HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-11-07; City Council; 13383; Carlsbad municipal golf course project status rptai UJ > EG %IC 3 .. Z 0 - 4 - U z 2 0 V t, 4 ! AB# ) 3, 3 8- 3 TITLE: RECEIVE A STATUS REPORT AND APPROVE THE DEPT. I MTG. I/- 7 - 9 .s- CITY A < - m CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL m REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPOSED CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL COURSE PROJECT DEPT. CD CITY N RECOMMENDED ACTION: RECEIVE A STATUS REPORT and approve the Request for Proposals for the develo proposed Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course project. ITEM EXPLANATION: In June of 1989, the citizens of Carlsbad approved Proposition G which authorized thl of funds in excess of $1 million of tax revenues for the planning, development, and CI a variety recreation facilities including opportunities for public golf. Since that date, studies have been undertaken, preliminary environmental and economic analyse completed, and approximately 250 acres have been purchased by the City for the developing a championship length public golf course. On July 18, 1995, the City Council received a status report regarding the proposec project. At this meeting, the City Council reviewed several different development : authorized staff to solicit formal proposals from outside companies for the developme course project. The following activities have been completed since last July: - A golf course development selection process was created. Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) were prepared and mailed to apprl Interested RFQ participants were briefed at an August 31, 1995 meetin Eleven (1 1) official responses to the RFQ were received by the City. The City’s Selection Committee convened, reviewed and evaluated the 1 1 rf - interested companies and individuals. - Carlsbad Public Safety Conference Center. - - identified four firms to continue on in the development selection proce finalists are: Raven Golf Group, Scottsdale, Arizona KOLL Real Estate Group, San Diego, California Crown Golf Properties, Northbrook, Illinois Hillman Properties West, Carlsbad, California - Requests for Proposals (RFP) have been prepared and are ready to be mail finalists. Attached is a copy of the detailed Request for Proposals (RFP) for review and approc Council. Because of the size, complexity, and cost of the ultimate development of the course project, at this City Council meeting staff will highlight the key goals, issues, and of the Request for Proposals. m II: Page 2 of Agenda Bill No- 13,.’38 3 Staff requests City Council approval of the RFP and authorization to proceed with s formal proposals from the 4 finalists for the development of the golf course project. FISCAL IMPACT: None. EXH I BITS: 1. Request for Proposals for the development of the proposed Carlsbad Municipal project. EAHItslI I a m CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 1. INTRODUCTION The City of Carlsbad's seven (7) member Selection Committee, consisting Technical Advisory Committee, has previously received eleven (1 1) Request Qualifications (RFQ) submittals for the proposed Carlsbad Municipal Gold Course proje The Selection Committee has analyzed these submittals and identified four (4) finalis to continue on in the golf course development selection process. These firms are: Raven Golf Group, Scottsdale, Arizona MOLL Real Estate Group, San Diego, California Crown Golf Properties, Northbrook, Illinois Hillman Properties West, Incorporated, Carlsbad, California As the second stage of the golf course development selection process, the City t- prepared a formal Request for Proposal (RFP), the submission requirements of which i discussed below. It is the City's goal within this selection process to provide to the fc (4) RFP finalists as much information as is currently available and respond to any a meetings with all four (4) of the RFP finalists will be scheduled within a few weeks assist the proposers with preparing a complete and comprehensive RFP submittal. T details of these proposed meetings are discussed below. Please note that submittals that fail to respond thoroughly and completely to 1 requirements of the RFP shall be deemed non-responsive and consequently rejected the City of Carlsbad. representative8 of Gity staff and the Gity Gouncil appQinted Golf Gourse Steering a a19 questions regarding the proposed golf course project. To that end, 'Individi ID. Responses to this RFP shall include the identification of all principal team members firm or company name including overall project management, golf course architect, e engineer, primary golf course construction contractor, golf course construction manag golf course operations and maintenance manager(s), all financial participants, and otl key project team members. If known at this time, proposers shall list individuals name and include personal resumes and references. Restructuring, substituting, or other adjustments of principal team members submitl in the prior Request for Qualifications (RFQ) materials to the City of Carlsbad shall permiteed at the discretion of the proposer. It is expected that all RFP submittals 1 include a project organization chart identifying all principal project team members. COMPOSITION OF RFP RESPONDENT'S TEAM a m Ill. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The successful proposer shall be responsible for making all onsite and offs improvements, developing all appropriate structures, procuring all equipment, systen and materials, and providing all personal property necessary to successfully constru operate, and maintain the proposed golf facility. The project includes the following components: 1. 18-Hole Golf Course QDtion: a. An 18-hole championship length golf course of 6,600 yards or longer playing a Par 72. All putting greens shall be developed in accordance with US( standards. The course shall include a minimum of 5 tee stations for each ho full course length concrete cart paths, and equipped with all reasonable a customary hardware, systems, and features accompanying a championship len! amenities shall be at the discretion of the architect subject to review and appro1 of the City. Playability of the golf course for both the recreational golfer and t low handicapper is essential. A night lighted driving range consisting of 80 bays or larger. "Double end€ and/or "tiered" driving range facilities are acceptable depending upon golf cour layout. A full-service clubhouse with restaurant, golf shop, meeting room(s), sna bar/short-order food and beverage service, administrative offices, restroon and public parking. On-site golf cart storage and service shall be provide however, fuel storage and dispensing shall not be permitted at this location. T City shall consider an interim, temporary clubhouse facility if phasing of t permenant clubhouse facility is required for financing reasons. A dull-service maintenance facility providing maintenance equipment stora and repair, fuel storage and dispensing if required, landscape maintenance sup1 storage and handling, irrigation system control center, administrative offices, a related facilities. Remote station controlled automated irrigation system utilizing reclaimed wa storage and dispensing facilities for the golf course. Potable water shall permitted for all tees and greens. golf course, Practice green(s), bunkering, water features, and landsca b. e. d. e. 2 @ U 2. 27-Hole Golf Course Option The 27-hole golf course option includes all requirements described above for t 18-hole golf course with the addition of 9 golf holes of at least 3,300 yards playi to a Par 36. A separate starters booth shall be provided. Golf Teachina and Practice Center The City recommends the inclusion of facilities, equipment, and opportunities the installation of a golf teaching and practice center on the site available to i general public for cost. The teaching center shall be managed by the propo: directly or by retained BGA professional, 3. 4. Golf Related Commercial/Retail/Administrative Center The 200 scale map accompanying the prior Request for Qualifications (RF package identified an area of approximately 8 to 10 acres intended for golf relat commercial/retaiI/administrative uses. Examples of these uses may include g teaching or "academy" facilities, offices for national or regional golf associatioi golf museum, golf related restaurant or retail uses, etc. Although the ar depicted on this exhibit was intended for illustrative purposes only, it is the Cit plan to site a golf related commercial/retail/administrative center at the mc appropriate location on the site. Proposers shall incorporate this use somewhc on the site. IV. RFP SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS All proposals shall include the following requirements in response to this RFP: 1. Concept Golf Course Routincl Plan Enclosed with this RFP package are eighteen (18) 3.5" discs containing topographic data of the property proposed for both the 18 and 27 hole golf coui layouts. The data is 100 scale with 2 foot contours taken from the City Carlsbad's base mapping. Please be advised this data is the property of the C of Carlsbad and shall not be copied nor used for any other purpose other than preparation sf a concept golf course routing plan as required by this RFP. The proposal shall include a concept golf course routing plan depicting both I 18 and 27 hole layouts. The City wishes to evaluate your architect's vision of t project without reference or context to any earlier concept routing plan previously develoged by others, including the City of Carlsbad. 3 a The concept routing plan shall include the following: - One (1) colored exhibit sized for display purposes and three (3) blackli Location of the major project components discussed in Section Ill aboi Golf card by hole, par, and distance. Linkage concepts between the 18 holes and the 9 holes. Spot elevations for all tees, hinge points of fairways, and greens for golf holes. Please provide spot elevations for all other major projt components discussed in Section 111. Proposed locations for all bunkering, water features, and other landsca amenities. Proposed reclaimed water storage locations. paper copies. All exhibits shall be rolled and not folded. - - - - - - 2. Construction Description and Estimate The proposal shall include a construction description and detailed estimate. Based upon the concept routing plan, the construction description shall inclul a brief narrative articulating the recommended approach to constructing the g course incorporating the sequencing of major components, site gradir preservation of onsite biological resources, protection of onsite electrical towr and owerhead lines, incorporation of onsite and offsite utilities, reclaimed wa facilities, seeding schedule, etc. Also based upon the concept routing plan, the construction estimate shall inclul an approximation of major construction work items, quantities, and COI including, but not limited to, grading, irrigation, utilities, landscaping, all structur and facilities, etc. 3. Proiect Schedule The proposal shall include a project schedule incorporating the principal phas of project development including: - Preliminary design - Environmental Impact Reporl (EIR): I2 month estimate Regulatory Agency permits and approvais: 6 month estimate - 4 a I - Final design - Construction - Course maturation The City has provided the above referenced time estimates for the completion the required ElR and securing of Federal, State, and local Regulatory Ager permits and approvals which are discussed in Section IX below. Plea incorporate these estimatd time periods into your schedule. It is expected the project schedule will be sufficiently detailed by task and time portray an understanding of the project complexities and assignment of reasonable and realistic time frames to complete the project and open the g course for public play by July 1, 1999 or earlier. Management and Operation of the 27 Hole Option Because of the potential involvement of 9 additional holes of "resort level" golf, t City is interested in a narrative discussion of your experience with and appraa to the management, operation, and maintenance requirements of this optic Please discuss the issues of management and control of the 27 hole golf cour operation, management of tee times, booking corporate and public tournamen administering day to day operations of a combination "resort" and public/daily d course, special maintenance requirements, if any, etc. Please include additior discussion of this subject as you feel appropriate and relevant to the 27 hc option. The LEGO Corporation has recently purchased the resort site from the private lar owner and intends to develop a high quality destination resort on a schedu parallel the development of the LEGO Family Park project. If you have questioi regarding LEGO's plans and requirements for "resort level" golf as a part of tt proiect, please contact: 4. Mr. Darrell Sheaffer LEGO Park Planning 5600 Avenida Encinas Suite 130 Carlsbad, California 92008 (619) 438-5570 Please direct all questions regarding intended land uses, plans, and schedules fc property surrounding the proposed LEG0 park and resort sites to the lar ownerld evelo per: 5 0 0 Mr. Christopher Calkins Carltas Development Company 5600 Avenida Encinas Suite 100 Carlsbad, California 92008 (661 9) 431 -5600 The City wishes to emphasize the first priority of developing a high quality 18 hc public/daily fee golf course project. It is the City's intent to accommodate the additional holes of adjacent "resort level" golf in a manner and schedule that both complimentary and advantageous to the management and economics of tl publicldaily fee golf course. 5. Financing Proposal This project will likely be financed under one or more of the following scenaric - City issued taxable debt - City issued tax exempt debt Ground lease with private financing - a. The proposal shall include a detailed discussion and analysis of your intendt financing plan. The proposal shall analyze both the 18 hole and the 27 hc options. The analysis shall include: - Financing and debt structure - Expected developer compensation, terms, and rate of return Proposed return to the City Anticipated rate structure and rate setting process Credit enhancement provided by developer, if necessary Expected City obligations, if any Other financing plan issues you feel important - - - - - b. The proposal shall include a copy of the most recent audited business dinancii statements for all parties providing financing, credit enhancement, financia support, and project participation or responsibility in Phis project. Financi, 6 0 m statements shall be required of all corporations, partnerships, individuals, a general contractors participating in this project as principal team members. T financial statements shall be compiled and certified by an independent, professional auditor or auditing firm. The City of Carlsbad shall review t information in confidence. The proposal shall include a description of any special features, marketi strategies, or an operational plan intended to be used by the developer to hf make the project a financial success. The plan may include such concepts a Pursuing a PGA, LPGA, Senior PGA, Nike Tour, Golden State Tour, U Amateur, NCAA, or California State High School tournament(s) or otk qualifying events for the golf course. c. - - Attracting the interest and participation of the PGA or USGA in locatinc Attracting the interest and participation of the numerous golf equipment a Developing focused advertising and marketing strategies for corporal Developing a reciprocal booking arrangement with the Four Seas01 regional facility on or near the site. clothing manufacturers located in Carlsbad. - - private associations, and other business groups. - Resort/Aviara Golf Club, La Costa Resort and Spa, Sheraton Torrey Pine or other local destination golf resorts for shared resort play. - Other special features or strategies you feel appropriate. do The proposal shall include a discussion and analysis of the use and opportunitic of the 8 to 10 acre golf related commercial, retail, and administrative center on tt site. The City wishes to explore this development as a potential profit center fi the overall golf course project. The proposal shall include a detailed listing of any financial interests or re property holdings within the City of Carlsbad for any individual or firm participatir in the financing or construction of this project. It is expected that a full ar complete disclosure of financial interests, if any, will accompany the proposal: e. V. PROPOSAL FORMAT, SUBMIlTAL PRODUCTS, DUE DATE The RFP proposal shall be assembled in a bound, letter size document. Plea3 provide a total of ten (10) original copies of the proposal. As discussed in Seck a a m IV, subsection 1 above, please provide one (1) colored exhibit sized and three ( blackline paper copies of the concept golf course routing plan along with tl proposal. These accompanying exhibits shall be rolled and not folded. All proposals are to be received by the City of Carlsbad no later than 5:OO 13.m Wednesdav, Januarv 31, 1996. Proposals are to be forwarded to the City Carlsbad, Community Development Department, attention: Mr. John Cahill, 20 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, California 92009. VI. MEETINGS WITH CITY DURING PREPARATION OF RFP PROPOSAL It is suggested that after review of the details of this RFP, individual meetings I scheduled between with each of the four (4) finalists and the City of Carlsba including its consultants, to discuss the project proposal in depth. This will gi all parties an opportunity to have assembled preliminary project information ai financial data, ask questions, and have some detailed discussion regarding tl proposed golf course project. The City believes this is particularly important givl the complexities sf the project and the potential involvement of the additional holes of "resort level" golf. Please contact Mr. John Cahill at (61 9) 438-1 161, extension 4386 to schedule meeting that will best fit everyone's schedule. All proposers are encouraged schedule these meetings well in advance of the RFP proposal due date identific below. VII. CONTACTS WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD Your attention is directed to Page 5 of the August 3, 1995 Request for Qualifications (RFQ) requirement for strictly limiting contacts and inquiri regarding this project to the designated City staff and retained consultants stat( therein. Your cooperation is this matter will be appreciated. VIII. SCHEDULING OF INTERVIEWS Individual interviews with all four finalists will be held tentatively in early Februa 1996 in Carlsbad. The specific dates of these interviews will determined within t next few weeks. It is expected that representatives of the principal team membc will be in attendance for these interviews. 8 a 1)1 IX. ASSUMPTIONS AND CONDITIONS 1. Please reference the August, 1994 and April, 1995 economic analyses prepar by Economic Research Associates, Incorporated on behalf of the City of Carlsb which should be used as source documents for the RFP proposal. The City reserves the right to select all members of the financing team for a taxable or tax exempt bond issue. The City reserves the right to review and approve all parties involved in any priw financing proposal. Because of the numerous financing options available, a sample project development contract is not included in this RFP. A project development contri will be mutually created between the City and the successful proposer. The City of Carlsbad reserves the right, at its sole election, to select either the 1 hole or 27-hole golf course approach. The City reserves the right, at its sole election, to include or exclude t commercial, retail, and administrative center component from the proje development contract with the successful proposer. As referenced in Section IV, subsection 3 above, it is the intent of the City administer the environmental review, Regulatory Agency permitting, and lar entitlement process for the golf course project. It is believed these requiremer can be more efficiently managed and secured in a timely manner with the Ci assuming a leadership role in the project environmental, permitting, ar entitlement process. It is expected the successful proposer will work in a positii and cooperative partnership with the City in this effort. The City reserves the right to review and approve all design documents and construction drawings, plans, and specifications for all phases and compones sf this project. The City will consider suggestions and recommendations for an alternative nan or title for the proposed golf course project as something other than the "Carlsb; Municipal Golf Course." The City shall own, possess, control, and otherwi, retain all property ownership rights and interests in any alternative names, title logos, or other symbols designating the golf course project. Approval authority for rate setting procedures, structures including reduce resident rates, and schedule shall remain with the City. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 18. 9