HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-12-19; City Council; 13440; AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF THE OLIVENHAIN ROAD WIDENING PROJECT NO. 3466AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO OLIVENHAIN ROAD WIDENING AB# /<& TITLE: MTG. 12/19/95 CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF THE DEPT. ENG PROJECT NO. 3466 DEPT. CITY A CITY Iv a 0 LE oc 9 2 z 2 5 4 6 z 3 0 0 CI# OF CARLSBAD - AGEW BILL c RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 7s-3rsapproving Amendment No. 3 to the existing con: agreement with Project Design Consultants for additional design work required f( Olivenhain Road Widening, Project No. 3466. ITEM EXPLANATION: On October 11 , 1994, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 94-289 appro\ consultant agreement with Project Design Consultants for the design of the Olivc Road Widening, Project No. 3466. Olivenhain Road widening design is at its final : and will be completed in January 1996. During the design of the road project, necessary for the consultant, under direction from the City of Carlsbad, to revise the to eliminate conflicts with the existing Pacific Bell fiber optic lines under the existing k provide several alignment studies to reduce impacts to existing improvements adjac the Ponderosa subdivision, revise the plans to include a bike and pedestrian trail south side of the road requested by the City of Encinitas, revise storm drain des accommodate the pending Leucadia Partners development on the south side of thc and make modification to buttress fill on the north side. Completion of this work re in the consultant being entitled to compensation as extra work. Staff recommends approval of the attached Amendment No. 3. FISCAL IMPACT Funds in the amount of $867,211 are available in Account No. 440-820-1 890-3466 tc the total costs of Amendment No. 3 in the amount of $32,026. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Amendment No. 3. 3. Resolution No. yGdsr approving Amendment No. 3 to the existing con agreement with Project Design Consultants for additional design work required Olivenhain Road Widening, Project No. 3466. I L 3 Q 2 LL 9 I- z (3 s 2 Q (D % 8 2 a 4 2 Lu (3 Lu 4 Rh 4 2 I=- u n I U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l1 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 95-355 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE FIRM OF PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS, FOR DESIGN REVISIONS OF THE OLIVENHAIN ROAD WIDENING, PROJECT NO. 3466. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determined that it is desir necessary to amend an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the consultin Project Design Consultants for the design revisions of the Olivenhain Road Widening. WHEREAS, additional engineering services are needed to proceed with the desi Olivenhain Road Widening. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Ca follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Amendment No. 3, attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby 2 3. That following the Mayor’s signature of said Amendment No. 3, the Cit! authorized and directed to forward executed copies of said amendment to the City Ens Project Design Consultants, attention: Mr. Steve Kettler, 701 “B” Street, Suite 800, S California, 921 01. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad Ci held on the 19th day of DECEMBER , 1995 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Nygaard 1 ATTEST: I jl 28 e 0 L. .- * AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO AGREEMENT This Amendment is entered into and effective as of the 26th day of , 1995, amending the agreement dated October 13, 1994 by and between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and Project Desigr Consultants (PDC), hereinafter referred to as, "Contractor" for: DECEMBER OLIVENHAIN ROAD WIDENING PROJECT NO. 3466 RECITALS WHEREAS, the initial agreement, dated October 13, 1994 identified a scope of woi to prepare plans, specifications, and a cost estimate; and WHEREAS, the parties to this aforementioned agreement desire to alter the scop of work as follows: provide additional services as outlined in Exhibit "A'; and WHEREAS, Contractor possesses the necessary skills, experience, professior expertise, financial abilities, and other qualifications to provide said services required by City; ai WHEREAS, a supplemental scope of work and fee schedule have been negotiati and agreed to between the parties hereto, and as shown on Exhibit "A' Scope of Services and FE and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby finds it necessary, desirat and in the public interest to proceed with this Amendment No. 3 for said additional work. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covena contained herein, City and Contractor hereby agree as follows: 1. Contractor shall provide services as outlined on the attached Exhibit "A". 61 0 e 1 2. City shall pay Contractor for all work associated with Paragraph 1 above, on 6 lump sum basis not-to-exceed $32,026. Contractor shall provide City on a monthly basis, copie$ of invoices sufficiently detailed to include related activities and costs for approval by City. 3. All other provisions of the aforementioned agreement entered into on October 13, 1994, by and between City and Contractor shall remain in full force and effect. Ill Ill Ill Ill ill Ill Ill ill Ill Ill 111 Ill 6/11 0 0 t 4. All requisite insurance policies to be maintained by the Contractor shall include coverage for the amended assignment and scope of work. Acknowledged and Accepted: CONTRACTOR PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS (PDCL Contractor \ By: ~ 'Lj !l ??---- /+x&4s- , ,x:- h I f -,%T--- 1 Title Date (( y.; C' - IJ Date I 6/11' a 0 i October 6,1995 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF WORK ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR OLIVENHAIN ROAD WIDENING PROJECT NO. 3466 1. A. IMPROVEMENT AND GRADING PLANS 1. Road ImDrovement Revise 40-scale improvement and grading plans once to include twr concrete driveways, 30 feet wide, at locations provided by the City c Encinitas (Stations 9+95 and 13+44). The driveways shall be in accordancl with the City of San Diego Standard Drawings G-l4A. 2. Storm Drain Svstem Revise 40-scale improvement and grading plans to relocate the Storm Drai System "4A' from Station 13+23+ to Station 13+70, aligning the outlet of th storm drain along the easterly boundary of the Leucadia Boulevard Ltc property. Revise the storm drain profiles, check for utility crossing conflicts, revise th storm drain data table, revise the hydraulic analysis to establish the wate surface elevation, revise storm drain report flood routing tables, and revis the grading plans to route storm runoff to the relocated concrete apron ink on the northerly side of the road. B. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Revise bid schedule to reflect changes to the storm drain and addition of tw concrete driveways. C. ENGINEER'S EST1 MATE Revise the engineer's estimate to reflect changes to the storm drain and additic of two concrete driveways. 4 61115 e e 4 D. EASEMENT DOCUMENTS Revise storm drain easement, legal descriptions, and plats (8-1/2" x 11" sheet) to reflect changes to the northerly storm drain inlet and southerly storm drain outlet. Revise encumbrance exhibit (24" x 36" sheet) to reflect the revised drainage easements for Leucadia Boulevard Ltd and B of A properties. ITEM I AMOUNT $4,80( II. A. IMPROVEMENT AND GRADING PLANS Provide engineering services to modify the 40-scale public improvement anc grading plans to incorporate an 8-foot-wide pedestrian trail on the south side c Olivenhain Road. A portion of the trail will be contiguous with the curl improvements. Included are services to evaluate drainage between the propose1 curb and trail, and provide a brow ditch adjacent to the trail and storm drain pip crossing under the trail. Transition pedestrian path at both ends to match concret sidewalk. $8C B. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Revise the bid schedule to reflect changes to the trail, sidewalk, and drainas structures. $X C. ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Revise the engineer's estimate to reflect changes to the trail, sidewalk, ai drainage structures. $21 D. EASEMENT DOCUMENTS Prepare and process with the City of Encinitas one legal description only for t utility undergrounding district boundary. The limits of the boundary will be provid by the City of Encinitas. $5 ITEM II AMOUNT $1,7 111. A. Provide survey services, including office calculations, to provide one set of stat for the horizontal control of the proposed toe-of-slope along the south side of proposed road from Stations 9+50& to 13+50+. The stakes will be provided in c trip to the site. Also included are sewices to coordinate the work with SDG&E $1: 32 Perform field top0 and as built surveying to show phase I topo's and improveme $ B. C. Provide survey services to provide centerline stakes for SDG&E. as built on phase 11 plans. 5 61 0 a < ITEM 111 AMOUNT $2,726 IV. A. APPRAISAL SERVICES Provide additional appraisal services associated with the mitigation site fo revegetation located in the Wiegand property. These services were provided bi James W Waldorf and include a 15% mark-up for consultant overhead. $57! B. EASEMENT DOCUMENTS Provide additional engineering services to prepare and process legal descriptio1 and plat for the mitigation site for revegetation located in the Wiegand property The limits of the mitigation area are to be provided by the City's environment? consultant (Ogden). '$1,601 ITEM IV AMOUNT $&I7 V. REVISED STABILITY FILL A. IMPROVEMENT AND GRADING PLANS Prepare 40 scale improvement and grading plans to include the revised stability f detail and associated notes, provide earth quantity calcs for the revised buttre: and show the previously designed stability fill as an alternative bid item in separa' plans. B. TECHNICAL SPEC1 FlCATl ONS Revise bid schedule and specifications to reflect the revised stability fill as propose fill and previously designed stability fill as an alternative bid item. C. ENGINEERS ESTIMATE Revise the engineer's estimate to reflect changes to the grading and recalculatc quantities as a result of the revised buttress. ITEM V AMOUNT $23 VI. ALIGNMENT STUDIES A. SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE CITY OF CARLSBAD 1. Horizontal Alianment Studies Provide engineering services to revise the horizontal alignment of Olivenhi Road to meet the improvements shown on the Leucadia Boulev: improvement plans prepared by O'Day Engineering. The original sco anticipated providing signal pole locations to accommodate a future fou 6 611 0 0 * ,' I. '. leg, but the plans would show a three-way intersection recognizing a future fourth leg would be designed by others to match the existing PDC design. Recently the City of Carlsbad requested that the proposed Leucadia Boulevard improvements be shown on the plans as "existing". This resultec in the request to provide the additional engineering services to evaluate three separate alignment studies (December 21, 1994 and December 23 1994); one redline alignment study for a full l26-foot right-of-way for thf entire roadway, revisions to striping plans 0 ALIGNMENT STUDY DATED DECEMBER 21,1994 $2,1 O( 0 ALIGNMENT STUDY DATED DECEMBER 23,1994 $60( B. SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE CITY OF ENClNlTAS 1. Horizontal Alignment Studies Provide engineering services to revise the alignment of Olivenhain Road t incorporate design revisions discussed at the January 12, 1995 meetin( The services include revising the two left-turn lanes from 10 feet to 12 fef wide, revising the outboard curb on the north side, revising the median t coincide with the wider turn pockets, revising the outboard curb on the sout side of the road, preparing an intersection exhibit, and coordination with th Cities of Encinitas and Carlsbad. Services associated with the design of th free right turn from El Camino Real to Olivenhain Road are not included. 0 INTERSECTION STUDY (DUAL 12-FOOT-WIDE TURN LANE: ALIGNMENT WITH LEUCADIA BOULEVARD) 0 ALIGNMENT STUDY (REVISE LEFT-TURN LANES, MEDIA CURB, SOUTHERLY OUTBOARD CURB, AND NORTHERL OUTBOARD CURB) 0 $2,3E 2. Free Riaht-Turn Lane Provide engineering services to coordinate the free right turn lane issue fi northbound El Camino Real to eastbound Olivenhain Road. $9( ITEM VI AMOUNT $5,9: VII. REVISIONS TO 40-SCALE PLANS/SPECIFICATIONS A. SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE CITY OF ENClNlTAS Provide revisions to the previously submitted 30% plans (improvements, stripir base sheets for bridge, and soils exhibit) to reflect the horizontal alignment change $2.7 7 6/18 0 e f1 3 B. SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE CITY OF CARLSBAD 1. Provide engineering and drafting services to extend the limits of the striping easterly to Amargosa Drive. The original design transitioned the proposed striping to meet existing west of Amargosa Drive. $50C Provide engineering and drafting services to modify the Olivenhain Roac plans to be consistent with the Home Depot grading and improvements The work involved adding improvements along El Camino Real anc coordination with Austin Hansen and the City of Encinitas. The wort involves revising the improvement plans, intersection grid plan, and gradins plans. $1,40( 2. SUBTOTAL SECTION B AMOUNT $1,9oa ITEM VI1 AMOUNT $4,650 VIII. HYDROLOGYlHY DRAULICS Provide engineering services to revise the hydrology/hydraulics analysis to accommodate the Home Depot improvements along El Camino Real. ITEM Vlll AMOUNT $80( IX. PACIFIC BELL CHANGES A. IMPROVEMENT AND GRADING PLANS Revise the 40-scale improuement and grading plans, including the bridge plans tc identify the location of the existing Pacific Bell facilities as provided by Pacific Bell Also included are changes to the bridge plans to add utility openings in the structurt and to relocate the concrete piles to avoid the existing telephone duct banks. B. ENGINEERS ESTIMATE Revise the engineer's estimate to reflect changes to the quantities associated witt the redesign to avoid the Pacific Bell utilities. The revised estimate will include the additional piles and utility opening ducts. C. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Revise the special provisions to include the utility opening duct specifications a! required and provided by Pacific Bell. 8 61 119 0 e -. \ D. ADDITIONAL COORDINATION WITH PACIFIC BELL Provide additional engineering services to discuss and coordinate the location of thi existing utility ducts and their impacts on the proposed bridge design alread completed and submitted for 90%. Services included meetings with the City c Carlsbad, Pacific Bell and the consultants to discuss issues, services to assk Pacific Bell in plotting the underground utility locations as provided by Pacific Be and site visits to observe the field services performed by Pacific Bell in determinin the location of their utilities. ITEM IX AMOUNT $630 TOTAL AMOUNT OF AMENDMENT # 3 $32,02 9 611 I