts, reference contacts and statistical information. 41 In formation Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carkbad, Long-Range Plan California I I i I I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 8 Distinct divisions within the Library have special automation needs which are dependent upon the current and anticipated services provided for the public. To provide the services special equipment is required, including: 0 Fax servers for document delivery. Routers and other telecommunications equipment. Satellite dishes for long distance learning. Departmental LAN or WAN, if the branches remain Hardware and software for digitized storage and retrieval of Workstations for production of multimedia presentations. 0 Scanners. 0 0 Video equipment. 0 0 unconnected to the City network. images, including photographs. 0 0 0 Access to the Internet. In order to support these future requirements, there will be a need for appropriate technical support staff within the City, due to the m complexities of these technologies. The availability of the INLEX Reporter would allow the Library to obtain information for managing their current system and provide reports on demographics, etc. for future long-range planning. The INLEX Reporter could be loaded and operated on the Library’s I mainframe. The Library currently has reference files that are maintained on card and paper files which limits access to one location. Automation of the files would benefit the Library in providing additional access to the information. There is interest in digitizing slide collections, photographs, and other graphics for storage and retrieval purposes and to create procedures manuals and central maintenance of inventories. These are activities the Library could manage with the availability of proper staffing, equipment and software. Access to view current financial information would be welcomed by the department. Currently, report information is delayed for several weeks which constrains budget planning and accuracy. 42 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlibad, Long-Range Pian Caiifornir; I 1 8 1 I 8 I 1 R 8 I I I I I I I I 1 Access to the payroll system would eliminate much of the present paper-based system that exists. The department manually documents payroll for a number of full- and part-time employees. Automation would allow supervisors to enter payroll information on-line rather than sending time cards to the Finance department, eliminating the double handling and entry of this information. In addition, on-line access of employee sick, vacation and leave time within the HRTS would facilitate department scheduling by the supervisors. There is a desire to offer access to library information to the public through some type of remote access, or possibly via the Internet. Future data communications improvements at the City should incorporate methods to provide public access to City systems. 43 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carisbad. Long-Range Plan CaliforniL 1 17. Public Safety Background: The Fire and Police departments have a departmental MicroVax system with 20 PCs connected to it, which accommodates a computer- aided dispatch system from EM. This system also provides a data communications gateway to the Area Regional Justice Information System (ARJIS), a multi-jurisdictional system which provides investigative support systems. The Police and Fire departments utilize an internal network of approximately 50 Macintosh computers for internal information processing and dial-up access to the City WAN. The Fire department utilizes a Macintosh-based system called CFIRS for incident reporting and has other Macintosh-based applications, such as CAMEO, which are used for other department information I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 processing and reporting. Findings: Network communication is available to the Fire and Police departments, but is limited due to the speed of existing communications lines and the communications hardware. Improved communications for the Fire and Police departments will be required when the City implements the on-line financial systems. Inter- departmental communications could also be improved through WAN access to the electronic mail system. The ARJIS sohare is currently in the process of being rewritten. One of the main limitations of the ARJIS system is that it is designed to be an investigative system and does not provide fkll records and case management capabilities. The department may need to maintain historical information on-line beyond a four-year period. The City is actively involved in the ARKS rewrite and is looking forward to increased capabilities within this system once the rewrite is completed. 44 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad Long-Range Plan Catifornic I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 i 1 1 I I 1 Access to the payroll system would eliminate much of the present paper-based systems that exist. The department manually documents payroll for the employees. Automation would allow supervisors to enter payroll information on-line rather than computing payroll within the department then sending time cards to the Finance department, eliminating the double handling and entry of this information. In addition, on-line access of employee sick, vacation and leave time within the HRIS would facilitate department scheduling, tracking and analysis by the supervisors. On-line access to employee education anc certification information would be of great help to these City 1 departments. As GIS implementation continues within the City, Police and Fire personnel would benefit fiom access to mapping information and the ability to build additional map layers related to law enforcement and fire services. Downloads fiom ARJIS to the GIS system would provide the ability to perform crime analysis and other analytical processes using the GIs. Access to the GIS system would allow the Fire department to eliminate their Macintosh-based mapping system 1 currently in use. Access to view the City’s financial system would be welcomed by both the Fire and Police departments. Budgets are very difficult to develop and monitor because the financial system does not provide current accurate information. The departments would like to see a system which has the flexibility to perform searches and will output current up-to-date daily information. They would also benefit from an on-line purchase requisition system. The Police and Fire departments have many good ideas regarding the increased utilization of technology in providing public safety services. The Police department developed a technology plan in 1992, which outlines many of the areas of new technology which may be considered over the next five years. 45 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad Long-Range Plan Calif r nil 1 I 1 1 I 8 I I I I I I i 1 I 1 I 8 A summary of some of the other automation needs which should be considered as part of the long-range planning process for these departments include: 0 Alarm tracking system. 0 Ambulance billing system. 0 Photo imaging. 0 Electronic publishing for newsletters and other public Fleet management system (access to the existing Fleetsite awareness materials. 0 system). Automated fingerprint imaging system. 0 Increased ability for Macintosh users to access City-wide 1 application systems. 46 I In formation System Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 18. RecreationBenior Center R I I 8 I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 Background: The Recreation and Senior Citizens divisions provide four major services within the City of Carlsbad. These services include: e 0 Scheduling parks and recreational facilities. Issuing permits for the Aqua Hedionda Lagoon. 0 Tracking of special programs. 0 Scheduling aquatic events. 0 The divisions function various PCs operating the PC-based applications Wordperfect, Harvard Graphics, RMS 3, Activity and League Scheduling, Facility Reservations, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Org Plus. Findings: I S~orts & Recreation The Recreation division is responsible for scheduling activities for the 25 City parks, athletic fields and facilities. Computers at the Stagecoach, Calavera and Harding Community Centers presently allow for class registrations. Facility scheduling is performed at each site I (for that site only). Newer equipment would allow for further networking, faster processing and accelerate the information inquiry process. Reports could be compiled without the interruptions normally encountered and the number of registrations processed daily could potentially be increased. 47 m Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California Aquatic scheduling and reservations are manual with the exception of a few programs which are maintained using Lotus 1-2-3 and Wordperfect. Manual activities include: I I I I I I 0 Mailing lists. 1 I I I I I I I I I I 0 Activity registrations. 0 Cash control. Equipment inventory. 0 Preventative maintenance tracking. Certificate training tracking. 0 Personnel scheduling. 0 Residenthon-resident tracking. 0 Pool chemical control. 0 Budget information. Facilities use an ''on your honor" system from sports and recreational activities. If bar coded or magnetic strip ID cards could be issued, authorized entrance to facilities could be verified. Tracking renewal fees could also be accommodated with a card system. Automation of reservations and participant demographic tracking is needed. If the department had a system to maintain program participation and certification, scheduling could be expedited and the manual tracking process could be eliminated. The ability for participants to register 24 hours per day via touch tone phone would reduce manual handling of registrations for public classes and activities. The Aqua Hedionda Lagoon is managed by the City and is open for public access. To attain access to the lagoon, applications are required and fees are collected before permits are issued. A tracking system is needed to maintain demographic and permit information. Automated access to this information would be of great use to the lagoon patrols for emergencies and for verification of permits and boats. I 48 Information System Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California II I 1 I I c E I I I I I I I I I I I I Senior Citizens The Senior Citizens department organizes and provides many activities for seniors, including lunch programs, trips, meals on wheels and City transportation. An automated system for scheduling activities and scheduling the volunteers involved in providing these programs would be advantageous. An automated system to maintain personal demographic information about senior citizens could also be useful. This type of information is especially critical for emergency situations and for the Safe Watch program. The City receives donations and grants for senior activities. These funds are tracked and allocated manually. There is a need to track these funds and to determine how disbursements will effect the budget. Much of this money is held in trust accounts; consequently, they are held for a significant period of time and must be tracked properly. 49 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California I I I I 1 s I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I I 190 Water and Sewer Background: The Water and Sewer departments have approximately 30 PCs, including some which are older 286-based equipment. Several of the PCs have access to the City's LA" network and have interchangeable communications to the three laser printers located in the department, while other systems operate in a stand-alone environment. Other equipment includes ITRON automated meter readers, and the Standard Register S/40 remittance processing system used for billing the estimated 18,000 billings produced each month. Several of the PCs contain specialized software, including hydraulic analysis software, AutoCAD, Wonderware and desk top graphics. Findings: Within the next two to five years, the department would like to upgrade its meter reading equipment to include automatic readers which eliminate key entry, and to incorporate dial-up or radio transmission of meter readings to the utility billing. This enhancement of the system has been investigated and would cost over $70,000 to implement, but should be considered in the City's long-range plan as a future upgrade consideration. The new utility billing system which will be implemented as part of the financial system should have the capability to interface with future meter reading technology. Currently, all historical billing information is microfilmed and stored at City Hall, which is several miles fiom the Water and Sewer facility. The department finds research projects, dealing with complaints and satisfying customer requests to be a very slow and cumbersome task because the historical data is not at their fingertips. If the historical billing information could be archived on optical disk or provided on- line and maintained within the department, many issues could be resolved in a very limited amount of time and with more accuracy. In conjunction with archiving historical information, the department has a need to implement a tracking system to maintain the many complaints, requests and research projects. If the department could formalize this process, repetition of the follow-up process would be eliminated along with the manual paper process used today. I 50 In formation Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad Long-Range Plan Californic; I 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 I P 1 I E I I 1 E Water and Sewer also have over 10,000 drawings which could be managed more efficiently through the implementation of basic scanning technology. As part of the long-term implementation of GIS some of this information could be integrated with mapping files providing on-line access to maps and detailed drawings. Improvements could be made by integrating an automated work order system and inventory system with the utility billing system. This would eliminate many manual and redundant processes related to worl order processing. A utility bill proof listing is generated at night at City Hall. It is delivered to the Water and Sewer department for review. After review, the bills are printed at City Hall. Although it may not be cost- effective to provide the high speed laser printing required to produce bills at the Water and Sewer departments at the present time, at minimum, the proof listing should be printed at their department. Printing volumes should continue to be monitored and as printer costs decrease, consideration should be given to distributing the bill printing process to the utility offices. Replacement and upgrades of the older PC hardware in the departmenl should be considered as the City implements additional Windows- based applications and as WAN utilization increases. Other universal information which should be made available through the network include items, such as access to engineering and planning project status and accounting systems. 1 51 Information System Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 E l 1 I E 1 b I C. Information Needs Assessment Worksheet The following worksheet summarizes the information needs outlined previously in this section in a tabular format. We have also assigned a preliminary priority ranking for each need. These priorities should be reviewed by City departmental management and updated to reflect overall organization priorities on an annual basis. The needs assessment list can be used on an on-going method to prioritize and categorize outstanding information systems needs. Each information need has been categorized into one or more of the following categories: Financial system - needs which should be satisfied by implementation Non-financial packaged sohare - needs which could be satisfied by Office automation - needs which could be satisfied by an office DBMS or custom development - needs which could be satisfied by of a new integrated financial system. the purchase of pre-packaged application software. automation application, such as electronic mail, calendaring, etc. development of a custom database or through other custom programming tools. Other - needs which require other resources, such as improved networking, additional personnel, improved procedures, etc. 52 x xxx xxxxxxxxx x xxx x IIIzzIzzIrxISII XHIX xxxx xxxxx x xx In formation System Needs Assessment and City of Cartsbad, Long-Range Plan Catifornia I 1 I I I I 1 I I 8 I 1 I 1 I I 1 111. RECOMMENDATIONS A. City-wide Financial Information System As indicated through the departmental findings outlined in Section I1 of this report, the City has a high priority need for a new City-wide Financial Information System. Replacement of the existing accounting software with improved systems is one of the most immediate requirements of the City. The current systems are quite old, require significant maintenance and support and do not provide the City with the management and analysis tools required to manage City financial matters in a proactive manner. Applications which should be included in the new financial system include: I 0 General ledger and budgetary accounting 0 Project Costing w Purchasing and encumbrance accounting Accounts payable 0 Payroll/personnel 0 Utility billing 0 Workhervice order management w Business licenses Permits w Request for action tracking 0 Inventory 0 Fleet management 0 Investment accounting 0 Custom report writerhecords management 0 Accounts receivable and cash receipts 0 Fixed assets The new financial system should provide on-line access by all City departments for budget inquiry, purchase requisition processing, payroll processing and other departmental financial applications. One of the main goals of the new system should be to provide on-line entry of information at the location where the transaction is initiated, rather than via a batch process. In addition, the system should provide adequate information via inquiry or custom reports to eliminate duplicate sets of financial records being maintained by some City departments. I 59 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carisbad, Long-Range Pian California I 1 I I I 1 D I I 1 I I I I I I I I At this point, we are not recommending a specific hardware platform for system implementation; however, we suggest that the system will, in all probability, operate on a mid-range or microcomputer platform. Many of the systems which should be considered operate on mid-range (UNIX, AS/400) platforms or PC networks, while some of the systems include both technologies in a clienthewer environment. Due to the increased capabilities of smaller hardware platforms, the City would be adequately served by any of these hardware alternatives. We recommend that application software capabilities and vendor support be the key selection criteria for the new system. There are a large number of quality application software packages developed for City government which are used by many municipalities across the United States. These system vendors specialize in providing governmental accounting software and support to cities and are well equipped to address the needs of the City of Carlsbad. Many of these systems are built around fourth generation programming languages and relational database management systems, which will provide the City with increased functionality and flexibility without requiring significant custom modification. We strongly recommend that the City refrain from performing significant custom modifications to the new system and that customization be performed by the software vendor. The City does not have the Information Systems staffing level to support significant customization, and City Information Systems staff should be used for system implementation and support activities rather than program development. Estimated costs for hardware, software, staffing and training are provided later in this section. In addition to a replacement for the City’s existing Hewlett-Packard HP3000 computer and application software systems, we have also budgeted for file conversion and other vendor supplied services. I 60 u Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California Potential vendors for consideration for the new financial system include: I I D 6 I 1 I I I I 1 I I c I I I e Access International 0 BiTech Sohare, Inc. 0 Corbin Willits Systems 0 Eden Systems 0 EDSAnfocel 0 HTE 0 JD Edwards & Company 0 Mirasoft 0 New World Systems 0 Oracle 0 Pentamat ion e Creative Computer Solutions e Ross Systems e SCT Public Sector 0 Solutions for Government (SFG) Therefore Systems 0 Unisys Determination of the most appropriate system for implementation should be determined during a Request for Proposal process which may occur in early 1995, with selection targeted for May, 1995. Implementation of the system is expected to be phased in over a one year period. By mid-1996, the City- wide financial information system should be fully implemented with access and use by all City departments. I 61 I Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California B. Other Information Systems Needs I I 1 8 I 1 I 1 E I f I 1 1 B I As part of our interview process, we identified other information systems issues which should be addressed as part of the City’s long-range planning efforts. The issues which were identified as a high priority for the City as a result of our analysis are discussed in this section. 1 1. Sierra Permit System Presently, the City operates an automated permit system on the HP3000 computer with software provided by Sierra. As discussed in Section I1 of this report, the vendor has discontinued support of the HP3000 version of the software and now supports software which operates in either a UNIX or DOS-based operating system environment. During our interviews, some users indicated the desire to implement the new Sierra software in the near future. We recommend that the City evaluate additional permit systems as part of the Financial RFP process. While Sierra should be considered as a potential vendor, it may be advantageous to purchase a permitting system which is integrated to other financial applications, such as centralized cash receipting systems. We recommend that the City delay making an implementation decision on permit software until financial system proposals have been received and evaluated. As part of our cost estimates for City financial systems, we have included the cost of software for permits. Replacement of Non-Financial HP3000 Application Systems In addition to the existing financial applications operating on the existing HP3000 computer system, there are a number of other application systems which also are being processed on this system. If the City replaces the current hardware with a new system, these applications will need to be replaced. The application systems which were identified during our interview process include: 2. 0 Sierra Permits System. 0 Weed abatement program. 0 Assessment district information. 0 Housing Rental Information Systems. 0 Index 3000 council action indexing package. Fleet management and work order system. Community Facility District (CFD) system. n 0 0 62 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan Califarnia C I 1 1 E I D E a ! T I I I I I E 1 0 Gas Boy fuel system. 0 Law System. 0 Elections database. 0 Deed indexing. 0 Public improvement database. 0 Uniform code index. The Sierra permit system has been discussed above and we have included cost estimates for replacement of this system within our estimates for a new financial system. We have also included cost estimates for a fleet managemendwork order system as part of the financial system. Council action indexing software packages are readily available from governmental software vendors. In addition, your current vendor (Knowles McNiff) may have alternatives available which operate on other hardware platforms. However, due to current support concerns with this vendor, replacement packages may be more suitable for consideration. In addition, there are other systems which could be investigated, possibly from the selected financial sohare vendor. The major disadvantage of these replacement systems would be the need to convert the existing indexing data to a new system. Following selection of the financial application software vendor, we recommend that the City compare the financial software vendor’s indexing system with the one provided by the current vendor. Based on this comparison, the City should implement the most appropriate of the two alternatives. The remaining applications currently operating on the Hewlett-Packard hardware will most likely require conversion to the new hardware platform. These systems satisfy the City’s specific requirements and il may be difficult to acquire packaged sohare to replace these systems. Once the new hardware platform and operating environment has been determined, we recommend that the Information Systems Department develop the necessary action plans for conversion of these applications to the new hardware environment. e 63 I Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 3. City-wide Networking and Communications Issues The City of Carlsbad provides services to its constituents from a variety of locations within the City’s geographical boundaries. Because of this, the City has built an information systems environment of local and wide area networks which are connected via a variety of leased and dial-up communications lines. Although the current communications environment has been adequate for some locations, data communications speed and reliability is becoming a major issue for some of the City’s remote locations. The implementation of a new City-wide financial system will increase the demands on the data communication network. One of the fundamental concepts behind the new financial systems is to increase access to the application software, by providing departments with the ability to process transactions and generate reports and queries via on- line terminal access. These new systems will replace some of the batch processes which have been traditionally performed by the Finance department. Distributing financial applications out to the user department will decrease redundant efforts and should increase departmental efficiency. However, it will also increase the demand on the existing data communications network. Although our planning efforts did not include a detailed analysis of data communications and networking requirements, we believe that the existing communications systems connecting City locations will need to be upgraded. Our initial analysis has led us to the following observations: I Ih 1 E I I I B 1 i 1 1 1 I I s II a To date, the City has shown good forethought on the network design. The equipment being used is of high quality and with continued upgrades and improvements it should provide the City with appropriate network management. m e As the new sohare and systems are added, it is likely that the 56kbps lines used as the backbone of the network will become a bottleneck. Unless the traffic on the network is monitored and adjustments made to line speeds, the service as a whole could degrade. Adjustments will need to come in the form of multiples of 56kbps channels being added or the switch to services such as frame relay. 64 1 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlibad, Long-Range Plan California Complicating the network design would be the potential I I 1 I R I I I R I I I 1 t I I 1 addition of voice traffic. We noted the presence of one T-1 line carrying both voice and data traffic. As your network grows and telephone systems need replacement, an appropriate strategy should be developed regarding both voice and data communications needs. Current network design trends make significant use of T-1 technology to allow for both voice and data. Under this strategy, an appropriate number of 56kbps channels can be dedicated to the metropolitan wide network while the balance is used to link telephone systems together in a manner that allows for the reduction of hardware while providing seamless communications between locations. We have reviewed information prepared by the Information Systems Department relative to upgrading some of the equipment in place by installing routers and also installing some additional 56kbps and T-1 lines. We concur with this upgrade for the present time, as it is difficult to estimate the actual additional network traffic which will be experienced until the new financial system is installed. We have included the City-prepared costs for network expansion as part of the year one budgets and have included an additional estimated cost of $40,000 - $60,000 in years two and three for additional upgrades to the communications systems. The specific equipment and line requirements for future years would be determined once additional detailed analysis of transaction volumes could be performed. Although the specific equipment and line requirements cannot currently be determined, we fully support the City’s direction to continue to upgrade existing data lines from 56 kbps to T-1 as line speed degrades between locations. As mentioned earlier, the existing network design and plans to continue to upgrade routers shows that the City has used excellent forethought in its network design. We believe that line speed will be the most significant issue that the City will be facing over the next few years. However, this can be addressed by replacing 56kbps lines with T-1 lines or adding multiple T-1 lines between locations as the need arises. This will increase the monthly line charges for data communication within the City operating budget, but will provide for high speed data transmission between CiQ office locations. This high speed transmission will be essential as neu financial systems are installed and as graphical data, such as GIS information, is distributed to departments as part of the long-range technology plan. e 65 1( Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California We highly recommend conducting a more detailed network analysis during 1995 to develop specific hardware and networking strategies for the City. As part of this analysis, special attention should be given to increasing overall transmission speeds from remote locations, providing improved integration of the Macintosh networks located within the Police and Fire departments and building a communications infrastructure which will support future citizen access to City systems. A cost estimate for contracting with outside communications consultants to perform the network analysis is also included in the cost schedules. Communications technology will become increasingly important over the next few years as the public demands additional on-line access to governmental services via the Internet and other public networks. A recent article in the December, 1994 issues of Government Technolonv magazine focused on the City of Merced, California’s pilot project with Prodigy, a commercial on-line computer service. This system provides residents with access to council minutes and other City information. With the upcoming implementation of new hardware and application software within the City, this is an opportune time to examine the long-range networking requirements and to begin to develop the infrastructure required to carry the City into the future. Continued Implementation of Geographic Information Systems Technology The City of Carlsbad has developed a Geographic Information System using the ArcInfo GIS software operating on two UNIX workstations within the Community Services area. The GIS operates in a service bureau environment with departmental users requesting maps and other information from the GIS staff. There is currently no departmental on-line access to the GIS in place. In addition to the City-wide GIs, the water utility develops maps using PC-based 1 1 0 I 8 1 1 I I l I 1 1 I I I m 4. I AutoCad software. There is an increasing demand for map data within City departments. Currently, the City’s data communications network would not provide the throughput necessary to support distribution of image data to departmental workstations. However, as the City upgrades its communications networks, the possibility exists to provide direct access to mapping files by City departments. 66 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California I I I I 1 B 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I 0 1 I 1 1 The new financial system will also increase GIs potential, as many of the system vendors who will be evaluated have developed on-line interfaces of property database information to ArcInfo-based GIS stations. The implementation of new financial software and relational database management systems should increase the use of GIS. We recommend that the City plan for distributing GIS information to other departments by initiating a pilot project in 1995 which would include the purchase of a PC-based workstation equipped with the ArcView 2.0 software. This software provides departmental PC users with inquiry-only access to GIS maps and data. The City should determine the most appropriate department to be used for this pilot and should monitor the success of the pilot to determine if additional workstations should be budgeted for in fbture years. We have included costs for the first year pilot, with plans for two additional workstations in subsequent years in our cost estimates. Upgrades of Existing Microcomputers and Implementation of a Standard Office Automation Suite of Products As is the case with most organizations who have implemented microcomputer technology, hardware requirements continue to expand with the initiation of new graphical operating environments such as Microsoft Windows. Based upon our review of existing microcomputer inventory reports, the City has approximately 60 older technology (286 or AT-based) microcomputers within various City departments. The remaining City microcomputers are 386 or 486- based IBM compatible machines or Apple microcomputers. It may be advantageous for the City to standardize on IBM PC- compatible computers as much as possible. Therefore, departments such as Human Resources, which presently uses the Apple Macintosh computers, be reviewed further to determine the possible conversion to the IBM PC-compatible platform. This would facilitate system connectivity and support by the City’s Information Systems department. 5. 67 Information Systems Nee& Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan Calvornia 1 1 I I I t I 1 1 1 I R I I 1 I I With the variety of equipment and application software being used by City departments, it is increasingly difficult for the Information Systems Department to provide support for these users. We believe the City should implement a long-range plan and accompanying budget which provides for continued upgrade of microcomputer equipment within the City. This would require the City to budget a specific amount on a yearly basis for upgrading microcomputer hardware and software across City departments. We recommend that approximately $125,000 to $150,000 per year be initially budgeted for PC replacements and upgrades. This investment should be considered as an on-going investment in current technology and will, in all probability, be required indefinitely into the future. Technology will continue to change and the City should plan to be in a position to be able to implement these changes in technology as the need arises. In conjunction with this ongoing technology investment, we recommend that the City evaluate integrated suites of office automation software to be implemented as a City-wide standard. The implementation of an office automation standard should increase training effectiveness and improve interdepartmental data sharing. We recommend that a task force consisting of Information Systems and key departmental personnel be initiated to investigate office automation application suites and to recommend a standard for I 1 implementation. The implementation of Windows technology within the City will provide the benefit of multi-tasking (e.g., the ability to operate more than one program simultaneously from a single workstation) to system users. This capability will be important to allow system users to move between financial applications and PC applications. 68 In formation System Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 1 I I 1 1 I D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C. Staffing and Training Our interview process indicated that departmental training on microcomputer applications and City developed systems should be an area of long-range emphasis. The current Information Systems staff is supporting a large number of custom financial applications and is also supporting an extensive microcomputer network. Due to the level of maintenance involved to keep these systems operational, there is limited time available to provide application training to end-users. In order to successfully implement a new, state-of-the-art financial system, the City must be committed to provide high quality training to system users in order to achieve the maximum benefit in this new investment. By devoting adequate resources to training and support during the implementation effort, the City will experience increases in efficiency due to increased use of the City’s automation resources. Implementing a new financial system without a commitment to training will not provide the improvements to the financial accounting processes and procedures which the City desires. Additional training will also be required for existing Information Systems staff and end-user personnel. Although at the present time we do not know the hardware and operating platform of the new financial system, it is likely that any system implemented will incorporate increased use of midrange and microcomputer hardware and clientherver technology. In addition, many of the systems which will be evaluated utilize relational database management systems and fourth generation program languages. Current City Information Systems staff will need to be trained on these new technologies. In addition, some Information Systems personnel may need to shift their emphasis from programming efforts to end-user training and support. This may also require some re-training for technical personnel. The City should provide budget dollars on a yearly basis for training of Information Systems personnel. End-users of the new financial system will require training on how to process transactions, perform inquiries and develop custom reports using the new systems. We have also included estimates for vendor-provided technical and end-user training in our cost estimates for the financial system. I 69 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 1 I I I 1 I 1 i 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 We cannot over emphasize the need for adequate training on a system of this magnitude. Many cities have spent significant dollars on hardware and software, and have viewed training and implementation budgets as an area which can be reduced when budgets become strained. This often results in a sophisticated financial information system which is being used at a fraction of its capability. We strongly recommend that the City of Carlsbad avoid this potential pitfall by making a firm commitment to training as part of the 1 implementation effort. We believe that implementation of high quality packaged sohare will help keep Information Systems staffing levels stable by reducing the amount of maintenance and support required on a daily basis. Because of these factors, we do not recommend that the City acquire additional fill-time staff to support the City systems. However, implementation of a new financial system will increase the amount of support required during the initial year of implementation. In addition, there is a need for additional microcomputer support, which cannot be provided by existing staff during the conversion process. We recommend that the City budget for contract technical assistance to provide additional microcomputer support during the financial system conversion period. This will allow existing staff more time to devote to the conversion efforts. Due to the magnitude of such implementation projects, the City could additionally benefit from implementation assistance by an objective third-party. Their role would be to lend project management and technical assistance to augment the City's current Information Systems Department. We have included estimated costs for part-time technical support and implementation assistance in the cost estimate section of the report. Long-Range Capital Budgeting for Information Systems Expenditures As the City of Carlsbad becomes increasingly dependent on computer technology, the need for fiscal planning for system replacement and upgrades will continue to increase. Many governmental organizations who we have worked with have found it advantageous to implement a five-year capital budgeting process to identify long-term capital needs and to reduce the "surprises" which can occur in years when major systems must be replaced. D. 1 70 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California 1 I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I I I 8 I We recommend that the City of Carlsbad implement a process where an internal Information Systems Advisory Committee prepare a five-year capital expenditure budget which would include all planned purchases of capital equipment with a useful life in excess of 3 years or which exceeds a specific dollar limit specified by the City (e.g., $50,000). This budget would be presented to the City Council for review and discussion. As the City’s long- range plans change, the automation budget would need to be modified to reflect these changes. Although the City would continue to adopt a yearly budget for actual expenditures, this five-year automation budget would provide a method of planning for future years and ensuring that the financing mechanism would be in place to fund future year expenditures. We believe that long-range capital planning will be critical in order to plan for future major automation initiatives being contemplated by the City. The five-year capital expenditure budget will provide a method to identify the costs related to these on-going needs. Budget Estimates for Implementing Recommendations The following spreadsheet contains budgetary estimates for implementing the high priority requirements outlined in this report. These cost estimates are based on our previous experience with other cities similar in size to Carlsbad and from our conversations with various governmental hardware and software vendors. Since these costs are based on estimates and assumptions which are subject to change, we do not represent them as results which will actually be achieved. They should, however, provide a general budgetary estimate to consider prior to the Request for Proposal process and any purchasing activities for non-financial systems. Some of the key assumptions of these estimates are as follows: Financial Computer Svstem I E. The hardware system is configured to support the financial applications outlined in this report. If other City applications, which are non-financial in nature, are processed on this system, the hardware requirements and associated costs may increase. 0 Initial cost estimates are based on midrange computer hardware platforms (UNIX, AS/400), which would be interconnected to the City’s microcomputer wide area network. During the RFP process, other hardware alternatives will be proposed and considered (e.g., PC network); however, costs for these other hardware alternatives should be comparable. 71 B Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlibad, Long-Range Plan California Year two and year three hardware costs are estimates for annual Financial application software estimates are based upon licenses for 1 I I ! 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 maintenance contracts on the equipment. 32-48 concurrent users. If the City’s volume on concurrent users of the system increases, the application software costs may increase. Software costs include estimated costs for operating system licenses, limited development database management system licenses and base financial management software. Application software does not include modification costs. Years two and three costs for software are estimates for annual maintenance and license fees. These costs are estimated to be 20% of the initial software license cost of the software. Estimates for technical and user training are only included for year one. On-going training for new employees, etc. should be part of a City-wide technology training budget. Overtime for existing employees or temporary staff is included to account for additional data entry and computer related activities which may need to be absorbed into current workloads during the system conversion. We estimated 1000 to 1200 hours of overtime at $25 per hour to arrive at our estimates. Clerks Indexing Software Sohare cost estimates are based upon replacement software operating on either the new financial hardware or an existing microcomputer network. Yearly license and maintenance fees are estimated at 20% of the initial software license cost. Networking and Communications Software Year one costs are based upon costs prepared by the City Information Systems Department for upgrading some of the existing router equipment and by implementing additional high speed communications lines. Years two and three costs are rough estimates of future communications costs which may be incurred to upgrade the network. These costs would be determined in further detail as part of a network analysis study. 72 1 Information Systems Needs Assessment and City of Carlsbad, Long-Range Plan California Geographic Information System Expansion I 1 I 1 8 D I I 1 1 8 1 1 1 I I 1 0 ArcView 2.0 costs are for software to be installed on existing PC workstations within the City. The additional ArcInfo workstation would be a full function UNIX workstation which would be acquired as the City’s GIS requirements expand. 0 MicrocomDuter UDczrades 8 Yearly costs are estimates for replacing and upgrading older PCs within the City. For example, the 1995/1996 Information Systems budget request includes $125,000 for PC upgrades and replacements. The current budget request will bring all City PC equipment up to 386 or 486 processor standards. We believe that on-going upgrades will be necessary due to changes in technology, and the City should budget similar amounts on a yearly basis in anticipation of these requirements. 0 An estimate of $40,000 - $50,000 is included in year one for upgrading the disk capacity of existing PCs in order to support Windows and an integrated suite of office automation applications. We have found that these applications are very disk intensive, and existing workstations may require additional storage capacity to 1 operate these programs. 0 Upgrades to Windows and an integrated suite of products will result in additional software and training costs for the City. We have estimated initial costs for software and training, with additional costs in years two and three for new systems and users. 73 I I t 1 I 1 I. 77 7 IF I :g 15; 1s Is E I- t 1 1 I 00 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 a3Nolololaoaama3NNolNm 000 0-0- t t t9990"99990"99 m a, - n 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 mYNoll-Vbmmola77YYol 9~-99~"99990"0" a!a! *-O-O- 77 2 a Is v C m $5 5: 1 $'$ E k u) rn 0 K .E + c 0 00, .- 0 . IC 1 I 0 00 0 00 0 m- eo -69 769