HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-01-09; City Council; 13460; COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 ANNEXATION NO. 95/96-1 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC1 -1 *, x h P w 9 0 E am 2 2 F: 0 2 g 3 0 0 ‘1 1 c!! OF CARLSBAD - AGENDhL AB# 13, ‘f6@ TITLE: DEPT. COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 SAN DlEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC MTG. 01/09/96 ANNEXATION NO. 95/96-1 CITY I: CITY I DEPT. FINANCE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 46- /1 Community Facilities District. ITEM EXPLANATION: Background Property owners of vacant land in Carlsbad and the City worked together to f Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 1. The CFD provides funding for a vai of infrastructure projects which will be necessary to meet the requirements of Growth Management Program. Council formed CFD No. 1 in 1991, followinc election by property owners for a special tax to be levied upon their property to f construction or acquisition of the capital projects. The Carlsbad philosophy is that CFD financing is not intended to relieve property owner of the responsibility to provide funding for infrastruc improvements related to a single development. No homeowner in Carlsba affected by a City CFD because our guidelines ensure that the obligation c residential unit is paid in full when the building permit is issued. No homeowner pay City-imposed Mello-Roos taxes. Many Local Facilities Management Zones were not included in CFD Nc Annexation proceedings were anticipated to occur as each zone progressed thro the development process. With the exception of the more developed areas, E zone plan requires either annexation to the CFD or developer funding of all requ facilities. In April 1993, Council authorized future annexation of the remaining undevelo land into CFD No. 1. This action permits developers to use the simp1 annexation procedure and allows development to proceed without additional pi hearings or special elections. The simplified annexation procedure lets pror owners administratively petition to annex into CFD No. 1. Upon Council apprc property will be annexed into CFD No. 1, thus fulfilling their obligation for ce public facilities. Annexation No. 95/96-1 - San Dieao Gas & Electric On this evening’s Council Agenda, the City’s Planning Department will be brinl forward an amendment to the SDG&E Encina Specific Plan to modify boundaries of the plan area to remove approximately 24.2 acres from the sp~ plan. The area is proposed to be utilized as part of the golf course developr certifying and adding property to an exis planned on the Carlsbad Ranch Property as well as to provide access to the Re - a 0 T n PAGE TWO OF AGENDA BILL NO. / 3 LjcG 8 L Planning Area. The General Plan designation for the property is Open Space and zoning designation is Public Utility. The zone change proposal (ZC 94-02) for the pro will change the zoning to Open Space. In February of 1995 Carlsbad Ranch annexed to CFD No. 1. ZC 94-02 includes porti of Carlsbad Ranch plus the 24.2 acre parcel north of Cannon Road owned by San Dil Gas & Electric. A requirement of the zone change is that this 24.2 acre parcel must i annex to CFD No. 1. The applicant, San Diego Gas & Electric, has completed required Consent and Election to Annex Property in CFD No, 1 (Exhibit 2) and accef the boundary map showing the proposed area to be annexed (Exhibit 3). Council may formally authorize the annexation by certifying and adding the property the original Community Facilities District. After Council authorization, a Noticc Annexation (Exhibit 4) will be filed with the County Recorder as a lien against property. FISCAL IMPACT: When CFD No. 1 was established, it was anticipated that all vacant, undevelopec underdeveloped land would annex as it developed, thus providing the necessary c flow to finance the construction of certain public facilities. San Diego Gas & Electri requesting annexation into CFD No. 1 in order to fulfill their growth managen obligation. Through the use of the simplified annexation procedure, both the City the owner are able to avoid election costs and additional time delays. A fee of $481 cover annexation processing, map preparation, and filing costs is charged. The property is subject to CFD No. 1 undeveloped special taxes beginning in fiscal ) 1996-97. Because of the General Plan designation of Open Space the net develop: acres on the site is zero (0), the undeveloped special tax will be zero ($0). EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 96 - / 1 , certifying and adding property to an existing CFD. 2. Consent and Election to Annex Real Property to an Existing Community Facil District. Boundary Map of the area to be annexed. 3. 4. Notice of Annexation. 5. Community Facilities District No. 1 1995-96 maximum tax rates. -1 c z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 9 6 - 11 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING AND ADDING PROPERTY TO AN EXISTING COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, (hereinafter referred to as the "legislative body of the local Agency"), has previously formed a Community Facilities District pursuant to the provisions of the "Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982', being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Tile 5 of the Government Code of the State of California, said Articlc 3.5 thereof. The existing Community Facilities District being designated a! COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the 'District") and WHEREAS, the legislative body has also established a procedure tc allow and provide for future annexations to the original District and the are{ proposed to be annexed in the future was designated as COMMUNITY FACIUTIE! DISTRICT NO. 1, FUTURE ANNEXATION AREA (hereinafter referred to as thc "Future Annexation Area"); and WHEREAS, at this time the unanimous consent of the property own€ or owners of certain specific territory proposed to be annexed has been receivec and said territory has been designated as ANNEXATION NO. 95/96-1 (hereinaftc referred to as the 'Annexed Area"); and WHEREAS, the map showing the specific territory to be annexed ar designated as the Annexed Area as submitted is hereby approved by tl- legislative body. . 111 Ill 3 - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3.0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: - RECITALS SECTION 1. The above recitals are all true and correct. ANN MATI ON C ERTl FI CATU SECTION 2, That this kgislative body does hereby determine ani declare that ths territory subject to annexation, being the Annexed Area, is no! added to and becomes a part of the District. AN_N€XAT!ON AREA SECTION 3. That the boundaries and parcels of terriicry herei annexed and on whish special taxes will be levied in order to pay for the cos1 and expenses of authorized public facilities is described as follows: All thet property annexed to the existing Cornmunity Facilities Distric as said teriiiory is shown on a map as herein approved by this legislative bodi said map designated by the number of the annexation and the name of tt. District, a copy of which is on file and shall rernsin open for public inspection. FINDINGS SECTION 4. That this kgislative body does hereby further determir as fol!ows: A. That the unanimous consent to the annexation as submitted by tl property owners is hereby certified and approved and shall be kept on file in ti office of the Election Official. B. The legislative body is hereby empowered to levy the authoriz special taxes within the Annexed Area to pay for the District’s public facilities. T /// 111 11 - I - - 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 property being annexed will be subject to all applicable special taxes upon annexation. The Annual Special Tax - Undeveloped Property will commence fiscal year 1996-97. C. That the Annexed Area is formally added to and becomes a pari of the District. NOTICE SECTION 5. That immediately upon adoption of this Resolution notice shall be given as follows: A. A copy of the annexation map as approved shall be immediately and at least within fiieen (15) days of adoption of this Resolution, filed in the offict of the County Recorder. B. Also within said fiieen (15) days, an amendment to the Notice o Special Tax Lien (Notice of Annexation) shall be recorded in the office of thc County Recorder. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Cit Council on the 9th day of JAMJARY , 1996, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finni. NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L RAUTENKRANZ, City Ca (SEAL) - - . EXHl 0 0 -- CONSENT AND ELECTION TO ANNEX REAL PROPERTY TO AN EXISTING COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 TO: LEGISLATIVE BODY COMMUNIIY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 The undersigned is the owner, or duly authorized representative of said own the property as shown on the attached map ( the "Owner"), and is the appro[ person with legal authorization to sign this consent, vote and election to ti property to the District. me Owner is aware of and understands the following: A. 1. 2. The City of Carlsbad has conducted proceedings pursuant to the ''1 Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982' (Government Code 35331' following) (the "Act") to form a community facilities district know designated as COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 (the "Distric purposes of the construction, installation and financing of major { capital facilities to serve and benefit properties within the boundaries 1 District. Proceedings have also been authorized to allow annexation of prop€ the future to said District; however, any future annexation is condit upon the unanimous consent of the owner or owners of each pari parcels at the time uf the proposed annexation. That the Owner is the owner of property subject to annexation as saic is shown on a map attached hereto, referenced and incorporated, m and designated as the ANNEXED AREA. That the map attached hereto shows the developable area pursuant City General Plan land use, and includes all applicable AssesFor's 1 numbers for the property being annexed. The property being annexed will be subject to ail applicable special upon annexstion. The Annual Special Tax - Unaeve!oped Proper commence in fiscal year 1996 - 97 . Appendix D - Page 1 €4. C. D. E. @ 0 THE UNDERS1GNED DOES HEREBY CERTIFY UNDE2 PENALTY OF PEXJURY , 7 *.I c FOLLOWS: 3. The Owner does consent to and approve the annexzuon of the Annexed Area to District without any additional further pubiic hearings and without any furt e!es',ion requirements. The Owner further wcives the right to protest. object tc initiate legal proceedings challenging the validity oi the foilowing: - Promedings for the formation of the Disnict Proceedings to annex property in the future Specific annexation proceedings for the Annexed Area - - 4. The Omer specifkaily authorizes the levy of the previousiy approved special ta on all properties within the boundaries oi the Annexed Area to pay for incsbtedness of the Community Faciiities Disyict. authorized public capital facilities andlor to assist in the payment for bon Tne Owner scknowiedges the map attacned and stales that said nsp prop d. c S~GWS the propeny to be annexed and the ne: ceve!opable acres per general Iznd use. This consent is executed upon the understanding that as of this date I District assessments exist or are contemplated against this parcel. 6. EXECUTED this 24 7H California. day of Zjc&cmAL~ 19 43 , in &d D)E&O E.K. F0U-E~ (Type or print name or signor) Notary Area: (If adciiicfial signsture are required, please artach zddiiicnai pqes.) Appendix D - Pace 2 c. 0 0 7t ,- e - STATE OF cAL8Fda/A ) COUNTY OFdfbd 23/K& Q )SS. appeared A?' K. P0-E 'I X personally known to me proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(& whose name0 ishesubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledg to me that he/&ek&ey executed the same in his- authorized capacity(&), and that his- signaturew on the instrument the persono, or the entity upon behalf of uhich t person& acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature d fi.Ju c 01 e -'I - AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CORPORATE OBLIGATIONS Resolution adopted August 18, 1986 by the Board of Directc of San Diego Gas & Electric Company ----------------- RESOLVED, that each company officer, other than an as tant officer, is authorized to execute obligations on behal the company for which no specific authorization has been de mined by resolution of this Board; provided that the follo types of obligations may be so executed only after approva 1. Contracts committing the company to estimated t expenditures, relinquishments or impacts of more $10 million, including maximum potential ternin2 costs, except contracts involving (i) charges fixe conformity with law or governmental authority, borrowings under general credit lines previo approved by this Board, (iii) fuel transactions terms of one year or less (iv) routine procure transactions in the ordinary course of business terms of one year or less, (v) purchase of elec capacity, energy, or transmission service for tern one year or less, and (vi) purchase of gas capac storage or transportation service for terms of year or less. this Board: 2. Contrzcts for (i) non-routine consulting serv which involve estimated expenditures by the conpan: more than $200,000 in any single twelve month per including maximum potential termination costs, or employment contracts, or contracts with former enp ees or directors, which involve estimated expendit] by the company of more than $100,000 in any si: twelve month period, including maximm poten. termination costs. RESOLVED FURTHER, that each such officer may delegate 8 authority to employees of the company, subject to prior wri approval by the Chairman of the Board or President, and accordance with procedures published in the company's admij trative manual, and RESOLVED FURTHER, that this Board's resclutior ZUthOri: execution of corporation obligztions adcpted April 27 I 198; rescinded. --------__--------- 09 e , . :J I- -2- The undersigned, D. M. RICHARDSON, Secretary of San Di Gas & Electric Company, a Corporation duly created, organi and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State California, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a fu true and correct copy of a resolution duly and regularly adop by the Board of Directors of said Corporation at a meeting said Board duly and regularly held on August 18, 1986, and d hereby further certify that said resolution is now in full fo and effect and has not been rescinded, vacated or modified any way. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Undersigned has set his hand affixed the corporate seal Of said Corporation Cctober 17. 1991 /e Secretary of w T D. M. RICHARD San Diego Gas & Electric snpzny - @& F. H. AULT Vice President & Controller and Marketing Services YE.& . KLEIN Assistant Treasurer Communications R. K. FULLER Vice President-Governmental & Assistant Secretary Regulatory Services ?7. q ' &vi?/ M. A. 'KYD M. J. h0OD Vice President-Hu Resources Assistant Secretary IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has set his hand and affixed the corporate seal of said corporation on April 4, 1995 4$iii&z- < N. A. Peterson I ..- Secretary -. (D e - CERTIFICATE OF SECRETARY OF SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY WITH RESPECT TO INCUMBENCY OF OFFICERS SIGNING DOCUMENTS ---~.------------------------------------------------------- The undersigned, N. A. PETERSON, Secretary of San Die Gas & Electric Company, a corporation duly created, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that the below-named persons hav been duly elected, have duly qualified, and have continuously been officers of said Company since August 1, 1994 to date; and that they hold the respective offices below set forth under their names; that the signatures bel set above their names are their genuine signatures: q&& . . COTTON c/$* + D -7. & N. wc A. PETERSON Senior Vice President- Chief Executive Officer Customer operations \ S. L. BAUM E. A. GUILES Executive Vice President Senior Vice President- Energy Supply &'ELSINGER Executive Vice President Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary m e CERTIFICATION OF PROJECT MANAGER The undersigned is the duly appointed and acting PROJECT MANAGER for the proceedi relating to the annexation of property to the District. That on the on the CONSENT AND ELECTION TO ANNEX REAL PROPERTY TO AN EXISTING COMMUP FACILITIES DISTRICT, and hereby certify and state as follows: 1. That I caused said Consent and Election to be examined, and my examination revealed that said Consent and Election had been signed by all qualified electors of the property proposed to be annexed to the District or their duly authorized representatives, and that said persons were the authorized persons to sign on behalf of the owners or the property within the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed to the District. 2. That said Consent and Election did contain the signatures representing 100% of all of the qualified electors within the property proposed to be annexed to the District. EXECUTED this 3 arci day of Juvp~ S3c-a 1996, at Carlsbad, California. c- I 1996, I did review the signatures as contai Sf' A day of -1 6.. i L .: ( -*--L') r- -, 1 ,L$j / Lt"L dJ&/.,.. / LISA HILDABRAND Project Manager Carlsbad, California E _----------------I W W T - - EXHIE WHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO: CITY CLERK CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE AMENDMENT TO THE NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX LIEN (NOTICE OF ANNEXATION) Pursuant to the requirements of Section 31 17.5 of the Streets and Highways Code and Sei 53339.8 of the Government Code, the undersigned CITY CLERK of the legislative body o CITY OF CARLSBAD, COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1, ANNEXATION NO. 95/9 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, HEREBY GIVES NOTICE that a lien is hereby imposed to SE payment of a special tax which the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, County of San Di State of California, is authorized to annually levy for the following purpose: To pay for certain public capital facilities, including the payment of principal and interesl on bonds, said facilities generally described as the construction and installation of purchase of the following: I. Public facilities generally described as new library facility, a major addition to an existing library building, a City Hall complex, and the addition of office and warehouse facilities at the public safety center. II. Park improvements generally designated as the MACARIO CANYON PARK. Ill. Major street improvements in portions of the following designated public streets: FARADAY AVENUE, CANNON ROAD, LA COSTA AVENUE, OLIVENHAIN ROAD/RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD & LEUCADIA BOULEVARD. IV. Major bridge and overpass facilities generally described as the LA COSTA INTERCHANGE, POlNSElTlA LANE INTERCHANGE & PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD INTERCHANGE. The special tax is authorized to be levied within Community Facilities District No. 1, Annex No. 95/96-1 , which has now been officially formed, and the lien of the special tax is a contir lien which shall secure each annual levy of the special tax and which shall continue in forcc effect until the special tax obligation is prepaid, permanently satisfied and cancek accordance with law or until the special tax ceases to be levied and a notice of cessatic special tax is recorded in accordance with Section 53330.5 of the Government Code. The rate and method of apportionment of the authorized special tax is as shown on the attac referenced and incorporated Exhibit "A', and the special tax shall be collected in the : manner as ordinary ad valorem property taxes are collected and shall be subject to the ! penalties and the same procedure, sale and lien priority in case of delinquency as is prob - m rn . \ for ad valorem taxes. Conditions under which the obligation to pay the special tax mal prepaid and permanently satisfied and the lien of the special tax canceled are as follows: Any special tax for public capital facilities may be prepaid and satisfied by the paymei the maximum present value of the special tax obligation. Notice is further given that upon the recording of this notice in the office of the County Recoi within the District in accordance with Section 31 15.5 of the Streets and Highways Code. The names of the owner(s) of the real property included within the Community Facilities Di: as they appear on the last secured assessment roll as of the date of recording of this Notice the Assessor's tax parceI(s) numbers of all parcels or any portion thereof which are inch within said territory to be annexed to this Community Facilities District are as set forth or attached, referenced and incorporated Exhibit "8". Reference is made to the following: 1. the obligation to pay the special tax levy shall become a lien upon all non-exempt real pro1 Notice of Special Tax lien recorded May 20, 1991, Document No. 91-236959 in the offic the County Recorder for the County of San Diego, State of California. Boundary map of the original Community Facilities District recorded at Book 24, Pagt office of the County Recorder for the County of San Diego, State of California. Boundary map of the Future Annexation Area District recorded at Book 27, Page Document No. 93-2201 63, Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts ir office of the County Recorder for the County of San Diego, State of California. Boundary map of the Annexation Area No. 95/96-1 recorded at Book , Page - Document No. , Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts ir office of the County Recorder for the County of San Diego, State of California. 2. Document No. 90-6741 18, Maps of Assessment and community Facilities Districts ir 3. 4. For further information concerning the current and estimated future tax liability of owne purchasers of real property subject to this special tax lien, interested persons should contac following designated person: Lisa Hildabrand, Finance Director 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 Telephone: (61 9) 434-2867 City of Carlsbad I & lo, ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City cid City of Carlsbad State of California Date - W W CITY OF CARLSBAD - COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHIBIT "A' PROPERTY CATEGORIES AND MAXIMUM TAX All taxable property within the boundaries of the Future Annexa- tion Area subject to ANNUAL SPECIAL TAXES as applicable based upon the rates as est for the original Community Facilities District No. 1 and further based 1 property categories, maximum tax rates, increases and status of the issi building permits, all as hereinafter set forth. Improvement Area I refer: properties within the boundaries of the City of Carlsbad Bridge and Thor District. Improvement Area I1 is for all remaining properties within the C Facilities District, not within the Bridge & Thoroughfare District. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All taxable property prior to the issuance of a building permit shall be su the following maximum annual special taxes, subject to increases as sc herein: MAXIMUM ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY PER DEVELOPABLE ACRE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/1991 IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT AREA I AREA I1 PROPERTY CATEGORY Residential Low $ 281.00 $ 277.00 Residential Low to Medium 772.00 760.00 Residential Medium 1,294.00 I, 217.00 Residential Medium to High 1,984.00 1,868 -00 Residential High 2,793.00 2,739.00 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME Upon the issuance of a building permit, all Residential properties shall be to the following described SPECIAL, DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME, also sui increases as set forth herein, as follows: MAXIMUM SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME PER RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/1991 IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPERTY CATEGORY AREA I AREA I1 Residential Low $ 4,452.00 $ 3,835.00 Residential Low to Medium 4,452.00 3,835.00 Residential Medium 2,810.00 2,312.00 Residential Medium to High 2,810.00 2,312.00 Residential High 2,810.00 2,312.00 - t 0 e - COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER PROPERTY ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All taxable Commercial and Industrial Property prior to the issuance of a permit shall be subject to the following maximum annual special taxes, alsc to increases as set forth herein: MAXIMUM ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY PER DEVELOPABLE ACRE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/2991 IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT AREA I AREA I1 Commercial Property $ 2,400.00 $ 1,600.00 Industrial Property 1,200- 00 960.00 Agricultural Property -0- -0- All Commercial and Industrial Property, upon the issuance of a buildin5 shall have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIP assume the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY for a period of not i twenty-five (25) years, generally in the amounts per property category as io MAXIMUM SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/91 PER SQUARE FOOT OF BUILDING AREA PROPERTY CATEGORY - IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT COMMERCIAL USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I AREA I1 Restaurant - Fast Food S 28.46 $ 7.58 Outdoor Tennis Courts 28.14 7.26 Convenience Market 27.31 6.74 Bank with Drive-thru 18.06 5.72 Campground 17.51 4.99 Restaurant - Sit Down 15.17 4.73 Marina 14. a5 4.41 Bank - Walk In 12.83 4.60 Auto - Gasoline 8.11 2.89 Grocery Store 7.78 2.56 S & L with Drive-thru 7.59 3.48 Bowling Center 6.63 2.83 Restaurant - Quality 6.57 3.09 Neighborhood Shopping Center 6.46 2.27 Auto Car Wash 6.31 2.52 S 6i L - Walk In 5.51 3.03 Race Track 5.10 2.33 Library 4.26 2.86 Community Shopping Center 4.24 1.80 Hospital - General 3.88 3.18 8 19 m I IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT AREA I1 COMMERCIAL USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I Hotel - Conv. Fac/Comm. 3.47 2.52 Auto - Repair & Sales 3.41 1.58 Regional Shopping Center 3.35 1.61 Discount Store 3.22 1.58 Golf Course 3.06 2-14 Church 2.99 1.94 Office - Government 2.93 1.88 commercial Shops 2.90 1.58 Health Club 2.89 1.85 Motel 2.69 2.06 Office - High Rise 2.67 1.84 Office - Commercial, 100,000 SF 2.56 1.75 Lumber/Hardware Store 2.47 1.58 Office - Medical 2.42 2.07 Hospital - Convalescent 2.33 2.23 Indoor Sports Arena 2.33 2.23 Resort Hot e 1 2.30 1.98 University 2.26 1;91 Junior College 2.19 1.90 All other Commercial Properties 2.14 1.44 not indentified above IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT INDUSTRIAL USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I AREA I1 He1 iports $ 10.63 $ 3.67 Industrial-Commercial Business Park 2.14 1.51 All other Industrial Properties not identified above 1.74 1.42 OR, IN TBE ALTERNATE, ANNUAL sPEcru TAX The “Maximum Annual Special Tax - Developed Property” for any Fiscal Year exceed 13.81% of the authorized “Maximum Special Development Tax - One Tim€ various Commercial and Industrial Property categories aa get forth aboi amount applicable and annually adjusted €or each Fiscal Year. ANNUAL TAX INCREASE The above SPECIAL TAXES €or the taxable properties are applicable for t year 1990/91, and are all subject to annual increases to reflect inc construction costs. The Construction Cost Index of the Engineering Ne1 titled “ENR Cost Indexes in 22 Cities“ will be used. The Index publish€ month of April for the City of Los Angeles under the column heading of ” Change from Last Year” will annually inflate each of the Maximum Annual each year for properties as follows: 1p m e A. PROPERTIES WITHIN THE DISTRICT: Not to exceed 50% of the above-referenced increase. B. PROPERTIES TO BE SUBSEQUENTLY ANNEXED: Not to exceed 100% of the above-referenced increase until annexed. TERM OF TAX The above taxes shall be levied until all bonds have been discharged and fa funded and/or guaranteed, and the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME has be however, the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY shall not be levic period in excess of twenty-five (25) years per parcel. Residential: Once a building permit has been issued for Residential property and the DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME has been paid, the property no longer will be SL any annual special tax. Commercial & Industrial: The Commercial and Industrial properties, upon the issuance of a buildin< have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME or (2) a' ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY, as set forth above. Upon the is: any building permit, no further increase or escalation is authorized. ALLOCATION OF COST AND TAX Total capital Costs for all authorized facilities shall be allocated as 65%-to Residential property, 35% to Commercial & Industrial property. '1 costs exclude costs of issuance as needed. Residential property shall be taxed in an amount sufficient to meet the 65% facilities, which tax will include costs of issuance, interest and oths including sinking fund payments for future construction as applicable. Commercial & Industrial property shall be taxed in an amount sufficient to 35% share of facilities, which tax will include costs of issuance, intf other costs, including sinking fund payments for future construction as appl - COLLECTION OF ANNUAL TAX Residential: Determine monies necessary to make payment on bond debt service, replenish call bonds, pay bonds and Community Facilities District No. 1 administrati and pay for public capital facilities. FIRST: Reduce this amount by collected from Special Development Tax - One Time levied against re properties. SECOND: The remaining funds needed are to be collected by th the annual Special Tax - Undeveloped Property on undeveloped taxable re acreage, in the proportional amounts for each property category a0 require exceed the maximum authorized tax. t m W a Commercial and Industrial: 'Determine monies necessary to make payment on .bond debt service, replenish (call bonds, pay bonds and Community Facililies District No. 1 administrativl and pay for current or future public capital facilities. FIRST: Reduce thi by the funds collected from Special Development Tax - One Time and annual Tax - Developed Property levied against commercial and industrial pro SECOND: Levy the annual Special Tax - Undeveloped Property on undeveloped commercial and industrial acreage in the proportional amounts for each category as required, not to exceed the maximum tax. x** - e J a e - II CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 PROPERTY OWNER NAME AND ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBERS "EXHIBIT 8" , Property Owner; San Diego Gas ti Electric Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 21 1 -01 0-27 RESIDENTIAL UNDEVELOPED LAND USE: RESIDENTIAL LOW (RL) RESIDENTIAL LOW MEDIUM (RLM) RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM (RM) RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM HIGH (RMH) RESIDENTIAL HIGH (RH) NON-RESIDENTIAL UNDEVELOPED LAND USE COMMERCIAL PROPERTY INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY PERNETACRE PERNETACRE PERNETACRE PERNETACRE PERNETACRE PERNETAC $294 5157 $305 0512 $308 3703 $308 3703 $217 9416 $225 72 809 1322 838 0767 847 1952 847 1952 598 7578 620 17 1,356 2396 1,404 7555 1,420 0397 1,420 0397 1,003 61 73 1,039 51 2,079 4277 2,153 81 37 2,177 2479 2,177 2479 1,538 7765 1,593 82 2 927 3395 3,032 0573 3,065 0470 3,065 0470 2,166 2312 2,243 72 PERNETACRE PERNETACRE PERNETACRE PERNETACRE PERNETACRE PERNETAC $2,515 4367 $2,605 4198 $2,633 7676 $2,633 7676 $965 1731 $999 6s 1,257 7184 1,302 7099 1,316 8838 1,316 8838 482 5865 499 84 0 0000 0 0000 0.0000 0 0000 0 0000 0 oc ESTABLISHED MAXIMUM FISCALYEAR 1995-96 ANNEXATION MAXIMUM ACTUAL LEVY FOR F FY 1995-96 1995 -96 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY UNDEVELOPED LAND USE: RESIDENTIAL LOW (RL) RESIDENTIAL LOW MEDIUM (RLM) RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM (RM) RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM HIGH (RMH) RESIDENTIAL HIGH (RH) NON-RESIDEKTIAL UNDEVELOPED LAND USE: COMMERCIAL PROPERTY INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY PER NET ACRE PER NET ACRE PER NET ACRE PER NET ACRE/ PER NET ACRE/ PER NET AC $290 3233 $300 7089 $303 9807 $303 9807 I $214 8393 I $222 5: 796 5550 825 0496 834 0264 834 0264 1 589 4507 1 610 5: 1,275 5361 1,321 1650 1,335 5396 1,335 5396 1 943 8967 977 66 1,957 8483 2,027 8851 2,049 9491 2,049 9491 I 1,448 8077 1,500 6: 2,870 7422 2,973 4353 3,005 7873 3,005 7873 1 2,124 3492 2,200 34 PER NET ACRE PER NET ACRE PER NET ACRE PER NET ACRE PER NET ACRE PER NET AC $1,676 9578 $1,736 9465 $1,755 8451 $1,755 8451 $643 4487 $666 46 1,006 1747 1,042 1679 1,053 5070 1,053 5070 386 0692 399 87 0 0000 0 0000 0 0000 0 0000 0 0000 0 O( TAX ON DEVELOPED PROPERTY %OF( FORMATION OR ANNEXATION DATE: FY 1995-96 RESIDENTIAL DWELOPED LAND USE: RL (0 - 1.5 DU/AC) RLM (1.51 TO 4.0 DU/AC) RM (4.1 TO 8.0 DU/AC) RMH (8.1 TO 15.0 DU/AC) RH (15.1 TO 23.0 DUlAC) PERDU. $4,885.6389 4,885.6389 3,083.7029 3,083.7029 3,083.7029 h n B 0 e 8 City of Carlsbal January 16, 1996 Attention: F. Mackenzie Brown Brown, Diven & Hentschke 12770 High Bluff Drive, Suite 240 San Diego, CA 92130 Re: Community Facilities District No. 1 Enclosed are copies of the following: 1. Resolution No. 96-11 2. Amendment to the Notice of Special Tax Lien (Notice of Annexation) 3. Boundary Map - Annexation No. 95/96-1 4. Certificate of Compliance with Notice Requirements - Community Facilities District No. 1 - Future Annexation A If there are any questions, please feel free to call this offic - -- ih2 \ AiETHA L. ~uk\ City Clerk ALR: ijp Enclosures ______ 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2