HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-10-17; City Council; 13332; SETTLEMENT OF LAWSUIT ENTITLED FONES V. CITY CASE NO. 152902VI - I VI UnnLamnu - .4 AB# )?,33 2 e DEPT. MTG. JO .- 1.7 -9.5’ DEPT. CA CITY I RECOMMENDED ACTION: SETTLEMENT OF LAWSUIT ENTITLED FONES CITY, V. CITY CASE NO. 152902 It is recommended that the City Council authorize settler this case by adopting Resolution No.&-a3 and authorize t: Manager to make payment of the settlement amount from the li; fund . ITEM EXPLANATION This case arises from a trip and fall accident on Juniper occurring on June 8, 1993. Attached is the executed Settlem Release Agreement. FISCAL IMPACT There are sufficient funds in the liability account to COT settlement. EXHIBITS Resolution No. 9 5 -fu 3 Settlement and Release Agreement Q 0 de Q. s! 2 2 0 F 0 a d z 3 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 %a mu$ &E& am8 3UO oug SOSS moou <;a? OZJO =u%o oua Eoffl 00 m> ci->g EA= zuffl UQJ $9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 a RESOLUTION NO. 95-283 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE. EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR SETTLEMENT OF THE IIAWSUIT ENTITLED FONES V. CITY OF CARLSBAD, ET AL., CASE NO. 152902 WHEREAS, on recommendation of the City Attorney City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has deter that a settlement in the case entitled Fones v. City of Ca is in the public interest: and WHEREAS, there are sufficient funds available ir liability self-insurance reserve account to pay the settle NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counc the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and cor1 3. That the City Council approves the settlemer authorizes disbursement of $10,000 from the liability sell insurance reserve account for Fones v. City of Carlsbad. 3 . That the*Settlement and Release Agreement is approved. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular MeetiI the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 17th of OCTOBER , 1995, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Council M ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUYENKRANZ, City !Clerk ?4u.m.. AdPrrU .Id TJllml, id l4tWnqtd .. . MiER'F U. Em-, Ja-, * h Q, {B&ZSM) JW T. SWU, E5Q. DALBY c MiFT 062 Stevens Avenue, Suite 201 Solw Beach, CA 92075 (619) 755-5666 * ? - '10" uw.ar ceua urr O+ AM~MS) q . Whw. ,CT?X.iE. CSWW-. ....... .. WXGW~Z?;. ..... .couRr OF cm~oayq'muwn OF. &v! A'z~,. ....... ................... "???. Cmm?. m1cm DfGrnR ......... * , , . 1 (SWERm hwmP&arFmeQ ~~~~~~~~~r~~~~~l~~r~~~u~ Pbfmm[s); mc*'FLTNB .EO#es WE NWPW 152962 I REOUES~ FOR nwwam . rrpT WmON y , .. (fimmal " I . . - - CkslmdmtGr3: CZTP OF C&US8APs et d. a Pamd Inluiy,y.ll$ll - ' - v;v 6] YOterV8hidd D Omrr Dom6*rnlsldQlta /-J ETllinoac wn m Qtkar:@$tfwyl .................................. TO HE GEM pba dkm~ss th'w m ts m-r (ched~ appa&e toms.) Y. m Wlth pmNdlce wwlclvt pr4udloe 2 QJ Entim nctian ~pkInt~& 0 Faon&ri& Q Craswmmplaint cnb a othar: [SpeEiPy)' a 1 Date&.,.,,. &(9+" ...................................... *I: am- wqueamd h d vp.u?hl padm oru% d rprtl- rrrla and tdcntltj iim pullas ererq. d rSt(on QC "$WPwnb olutad d den ar#~ ar ot rprdlicd -mdm ordy, m w bw dimheti " 3% .rnWP.. ..... Roflaps Am !mOMeSON 8V; h&&-& ~~S~~,., w- GNR oc print erwmmyW A=~W To THE C4ERK: Consant to the dbare dlsmksal b hmby !JiYLIII.*' @atad: ............................................... W'Wh@RaQiQMm l~~{w~~~~~~~~a~~~~ Ancrray~~~f,..,..,, ............................... gve rdi4 16 an b. ule &my@) lor 1h c"rrrr# rarwn$m# mw rfw mk ummt urb raqulrad bu EEP be 1m cg 41 (5). #Type QC prlnt anammy@] nm(s3 - . ~~ . ~~... ~~ .. ~- -... ~~ : crci be wampl@tdd ?q oferkl 0 Clsmlualantetbdsar69u~~adon ............................................................................. 13 bbl- nnt antercb as reauermd lot the lollow~ng maw@), ad rttmy(s1 nohilied 011 ............................. 13 ~~su~pnrta~on,,.,., ............................... u\~,nty---..- ..................................... ~~ .... - " .... Dale4 ................................ i .............. BYb -Y Fbnri AU9PtM by Rd!& sui? 8f REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL . CCP 581 CaL Rules Rd" fho fudidU1 fkunCi1 df fdfmidh Rbviad t3eCllw July I. lW2 0 .F .. 0 't 3 I.. . OF c- Re: -1i.tlU Ftm , e-s v. City, of Cnrlsbati I. F8z the sola consS,deration oe Ten ThUusaRd Pollars ($10, Oaoj t the wc3essigned hert~by relaaaes and furthqr d%8chtxargaa the CITY OF CARIrSBm, its agents and c!!nplCqWCS, md all uther persons, Finns and corgorations fm all claims and &-dBr rights asd causes of action of my kid fhc und6xsig" RQW have Pr hereafter may bve cm account .af or in any way growing out of the damages resulting or - to' rereult from the incidat weltzr*ri#g usi Of: a&u$ May 8, 1993, wMeh 1s. the stibject; of North County Municipatf Court Case Ha. IkI29cr2 - ZUrtfilffr. the undersi&ed her- agrees EO ralea~e any and all d,~Atas ant3 dees, righka ami caua~ 95 aaim of any kind that may mw have axisen or hereafter may &GB as a result at' the above inddat c and fuz-tbr awces to hold the CITY OF C~UXIJSW~ hasmless I and tu ipdszrmify It for and agab8t aAy CZaim, lien ox debt whida has arisen or may arise fmm the incident: Ckscribad'herein, dnclud- ..) lng but not li&tsd to workdr'g Compensation Ifens and medical liens af any tygs whatsoevex. This rslanaaft expresses P full and cou@ets settle-t a€ a 3.iaMIity claimed and denied on the pa* bE all paxties, xeardless of the adequacy of the abcwe consideration, and the acceptance af thia xalease shall rmt uperats as an addssian of li9bill5ty 0x1 the park of any party hereto. . 'All rsghts; &van by Sectrton 1542 of the tivzit CoZt of California, whL& is quoted below, are waived by );be undersigned. .* 0 0 a! ’ CxVltzI CODE SICTZQk? &42: “9 g“d, z’%llsaslcs dae6 not: stend to cL,aima-’‘whiclh the cxcditcrr deas not knaw or aus~ct to &st in hie favor at tibe time of executing - the release, which Qf Icnm w Urn rrnxst have materially affected his settlement wfth khe debtw.fl - By 8hping t’his Generd Release, I intend to give up azxd disachrdxge ali rights aad claim to damma to psra~n and/or property, EW~S -ugh SOW of such &~QS UEAY not hue clbawn t;hema&kvas at the! tirnei of acceptmce of this settlernenz. DATEDt .___ *f AE@PROVE;B.AS TO FORM AN13 Cr. DATED: t2/a/cc, c Attarnely for PlarLntSiE ZWGELINE POxupS 2