HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-12-05; City Council; 13417; HUD TrainingCITY COUNCIL - AGENDABILL AB# /@%&m TITLE: MT& ia-- t.i.- ? 5 AUTHORIZE MANAGEMENT ANALYST (HINES) AND ACCOUNTANT (HONIG) TO TRAVEL OUT OF STATE DEPT. H/RED FOR HUD TRAINING RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize Management Analyst Leilani Hines and Accountant Barbara Honig to attend the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Integrated Disbursement Information System training session to be held from March 25 to March 29, \ci 9 6 in Washington D.C. ITEM EXPLANATION: Under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383, the City of Carlsbad continues to be eligible to receive funding from the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program to finance projects which serve the needs of low/moderate income persons. In 1996-97, the City of Carlsbad will also receive federal HOME Investment Partnership funds, as a member of the San Diego County HOME Investment Partnership Consortium, to finance eligible housing activities. As a recipient of federal funds from Community Planning and Development (CPD) Programs administered through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the City will be required to utilize the Integrated Disbursement Information (IDIS) System for consolidated planning, projects set-up, disbursements, and accomplishments reporting for these CPD Programs. The City has already put in place Phase I of the IDIS System and has utilized Phase I to prepare the text files, databases, and map files contained in the required Consolidated Plan. Phase II of the IDIS System will fully automate grantee reporting (formerly known as the Grantee Performance Report) and disbursements for the CDBG, HOME, and other CPD Programs. It is expected that IDIS will support CPD’s new reporting requirements and will simplify the grants management process. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is sponsoring an IDIS training session for all Southern California grantees from March 25 through March 29, 19Li6 in Washington D.C. No local training will be provided. It is recommended that Management Analyst Leilani Hines and Accountant Barbara Honig be authorized to attend the IDIS training session. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact on the General Fund. Lodging and airfare to attend this training session is an eligible CDBG program administration expense and will be funded through the federal CDBG program. The cost for two persons to attend the subject five (5) day conference will be approximately $2,600. Lodging and airfare are included within the noted amount. EXHIBITS: I. Memorandum regarding information on IDIS System and required training. .Issue’No..:CPD-96-001 . . .Issue’No..:CPD-96-001 . . Date:,.Chber 4, 1995 Date:,.Chber 4, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS WITHIN THE LOS ANGELES OFFICE JURISDICTION ATTENTION: CDBG, HOME, ESG & HOPWA COORDINATORS SUBJECT: INTEGRATED DISBURSEMENT AND INFORMATION SYSTEM (IDIS) IDIS PURPOSE AND INFORMATION: The purpose of this memorandum is to provide information on the Integrated Disbursement Information (IDIS) System. The IDIS System will consolidate planning and reporting processes across Community Planning and Development (CPD) Programs. Grantees will be able to use an integrated system for consolidated planning, project set-up, disbursements, and accomplishments reporting. Reporting can happen as accomplishments are attained, reducing the burden of end-of-year reports. Grantees are already part of and using Phase 1 of the IDIS System. Phase I is the Consolidated Plan software consisting of the package of off-the-shelf software (WordPerfect 6.0a, MapInfo, and Foxpro), running under Microsoft Windows. These packages run with a set of programs that help a grantee use the software to produce the text file, databases and map files contained in the consolidated plan. The system should reduce the amount of work required by grantees, enable you to communicate with citizens about proposed projects, and communicate this information to HUD quickly. Phase 2 of the IDIS System is the part of the system that will fully automate grantee reporting and disbursements for the following four grant programs: - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) - HOME Investment Partnerships Act Program (HOME) - Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) - Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) 2 IDIS is intended to support CPD's new consolidated reporting requirements for entitlement grant programs and to simplify the grants management process for all participants, thus reducing the time necessary to produce reports. This will provide more cost efficient reporting, provide a common baseline to compare effectiveness of programs, facilitate reporting to Congress on activities and accomplishments, and reduce duplicate and inconsistent reporting. IDIS is a menu driven system which will be used by grantees to setup projects and activities, request draw downs and produce reports of accomplishments and expenditures tied to those activities. Some of the features of IDIS System include the following: + Replaces four reporting systems (including the HOME Cash and Management Information System) and two disbursing procedures with one unified system; + Replaces the Voice Response System (VRS); + Easy-to-use electronic transfer of data. The system will allow grantees and field offices to easily move files back and forth; + A simplified process. Taken as a whole, this system will be simpler for grantees than our customary different systems and different procedures for each grant; + Better data. We see a vast improvement in the quality and quantity of data without putting more burden on grantees. For the first time, we will be able to answer questions such as: "What is a community doing across all of its programs?" "What are the total national community development needs?" "What were the total accomplishments with HUD funds?" TRAINING INFORMATION: All grantees in a particular Field Office will be trained at the same time. Training for grantees within the Los Angeles Office jurisdiction will be offered in two separate, identical sessions because of the large number of grantees in the Southern California area. Dates for the training sessions are planned for the weeks of: + November 13 through 17, 1995 (5 full training days) OR + March 25 through 29, 1996 (5 full training days) (Training session should end at 3:00 pm on the last day.) s 3 The training will be held at the following address: HOLIDAY INN FAIR OAKS 11787 Lee Jackson Highway Fairfax, VA 22033 Telephone #: (703) 352-2525 (The hotel is located closer to Dulles International Airport rather than to National.Airport in Washington, D. C. Shuttle service to and from Dulles International Airport is also available. However, you must contact the hotel for pick-up service upon your arrival at the above telephone number.) A reduced lodging rate for grantees attending the training has also been worked out with the hotel ($80 for a s.ingle; $90 for a double, plus tax) is available. There is no charge for the trainins course. However, grantees must pay for their own travel and lodging accommodations which are eligible program administrative expenses. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Training is available to accommodate two representatives from each grantee. Staff members selected to attend the training should be those who have an overall program knowledge or responsibility for the various consolidated planning process and/or financial aspects of grants management. If there is a need to send more than two, please let us know and we will try to accommodate you provided there is space available. However, staff who attend the IDIS training will be responsible for training other grantee staff since no local trainincs will be given to arantee staff. We highly recommend that the two grantee participants in the IDIS training attend the same session. HOW TO REGISTER? (a) Registration Form: Registration for the November 1995 session will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Prior written confirmation from this office will be required in order to attend the first session of the training as space is limited. Your confirmation to attend one of the sessions will be confirmed no later than Tuesday, October 31, 1995. The enclosed Registration form should be completed for each participant who will attend. (b) IDIS Access Request Form: Access to IDIS is very restricted, therefore, registration for the IDIS training course must be accomplished by returning the completed IDIS Access Request(Temporary Form enclosed) for each participant. This 4 information is necessary in order to get identifications and passwords for the trainees for access into IDIS. Please note that the form must be signed by your chief executive officer and must be notarized. The IDIS Training Registration Form, the IDIS Access Request (Temporary Form), and the IDIS System Designations Form should be completely filled out and must be returned to the local Field Office at your earliest convenience but no later than Friday, October 20, 1995, to the following address: Community Planning and Development Division c/o HUD Los Angeles Area Office 1615 West Olympic Boulevard, 9th Floor Los Angele,s, CA 90015-3801 ATTENTION: IDIS ADMINISTRATOR TO BE OPENED BY ADDRESSEE ONLY We will continue to provide information on IDIS as it becomes available. If you have any questions, please contact your Community Planning and Development Representative. Very sincerely yours, Community Planning and Development Division, 9DD Enclosures IDXS Training Registration Form NAME TITLE CllY/COUNlY NAME ADDRESS Cl-W ZIP PHONE FAX Please check the training session you want to attend: 0 November 13-17, 1995 0 March 2529, 1996 FOR HUD USE ONLY Confirmed to attend: 0 November 13-l 7, 1995 III March 25-29, 1996 * ADIS This form is to be completed by the recipient’s (or grantee’s) chief executive officer or designated representative. Send notarized original to your local HUD CPD Field Office for review and to be forwarded to: U.S. Dept of FIUD CPD Office of Exec Srvcs 4517th St, SW, Rm 7224 Washington, DC 20410 AT-IN: IDIS Sys Admin Access Request (Temporary Fo*..,) Privacy Act Statement: Public law 97-255, Fiid lntcqity Act, 31 U.S.C. 3512, authoriw~ the Dqaartmcnt of HousinglrndU~Dcvelopmcnt(HUD)tocollactrll~informatioawbicbwillbcuscdbyKUDtoprotcct diiburaanti data from frauduht adiau. The Housing and Camunity Devwt Act of 1987,42 U.S.C. 3542 autbtiHUDtocollectthcS8N. Tbcpulpoacoftbc~kto~~thcLincofCrcdit~~lSystcm (L0CCS)fmmunauthorhd-s. Tbe&~ucustdtoarsurctMiadividurlswhonoloogcr~irc~sto L0CCShavetheirrcesacapaLGtypmmptlydekhi. ProvisionofthcSSNismandatory. HUDusesitas~uniquc ida&ifii for aafcguaniii the LDCCS from unauthorizd access. This information will not be otherwiac disclosed or rcluscdoutsideofHUD,cxcqtaspc&tkdorr0quiredbykw. FaihI~toproGdCtheinformatioarquatcdcathe form may delay the pr-illg of your approval for - to LDCCS. Physically present at the Fair Oaks Training Session (Y/N) Current VRS/LOCCS user (Y/N) - ---_--__________________________________---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sot Set Num (SW) Authorized User’s Name: (Last, First, MI) Office Phone: ( ) Office Address: (Street, City, State, Zip) Grantee: Tax ID: Organization’s Name: Authorized Set Up or Administer Activity Request Drawdown Functions: Local IDIfidministration (Note: everybody will be able to view activities and get repox) Authorized User’s Signature and Date: Date ------------------__------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (NOTE: You can’t authorize yourself, only your CEO or “grant holder” can.) Notary (signature and date): I authorize the person identified above to access IDIS I Approved by: Name I Title I SSN I I Office Phone: { ) I I Fax Number: I ) I Office Address: (Street, City, State, Zip) I Approving Official’s Signature and Date: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weming: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) INTEGRATED DISBURSEMENT INFORMATION (IDIS) SYSTEM DESIGNATIONS GRANTEE: ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP CODE: I hereby nominate the following members of my staff to attend the IDIS training course for the following dates: / / - Los Angeles 1 - November 13-17, 1995 I I - Los Angeles 2 - March 25-29, 1996 Designated Person #l:. Title: Telephone No. ( ) Designated Person #2: Title: Telephone No. ( ) Send to: Community Planning and Development Division HUD Los Angeles Field Office ATTENTION: IDIS Administrator 1615 West Olympic Boulevard, 9th Floor - 9DDM3 Los Angeles, CA 90015-3801 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER CERTIFICATION: NAME/TITLE: SIGNATURE: DATE: