HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-12-12; City Council; 13437; REVIEW AND ADOPTION OF A FIVE YEAR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC PLANrh \ % m a J -f CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL A Five Year MTG. 12- d3-9 5 Economic Development Strategic Plan h APPROVE Resolution No. Y 5 - ;353 Development Strategic Plan for the years 1996 through 2000. ITEM EXPLAN ATlON : ADOPTING the City of Carlsbad The Carlsbad City Council’s five year vision is for a City that has a diverse ant economic base which provides employment to the residents of Carlsbad, t vitality to the community, and the necessary revenues to support City Carlsbad’s economic and business climate is a good indicator of the City’s long-tl outlook. In recognition of this vision, in December 1994, the City Council establ classification of Economic Development Manager and allocated funds to support an Development Program which included development of a five year Economic De\ Strategic Plan. The plan was to be developed in draft form and then reviewed b departments within the City for their review and comment. The final draft of the Economic Development Strategic Plan is complete and availabl Council review and consideration. The purpose of the strategic plan is to provide cli the City3 role and direction in economic development, as well as present strategies a plans for building relationships with the business community and other public an agencies interested in enhancing Carlsbad’s overall economic environment. The Economic Development Strategic Plan was developed to ensure its consistr development of Carlsbad), adopted in September 1994, the public was givi opportunities to participate in the plan development and review process. By utilizin! plans and policies as a foundation for development of this strategic plan, the City WI to begin implementing most of the strategies and action plans without the need to mo * e i 4 '. Page 2 of Agenda Bilk I 0. /3 V:? 7 -, The Plan identifies six areas of economic focus which have the greatest potential for s Carlsbad's economic growth over the next five years. The areas are identified as: The Industrial Corridor Tourist Oriented Development Regional Commercial Development Transportat ion and Related Land Use Development The Vi Ilage/Redevelo pment Area Community Commercial Development If these land uses can be developed to maximize their full economic potential, 1 parameters of the City's General Plan, they may provide the City not only with fundin necessary to maintain existing programs and services, but an opportunity to expanc in the future. In addition, the plan has five key components or strategies: 0 Land Use and Infrastructure 0 Public Policy Development 0 Economic Resources Planning Community Promotion and Marketing 0 Public Relations and Education Within each component, a strategic goal and series of action plans for the years 199 2000 have been established. These goals initially will center on the six Economic Foc and will be used to establish an annual work program that will be highlighted anc quarterly in the City Council's annual Goals and Objectives Report. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of The Economic Development Strategic Plan 1996-2000, creates no spec impact for the City. The plan does, however, establish a role for the City of Cz providing opportunities to strengthen the local economy, and build relationships w agencies and the business community. While approval of the Plan does not by its a fiscal impact, the Plan does identify strategic goals and action plans which will development of an annual work program. The annual work program will become a 6 City Council's annual Goals and Objectives Report, and funds requested for specific objectives and on-going operations will be reviewed, approved and allocated through annual budget review process. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 94- 253 2. Economic Development Strategic Plan : I- I’ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 95-353 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSB CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ECONOi DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC PLAN. WHEREAS, the City Council’s 1995 Goals and Objectives include a pr “initiate and continue programs and procedures which contribute toward the development of the entire City”; and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the need to develop an Economic DE Strategic Plan to help guide, direct and promote economic development in Carl WHEREAS, in December 1994, the City Council concurred with the recon- to establish the position of Economic Development Manager, to direct and development of an Economic Development Strategic Plan; and WHEREAS, an Economic Development Strategic Plan for the years 1996 thr has been developed utilizing the City’s adopted General Plan, the Growth Managt the 1994 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, the 1995-96 Operating i Budget, the City Council Five Year Vision Statements, and the 1995 Goals and report; and WHEREAS, the Plan has been reviewed by key departments within the Cit Planning, Finance, Housing and Redevelopment, Growth Management, Enginee Fire, Community Services, the Library and the City Manager’s Office. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City ( California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the City Council approves the Economic Development Strategic 2000. Ill //I //I //I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Cai day of Deceder , 1995, by the following v AYES: Commissioners Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnilla, NOES: None ABSENT: None Council held on the 12th ATTEST: L EXH I BI1 0 0 .. 0 e ! Five-Year Economic Development Strategic Plan Table of Contents Page No. I. Introduction 1 II. Carlsbad’s Economic Outlook 4 111. Economic Focus Areas 7 A. Industrial Corridor 7 B. Tourist Oriented Development 8 C. Regional Commercial Development 8 D. Transportation and Related Land Use Development 9 E. Vi1 lag e/Redevelo pment Area 11 F. Community Commercial Development 12 G. Map 13 IV. Economic Development Strategies 14 B. Public Policy Development Strategy 17 C. Economic Resources Planning Strategy 18 D. Community Promotion 8. Marketing Strategy 19 E. Public Relations and Education Strategy 20 V. Summary 21 A. Land Use and Infrastructure Strategy 15 0 0 : INTRODUCTION: Establishing and maintaining a healthy and diverse economic base enhances the Ci of Carlsbad’s ability to provide its citizens with important services and opportunities. The City of Carlsbad was incorporated in 1952 in response to a growing desire by residents to control their community’s destiny. They did this by establishing a local governing body, the City Council, to protect their collective interests and quality of Ii Today, the Carlsbad City Council continues to protect the collective interests of its citizens by providing a safe and healthy environment for its residents to live and WOI Their vision is a Carlsbad that has a diverse and healthy economic base which provides emplopent to the residents of Carlsbad, economic vitality to the community, and the necessci revenues tu support City services. To blend the goals of economic growth with the nee1 to maintain and improve the community’s quality of life, the City has developed a Five-Year Economic Development Strategic Plan. There are many challenges in developing a strategic plan that formalizes the City’s policies and goals for future economic growth. Carlsbad is one of 18 incorporated areas within the County of San Diego and accounts for only 1.5 % of the County’s current total population. By the year 2000, it is estimated that Carlsbad’s populatior will increase to 3.1 % of the County total. Although local policies are developed to reflect the unique characteristics of Carlsbad, policies must also be developed to incorporate the economic strengths and weaknesses found in the entire San Diego Region. Over the past ten years, San Diego’s economy has shifted causing the region to reevaluate its approach to economic development. Corporate downsizing, federal and military cutbacks, global markets, technological developments, demographic ar lifestyle changes have driven the entire region to take a more aggressive approach competing for new business and industry. A successful economic development program develops and maintains an appropria economic, social and political environment, where balanced growth over a period oi years may be realized. Economic Development is a process of creating wealth by mobilizing human, financial, physical, natural and capital resources to produce marketable goods and services. Activities that encourage and facilitate economic development are generally conducted by the following groups: 0 The Public Sector - including the federal government, states, county governments, cities, and other units of governments such as redevelopment agencies and special districts. Business Organizations - including chambers of commerce and prof essional/b usi ness associations. 0 1 e 0 - 0 The Private Sector - including developers, local lenders, investors, real estate professionals, and builders and contractors. Non-Profit Sector - including economic development corporations/councils, community-based service organizations, neighborhood groups, colleges and universities, and philanthropic organizations. 0 Illustrated below are the partnerships created with the City of Carlsbad to support business attraction, retention and expansion locally: PARTNERSHIPS AND KEY PLAYERS The City of Carlsbad is involved in local business activity as a supplier of infrastructure, a taxing entity, a regulator of land and buildings, and as a provider oi services. One way to improve the interaction between business and government is through development of a strategic plan. The City of Carlsbad’s fiveyear Economic Development Strategic Plan clarifies the City’s role in economic development, as WE as provides strategies for building relationships with the business community and other public and private agencies. Building a strong business base and maintainir strong relationships contributes significantly to the overall economic health of a community. Communities compete with one another for economic survival. Those cities, metropolitan areas and states that do not plan effectively, will not be preparec to respond to changes in the economy or take advantage of new opportunities. 2 0 0 The Economic Development Strategic Plan was developed to ensure its consistency with several integral plans and policies that have a direct impact on economic development activities. These include the City's adopted General Plan, the Growth Management Plan, the 1994 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, the 1995-96 Operating and Capital Budget, the City Council's Five Year Vision Statements and 1995 Goals and Objectives. Each of these approved plans/documents received public input, review and comment. In the case of the City's adopted General Plan (the plan that provides a "vision" for the future physical development of Carlsbad), tt' public was given many opportunities to participate in the design and review process This Plan represents an attempt to portray a balanced perspective on the issues of local economic development. By utilizing Carlsbad's existing plans and policies as foundation for development of the Economic Development Strategic Plan, the City should be able to begin implementing most of the strategies and action plans witho the need to modify other documents. It is important to note that the Plan is being promoted as a way to identify roles, strategies and action plans for stabilizing and strengthening the overall economic environment in Carlsbad, and not solely on the basis that the recommended actions will produce increased revenues to the City. 3 b QUALITY OF LIFE Attracts Preserves Public Policy Development: Cost of Municipal Services - FeesFaxes Land Use Infrastructure Housing Environmental Social/Cultural/Recreational Tourism Job Growth AttractionlRetentionIExpansion 4 w BUSINESS Economic Dewelopmenf ;:“:~9::~ Model VISITORS Impact Need for Population Growth Job Growth Consumer Spending Infrastructure Demand Traffic Municipal Svcs. Demand Housing Supply 4 Industrial/CommerciaI Inventory Developable Land Supply Schools Environment 0 e Property values and sale taxes fell and local development and construction essential stopped. To make matters worse, the State of California’s revenue losses translated into a lost for Carlsbad, as the State exacted over $2.5 million in local property tax revenue. A a result of the recession and the State’s claim to funds normally appropriated to Carlsbad, the City Council has had to look for ways to provide the high level of services expected by Carlsbad’s citizens and businesses, with fewer revenues. Throughout Carlsbad’s history, property taxes have been the largest single source o revenue for the General Fund. However, with the devaluation of real estate in California over the past few years, Carlsbad property taxes are expected to fall into second place ($10.9 million) as a revenue source. Local sales tax (estimated at $1 1.5 million for 1995-96) now represents the largest source of revenue to the General Fund. In third place, the City’s Transient Occupancy Tax is estimated at $3 million. General Fund Revenue/Sales Tax Detail Aliothers 11% Apparelstores 5% Food Markets 4% Mlsc. Retall 8% Bldg MatlsWhsle 4% Restuarants 9% servicestations 4% Ught Industry 6% Properly Tax $1 SllhSRx $115 Business Services 3% Department Stores 15% Office Equipment 2% Mhsr GF Revenuea AutoSales 30% u General Fund/Redev Fund Sales Tax by Economic Segment 1995-96 Estimate Year End 1994 5 0 n 1991, the City began to focus attention to areas of potential growth that would produce additional jobs for the community and provide new revenues to the Genera Fund. Six areas have been identified as having the greatest potential for stimulating Carlsbad’s economic growth over the next five years. These areas are termed Economic Focus Areas and they include: The Industrial Corridor, Tourist Oriented Development, Transportation and Land Use Development, The Village / Redevelopment Area, Regional Commercial Development, and Community Commercial Development. If these focus areas can be developed to maximize their full economic potential, within the parameters of the City’s General Plan, they may provide the City with not only the funding sources necessary to maintain existing programs and services, but an opportunity to expand services in the future. During the last two years (1994-95) the local economy has stabilized and the City h: begun to see an increase in new development and construction activity. In addition an increasing awareness of local economic development opportunities and program have contributed to an increase in demand for development assistance and outreac programs. In response to the increase in demand for City services, a desire to provide new jobs, increase revenues, educate citizens and market the community, tl City Council established an Economic Development Division within the Community Development Department. Eco no m i c Deve I o p m en t Organization Structure Coordinates Development activities with the Ci Council and City I 6 & 0 0 ECONOMIC FOCUS AREAS: Six important areas of economic focus are listed below. Maximizing the benefits these areas bring to the City is a key to Carlsbad’s economic health and future growth. Economic Development Areas of Focus INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR: TOURIST ORIENTED: REGIONAL COMMERCW. Manufacturers Attractions/Events Auto Dealerships Bio-Industries ResortslGoIf Major Retailers Corporate Headquarters Hotels Research and Development Motels Telecommunications TRANSPORTATION AND VIUGUREDEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL: RELATED LAND USE AREA: McClellan Palomar Airport Business to Business Grocery Stores Transit System& Land Community Commercial Other Anchors Use Tourist Oriented Circulation/lnfrastrcture Restuarants INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR: Development of Carlsbad’s industrial corridor is heavily influenced by the presence McClellan-Palomar Airport. The airport was completed in 1959, and was built atop i mesa just south of Agua Hedionda valley and lagoon. The glide path, crash hazarc and noise impact areas around the airport significantly influence the type and inten5 of development across the entire central area of the City. This area of influence extends generally in a broad band east and west of the runway, and, to a lesser degree, north and south of the airport. For reasons of health and safety, residential development and most institutional land uses (hospitals, schools, etc.. .) must be restricted from this area of airport influence. The result is that lands surrounding thc airport can be utilized.principally for industrial and supporting commercial and recreational development. 7 0 a As a result of the non-residential nature of the lands surrounding the airport, Carlsba has designated and zoned most of these lands for industrial and, to a lesser degree office development. The size of the effected acreage in Carlsbad is substantial, creating one of the largest inventories of aggregated industrial land, and correspondingly, one of the largest potential employment generators in North San Diego County. When fully developed, the industrial corridor will provide jobs for Carlsbad and the entire region. Carlsbad’s position as a major employment center will increasingly have major implications for the City’s identity, its role in the region, and its future development patterns. Currently, planned industrial land uses include those areas used for, proposed as, or adjacent to industrial development, including manufacturing, warehousing, storage, research and development, and utility uses. TOURIST ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT: Tourist oriented developments include commercial uses that provide for visitor attractions and uses that serve the travel and recreational needs of tourists, resident and the employees of business and industrial centers. Often such sites are located near major transportation corridors or recreational and resort areas such as spas, hotels, beaches or lagoons. Typically these areas are developed along major roadways and are accessible to interregional traffic. Tourist oriented uses such as motels and hotels are coordinated with compatible accessory uses, to protect the surrounding properties, ensure safe traffic circulation and promote economically viable tourist oriented areas of the City. REGIONAL COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT Regional commercial centers provide general merchandise, automobile sales, apparel, furniture, and home furnishing in full depth and variety. Two or more department stores are usually the major anchors of a regional shopping center, whil other stores supplement and complement the various department store lines. New forms of regional centers may include such developments as outlet centers with an aggregation of factory outlet stores where there are no specific anchor tenants. These types of centers are regional and typically enjoy strong tourist trade. Region centers attract customers from outside the City and generate interregional traffic. Consequently, such centers are customarily located on a site that is easily visible a: well as accessible from interchange points between highways and freeways. 8 c 0 0 TRANSPORTATION AND RELATED LAND USE DEVELOPMENT Providing transportation opportunities is an important part of a community’s econorn development plan. The safe and efficient movement of people and goods within the City, and providing public access to all existing and future land uses is not only important to residents of the community, but also its business sector. Business visitors, customers and suppliers must be able to move easily through retail and business centers. Businesses also need transportation options for distribution of thc products (Le., rail, road, air, water) and they must be able to transport their goods and services in a timely and efficient fashion. Three areas considered significant to the economic success of Carlsbad are; redevelopment of McClellan-Palomar Airport, development and enhancement of loca mass transit systems and the land uses that support them, and refinement of the existing circulation network in the City. 0 McClellan-Palomar Airport: McClellan-Palomar Airport is owned by the County of San Diego and is one o the busiest single runway airports in the nation. The airport features a 4,700 feet by 150 feet wide runway, an Instrument Landing System, and an FAA Air Traffic Control Tower. The airport is expected to handle more than 290,000 operations in 1995, including general aviation aircraft, scheduled commuter airlines, charter operations, and military aircraft. Commuter airlines serve thousands of passengers each year with daily flights to and from Los Angele! International Airport. The County is currently developing a new Master Plan for the airport that will focus on elements such as aviation activity forecasts, airfield configuration, airport access, land use, terminal space and support facility requirements. It will also examine how general aviation at McClellan-Palomar Airport has adjusted to changes in the marketplace during the last decade, and how the airport can best serve the needs of businesses, based tenants, pilots and ott- airport users in the future. For the City of Carlsbad, the airport represents a unique economic resource not available in most communities. As air traffic into San Diego’s Lindbergh Field increases, more business and resort travelers may take advantage of easy connections to and from Los Angeles International Airport currently available at Palomar-McClellan Airport. In addition, the Airport is convenientl! located at the center of Carlsbad’s Industrial Corridor and can accommodate corporate jet arrivals, departures and storage. 9 0 0 0 Transit Systems: Through a combination of state and local funding the North San Diego Count Transit Development Board and the San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board constructed the Coast Express Rail Line. Carlsbad has two designated transit stations, one in the Village and the other in the southwest quadrant of the City, near Poinsettia Lane. The rail line currently runs from San Diego to Oceanside, but will ultimately be extended east to Escondido, serving a population of approximately 400,000. In 1992, five Southern California counties concluded negotiations with Santa F Railway for the purchase of over 300 miles of railroad right-of-way. This will form the basis, along with Los Angeles’ Red and Green Lines, for a rail netwc that will link communities to a Los Angeles hub (including Los Angeles International Airport) and connect Los Angeles with San Diego. The presencc of a rail system connecting San Diego with Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties provides the City with an opportunity to evaluai unique, but complimentary land uses adjacent to, and near, both of Carlsbad transit stations. Mass transit is an important link to the City’s future economic development success. Mass transit provides public transportation access for business commuters, day visitors and vacationers. The presence of two rail stations within the City brings a degree of distinction to the community and creates ar image of Carlsbad as a destination for both work and play. Coordination of bus/rail interface and scheduling is handled by North County Transit District. Bus routes have been established to serve the City’s rail stations, residential areas and the industrial corridor. 0 Circulation Network Developing a good circulation system is important to a community’s overall development. Access to major freeways and highways is especially importar to the manufacturing industry and businesses that rely upon customers and suppliers from throughout the region. A good system will provide for the sa and efficient movement of people and goods within the City and provide for public access to all existing and future land uses. It also identifies how transportation systems will link with surrounding jurisdictions and be coordinated with regional transportation plans. To ensure that circulation facilities are provided concurrently with their need, the City has adopted numerous policies, programs and ordinances, including the Growth Management Plan. A major challenge for the City in the future wi be to complete the remaining roadway segments outlined in the City’s Circulation Element, in a timely manner. 10 0 0 The construction of remaining circulation element roads and public utilities wil be brought about through a combination of construction activities undertaken by the development community and the City of Carlsbad. Facility impact fee: have been established where a particular facility exceeds the financial capability of any one developer, or the need for the facility cannot be attribute to a single development. These fees are used to generate the revenues necessary to finance construction of the needed facilities. Portions of the circulation network that cannot be linked to future developments, must be financed through other local, regional and federal funding sources. Timing fc construction of the missing circulation network links is essentially a function c development activity. VILLAGE/REDEVELOPM ENT AREA The history of the Village (Downtown) goes back to the 1880’s when the rail line linking San Diego and Los Angeles was constructed. In the mid-1880’s an underground mineral spring was discovered and Carlsbad soon was being promote as a resort/spa destination. One hundred years later, in the 1980’s, Carlsbad’s Downtown was plagued with problems common to many older downtown areas. Buildings were in many cases seriously dilapidated , competition from modern shopping centers had siphoned off much of the area’s commercial opportunities an small lot sizes and patterns made it difficult and sometimes impossible to comply w City development standards. In response to these problems, The Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission established the Village Area as a Redevelopment Project Area under California Redevelopment Law in 1981. Using the powers and privileges granted bl that law, the City proceeded to address blighted conditions within the Village. City codes were enforced, some properties were acquired, public parking areas were established, overhead utilities were undergrounded, public improvements were constructed and a host of other actions taken, such as the Streetscape Project, witt highly visible and successful results. In 1992, the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency decided to evaluate the overall progress of the downtown area. As a result, a comprehensive review/planning process was initiated. The primary purpose of the review was to refine the vision fc the downtown area, establish more appropriate land use requirements, define supportive development scale and character, and develop a new strategy to further guide and coordinate public and private investment within the ViIlage/Redevelopme Area . The result is a new Redevelopment Master Plan and Design Manual. Permitted land uses in the Village may include retail stores, offices, financial institutions, restaurants and tourist serving facilities. Residential uses are encourag( and can be intermixed throughout the area. 11 0 0 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT Community commercial centers offer a wide range of general merchandise and specialty goods. Often a supermarket, large variety store, cinema, or discount department store, functions as an anchor tenant. The emergence of new anchor tenants (i.e., high volume specialty or warehouse stores) has resulted in new, specil forms of community commercial centers. Sometimes community commercial centers are located next to or across from a regional center because the two types of centers offer different ranges of merchandise. Community commercial centers also may include commercial uses ranging from individual, small lots in the Village and in the industrial areas to larger community shopping/office centers and complexes. Appropriate uses include personal and business retail and service, automobile service, restaurants, and recreational uses. As the City’s population and industrial corridor grow, it is reasonable to expect that the need for additional community commercial sites will be generated. It is also reasonable to expect that some existing land uses will be redesignated to commerc uses. 12 Areas of Focus Transportation Corridor Commercial Tourist Heavy Commercial/Limited Industrial Industrial Zone, and Planned Industrial Not To Scz $% Village Redevelopment Zone 11'11 Future Roads /cargis2/prcducts/commdev/ I Q City of Carlsbad GIS 1995 e 0 -. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES: The Carlsbad City Council’s five year vision is for a City that has a diverse and hearthy economic base which provides employment to the residents of Carkbad, economic vitality to ti community, and the necessary revenues to support City services. Carlsbad’s economic anc business climate is a good indicator of the City’s long-term fiscal outlook. In recognition of this relationship, the Carlsbad City Council has made the City’s economic future one of its highest priorities. In December 1994 the City Council created and allocated funds for establishment of an Economic Development Divisior within the Community Development Department. The primary function of Carlsbad’s Economic Development Division is to plan, organize, direct and coordinate the City’! economic development program through implementation of a Five-Year Economic Development Strategic Plan. The Economic Development Strategic Plan has five components or strategies: Land Use and Infrastructure 0 Public Policy Development 0 Economic Resources Planning 0 Community Promotion & Marketing 0 Public Relations and Education Within each component a strategic goal and series of action plans for the years 199 through 2000 have been established. These goals initially will center on the six Economic Focus Areas identified; The Industrial Corridor, Tourist Oriented Development, Regional Commercial Development, Transportation and Related Land Use Development, Village/Redevelopment Area, and Community Commercial Development. The strategic goals and action plans will be used to establish an annual work program that will be highlighted and updated quarterly in the City Council’s annual Goals and Objectives Report. Yearly funding for the program will be approved and allocated through the City’s annual budget review process. Although it is not recommended that the strategic goals and action plans developed as a part of the Economic Development Strategic Plan be reviewed or revised each year, they shou periodically be evaluated to ensure they remain compatible with the needs and dynamics of the community. Economic Development b b .Economic Development b -Economic Development Strategic Goals 5 Year Action Plans Annual Work Program T City Council Goals & 0 b j ect ives) Annual Budget Review T 14 0 a -, LAND USE AND INFRASTRUCTURE STRATEGY Successful communities place emphasis on the technical concerns associated with attracting new businesses to a community, such as transportation, permitting, zonin! and inspection requirements. Specific policies, goals and objectives related to land use and infrastructure are contained within the City’s General Plan document. The General Plan was adopted by the Carlsbad City Council on September 6, 1994, and is intended to provide the vision for the physical development of Carlsbad in the future. Strateaic Goal: Develop and implement land use and infrastructure strategies, consistent with the City’s General Plan, which enhance and promote economic development i Ca rlsbad . Five-Year Action Plan: Industrial Corridor: 1. Encourage the development of an industrial base of light, pollution-free industries of such magnitude as will provide a reasonable tax base and a balance of opportunities for employment of local residents. Provide for development of recreational facilities to serve the industrial base population. 2. Rea io nal/Co m mu nitv Commercial & Tourist Oriented : 1. Achieve a healthy and diverse economic base by creating a climate for economic growth and stability to attract quality commercial development to serve the employment, shopping, recreation, and service needs of Carlsbad residents. Promote economic development strategies for commercial, industrial, office and tourist-oriented land uses. Promote recreational and tourist oriented land uses that serve visitors, employees of the industrial and business centers, as well as residents of the City. 2. 3. Transoortation and Related Land Use Development: 1. Promote, encourage, and accommodate a variety of transportation modes a: an alternative and supplement to the automobile. 15 e 0 -, 2. Support the improvement and modernization of railroad facilities within Carlsbad and the region. Support the redevelopment and modernization of the general aviation airport. Maintain land use compatibility between McClellan-Palomar Airport and surrounding land uses. Support transportation systems that help reduce air pollution and traffic congestion, and which support commerce and economic development. Encourage unique and complimentary land use opportunities within transportation corridors. Plan for the location of major new residential development along transportatio and transit lines to assure access to commercial and industrial employment centers. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ViIlazre/Redevelor,ment Area: 1. Preserve, enhance and maintain the Village as a place for living, working, shopping, recreation, civic and cultural functions while retaining the village atmosphere and pedestrian scale. 2. Create a distinct identity for the Village by encouraging activities that traditionally locate in a pedestrian-oriented downtown area, including offices, restaurants, and specialty retail shops. Encourage new economic development in the Village near transportation corridors to attract additional tourist-oriented uses and to retain and increase resident-serving uses. Encourage a variety of complementary uses such as a combination of residential and commercial uses to generate pedestrian activity and create a lively, interesting social environment and profitable business setting. 3. 4. Annual Work Proqram: The annual work program for the Land Use and Infrastructure Strategy is developed at the beginning of each year by the Carlsbad City Council, as a part of their annua City Council Goals and Objectives Report. Progress made toward accomplishing specific work program objectives is reported quarterly. 16 0 e -< PUBLIC POLICY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY: Local governments that are successful in their economic development efforts look inward to emphasize those areas that will enhance the local quality of life and improve its attractiveness to new business. Agencies focus on regulations that adar permit issuance, building inspections, and zoning requirements to the time and financial concerns of the business community. It is important that symmetry exist between policies developed to preserve quality of life, those that address the needs business, and those that consider the future fiscal and employment needs of the community . Strategic Goal: Develop sound policies and strategies that encourage quality business development and expansion, preserve quality of life, and consider the fiscal needs of the City. Five-Year Action Plan: 1. Implement a proactive business assistance program to facilitate local busines development, expansion and retention. Evaluate existing policies, practices and standards that affect the business an development community, determine their relevance to the issues facing Carlsbad in the upcoming decade, and redesign where appropriate. Evaluate new policies, practices and standards to ensure compatibility with economic goals and objectives. Participate with other cities in the County and through the San Diego Association of Governments and San Diego Economic Development Corporation to find solutions to regional issues and concerns that affect the San Diego Region’s economy. 2. 3. 4. Annual Work Proqram: The annual work program for the Public Policy Development Strategy is developed i the beginning of each year by the Carlsbad City Council, as a part of their annual C Council Goals and Objectives Report. Progress made toward accomplishing specif, work program objectives is reported quarterly. 17 - 0 e -I ! ECONOMIC RESOURCES PLANNING STRATEGY Successful business attraction, retention and expansion programs lower business costs, expand markets, develop the labor force, and improve infrastructure and community amenities. They are built on an accurate understanding of local issues and the effective use of local resources. To maximize Carlsbad’s economic opportunities, it is important to identify community strengths and weaknesses, and understand how they influence future economic growth. Strateaic Goal: Identify economic resources, opportunities, and areas of economic focus important to Carlsbad’s future economic stability, and establish programs to optimize the positive economic effects they have on the community. Five-Year Action Plan: 1. Identify local economic assets, resources, deficiencies and constraints, and determine how these factors influence industry decisions to locate or expand Carlsbad. Evaluate the City’s current business base and identify new and desirable businesses and industries to target for attraction, relocation and/or expansior in Carlsbad. Identify economic trends pertinent to Carlsbad, and establish stronger workin relationships with the business community to maximize the positive effects of such trends on the City. 2. 3. Annual Work Proaram: The annual work program for the Economic Resources Planning Strategy is developed at the beginning of each year by the Carlsbad City Council, as a part of their annual City Council Goals and Objectives Report. Progress made toward accomplishing specific work program objectives is reported quarterly. 18 a 0 .c - COMMUNIN PROMOTION AND MARKETING STRATEGY Promotion and marketing are tools a community can use to tell prospective firms ar visitors why they should consider it over others. Local governments need to devela marketing strategies based on community-oriented data, which consists of informati on quality of life, local business and industry, infrastructure and public policies that affect the business community. To attract and retain desirable businesses and industries, and support tourism, the City must identify, develop, and promote those characteristics, resources and assets considered valuable in the marketplace. Strateclic Goal: Develop a community promotion and marketing plan that focuses on attractin$ desirable employment and revenue generating businesses and industries to tt City, and supports tourism. Five-Year Action Plan: 1. Work with local and regional agencies to create and maintain a comprehensil market database for the City, including demographic information, existing industrial and commercial inventory, and existing land inventory. Encourage and create joint marketing opportunities with outside groups suck as the State Department of Trade and Commerce, San Diego Economic Development Corporation, Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, Industrial and Commercial Real Estate Brokers, Developers, Utilities, and other agencies involved in economic development. Develop and maintain promotional materials that highlight the community’s positive characteristics, resources and assets. Promote tourism and development of cultural, recreational and educational resources. Develop, implement and market new programs that support business attraction, expansion and retention, and tourism. 2. 3. 4. 5. Annual Work Program: The annual work program for the Community Promotion and Marketing Strategy is developed at the beginning of each year by the Carlsbad City Council, as a part of their annual City Council Goals and Objectives Report. Progress made toward accomplishing specific work program objectives is reported quarterly. 19 - .- m 0 -. PUBLIC RELATIONS AND EDUCATION STRATEGY Building relationships and partnerships within the business community is an importa element of an economic development program. Developing these relationships provides local government with a network of resources and ideas it would not have access to otherwise. Furthermore, maintaining community support of economic development goals and activities is perhaps even more important to achieving economic success. It entails educating a community’s businesses and residents on the value of economic diversity, stability and growth and how these contribute towar achieving the community vision. Srateqic Goal: Provide opportunities for increased local business and citizen awareness of economic goals and activities. Five-Year Action Plan: 1. Enhance communication with local industry leaders and citizens through affiliation with local business and professional organizations, and participatior in special events. Coordinate appropriate activities with local school districts, community colleg and universities, and other educational facilities to increase the awareness of local economic development activities and opportunities. Provide opportunities to exchange information with the business community ( new programs, policies and standards being considered by the City, which potentially impact them. 2. 3. Annual Work Proaram: The annual work program for the Public Relations and Education Strategy is developed at the beginning of each year by the Carlsbad City Council, as a part of their annual City Council Goals and Objectives Report. Progress made toward accomplishing specific work program objectives is reported quarterly. 20 .* v 0 I) ** 9 SUMMARY Community leaders and the citizens they represent have created a shared vision of Carlsbad's future through development of a comprehensive General Plan. However, to achieve the vision, Carlsbad must maintain a diverse and healthy economic bass The economic environment of a community is a dynamic state. Businesses and industries expand, contract, and sometimes expire. In order for Carlsbad to maintaii the desired level of economic activity, it is necessary to continually augment and rejuvenate the economic base by making sure that jobs and economic activities lost are replaced with complementary new activities. The strategies contained in this report suggest a five-year approach to economic an1 fiscal planning tailored to the uniqueness of this City, its existing resources, and visic for the future. Strategies focus on the areas of Land Use and Infrastructure, Public Policy Development, Economic Resources Planning, Community Promotion and Marketing, and Public Relations and Education. It should be noted that these economic strategies and the five-year action plans presented, do not create a dramatic change from the way business is conducted in Carlsbad today. Predicting Carlsbad's economic future is difficult, however, Carlsbad is only half wa) to "build-out", so there will be many opportunities for economic growth over the nex five to ten years. To address the economic interests of the community and capitaliz on future opportunities in a responsive fashion, the Five- Year Economic Developmc Strategic Plan has been designed to blend its strategies with the City Council's Annual Goals and Objectives. Each calendar year, the City Council will have an opportunity to establish a work program for economic development activities as a p of their Goals and Objectives Report, and then fund the program through the annua budget review process. Specific economic development objectives will be identifiec at the beginning of each year, with progress reported quarterly. The primary purpose of the Economic Development Strategic Plan is to present a series of strategies and action plans that will result in a strong, diverse local econor provide for better communication and working relationships between Carlsbad's Cit government and its business community, and maintain the quality of life residents have grown to enjoy and expect. 21