HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-11-07; City Council; 13374; AUTHORIZE HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR TO TRAVEL OUT OF STATE* * 4s i5 z 0 I- o - a 6 J z 3 0 o 77 CIT@OF CARLSBAD - AGEN~ BILL -AB # 13; 3’79 TITLE: DEP’ MTG. 11-7-95 AUTHORIZE HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR CITY DEPT. HR TO TRAVEL OUT OF STATE CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize Human Resources Director Ann Jensen to attend the Organizational Development Network Conference to be held from November 15 through November 19, 1995, in Seattle, Washington. jTEM EXPLANATION: This year’s Organizational Development Network conference is focused on the issue of implementing change in organizations. A major feature of this training opportunity is the ability to participate in a practicum designed to provide a skills based workshop for participants. The practicum will provide “hands-on” experience working directly with the City of Seattle’s Office of Management and Planning, which is leading a city-wide performance improvement process, working to maximize customer service, reduce costs, increase employe( involvement and come to terms with accountability issues. The practicum provides the opportunity for participants to work with Senior Practioners in the field of Organizational Development. These participant and senior practioner teams will consult with the City of Seattle while actively planning, designing, and implementing recommended interventions and change efforts based on the needs of that organization. Given the challenges and opportunities which currently face the City of Carlsbad, this conference would provide staff with valuable advanced skills training which can be transferred back to this organization. Therefore, it is recommended that the Human Resources Director An Jensen be authorized to attend the Organizational Development Network Conference to be held i Seattle, Washington, from November 15 through November 19, 1995. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost to attend the subject five (5) day conference will be approximately $1,500. Lodging and airfare are included within the noted amount. Funds are available within the Human Resources Department budget to cover the cost of the conference, lodging, and travel. EXH I BITS : 1. OD Network Conference Program 0 0 THE ORGANIZ~TION DEVELOPMENT ,VETWORK IS A VALUES-BASED COMMUNITY WHICH SUPPORTS PRACTITIOlLTRS , .IN THEIR WORK IN HUMAN, ORGANIZATION AND SYSTEMS D~L.OPMEhT, Navigating Change Storrny Seas, Renewed Spirits, Bright Horizc AND OFFERS LEADERS HIP UDN NATIONAL CONFEREYCE ivOIEMBER 15 -1 9, 1995 AND SCHOLARSHIP ro THE PROFESSION. ~~IERITO.V SE/ITTLE HOTEL & TOWERS SE~TTLE, WASHINGTON a Ci:,irt \ our own conference course. \?lectin: from 2 rich Carietv ot topic.. sessions and experiences md prcmssional development needs. Eneaee n rth colleagues, new and old, u hose lournevs prallel t-our own. Share stories of storm! ‘cas ot chanqe. Renew \our own spirit as vou learn new wavs to inspire and motivate others. Rediscover vour passion for the brieht horizons a.r\aiting us A. Finall\. burround vourself with the beaut\ ~nd 5erenlt~ of the maJestlc P'icitic Sorthneht, a perfect place to rel'ix. re-enerqize and grow. Uqe chis program as a map to Suide \ cw through your conference opportunities. Explore the pages 'iheaci. being sure to look for adiiitiiinal intormation on the to 1 low in:: Jesi'neJ t'' address "Our persona' pshion5 on ;1 i\ I& ranee of subjects. Hear about and experience the excicinq work ot \our colleagues, from the traditional to the ieading edge in . Listen to 'I dl\ erx set of kevnote qxdkers. t'nuaqe in our Town Meeting \i Irh [he ODN ~~,~~d Ot T~~~~~~~, nnJ mingle ivith conrerence attendees x other cornmunin-u ide social events. Spend time in c'isudl and intimate .ettin:s to hex u hat ochers in the OD . tieid are Cloincr In addition to informal <'FFC~rtlinltie> tL) [all\ at kocial events, med> ,id hlhs. take 'Idvantage of cwr more m-uctureci opportunities incldinr! 111 Theor!. Lfv Prxtice l',ver Sem)n\. .ind The Showcase. Participate in halt-Jav. full Jdv mii tno-dav ndshops during the first two <fa\ z <it our conterence that xe JesieneL1 to ,illo\\ YOU to more tull\ ~iiscus\ iwe5. eupd perspective> ,ind Jei =iop nea 44s. Cimer the :dance of A senior practirioner. hizn md implement .I reJ-tittie intenentitm with '1 non- Fwtit or c:cwernriient ,icencv in our host ctiinrnunin Renetit5 to vou' Lt,irnini: 15 ith ,in c'D iturer, mlimct'd ~ons~~iciiii: >kill\, the \,iti\txtion ot wr\ in? \,wr clienr - .id thc ren.d (It i-eloiit.inc to .I unique Iccirninl: comrntiiii t \ p u i.3 1 MICHEL JANCLOES, Director ot the 'World Health Oryanization's (WHO'S) Division ot Intensified Cooperation with Countries, will speak about his work in bringine chanqe to the health systems serving the poorest peoples of the world. The Belgian-born physician has set up public health programs from the . bush of Zaire to the city slums of Senegal. Betore joining WHO, he spent five years as World Bank Project Officer for West Africa and the Far East tor population, health and nutrition. CAROLYN LUKENSMEYER brings us 7G sears of experience serving the public and private sectors, national and international. Her current consulting practice focuses on private/public partnerships, education reform and the transformation and revitalization of bureaucratic systems as well as planning processes to integrate corporate strategy, structure and human resources. Carolyn's Thursday night keynote will describe re-inlrenting government work in lvhich she has been involved (most recently L'ice President Gore's National Periormance Review), discuss horv this relates to public/ private partnerships and help us think about our own' partnerships - in our work lives and as we form our community at the conference. PHILIP CONDIT, President, The Aoeinq Companv, brings to the cnnterence the experience (it :I highly technically rraineil leiider who believes in [he value of OD. He joined Bcwing in 1965 as an aerodynamics engineer and throughout his career has held major leadership iissiynmenrs in Engineering, Sales and Marketing, anJ more recently the 777 Division. In his current position he has been a sponsor and advwxte tor the development ,)t Boeinck Senior Executive Progm-i which focuses on clobal and strate:ic thinkine nnJ Iedership de1,eloP- inent. He believes that the only \v;iy co provide the qu;ditv and vdue customers ;ire seeking in ;I timely . BILLIE ALBm AND BRRBARA BENEDICT BUNKI internationally respected organizational cons1 whose current focus is on using participative 1 interventions to change organizations and cot In 1992 they edited a special issue of The Jour (if Applied Behavioral Science on large-group interventions and are currently.collaborating . book on this topic. A sample of their clients i British Airways, Exxon, Kraft/General Foods, Kodak and Pfizer. Billie and Barbara will discuss and reflect u changes that large-group interventions are unc They will update us on things happening with approaches -how they are being used, the ac that are occurring and where these approache: are gotng. HOWARD BAD mD, a Lakota Sioux spiritual Eagle Singer from the Rosebud Reservation in Dakota, will help us bring our conference to a Howard weaves his learnings as a Native Arne Dartmouth College graduate, and a student of 20 years of the I Ching - The Chinese Book ( - into all his teachings. He says, "My life is i towards finding practical means for all people peacefully." From these diverse perspectives he will he1 at the massive political, ecological and person: occurring today and give us insight into lesson learn from them and how they relate to our sp development. Note: H oward will lead a related workshop aft conference in the Seattle area. If you are interestc obtazning flirther information, please call the conf; information line at (206) 86 I - I894 and kuve yo phon2 number and dress. The Practicum IS 'i consultin: &ills i\'Orii<h<y- 'iiiLl ieLirniny communicv in x.hicii .mii sonsuitins teams work ivith \ii>tir.wihd members ot ilur professic)n I<, %ieii\.er hizhquaiitv pro-rono soiijui[iijc -crviccs r<l iumprotit ;iiili rt)verninen: ..iiCi~.r.. E.iih 1'r:icricuin prolest n.iii hd1.e i:> ~\i.n ttrui Lictc'rniineLi bv the neeci< (It :he ciiciir ,vwin. HOW COULD YOU BENEFIT FROM THIS UNIQUE EXPERIENCE? m Center for Career Alternatives A,), pr<)viicJ tree cxeer cuidance, CLiusmim .inA rmninc, emplovment i..~.>r;ii'i;c .iiiii .i \.<iric'tv (lt (>[her ser\.ices ;I ii-.ore riim y.>:J i~o~inq people. CIll Church Council of Greater Seattle t':L>\.iJcs ,i .!rcciure tor Iocai ;cmorer:irion.; to -~e~ik out tor the voice- ' , contr<mt L-iiilencc and oppression nurture rex-c .mci unitv within ii)inivlumF~ and .imoiiir imzsum. m Kitsap Community Acti Program (KCAP) KCAP is working to build stable economv to overcome i ot severe military cutbacks on Bremercon. Using Dannemill Time Strategic Change btode brings together key stakehold &sidents of B&erton with t objective of creacmg a edlab commkity agenda and deter measures KW !~n &,to ,I sense oi solidaricv. an opporcunirv to learn trom iww arher teams came ra:ethe9 LvorkcJ Ivith their senior practirioners. enrered and exitej. trom their svwms." "Pracricum '94 [\vas] '1 unique. srrong HCity of Seattle Plannine is leadin: J iirvwide ped0 improvement process. working to maximi:e customer service, reduce - 1 he Mice or .\. tmagement and I, o ence 1- Seniar Practitioners ior chis year's frncticum include: Frances Baldwin. Geortrev Bellmnn. Kathleen Dannemiller. Dennis GallJgher, Roqer Harrison. Frederick P. Xader. Richard Orange, Carhv Rctvai. Kathleen Rvan, Lindberqh 5. Sara. Edirh Seashore, Helen Schrader and Rad Wilson. Program Pro\.ides iri.,is senxxs to victims of domestic vioicnci: mci their children. Its ma,or Froerams ~lre ,t l4-hour crisis line, c.,n+identlai sate si,elrer, supportlve counseiine groups, Iecal advocacy, community educxion md training. m Seattle ODN Conference Community I'raviJcs ;in ,\pp,'rtunity ro design and iinplenienr 'in intervention pertaining to diversir\ I~MCZ \I irhin the Seattle ODN Lnterence ctwiiiiuiiirv. Wc will look at. \.isiblc ;ind in\.:.ibic' ,iittercnces. discuss hninmr .mi .i:hv,iin,ite croups and \v(>rk r(, nxixiiiiiIc' . irctv ,lid e!iminate OFFrC?\>IVC tClrCc'.. mFamily Services of King County .A IL'+,-<~,ir-~~:,i. <~uiiitt.-iviie ;i:ency \\how ini-iriii :. r:' . pro\,idinQ Lcliiii>L>il:1< ,iiiLi orher SUpp<)rt wrvicc> lnsid:il< i.r,~,cr:iiii\ tor [he iLl,~l~~~c~mr~. ,ihLd chiiJren, ccrL~,i P\ \i\we>ris \.i<)lence, m American Red Cross Seattle-King County Chapter .A humanitarian i~r:nnization led bv \.oiunteer. rroviclinz reiiet to victims L)t Liisnbtcrs kind helpin: people prevent. prepire i;>r ,ind rcqxmd r<J ernerceniies. Proilrarns mcl w-\.iccs inclucie: Llisnster. He;iith and Siter~, .irmcJ Forces Erner- , - scnc:- . k;iutii ,incl intern.itioii;iI. m Antioch University Seattle .I poncer in 1:i:hc.r cLiuc.iti(m \vir11 !n;ler.cniicnr ;inJ ii~rcrLii.~~iFiiii~irv mdv, eIt4oi:neJ Llccrcc picin. .id .in einpn,l>is ,111 clliiilliclliity p:irticipirihiii .ind -cr\':cc. i',,crec pr~yr'iiii> llxlil~ic~: !:..4. in Li'reriii :\ins 'IiiLi kt.:\. 111 EJuc~ItIoiI. 5,\rc:?< ik,\ii'n nzriicn txnilies by F!.r ne,lriv 1 jc ye;ip .A,I~~~c)ch 11,1> i~c.e~~ .. . s:.iilc prc\xmri(Iii. t.\.,)rkpl;icc i\,iic'\ CiiiLSiir. l',\ L.lli~l~~~v .Id \\~'Ilt~ic in 1994. .... -. -.. , mwashington state Histc Society Provides leadership in pu education and collecrs, prese interprets materials exemplif history. Programs include ec outreach programs for schoo sponsorship of conferences o of historic interest. m Wing Luke Asian Mus1 The oniy Pan-Asian mus United States. Its mission is promote and document Ask culture, and to challenge ne stereotypes ot Asian people. PRAcllCUM PARTIC RESPONSI3Im Practicum participants n OD experience or significar of OD principles. Parcicipa expected to attend all schec meetings and rake an active planning, desi9 and impler [he intervcntion. <I e a rmicirmts mu.[ rccister for both rhr ?re-(hirerence mJ rhe tieneml Contc'r- cnse. >in<< yojests ~vill begin Wednesday. \ov. i 3. .id in most c;ijcs will continue thrawh 5mdnv. Parricipnnts must . iomrnit .I dxkmai ronion ot their time .it [he coiirerence tc.1 tnt. PrmtcuIl1. incidin: in dil-Jav esmn on Wecinesdav mci the t'ind celebration (open to all c,r&rence participants) on Sundav morning. dtherwise. teams will jet their own jiheduies. Cmsuiting teams are encouraged to manage the scope ot their iwrk to ;1li~irv ampie time tor participation in other Frograms. Pailv Jcbrietino meetings will FCOVide &in opportunity tor ream members and senior practitioners to JISCUSS learnings .id seek advice irom one another. These meetinqs, trom 5:QC to T:JO PM each evening. give lite to the concept ot J learning communitv - a high point ot' [he Practicum experience. Registration: Please indicate on the registration form vour tint. second and third choice trom the list ot' Praccicum Projects. Tams are limited to 5- 10 participants. depending on the nature ot the work. Clienc assignments will be made on a tint-come his. 3Qth. Projects that do not receive adequate registration mav be canceled. Additional Information: if you would like ,~cfdirionai intormation iibout the Prncricum. please call SIiriam Lanee i36L') 966.071 1 \%'.A. or Victoria Nder (410) 25i-196L XtD. Please reaister no lxer than September -